Insulating our steel building/garage | Why we are NOT using Spray foam... Family prepares for winter

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the girls get to do the easy stuff I'm going to go in the shop and do some real heavy lifting easy welcome back to nine to five to life today we are installing insulation in our steel building I want to show you how I'm going to install this this is a closed cell three inch R15 insulation these four by eight sheets of foam is just under 60 dollars a piece I had to buy 35 4x8 sheets of three inch and um six four by eight inch and a half I'm gonna put the four by inch and a half in the garage doors I want to be able to cut it and put it in there because a three inch wouldn't fit between the slots you know what I mean why don't you just get it spray foamed spray foam is the way to go you'll never have to mess with it again spray foam is the way to go why not just use spray foam I'll tell you why I contacted the person that does or the company that does spray foam in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan around the whole areas and I contacted other people the price of spray foam and installation has gone way up way up at price to do this the walls and ceiling at sixteen thousand dollars at only two inches of spray foam insulation sixteen thousand dollars and we've got a um 28 by 38 garage here that's just crazy to me it's a lot of spray foam but for sixteen thousand dollars when I can spend twenty five hundred dollars on the foam to do the walls and then probably about the same to do the when I get the insulation for the ceiling saving roughly ten thousand dollars and yeah I got some labor involved that I have to do but totally worth it totally worth it ten thousand is a lot of money wow so before I can just go slap up that insulation I have to go around I'm going to start with this wall to go around and prep the wall so you want to make sure you have no Nails you don't want any nails sticking up or anything else you want everything nice you don't want to be ripping your insulation before you even get it up wow kids you're almost got it whooped out there huh oh this is the most wood I've stacked while doing insulation in the garage in a long time wow that's very important especially when you got kids they're noisy always a great idea just to go through one more time when you think you have all the nails out and kind of just rub along with something because you never know we're gonna see the best our best scenario of how this thing's gonna fit so we gotta cut less foreign you're thinking that by me putting this directly up against this wood right here it's going to cause when the heat gets heated up inside the building it's going to cause sweat between here and here the reason it is not is because this isn't directly up against the metal it's on top of the wood all right and these ridges on all this sheet metal run all the way up to the top and all the way to the floor and out so it's vented I'll show you down here you can see daylight out there so that's air coming up through here under here so between the here and here it's going to be have a nice cool air it's going to keep this nice and cool all the way up underneath all these all the way up there on the other side of two by four you see the light through there it is all wide open okay I mean it's vented it's all vented all the way up it's been at all down through the ridge the whole ridge Center ridge cap area that's all vented we're only going up to the bottom of these trusses all up in the attic is going to be open to breathe the outside air and this stuff is so thick that the heat's not going to really get through I'm going to seal it up really good you'll see in the video I want it sealed so tight that I can fart and be able to smell it in a week I mean I don't want to be able to smell it in a week but I want it to be airtight in here okay so I made a huge purchase and bought me a insulation knife it was 16 bucks probably get it cheaper on Amazon but I like to support my local hardware and pay triple but supposedly they saw through nicely do a straight line and all that good stuff but if I had electric fillet knife I bet it'd work really good dang so it's not as cool as one might think maybe I do it this way so yeah I'm not too sure it's the best way to cut this stuff half tempted to bust out my chainsaw chocolate muffins two of them for me cool pranks chocolate cake organic homemade well they got two rows of wood stack I don't even have one sheet of insulation up yet crazy guess what now three ends insulation yeah yeah always check your stuff yourself now I gotta kind of stop in my tracks the kid's going to have all the wood stacked I'm not going to have one piece of insulation up and they're going to tease me for a long time they're going to make fun of me lovely you're on your third row already that's how many insulation pieces I got put up yeah lucky guess thanks Menards foreign so you only have how many quarts of wood left 12 12. that's it heck maybe if it all fits in here good we can uh get 20 more huh Haley okay Talia we are rolling one two three testing can you hear our brand new microphones testing one two three yeah so my lovely assistant Talia here is going to help me what we're doing is we're using this Loctite PL three times stronger than the ordinary adhesive to just kind of put a little bead between the two because if you notice there's no board behind here it's not going to matter at all because we're going to have metal roofing type 10 siding screwed through this to the two by fours behind it when it's all done so we really don't need that many Fasteners holding this down Fasteners that hold this down are just there to hold it until we get the metal in ready yes just a little layer simple bead like that will just help kind of keep it so no air comes through there now we got one time Talia like once we stick it we can't let it slide back down all right no pressure against the wall don't put your fingers up above it all right come in the middle and hold it right up I'm gonna go ahead and put some screws in her looks like right here on the a Don't Let It Go still all right come on until you reach it don't drop it or bang the corner all right so we have to cut a long piece off this one 17 that's 18. so we'll do 17 and three quarters long ways ready 17 and three quarters hold it just like that all right Haley honey Jew to hold it just like actually no I want you to go in the middle of it and pick it straight up in the air come on this side pick it straight up in the air in the middle of it and then let loose don't let Lewis tell you straight up in the air let go boom Haley okay so initially I got this little saw for cutting styrofoam well come to find out this ordinary wood saw hand saw Old Timer handsaw Works awesome this thing might work better when I get to the inch and a half stuff but for this three inch stuff this hands down cuts a straight line because you can keep it lined up with it works awesome I'll show you [Music] [Music] all right just so this end don't break off actually you stay right there in the middle Haley I need you to go over there hit till we put one hand here the other hand over there yep press down hard just make sure this doesn't fall Haley's hold it up level with that side okay just like that way it don't break this corner off before I get it all the way cut all right now when you get to the edge you go carefully slower down lighter weight have your knee holding the styrofoam a little bit you want a clean cut lightly no pushing clean cut on the edge so you don't have a chunk just like that nice all right this should fit hopefully oh wait we still got to cut the end off 89 and a quarter all right right grab that square over there Twitter this one does wonders so you see how it's like this it's not going to be straight unless it's flat up against here this thing right here has to be flat up against this line as long as you're on a straight edge this thing will be straight so that's how you know you're going exactly straight across don't you didn't I show you that on our build that we're doing maybe those Autumn that I showed her or Haley see that's what happens when you don't take your time you just kind of too fast so you break a little chunk off when you reuse this piece later then you got to worry about a chunk Messing so anyway I just did that purposely so I could show everybody thing will go down here like this I'm just gonna the next wall gotta make sure we get all the nails out Talia you see this yeah you do that yeah Leverage is up here farther okay so if you have to move this hand up a little bit farther you get more power Leverage come on oh yeah see my grandpa always told me with enough enough leverage he could move the world [Music] wow so these actually come all the way through that was weird why perfecto [Applause] now normally you wear safety glasses but seems I'm standing up on top of a ladder right now I'm pretty safe let's close the whole time now girls you never do that at home always wear safety glasses because of why and you only have two once you only have one then you got to live the rest of your life like oh very careful because you only got one iron you lose that eye you're gonna have to look see out of your nostrils and that'd be hard to do oh look at that oh we'll be able to get it squeezed in there barely hmm so yes the insulation will be covering all the wiring and we are not gluing the insulation to our metal or our wood we're just putting screws in it it's all screws no nails when we go to put the metal um this kind of metal siding Roofing type stuff over top it'll be screwed to it if we ever have an electrical issue or anything that we have to do we can just unscrew the wall the pieces of metal take it off pull out our pieces or unscrew our pieces of foam seems It's not glued anything we'll be able to lay it down do any repairs but we're kind of hoping and looking and making sure everything's looks good before we do all this so we don't have to redo it and is it a fire hazard isn't everything all right 90 and three quarters right that was that let's do this one more time right here these three inches at a time 90 and three quarters hold her steady boom shakalaka easy look at that smooth and easy foreign nope kind of kind of hard as a rock all right I gotta go up over top of this don't drop that hold on no good thing it's light oh foreign right there a second hey holder [Music] push it up let me Mark all these boards Talia you were supposed to do that job and what'd you do you went and play with the chicken instead how do you know where this all goes tell him to do it see how I marked these boards like a line here and I marked lines here with those boards but at least we know there's a line here let's go down there all right anyway so they need to hold us up in the middle so don't fall all the way up Don't Let Go Talia just kidding don't let go oh you're so funny there's one don't let go [Music] right here right there yeah yeah are you sure I only got one shot do not miss a chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime Eminem sorry you may be thinking by now Chad the air is going to blow through the cracks where you hook the two together you need to put something there well I know check this out so I bought a whole case of this stuff past black even so the bugs won't like it 10 bucks each this right here is foam it's a gray foam reusable so you don't only have to use it one time it's got a little thing right here where I can stick in the cracks even though we glued it I still want to put a quick thing of foam through there and then like between the wood and all that before I put the sheet metal on don't push hard stand back now keep it angled a little bit so you're staying out of line you're starting to go a little this way you need to stay on the line all right [Music] keep it straight with the line okay go really slow when you get to the end you don't want it to break off [Music] easy look at that Talia [Music] here like this [Music] look at that I can't even tell that wire is in our way hold on okay pull your end out a little bit till I get all the way up [Music] you put this up Ray Charles twin sister shouldn't say that people get offended they're just like so [Music] down right on your line up down below all right hold it tight [Music] all right time I need to pick it straight up and look it straight up and let those straighten out and just let her loose right now let it go boom holy 15 lines Thailand come on now feeling a little bit better [Music] kind of splitting the difference with the Lions seems just made 15 lines mine's almost as crooked as talia's oops why do I do it every time all right wait we didn't cut our length yet smooth see if it's gonna fit in there real quick before we put any glue on we're going to slide the top in first like this [Music] just like that and then we're gonna [Music] Maybe [Music] [Music] there you go so Talia is going to take out all these nails for me because she's just bored and wants something to do there's only what 500 of them in that section I think the next section doesn't have as many but I'll get the ones up top [Music] yep and we'll just keep going we'll probably quit recording until we're got this whole side done and that way we can come back so we're not boring y'all to death and uh show your progress [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: 9252 LIFE
Views: 1,288,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foam, Sprayfoam, Spray foam, Insulating, Insulation, Installation, Insulating a steel building, Insulating my garage
Id: NpVntskRWvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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