Proper ventilation for all metal roofs.

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hey guys ron bond bundle build construction here i'm up on my own roof today we're doing some uh standing seam metal me and my buddy colin he's got a standing seam metal machine uh but he's actually selling it so we got to get my roof done because we did half of it that's what we're doing today okay guys i'm gonna try to show you how we do these roofs we've been doing them this way for quite a while so step one when you're doing these i mean either i do metal roofs this way or standing seam roofs this way so that's what the roof looks like we did that section like last year that whole garage and everything in this short section so i put ice guard ice and water guard down on the whole roof and then we put pearlings i use these rough cut one by fours and i put them on right over the studs so my rafters are on 16 inch centers so i'm gonna put these one by fours at 16 inch centers i nail them right down through through the plywood and into the stud right through the 1x4 and then we make this hole punched metal here and this metal is actually hanging over right here three quarters of an inch so that lets air up into this this section here and then that's going to ventilate to the top i'll show you the top later that's what we're doing so we'll put the hole punch metal on there we're going to put another pearl in here like that horizontal purlins on top of our vertical prones and that's what's going to make this air space right here and that actually is above the roof duct so any condensation or moisture that gets in your roof assembly will actually vent right up through these and right up it's going to be up here right to the peak and we'll have a vent at the top so that actually cools your building a lot guys so that's why we do that you can take your buildings and drop your temperature by like 15 degrees especially if you use a light colored metal like that but even a darker metal will ventilate really well that's my buddy colin he's putting the whole punch metal on what do you say colin what's up putting the metal down huh hit the metal down putting the whole punch metal down we don't cut a whole lot of big biscuits down there [Laughter] cracking and rocking what's biscuit doing he's making oh we got chickens hunter's gonna have fun with the chickens hunter you're just gonna sit there look at them you don't give a so jay's cutting uh we got all these one by fours from the amish and jay's down there cutting them on our saw handing them up to us and we're putting them down that's what we're doing this is the first panel coming over so rap purlins i'll show you what's nice about these prawns guys this is a 1412 pitch that's what's nice you can climb right up a 14-12 pitch no problem at all right what's that 14-12 pitch you can climb right up it yeah play the ladder uh no scaffolding required that's what i like about it come on biscuit i need some wood up here i need some damn wood come on some boards you're holding up a good man up in here come on boy i need a 139 and i need a 123. getting quite a pile of scrap there's grubby hunter what 123 there's a there's a few that are 123. those longer ones they're 10-footers little over tons then we need uh you take one of these 12s and rip it down to 139. that's where we're at this is today just day one of the purlins actually with three of us me and colin up here and jay caught man we should be able to get the rest of this done today [Applause] [Applause] get him up here thanks i'm putting these pearling down right now this back side of the roof here that's what the back of the roof looking like right now he's always pissing on stuff that's what we're going to be doing tomorrow the back side okay guys end of day report this is where we're at pretty much all our purlins on the front and we did this little section here but we got this whole back to do tomorrow which is pretty huge it goes pretty sweet being all the walk on the roof uh 14 12 pitch that's pretty big down there guys and it goes all the way around the corner kind of behind that it's as long as this roof can't really see it and that's a big section right there that's the new sunroom that we put on the aerial view big biscuit getting done colin put like one two three four five pieces of metal on today he helped us put the purlins on there's a dumpster full of shingles that we did took us two days to strip it two days to strip it and put the ice and water guard on and that's what we're at up against here tomorrow we're gonna try to put more metal on the front and do the back get the back crawlings done i gotta go see the amish get some more one by fours hey guys bondo here so we're traveling to the local um amish sawmill here to get some one by fours i like to use these hemlock one by fours first of all they're really strong they're fully dimensional and when we put those down we get a nice two inch air space going up through the roof assembly so i like to use these i've used you know three-quarter inch planed ones before but these uh hemlock ones are a lot stronger when you're walking on them than a white pine you know one you'd buy it lowe's or whatever or any of your box stores i like these rough cut ones they're green a lot of times when we get them but they'll dry real quick with that root being in that roof it won't take long at all and out in the sun those things will be dry real quick so guys if you're new to my channel my name is ron bond i have a company called bondo built construction everybody calls me bondo um what we're doing here is your like i said earlier we got this is my own roof on my house my personal house and my buddy colin is a is a standing seam metal roofer and he's helping me out here putting this metal roof on my house we did the garage and breezeway area a couple years ago it's relatively expensive this stuff so um you know we did half of it and then he's actually selling his equipment so here's his machine right here if you're interested in this machine and this video is fairly new get a hold of me because he wants to sell this he built this enclosure around it it's really nice machine this whole enclosure around the outside is a custom enclosure everything opens right up and everything so uh like i said it's for sale get a hold of me they're pretty expensive but that's what we're doing here guys um if you're new to my channel like i said um my name is bondo i usually do a lot of concrete work but we do a lot of other things here you know here we are roofing but we do all kinds of concrete in the summertime in the winter we do a lot of house restoration stuff i try to teach anything i can about fixing up houses or doing concrete check out my channel and if you like it do me a favor and hit the subscribe button go share it on social media i hope you get something out of this video this is a real cool way to do a roof it's going to drop the temperature into your house tremendously during the summer because it ventilates above the roof deck so if your roof is ventilated from under in your attic space you can you can vent it there and you can event it above the roof deck so you'll never get ice damning because there's going to be a a two inch air space between your metal roof and your roof deck so that's just gonna constantly draw air up through there and you're never gonna get any moisture or anything in there like i said any heat that's escaping from your house if it's not insulated that good right along that pinch point along the eve line that's going to have that hot air just going to get pulled right up through the roof assembly to the top so you'll never have icicles or ice damning and uh i've already noticed a big difference in my house just when we ripped the ass falled off and started putting the metal on so it's kind of a neat way to do it we've done several roofs this way guys um my buddy colin he's getting rid of this equipment i wish he wasn't because um it's nice to have have a buddy with this machine because we could do these roofs but and he all this trim that you see guys he he custom made all this trim so um i'm not gonna try to teach you how to do standing seam because i'm not that good at it i'm just helping out putting the purlings and stuff down i actually you know colin's the expert at it and he made all this trim with his he has a slitter and a break and he broke all this trim every single piece of trim you see on this roof he made it custom made but you can buy this stuff guys and and what i really wanted to show everybody is this ventilation system here the screen vent right here now you can you can have this made at any local metal shop bend this up for you and this works really well to ventilate any kind of metal roof system whether it be standing seam or uh or corrugated metal i would do the same system here i would put the double purlins down put your verticals put your horizontals down and this event will draw a lot of air up through your roof assembly and like i said before it'll cool your house and everything if you've got any questions on on this ventilation system give me a shout like i said i'm not gonna be able to answer a lot of your questions on the standing seam part of it because that's collins that's colin's expertise my buddy i'm pretty much a concrete guy but i can i can build obviously we're putting uh we're putting these uh vertical straps down here now guys i'm just i'm just nailing them in they land right on the studs underneath the whole thing here right here i'm doing on top of uh we're building a sun room on the back of my house so that's this area right here is actually my sunroom and uh my son jason aka big biscuit he's down he's down below cutting all my all my boards here for me and handing them up he doesn't like to be on the roof too much but we got him up there a couple times but um we make our money on the ground usually pouring concrete and stuff but occasionally we got to jump up on our roof so um yeah you put your verticals on here guys easy peasy nail them down right into your studs line them up right up on your studs if you got 16 inch centers or two foot centers lay these verticals right on on the studs try to nail down through your plywood into the studs so they hold good all right guys so here is the bottom of that vent it's hanging over three quarters of an inch and then the top leg sticks up like another three quarters at least so what you end up with is an inch and a half of venable space on in between each one of these purl ones because you got your quarter here and then your three quarter at the end so you got basically an inch and a half of venable space so this is how that looks and this is your this hole here is your air space it's going to end up going right up the roof and drawing the air out of your house all the time so that's our starter piece on the bottom that's how that works so we got all our vertical ones on now we're gonna do our horizontal one okay guys so here i am putting the horizontal strapping on over the verticals um again these are just rough cuff one inch thick hemlock that the amish sawed up their actual full dimension they saw them out there they end up being about three quarters of an inch thick by the time they dry so with the standing seam roof we put these on 18 inch centers guys but if i've done this exact same roof with corrugated metal because i like the way it vents so i i did one of my rental properties in corrugated metal and i had collin make me up some of that screen vent with his slitter and his uh brake so you know you can't go buy that corrugated metal hole punched metal trim you got to have that made but that really works well i haven't found a a good vent system for any of these roofs unless you have it made they just don't make a good system that vents in my opinion that vents really well i think you know this system works really well it's not too hard to make if you got the equipment or to have made but it works really well i just wanted to show you how it's done and uh if it's a corrugated roof we usually put these horizontals on two foot centers guys but like i said with the standing seam we did 18 inch here we are there's jason collin putting down some pans jay's putting clips on screwing them down i'm coming in seaming it we hand seam this whole roof guys that's how uh this particular panel is is done it's you hand seam it which kind of squishes the seam right together mashes it together with that hand seamer um there is other panels you know you stand and seam guys obviously you know what there's there's a snap lock panel that you can get and uh you know we like this this certain panel here it's really nice there's column there prepping the ends of the panels cuts a little slit out of it i'll show you here in a little bit i'll uh get closer with the video and video him doing it but he just cuts the ends and folds the ends over and that hem that he's making on the bottom slides up over it clamp on the bottom of it then we put a clamp on the top of it this thing here is your seamer and hold that for a second right at the top push it down right at the edge you put these little clips in two screws in each clip not good at screwing under pressure everybody's watching your screw dude the big biscuit yeah cause i had to film you waiting on big biscuit you guys doing up here he was slowing me down had me filming and stuff instead of doing my job excuses i'm excuses supposed to be waiting for you guys we're giving you a a break [Laughter] should be hold it together [Music] flipper clipper we're gonna saw that right in there yeah [Music] cut right into here i'll cut a little curve like you splash in a chimney tuck it in there guys do me a favor if you like this video so far and you're getting something out of it go ahead and smash that like button for me and if you're not a subscriber yet guys check out my channel and do me a favor and subscribe to my channel that would be helpful to me too i got a lot of videos on there that uh that could help you out building stuff concrete video stuff like that any words of advice don't use board and bat yeah important oh you know what good advice go on take the money go [Music] you only need i'll try this at home kids all right guys here's where we tuck the leg of the model right into the wood that's where we cut that groove and that just tucks right in there this is how this top piece works and that locks in there that's gonna fold on this on this one there's a fold at the bottom it slides up into that channel right there everything lays on top of that headball piece that's how it works it's got these little closures in here this here and it's got geo cell like caulking on the top actually here there's geostall in here on the bottom put that on there and then this is hemmed that's hemmed right there to lock over top of that so that won't [Music] [Music] [Applause] weird [Music] listen it's [Applause] [Music] that's the starter piece it's going to be our first piece up in the top [Music] [Music] why are those ones shorter it's just but on the cleat if i make them long they'll be all wavy and never get like a stuck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys so this is how the first piece goes in that's that one then he just rolled he rolled that bend into that so that tucks under this cable trim here this here flashing it goes down through there tucks underneath this leg here and then you crimp it after that got these crimpers over here i'll try to do it one-handed but you go down through here you gotta kind of pre-crimp it a little bit and then you go back and smash it down good right over that's how you do that that's what it looks like that's what it looks like let's close it all up and then this is the vet guys up here this is how the vent works you got this gap here air is going to come out here it's going to be able to escape through here right through this and now nothing can get in there it's all really small holes bees can't get into nothing so this roof was double ventilated because i had it ventilated down in there there's a space so that's going to ventilate and it's going to ventilate above the roof deck because of this grid that i made it pulls air from the bottom all the way up through in here it pulls air all the way up through and comes out here and then it's going to come out these nuts that's why this roof is so nice it's going to cool my house down a ton that's why i like the standard scene one of the reasons and that's why we put this grit on here helps a lot should cool the house down probably 15 degrees during the summer that's a lot of heat out when you're sitting here you can feel the heat coming out of this right here especially when the sun was out yesterday the heat was just pouring out of this hole right here okay guys one thing i want to show you too is these little ratchets are these little vice grips i mean you want to clamp the top and bottom like that before you put these clips in because if you don't this the sheets will the pans will tend to like go that way they'll tend to loosen up there'll be a gap up here in between the two panels and when you put the clips on you'll actually grow so you want to do that before you seam it put these ratchet straps on there yeah ratchet straps these vice grips on there and then put your clips on and then i'm gonna seam it with the seamer i already showed you how to do that but that's just something i wanted to show you all right this is the transition piece between the 14 12 and the 4 12. put these pieces in between each pan contoured to the leg of the [Music] this has a hem in it right here it tucks up over this and then you crimp it right in these here pliers and crimp it right in there all the way down through there and then this piece gets screwed over that flash and that's what your hand here has a hem on the bottom of it and that slides up over that and that's what holds it on and then you obviously flip it up through you put screw at the top in the middle to hold the pan that's what we're doing here between the porch and the 1412 colin standing on a 1412 but nothing look at him go he's got nothing no scaffold this is osha approved right here oh yeah do not try this at home youtubers he's crimping the edge yeah and this is definitely a 1412 pitch right here busy crimpsy edge but just his feet hold him are you part monkey special shoes yeah special merrell shoes actually sticking pretty good no kidding dude how the hell you're doing that i might not even fall yeah don't fall we gotta finish this route we gotta finish this don't fall i think the worst thing could happen if he does he's gonna land the dumpster yeah you're gonna land in well there's glass in the dumpster so that's not gonna be pleasant we'll be picking glass out of them that's awesome looking good that's done that's what the front looks like and with it riveted on there's really no way that it can pick up either that's how that works i'm gonna rivet it on there that's how much air is going to come out of that thing it's all ventilated i've got a leg under here that you smoosh down on each side take your hand crimpers and crump that down do you just do the edges of here i'll do the other the whole thing oh the whole thing yeah we'll do the whole thing i'm like down there where we just did kind of on top of the leg yeah this i'll actually just do the whole thing okay because this is opened up that down there is only opened up you know we close it down so it just slides on whereas this is open so we can get over the vent oh okay so this is this side this side you want to hand seam all the way across this side you don't really need to you can just hit it in there because we there again we close this side down like we close that side down okay and he's gonna pop holes in it that's sweet i've never seen one of them before aside from the fact that it weighs the time yeah it's bulky put it in your problem in your pouch and it's not something you want to come out of your problems right oh no not something you want tumbling down the roof huh so guys here's what the roof turned out like this is the front it's really nice take around the back here kind of sunny this is the addition that we're putting on get this little transition here which turned out really [Music] all that all the way across and the top piece up above the bedroom there garage was already done now we're still working on that edition we got the windows and stuff doors and windows there's the doors windows are inside there that's how it turned out see on the next video guys
Channel: Bondo Built
Views: 49,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: UKkfDUh_ea4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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