Metal Roof Install Over Shingles

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all right guys welcome back for another episode um this one here we're finally doing it look at that roof um funny story you can see at the top of the roof i tried a a bleach and soap mixture with water and i sprayed it on there and i even gave it a couple hours and i said you know what it's not even working so uh i quit and i didn't do any more and the next week i was pulling up to my house looking at the roof and i was said son of a gun it was working now most of the roof looks like crap so um yeah as you can see it's time to do the roof we've been planning on doing it for years and years i can't even tell you how old the roof is at this point it's probably probably pushing uh 30 years maybe 40 years on some of this some of these shingles i'm not sure um so we're using the uh it's like a solar reflector underlayment um it's got a shiny foil side on one side and it's got it's kind of like a kind of like the bubble wrap that they would send you uh precious items in the mail with um and it's a good solar barrier i've done another house that my mother-in-law actually has one and she did it the same way that i'm doing it here and um turns out to keep most of the heat out of your attic and since i've installed the roof i've noticed my ac running a lot less so i can definitely tell you it's working i wanted to do uh get a heat temperature you know kind of test the attic before and after but i forgot to do i forgot to check it before although um i could probably check it now and maybe use another person's house that's in direct uh sunlight and test their attic and kind of you know maybe use that as a gauge to to assume that mine is probably as hot as theirs and then do the difference but um basically this stuff goes on like felt paper if you've ever felt at a roof you start from the bottom and you work your way up and you do uh you do two row two rows of nails so a closer together nailing pattern on the bottom and the seams um you do roughly or you you know sometimes they call for equal spacing on all of them so you could just do a foot apart on the bottom row and middle row and then once you overlap your rows you that kind of gives you your third row on the overlap so um here i'm just kind of showing you how this is done if you gonna hand drive these things it takes a little bit of practice but i've been doing this kind of stuff for years so it's easy for me it's a little bit harder when you're going through the solar barrier and in the shingles but that's not too bad so here you can see as you nail your bottom row you're kind of nailing the top row of the previous run at the same time so also this does double as a water barrier so it kind of doubles as a high quality felt paper and waterproof layer as well as doing the solar reflectivity as well so money well spent um this stuff is let me think i think we probably spent about 500 bucks to do this house our house is about 12 or 1300 square feet i think each roll i think i got five rolls and it's about 125 a roll which was a good price um i looked it up online and uh it didn't make sense to order it off amazon it was about the same price from tri-county metals which is where i got this stuff from we just got the solar barrier and the metal and the furring strips all in and the screws all in one shot metal does cost a little more than shingles but um in my opinion it looks better and it should probably last a lot longer um i think it's a lot easier to install too because you don't have to tear off your shingles you can do it like i'm doing it with the furring strips and with the the solar barrier is optional but for energy reasons i would say don't skip that but just all together i think i just like metal more um so it's it's been a while since i've felt at a roof there's a couple different ways you could do your valley and your pop out um depending on how your roof is um for this one i should have started at the bottom with the with that front porch and either you can just roll a long strip to go down into your valleys and just kind of um use that kind of as like a like a valley flashing um and then when you come back with your other pieces you could just cut it anywhere in that valley and that would work or you could start with the front porch run it a little bit long into the main roof and then that way when you're making your other cuts you could just cut it into the valley and that would work as well you just want to think like water water wants to go downhill and if you don't overlap things properly you will have water issues so this is the total package here um they set the furring strips on top of the metal probably so nobody runs off with your metal and basically with the furring strips [Music] you just so a house like this um your trusses are going to run from left to right so basically you run a perimeter with your furring strips you don't have to run them on the vertical on the gables i've seen people just run them all sideways and not run any vertical on the outside but basically those get nailed every two feet from the bottom and also every two feet if you can hit them on the truss underneath that'll make it solid and reinforced and if you were to just nail into the plywood uh or whatever you have for roof um that wouldn't be as good as nailing into the trusses um if you're good with a nail gun you'll know if you're hitting a truss or not um you know i've done a lot of framing and roof nailing so i know when i'm hitting a truss and you can kind of once you hit a truss you can start pulling your layout numbers off of that or if you're not sure you could always go into your attic and take a measurement and then transfer that onto the roof and that could work as well so let's see when i started this it was probably july sometime mid to late july and my god was it hot i mean probably the worst time in the world to do this but i didn't feel like the roof was going to make it until winter and also um you know i had the materials ordered and i wasn't sure when i was gonna do it and um had a little bit of free time and [Music] kind of started on the weekend so it just i guess it was unavoidable but um god was it hot [Music] i do not miss framing in the florida sun i can tell you that much this roof was a little bit different they they kind of did something funny on the front porch where they um they kind of change angles a little bit on the front of the house and so that made it a little more difficult than it should have been but in the end it really didn't change a whole lot it just added a little more work so here you can see me popping lines every two feet i think that's the easiest way to do it i tried the back side with cutting like a cutting a gauge block and kind of just instead of using a tape measure or use you know popping lines i just put my block in every you know every 12 foot or so and i would just lay the boards down and that would give gave me the proper spacing like two foot set ahead so i think they were probably 20 and a half inches plus three and a half would give you 24 something like that so here i am just kind of nailing things off all right so at this point here um got the go ahead from the first inspection to go ahead and put the metal on um just putting on the putting on the valley metal pieces [Music] if you if you're looking for how to cut the valleys um i recommend just looking up on youtube you can probably find a couple better um better videos and and more skilled people at cutting the valleys than i am um it's it's not real hard but it's not real easy either and um because of the roof here and and the problems i was encountering with um the way they kind of did them kind of made it a little bit harder but basically just you know as long as you're thinking like water and you're overlapping properly you shouldn't have a problem uh so with the metal here we pre-drilled all of our nail our screw holes um which i've done about four or five roofs and i've never pre-drilled them i've always just used the um the screws to just tap right through it and usually i do it by myself so this was new to actually have some help my my dad gave me a hand with putting the metal on so that helped out a lot your first sheet you're going to want to line up and what we did is we got it in place to where we kind of wanted it and we just use a eight foot straight board and we measured i did a two inch overhang so i measured two inches on one side and he held the board on there um square and as long as you got two inches on your other side you should be running pretty straight and that's what we did for that so i do recommend once you put a sheet on there you're going to want to attach a screw as close as you can to that existing panel up top and also do one down low and possibly do one in the middle and once you've got that then you can feel free to just you know fill them all up with screws but um sometimes on the overlap the the middle part that cups over the existing one that's there you're going to want to make sure that that is in the perfect spot because if you're on the far side of the roof and looking back it's not visible from one way but it is visible from another way you know it's kind of like siding on a house it's not visible unless you're looking at the the overlapping side so also keep that in mind that's why i started the back wasn't a big deal because nobody's really going to see the back but from the front i started from the right and i worked my way to the left because i wanted the overlap not to be visible from the street so do keep that in mind when you're doing your roof okay so here's a good spot where you can see what we do i basically line it up on the edge of the roof where i think it's perfect and if you measure at the right bottom side put the 2x4 on there and measure to the left side of that 2x4 you should have the same number so you may need to adjust if your roof is really out of square you might have to cut that piece just a little bit on the edge but it seems to work out well so i'm not sure if i show the footage here i made a jig to cut my angles so basically i've got two four foot pieces of 1x4 with just a actually i use one of the 5 16 roofing screws oh there it is right there and so basically if you just use that and add another screw to lock down your angle it worked perfectly i mean every angle that i cut was perfect the way i wanted it you know not off at all probably the best angles i've ever cut because i finally used a jig where previously i used to measure and figure out where my sheet was going to go and pop a line then try and you know measure it just doesn't work as good just use the jig figure out where you can set one straight edge and then take your other angle down into the valley you know i think for mine i did two inches off of the valley middle so i i scribed a line down there and then i could use that to adjust my jig to another thing we kind of we kind of messed up a little bit but basically you want your ridge cap to be set um your ridge cap runs up under um those roofing panels you want that to be set and you you also want that to be slightly higher than you know just a slight pitch above level so that way water will want to run down and not run towards your valley but you want that to be set first before you cut that piece around it because the piece you cut around it needs to be perfect and you really don't have a lot of room for error there so make sure you put your ridge in first on mine i end up adding a small piece underneath it to kind of make up the difference and um also by time you seal it with a roofing sealant um i use i've used lexel and i've used i can't remember what the other clear roofing sealant is but that stuff seems to work really well and also if you notice uh now my roofing matches my pergola roofing which uh was planned um but now it it all looks uh looks like it ties in together and uh i mean we still got a lot more work to do on the outside of the house this is really probably the first thing we've done to the outside everything else we've done to the inside and man what a difference um it the house looks 100 better already just with the new roof so pretty amazing stuff i don't think you would get that same effect with a new shingle roof i think that might be unique to just metal roofs so at this point um just the wrap around gable drip edge and the ridge caps have to be put on um i need to trim my valley flashing and um finish putting in the screws and basically this puppy's done man that's about a week and a half of pure hell i will admit um but it's well worth it probably saved um three four five thousand dollars so well worth it so um if anybody has more questions on how to cut the how to cut your ridge caps there is there is a little bit of cutting that needs to be done on the edge you might be able to see that a little bit on the one that's hanging off of there also your your gable drip edge uh needs to be cut at the bottom a little bit um and also your valley flashing needs to be cut those are really the only things that you need to cut besides just straight cuts on your metal if you need to cut that um i can make a video if uh if enough people are interested in seeing that um otherwise you can probably find it on youtube and you can probably find somebody better than me doing it so but um you know if you guys ask i can make a video doing that but as always thank you for watching um please subscribe if you want to see more videos i do um all kinds of stuff i got another couple shower builds and epoxy countertops that i'm doing and um yep i'll see you guys around
Channel: More Work For Trevor
Views: 107,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install a metal roof, metal roof, installing metal roof, installing solor reflector for metal roof, installing purling for metal roof, re-roofing shingles with metal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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