Exploring Rihanna's Abandoned Mansion Worth 9.8 Million Dollars

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to another video today we're doing a mansion not just any old mansion a mansion formerly owned by rihanna i'm not sure what it looks like inside all i've seen is the stairs we're gonna go get inside show you everything make sure you follow dark exploration so it looks like we made it to the tennis court in the back uh trekking over some thorns and all kinds of bushes not fun wow this his court's been sitting for a very long time the decay on these tennis balls is crazy they're not even green no more we finally made it now we just check ourselves for ticks real quick so before we go in we're gonna check out the yard a little bit big old grill that's nice i think we have a garage over there too and a basketball hoop okay guys we've made it in right off the bat we see the staircase we'll check that in a second let's check out this living room real quick wow i really have rice nice really nice like entertainment area looks like a server room but it's just like all their electronics optimum truck tv they had everything so after this place was rihanna's i think a baseball coach bought it i'm not too sure so she wasn't the most recent owner but it's still pretty much the same over here is a really weird looking i don't know what this is it looks like led lights i think this is like a huge scoreboard or something ah it looks insane i don't know what that would be used for looks like some recent photos of the previous tenant okay some crazy like stats this is all from the previous baseball coach nichologan [Applause] juan samuel okay guys i just did some research on my phone apparently rihanna bought this place in 2005 and then resold it in 2007 and then a famous baseball coach bought it and then they foreclosed oh wow an elevator yeah so they foreclosed and um it's been sitting abandoned ever since there's a burden here that's a little high where's the burden yeah i'll come down wonder how you got in here yeah i wanted to come down here come on [Music] wow an elevator in your house that's a rich rich it's really cool it looks like it goes down yeah arrows pointing down definitely gotta check the basement in this place right over here oh giant closet oh wow all kinds of different likes like teams shirts what the heck this is all this looks like a locker room this is insane seem to all be empty looks like everybody just threw everything out of it let's see kind of suits this guy would wear gilomani blank blank museum i don't know what that is all right so loud prada wow definitely some money in here oh look gucci i think it's empty let me check it's just a lid box it's still pretty cool that's another stuff over here looks like a battery of some sort ibm n64 cartridge all kinds of little random stuff sony interesting let's head into this bathroom jeez oh look at the one the mirror you can see myself like a bunch of times cool shower over here i got his and her sinks and looks like his or her toilets there's a nice foam inside yep here's the controls for the bathroom tape no mp3 yet this looks like it's the kitchen over here it's pretty dark in here really nice oven five star this looks interesting oh trash can that's pretty cool enter the basement and see where that elevator leads to because i'm curious me too i'm super curious it smells awful down here you need an elevator to go down to your basement i mean like what's down here it's definitely a little moldy in here a little mildew oh it smells wow storage it's all water damage this is a good bathroom it looks like a mcdonald's ew that is a very strange bathroom what the heck oh a lot of water damage a pipe burst in here that's why when vacant guaranteed bro there's mushrooms growing on the ground isn't mushrooms in the ground yeah that's funny i've seen a lot of things things in the van buildings but mushrooms in the ground that's something yeah it's very interesting there's the elevator yep it's a big empty area oh this is a workout yeah this is cool just like nothing definitely a workout area though got a bathroom over here oh this is a sauna multiple gyms this is like a dance studio definitely a rihanna vibe dance studio practicing kitchen down here oh this is just like the laundry room i guess kid stuff that's geo marnie that sounds horrible down here i wish i had my respirator entertainment area not too crazy let's head back upstairs i guess this is like the cupboard area i also have a dishwasher in here it's pretty cool and a fridge so they have two fridge oh this room's sick must have been just like a little office it looks like we have a three-car garage full of stuff but i don't feel like searching through that stuff and especially the kids area it's a very small room compared to the rest of the place oh look at this creepy and here are the stairs these things are so sick i love them you actually have this little like model of the house right here it doesn't look like that early anymore behind there should be kind of uh you know trees and brush but yeah it's pretty cool i love this thing on the bottom here it's really cool really add something okay let's upstairs oh dead bugs just chilling right here oh wow so much lighting up here it's really nice overlooking this room let's head this way first oh we have uh some xbox games halo 2 halo 3's fight night assassin's creed call of duty another call of duty ghosts yeah the normal selection of games got some legos too creator pirates city at all lego sets man that's really cool lone ranger another bathroom kind of tacky not really impressive another bedroom it's crazy how much stuff they actually leave behind like aren't they rich can't they have like moving teams come in here and just clean out the whole place like why leave so much behind got a lot of stuff over here more video games jack and dexter's a good one not in here oh wait here i want if this is one of the kids it's definitely not rihanna but that's some good taste that left some mob deep okay let's head over to the other side oh this room's pretty clean the girls room this closet looks cool this is a baby definitely a lot of kids living here this is another kid's room bathroom and looks like another office that's definitely the family right here yes the upstairs wasn't as special as the downstairs that's going to do it for this video i hope you guys enjoyed this is a pretty cool place i hope you see it get redone one day and be really nice make sure you uh leave a thumbs up or just like whatever and comment what you think until next time peace
Channel: Urbex And Chill
Views: 354,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, exploring, abandoned, Rihanna, Celebrity, Mansion
Id: uNt4BKUBiBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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