Off Grid Cabin In The Woods (part 2)

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So backstory, I think Cody is trying to ride this guys coattails for views.

But Bushradical forgot a couple of his tools so he makes his own or makes do with what he has. Cody in his recent video keeps delaying his project for lack of materials and mentions how he's going to redo all the hanger fasteners when his Amazon order arrives (doubling his work).

Definitely watch part 1 if you havent

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/AbleCryptographer6 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is that a nonstick normal pan? Should he be using it on such a hot stove?

Or is it open flame what I'm thinking about is the no-no?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dethmaul 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nice little cabin

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/shaytulsa 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this fall i built a cabin on a remote piece of property in the upper midwest i worked by myself and enjoyed every minute of it the beautiful fall weather the changing of the seasons putting together something that hopefully my family is going to enjoy for generations to come but ultimately i ran out of materials and good weather and although i got the cabin to a point where you could heat it and you could stay in it there's so much left to do [Music] i got just a couple days of weather where i could probably get back in to the cabin and try to get some more stuff done before the road is impassable this is what it looks like right now just drive in the spot where there are no trees that's basically the best instruction well the plan is simple i've got the material in the truck to do the trim i've got the sealant to put on the floor i've got the paint for the end walls i've got tools i think i need and i've got just a little bit of time to do it [Music] sure is nice to be back here and it's good to see that everything is just the way i left it [Music] [Music] what a beautiful time of year to be back here at the cabin [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] well i got here quite late in the day so the best thing i can do right now is just get things tidied up and settle in for the evening [Music] and wash that filthy window [Music] it's amazing how quick life slows down when you get to a place like this i'm already relaxed [Music] now tonight is going to be the first night i've ever stayed in this cabin and i sure am looking forward to it tomorrow is going to be nothing but work and hopefully by the end of the day i'll be ready to put that coat of sealant on the floor and at that point i'm going to have to head out because who wants to stay the night in a cabin that smells like four ceiling i'll just come back a couple weeks once it's aired back out and enjoy this place again [Music] [Music] this time of year it seems like the night lasts forever it's dark by 5 45. but i've got stuff to think about think about getting done i got silence when i want silence i got the radio when i want something to listen to [Music] and now i've got a grilled cheese sandwich i don't know what else you could want [Music] [Music] seems like this cabin was built on corned beef hash i don't know if i had a can of corned beef hash in the last 10 years but that seems to have been the thing for breakfast and lunch every day building this cabin [Music] and well you can't eat a breakfast like this every day it sure seems like the right thing to have while you're here [Music] do [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Music] well i gotta say i got a pretty good night's sleep last night got dark about five o'clock got light about 6 30 or so pretty much slept almost all of it dead quiet wind died down really peaceful first night in the cabin um [Music] so the first thing this morning i need to do is get everything that's in the cabin and get it out of the cabin so i can work on the floor and work on the trim and work on the end walls whole lot to do [Music] you never remember what you forgot to bring until you remember it and in this case what i really should have had that i forgot to bring was a long bladed knife for cutting off this insulation once it dries you just got to make do with what you got but there's always something you forget [Music] and then there's breaks that you need to take whether you want to or not my brother ryan and i built this outhouse early this spring i've only got one brother and we've always been real close and it sure was a fun time to come up here and work on a project together not only that but this little building is the most important building on the property [Music] sure is odd to see our old tent camping site empty for this season time to get back at it [Music] well the first thing on the to-do list is to paint the end walls i've got to get the painting done before i wrap in the windows with trim or trim around the end walls [Music] [Music] now the material on these end walls is what's called bead board back in the day they actually cut individual strips of board with a little router design on the edge but today you just buy it in a sheet it's already white but you got to paint it to cover up all the nail holes and seams as a concrete guy by trade i'm used to working with thousands of pounds of material at a fast pace working with shovels and chainsaws and sludge hammers is right up my alley but painting is really out of my wheelhouse [Music] don't do much of it and every time i do it feels weird [Music] now here's something that's desperately needed a shelf right now the only place i have in this cabin to set anything is on the stove and the window sill or on the floor not only that but when i go to put a coat of sealant on this floor everything that stays in this cabin is going to have to be on this shelf or i'm going to have to leave it on the porch it's also a great place to store this little battery power station with this string led lights and that power station i pretty much got this cabin lit [Music] once i'm done trimming this foam out i can be done with my grandpa's hand saw i think i'm going to put it in its final place it can stay here at the cabin that's a great spot for it [Music] once the excess foam has all been cut out these windows are at that point ready to be cased in with trim but right now what i need to do is i need to seal the edges of the floor so i can trim around the bottom of the wall and then when i am ready to put the sealant on the floor that little strip along all the edges be done [Music] at this stage of the build the thing that really needs to be kept in mind is what needs to be done in what order so you're not tripping over yourself or going back and doing things that you should have done before [Music] now we can cut all the trim to match the actual measurements of the window openings and what a beautiful day to cut trim tiny bit of snow falling and the weather's calm but the weather forecast is calling for four to six inches of snow starting tonight so this is my window i have to get this done today or i might not get it done at all [Music] one problem is is i forgot the rip fence on my table saw so i'm gonna have to improvise not only that i forgot the guard that covers the belt that drives the table saw so i'm gonna have to be extra careful i'll just use a couple pieces of scrap trim to fabricate a rip fence for my table saw and then we should be in business [Music] so [Music] now for window trim and sills all i'm using is just a standard three-quarter inch pine board cheap easy to work with and it always looks nice now all these trim pieces are going to be cut to the exact size they need to be except the sill it can stay the full five and a half inches wide you want somewhere to set your coffee cup right here the coyotes oh that's cool i can count on one hand how many times i've heard him in the daytime like this that's really cool well the coyotes quit howling and they got back to doing whatever coyotes do so i guess i better get back to doing what i'm here to do cut trim [Music] now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is a dangerous saw so i'm taking the utmost care to watch where i'm at and what i'm doing i would use a push stick to push these one by fours through the end of the cut but i'd be dropping them right down onto a moving belt and that's a bad idea i'm walking around the saw and slowly pulling them through a lot of people will tell you this is not the way to go and i won't tell you it is the way to go [Music] so i've made this job a lot less safe by forgetting to bring things that make this saw safe but a long time ago every piece of machinery was just as dangerous as this one and i'm going to use the safety gear the old timers had caution and attention [Music] [Music] [Applause] now when it comes to nailing off trim a real luxury is one of these small little pneumatic brad nailers this one cost me twenty dollars years ago from menards the pancake air compressor well like we got that for free somewhere and it's the worst thing in the world to listen to but it sure is nice when you're nailing up trim like this [Music] the other issue with that air compressor is that because it's so small it's constantly having to kick itself back on to charge back up [Music] so [Applause] [Music] now for the trim that goes along the bottom of the wall and where the wall meets the ceiling and in the corners of the room i'm just going to take this 1x4 and split it right in half now trim can be extremely fancy and extremely expensive but it doesn't have to be especially not for something like this [Music] if you want to learn a lot of carpentry shortcuts watch larry han videos he would mark a lot of stuff in place like i'm doing right here and a cut that seems to be very difficult it becomes super simple [Music] for anybody just getting into carpentry larry han videos are wonderful because he really demystifies the process see how easy that was and how nice that fits [Music] the first few houses brooke and i built 20 years ago everything was nailed by hand including the trim i know to this day i still don't own a framing nailer i don't think i'll ever go back to nail and trim by hand these little brad nailers are pretty fantastic [Music] now here's another larry han maneuver he would never get a tape measure out to measure the gap to put this trim in he would put the trim in and mark it in place i mean that's super simple and so much quicker than making a measurement and then measuring your stock and cutting your stock to the measurement just put it in place and mark it [Music] now every cabin needs a door and every door needs a doorknob and putting in a doorknob is about the simplest thing there is to do now the doorknob has a lot more to it than what you would think a lot of back country cabins never lock the door if somebody needs to use your cabin in the middle of the winter time they could just come in and get warm around a fireplace or wood stove a lot of places in the far north never locked their cabin now here on the other hand it's a little bit different there's a lot of bear hunting in this area and people are traveling across property lines sometimes without knowing it i don't think you would find a trapper lost in the woods that would need your cabin here as much as you might find somebody running a pack of dogs and just stumbling upon your cabin by accident having the option to lock a door well it's probably a good idea [Music] [Music] well the very last thing i had hoped to get done was to put a thick coat of sealant on the floor and i thought i'd be out of here by this evening but that didn't happen so time to fire the wood stove back up and settle in for the evening [Music] once the floor is sealed i'm just going to shut the door and leave but there's no sense doing it this time of night driving out of the bush in the snow in the dark [Music] but spending another quiet peaceful night in this cabin well you don't have to twist my arm [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] yes but while i'm stuck inside for the night i've got things i can do here i gotta hang up some hooks so i can hang some stuff up that's something i can knock out i'll have myself a little bit of toast and jam before i turn in set my alarm for early in the morning try to beat the snow [Music] [Music] um [Music] well so much for getting out of here before it snowed that didn't happen but it also wasn't six inches [Music] before i knew it i pretty much had all the trim done except that little piece over the stove because the stove was hot [Applause] time to get this beautiful pine floor sealed i've been so nervous about this you'd hate to mess up these beautiful boards with a stain or with a boot print you can't sand out [Music] so [Music] turns out those hooks i put up are a wonderful place to put the cots and get them up off the floor so that worked out great [Music] so [Music] i sure am thankful for this opportunity to wrap a few things up what a beautiful place to be [Music] so well the weather gave me a window to get back in here and get a little bit more wrapped up got the trim done got a coat of ceiling on the floor i'm pretty happy for everybody that's followed this series i hope you've enjoyed it my name's dave whipple and you're watching bush radical and be radical eh see you soon [Music]
Channel: Bushradical
Views: 1,213,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cabin in the woods, off grid cabin, off grid, tiny house, off grid house, cabin, tiny cabin
Id: bYAoKN1BT3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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