Exploring an Abandoned Medieval Estate from 1937 - Elda's Castle

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up everybody welcome to today's video today we're in the woods checking out an abandoned castle and this isn't just any abandoned castle in the woods as cliche as it sounds this one was owned by david abercrombie of abercrombie and fitch and uh right now we're in the woods with my boy chris rebecca and chill our backs are chilling right now and i'm gonna give you a little bit of the history right now and maybe a little bit more when we go up there so starting in 1892 abercrombie started this business abercrombie as everybody knows and before it was in every shopping mall and everybody wore their products teenagers wore their products it was actually made for explorers people who loved the outdoors and people who hiked and one of his best friends at the time was former president teddy roosevelt who actually visited this estate on numerous occasions one interesting thing about david abercrombie is that he actually served in world war one and after he served in world war one overseas to help troops he retired and he came out into the woods and he built his dream home that was built in 1937 and it was built as a 25 room medieval scottish castle and it's suited with a spiral staircase it's an absolute beautiful location and we're going to be checking it out now we just gotta figure out how to get there and uh yeah i'm really excited we're chasing the sunlight so hopefully you guys enjoy if you do leave a thumbs up let's check it out all right so we're pulling up to the first little section of the mansion as you can see it's pretty rocky around here and uh i don't know if you can see it now but we have a little bridge made of stone with a creek or some sort of arch in the middle we're gonna check it out go get a little closer this is really cool yeah i thought water maybe flew through here at one point i mean that would make sense for a bridge but i don't know pretty cool still in very good condition and now we're just going to really take the driveway up straight to the home here's the top of the bridge with some people actually on their way here hopefully the other explorers are not troublemakers but uh we're gonna be walking on this mossy overgrown and filled with potholes this road leaves right up to the mansion so should be seeing our first look anytime now so we came up to a split in the road i do see some buildings over that way but the main mansion is right here so we're definitely going to check this out first pretty long driveway definitely someone who loved the outdoors wanted to escape here so i totally understand that hopefully one day i can have my own house deep in the woods away from all people all problems wow this place is huge looks like someone was cutting wood here the arch windows over there though wow yeah it looks like something that would be in like the uk yeah right old computer here too yeah we have a computer and a monitor circa 1990s look at the iron work right in front of one of the entrances so this place is looks like a little bit trashed a little bit of things everywhere but as we look in this window here we have a ton of literature like i said the last people who lived here 1980 and uh i don't know if you could see there's books that ride up about halfway through that doorway so there's a lot of things to look at we're gonna have to do a little bit of digging and see what we can find we have a jacket here trench coat that's definitely not abercrombie and fitch we're fighting daylight so we're gonna have to see what we can see in here again explore this place pretty quickly this is pretty cool we have a giant tv fat back and what else do we have over here yeah like i said we do have a little bit of workshop here we got some things left behind on the shelves as well as just a bunch of stuff left here got a couple of old fridges and uh we're going to see if we could find a staircase get upstairs nice tiled staircase so this potentially looks like an area that was affected by fire as there is no roof above us but it's also possible that this was a courtyard there is a fireplace here we have one spiral staircase and behind us another one another fireplace oh wow this kind of looks like a this resembles a church but it also has kind of a cabin feel to it this is an awesome large room you can imagine the parties that david abercrombie was throwing back in the day there is a lot of vandalism here definitely more than i like when exploring but the exterior and the architecture of this place is too good to pass up everything is still beautiful the things that are here can't even be vandalized that is built into the home itself so it's definitely a pleasant surprise we have a little little stage area perhaps just a little lift up everybody would sit here there could be music playing who really knows but there's a lot of good vibes in here we also have a nice candle chandelier these things definitely date back so pretty nice couch at that [Applause] uh this looks like it was the kitchen honestly nothing too fancy just some nice woodwork in here and uh got an old fridge let's open it i try to at least gravity's working against me here okay nope empty smells pretty moldy though okay next to the bat next to the kitchen we actually have a bathroom kind of a weird setup looks like it could have been bedroom not a spiral staircase but still a nice one where should we go left or right addicts over there but we have another couch ooh a couple couches this is another chill room fireplace and all got people walking the dogs here so i guess this is a pretty popular place for locals here we are this is definitely an outside area [Music] i don't know who that is people wake making some weird noises chris was that you what people above us i guess yeah we're not alone okay yeah i saw a lady walking her dog here's another little outside area i would imagine they have like a barbecue out here oh wow another there was another staircase this is sick this place is awesome i love the architecture i love the stone work put into this place and i'm super glad i came here because i saw pictures online and i saw how destroyed it was how much vandalism how much graffiti and it kind of negated my my want to come here but seeing what i see now i'm very happy i came we got the moon peeking at us it's twilight now a little bit of blue in the air sun's going down probably within 30 minutes so uh we're here outside the place oh we actually have some more ruins over here i guess we'll check that out real quick okay this is awesome actually this is a remnant of an old bridge because we have a huge dip down here in the in the middle and on the opposite side there's another stone arch so about once upon a time probably originally when this place was built this might have been the original entrance and for some reason they took this bridge out so this is a cool uh ruin of uh the original estate here okay so right now i'm gonna try to find a way to this guest house i'm guessing it is down here okay this one's super overgrown [Applause] huh yeah so i definitely get little cabin vibes from here we got a couple old couches three to be exact and a spiral staircase going down now this building actually does have a lot of newspapers in here i'm curious to see if these are dating back to the 80s just because this looks like it's been run down for quite a while let's take a look okay well this one's 1996. so we're not too far off downstairs is pretty wrecked just have various furniture and cabinets all over the place other than this spiral staircase not much to look at so now we're outside of this place and we have the sunday news from march 14th 1976. this must have just blown out of the house because if this was outside it would have been severely water damage but this is pretty cool we have a nearly over 50 year olds comic strip we also have more cartoon strips but this is actually an advertisement for the green giant so you don't see advertisers getting that creative anymore this one looks like it's been outside for quite a while old stickers turns out that even more people arrive so our goal of trying to go into the back of the property and waiting the people out so we're not kind of bothered while we explore doesn't look like it's happening but anyway the sun's are really about to go down so to end this video we're going to head to the tippity top of this place and that'll be it a little nighttime exploring i haven't done this in a while but adds to the vibe cool little attic area this is definitely the chill spot okay and we can go even farther up oh wow even more up it's a pretty tight fit oh here we are on the top the beautiful sunset here we are we made it explored everything all right guys if you did enjoy that video make sure to give me a thumbs up it lets me know right away if you did enjoy it and uh this place was awesome despite all the graffiti despite despite the vandalism this place is pretty damn cool it exceeded my expectations that's for sure and uh we're gonna be heading out of here now so like always until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 91,964
Rating: 4.9589949 out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: up5WnLEuYyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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