Exploring a Mexican Drug Lord’s ABANDONED $6,000,000 Mexican Villa

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yo yo what's up you guys ethan again back out on another epic adventure today what i have for you something is that like i don't even know the words for it now this place i have known about for quite some time i knew that eventually i did want to get in here and check it out and big shout out to my buddy d-dog vlogs for giving me the shout out let me know this place was open super excited to check it out this is something we've never explored before nothing like this before and uh quite interesting uh you know a little backstory to it so anyways let's go check this beauty out let's go take a look alrighty you guys now before we get into this we're at the front way here the front door this house has power um and before you leave any oh it's for sale it's not abandoned comments like it um i promise you it is there are demolition permits posted on multiple different points of this house um i did turn the lights on for all of our benefit um and it really just shows the place more so this house was built in 1969 in the uh i believe it's called well it reminds me of a house you'd see in mexico the exterior of it um but i believe the actual style is called is it santa fe or is it mediterranean something like that but um but yeah this is going to be demolished and i can't show the demo permit because the address is on it or else i would but i can't so first of all like look at this front closet door like so yeah very very amazing house we have to look at here like i said it was built in 1969 um i believe it's only had two owners in its whole history here's your front like family room big friggin picture window there the old dark parquet floor i like these floors that's really nice and what other other thing that's really cool to me the stucco walls i was gonna save this to later but i'm just gonna show you now look at that just beautiful wow isn't that cool guys look at that chandelier so elegant i you know i i know we looked kind of already but like this stained glass that is just amazing um got me here living room look at that yeah it reminds me it's like a house you'd see in mexico the stucco and the you know just the architecture very very like retro hispanic vibe here that's a nice chandelier wood paneling we're not going to go to the left yet because there's a surprise i'm going to save to the end so look at this the intercom old but it still works the power works so i bet you the intercom still works wow just amazing it's the big doors like look at the handles nice solid hardwood floors like this is just beautiful [Music] um so we went oh can we no we'll do that last we'll do that last i'm not gonna jump into it gotta save something cool to the end even the uh vents are stuck out over motion detectors everywhere there's one there there's one there there's one in that room there's one in this room there's one in the front flay there freaking they're everywhere um look at this this is obviously i think the dining room because it's just up the kitchen look at the wallpaper and it matches like look at that that's custom you know you'd have to get that custom made to match and even the chandelier look at that incredible like you got that gate with the staircase like if if i'm being quiet in this one guys it's because i'm just like i'm taking this in still and i've walked around it a bit and took a look like this is just amazing i i've wanted to get in here for a while i knew eventually i would hopefully get the chance um nice hardwood floors i yeah i knew eventually i would hopefully get the chance to check it out and man i'm glad nice door another motion sensor here's the kitchen and we get more lights in here kind of dark that's it okay this looks like it might have been renovated at some point this doesn't look 60s to me this kitchen look at all the mail that's the show nobody's lived here a long time holy crap this is beautiful oh damn i mean i've never explored this style house before it's been on my bucket list to to do a house like this hidden door oh what what this side won't open it's velvet oh my gosh that's cool we have a washroom oh my gosh it's gold jeez man look at this thing it's freaking gold what in the heck kind of toilet is that you like pull this i've never seen one of these in an abandoned house before that is incredible look at the design on it oh man is this blocked oh it's got like a texture to it it's like a it's dry it's it's weird like even the freaking switch jeez that's amazing that looks like copper it looks it actually might be copper no mirror oh we used to hang right there i see the attack or not the tack the screw okay so let's go upstairs beautiful beautiful that's brilliant this is big probably the master bedroom balcony look at this little closet is there a light there's pot lights so there should be what is up you guys holy jesus massive it's huge wow let me go right here nope apparently not what's up you guys whoa holy that is friggin awesome flat roof are those all individual yep what's up you guys this is freaking cool man no lights in this room that's okay there's the shower the bidet is this the toilet yeah that's dark i didn't think i need my light but it's just a toilet it's not like you're missing out on anything that's cool that's the master assuming um another bedroom not much to see here how do we turn like see lights like that like there's no point in that being on how do you turn it off though well maybe you can close the closet a flat roof beautiful well this is a really nice house look at this bathroom pretty old school what's up you guys yeah look at the faucets like i don't think that's real any like real expensive material but that's beautiful what a nice marble look at that gorgeous what's up you guys wow this is a masterpiece this friggin place man i like the wallpaper that's cool closet in there i'm not gonna bother because it's like i it's a closet you know what i mean like balcony we are just pretty empty not much to see here [Applause] and then snap nice cute little bathroom what's up you guys that was probably an intercom at one point cool wallpaper again so that's top floor now let's go look at the basement and then i have a surprise for you guys on the main floor so let's go check the basement out holy what the heck where do i even start oh my gosh is there lights in here oh my gosh what the hell oh my gosh yep this place is fit for a king and all the dudes that sat down here played a game of pool drink some some fine whiskey oh my gosh that why they shouldn't be allowed to tear this down i get it's their money they can do what they want i guess but it's depressing man like this should be saved oh my gosh what please tell me this matches on the other side of this door oh that's [ __ ] amazing what's up guys oh my gosh shower yeah oh my gosh still doesn't end laundry room spare bedroom whole tile floor it's over here oh what in the heck whoa wait wait wait wait okay i think that's all we're gonna get on so it's like a tiki thing uh you know what i might need my light for this i don't want you guys to miss this that's [ __ ] insane that's a rock wall oh my gosh what what when you step up here look at this holy smokes what the heck what's in here it's like a secret door now there's a light secret door is that where the oh it doesn't even open it's for show oh it's cool oh my god how did i not see this what that is amazing the barrels what in the world even the intercontinental look so it was like aged with the with the the theme of the basement there's a for wine bottles and whatnot that's a real brick yeah holy crap this is amazing this could be one of the best houses i've ever seen and i don't just use that loosely i mean that wow don't worry i'm gonna shut all the lights off before i leave it so i gotta take photos and stuff like that wow guys all right now for that surprise you've been waiting for so before we get to it we have this on the right it's a sauna this little retro bathroom black and white what is up you guys look at this the indoor pool it's got a bridge that i hope i can walk on yeah what's this oh storage look at that incredible there's another little tiki hut for like storage it actually looked like a bench at one point that's freaking amazing wow look at that dirty mod of mossy water i hope you guys have enjoyed this as much as i have this is insane oh my gosh and i didn't even notice this until now because i walked right past it like beside the bridge here there's a little fountain that would run down and probably into the pool underneath the bridge that's incredible wow wow wow all right well i hope you guys have enjoyed this as much as i have this has been freaking amazing um i was so excited to come out today i hadn't been out in so long and um i only slept for like two or three hours i was so excited i just wanted to get out here so bad so um we did it that's the first one done for the day got quite a few more to check out hopefully we're successful there too um but uh yeah this has been incredible again if i sound like i'm just like quiet and not as excited as i say i am it's just because i'm just taking it all in still so anyways let me get let me know what you guys thought down below in the comments leave a like hit subscribe and uh i'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 207,004
Rating: 4.8690228 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Abandoned Canada, Abandoned house, Abandoned mansion, Abandoned places, Abandoned time capsule, Abandoned untouched, Abandoned forgotten, Abandoned 1960s, Abandoned 60s, Abandoned retro, Abandoned vintage, Abandoned drug dealers, Abandoned drug dealer, Abandoned millionaires, Abandoned million dollar, Abandoned billionaires, Abandoned Toronto, Abandoned Mexican, Abandoned Mexico, Abandoned haunted, Urbex, Urbex canada, Urbex ontario, Curbex
Id: kzRYlZPOcz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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