Built in 1990 Abandoned in 2020 UNTOUCHED $5.5 MILLION Dollar Mansion **WHERE DID THEY GO???**

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yo what is up you guys ethan back at it again in another epic adventure today would i for you fresh epic find we have this gigantic i don't know it's got to be close to 6 000 square feet this gigantic mansion it's about to be believe it or not i'm going to get a lot of comments that's not abandoned it's being fixed it's being renovated it's for sale it's not because i have something to show you to prove it's not and we're going to get to that but before that a little information on this house um sorry talking too much i'm out of breath already super excited uh so this was built in 1990 custom built in 1990 by a fairly wealthy italian family um and it's about to be demolished they're going to tear it down build a house that's much larger on this property and it's a shame because this is just beautiful this is stunning you can kind of get a sneak peek behind me there there you go um and yeah so we have a big house to look at so i'm gonna turn this around we're gonna get started hope you guys enjoy let's get started okay guys so we're starting inside the front foyer you can hear my echo it's very large very big here's the front door front closet very high ceilings i love this just a gorgeous home um but yeah so this one was built in 1990 now the reason i keep repeating that is because to me a house of this caliber that was only built 30 years ago should in no way shape or form be in any sort of position to be torn down it's just utter waste of material there is nothing wrong with this house whatsoever and i it's just it's sickening it's quite sickening so anyways you guys seen the dining room there are not much to really see you kind of got a sneak peek at the kitchen too but we're not going to look at that yet so we have like a back living room here family room beware of the dog so they apparently owned a puppy or a dog that's cool look at that it's like made of sticks you see the wood fence around the property look at this fireplace isn't that nice back door to a deck and look at that guys we're gonna look at that later alright so i did bring my flashlight i did remember this time so here we go got like a like a little wet bar i guess this is 90s the color of it the gray with the white that's very common there's a mirror what's up you guys yeah i actually story about how i found this one so i was up with some friends the other day and uh we came across that we were actually on our way to a different location and we were by it and like hey like look at that you know there's a uh this fencing was around it and i stopped and ran up and this was about two days ago and uh came back today during the day to film it and i'm super i've been excited for like two days so it's probably a chandelier right there as you seen in the dining room they had removed it there's the front window and i actually closed this blind before we started the video for one reason because there's a surprise outside that i'm gonna show you and i'm trying to save it to later look at this bathroom oh my goodness if that doesn't scream 1990 i don't know what does look at that jumping took the mirror know what is up you guys some of you are cheering right now i know it i love this tile you guys know i like old stuff though so there we go bathroom there's the office here's the probably like the main living room i don't really need my light in here got enough natural lighting it's beautiful like i what i really like is the middle how it's the uh the half moon shaped window i really like that these are obviously the original wood floor nice fireplace beautiful look at that marble it goes it's in every entrance okay so can't really save this for much longer there's a little peek at the foyer i know it's beautiful right we'll get to that after we cover over here should have done this early romero over here would have made more sense so there's the uh here's the kitchen with an open cabinet that can't happen there you go so much white what's this little envelope the garage door openers that obviously goes out to the back deck can we get a little bit of light in here it helps a bit i guess oh it actually helped a fair bit just such a shame this is gonna be demolished i could just i couldn't man if i owned this i'd be living in this it's beautiful this is definitely the original kitchen oh man that got its use that's for sure look at this little thing thermador oh there you go subzero and what's really cool about this is the design of it this is obviously custom because you can see the gray and just the way it's painted it matches all the cabinets so it's custom to when the house was built and some of you you know may not believe this but when this was built this was a very high-end expensive house especially you know the custom you know fridge it's a sub-zero those aren't cheap there's your stove we got here little closet there's another door what's this stairs oh second baseman access okay laundry room oh it's cool look at that closet yeah empty closet and back door okay what's this there's your garage four car garage oh my goodness it's massive it's huge wow okay all right guys let's go upstairs first and then we'll go down so look at this we're gonna get a proper look at the foyer here you go you guys know i love this stuff staircases and chandeliers there you go all right let's head up take a look it's dark and there it is this is the master yep it's not very big for a master bedroom i mean i wouldn't complain about having a room this big but it's not you know for a house this size you would think maybe a little larger i love the wood floor beautiful floors it's the old alarm panel see it's dead there's no there's no power this place is cut and i'm going to show you something to just show you this is actually being demolished so hang in there for that that'll be probably the end of the video when we head outside whoa what look at that three what is up you guys at once there you go nice little like makeup dress you know area getting all fancied up there you go big walk-in closet there's the attic you guys know i don't explore addicts melanie lynne.com sounds expensive i've never heard of it it's probably expensive this is probably his entire closet i would think this is probably the his hers is usually bigger right did i get that right am i correct there oh my gosh look at this bathroom oh my gosh wow what's up you guys holy shoot save myself from a bad word guys we know youtube doesn't like bad words and some of you are gonna know what i'm talking about that's so cool this screams 80s 90s like early 90s this is going to be demolished oh my gosh bidet toilet double sink jacuzzi shower that showers had some use holy crap gold towel rod wow still toilet paper like oh and then you got your huge skylight a lot of natural light okay look at this oh man isn't that beautiful okay bedroom number two nothing really to look at other than a closet okay pretty small for a house this big well i mean the master wasn't really that big to start with so um kids rooms aren't probably going to be too huge there's another old 80s bathroom look at the purple or is that mauve i know i've used that word before is that move or is that just purple i'm gonna get you know comments i'm sure so let me know but it looks pretty moved to me and looks like what it's up you guys to me as well look at the gold freaking flusher so i got the plunger for grinding that the cleaner man toilet paper like that's painted the same color as the sink there's your shower with a mirror in it what's up guys [Music] let's go this way bedroom number three nothing special nice closet i like the shelves okay nothing too special there bedroom number four windows open a bit no wonder it's so damn cold in here it's freezing nice closet again with these built-in kind of shelves look at that big daddy long legs up there i hate spiders give me the heebie-jeebies okay here we go what's up you guys how's it going hope you guys are enjoying it i know i am yeah they left some head and shoulders for us isn't that nice of them like skylight bedroom number five so five bedroom house okay probably could have made it four bedroom and had bigger rooms but i mean custom built it probably had a large family this is a big closet probably a big family you know it was an italian family they probably had say four kids you know back in the day when they built it okay are you guys ready to go check out the basement or what let's go take a look doing this all in one cut so let's go okay oh we're gonna do this oh man look at that that's beautiful i'd love a place like this this like this is the type of like this is you know type of stuff people dream about owning and it's just sitting here it's so friggin cold in this house man oh my gosh got those sniffles it's so damn cold what's behind this door storage you don't close on my door when i get locked in here nice staircase eh okay here you go got a lot of rec room space a lot of rec room space probably a couch sitting there have a tv play your video games down here you know the kids play down here maybe hey i'm a hockey guy so all i see down here is all this room and opportunity for mini stick tournaments that'd be awesome so much room for that you know and i just here it is sitting vacant could be using it but no even this little corner put one net there put one net here man bounce them off the walls oh man it'd be a fun time there was a sink or something there at one point obviously it's salvaged which is good to see they're taking some stuff out there's a support bean that holds up the house that's good on you you've held up well for 30 years old post what we got down here some linoleum floor with some storage some extra tiles not a whole lot to see pipes this has all been ripped out the ac and all the vents and which is good second staircase old strawberry jam that's probably from 1990. okay there's a sump pump i think i think that's what that is right copper pipe there's the stairs that we've seen earlier we'll do all the cough webs i've walked through so many of them oh there's a bathroom what the heck unexpected look at this oh no mirror they took the mirrors you guys some of you are gonna love this house some of the mirrors are gone i can't uh do the one is up you guys but just know even to the haters i'm doing it in spirit without the mirror or not i don't care i'm doing it in spirit all right guys that's it that's all she wrote um it's getting dark so i gotta go take photos before it's pitch black in here um we'll get to outside don't worry but i gotta take pictures inside before we go outside so i'm gonna go do that i'm gonna take my photos in here and then uh i'll meet you guys back outside okay again one more look that's where we'll end it off all right i gotta take some photos guys i'll be right back all right guys so i switch and show you the exterior this deck is kind of iffy got to be careful there you go but look at this oh my gosh that's beautiful you get the cabana or the little you just you know you'd sit out here during the summer wow such a shame they're going to demolish this beautiful see if we can go down to the other side i took the diving board it looks like there you go wow and that's all it's yard it goes back there it's all forest so beautiful all right guys so here we are in the front yard okay there's the front of the house it's friggin massive but look this is how this is the proof it's being demolished soon this ain't gonna be here forever not nice that's such a shame man frigg beautiful beauty all right guys i hope you guys enjoyed places awesome glad it was still here i thought it was going to be demolished honestly but thankfully it's still here make sure you hit the like button hit the comment hit the comment button hit the like button leave a comment subscribe hope you guys enjoyed i'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 207,589
Rating: 4.9022326 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned time capsule, abandoned untouched, abandoned forgotten, abandoned 1990s, abandoned 1980s, abandoned 1970s, abandoned 1960s, abandoned 1950s, abandoned 1990s mansion, abandoned 1990s time capsule, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, abandoned toronto, abandoned million dollar, abandoned millionaires, abandoned mob boss, abandoned estate, abandoned castle, abandoned luxury, urbex canada, urbex ontario, urbex, curbex
Id: 8qKe45ovOPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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