Abandoned Murder Mansion | 13 year old was buried under the front porch..

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oh what's up everybody it's big banks we're back again for another video hope you guys are having an amazing saturday this video it's a little bit sad especially with the story this house it's like an old um i'm not even sure what you would even call the style of this home like uh antebellum greek revival i'm not too sure um if you guys know by looking at it please let me know down in the comments but this house is called the lucy murder mansion so what happened here is pretty tragic a 13 year old boy named alan lucy went missing back in 1985 when he was murdered by his foster parent so what had happened was lucy and his father had gotten in some type of argument i believe in the kitchen of the helm father ended up punching him in the head hard enough that it killed him instead of going to the police or telling somebody he ended up just hiding his 13 year old adopted son under the front porch of the home wrapped in a disney blanket this happened back in 1985 the father actually had his own biological son who actually witnessed everything happened he went and told everybody told the school told his friends but nobody believed him i believe it was 1995 10 years later somebody had bought the house after the family had moved out they started renovations as you can tell throughout the video you'll see where renovations had started being done but they never got finished because they started tearing down some of the things on the front porch and that's when they found the disney blanket under a pile of red bricks and all of the bones from allen lucy sitting there it's a very terrible thing what happened very terrible what the father did and just to leave him like this was absolutely horrific so after all that happened after they found the body they had found the father the mother they arrested the father for doing what he did years later the father actually ended up committing suicide in prison and the mother died later on from cancer but the fact that this all in general is just mind-blowing to me how anybody could do that to another person especially a kid you know whenever nobody believed the other boy the father apparently had went and told everybody that alan wanted to be with his biological family in florida so they had made up some story that he had ran away to florida but that obviously never happened we're gonna walk through this entire house we're going to show you everything the inside the outside and it's crazy because there's even you can even see the part where they had knocked the bricks out on the front porch to where they found the body that's all still there because when this place started getting renovated they completely stopped when they found the body and it's been left abandoned ever since i hope you guys enjoyed this video share this video with a friend and go ahead and leave a like already and let's get right into it [Music] so it looks like at one point they might have started doing some type of work to it okay guys so this is one of the rooms one of the main rooms on the bottom floor of the house nice doors so this is another fireplace so all these homes like this have multiple fireplaces because they didn't have century and air and stuff like that so that's what they would use to actually heat the home i've been wanting to come here for a long time and i only got to see the outside but now we get to see the inside a little bit and here we're walking into the kitchen which is green marble well actually it's not marble it's just like a countertop to look like marble all around cabinets kind of empty there's some stuff up there but other than that there's not this is kind of cool so far not really what i expected in this house i like cobwebs and stuff everywhere this room is straight up just spider webs everywhere so is this room oh yeah now it works motion sensing yeah right here yeah you almost bumped it you get your head on bro yeah a little motion sensor it looks so old yeah they wouldn't have a motion sensor in this house but it works at least all right guys we're gonna go upstairs now so yeah we are we're in this town you know and people are kind of seeing us walk around everywhere because there's a ton of abandoned houses around here take a little bit of look outside it's really overgrown and see i love houses like this they have fireplaces in every single room like it makes them really cool and it has a balcony right here but i'm gonna say that's probably too dangerous to try to walk on but here's a little open door to the front so you can see how the pillars have really fallen over so here's a little bathroom says deb i love you on the wall it's another bathroom you think you can step on that out there you see the bees too oh there's a bunch dude there must be like a hive oh snap oh yeah i see him i see him oh yeah definitely i wouldn't step out there i think it might i think it's too dangerous honestly then we got another fireplace this must have been like i don't know every room is pretty big pretty decent sized just like the details on the stair is really cool now you can see how renovations might have been started but it looks like this is the same renovation of when they actually found the body and they must have just stopped because this paint is peeling off of it so it's old and then look at that we got eric down there but yeah guys this is just a not what i expected now like i said i came out here before but i didn't film it i actually just took a couple pictures of the outside because we couldn't get in but now we found a way in so we're exploring it and we're exploring this whole town today so yeah this is kind of a cool house it's a lot a little bit smaller than i imagined but it's pretty cool to say at least so look at this stained glass this bathroom that's pretty cool then we have a whole nother room in here with some little cushions and then a small little closet right there and that leads to the other room right here with the fireplace and then the last room in the house that we're gonna check out is this one which is another little living area it looks like i love these doors like you guys can tell me what these are i think these are french doors what they call them but i'm not too sure so if they're french doors please let me know um i learned i like to learn more and more about these houses every time because you know there's a whole bunch of books left here that's pretty neat but yeah this is a nice house guys so right now this is exactly where they found the kids body and when we peek in it looks like there's bones laying in there i wonder if that was the pile of bricks that that was used to knock them off it might be that's awesome oh that's crazy all right guys and then just about does it it's a wrap on the murder house so we're gonna get out of here so pretty dark history to say the least of this house um it is beautiful though it looks way more like way more intact on the inside than it does on the outside but history is crazy can't believe a murder happened there and then we even got to see you know a little bit inside of where they actually found the body so yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that subscribe button down below and big banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 287,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: l06OmmiKiEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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