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[Music] what is up everyone i'm back starting off another video here at the infamous porch before this video even started my last video i mentioned that i'll be doing shout outs for everyone who leaves a comment on these new videos saying they're subscribed and they also have the post notification bell turned on i was completely blown away by how many of you guys left the comments saying that so from now on in the future every single video i'll mention five i'll pick five people to shout out on the screen i physically can't go through and do all of i mean there was hundreds of comments that would take up the whole video but i'm gonna go ahead and put a ton of you guys on the screen right now the support's crazy and it means so much you guys don't understand how much just that free subscription and turning on that bell helps and it just also helps you guys to see my videos when they come out so yeah thank you guys so much for subscribing and uh sticking with me and in the future i'll go more in depth and actually congratulate everyone who's on the screen but this time there's just so many people i'm just gonna include as many as i can for this video i'm actually gonna come back in a couple videos and talk more about this place this house is on a ton of land it's really cool it's an old log cabin house but it's like a pretty luxurious looking log cabin it has a big open floor plan really cool inside a ton of cages like it was definitely used as a farm or something else at the time it has detached garages and it's on about about 20 acres so i went ahead and explored the whole thing a bit of a longer video before this video even starts so go ahead and follow me on all my social media link down below just get into this video all right everyone so we're officially here the house is right behind me something that i forgot to mention about this house is that it's on a ton of land like an old just stone driveway that comes up it's like a log cabin style but it is like a bigger house and there's a ton of different buildings just scattered throughout the whole property so let's not waste time let's just jump into it all right guys so you come up that long driveway and back in this wooded area tall grass that's like matted down is this almost creepy style log cabin but then you can see over there they must have had pets there's a detached garage and like an office or just like another space over there [Music] [Music] so before we even get into the house i'm going to walk over to these uh separate buildings and see what's going on with them so this is the detached garage which i'm pretty sure is locked which we already tried but there's windows so i'm sure we'll be able to see if there's anything inside so you can see through here so it's definitely just empty inside the garage i'm actually positive it's empty inside the garage i've actually looked inside before this is like that office building or i don't know what it would have been used for maybe something for like animals you can see it's actually pretty nice so yeah this is like not even like finished but you can see it has like real nice windows looks like someone kind of beat the place up a little bit just a bunch of shelves this could have been used for um something that i haven't shown you guys yeah i couldn't use for animals because there's like all farmland and a ton of uh animal cages and houses it looks like yeah it's actually in pretty good condition there's no window here by the way it looks like there is but if you go outside over here so many animal cages and the only reason why i say that is because if you come and look at this this is actually like a barn i don't know if it's a barn door it's like a sliding door and that opens right up back into you know all these cages and just all of this land let's get this closed back up but yeah i'm curious if i should i guess i should walk into some of these cages you know so it could have been used for goats rabbits um pigs stuff like that they have these like human sized cages almost you can see feathers definitely had big birds back here i mean look at all these cages you must have had hundreds or maybe thousands of animals you can see all the bird feathers in there it smells pretty bad to be honest but this has been sitting for so long it's like it's like a mini ghost town back here just because of all these small buildings for all i know something could be in here still so i actually know more about this house but i'm saving that for another video but i'm going to go ahead and keep adventuring around you know all these like chicken coops or you know whatever they were they're obviously made for bigger than chickens i mean look at this bunch of farm equipment it's kind of like an eerie feeling back here the wind just blows through everything since i'm doing it i might as well walk around all these places another shed here there there looks like smaller animals could have been back in those little cages my god i've never even walked all the way over here before look at this there's no way that's legit what is that it's like a fake egg so yeah everyone this is just like chicken coops back here a lot of tarps there's just like so many cages inside a bigger cage same situation back here for three more that looks like just this is one and that's one but that's actually one that's one and that's one tons of animals skipped over this too this looks like it could have been used for like one maybe one or two animals it's not that spacious to be honest see some real big feathers back there though really big feathers i don't want to bore you with showing just a ton of animal cages you guys get the point whoever lived here had a pretty much a farm but um let's go ahead and move on to the actual house back here something that you didn't see it's kind of far away now that i'll show you is the entire wrap around deck so obviously you guys can see this deck is real beat up i mean there's holes in it the railings are knocked over doesn't really look like it's uh very stable we're walking on it down it's fine you can see look at these huge windows right here it's kind of like a real luxurious looking log cabin there's like benches flower pots with benches it wraps all the way back around even to the front a little bit this tree is growing through that little crack growing through that crack right there in the deck and has fully came through and survived but it looks like a gun rack almost but look at all the wood every obviously it's a long time but like everything is made of wood full beams this is actually i'm guessing a bathroom something i know is that the power is the power is on in the house but this light is out i didn't bring my normal light with me because i knew this place had power here's the it looks like the master bathroom shower even still got some shampoo in there yeah obviously real outdated but it's not that bad his and her sinks and then you're just back out into the master bedroom the massive bedroom obviously walks right onto the deck and it has a pretty big closet you know it's not like some master walk-in closet but it's definitely a big closet and this is that main part of the house it's like an open floor plan these are those real grand windows i showed you very tall ceilings huge exposed beams and this is like everything i guess this could either be a living room or that could be a living room here's the kitchen obviously it's very outdated but you can see how all this comes together there's a loft up there this is the coolest part of the house and we even got our own dinner ready bow i guess would be so obviously that's the big loft section i'm gonna get up there and explore but something i just found in the kitchen right over here is what i'm pretty sure is german steins it's like a music box pretty sure these things are actually worth some sort of money but yeah you would uh and they make noise when you pick it up [Music] it's actually really creepy isn't it oh my god it's like i'm in the conjuring movie these ones don't make the same noises maybe they're broken they do have the thing on the bottom pretty sure it's just weighted so when you lift it up and starts playing but these are really cool aren't they oh this one's uh this is this this one doesn't make noise or anything budweiser 1995. ah it's not even that old that's pretty cool though isn't it this one still works and everything [Music] and also another thing i don't know if it's like crazy money but i know this is more expensive to have your fridge match your you know your kitchen set i think you can actually buy a kit and have this put on oh god oh wow there's some stuff still in there that is disgusting obviously just your normal island oh yes it's still filled with all kitchen rags and stuff look it looks like we have some homemade jelly and stuff down there some honey tinfoil you know normal stuff seems like most of the cabinets are just empty though which you could probably imagine that's not that's like a dirty rag in it or something like i mentioned before you got the matching dishwasher a couple chandeliers i keep walking in big spider webs what is that what's that like a little pot it's really heavy and it's really gross i don't wanna touch it looks like a like a mini witch's pot i don't know what it is it might be like a fondue thing pass once i got in here was this fireplace and this fireplace is actually um it does work but this is like a fake plastic electric thing that lights up if you plug it in and there's also a folded american flag up here totally exposed and you guys can see like 20 some foot tall ceilings at least but i'm going to go ahead and actually i guess i'll explore this first and then i'm going to go ahead and explore the um glove so that's a basement we'll get to that as well this is another bathroom i could obviously imagine lights are on this is another bathroom similar to the other one you can tell the other one was definitely the master but um look at all that so much obviously it's everything's made of wood but outdated but like nothing like crazy like this house hasn't been abandoned that long same mirror setup it looks like that doesn't open is this one open no yeah this is another bedroom another decent sized closet and this is a smaller room this one's kind of creepy just because uh you have all these windows right on the floor level of your house to the front door uh maybe that's normal i wouldn't personally like that though head out of here turn off some of these lights and hit the um loft here what's in here closet i figured that but yeah everyone i think that pretty much wraps up the first floor besides the bedrooms uh the master bedroom and stuff in like a couple bathrooms this is the main section of the house i mean as you can tell that's why i spent the most time in here this is obviously the front door i figured that this closet would have went to that room as well or maybe you like blow that whole wall out that'd be kind of cool right but i always thought that this would lead to that bedroom but it doesn't it actually leads to the loft up here like i said you got all this wood railing another chandelier there's like actually a bedroom and then just like an actual loft area almost looks like a pool table light right here so you get a view of the yard but then besides all that you know you're this is like the only upstairs section it's kind of cool if you woke up here every single day and you had a view of just like who was in the kitchen if you lived here and who was hanging out like down in the living room this is the third bedroom third and final bedroom i believe just a closet and this has its own bathroom as well and it has a stand up a small stand-up shower behind the door but it works so i forgot that fast about the basement this little closet maybe i already did huh it's not even that little it's actually real big it's taking an industrial closet or something going down the steps now i'm going to go check out the basement that i almost forgot let's go into the basement luckily that's not the switch this one is other than bad we have full power so it kind of splits off right here obviously it all connects but it splits off down here just random racks all over this is where a pool table would have been you can tell by the pool lights and that line of the legs but yeah a couple ceiling tiles missing this is the benefit of having light in the house no light needed now this goes out to the build code doors that uh are right next to the detached garage washer and dryer it's actually a pretty big basement it's just the ceilings real low i know you guys probably can't tell but i'm six foot tall so it's like it's like right there it's not that tall of a ceiling yeah that's pretty much for that closet it's actually kind of cool i like those little uh lacrosse sticks and the liquor bottles but yeah i think i mean and then obviously it just wraps back around it's just like a panel there this is the staircase and then just like the way we came it wraps back around it's a big basement it's just real low ceilings here's the kitchen i'll show you this side of the deck obviously this deck is pretty pretty weak this comes down to the front yard and this wraps all the way around all the way back over to that side of the house so the house is pretty much empty besides like a couple knick-knacks stuff like that so i'm gonna go outside get some shots to wrap this video up maybe some shots of the property surprise the garage doors even work it's actually a pretty big garage some lawn equipment stuff like that pretty much as you guys could imagine it's an empty garage backyard and i'm just i've realized there's a pond there as well as far as you can see it's just woods but this is the house i mean you can see how big that room really is the house i'm pretty sure is 4 000 square foot so it's a pretty big house it's just laid out kind of odd obviously if the deck was still in perfect condition it'd be way nicer this is like the little getaway it's like your little uh country estate back here and i'm gonna go ahead and probably wrap this video up that's the house we've pretty much seen it all i appreciate you guys for watching so much please like comment subscribe follow all my social medias down below i usually do this proper outro at my house but i figured i'll just end it here we saw the cages we saw the garages we seen the house and i don't want to bore you with a super long outro i love you guys i'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: Kyle McGran
Views: 654,508
Rating: 4.8472829 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned log cabin, Kyle mcgran, kylemcgran, exploring with josh, sam and colby, log cabin, log cabin mansion, luxury log cabin, exotic animals, huge abandoned mansion, massive abandoned mansion, abandoned, abandon, mansion, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, exploring, haunted, creepy, paranormal, haunted house, mansion abandoned, bizarre house, house abandoned, brick mansion, stromedy, vacant mansion, treasure, hidden treasure, abandond, millionaire, billionaire, millionaire mansion
Id: j9YFztAmHcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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