Among Us but I'm the impostor THREE TIMES in a row

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heidi ho everyone my name is mr fruit and welcome back to more among us oh it's the run back you guys didn't see it but i forgot to record last time and it was a sick trade around with rob i'm pissed about it long story short i'm back see i got a freaked out about you what the fudge are you waiting there boy you know i was gonna do it okay so far so good calm's disabled what the fudge see so if they're looking at the heart rate they wouldn't know anyway so whoa hey sonic why were you trying to catch me in the oh too i didn't find datto i found shark holy crap and i know it can't be dork because he just came from the middle actually and because oh are you telling me it wasn't no i don't get this i i saw the body i it was blue right and i remember who was who was blue it was shark a shark yeah and i just left i don't care oh wait what wait so wait let me get this straight so you would vote for [Music] well dork was kind of upset maybe dork upset killed charlotte doesn't sound like starscream or maybe he wouldn't yeah okay well i don't have any okay well i thought it through the ladder he's just literally chaotic neutral i am skipping to vote because then my vote goes towards the majority of the vote okay so i guess keep an eye out on dork um and sonic was sonic was trying to catch me in an airline i literally just walked to you once bro all right i caught you hey stay managed to make that way easier for us so thank you dork appreciate you skirt skirt skirt skirt lock myself in here mm-hmm they won't see that coming all right so i just finished uploading this look all this stuff let me see if i can uh sabotage something here let me just do that let me hop in here and then i'll pretend to go through this third is here he doesn't know i've already done this i was just about to sabotage something i gotta fix the lights i'm gonna go and pretend that i'm doing something helpful i will fix the lights whoa oh see i played off like whoa dude not cool okay northeast is sir d 30 is east could take him out and i think i just might i'm just gonna head on all the way over there i don't know what he's doing there but as far as i can tell everyone else is on the other side the map which means oh and there's rob okay that's unfortunate did not really think someone was going to be there ah i'll sabotage comms i guess can i catch somebody alone i catch somebody in this airlock okay i think everyone's going for these comms which like good for them okay okay we lost where's the body danielle okay uh i don't know the name of this place i'm literally still trying to find my way around a map i think it's the weapons room that's what i remember it's um it has like a tube thing in it it's like along with anybody i didn't see anybody uh i literally just was walking in because i'm looking for the the weather node thing and i'm i'm kind of i haven't done a lot of my tasks because i'm i'm trying to explore but i just saw dork so i reported it sounds convincing so is this on the east side of the map no weapons is um bottom line oh wait yes no weapons is bottom mid anyone's been there anyone's seen anything [Music] wait how has someone not seen that it's not going to be clear literally the last person i saw was sawyer but but he was spoiler is sir d i saw someone near the oxygen but i don't know who it is i thought like how did no one see that is no one going to fix the comms you went in there to fix the filter i don't know where comms is i fixed the contact i did it's the with the like the wavelength stuff yeah i did i did that like at the end kind of it's like looks like someone uh maybe sabotaged it a little bit i don't know what someone might have messed with well we're gonna have to make a vote next time if we're not voting here yeah all right oh man we got a whole lot of nothing got my eyes on you i don't know who i'm talking to but i'm watching you they have no idea all right i'm just going to immediately lock those doors the ones super opposite of me and then i would watch cameras actually i can just pretend i'm watching cameras let my cooldown come back because i don't know that i'll be watching security or not i do know where elm is i do know where he'd be though boo okay they're buddying up just sucks whoa let me out me out sonic's tried to kill me all right now is the perfect time split them up there you go danielle wait what okay i am very suspicious of fruit me too why is that i actually am too and robbie to be honest yeah where are these accusations coming from okay just past me yeah because i was chilling at the dead body or not the dead body thing so i was gonna move and take mental notes of who i saw and then the body got called and then i ran past then yeah also i'm suspicious of you fruit so i'm nowhere near the body i was suffering you i was just trying to go through the airlock and you wouldn't let me i know but guess what that crap got locked bro twice what why and i didn't see them going for like we have to vote here i mean my tasks have been done i i was watching cams and then i went to go check labs because i saw someone there and then the reactor went i went up to the right reactor thing yeah i think i'm going to vote for danielle i think it's dead no all right i'm voting dyslexia i was like oh did we find another body it's like oh no it's me what are the odds of this that is incredible holy cow the back to back but with the exact same people that's nuts let me see if there's anyone left here almost no one comes back to check this and there are no bodies here opportune then i'm gonna go to the stabilizers so hell now i can't kill him i just can't do it is anyone looking at cameras no okay what do we got here sir they're just all chilling northeast come on people give me something i don't know where enough people are to just pull the trigger but you know i'm hovering that kill button i'm i'm thinking about doing it i'm thinking about it i'm pretending i'm pretending i'm done pretending and now i have absolutely no idea where anyone is shark will know that i went that way there's no one in there what about over here nobody over there sharks just running around aimlessly feel that let me see if i can catch someone in here otherwise i got nothing hopefully we have sabotage some what the fudge they're about to win they're already like halfway why can't i find anybody where the fudge are people hello okay hold on before someone thinks i'm suss hey you were here let me pop out middle of here big omega brain okay one down all right now i gotta hope danielle's done something now i can report on anybody i'm gonna go to the lights and be like rob why didn't you fix the lights i'm gonna go over here pretend hey look at me looking at cameras doing what they do just indiscriminately shank shark [Music] uh only problem was if you went to cameras uh i was gonna be screwed so i'm gonna try and do electrical again there are bodies missing because i checked the scanner and it showed that they were dead i checked out a dork i i know um i saw i checked that like forever ago and i saw dork die probably like a minute and a half ago two minutes ago it's been fresh for a long time and shark did i tell you which body was found dorks i i found dorks and it was near no no i found sharks and it was near uh this uh the uh security cams like that little hallway okay does anyone do it like we have anything i didn't see anybody the only people who i saw were ohm was all the way by i mean heartbeat thing that would forever ago there was like five people just fixing electric so it must have been really recent that yeah i didn't see anybody i saw sawyer or i saw sardi with the electric and nothing was happening so i kind of i suspected him but then i was like i bet he just doesn't oh oh no i ran up to it and someone was already doing it and i cuz i couldn't see because no there were no lights on so as soon as i got right in front of it somebody else was already there so i just left i i ran right past it because i saw someone behind me but i didn't couldn't see who and i didn't want to get murdered we're gonna have to do something soon i don't know who to vote i found shark we lost sammy and dork i mean okay you know because when we were at electrical who was it was me sir d who else was there yeah i was the only one who wasn't there i wasn't there either i spent the first half in medical all right well we're dropping like flies so yeah we lose one more person we we have to make a vote no matter what all right as long as we can get like two people maybe just kill them all before you know what i'm saying go for the perfect all right now i have to do a job that won't automatically show me being a little weird don't come in here dad i don't want to kill you in the same exact spot much as i would like to i don't think that's a good idea and then i'm gonna come here i'm refilling this oh wait that's daniel okay someone just went through here and with the lights off they might not find rob's body in fact not many people go up there anyway and with the lights off they don't know that i can see them and they can't see me which means that i can stay in here with datto let's go wait what the back to back i literally oh my i knew it was i lose you guys i had a feeling it was fruit because he gets quiet as soon as christian did the same tasks i was doing and i did two of this and he i was like he's faking it because i'm actually yeah and as soon as i thought that died it's like we gotta be careful guys we only got one more round or else we're gonna lose the game we went on a spree the fact though that not only did i get it back-to-back but with danielle again yeah good job bro good job oh my the content and ladies and gentlemen the three times back to back to back this is brand new territory for you boy oh all right well let me just go ahead and do this clear my name immediately all right dado saw me so i was hoping he would get a little closer before i finished it so i could kill him up there and it would be a while before anyone bothered to look but unfortunately it was not the case oh definitely what uh what happened i can't do this oh wait a second mini game i checked which mini game the problem with that now is is yes he's dead and but we didn't we don't know we don't know where yeah we got we got nothing to go off but but uh what i try and do is when that you see someone die you just run around the map and you find out who you could find as fast as you can because then you know like they're kind of vetted for a little bit okay we've seen that that's not always foolproof though because he saw the vital he saw that somebody's like they saw the vital yeah in the in the room next to the button there's like a little screen you can look and it shows everyone like heartbeat and if yeah they're dead i called it the dead body and it got me killed so don't do that all right well rip short i've i have nothing yeah it's all right dude he's on the plains of dalaran anyways wait who are we voting for no one all right we're back to it i can't what we gotta do this again that already saw me do this and unfortunately i don't have my cooldown so all i can do is prepare all right so dork saw me again was waiting for him to get a little bit closer before he decided to uh run away okay danielle's over there guys over there they're just chilling not very helpful ohm's there no one's in my building evidently danielle and daddy oh that's cute oh i ship them all right so see i could have killed sir d i did maybe that will build me some rep report rep repoir whatever um om just boned me because he just killed him right in front of me so i gotta pretend i just get out of there immediately i didn't want to report that that ain't my job okay uh dead body samuel's dead right on it where was that i yeah where i was just i want to say it was like sort of towards the middle of the map i want to say communications i saw three people in communications okay was literally just standing on top of the body what i'm in a room right now on top of the body where he was standing on top of danielle's body is all i'm going to say wait wait you're joking right i'm not joking hold on that's how to play right now i'm really i'm literally in a foreign country dealing with the wavelengths right now and you're excused i'm not wait wait hold up hold up how do you know that 30 is on a body because i saw him when i inspected the body what am i wearing what am i wearing on my head i feel like you're not you're wearing brown i saw brown no you're standing on top of her body yes then that would indicate to me that yeah i saw okay here's what i saw i looked at the map i saw three people in communications and then i saw one person by themselves top right of the map all i know i saw cameras and the only people i saw on cameras the last time i saw danielle datto and her were like lovers apart at a locked door oh that was the last time i saw danielle but dada was going the opposite way of communication why would you have not i just watched it i just strolled up on her dead body okay she's not looking good chief rude um so what are we doing uh well [ __ ] i i i it's a little suss i guess yeah i didn't even wait hold on is he out i think so i didn't i didn't do anything you stood on her body oh my god oh why would you walk you gotta report bodies i didn't see her she blended it in with the scenery oh god oh humanity i'm just gonna go back to my cams you know make everyone think that i'm just watching these boots were made for one dash just put down one of these let daisies fix this boom oh no that is going to know that my dead body was there i gotta eat on out of here and maybe he just won't know you know let me say hey that was a while ago i'm walking over here mr fruit mr fruit mr fruit yeah as i was going to the reactor i see mr fruit standing right next to robbie's body straight chilling then walks away what i'm more inclined to believe dado for various reasons i was just sitting on cameras the whole time were you because you were also sitting on rob's body wait where where is the which is the camera room um i've been last round was just watching cameras this round just watching cameras what's the last objective you did i uploaded the data in the communications i'm not sure the security room is there i was fixing the reactor came back down the camera room is top left right yeah and i was just i think it's more left than where you were what oh well okay for is there you guys are not going to believe me because i just got certified all right all right you saw fruit on top of a body oh whoa because we just went through that didn't we with sir d yeah wait a second saw mr fruit on top of the body wait a second did you did you see him oh okay last time somebody was on a dead body came back he was gone is it possible that maybe somebody killed somebody and again i wasn't even i'm literally on cameras this whole time no he was on his body okay you did that i'm not letting you do it no not me all right i'm trusting you if you're wrong you can't get if i'm wrong kill me if i'm wrong kill me oh i will datto wait come on unfortunate yes there we go okay one left right now all right that sucks man right the window yeah he was literally right i was like i can't even go anywhere like i was like i can go somewhere i didn't know if you had known that like he could saw you well i did so i was like there's nowhere i can go yeah and also i got betrayed by my homie he voted for me we could have we could have got data who do you think if you had to guess i i truly have no idea oh you saw her no i didn't really get to make it that far before i got freaking backstabbed right don't tell me it's daniel no that'd be hilarious it's only oh she's dead oh it is he's he's trying to do the omegacon he voted me off he's like i'm trusting you so i mean you know props if he pulls it off but if not i'm pissed because we could have we could have nullified that vote and then i could have killed datto we could have taken over the world yeah you really could have nullified that vote huh i didn't think about that so i was like oh sweet i'm not getting voted he voted for me i'm just looking for somebody to kill her yeah mother's dad yeah oh do it um do it where's ohm he's right below here he's he's just debating with this for way too long i don't know what he's doing because the lights are off so he should have seen that who is somebody to fix the [ __ ] lights good lord in this game apparently i play wrong omis there's like no one watching him but he's spending like a minute at everything like i guess he sells it better than i do i i don't know at that point you're just wasting when it's down there like don't do it just get kills oh kill him out kill him come on home oh no um oh no ohm oh no ohm ah that's it wait a second wait do you see dork is the dork just i think dork is letting i think he's letting no dork yo dork was it that would dude dork was in the freaking security room there's a body who's there is a body in the security room dado who's body i don't i don't know who was who did we have left was it who is it i know who it is who is it sonic are you sure sonic he has to be sonic are you sure well i just okay yeah because fruit we voted out yeah it's sonic it has to be dork i'm with you what literally there's a there's a body in the security room i just run back he his kill was on cooldown so he couldn't he couldn't kill me uh-huh how do you know it's on cooldown cause there's a body in there uh-huh and we're talk we're down to the final three we are we do be down to the final three i'm voting door like you're baiting me what do you i just literally found a body and ran away as quick as i could to look at that i feel like there is a potential potential bait here okay well i mean listen why would i run back to report this why would you not right he had to have just made the kill i finished my last objective i went to security cam and there's a body in there and he's there and he was on the body he's next to it why wouldn't he have reported it because i don't care he doesn't care i mean that is dork's kind of mo i'm telling you dude oh my god dude you didn't vote i did not vote because dork is a wild card and you are good at talking words well i don't how the hell is what are we supposed to brill door come on man it's um a hundred percent 100 times sometimes you just take it too long because he's like dude he's trying to put on a performance like tom cruise and top gun well here's the thing like you weren't watching dork literally saw um kill sonic and then dork just stood there yeah and so om almost like i gotta do something i'm gonna kill someone but yeah she um did the the meltdown especially he's like there's a body there's there's a body why you should have voted you dumb why would you vote for him came to the security room i panicked i didn't have a lot of time to think literally saw you murder someone he's like man let's just let slide well he didn't see me murder him he came he came to the room after i killed him [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 4,736,390
Rating: 4.9515743 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us trailer, among us gameplay, among us how to play, among us game, among us xqc, among us twitch, among us review, among us tutorial, among us impostor, among us guide, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us part 1, among us vs town of salem, among us best imposter, among us imposter, among us with friends, among us with randoms, among us toast, among us mr fruit, trouble in terrorist town, among us vs ttt, the dream team
Id: y0LzkndHu5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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