Explaining the Flying Raijin Jutsu

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yo what's going on everybody swagage here and welcome to today's video where we're going to be talking about the flying Thunder God technique though you may also know it as the flying Rising Jutsu or hiroshim nojutsu this is one of many Ninjutsu created by the Second Hokage Toby ramasenju and is an S-Class space-time Ninjutsu that allows a person to leave a mark on any object's surface or person that they can teleport to at any later time there are almost no restrictions involved in using this technique aside from its steep learning curve meaning that it can be applied in almost an infinite number of ways the only requirement for a user of the flying Thunder God technique to teleport to any place of their choice is for them to have left one of these markings there and that's not very difficult to do under any circumstances because there's practically no known limit to the amount of surfaces a person can place one of these markings on weapons clothing the ground parts of the environment like trees and boulders another person's bare skin even it's possible to leave the techniques mark on all of these things and then some further adding to that the flying regime is not stated to have any range limit and is actually in implied not to have one many times Minato practically confirmed this when he gave Kakashi a kunai knife marked with the flying Thunder God seal as a gift for his promotion to joning and went on to say that as long as Kakashi was carrying this knife Minato would be able to teleport to him under any circumstances when he was in danger keep in mind that Minato said this in the middle of the third Shinobi World War meaning that he could be literally countries away so even if there is a cap on how far users of this Jutsu are able to teleport it's practically irrelevant if the distance is that massive further adding on to that there is also no known limit on the amount of seals a person can create with the flying Thunder God technique it's worth noting that when users of hiroshim use the technique to Mark a new object or location any previous markings they have created will not disappear Minato even flat out tells Obito that the seals created by hiraishin users never disappeared not under normal circumstances anyway and since there's nothing that even begins to imply that there is a cap on the amount of seals a person can create it's probably safe to assume that Minato and tobirama can create an limited amount of these markings so the formula markings themselves effectively have no limits placed on them but what about the technique itself how does it work and how does it involve interacting with these markings well like I said at the beginning of the video it's very simple it just involves a user of the technique teleporting to any of the markings that they have created there are no extra conditions that need to be fulfilled after the formula has been placed somewhere either no hand seals need to be weaved there's no need for any kind of Summoning contract none of that furthermore the teleportation has no startup time either at least not when Minato uses it as every instance of Minato employing flying Thunder God has always been instantaneous the actual process for the teleportation has been described as the user immediately being sent through a dimensional void and coming out through the other side at their intended destination very similar to commonly in that regard though I doubt it's possible for anybody to willingly teleport themselves into this void for any extended periods of time anyhow just like with Kamali it seems that skilled hiroshine users are able to use it in exchange for a negligible amount of chakra Toby Rama and Minato especially both spam this Jutsu though there are certain factors that can be entered to increase this technique's chakra cost also the amount of chakra consumed might be entirely analogous to the skill of the user as is the amount that a person can actually get out of using this technique while tobiorama is able to teleport both himself and other people and objects effortlessly using flying Thunder God and Minato was able to use it in Rapid succession with just as much ease the only other people capable of using the flying Thunder God technique are the Hokage guards three Elite joning and they're only capable of using it by locking their hands together standing in a specific formation and combining all of their chakra together at once none of them can use flying Rising individually without standing in this formation and so as you can imagine they don't get nearly as much out of it as Minato and Toby ramadu a ridiculous amount of skill is required to use this due to its fullest potential and this has made no more evident than by the facts that Minato is able to apply it even better than Toby ramakan and Toby Rama is the one who created the Jutsu now even when bearing that in mind both Minato and tobirama have accomplished some crazy things with flying Thunder God the sort of stuff that they've been able to pull off with it really pushes the jutsu's previously established boundaries when being used in skilled hands it's capable of doing quite a bit more than just teleporting the user though some of their applications can be described as advanced levels of basic teleportation like Tobi Rama's flying Thunder God slash many of the things that they have pulled off indicate an incredible amount of skill with the technique they've both shown the ability to teleport anything that's connected to their chakra and when they do so they're both capable of choosing whether or not to teleport themselves as well tobiorama has teleported himself along with Naruto and has also chosen to teleport people without teleporting himself and he's also used the flank under God technique to teleport a truth-seeking orb Minato has used it to teleport a bijudama from the full powered QB no less and the Biju dhama from the tin Tales when drawing from Naruto's chakra Minato also managed to teleport both he Naruto and the rest of the Allied Shinobi forces at the same time simply because he was locking hands with Naruto and Naruto's chakra was tied to everybody that Minato teleported Rama has also made it evident that it's possible for a skilled user of the flying Thunder God technique to teleport themselves or a Target to a seal created by another flying Thunder God user and when working together Minato and tobirama by marking themselves with their respective flying Thunder God markings are able to switch places using this technique of course all of these secondary applications likely require more chakra though it's impossible to gauge how much since most of these showings are from when tobirama and Minato were reanimated and had unlimited chakra regardless I imagine it requires a higher amount of chakra than the technique's basic function which is just to teleport the user and nothing more and this is what the flying Thunder God is most famous for Minato practically won konoha the third Shinobi World War this way single-handedly by using his iconic flying Rising inscribed kunai knives that he would scatter all across the battlefield either himself or with the help of his teammates which would allow him to effectively teleport anywhere he wanted at any given time during a battle and gave him complete control over every battle he took part in he was able to slay dozens of people by the second using the flying Thunder God technique this way not to mention the fact that kunai I can be thrown allowed Minato to teleport into the air to the location of an Airborne kunai and a whole bunch of other stuff anyhow though I think that about covers every detail of the flying Thunder God technique if I did miss anything important let me know in the comments below but I'm pretty sure I got everything so this is where I'm gonna end the video off as always thank you guys for watching the video all the way to the end if you're new here make sure you subscribe and hit the like button and if you really love me maybe check out my Twitter and patreon as always thank you guys for watching the video all the way to the end if you have any ideas for future video topics you want me to cover leave them in the comments below and I hope to see you in my next video till then though talk to you later swagage out bye [Music] oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 3,003,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, chakra natures, explaining chakra natures, chakra natures explained, naruto anime, swagkage, reanimation jutsu explained, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, rasengan, rasengan explained, rasenshuriken explained, flying raijin, flying raijin jutsu, flying raijin explained, flying thunder god explained, minato flying raijin, naruto flying raijin, naruto shippuden flying raijin
Id: WIFY1mI1ePk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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