What if Orochimaru Took Sasuke's Body?

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how's it going everybody uh it's your boy swag kage naruto man uh resident naruto lore master uh here to talk about what i think is a fairly interesting topic um where um i don't know if this is like the standard for what ifs now so i don't want to call it that but this isn't going to be like a multi-part series mainly on power scaling too just very you know yeah um by the way yeah y'all guys saw the thumbnail in the title what if orochimoro stole sasuke's body um this was like a big thing in part one yeah like that was back when orochimaru was like the guy and as soon as like naruto lost that fight in the valley of the end it was like oh wait this is like a real possibility now it went from like something a rochimaru wants to do to something that orochimaru might like do and i always thought it was really cool and i've always wondered what would happen if he actually succeeded i think everybody can agree that like obviously he'd be a problem but uh we're here to talk about how much of a problem he'd be because there are a lot of factors that i think people might miss uh you know like on their first look right like at first point right yeah because people just think like oh yeah orochimaru sharingan what do you do like there's madras and there's ridiculous there's like six paths like what is he gonna do you know but it's it's very interesting and i think one thing we have to point out real quick and i think you have done videos on this set that's done videos on this is that like orochimaru in part one you know you could argue either way but at least from what we know he's somewhat relative to the third okay and you know kabuto and them think he can like handle most kage anyways because like was like the strongest at the time even though he was like old and weakened so this version of rochimuru should already scale above that because i don't think he would want to take a body and become weaker [Music] if you want to downplay him like at his absolute worst like maybe you could say okay so like he's not getting weaker but he's getting stronger than like sikorochimaru like if you want to look at it from that angle then like maybe he's not stronger than like prime rochimaru or whatever but i think that that's like a bit i don't know if i want to say disingenuous but i think that's definitely um i don't think that's the right way to look at it because orochi maru was interested in taking songsuke's body since part one right before he was sick yeah yeah yeah exactly like in the middle of the the tuning exams leaf village invasion like when he was at the top of his game had edo tensei ready to go you know all this stuff um he still wanted sasuke to come train with him or so he could steal his body right and um he wanted to like fill in the kimono role yeah exactly so i think it's fair to assume then that even if orochimaru hadn't gotten weaker uh following his arms getting sealed i think he still would have been powered up by getting into sasuke's body i i just don't see like why he would get weaker it would be really weird yeah so like i agree with you it goes against his entire interest and saucy to begin with you know so like bare minimum yeah he is at least like a rochi maru plus one like at the at the very least and he worked really hard so that's like a super low ball he worked like really hard right to get to sasuke so uh i think that orochimaru like plus one is like a really really really low ball but but like even then like even if we assume that like that that's the level that he's at he's still stronger than like all five kage stronger than most of the akatsuki so um the strongest on him so yeah yeah exactly so that should i guess set the tone for this video set the scale um obviously he would take sasuke's body after the years of training so part two sasuke and yeah base sasuke before absorbing orochi moro was like already putting naruto and kim jutsus and just like you know saying hey ninetales yeah yeah he was he was crazy like like for real like like like obviously like sasuke's not like you know like top of the line naruto ninja or whatever like you got people like like minato or whatever who sure but but like so like you look at it in the context of like like what you know about naruto up to that point and this guy's like pretty scary uh and like like you know he he blitzes yamato right like yamato can't do anything about it his exact words in response to seeing sasuke move or he's fast so he's already way above jonine level um and then like you know like shortly after this like this same naruto with a little bit of training goes and kills one of the akatsuki and he still thinks by the way we talked about this um seth and i in our sasuke versus the akatsuki video um naruto still doesn't think he's caught up to sasuke yet after he kills kakazu with the ross and trick and this is this is pre orochimaru absorption sasuke too like naruto doesn't know that he's gotten stronger yet so um right that's true plus i mean i know this is kind of a weird argument to make but even though he barely barely caught the w against data with you know rochimura absorptions the only thing that may have added is a tiny power boost extra stamina and poison resistance so even like based sasuke with the sharingan after those years of training would have still put up a fight against her and he's like no joke either so you know yeah like and like the thing is like the only way dater wins that fight is by killing himself so it's not really even a w it's like a double ko a double yeah yeah and like like before that happened sasuke was like like like it was like he had every advantage daedra was on the back foot you know like like he he couldn't do anything to sasuke so like he he like straight up like rage quit dc from the match and killed himself i mean he actually got like so mad he started laughing and blew himself up so yeah so i mean if you're like a date or a fan boy like you know maybe you could argue that he could still win that fight fine but at the same time though sasuke pre-erotic more absorption isn't going out like a chump you know so the uh interesting thing about this i think too is that sasuke later says himself that uh orochimaru without us like any sickness to worry about uh would have been stronger than him like he wouldn't have been able to handle that and that hiroshima sickness was the only reason uh he was able to overpower it was like the perfect storm like sasuke attacked at the perfect time yeah yeah yeah exactly so um this implies then that this same sasuke that we've been jerking off for the past five minutes that's like still inferior to base no sharing on rochimaru okay so like now no no no we haven't even gotten to the actual like uchiha amp that he gets yet so like take this that we've been talking about you know like this like like a move like move the goal posts like further up like now rochimar is even stronger than that uh so then you take this guy who's like stronger like pretty significantly uh because like like it would have to be like by a significant margin for sasuke to be like yeah i straight up couldn't have killed him if he wasn't sick right like it wasn't like oh it would have been a close fight or i think i could have done it it was like no he would have beaten me uh so like i think that the difference would have been fairly large so you take that and now okay so the orochimaru's probably uh a problem that like the the whole akatsuki would be worried about right now now people like obi topanitachi can probably still handle this orochimaru like again without the amps but then now you give him like a sharing on and like all this other stuff like just the base sharing on no mangekyo yet but it's like ah well now he starts to get a little bit like scary now he starts to turn into a little bit of a problem and it's hard to like place him like like power scale wise um like where he'd be here because because like i mean you could just say oh he gets like like a standard showing on amp um but i don't think it's that simple because um like i think that sasuke was like it's hard to explain like i don't know if i would say that sasuke was like physically more powerful or anything like that than like prime rochimura but i think he gets a lot out of just like having like a new chihuahua body and like the sharing on like and all this stuff like i think that it like orochimar was able to adjust uh to the new bodies that he took really quickly um like like that one guy like the uh the um the one dude with the white hair who he takes at the end of part one yeah like like that dude like you you don't see like any of him uh and ship it in like like a roche maro's just turned that body into his own by then so um i i think it would be more than like like a simple like sharingan buff i think like orochimaru would take all of sasuke's abilities like his lightning affinity and like really you know like like like take advantage of them and push them to their limit and stuff right because it's not like he's taking a a kakashi body with like the sharingan and it has like no mesh whatsoever he's taken a prime uchiha body after like years of training with the sharingan so it's like yeah exactly that should you know be enough and one thing i want to get like your uh opinions on and we kind of discussed a little bit of it you know before this call off air and i also want the commenters to kind of like get in on this too is there is an anime only scene where like kabuto and orochimaru sikoro tomorrow by the way are talking about like yeah man um if you get like sasuke's potty not only will you like destroy the five kage but like the entire continent they will bow down before you and i mean you and i were discussing right off the bat that like yeah that makes sense because like orochimoro before you know getting sick and the whole grim reaper still was already like you know hey i'm gonna fight you and i'm pretty sure i can beat you we'll see though you know that means he would already body the five kage anyways you know what i mean or at least you know one-on-one however you want to you know go with it so that makes sense but the entire continent that's interesting we know kabuto is aware of most of the akatsuki members so like what's your opinion on that like so itachi and pain are like a little bit weird um and i actually think that whether or not a orochimaru can do anything against hitachi is relevant in this scenario because like assuming that orochimaru successfully takes sasuke's body well the first thing that he has to worry about is hitachi's like dare like flame one at his hideout hitachi is showing up and he's gonna kill orochimaru's yeah yeah exactly like genjutsu lockdown um and now i think that even if you give rochimaru like all of these benefits it's hard to say that he takes out hitachi because like now depending on how you want to interpret um the length of time between the uchiha massacre and uh the beginning of the series um you may be able to assume that like orochimaru trained in between uh like throughout this period of time and got significantly more powerful uh but but it's unquantifiable so i mean like like if it's kind of hard to to say whether or not the possibility is relevant uh but the fact right is that orochimaru tried to fight hitachi little baby kitty tachi and got bodied like he got beat so bad that he literally had to quit the yakonsky and any amount of training that you want to say orochimaru did to get stronger you obviously have to apply to itachi and itachi was a lot younger so his room for improvement was of course a lot greater now granted this is a substantial amp but gets an amp like all of a sudden he'd be able to like win like that was a really big like gap in power that like that was present there like orochimaru went from wanting to steal itachi's body like that being his like goal to like like he gets caught in one genjutsu and suddenly like he's not about any of it anymore yeah he's just like that one gift with that dude that deuces it just disappears you know he's just like yeah yeah so like i i think that hitachi's probably still out of his grasp um sikki tachi is like a little bit different because like yeah he's not so he's not physically that much of a threat but you do still have to worry about the susano and it's like what arochimaru be able to outlast uh hitachi's very limited stamina and like not get stabbed by the toadska blade it's kind of like i don't like i don't know man and yeah like pain was also like i mean i i've talked about this so many times before but like pain was no joke like naruto went in there with like every bit of data he could have possibly had on pain sage mode amp prep time with like two clones in the background gathering sage energy uh nine tails chakra gets unleashed because hinata almost dies minato restores his chakra uh pain had just fought the whole village and blown up the whole village and wasn't in the rain village so he was like weaker like all these things in order to still barely scrape by um right with the w so like the guy's a monster you know you got six bodies to worry about chewbacca tensei chaotic shinra tensei soul steel all these things i don't think orochi maori is quite there yet at least not without some training i think that like with um enough time like with sasuke's body i think that maybe he could push himself to that level because it's not like he's a chump or whatever but it's like people like at that strength it's just like like with a bass sharing on i don't see arochimaru being able to pull it off what do you think no i agree with you i mean we'll talk about some other amps that he could possibly get in a second but like right now where we're at without like training body modifications or possibly you know higher versions of the sharing gun i don't really see him going anywhere i mean we know he can take out guys like you know the raika gay the like he'd be like around that area because he was already you know around that area anyways without sasuke's body so you know and then like saucery too like that's interesting because they got a little rivalry there like imagine sorcery just getting like bodies with sasuke oh that's funny i mean heat on and caucasus might be in trouble but i mean we'll talk about that like in another video i don't know yeah i i think that orochi maru takes out like all of them like pretty much everybody except for like obito payne and hitachi get handled like all the kage are done um yeah obviously like naruto kakashi and them like who cares um tsunadi might be some trouble oh i i think that um probably not you know kabuto did beat her so now i know like before people get mad like yeah yeah yeah there was like the whole blood like phobia thing but like she still lost to kabuto so like that like that's still on the record it's not like like stricken yes she was like nerfed but like she's still lost to kabuto orochimaru's henchmen like i think orochimaru with a sasuke amp would be fine come on bro she yelled that mutter and lived to tell about it man her face against moderate are crazy but like uh i i just yeah i don't see it um right um okay well okay seriously we can we can also talk about like jariah too like a lot of people see orochimaru and jaraya as like rivals um realistically i think orochimaru is stronger because like i've talked about this before and i talked to mj about it before we started recording um states that he almost got killed by foretail naruto and then like orochimaru just fights an older version of the same naruto and does fine it's like even if you assume both versions of four-tailed naruto are equal rochi maru's performance like it's just blatantly superior to jurais here so now granted right in a like sage mode but i don't know something tells me orochimaru's not letting him get to sage mode um well not to mention in part one i know like the whole thing with zeraya and all that stuff it's like he wasn't even like thought of when they're like oh yeah the rochimo is like coming after the students and you know they're like only if minato was here like only if like no one even like wants to like say hey jaraya like go get your homeboy you know but like yeah like jariah was there like training naruto and they're just like oh man if minato is here yeah we're like you know through okay we're like a few years younger you know or something like that but it's just yeah like he's not even thinking the equation to combat like orochimoro and this you don't even bring him up to like get rid of the sound four barrier i don't know that's kind of just like yeah i guess i'll have to handle this myself yeah like jerry's like hey man no oh if only i had some help and he's just like oh okay okay well okay like jaraya aside let's go back to hitachi because one thing that would have to bring up is hitachi wasn't necessarily going all out against sasuke when he was sick so the idea is that he would most likely be bloodlusted right like right up ready to go so yeah i think that like that he taught she probably takes the sorochimaru to town um and it's not like a situation where he's fighting a bunch of people at once and his stamina gives out like he really he just has to kill hirochimaru is the thing so um like i know totsuko blade gg is like annoying it's kind of yeah but i think it actually applies here and with pain same deal chewbacca 10 say gg um right it gets a little more interesting i think when you give him the mangekyo sharing on because that's like a like a big amp like like a big big amp um like just having the mangakyo sharing on made sasuke in his base like equal to no stronger than according to karine um his curse seal two state which is um according to jarobo uh 10 times amp right i think more than a 10 times amp if i'm remembering correctly and uh kimimaro and sasuke have the strongest cursed seals so this of course means that uh sasuke has a um an unquantifiably higher than 10 times amp uh just from being like base sharing on after unlocking the mangekyo showing on that's huge for arochimaru right um now the question is like how would he be able to do it because i don't know if he'd like like i feel he's a pretty like sociopathic like emotionally detached guy i don't know what could prompt him to awaken it maybe like just the the joy of finally accomplishing his goal and getting the shine on would be so strong that he just like get ms immediately after getting sasuke's body i don't know but like that aside you kind of have to use your imagination to think of how he gets it uh but let's just assume that he has it so i still don't know if he would be able to like be like a full power hitachi but i don't think that him beating like sikitachi is out of the question anymore like especially with all his like like especially when you like it's not like ms sasuke like five kage summit sasuke versus hitachi at this point it's like orochi maru with five kage summit sasuke's powers versus hitachi and that's like poison resistance plus yeah insane stamina training you know this yeah and like he doesn't have to deal with like the kakashi thing where like oh he's a non uchiha trying to use sharing because like technically he is but he's in sasuke's body it's not a transplant so um you know like he's he's fine and um yeah we also talked about this before but um even if you want to give the right kange every benefit of the doubt possible um after his fight with sasuke where sasuke got like ambushed by the way taken completely by surprise that fight was going to end with a dying because he like jumped straight into the amaterasu um yeah i don't know whether he would have broken through the susano or not but even if you say he would have he still would have died so like sasuke there would have like tied with the right kage and like we already explained why like orochi maru in base is stronger than that so like you give him all of sasuke's tools and it's like yeah like now he's not even on like he's not even the same tier like not even on the kage's radar anymore i should say the kage aren't on his radar anymore it's really just a question of whether or not he can deal with these like really high tier like akatsuki members and i think that he he probably can right because he's like so he's got like and now it's it's up in the air again but like he's got um the susano now right like he's got uh like sasuke's like base amp um he's got all of his other stuff like i imagine edo tensei would be usable now um he could probably use every chakra nature if he wants but we know at the very least he can use lightning and fire pretty easily um i just thought about something yeah imagine itachi like sikkitashi coughing up blood with a little hanky hanging out his chest going up against like orochimaru with ms like five kage summit sasuke powers with the susano over him guarding him and then he has like toby ram and hashirama in front of the suits yeah yeah like like if you give him like edo tensei there it's like yeah like i don't know what like like it is so like like if the sushi was fully evolved yeah like i think hitachi's done for pain is like iffy but i'm pretty sure if you give orochimaru edo tensei he can definitely do it uh like with noedo tensei it's like questionable but like with them there or like with other people he wants to revive they're like yeah now i don't think he has to worry about the ikotsky anymore so like if he gets ms i actually think orochimaru just like beats the game and like takes over the world because who does he have to worry about after that like oh toe i guess and like it depends on how strong you think obito is at that point i guess um so like if you look at sasuke's fight with danzo like like sasuke's struggling but he he's he's eventually able to win but like obito is just sitting there like yeah i could just go in any time and like end on whatever um yeah he's got like all these crazy feats of like like ginchurki or like immune to genjutsu we specif like the first time we learn about this like it's specifically in response to a sharing on genjutsu and obito just like controls yagura for years nobody even knows like it's so convincing and so like thorough with like like i don't even know what jutsu he used i guess it was just regular mangekyo genjutsu it's like mind controlling and i mean that that that's the big thing too right is like the community part like he how do you hit him i don't think orochi mario would even be able to like damage him this is said multiple times i think once after the pain fight and once after the five kage summit arc obito like mentions to like zetsu like yeah if sasuke gets out of hand i'll just like end him or something like that so we know he's not afraid of like taking on any version of sasuke at that point with the susano and the arrow and the modest rods after the five kage summit too then that means he was like fine with dealing with ems sasuke with like no pentagons so yeah i'd be dude i i know we're talking about like maybe here that obito could possibly lose depending on what you give rochimura by the end of the day dawg obito was someone who showed up and like started battling like multiple versions of casey of naruto got like rosane gone straight to the face rising sure against the face was getting thrown around all over the battlefield took on most of the uh alliance by himself because there's like a lot of scenes especially in the anime where modern just like watching yeah yeah like watching obito do all the work like hmm did this dude is just getting like thrown around fights kakashi gets stabbed multiple times gets his body like zetsu weird thing going on his like durability is off the charts yeah like he so you know that thing like where like aldrin turkey die if they have one bead you taken out obito has nine of them taken out at the same time well no i guess not nine i guess he didn't actually have yuki and karama in him so technically he only had seven taken out at once eight if you also count the ten tails as a separate entity but the point is is like a pretty like devastating procedure this dude wasn't dying bro no matter what it took like to kill him or something yeah like i had to shoot him with her like insta-kill like attack that like disintegrates you for him to die the interesting thing about this is if like this version of rochimuru kills the tachi sekitachi takes his eyes you know you have a rochimoro with hitachi hitachi's eyes you know you have all these user training modification to the body sharing gone that's the other thing i guess we didn't talk we didn't even talk about ems right like if he has ems and he's like ems sasuke level i think that's true like wait like with ado hitachi yeah obito is like oh that's yeah so like like bass ms uh orochimaro with like no eddos struggles against obito but yeah like if he's actually already killed hitachi opito has a really hard time and by a really hard time i mean he loses but we're where we're about to go it's like a even crazier than that so yeah i'll let you continue my bad i just felt like oh no yeah you're fine because we should talk about that but you know itachi's eyes everything like i just said and an interesting statement from kabuto is the fact that when he's like conversing with madra like right before the shinobi alliance versus moderate scene he's like i am merely testing out a hypothesis like from many years of experiments by lordo rochimorio and myself and what they're talking about is the renight and how he awakened it and how like what moderate being there what mata is doing pretty much confirmed their experiments so arochimaru has years of renagon you know experimentation and training and stuff like that so it's if he had if he gets the rid of god bro if he awakens it and the thing is it's possible that he can because it's like it's not like he has to like steal it from nagato which which he could do but it's not like that's that's the only avenue he has uh because uh if he gets sasuke's body he like convenes like this falls in his lap like he's like the luckiest guy ever but he just gets the body of the reincarnation of indra and yes all he needs is some hashirama cells and they're like boom right and he's already yeah like because he's like he made yamato he gave danzo the izanagi arm so like he he's fine right all he has to do is just inject some like hashirama chakra like into his face like he doesn't even have to do like the wood style surgery because you know there's maybe some people who are going to be like well he why doesn't he use wood style then because like we know the the procedure like kills people or whatever like right maybe he doesn't even have to do that maybe he just like injects like some of hashirama's chakra into his body or whatever but like boom he has the rinigon and he doesn't have any of the stamet a stamina problems that obito did he can use both of them fine because those are now his rinnegan like in his eyes so like i think even if he has like the rinnegan i legit do still see like prime modera and hashirama probably being able to like take him out but like where are they like they're gone like nobody's brought them back and like who who who the would cert orochimaru certainly wouldn't he doesn't need like them to hel and at this point anyway um orochimaru probably knows better than to try and go get hashirama like out of the reaper's belly so like he wouldn't do that like there's really no chance i mean matara is like like maybe arochimaru would do it but like i don't know and i think edo moderate could like probably still maybe handle like i don't know no like because this road tomorrow is really strong and yeah i mean like as much as i like moderate i don't think the edo moderator would be able to do it like like if he has a perfect susano then yeah i think that's gg for like everybody yeah that's true i mean at that point you might need and i think people may hate me for saying this but you might need like tin tails jin turkey characters or like six past characters to actually take them out no like straight up because so like i think the best way to like put it is like you imagine like like sage kabuto like how strong he was right and then you imagine that he's like even stronger to begin with and then you give him a rinagon and you say that he like that's his renate gone you you know what's a good way of looking at it yeah is you take jerusalem who had probably one of the best showcases in the entire war like alongside like naruto in them yeah you have like kuruzen right old man who rules in 100 full power doesn't hold back give him the perfect suicidal give him all of the renegade abilities give him the sage mode amp give him the ems amp [Music] yeah and like he's also bloodlusted all the time and has like no moral compass and like doesn't have like the um doesn't have the edo tensei nerve but also probably still has like unlimited chakra anyway because he has crazy stamina because he's a rochimaru do we need to say more like should we stop should we be like nah yeah all this is just wank like yeah he he gets beat by sikitashi like i mean it might be wank to say he even gets the rinnegan but like is it is it really cause like he's in sasuke's body so it's like yeah i mean also like you mentioned before we even started recording this that kabuto's statement about the entire like nation bowing down to him may not even be capped because that kabuto by that point should have knowledge of the renaissance because they mentioned years of experimentation so it's like i i think that what would happen is he would try to mess around with hashirama's chakra and then boom the rinnegan would just happen would just happen yeah i mean like you mentioned earlier a lot of this goes off of like just itachi's motive like whatever hitachi's course of action is shapes up like this entire what if because either arochimuru hides out in seclusion and is able to train you know modify sasuke's body you know does the hashima injection chakra etc right or itachi shows up straight up like as soon as he takes sasuke's body and then roshimoro gets clapped so he doesn't get a chance to do all that you know so it really it really depends on like it's haji's course of action because he he may just pull up to their hideout and just do what he did to like kabuto like immediately activate like susan though and just be like let's go you know so i think the only thing that's really like iffy is whether or not he can get sage mode i i don't i don't think that it's that outrageous but if you want to throw that out i guess you can i still think he's like borderline unstoppable like if you give him sage mode i think like that's where you need like the six pads characters before that i don't know like it's maybe like you could probably still handle him with like full power hashirama and stuff but like once you give him the sage mode that's when he's like completely untouchable by like you know regular characters yeah and i i think also too like at this point if orochimaru does get sage mode he's probably gonna go like round up the remaining bijou because like what's stopping him from like running up on naruto and getting the nine tails in the ghetto mazzo because now he has a rinnegan so he can summon it so uh like stopping him from stealing the eight tails and the nine tails and they get omazo and getting six past powers of his own and like literally being unstoppable i mean i guess we've talked enough about this the idea here is that what if realistically i guess realistically if you don't count renagon if you don't count stage mode you know mangekyo sharingan orochimoro is probably like like sikitachi level maybe a little bit higher so yeah i think that's like the realistic level but if you want to give them like renegade stage mode then yeah that's right you could amp them up to like full power moderate like chantelle's obito i guess yeah and i hope you guys uh have fun or had fun i i've misspoke so many times this video oh bye everybody yeah but i'm keeping this in by the way oh no [Music] later [Music] foreign
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 1,041,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, explaining chakra natures, naruto anime, swagkage, sage mode explained, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, rasengan explained, flying raijin explained, naruto susanoo explained, naruto ninja ranks, sasuke uchiha, naruto sasuke uchiha, orochimaru, naruto orochimaru, what if orochimaru took sasuke's body, orochimaru sasuke, sasuke vs orochimaru, sasuke naruto shippuden
Id: ITtMeyf6rIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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