Explaining the Byakugan

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so I was gonna put this video off since I've already done three videos about the Doh jutsu in the Naruto universe and I don't want to over saturate the channel with Naruto videos over such a short period of time but then I went in skimmed through the data about the Byakugan and realized I could probably go through everything about it in five minutes or less so let's get going so first things first the name what does it mean well luckily for both you and me it's very simple and won't take any time to explain it all Byakugan just translates to white eye you know cuz we aku God it's white unfortunately that gives us no one say whatsoever into the Byakugan so Goom kinda left hanging for a segue here I guess the best thing to jump to from here would be acquisition of the Byakugan so let's cover that well there's not really a whole lot to say about that either because lake unlike with the Rinnegan and the Sharingan there's no convoluted process to go through to unlock the Byakugan you just sort of have it from birth I should probably specify that not everybody can gain access to the Byakugan this easily it is a Hyuga only thing but for members of the Hyuga clan acquiring the Byakugan is incredibly simple generally the ability is available from birth but in some rare cases it has to be unlocked the process for unlocking the Byakugan has never really been explained though and given the simple nature of the DOH jutsu and the fact that every Hyuga on screen has it I'm pretty sure that unlocking the Byakugan is a pretty easy thing to do so now that I've covered acquisition let's go ahead and jump to abilities how powerful is the Byakugan what is it capable of well see the Byakugan is pretty underwhelming when put up against the Sharingan and the Rinnegan know don't get me wrong it's still a valuable asset it's powerful enough that tons of shinobi from various different countries have attempted to infiltrate the Land of Fire to steal the Byakugan for themselves but again it's nowhere near as powerful as the manga key of Sharingan or the Rinnegan so bear that in mind now that said in terms of visual prowess the Byakugan shits all over the Sharingan and they're running on like it's not even a contest not only does the Byakugan give its owner and nearly 360-degree field of vision but in addition to that this field of vision stretches for quite some distance now this range varies between different Byakugan owners and can be increased through training but most of the time it still really impressed regardless I don't know what the exact limit on the range of the Byakugan is or if there even is one but Hinata managed to increase the distance her Byakugan could see from 50 meters in part one to ten kilometers in shipping no I don't know if we're exactly clear on how big ten kilometers is but that's like really far away and considering Hinata isn't even an exceptionally powerful member of the Hyuga clan I don't even want to think about how far some of the clans most powerful members can see or god forbid how far kagu use eyes can see anyway the ridiculous range of the Byakugan has helped in no small part by its ability to see through solid objects yes in other words that means the Byakugan has x-ray vision and while this has very very very many long-range benefits particularly the ability to see through any obstructions in the way of the Byakugan massive field of vision and also as a plethora of close-range benefits the most obvious ability that this grants is the ability to see chakra like the Sharingan in the Rinnegan can go in this field the Byakugan far outclasses those two unlike the Sharingan and the Rinnegan that can only see the basic chakra flow throughout a person's body the Byakugan can clearly see a person's entire chakra network in full detail by extension this allows them to see tiny things called chakra points and this ability is indispensable as a matter of fact there are quite a few ninjutsu techniques that the Hyuga created to complement the ability to see chakra points and the most powerful is the eight trigrams sixty-four palms now the eight trigrams sixty-four palms has more powerful variants like the 128 palms gourd I guess that but the function remains the same across all of its variants the function in question is to completely devastate an enemy's chakra pathway system by striking sixty-four of an enemy's chakra points or 128 in the case of the 128 palms the user of the technique stops the flow of chakra through each of the points that are stricken as a result chakra fails to flow through the body at any rate whatsoever and it leaves the person on the receiving end unable to do anything even something as simple as stand up the only other noteworthy technique that's really really really heavily reliant on the Byakugan is the eight trigrams palm rotation which is just like a blue version of Shinra Tensei in essence it makes use of the 360-degree vision of the eye but not much else and speaking of that it is worth noting that the Byakugan do not have complete 360-degree vision there is one blind spot directly above the thoracic vertebra and this is a blind spot that Sakura actually used our advantage in the fight against Takuya one final note as well is that Hager almost said that the Byakugan can be used to increase the range of genjutsu which Kaguya took advantage of to increase the range of the infinite tsukuyomi so I guess there's that thing is that's kinda where the Byakugan abilities end I mean like I could talk about the twin lion fists or air palm or whatever but those aren't Byakugan abilities those are abilities created to complement the Byakugan not the same thing yeah like I said the Byakugan is kind of underwhelming I mean I guess I could talk about the tense agon but there's even less to say about it than there is about the Byakugan the tenseigan is - the Byakugan what the Rinnegan is - the Sharingan it is a six paths enhanced version of the eye that has super ultra God powers and can only be acquired through some dumb convoluted process in the case of the tenseigan acquiring it can be done by simply being a member of the old Satsuki clan and transplanting a member of the Hyuga clans Byakugan into your eyes it's really that simple anyway the abilities of the tenseigan are kind of weird too the eyes seem to give a person control over attractive and repulsive forces like the deva path of the Rinnegan though i'm not sure if the extent of control is the same as that of the Rinnegan it also grants a person access to the tenseigan chakra mode for some [ __ ] reason which is pretty much just a green version of Naruto's chakra mode that also comes with the truth-seeking orbs typically seen in six paths and jutsu I think the tenseiga line also lets you fly if you have it so that's cool but yeah that's about all there is for the Byakugan told you this would be quick [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 1,873,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, sharingan, anime, itachi, naruto shippuden, sakura, sasuke uchiha, uchiha clan, swagkage, dragon ballogy, story, sasuke, uchiha, ninja, manga, hokage, uzumaki, tobi, shippuden, rinnegan, explained, in depth, 101, mangekyo, kakashi, nagato, byakugan, neji, hinata, boruto, hyuga, hanabi, himawari, the byakugan explained
Id: jc9iHrefpHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2016
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