How Strong is Obito?

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so my last video did really well and I sort of expected that he thought she's really popular at the very least I thought I did get a decent amount of attention but certainly nowhere near as much as it actually ended up getting I really appreciate it you guys were super supportive and you seemed pretty happy with the idea of me making more videos in the same format but about different characters I saw a ton of people requesting specific characters and a surprising chunk of the cast was represented among these requests the two most popular characters by a pretty decent margin where she sui and obito even though she's who he's really cool he's barely in the series which makes it pretty difficult to discern precisely how strong he is so we're gonna be focusing on Obito today I'll get the Shih Tzu at some point in the future though so don't worry I promise like I really do mean it just not today today we're talking about Obito now just like Itachi Obito becomes much more powerful over the course of his life how strong he is varies tremendously depending on which point in his life you're talking about so again like with Itachi we'll be analysing Obito chronologically and jumping forward in time anytime there's an indication of a major increase in ability obviously this means we'll be starting with his humble beginnings as a member of Team Minato [Music] it goes without saying that at this point Obito is kind of a dunce that's the entire point of his character and when we first see him during the Kakashi heat in chapters even though we're not given a lot of time to learn what he is and isn't capable of you can still tell that he's not cut from the same cloth as the rest of the you Chiho clan as were fed more information about Obito and his life before he met Madara this starts to feel more and more true he doesn't really accomplish anything worth mentioning and is clearly the weakest of his four team members now most people think that this change is at least a little bit when he first awakens his Sharingan and helps Kakashi take out two rock ninja but you'd be surprised by how little you actually get to see him do he stabs two people and one of them happens to be camouflaged that's it now I'm not saying that means Obito is completely worthless even after awakening his Sharingan or anything but it wouldn't be fair to make any judgments about what he's capable of given how little he accomplishes now all that said as soon as he meets Madara and subsequently unlocks the ability to activate the mangekyo sharingan he pretty much becomes an entirely different person [Music] the hidden mist ninja that Obito fights with Toby's help are all likely much stronger than the rock ninja that nearly killed him and he tears through dozens of them without breaking a sweat now despite the fact that these guys all appear to be ANBU level because of the gear that they're wearing they're also clearly Jabra characters written into the series for the sole purpose of being killed by Obito none of them have any on-screen accomplishments I have no idea how strong they are and neither do you which makes them a really bad point of reference for determining how strong oh wee toe is it's still possible to make an educated guess of course and I think the act of wiping out an entire ANBU platoon in 11 pages with zero difficulty is enough to put him above the weight class of most joaneen claiming anything else with certainty is a bit tough though since I'd like to reiterate that this fight only lasts for 11 pages and I'm going to add that for most of these 11 pages as in about 95% Obito only uses taijutsu to be fair it's very impressive taijutsu Obito appears to crack a few people's skulls open with the force of his punches alone we also get to see them launch wooden Spears straight through people's faces but the point that I'm trying to make is we don't get to see him do much outside of hand-to-hand combat and because of how versatile so many of the characters in this series have proven they can be it's tough for me to say how Obito would fare against some of them based solely on his taijutsu skill we're also not shown how good Obito is it using kama we hear we don't know if he can suck people into the common wee dimension or if he even knows there is a pocket dimension attached to his manga Kyo Sharingan considering how much better Kakashi got it using commonly over the course of the series though I think it's safe to assume that Obito probably had a lot of room for improvement at this point I mean who knows maybe he could suck people into the dimension I mean I think it's really unlikely but I can't say for sure to be honest I don't really feel like speculating so let me just stick to what I do know you know that Obito can face through people's attacks and that he can perform wood-style toby seems pretty impressed by how skilled Obito is with wood release as well I mean he only says like one thing about it so it's not like this in place that Obito's is one of the best wood released users ever or anything but he gets this praise immediately after gaining the ability to use wood style in the first place and it also comes from another would release user Tobie also makes this comment before Obito does this so I don't think it's being too generous to say that Obito's probably a pretty decent wood style user even if phasing through attacks and performing wood jutsu was all Obito could do which we know it's not he's at least also able to use the fireball jutsu and probably has a handful of other skills that we don't get to see he'd still sound pretty intimidating like I said at this point I think he's already way stronger than most joaneen and while it's up for debate whether or not he's cog a level I think he's definitely at least on the way there [Music] moving on to yellow mask Obito the one that attacked Konoha with the nine tails under his control I actually have a lot less to say about him than I expected now there's still a decent bit to dig into here but the fights really short only about a chapter long and obito losses kind of badly now it's not like Obito's near death at the end of the fight or anything Mina toe hits some of the good old Rasengan schmackdown but it doesn't land any other major hits on him and even though Obito does retreat at the end of the fight it's not because he doesn't think he can be mean a toe or because he's losing really badly but personally I don't think he would have won had he continued to fight me to toe but but anyway the the reason he actually leaves is because the QB gets separated from him the whole reason he went to Konoha was to capture the nine tail so losing it sort of defeated the purpose of being there he left because he didn't feel like he had any reason to stay not because he was worried he was going to die now even though he loses to me to toe I mean like it is mean to toe we're talking about that's not a huge deal Obito still shows that he's plenty powerful anyway he manages to successfully separate Kushina and amina toe for long enough to extract the nine tails then puts the nine tails under his control he almost on two separate occasions sucks Mina toe into the Kamui dimension and only fails because he's fighting the actual fastest ninja of all time another thing I want to mention is this Obito fights with a pretty clever strategy using chains in combination with comely he has chains bound to both his arms and to the purpose of the chains is to catch people after he passes through them using calmly while they're caught off-guard by being tangled up inside of the chains I imagine Obito can do whatever he wants with them including sucking them up with combo weed to secure instant victory again the only reason this didn't work on Mina toe is because Mina toe can teleport but there are so many other people that this should work on and I'm honestly surprised that Obito stopped using the chains because of how effective I think they'd be it's also possible to argue that this is one of the strongest versions of Obito's since he's in control of the nine tails and as we saw during Naruto and B's fight against Obito and six jinchuriki the nine tails is way stronger than any of the other Bijoux a single bijuu dama from half of Kurama was able to cancel out a big conglomerate mega b Sudama fired by five other Bijou at once so in theory with the entire nine tails under his control past Obito should be able to take out the six or seven Bijou counting shikaku that futuro Beto had under his control during the war arc now that doesn't automatically make yellow mask Obito stronger than white mask war arc Obito because you have to take a bunch of factors into consideration that I'll get into when we discuss war arc Obito anyway at this point Obito's way stronger than he was at any point in the past he's tremendously more powerful than he was when he was a member of team Minato of course and he also appears to be significantly more powerful than he was when he first unlocked the manga Akio Sharingan since he seems skilled in quite a few more areas I imagine he's gotten faster since he was able to briefly keep pace with Minato and he also seems to be more skilled with calmly since he attempts to suck Minato into the dimension at least once he's also able to summon the nine tails which is a pretty big deal as I've said and though he's susceptible to losing control of it due to a contract seal it it'd be pretty difficult for anybody that isn't Minato to actually place a contract seal on Obito since he can face through matter it will another thing I think I should bring attention to is Minato was fighting Obito on easy mode here because he didn't have to worry about the nine tails until after Obito had already left Kurama was busy attacking Konoha because Obito told him to for some reason and if he had been fighting alongside Obito me anatole would have had a lot more trouble like he already had to commit suicide just to deal with the nine tails by itself so I feel like obito's Kamui shenanigans stacked on top of that may have been a bit too much for Minato to handle now to be fair to me and so the only reason he killed himself using the reaper death seal is because he wanted to make sure the nine tails was sealed inside of Naruto so that the leaf still had it as an asset Kushina was ready to outright kill Kurama but Minato decided against it he really wanted to make sure that the village still had the nine tails at its disposal in case of war against other villages so taking that into consideration if we strip him of his inhibitions about killing the nine tails then it's possible that he would have been able to deal with Obito and Kurama at the same time especially if we put sage mode on the table but regardless of the outcome I think the fact that Obito is this much of a threat to somebody like Minato is ridiculous again as we saw Minato is able to deal with oito pretty quickly without having to worry about the ninetails but if we're counting the ninetails then Obito is way stronger than a big majority of the cast at this point even without Kurama to worry about most people don't have a solid counter to camaleón while they're trying to figure one out they may end up getting tangled up in obito's chains and sucked away into the dimension anyway you should also still be able to use wood style which I guess he only stopped using in order to sell the whole moderate chi-ha shtick and if he still is skilled with it as he was when he wiped out the mist platoon then that makes him even more dangerous calling this version of Obito s-class or cog a level is a massive understatement he's one of the most powerful ninja of all time and is well equipped to take out every member of the Akatsuki even pain wouldn't be able to do anything about the ninetails trabajo tents I couldn't stop Naruto and Naruto was only using an 8 tailed cloak fueled by half of the nine tails chakra [Music] let's move on to orange mask Obito and now this is a little bit tricky because it's at this point in the series that we see him do the least amount of fighting he's mostly preoccupied with taking care of the setup for the eye of the Moon plan and in the process he does a whole lot of lying he initially fools everyone with the goofball Tobi persona and then starts trying to convince people that he's Madara Uchiha none of this misdirection makes it any easier to figure out how strong Obito was at this point but luckily thanks to the fact that we know at least a little bit about his life before he put on the orange mask we can use stuff like his fight with Minato and his fight against the blood mist as a baseline for his strength here like I said in the yellow mask Obito section I think he's the strongest member of the Akatsuki and there's a lot of evidence to support that spread throughout the first half of shipit' and since this is a pretty hotly debated topic that's where I'm going to start because I know there are a ton of people who don't think he's stronger than either pain or Itachi and I'd like to establish right from the beginning here that he definitely a hundred percent is so even though he can't freely summon the nine tails anymore and doesn't get a free win against most of his potential opponents Obito's had 16 years to get stronger and there's no way he's weaker than he was when he fought Minato he should be substantially more powerful even if that's not enough to convince you despite the fact that every member of the Akatsuki gets their orders from Payne Payne receives his orders directly from Obito now you could be thinking that doesn't mean Obito is stronger than him Nagato could just trust in his wisdom and his judgment since he claims to be moderate you see huh after all and while that's a fair point if Obito was nothing more than the brains behind the Akatsuki he'd be relegated to the role of advisor not full-blown leader since Nagato and Conan were two of the organization's founders and they have radically different plans for how to use the Bijoux once they're collected there's no reason they'd allow Obito to bark orders at them if they were more powerful than him anyway now let's move on to Itachi every time I come across people discussing this topic I see these two manga panels brought up I don't think people know what they're actually intended to mean so let me quickly clear up some misconceptions about them and the first one Obito's telling zetsu the Akatsuki is free to attack the leaf because he taught she's dead and he doesn't have to worry about him anymore I see a lot of people acting like this means Obito didn't attack Konoha strictly out of fear that he thought she would kill him if he tried to and that's a little bit ridiculous because he says this right before he sends Payne to capture Naruto the reason Obito says this is because he doesn't want to create any unnecessary problems when he knows he doesn't have to he clearly knew about Itachi's terminal illness since he brought it up during his conversation with Sasuke so why would he start problems with Itachi when he could just sit on it wait to attack Konoha until after Itachi is dead and then capture the nine tails since the QB has to be sealed inside of the ghetto Mazo after the first eight Bijoux have already been captured part of the agreement he made when he recruited Itachi to join the Akatsuki is he'd stay away from Konoha as long as Itachi gathered Bijoux and money for the Akatsuki and all he's saying here is he doesn't have to worry about that anymore if he was really worried that he thought she was going to kill him if he attacked Konoha then all he'd have to do is bring pain and Kisame with him and there's no way Itachi would win that fight in the second panel he's obviously not talking about an actual proper fight if he was worried that he thought she was going to kill him out in the open and that he actually already be dead if he hadn't kept some information about himself hidden from Itachi then why wouldn't he just do what I was talking about earlier tell Payne that there's a traitor among them and send as many members of the Akatsuki as he has to to kill Itachi before that can happen all he's talking about here is how Itachi tried to kill him by planting Amaterasu in Sasuke Sharingan and if he had known to take precautions for Izanagi then Obito probably would have been killed it's also possible that Obito let himself get hit by the Amata a suit just so he could ease and oggi out of it to shock Sasuke because even though he was probably caught off guard and was likely shocked by what was happening he's reacted to things moving more quickly towards him than the Amata rasa before for example during the 5k summit the Reika gay who was able to dodge in a matter a suit at him by sasuke charged at Obito at full speed and obito was able to activate comely in time to avoid getting hit even dismissing all of that when Obito first approaches Kabuto during the build-up to the fourth war there's a clear amount of tension in the air and obito appears to be threatened to kill him so Kabuto responds by summoning five dead Akatsuki members with Edo Tensei and initially Obito isn't phased in the least by this all Kabuto asking is to join forces and obito straight up says and what if I refuse it's only after Kabuto summons moderate with the jutsu that Obito finally backs down and agrees to let Kabuto work with him this implies but doesn't explicitly state that Obito was confident he could deal with Kabuto and five members of the Akatsuki at the same time including Itachi to be fair this could be a stretch Obito could have just meant he planned on retreating Kamui allows him to teleport after all but the combination of Kamui would release and easie Nagi may have been enough to shut Kabuto down it's not like Obito has any trouble fighting against large groups of people anyway just before Itachi's fight with Sasuke Obito encounters a team made up of Naruto Sakura Kakashi Yamato Kiba Shino and Hinata and none of them can hit him throughout the entire fight they're all just sitting there stumped trying to figure out what to do against this guy and obviously five Akatsuki members and sage Kabuto is a much stronger team than the one I just mentioned but Obito wasn't even close to taking that fight seriously he was goofing off and still pretending to be Tobi after all so if he chooses to actually fight for real against Kabuto he may be able to walk away with a victory though I'm fully willing to acknowledge the possibility that Kabuto and his edo tensei summons may be able to rip Obito apart anyway some other impressive accomplishments of his include surviving Conan sea of 600 billion paper bombs defeating Danzo subordinates in like twenty seconds and my personal favorite using Kamui to teleport inside a no keys particle style jutsu grabbing Sasuke and teleporting out before he's disintegrated overall a fairly strong fella to say the least like I said he should have gotten stronger since his fight with Minato and he was already ridiculously powerful then so it stands to reason that he'd be crazy powerful after 16 years of potential training now before I go any further I do want to bring attention to some things that I haven't mentioned yet and they sort of apply to every form of Obito but they only really start affecting how he fights once he puts on the orange mask the first thing is half his body is basically made up entirely of hoshi rama and that's a pretty big deal because it gives him crazy regenerative powers and of course as we've discussed it allows him to use would release the regen is a lot more noteworthy though since it means he can take a lot of damage and still come away from it without having too much to worry about it also allows him to use Kamui endlessly with pretty much no consequences he may as well have an eternal mangekyo sharingan since there's no reason for him to ever stop using it unless he wants to damage somebody the other thing i want to mention is that Obito is pretty skilled at using genjutsu like Oh Lucci ha our thanks to his possession of a Sharingan we don't see him using it that often but at the end of his fight with Conan he places her under a genjutsu so powerful that it forces her to reveal where Nagato brenigan are being hidden his ability to use Izanagi is just overkill with it calmly and everything else I've mentioned at his disposal Obito is basically impossible to kill and at the same time it's very easy for him to wipe out anyone he sees as a threat [Music] now then let's move on to a white mask war our copito and this is where things start to get really really nutty first before we get into any specifics let me list off a bunch of things totally unrelated that have killed people in the naruto universe before being stabbed through the heart having a beach you extracted from oneself using the ghetto art of ren a rebirth to revive people from the dead oh look at that Obito survives all three of these things happening to him in sequence now aside from the fact that he's a complete survival champion there's a lot more to go over about this Obito let's start with his possession of the Rinnegan which is a really big deal shortly before the war began Obito took one of Nagas toes and put it in his left eye socket and with this Rena GaN he can use his own version of the six paths of pain Obito's capable of controlling the bodies of six jinchuriki who can all transform into their respective Bijoux forms this means that Obito can control six beads you at the same time which is just as ridiculous as it sounds it's also stated that he can use all of the Rena guns abilities but he tries to avoid it because of how much chakra it would consume as a matter of fact early on in the arc he specifically mentions using the human path to steal Yamato soul and read his mind in the process the Rinnegan also lets him summon the get Oma's oh and conjure chakra chains which he can use to restrain the Bijoux some other ninjutsu that he shows off include a barrier ninjutsu capable of keeping the ghetto mazo safe from the eight-tails and a gigantic fire jutsu that matches moderate in terms of size he also stores gigantic shuriken and metal stakes inside of the comely dimension that he can shoot out whenever he chooses to at one point he even does this with enough force to cut off some of goo keys tentacles so the shuriken are no joke he's fast enough and has enough stamina to fight QB cloak Naruto V Kakashi and guy all at the same time even after storing all six of his Bijoux back inside of the ghetto Mazo and the only reason any of them are able to hit him is because of Kakashi's presence there if not for his ability to counter Obito's calmly by using his own Tommi they wouldn't be able to damage Obito whatsoever even Kabuto one of the three final boss characters of the war Ark who easily fought Itachi and Sasuke at the same time and can access his super powerful sage mode at whim was scared by the idea of fighting Obito I could keep going but I won't because I don't want to be obnoxious I think it should be super apparent that this guy is really really strong by now after he acquires the Rinnegan Obito starts approaching absurd levels of overpowered as a matter of fact I've said in previous videos that I think he'd be able to beat the five cog a almost as easily as moderate did as one of the series final villains he's one of the strongest ninja of all time and I could probably count on one or two hands the people who could actually beat this Obito without some kind of six pads chakra or power up speaking of six paths power ups this is the part of the video where I'd start talking about jube ito if not for a few things first of all the video is already over 21 minutes long and I'm already way behind on uploading it and there's enough to say about Juby total warrant making an entirely separate video if you guys want to see me make a video so if you guys want a video about jube ito let me know in the comments or tweet it at me or whatever you want to do I'll gauge everybody's response and I'll decide whether or not I want to make the video from there especially in this case this video is super long and it also took a really long time to make so I really appreciate it well yeah I think that's all I have to say so as usual have a great rest of the day and until my next video I'll talk to you later swag car get out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 2,761,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto explained, naruto shippuden explained, swagkage, swagkage naruto, swagkage naruto shippuden, top 5 naruto fights, rinnegan explained, eight gates explained, top 5 broken naruto abilities, top 5 naruto hax, obito vs itachi, shadow clones explained, mangekyo sharingan explained, naruto uchiha clan, naruto kage level, naruto how strong is obito, how strong is obito uchiha, how strong is obito, obito uchiha, obito naruto
Id: DSlcNkAaAiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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