The Six Path Differences between Naruto and Sasuke

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hey how's it going youtube this is your boy chosen and today we are trying something very different if you have seen my return video i stated that i wanted to try anime discussions any topic that you guys or myself would believe to be an interesting topic to cover today i decided to cover a light topic and that is discussing the six path differences between naruto and sasuke i know a lot of people know this stuff already but i felt like this video was a good idea to test the waters and you know see how much you guys are digging these discussions okay okay enjoy the video so before we start well anywhere i should point out that i will be talking about the borto series in this video because naruto and sasuke to this day still have six path abilities i know you might be wondering why i even had to bother mentioning that and that's because some people still don't believe they have six path abilities especially when it comes to naruto and i can understand why but i'll dive deep into that later so if you are planning to watch or you know you're midway through boruto right now and you don't want to be spoiled then as of right now until you do catch up this may not be the video for you another thing to point out is that i won't only be talking about the obvious abilities like chewbacca tensei or the three-headed kuruma avatar those i'm pretty sure everyone knows but stuff like sasuke's ability to directly see moderate limbo clones for example things that can't be activated on command but only in specific situations sasuke does not have the ability to see other things in any different dimension but when mara uses limbo clones specifically mainly because it's a rinigon technique he is then given the ability to see him clear his day and that is just one example now we can really start on the video and to start i think it's only right if i acknowledge you guys on what six path is how it's achieved you know all that juicy stuff as of what we know right now there are only two ways to achieve six path chakra one ways to directly receive it from hageromo which naruto and sasuke did and granted them a whole new buff in their arsenal the difference between naruto and sasuke before they receive six-pack chakra and after is like night and day naruto was first in his six-pass state when he kicked mata's two-seeker orb that can only be touched by someone containing six path chakra and you might be asking why i emphasize this part and that is because people think that the cloak natto gets you know when sasuke appears with their badass poses and whatnot is when he is in his six-pass state which is not true the cloak naruto receives is literally the massive boost of kcm on top of his six pass date which gives the name six-pack sage mode and as for sasuke he gained the sixth tomorrow gun which basically allows him to perform his mageki sharingan abilities without having to deactivate the rinnegan which is also quite convenient and more helpful than people think while depending on the enemy of course if the enemy sasuke faces counters of matarasu then at that point it doesn't really matter if he has a sixth tomah running on a regular one the second way to achieve six path chakra is to become the ten tails jinjiriki as done by matara and obito or jubito as some like to call them just like naruto and sasuke the difference between modern obito before and after the transformation is night and day moderate fighting the shinobi alliance was able to summon two massive boulders as jubi matara was able to summon over 10 like it was nothing the funny thing about obito is that kishimoto had to literally nerf him by not allowing obito to use his mangekyoshangan abilities in his jubi state because well let's be honest the show would have ended right there six-pack shocker has been shown to even buff up weaker jutsu's of the users like like naruto playing each child beats chakra to a recent shuriken or sasuke buffing up his shidori to an anik chidori so imagine the buff obito could have gone if kishimoto found a way that allowed obito to keep his magika shying on abilities in that state now despite all this it is not at all easy to access six-pack chakra given the only two ways to receive them so it is very very rare for a user to undergo these transformations and buffs as only naruto sasuke and obito were the only regular ninjas in the anime to achieve such high level buffs now every user of six-pack chakra whether it be naruto with his six pass sage mode or sasuke with his ring on have access to the same specific abilities basic things like increased power and speed as shown with naruto dodging matara's light fang attack for example but unlike sasuke naruto is able to use senjutsu techniques due to him having nature energy within with sage mode naruto was able to further enhance his physical capabilities but with six passage mode it's just on a different level an example is when naruto stated that he couldn't see what was around matara but could sense it that being a clone from another dimension not accessible from their world modera after receiving not only the jubi transformation but hashirama says chakra was able to tank a hit from nikai and recover his body as if nothing happened so yeah sage chakra or nature energy is no joke especially when you stack it with six path chakra the best way i like to look at naruto and sasuke's six-pack differences is naruto receiving hakuromo's body and sasuke receiving the eyes the rinnagan whether it's the normal state the sixth tongue way or the grenade shotgun you know at the end of the day it's still the rinnegan it is the most overpowered eye in the naruto and boruto universe to date and yeah i know shikizusuki has his eight wheel eye and boruto has a draugon which with no question should eventually reveal to be stronger than the rinnegan but as of right now we don't know because they haven't fully touched on it yet so it is safe to say as of right now sasuke holds the strongest eye in boruto to date now the renight isn't something that just anyone can use if i'm not mistaken the characters that can use it best are those who contain six paths chakra uzumaki's do count as well and an example would be nagato mainly because nagato is an uzumaki so that makes him more durable than the rest a great example that we saw with obito or tobi is he stated that he couldn't handle the power of two rinnegan's because it was just too great for him he simply did not have the durability or chakra to handle the power of the riniguns and as for the basic abilities which every running gun user also contains within them is the six path techniques the diva path astropath human path animal path create a path and a rocket path when i actually dive deep into naruto and sasuke's specific six path abilities i'll explain what each of them do then but as of right now i will say these are very overpowered abilities that if any ninja that isn't a natsuki comes in contact with someone possessing a rinnegan they should just run away immediately and don't bother wasting their time well not that that would matter there is one more thing i'm forgetting to mention and that is that renegade users have a seventh path called the outer path which gives them abilities like summoning the ghetto statue creating chakra receivers which can be used to control six bodies of their choosing a prime example is obito with the ginger keys not only this is grant the user six handy helpers in battle but each helper is able to share their vision with each other so the chakra that goes into performing this ability is definitely worth it especially depending who you control the last ability of the outer path is the ability to perform the rene rebirth which basically allows the user to bring anyone of their choosing back from the dead at the cost of their own life okay now that we are finally done explaining the general concept of six path whether that be six pass stage mode or the rinnegan we can now go into comparing the differences of naruto and sasuke and normally i'd start with naruto but for this video i'm going to go ahead and start with sasuke the first thing we can point out about sasuke is that of course he has a rinnegan which allows him to perform the basic six pass techniques the david path allows sasuke to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces an example of this is an exclusive anime scene where he pulls naruto in with universal pole then bursting a bunch of spiked flames out that pierces through all the clones or even with pain when you use almighty push to completely destroy the hidden leaf village i don't see why sasuke would not be able to perform this technique seeing as how dal sasuke was stated to have full mastery over his ring gun abilities second is the ashrae path which allows the user to argument their body with mechanicized limbs weaponry and armor as seen in the kakashi versus pain battle back then i used to get confused on why sasuke never used his ability when fighting but i had to also take in this is a rinigon technique that requires a large amount of chakra to perform and sasuke being the badass he is has clearly shown that he doesn't even need it in battle so why waste his chakra on something so pointless the human path is up next and that gives sasuke the ability to read a person's mind while also removing their soul the reading part is pointless as sasuke has shown a ready to possess that ability with the sharingan alone the animal path which allows the user to summon a wide variety of creatures the prader path which is capable of absorbing all forms of chakra including most ninjutsu's sasuke during his fight with naruto wasn't able to receive chakra in one end and shoot out something crazy on the other because well he didn't have full mastery as of now though i don't doubt that sasuke would be able to perform that task if he had another hand the naraka path allows the user to call upon the king of hell which then grants them the ability to interrogate anyone which could result in a fatal death and the ability to completely restore anybody meaning if sasuke is ever heavily damaged he could easily just summon the king of hell and recover himself although this is a rinnegan technique so it would take up some chakra and that is all six basic abilities of the renagon but almost every renegade user is not only granted those basic abilities but each have their own unique ones sasuke in this case is grant the ability to instantaneously swap places with any object of his choosing at a specific distance i've been getting the feeling that a lot of people don't think this ability is all that well one despite opening a portal to go and save naruto from omushiki with dad already drained almost half his chakra sasuke was still able to use his ability twice while also using his tsuno chidori and whatnot then after the battle still had enough to teleport everyone back the following morning so this ability to my surprise does not take up that much chakra and two this ability is instant so imagine somebody throwing a super powerful projectile attack at sasuke if they're close enough all sasuke has to do is switch places last second and then boom took out an enemy without having to really do much this ability is the definition of hacks and easily one of the most op ones in the naruto verse to date the second ability sasuke is able to perform which is only unique to him boruto and yasoosky is the ability to open up portals although this ability does take up a lot of sasuke's chakra it's no doubt that it is a handy backup option and an example of this is when sasuke fought kinshiki realized he was overmatched facing two osuki's and used his ability to flee while in the end being able to complete his main objective as i said before sasuke was also able to use the six-pack chakra given to him to buff up his current jutsus one of them is buffing up ishidori to an onyx jidor sasuke was also shown to be able to perform jutsu's with his perfect susano he was shown to have the ability to use his rinigon teleportation technique so it is definitely not a stretch to say he can use all six paths as well a technique sasuke was able to use that even the sage of six path was amazed by was the ability to put all nine tailed beasts into a genjutsu with a quick glance seal them all into a chapaku tensei then use the chakra of each tail beast to transform a susano into the jubilee perfect susano now other examples i'm also going to give are all storm 4 exclusive but i don't see why he wouldn't be able to perform these sasuke and storm iv was able to perform three amazing feats that all involve around ichibaku tensei anderson sasuke uses his inferno style to trap his enemy then further trash them into chapaku tensei coated with the matarasu summons his perfect susano uses chidori lights it up with the matarasu and completely destroys the chewbacca tensei those already covered in amaterasu sasuke the last was able to trap his opponents with the chewbacca tensei by just looking at them then proceeds to blow it up with amir chidori and adol sasuke was able to summon nine chewbacca tensei's that were all coated with a matarasu and that's just with chewbacca tensei imagine having a death match with sasuke just for him to regain all his health back with the naraka path you're they're awkwardly staring at each other but in all reality you're just a floating spirit because here you trap your dead decomposed corpse and a chewbacca tensei coated with a matarasu all while not moving a muscle sasuke is very versatile he has so many ways to finish you off if you're weak enough he doesn't even have to use any six-pack techniques as he was already versatile to begin with before six packs another feat which is a porto exclusive is sasuke's ability to see through momoshiki's giant paralysis which basically looks like he stopped time itself i know sasuke said it didn't seem like a paralysis but basing it off with a manga it literally did look like a giant paralysis like he literally stopped time for moving temporarily i don't know if he was able to move as it was never stated it could have been that he wanted to see the altercation take place and understand why moshiki was there to begin with you know after he just saw him die but i don't want to overstretch it so i'll just say sasuke was able to see what was going on because of his renagan and it is unclear if he was able to move or not and lastly unlike naruto sasuke is given the ability to counter infinite tsukiyomi if i'm not mistaken i don't think this is a specific ability for sasuke i think all renegade users are granted this ability because the genjutsu casted is from a renagon so it would only make sense if only rinagon users could counter the technique another claim people are making is that he also needs to be covered or inside a suicidal for it to work he can't be out in broad daylight or he'll still fall under the illusion and to be honest this is this is the stretch sasuke only covered himself with the susano to save team seven from the genjutsu and he in black says to also stated that his renagon is a counter to the infinite tsukiomi i don't think sasuke needs to be in the presence of a susano to block out the illusion and that pretty much covers sasuke so now we're gonna lean over towards naruto first off with naruto he has an insane amount of chakra he was able to fight a war for three days stand his ground against kagya then fight sasuke while holding back to avoid killing him so yeah naruto has a lot of chakra even momoshiki and ishiki acknowledged this as momoshiki was slowly getting irritated by how long it was taking to drain naruto's chakra and ishiki stated that he wouldn't even waste his time trying to kill naruto as it would take too long after his battle with sasuke naruto received some pretty good buffs right after he acquired back the other half of kuruma and was given an arm that contained hashidama cells meaning his recovery and track reserves were greatly improved now this is something not everyone knows but okay naruto replaced his arm for a ninjatek arm which basically grants him the parade of passability now since he did replace his hashidama arm for this ninja tech arm at the time he probably did lose the extra chakra and quicker recovery but it was never implied that this was a permanent switch i think he only switched this against boruto and then decided to never use it again for some reason like i said earlier naruto was also able to touch the black receivers as any one containing six past chakra can i've already talked about the sage tracker buffs that apply to six pads so i don't really need to bring it up again but yeah everything i talked about way before is another insane ability for naruto that he possesses uses of 6-pass stage mode are also granted the ability to fly as seen by naruto matara and obito in his final fight with sasuke which is a crazy fee kuruma required enough nature energy that allowed naruto to combine three of his karuma avatars to summon the three-headed ashrae kuruma avatar in this transformation stated by storm 4 naruto was able to perform what is called the six path massive recent shuriken which is strong enough to tie sasuke's india arrow backed up with the power of each tail beast and his own the fact that naruto was able to counter this despite only containing a little of each tailed beast says wonders to his power and chakra reserves speaking of the tale beast naruto after receiving six-pack chakra was able to use the tail beat chakra stored within him to enhance his current jutsus an example is a super tail beast of saint shurkin where nine percent shurikens are summoned each enhanced by a tailed beast but i don't think this specifically is a six-pack technique but it wasn't shown until boruto that's nacho's ability to create chakra arms out of his kcm cloak that can each contain a massive racing gun which is crazy he doesn't even need to move and he can throw like six massive sing-ons at you naruto is also able to perform 5 000 shadow clones that are stated to each be as strong as him so my god if he uses against a fight with sasuke i don't see how sasuke would have handled that unless he fully mastered his rinigon but even then i still don't see it the last crazy ability that naruto can perform after receiving six paths well is another feat given to him by a tail beast specifically the five tails and that's the ability to use boil release which emits steam from his entire body which greatly improves his physical capabilities and that ladies and gentlemen is all the six path buffs and differences between naruto and sasuke another way i like to look at their differences is naruto receiving a raw power buff while sasuke received a bunch of hacks there are a lot of enemies they could take down themselves but there are many times where sasuke just doesn't have enough raw power to handle somebody as where naruto does and there will be times where there will be an enemy that overpowers naruto's raw power and physical feats so much that the only way to stand against somebody like this is with hacks a prime example is ishiki in the current battle right now the only two that have a chance to do anything in this fight is boruto and sasuke and even then they stand no chance but that is maybe for another video if you guys enjoyed this video i'd very much appreciate a like and sub and please let me know if you enjoyed this kind of content as it'll motivate me to make more i think the natural community has had enough naruto versus sasuke battles let me know which six path buff you think is better between naruto and sasuke i'm very interested if you have any suggestions on what you'd like me to do next feel free to let me know in the comments below this has been your boy chosen and i'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Chosen
Views: 150,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, sasuke, six paths, differences, naruto vs sasuke, six paths naruto, rinnegan sasuke, madara, obito, 10 tails madara, 10 tails obito
Id: B3BUYmU07h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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