Expired Thanksgiving Soda Taste Test

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(rooster crowing) (wheel clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - 10 word story. Let's make this a Thanksgiving story. - All right. All you gotta do is say one word. - Grandma. - Jizz. - And that's what happened this year on Thanksgiving. Grandma had something. - I was gonna say-- - Grandma had something to tell us all. And she did it with one act. - I was gonna say-- - Don't eat the gravy! - I was gonna say just and then I changed it to is. - Yeah, you know, yeah, that's it. - Two word story. - Two word story. - And I'm very grateful. - Happy Thanksgiving everybody. (both laughing) - I was gonna say just. - Okay, let's just move on. - And then I was like it needs to be more active, I'm gonna change it to is. - Yeah, don't combine just and is. Wow, especially when Grandma's part of it. - Oh my gosh. (Link sighing) Okay, I think I've recovered. Our good friend, what's his name? - Eric. (Link laughing) - Our good friend Eric and his son, Owen, went into Eric's parents garage and found this holiday package, it's a Thanksgiving liquefied meal, is what I'm gonna call it. - I guess Jones Soda, I guess they're still around, right? They're the ones that do all the weird flavored soda, so. - But this is from 2005. - Yeah, so almost 15 years old. - But I'm thirsty. - Yeah, right. - And I'm thankful. And so is Grandma, apparently. - She really demonstrated that. - There we go. (laughs) - And now for a Thanksgiving story. Really, the title of the story is the story. - Who needs 10 words when you only need two? Okay. - Let's eat this in the order that Grandma would want us to. - Okay, we is it-- - like the way that a meal would be presented. - Okay, I don't know which is which 'cause it's to the, I'll read this. I don't know, oh this recommended wines to compliment the unique flavors in our holiday sodas. What? - That's a lot of liquid. - Jones is recommending drinking wine with the soda. But the wine was not provided. - All right, I think we just go down the line actually, 'cause pumpkin pie, it's turkey and Brussels sprouts. Oh it's not in order. - There's Brussels sprouts, there's a cranberry. Is this turkey and gravy soda? Oh gosh. Wild herb stuffing. So you got the stuffing and the turkey and then when I eat, I like to eat these together and then I like to add a little dab of cranberry. - And then we'll move to the sides and then we'll end with pumpkin pie. Can I just point out, can you pass me that thing that the crew provided. Let me just. They handed us this and they said, "For opening the bottles." I think they ate Grandma's gravy and got confused. - I think, no what he thought was this, but you don't need that. It's twist off. - Okay, so do you wanna start, you wanna start, you wanna drink these together? - Let's say what we're thankful for. With every swig. - Oh, look, it's still carbonated. It's still really carbonated! - Oh look at that, you shut it down, you trapped it. Why are you opening that one first? - I'm opening all three of these. - That one's not as carbonated. - Oh the turkey, look at that. The turkey's got nothing left. - [Link] Turkey got nothing. - [Rhett] And then wild herb stuffing. Very little, very little there. - Brussels sprouts soda? I mean, even if it wasn't expired. - Not a lot there either. What you got on pumpkin? - Not a lot there. - What's up with cranberry and the way that it keeps carbonation? - Well cranberry is more fizzy anyway. That one's gonna be good. That's the only one that could be good. - It's not gonna be good, it smells expired. - Oh, gosh. - It smells like this may have been good a few seasons ago. - Does it say? Send us your photo, if we like it we will put it on our label. All right, let's take our photo. - Okay, yeah. Whatever it takes. - Pose next to me. - You want me to take a selfie? - No, I just, they can do a still. Put that on your label, Jones! - Okay, we're gonna be on the next bottle. - There needs to be money involved too. So don't just put us on your label Jones. All right, where are we gonna start because-- - I think we should start with the turkey. - Let's start with the turkey. Just swig it. Swig it. Don't, I think this is a spit cup. - I just wanna, I want it to open up a little bit. - Okay, fine. Gonna open it up. Dink it. I might spit this out. - Ah, you can really taste the turkey though. - That is weird. 'Cause it's still very sweet and like soda poppy, but it's, oh that's not good. That is not good. Yeah, that's bad. - You just wanna drink straight from the bottle? 'Cause. - Yeah. 'Cause you did that. 'Cause I did this. - Stuffing. - I mean, maybe we should like... - That's worse. It's worse. - If I had to guess what this was I wouldn't say stuffing, I would say-- - Grandma's. - That's just weird, it's just weird, it's off. It's hard to tell what's from it being expired and what's from it just being a dumb idea. Now this one's, again, this is the one that's supposed to taste the best. - Mm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. It does. It tastes the best. That's not bad. I'm still not swallowing it. I can tell what that was supposed to taste like. - Ocean Spray. - And it's the only thing that deserves to be in a soda out of these flavors. - Right, all this other stuff is novelty. That's why Owen's parents put it in the garage. All right, what's next? - This Brussels sprouts-- - That's gotta be horrible. - It smells like butter. - Really, I thought it would smell like a fart. - Uh-huh, uh-huh, mm. Hmm. - It does smell like butter. - That one's good. That's a good soda. - Uh-huh. - Hold on, don't think of it as Brussels sprouts, think of it as butter. - I see what you mean, but-- - No, that's good. It tastes like butterscotch. You don't like butterscotch. - Why would Brussels sprouts taste like butter? Because you baste it in butter? - Something happened to it over the years, but now it's butterscotch soda. - This was probably so bad that upon expiring it had nothing to do but get better. That's my theory. - I thought that was pretty good. Pumpkin pie seems like-- - Now there's hope here. - There's no meat flavoring in there, so. - Right, right. This is gonna work. You first. - All right, boys, I want you to be at practice at four p.m. And if you're not there, you're fired! Yes, I have the right to do that, I've talked to all your parents. Especially your mom, Bobby. We've been talking. We've been talking quite a bit and that's why you're starting. Listen, you suck Bobby, but me and your mama have something and so you're gonna be the point guard. Don't let me down. (upbeat music) - That's not good, is it? - Real bad. - [Link] Our new novel "The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek" has its own clothing collection. Pick your favorites at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 642,208
Rating: 4.9437127 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, Frozen Thanksgiving Dinner Taste Test, Expired Thanksgiving Soda Taste Test, expired, soda, coca cola, sprite, jones, thanksgiving, turkey flavored soda
Id: A3yxyaf9obA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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