Faygo Soda Taste Test

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kerochan88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Plain Root Beer is still the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ViolentEdWhoopWhoop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Unpopular opinion but Cola is where it’s at, pineapple orange is second best!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Poison_Yourself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cotton candy, moon mist, and red pop are my faves. Wish I could find some rock & rye where I live.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/filthbuttshits πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How can anyone not like Faygo it's the perfect pop

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EuphoricCookie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Christ these tools are so hard to watch...

I honestly never want to watch this fake ass fucks again. That bearded douche really rubbed me the wrong way.

I love these craft style glass bottles but that’s not even the Faygo people usually drink.

They didn’t even drink the root beer!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wiikendwarrior84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - What's The Word, this is when we see a word and we give a definition for it. The word today is collywobbles. - Collywobbles, that's actually what I wanted to name my daughter. - Yeah, right. Well this is when a collie gets into a big vat of Budweiser. (laugh) - Or hams, go ham on some Budweiser I guess. - When a collie [Both] Goes ham on some Budweiser - You get a collywobble. A weird feeling in your stomach or an overall bellyache. Ah, I've heard that. Alright come on in fellas, Mythical Chef Josh and Alex. - Come baring gifts. - Alex Punch. We are going to taste... We're gonna go through a flight of Faygo it seems. - You've got cups right over there. - Wow guys, there's a lot of Faygo. - Yeah. - Now belly up to the bar. (chairs moving) Scoot on up. - Oh, sorry. - Just don't be shy. - You've got strong hands. - Don't be shy, let's touch thighs. Now Josh... - Yes. - Excuse me, I've got lots of carbonation trying to collywobble its way up. - Pass those cups down, Link. (cups sliding on table) - There you go. Oh, and you gotta pop each of these. So I have Josh's, what I presume to be a punishment soda. - [Josh] Well... - [Link] I mean there's freaking peppers at the top of it. - I mean one man's punishment, another man's pleasure, you know what I mean? It's all, good and bad is... - Yeah my punishment, your pleasure. I do know what you mean. - You really do, so I was inspired, I really wanted to do a Thai vinegar soda, thing that I really enjoy. So I put like a little bit of vinegar into the cola and I was like, dang that's really good. And then I was inspired by more things, so I put some fish sauce, some lime juice, a little bit of garlic, and then some chili's floating at the top. I think it's really well balanced, I'm interested to hear your opinion on it. - Are you trying to tell me you actually tried to make something good? - Yeah what a concept, right? - Yeah, and tell us about this picture on the front on here, did you get a shot of that? - So, yeah, that picture, I was 11 years old and I got my first beer drinking helmet, (laughter) I used it for, I believe it's Hansen's... - How many have you had since then? - Oh like seven or eight, you gotta replace them every two years or so... - Well you wear them out. - Yeah, exactly. I think that's like a Hansen's mandarin lime soda and a ginger ale. And apparently, I wasn't having a great time. - I thought you looked happy, but I was squinting. - Do you wanna save that Link, for later on in the tasting process? - Ah sure, 'cause I don't wanna ruin everything. I think the big story was the Faygo cola. - Which we will get to, we will get to. - Was a total surprise. - Alex said that there's an order to this. - Yeah, so you start out with orange. - Now you're a Faygo fan. - Yeah, a Faygo fanatic, you could say. - A Faygo fanatic because it's Detroit's own, right? - Detroit's own, it's a juggalo thing, so cheers. - Do you identify as a juggalo? - Some people have said that, not me. (laughter) - Because when I think of Faygo, I also think of NuGrape. Is NuGrape not made by Faygo? 'Cause this is... - Faygo only makes Faygo. (laughter) - They're Detroit based, that's all they do. - So NuGrape will make grape, they will make orange, they make a couple of different flavors too. - NuGrape started as grape but then they started doing orange. Maybe make berry or something. - I think that's the competitor to Faygo, and then there's of course Sunkist for the orange. - I always liked a Sunkist, always liked a Sunkist. - Better than an orange Crush? - You start out with the orange because it tastes just like every other orange soda you've ever in your life; there's nothing really special there. - It's top notch though. - It is made with 100% cane sugar. - Yeah, that's exciting. - As if that's not just as bad for you as any other type of sugar. - I just wanna so this one next 'cause it's the most important one, so here you go. - Have you drank Faygo in Detroit, proper? - Yeah, at like a Tigers' game. I don't make it out there too much, but for sporting events. - What is this, this is kinda weird. - Yeah, so this is Rock and Rye, so you tell me what this flavor is, what you think it is. - Cheerwine. - Yeah, it's red. - No, it tastes like a cream soda, it taste like a root beer float. - A root beer float... - It taste like... is it a Big Red, no that's the gum. What's the red soda, Red Pop. - Red Pop, well that's weird, 'cause this is Red Pop. (laughter) So what d'you think it is? - It taste like Red Pop with ice-cream in it. - Red Pop with ice-cream. - It has a creaminess to it. - You're right, there's a creamy... - Okay the answer is... - I was gonna say creamy pork blood. - The answer is... Nobody knows what this is. (laughter) It's called Rock and Rye, there's no rye flavor, it says artificially-flavored cream cola. - Cream cola! - But this is like the one that everybody knows from Detroit, Rock and Rye is the jam. I caught a lot of grief for the pizza episode with Detroit. So this is me making up for it, the Faygo, so... - Yeah, sorry Detroit, they're coming after us. - Speak directly to the Detroits. - I'm not really that sorry after people were giving me all that crap. (laughter) - You're actually bitter about it. - You gotta be gentle with your criticism then people will respond to it. - What is this, some sort of pear? - This is just regular cream soda. I feel like a bartender here, there you go. - They sell this locally? - No. - Really, where d'you have to go Detroit? (laughter) - Actually we did get it locally, didn't we Travis, we got it at a Rocket Fizz, which is like a weird specialty soda store out here. But this stuff is good, it's just like really good cream soda. (drinking) - I've never though that I like cream soda, but I'm realizing that you know what, I do. - It's a good idea. - It seems in my minds it's a strange juxtaposition, if you were to add milk to this, that's kinda what my mind thought. - Well that's what they want you to think, the funny thing about is it's just flavor scientists playing a trick on your mind, there's nothing cream about this at all. - Josh are you comparing this to the Rock and Rye? - Yeah, really similar. I'm kinda thinking it's just a little bit of food dye. And I don't think this is gonna much different either. - Yeah you thought Red Pop was the same and it's... - I like the Rock and Rye better because you have to work to get that cream sensation. - Detroit's a hard-working city. - Look at that natural red color, just like a strawberry. - It says it's strawberry soda, it's cream strawberry soda. (drinking) And it tastes like... Just a red cream soda. - This one's red. This is red-flavored the other one wasn't red-flavored. - Yeah, this tastes like a sucker. - I could see how you could get into this, but you know what, you shouldn't. - You're going after Detroit again? - No I'm just saying, in general, you should limit your intake of this kinda stuff. I feel like I'm not gonna even smell sugar for the next week. - My boys would love this one 'cause they're drawn to the strawberry-flavored deserty stuff, strawberry ice-cream, stuff like that. - You don't do fruit ice-cream, right? - No, I'm a chocolate, peanut butter, maybe a little cinnamon, some oatmeal. - Not even if there's fruit in the chocolate, like the cherry cordial style ice-cream? - I don't like that. - This is known for its medicine-like qualities. - What is this, it's purple? - It's purple, yeah. - Oh that smells good. (drinking) - Did NyQuil get the flavor from this, or did this get the flavor from NyQuil? - Chicken and the egg situation. - NyQuil's really strong, this is exactly what Dimetapp tasted like. - This might be my favorite one. - This is a strong fizz, it's got a bite, I think it's got more of a bite than like a NuGrape. - That is by far the worst grape soda I've ever had. I'm ready for the city of Detroit to come after me. (laughter) What a garbage product that is. - I thought you were gonna say city and I was gonna... - No, no. - In all this fun I think we forget that Link has another soda to drink. - Oh goodness, hand me the opener. - There you go, I think it's just popped on there. (laughter) It's like so casually on there. - It's designed to drink from the bottle. - I want you guys to try some. - We have root beer too. - What is brominated vegetable oil? Is that when two dudes, hey, stick your head in that vegetable oil, it's brominated. - If you have to ask, you can't afford it. - Pass that right down. - Also, glycerol ester of wood rosin. (laughter) Is inside this beverage. - Glycerol, what? - Detroit don't care man, throw some wood rosin in there, now lets brominate it. Give it to the juggalos. (laughter) - How do you think they became they way that they did? (talking over each other) - There's wood rosin. - Anybody else want... - Maybe they're saying juaggalo wood wood, instead of woop woop. (laughter) - I hate that I laughed at that. - First of all, that isn't in the red one, that is in the orange one specifically. - That's that wood flavor. - Alright, it's time to take Josh's original brand cola special drink for a tour of my esophagus. - You're a wood guy, man, that's up your alley. - Cheers, l'chaim. (drinking) - Is that the one you made, are you drinking that one? - Yeah you wanna try it? - That has got some fish in it. - Well just a little bit. But you get the kinda savoriness, like you just drank a bunch of instant ramen. - It's like umami taste. - Yeah it's a little bit of umami in there. - Umami soda. (retching) - What don't most colas have, umami. - The fish hits late. - Mine looks like I somehow just drank the grape soda again, because I did. (laughter) - When you breathe out, that's when it gets real fishy. If I only breathe in it tastes like soy sauce. - But if you just say that with a positive attitude, then it's a good soda. And then you breathe out its really fishy. - When I breathe out its really fishy. - Cover it up with some brominated vegetable oil. - [Rhett] Heading outside? Cover your melon with these hats we're selling. Three different styles to choose from now at mythical.store.
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 15, gmmore, good mythical more, Faygo Soda Taste Test, gmm taste test, gmm alex, gmm josh, rhett and link taste test, good mythical more taste test, faygo soda, faygo pop, soda taste test, faygo taste test, mythical chef josh, orange faygo, detroit, detroit faygo, michigan drink, rock n rye faygo, faygo cream soda, rocket fizz, strawberry faygo
Id: Qi1-3PzoVfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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