Surprising Soda Combos

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oh yeah hey we're Apple dude works on all here there's lots of ladies out there who have reported using it on their hair since it gives me a little more volume notes TV gives it a little more volume doesn't give you more volume does it help with the flyaways oh yeah you do that like like seven percent of the time yeah Stevie yes just lick it back if you don't everyone smile oh oh it's a slicked back day yeah what's up now I'm like yeah a slicked back day is what I say I'm always like oh she's always got a little bit more of an edge on this lickbag days is what I've noticed maybe I'm just maybe I'm projecting and she comes she's wearing all leather and she comes in on a Harley yeah yeah we're gonna do to continue to explore the the outer limits of certification we are going to explore some soda combinations which the internet has said or delicioso now this is this is definitely a thing I mean very politically correct name for it but back when we were growing up what you would call it as a suicide you would put all the drinks together at the fountain and you call that a suicide and it was really kind of just a joke right but now people have taken this to a almost an art level where they're combining flavors and trying to create actually good drinks and you know there's that that what's the name of that machine then with the Coke machine that has all the flavors freestyle you can do this with the Freestyle machine but these are we're crossing Coke and Pepsi products and we're going into places that you can't get on the coke freestyle machine so you have to buy these things individually for some of them at least yeah we got we got plenty of stuff here okay so first one we're gonna do is this specie are the Mizzy mix this is coke in orange Fanta known in Germany as the Swift yeah very popular in Germany you know how they like coke orange and they put orange in there chocolate orange Fanta so are you gonna you gonna just use your cans here because I have all like hands over there but we might as well not waste them you know that's not like I'll take the coke first and do some coke equal parts I guess I mean these all equal parts yeah we got a nod do a little side Porter to minimize the fizz you want that fizz to go into your into your person not into the atmosphere or you can ignore me it's fine you do it your way and I'll do it the right way this means farts man this means farts farts means fun I will fun means another day at the Auto okay fizz means farts farts mean fun farts means what fun means what Fiske farts mean no I don't have another F word Coke and Fanta Fanta sometimes you just need another F word mmm swap sweep swap that is good that's nice mm-hmm complementary flavors you know like mouths like a fermented orange you know I doesn't sell though I think the cook I just think the color is they don't sell it I think the color is a little off-putting you know it doesn't look like anything it actually looks like tea yeah tee off pudding when it's not tea it is but that's great great in terms of taste it's very good yeah this is this is really good this is I would like to add a few peanuts my granddad would he drink he we get a glass bottle of coke and some peanuts NIEM put the peanuts down in there very popular in Georgia as well my grandparents also did that all right so coke so this one passes the test so break out the dr. pepper and the coke keep the coke out link oh goodness added dr. pepper and get rid of the Fanta now I know that you're not a dr. pepper fan so maybe making what they call black gold which is mixing dr. pepper and coke together will make you a dr. pepper man yeah dr. pepper has always been probably my favorite soft drink I don't drink soft drinks any but I'm a fan of it this is why in terms of a palate you and my wife are very in sync mm-hmm which is disturbing look at that my wife loves Dr Pepper she doesn't drink it that often but it's it's it's a nice treat for her it's a nice tree if she does really good I give her dr. pepper no she'll treat herself to a dr. pepper and you love dr. pepper ah hey dr. Burchard tastes like medicine that's that's the part you love it you Christie also loves shellfish well diet what else do you love that she loves and we have similar I mean next okra pickled okra pickled all that type of pickles cheese's you know stuff that's actually good that's stuff that we like the you've mentioned dr. pepper and this is not an Aphrodite dr. pepper but it really is the only diet drink that tastes exactly or very close to a very close approximation to the regular drink because it's not relying on sugar for its taste dr. pepper is relying on like that medicine a taste which I like and you can transfer that to diet really well and that's why it's just not a slogan it's a fact diet dr. pepper tastes more like dr. pepper it's a it's more like regular doctor more like dr. pepper it's it they say right diet dr. pepper tastes more like regular dr. pepper that was then other diet stuff but they didn't add to other diet stuff stuff to it which is not totally trying to take like dr. pepper I've struck black gold it tastes like a sweeter dr. pepper you're still not gonna like it cuz it's because the dr. pepper takes over honey not like that it's so good it tastes like you're getting cured of something I know I think it started off as a treatment for some the doctor man just what the doctor ordered you know it really it really is medicinal I think it's good for you I don't like it I'm gonna pour it into the other jar with the other stuff cuz I made too much mmm now let's go to root beer in okay I've got the horchata is what is root beer what is root beer this that's cream soda okay I don't like root beer either yes I just bring up what we're using and you mean take these down certainly let's look back alright so here we go so what don't you like about root beer the root tastes I don't know let me taste it it has a little medicinal quality to but it does ooh before you dry clickers but before you drink it just think you're gonna like it don't think you're not gonna like all right thank you gonna be fair enough fair enough it tastes like licorice doesn't it yeah so it's just a question of do I like licorice no listen out man it's like you're in a solar system in there I like four planets you won't go visit I like this better than doctor dr. pepper though that's why that's how I feel about avoiding different foods it's like going to a country and then not visiting like 17% of the counties or the whatever this the cities are I don't even know what I don't like that city I don't go to that city mmm man I don't like Florence and Rome this smells good I just need to drink this why have I never had horchata I'm never freakin had it where are you been man on another planet on another County yeah now we're talking if you drive down any LA Street and a convertible with your mouth open there's a 18% chance you'll get horchata in it in the mouth I mean is everywhere its ubiquitous he's coming out of fountains there's horchata fountains on every corner good yeah so root beer has vanilla cherry tree bark wintergreen molasses anis you get a little bit of nice taste licorice root cinnamon and honey among others I'm trying to decide if I just like horchata so much that I'm I can handle it with the flow Oh sassafras the primary ingredient is sassafras flavor so when you have a sassafras like old moustache man and the Old West comes into the barns Bormio sassafras you would have been that guy this is so good are you going straight horchata now I'm getting tears in my eyes well it's not good for you man it tastes like it tastes like cinnamon toast crunch milk yeah I don't know how you've met you've avoided it really I feel I feel I feel like my life is just it's cinnamon and rice cinnamon and rice together 150 calories for every eight ounces yeah it is you're interested in it's not for a lightweight okay well you won't be a lightweight for very long ooh this is still okay but I'm gonna avoid this one but I'll let you do it unless we have Oh what do we have oh we have dairy we have dairy-free milk what is this oh let's just hold it Oh milk so this is yeah this is whole milk in 7up together it's called milk enough all right no look I'll destroy with almond milk try it okay so you can try it with the real milk here okay milk is hard for me and farts are not fun now not fun for you but I love smelling your farts trash I've heard of this one before that now there's a drink that if you mix milk in beer that's called something it's called Mir I don't know what or bug I've never had it but someone told me about it well is it bilk I think it is bilk yeah I'm not gonna be doing that today we're gonna do 7up and know what should i do first I think I'm gonna do the milk first now in the 7up commercials that we used to watch growing up it would always be raining and while it was it was sunny at the same time every set of seven a commercial it was raining and sunny at the same time so whenever that would happen we'd be like it's a 7-up commercial and we'd run around anybody related to that no it was like it was their aesthetic the aesthetic of 7up commercials in the 80s was rain and sunshine mixed and there was no rainbow don't play with the rain would be accurately raining but sunny at the same time and you know there are times when that happens and we would get so excited have vivid memories of running around yelling this is a 7-up commercial I never actually drank 7up while that was happening though okay guys dairy pure and 7up gracious 7up also they turned their spot like Malaga into a video game I had that video game oh it's it's it's uh it's frothy yours looks a lot better than mine it looks like what it's supposed to be dink it and sneak a tur oh I mean it just tastes like a spicy milk like a spicy carbonated milk but almond milk isn't as good as regular milk when you're just drinking it straight like this it's it's like it's creamy it's um a lot the lime enos of it is weird to me but you know I don't hate it you could get a cow to produce this probably it's like a cream give a give a cow alka-seltzer but don't do that if you've got a pet cow don't give it out as healthy see the next one we're gonna make is called Dreamsicle that's orange soda and cream soda but this tastes like i'll just call it a creamsicle you can call it whatever you want to think okay orange soda and cream soda I'll brink out the orange you break out the cream soda over there yeah MW cream soda so we're making a Dreamsicle never had a cream soda either this is what hanging out with link is like lots of firsts I'm sorry that's not bad I mean I'm a creature of habit man he's never had cream so yeah never had that I don't yeah I know where it worries me what used to worry because when I look at all the things he also hasn't seemed taught guns there's like things that I like it I'm like well imma get the thing that I like I don't feel like trying something new I don't I'm not I'm not I'm not proud of it I'm not proud of it now it retains the the iron labor orange color ooh yeah that's the best one that's that is really good it was super it was ice cold think about good that would be it just tasted like you just took a creamsicle and left it out too long I really think this is gonna do even more half and half well I whole milk it spoiled the milk the orange you can't the citrus from the orange drink and the milk had a reaction and now you're drinking curdled milk I mean what a kernel in my stomach anyway yeah true I'm just trying to embrace my my adventurous side we're good turn over a new leaf this is this is good good we're that's one with women without the creamsicle and finally let's go with squirty pepper take some squirt and take some dr. pepper Lanie's me a clean one here we go oh yeah thank you conserve there's that I mean I squirt before now we were big into I like squirt a lot of course growing up we were big into mellow yellow that was that was our that was our main drink and mellow yellow does not taste anything like doc I mean no one do what's the difference it's fizzy or never somebody asked I'm not bite I lose so much respect for them what's the difference man I what what's the difference between checkers and chess man yeah well there's a board and we're both moving pieces yeah but it's totally different you can't play them at the same time and that's why you can like both of them and you don't have to choose between the two mellow yellow is chess though this tale induced checkers Mountain Dews for simple-minded people so you you mix you mix lemon and dr. pepper and it really tastes like a cleaner tastes like medicinal cleaner like : cleaner this is what they give you before they give you a colonoscopy you know what I'm getting that close to the age where it becomes required right by the government I got to get one of those soon oh yeah when you when you don't like something and it's in something that's all you can taste all I can taste is dr. pepper I like this I like it a lot yeah just got a real squirt heavy I think all of these you can definitely see how these were all like a result of long experimentation like none of them are bad I'll just say that all these are good the best one is the Dreamsicle orange soda and cream soda together and I'm gonna say that this for me I really like I likes whip swap is number two for me thanks for sticking around for good mythical more if you want to watch more well we don't have good mythical more more but we do have a lot more videos here's two of them also click the circular channel icon to subscribe
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, Surprising Soda Combos, Surprising Soda Combos good mythical more, good mythical more Surprising Soda Combos, Surprising Soda Combos rhett and link, rhett and link Surprising Soda Combos, Surprising Soda Combos gmm, gmm Surprising Soda Combos, soda combos, soda recipe, surprising, combos, soda, coke and fanta, recipe, pop, cola
Id: 6A4xaP24sIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2017
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