Exotic Meat Taste Test

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Been seeing a lot more Rhett and Link. I didn't know they actually made quality videos...

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

Chicken and beef are so exotic...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/swampnuts 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

Fat kangaroo.



👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nexism 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

It's Paul Rudd!!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlazedRain 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

craziest i ever ate was alligator, i love it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/playin4power 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2014 🗫︎ replies
we're going to taste an assortment of meats and then try to see if we can figure out which exotic animal they came from let's do it good meat to cold morning thank you for making us a part of your daily routine we do this every day so you don't have to you know what I like to do sometimes I like to imagine how good I am at tasting exotic meats while blindfolded and there's only one way to satisfy that craving but actually taste some exotic meats while blindfolded yes maybe you have the same feeling so you can play along with this game at home or or not I think would be very difficult to prepare for this I don't know they don't have exotic meats laying around now first of all we have 8 we have 8 different exotic meats of course this would be fair if link and I knew what these were we have no idea what they are we're going to taste the meats we're going to guess what they are and the winner wins some sort of prize which we also don't know what that is a lifetime supply of some horrendous meat problem I do know that the last round is going to be worth 2 points just in case to make it interesting you know just in case one of us is taking a early lead okay um I'm afraid that I'm going to vomit because whenever I put on a blindfold and eat things I get nauseous anyway for some reason though uh let's suit up it's time for what are we calling this name that meat okay we are now blindfolded yes I am overwhelmed with the smell of many meats right now there are many meats in this room let's do it meat number one and we're just supposed to grab it this grab at it oh there's lots of pieces stream I don't need more I think about it it's a little chewy kind of steaky mm-hmm shouldn't have eaten lunch hmm or what I just put my mouth mentally my mind is just racing to places that make me want to vomit okay yes in three two one kangaroo incorrect it is antelope manchala I knew it was an animal of the prairie I've tasted grass I see the grassiness I've eaten bison before I don't know why I guess bison because well they grass - you're you we were really close you know a buffalo and a kangaroo mix is a antelope and escalope next meet we have a palate cleanser like a sorbet or something so ooh oh it's kind of different thicker on one side than the other Hey oh gosh guys oh-ho I mean it's like expectations I'm gonna say okay this is good people eat this all the time no this culturally somewhere this is acceptable this is a bottom feeder oh god no damn oh wow there's some gay meanness in this well this thing this thing's spends a lot of time somewhere where other livestock don't oh yes in three two one alla course incorrect it is wild boar boar I thought there was a porkiness to it dang oh yeah there is a pokeyman I got my taste buds are altered I said alligator can you even get a horse next meet this is thin this has a beef jerky 'no stew it it has a like a plant that this particular animal lives off of a regular basis is inside the meat flavoring it I kind of like this and I could do this a lot I don't know it's flat it must be a flat animal flounder it's not flounder okay all right guess in three two one I'm bad ear incorrect it is beep oh no wonder it was so good listen cow I thought it was a really flattened out snake oh gosh I knew that it was good what is wrong with me I knew it was good and that still said some kind of deer you've got good instincts next week okay this is patty form oh man it smells like dirt well it actually smells like plant material plant burger I have a level of confidence not very high but I have a level of confidence okay I think I got one oh yeah yes in three two one ostrich Oh weeks both guests ostrich and you're both incorrect cos kangaroo oh I knew it was a large animal from Australia you can dig ostriches or not from you can eat it kangaroo dude yes that seems wrong uh yeah I felt like I just ate a high marsupial for some of our done that next meet another pet where did you guys get this stuff now this is the same smell as the last one same consistency as a kangaroo was patty kangaroos don't come in patty consistency utilizing the meat the beef is the meat was ground some more fatty in the Kangaroos what's a bat kangaroo okay I got it yes in three two one koala is buffalo oh I knew it was just rate of hamburger Oh Matt you good I'm Matt I knew it was a fat King we get a quarter of a point or something it is a koala right you can't equal they're in danger Buffalo yes Buffalo even this right here is the equivalent of like two o'clock if I was thinking it was just straight-up beef I should have gone with Buffalo she didn't know no I wish I could see it we're horrible at this patty form another patty you guys did you guys patty these out and they they smell the same two and Patty form I think they're all patty doubt in the same location this is a predator this is an animal not meant to be eaten by normal people I know that much Lou this is an unnatural proceed there are layers to this swampy yeah look I shouldn't have said that you know I'm on the same train buddy I'm gonna swamp suit well then I think we got a nut we're gonna guess where I guess in three two one alligator incorrect it is elk now go Gator plan what is wrong with us we set up belts been swimming in the swamp should we do we should do this without wish how many more do we have to you want to do the last two about blindfolds or will it be obvious okay we just said elk was an alligator we will never get into culinary school elk are in the Swami this is we're talkin but an elk whoa ooh what is this the tail of something oh come on guys oh there's skin on this one your skin on yours yeah man I just feel this is not ground this is not a patty I know this is good it might be a finger as a human I think it's a tale of something it's been deboned but this was the new business hey what is this I'm going for a clue here it's this part this is the best meat that I've had the entire time I'm so really scared because everyone's laughing I guess in three two one snarky incorrect it was chicken Oh what yeah see I said turkey I it dang it man it was shaped like a snake though I was like hmm I know what this is I'm a giddy I've gotten so close I said Buffalo was I said Buffalo was hamburger and I said that turkey was chicken man this is not hand grenades man what did you say steak you said it's shaped like a snake what the heck kind of snake does this man I can't see I'm blindfolded what do you mean this next me are you doing emotion lots of pieces here this is so good give this to a dog later you did do a dog later yeah no I'm not eating all of it stew pieces I've got a ligament in it at least you served it to me Cole's I do appreciate that doesn't have a lot of flavor it's domesticated sadly this is domesticated what what do you think it's from a farm some kind yep if this is a farm to meet got it yes in three two one alligator red is corrected as alligator hey what how did you know this is a farmed alligator yeah they don't farm alligators do they do in this boy I would have not have said that was alligator well I didn't I said he knew all right I'm the meat champion is that it what do I get is that all of them that's it it only needs like this I got a meat metal link Rhett is the meat man oh man well I don't want that anyway I got chicken nuggets in a in a burger and some hot dog chain leave a comment let us know the craziest meat you ever eaten and thanks for liking this episode you know what time it is my name's hunter purse from Barrington Hills Illinois and you know what I think it's time to spin that wheel crazy wheel of mythicality back to you rhett and Link it's Friday and that means we've got another episode of our podcast ear biscuit this week we've talked to YouTube prankster vitaly we did not prank him and thankfully he did not prank us but we did interview him you should check it out surprise ending okay just it's gonna be in a second here just get down oh you don't want to miss the good night are they coming from over the at they're coming from there okay what do you want to say I just want to say wait three two one when they come in happy happy birthday we have to end it say they're not here yet say three two one supply bye bye say bye okay bye on three OH three two one by three two one bye bye bye who know bye bye we be ye that Bui okay bye if I this was warmed I would eat this on taco an alligator taco I work with I would absolutely but here's the thing if you're having that party don't blindfold yourself for the first 40 or your guests for the first three I was literally fighting the gag reflex
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 8,964,669
Rating: 4.9032831 out of 5
Keywords: Meat, Taste Test, Game, Bison meat, guessing game, challenge, exotic meat, kangaroo, hamburger, chicken, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, Exotic Meat Taste Test, exotic meat taste test, gmm exotic meat taste test, gmm exotic meat test, gmm taste test, taste test, good mythical morning taste test, gmm
Id: Rfz_NJqfl10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2014
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