Extreme Milk Taste Test

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today we sample an assortment of milks from flora and fauna let's talk about that good mythical morning if you're watching this right now you're probably a mammal and they're also definitely watching it right now and if you're a mammal you've enjoyed a mammary gland or two because that's the way it works it's the nectar of life whether you're a cow or a horse or a person the nectar of the tea you gotta have milk just to get by at least in the early years of your life even if it's just made into some sort of formula powder that you get at the grocery store now there are all types of milks floating around out there they don't really float though stuff floats in them in you know milk is a liquid I'm told that humans drink all types of mammal milk at this point but there's also milk made from things that from our eat they don't even animals things that are just squeezed I don't know I'm squeezed anything if I've learned anything if you squeezed anything hard enough you get some milk out of it right and somebody will drink it right and that's gonna be us today the game is called what was milk to make that no game so here's how it works we are going to be tasting milk from our handy-dandy uh ters could you lower the utters please the levitating lover utter utter oh there it is I'm yes I'm grasping one I'm grasping one right now this is there she is this is a facade teat said utters and we will have some real teats that will be filled with milk that will be it's a rubber glove guys sergeant pink started being a surgical glove and it's gonna be coming down so so we're gonna sample the milk obviously we have no idea what they are we're gonna sample them and then we're gonna deliberate and then we're each gonna guess in unison what it is right and if you so we're gonna be guessing a plant or an animal for each round right so if you said an animal but you got the wrong animal you still get a point for being in the right category the same for plants God if you actually get the plant or animal exactly right you get three points for that round and what's at stake here today well the person who wins becomes the milk master and there's apparently a special crown that has been created apparently yeah and it might be made out of a gallon jug you ready to taste some milk brother I'm ready to taste some milk I did a Washington Bowl I you ready to latch on let's do it route 1 okay we have the pink surgical utter behind the facade utter whoo that's cold that's cold yeah and and much like a baby cow would do in the wild you will be piercing the utters with our corn skewers our order it's a drink this is gonna this is gonna be what you if you ever if you watch closely on Discovery Channel you'll notice that this is how most animals Oh why are you getting such so aggressive sighs man oh oh there is it oh goodness Rhett clip it now here is a I guess I'm in my belly button already there is warning I got milk in my belly bug mm-hmm there is a holy moly now I'm tasting it it's definitely milk it isn't animal though isn't it I mean it's like two baby cows fighting hominid teeth I don't know what it is but I but I do like it a lot and I would love it in my cereal I don't know if I'm thinking this from an animal because I'm drinking it from a teat or not I'm trying to the T factor is something that I haven't quantified you all right do you have your answer I know that I'm wrong I have my answer all right well you need an answer in three two one choked OH kind of similar is it a goat or cancer is donkey oh you know we all keep we were so lame out donkeys I guess there are I knew it tasted like a goat but not a goat so I went to sheep donkey milk is that cheaper cuz I'm switching cuz that is some good stuff y'all round two and we get another little teat just to let me have a little sample hush hmm that's thick that's thicker than donkey milk do you think is bad I don't like this process I think there's a reason that we feels wrong move to a place where we didn't drink directly from the udders I think I prefer car jug we can start selling donkey milk that like had a surgical glove wrapped over the top of it no you know it is I got it it's a carton of milk that has a little utter on the bottom oh yeah and it's article and it comes with comes with these it comes with corn stores but we call him utter breakers comes with a free hunter breaker utter needle now I'm gonna tell you this is good to man though the world really opens up if donkey milk tastes good this is an animal is difficult to milk this is domesticated okay I answered an answer in three two one llama did you say cat they're mammals it's kind of our only catch it the milk to get as much milk is there in my mouth I've never done that's like a dozen cats contributing that white soup that was raw whole cow milk that was just cow milk you said you see tastes a lot like cat I mean I was cow milk raw whole you said grassy you were on the right track and then you said cats raw whole cow milk does not taste as good as donkey milk noted round three I'm gonna try to go with the smaller well that didn't work you want to get in there first oh wow Oh Oh what happened this is when is weird gosh it actually tastes like glove like surgical glove I think I'm gonna throw up ooh ooh I really do it's like what is that poop email I don't think another taste is gonna do anybody good that's interesting isn't gonna do my body good it tastes like a petting zoo feels really messy my hand up I think I'm ready okay in three two one yeah you so I'm saying this is a EMU Amy it's a bird that's definitely a bird it is not it's not non-animal birds don't make milk what you ever seen a chicken milk it haha a bird in a mammal definitely over again negative here's what I was thinking I was like I'm not gonna baby ostrich baby ostrich right all right they have beaks listen they have beaks that would say don't even have lips that was stupid I'll own that how could a beaked animal milk its mom I know it was stupid it would be a man I'll be kind of like the corn skewer though it would be the big the beak would be the first you break it that's what the mick is for all right that was I get nothing on that one that was just a bird it was a yak oh boy I don't smell well no this is this shirt is gonna need to be changed all right here we go going in Oh bad it's sweet but ya get a lot of it since I said it was so bad isn't it I don't want to taste this anymore do reptiles lactate this is an animal that has it eats exclusively from a dumpster it's a bottom feeder this is a bottom feeder this is catfish milk in three two one when I said bear it is human breast milk oh are you kidding you can't get that I feel so bad for babies right now I feel violated let's move on to forget that brown eyes okay I just want to taste anything oh it's not human right you don't think that was immoral what just happened I mean Ellie are we in a good place still you think infants are immoral I feel like an infant is entitled to drink that it's all about just move back this is a definitely an animal that spends a lot of time with the cow all right I have my answer I got one in three two one hey I was gonna say horse but change it last minute that's camel that was goat milk Oh milk yeah that's good blood was so it was so good yeah that made sense what did you say poor horse you said animal spends time with a cow and then you guessed camel yeah cousin the last time you saw a cam we'll spending time with a cat probably somewhere route 6 neck-and-neck that goat milk was good I would drink that exclusively I'm more of a donkey man I mean really yeah this is a glass of wine a good way to describe your grand finale here we go get under there get under here get yourself mm-hmm move out the way go our cream double cream most of it went into the bucket hmm this hmm animal mmm spends a lot of time on its own right what you you are you are you enjoying are you just trying to get a taste because you've really pierced that teat in a way that I've never seen somebody pierce one that was weird now we haven't had any non animals have we this is an animal that has people look at it a lot BEC ated adjudged this milky judgment I don't see him selling like lion milk on the open market uh you ever guess I think it's judgment from afar okay in three two one good he'll him Oh totally went for it is gamesmanship man no the answer was camel milk yeah I don't know why I were one round I was sure that it wasn't an animal and I was like trying to bleed you down that bath was camel milk I hope you guys learned some stuff donkey milks are us here I'm coming Wow whoo camel milk is not good I shouldn't have my own music they should do that in playlists thanks for like any comment on this you know what time it is I'm Julian I'm Victor we're from Brazil and weird and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you check out the latest episode of our podcast ear biscuits it's a ruttin link only episode we talk about crazy stories that happen in Walmart's also click through to good mythical more we're gonna get to the bottom of where all this milk came from chase and have a drink tomorrow donkey milk you're gonna drink some more human I'm done with that Yoona song about hair dye so you won't change your mother of your hair and goodbye you know how to do it so do you go to the store and you look on the shelf and you say hey hey hair dye yeah that is a great ending what if I make noises lightning I like that sideways I
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 6,830,719
Rating: 4.9252973 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 7, Milk (Endorsed Product), Taste, Food (TV Genre), Drinking, camel, donkey, yak, Breast Milk (Biofluid), cow, Raw Milk (Food), Udder (Anatomical Structure), taste test, challenge, guessing game
Id: gemfwRuZRmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2015
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