Exceeding Growing Faith, Part 3

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we're continuing on a series we began a couple of weeks ago called exceeding growing faith exceeding growing faith in romans the fourth chapter talking about the faith of abraham it says in verse 19 romans 4 19 says and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of god said out loud consider not stagger not say it again consider not stagger not now the word stagger here could also be translated waver it's the same concept of wavering he didn't waver at the promise of god through unbelief but he was strong in faith see not being weak in faith but being strong in faith and giving glory to god and he was fully persuaded fully persuaded not wavering but fully persuaded that what god had promised he was able also to perform thank you lord so we see from this that faith can be weak or faith can be strong now in the second thessalonians the first chapter thessalonians 1 verse 3 he said we are bound to thank god always for you brethren as it is meet because that your faith groweth exceedingly and the love of every one of you toward each other abounds the young's literal translation says because increase greatly does your faith god's word translation says because your faith is showing remarkable growth our faith should be growing amen amen should be increasing what we thought was impossible five years ago could seem easy for us today if your faith is growing we read uh an excerpt from brother george mueller's uh writings about you know back in in the 1800s he believed god to build what was it three or four big buildings and housed thousands of orphans and feed them clothe them take care of them educate them and he had no denominational backing he had no rich people backing him he believed god and and he he didn't ask anybody for anything he uh he said when he first began you know he he believed god for 10 pounds this is he's english and then he got to where he could believe for a hundred pounds and then he got to where he could believe for a thousand pounds and then a hundred thousand and after a number of years there he said it was just as easy for him to believe for a million pounds what had happened his faith had grown through the years his faith had been fed and his faith had been used exercised and it developed as we talked about in previous months uh talking about according to your faith what we receive is not determined by god's will nor by god's ability or power but rather we receive not according to his power or will we receive according to our faith and if our faith grows we're able to receive more now a lot of people don't like that word they don't like that message when i say a lot of people i'm talking about millions of people millions of church-going people prefer what i call no-fault religion what do you mean by that no matter what happens it's not my fault or no matter what doesn't happen it's not my fault it's god's mysterious unknowable will if it didn't happen it must not have been his will we don't know why but god must have a reason for it not happening there there must be a reason well yeah there's a reason the reason could be you didn't believe god but just trying to put it off on the will of god is not in line with the bible it doesn't agree with the scriptures jesus said repeatedly according to your faith be it unto you and we see him referring to people as having no faith as having little faith and as having great faith which group you want to be in come on huh we actually see jesus being greatly impressed with people's faith and we're talking about impressing the master would anybody like that i mean there's more than one occasion he said i hadn't seen faith like this in the whole country and he made an example of it and he talked about it why because faith pleases god it pleases him and the more faith the more we please him so there were some people he said how is it that you have no faith he's some people he said where is your faith others he said little faith and we talked about that last week looking in matthew 6 where jesus said don't take thought saying what are we going to eat what are we going to wear he said consider the ravens consider the lilies hear that word consider again abraham considered not his own body and sarah's body and the lord here is saying consider the ravens consider the lilies so does it matter what you consider if you look this word up it means to look closely at to focus on to look closely on so uh go with me over to matthew now let's continue talking about little faith you might as well i don't want to talk about little faith it sure it sure beats none i want to talk about great faith well you might want to talk about little before you get carried away about great let's get some i want a lot well how about sun beats none but we also want to find out what caused their faith to belittle what prevented it from being great in matthew 14 about verse 20 matthew 14 20. they did all eat and were filled and took up of the fragments that remained 12 baskets full they that had eaten were about 5 000 men plus women and children a straight way jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away when he was sent when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone then just a a thought in passing here if jesus needed to pray we need to pray if he needed to pray sometimes all night long we need to pray sometimes all night long and if we're not doing it we're missing out the disciples not above his master is that right come on everybody say it out loud help me out if jesus needed to pray if jesus needed to pray i need to pray i need to pray if he needed to pray sometimes all night long then i need to pray sometimes all night long all night long amen but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night we'd call this early in the morning dark jesus went unto them walking on the sea now there's folks don't even believe this but nor do they believe in god if you really believe in god you've got no problem with this if you believe in the almighty ancient of days creator of heaven and earth who spoke this into existence then you got no problem with this can't walk on the water if you can make water walking on it shouldn't be a problem but now don't misunderstand me i'm not implying jesus is operating as the creator here because he's not he's doing this as a man and we know that's the case because a little bit longer in the passage another man who was not born of a virgin are y'all listening peter does the same thing what men can do by faith is amazing the surface has barely been scratched verse 26 when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled they said it is a spirit one translation said it's an apparition and they cried out for fear but straightway jesus spoke to them saying be of good cheer it is i be not afraid now something the lord quickened to me last week was when he said take no thought in matthew 6 actually a good translation to that is don't be anxious don't be anxious and the lord spoke to my heart last week about he said my people are not taking me seriously about this they hear these phrases but they they don't take it seriously why would the lord tell you don't be anxious why would he say be not afraid the moment you say this you run into issues put yourself in their place right here don't be afraid he said it's me cheer up be happy everything's good don't be afraid why when the lord tells you don't be afraid why did he tell you that and what does he expect he actually expects you and me to stop it stop being afraid why tell us if he knows it didn't make any difference huh he said my people are not taking me seriously with these things people think it's just a little slogan don't be afraid be blessed it means don't pay attention it doesn't matter it's just kind of a salutation peace hi don't be afraid don't mean anything it's just how we say hi no he means for us to go okay i've got to stop it stop being afraid now i'm stopping now but the enemy will tell you you can't he will tell you you can't help it and he's a liar if the lord tells you to stop being afraid tell me what's true i can stop being afraid yeah but they just gave me a bad report yeah but i just found out i got this big bill yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but what are you saying i i can't help but be afraid it's a lie amen it's a lie one of the greatest liberating truths you will ever discover is that you don't have to think on what you don't want to think on you don't have to listen to what you don't want to listen to you've proved that many times with people you don't have to look at what you don't want to look at you don't have to talk about what you don't want to talk about and if you can choose that you can choose not to fear you can choose not to be anxious or worry faith is a choice and fear is a choice i know many people don't believe it but the enemy will do anything he can to keep you from getting what i'm talking about right now because if you get this he loses his ability to coerce you he loses his leverage with you because if you won't listen to what he's saying you won't look at what he's doing you won't think about what he's bringing to you he loses his influence over you he loses his influence over you and if he loses his influence he can't put you in fear jesus spoke to him and said be of good cheer it's me don't be afraid everybody said out loud don't be afraid that's how we'd say it today don't be afraid what if jesus looked at you personally and said don't be afraid what would you do what would you do well he did tell you his word is him talking to you is that right many times how many times did the lord say fear not fear not every time the angel of the lord shows up a lot of times that's the first words out of his mouth fear not be not afraid fear not we'd say don't be afraid don't be afraid we haven't taken this seriously enough it just sounds like a greeting salutation to us we've seen it in the bible so much we're actually supposed to to stop and go why would he tell me that because i'm being afraid what now got to stop it i've got to stop it can you stop it yes you can yes you can verse 28 peter answered him and said lord if it is you got to remember it's nighttime and and the wind and the waves it's stormy out on this we'd call it a big lake lord if it's you bid me to come to you on the water if it is you you got to remember we we see him as master and redeemer and king of kings and lord of lords and he is they're traveling with him they eat with him they know him after the flesh soon and very soon we're going to see hallelujah be able to hug him it will not disappoint but he's saying lord if that is him he's walking on the water ain't nobody ever heard of anybody doing this and peter says tell me to come he knew this much he needed a word why didn't he just crawl out of the boat because faith is not based on nothing amen faith is not based on desire faith is not based on need just because you want something doesn't mean you can believe for it just because you need something you need to hear from him you need to have a word from him in the word of god in the book and or by the spirit which is going to be in line with the word in the book you need to hear from him and he just knew that in his heart i if there's a shot at me doing this i got to hear from him verse 29 he said come there is no word of god void of power if you say well how many believe there was power in this word come come on that's not everybody how many believe there was power in this word when the master said come come on come on if there's power in the word come there's power in the phrase don't be afraid amen oh somebody got it someone said well i i can't help it when he told you now you can because there was power in what he told you to enable you to do what he told you if there was power in the word come to help peter to come there's power in the word don't be afraid so you don't have to be afraid fear not if you couldn't do it before you can now because there's enabling in what he just said his commands are enablings so peter gets out of the ship and does what and does what come on y'all better help me a little better with this what what'd he do no no no peter might have been a big old boy you know 200 plus who knows you might know 200 pound men cannot walk on the surface of water nor can 100 pound children young people but did he or not he walked on though somebody said he walked on the water he walked on the water amen he walked on the water yes he walked yeah but you can't walk on the water well then he's walking on the word because there was something between his foot and the h2o if you if you'll step out on the word you can walk on the water hallelujah he's doing it this is amazing this is amazing come on say it out loud all things are possible to him that believes verse 30. but uh-oh just when things were going so well come on back back up i don't want to go here yet back up to verse 29 peter's doing what he's walking on the water he's going to jesus if he's going to jesus don't you suspect he's looking where he's going sure he is so who does he see who did he just hear jesus said come he's hearing jesus he's looking at jesus he's considering jesus come on can you see this god is mine on the master and what's happening the supernatural is in manifestation miracles are happening with every step yes what would have pulled him under and destroyed his life is powerless against him because he's on top of it he's on top of it you can't drown on top you can't drown on top you have to go under to drown he's walking on the water he's going to jesus faith pleases god so jesus is pleased with this the father is pleased how many think peter is pretty pleased peter and how about even the guys in the boat they're going wow whoa go peter go go peter go but verse 30 but but when he saw the wind boisterous what let me pause right here disobedience because the lord had just said couple of verses early what did he say don't be afraid so what is this this is ignoring what the lord said because what did he say you see why the lord will say to us people are not taking me seriously about what i said to them my people are not taking me seriously they hear this and it's just like don't be afraid right yeah yeah we'll we'll try you know you know keep your head up no no when he says don't be afraid he expects us to stop yielding to fear it's a choice come on it's a choice stop yielding to fear stop it somebody say stop it stop it stop it peter was not yielding to fear when he got out of the boat he was not yielding to fear when he was walking on the water and then right in the middle of walking by faith he he saw the wind in order to see the wind he had to take his eyes off the master can you see this friends and he was afraid abraham considered not his body how old sarah's body how old her barrenness when she was young this is staring him in the face just like this wind is staring peter in the face faith is a choice fear is a choice why is it a choice because we can choose what we look at if i can choose what i look at then i can choose faith or fear if i look at the right thing it puts faith in me if i look at the wrong thing it puts fear in me so why is fearing my choice or your choice because it's what we chose to look at it's what we chose to think about it's what we chose to listen to if i can choose to ignore that and look at what the lord said and focus on that and believe that i've i've resisted fear and i'll leave fear will leave me i said fear will leave he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying lord save me keep going and immediately jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and just as he was going down and pulls him up and says the greek is literally the name little faith little faith why did you doubt what does that mean he didn't have to he didn't have to when the lord says why did you you can just understand i have no good reason i'm not going to be able to justify this why did you why did you doubt i know some of these things are are they sound challenging but friends you and i are on the verge of coming up into a new way of living this is big this is big the enemy is fear fear is a destroyer fear is paralyzing it's crippling it's blinding it's confusion and most people believe they have no choice fear has come to me fear has come on me i don't want to be this way but they don't believe they can do anything about it and so they just keep looking just keep looking just keep looking at the same bad thing and the fear gets worse and worse and worse when we have the ability we have the ability to look away to look away to cast down imaginations we have the ability to look away from the symptoms and the pain and the problem and the bills and to look unto jesus the author and the perfecter of our faith we have that ability as children of god many are not using it many have used it some i saw this last night studying and waiting on the lord he jesus grabbed him the only reason peter didn't drown that night is the mercy of the lord that's right because his faith failed he quit believing and yielded to fear and if you do that how long does it take to go down how long does it take to go down i just when i saw that that phrase came to me and i saw person after person after person after person after person who left here early and people said well why didn't god heal them why not this one other what what happened is this right here many of them people in our camps they believed god and they were walking on the water you know people like this is that right they they they recovered they should have been dead two or three years ago but they didn't come on you listen they recovered and then they went what happened right here right here happened they took their eyes off the master they got to looking at the symptoms after reports and if you do that how long does it take to go down it don't take long at all god didn't fail you that's right god didn't fail them come on you're with me why didn't god heal him he's already bought and paid for healing for everybody on the planet he doesn't need to do anything to heal anybody that ain't the issue it's us receiving it it's what's receiving it and now look i'm not saying that to to be judgmental or point any fingers until you've been in their shoes it's easy to do it don't take long you can be doing so well was peter doing well you can be doing so good and then you can turn away and focus on the symptoms and focus on the reports and focus on the tests and get thinking about that and the moment you do that you start sinking you start going down and if you don't break loose from that you'll go down don't mean you're not saved doesn't mean you don't love the lord doesn't mean he didn't love you if you catch yourself in a place like that here's something else you can do cry out for mercy lord have mercy on me i know i'm supposed to be believing better than this but right now i just need some have mercy lord he's his mercy endures forever there's been many a man and woman he grabbed and said why'd you doubt come on come home come on there was no reason to doubt in piloting flying a plane especially by instruments they we train on this every year and they they they caution us about fixation fixating on an instrument that could be bad if you're flying at night time and there's no moon or light or you're flying uh in when the weather's bad you know like it was foggy this morning you can't see anything ain't no need looking out the window your panel your instruments become your world and i read recently just not long ago about two uh two guys professional pilots in a uh regional jet that was converted to hall freight flying at night time no moon anything over a country in europe and they were getting ready to begin their descent into the airport and all at once the captain exclaims what's wrong and his instrument was showing the plane pitching up when they're supposed to be in level flight so he grabs it and he starts pushing the nose down and the truth is they were in level flight his instrument in front of him which is his main attitude instrument has failed and it is showing the plane is climbing steeply when in fact it's level everything's fine now here's the problem right beside here is a standby instrument that's working perfectly over on the other side the copilot's instruments are working perfectly and they're showing that it's level but they got rattled and they started wrestling to get it back under control it was already under control and they fixated on that bad instrument it's nighttime and they followed it all the way into the ground somebody say fixation when there was a good one right over here if you looked at that or on the other side but you'd have had to ignore the one that was in your face and after years of flying and using that you're you know you're so used to focusing in on that but you have to make yourself look away somebody say you got to make yourself look away the enemy wants you to fixate on the bills on the symptoms on the reports on what somebody said about you did against you come on are you with me he wants you and if he can get you to fixate it's like looking at the wind it's not looking at the waves you'll go down you'll go down but you can discipline yourself discipline it's challenging because we've done it in school i mean when the thing you're used to trusting or looking at all the time goes crazy you're like ah no no no make yourself look at what you're supposed to be looking at but it can save your life somebody say looking unto jesus looking unto jesus the author the perfecter of my faith what about when you got symptoms and you got problems in your body you need to look at the healer you need to focus on the healer is that right not the problem quit talking about the problem what about the bills the bills the bills the bills quit talking about the bills talk about good measure press down shaking together running a talk about my god does supply all my knee focus on that focus on that and not just while you're at church for a few minutes all morning all afternoon all evening when other stuff tries to push in you got to grab it you got to cast it down you got to say no no i'm not following that bad stuff into the ground i'm not doing that obviously apparently peter could have walked on the water no problem all the way to jesus and him and jesus walked back to the boat did he have to fear the lord just got through telling him not to didn't he he didn't have to he didn't have to you don't have to i don't have to we've done it but we don't have to i said we don't have to let me read some scriptures to you from from the psalms just to uh reiterate this have you got a minute psalm three you you can go over to psalms with me if you want and just turn to these one at a time but uh i just wanna to let this get in you remind you this is not my idea this is the word of god psalm 3 6 psalm 3 6 i will not be afraid come on sit out loud i will not be afraid it's an act of your will i will not yield to that how can you keep from being afraid you have to choose not to look at that not to talk about that not to listen to that not you can't look and focus on the wrong thing and not get in fear the way you you avoid fear and get out of fear is by stopping looking at the wrong thing i'll not be afraid of ten thousands of people that set themselves against me roundabout now this may just sound like poetry to us but you gotta remember this is not a movie they had their swords on they're going hand-to-hand combat are you listening fear is going to try to come on you they're there to kill you especially if it's more of them than it is of you ten thousands of them which is why david has got this in his mouth i won't be afraid i won't be afraid of the worst report that's right amen oh somebody needs to come on with me i i won't be afraid of the biggest bills i won't be afraid i won't be afraid i will not be afraid psalm 23 you ever heard this one psalm 23 4 yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil we might sit like this i won't fear any evil i won't fear it oh it's there but i'm not going to fear it why i'm not going to look at it i know it's there but i'm not going to talk about it i'm not going to focus on it psalm 27 3 27 3 though a host should encamp against me my heart shall not fear the war should rise against me in this will i be confident what if you die i go to heaven amen psalm 56 3 4 3 and 4 56 3 what time i'm afraid i'll trust in you what do you do when you're afraid you quit being afraid how do you being afraid quit looking and thinking and talking that stuff and get to looking at him and talking about how you trust him talking about how you talk about what he said in god i will praise his word in god i have put my trust i will not fear come on say i will not fear i will not fear what flesh can do to me psalm 118 6 18 6 says the lord is on my side i will not fear what can man do to me if god be for you who can be against you hebrews in the new testament quotes this hebrews 13 6 says so that we may boldly say the lord is my helper and i will not fear what man shall do to me come on say it out loud boldly though i'm saying say it boldly i appreciate you your readiness i wasn't clear say this boldly the lord is my helper the lord is my answer i will not fear i will not say it again i saw i'll say it together the lord is my helper i will not fear he will help me through the money issue he will help me through the physical problem issue he'll help me through the marriage issue he will help me yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil why because you are with me you are with me you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me that's how i can keep from fearing because i remind myself of who's with me if i'm looking at who's against me and i forget who's with me i'm going to be in fear no way around it but if i quit looking at who's against me quit talking about how big they are quit talking about how money is how much money is going to take talking about how hard it is and i talk about how big he is i know one time in prayer some significant projects for the ministry were in front of us and it looked big to me and i had been trying to get my heart around it and the lord spoke to me he said son if anything looks too big too hard he said you're not looking at me isn't that the truth because if you're looking at him he is the definition of big he is big itself right he's the definition of ability and power and wisdom and knowledge and if i'm looking at him everything else looks small is that right as long as peter was looking at jesus he didn't even notice the wind it was there the wind didn't show up when he started looking at it it was already there the wind was there the waves were there it was there when he got out of the boat it was there when he was walking to jesus but when he started looking at it and giving place to it and yielding to fear is when it began to have destructive power in his life and he began to go down and if it hadn't been for the mercy of the lord he'd have perished right there that night and even those among us that are believers and believe in faith like like we do so many of us that are no longer on the earth that's what happened we're believing god we're walking on the water but got to looking at the wrong thing most all of us have done it didn't have to don't have to in the future somebody say the lord is my helper i will not fear i will not fear i will not fear hallelujah glory to god go to first john 4 please we talked about last week about crossing the line anybody remember that or not he said don't be anxious don't be anxious take no thought worrying saying what are we going to eat what are we going to drink what are we going to do jesus said don't do that if he said don't do that what does he expect he expects us not to do it and don't don't give us this i try and i'm trying no no you're not doing what he told you to do now i've come short on this you've come short on this but don't act don't believe the lie that you can't help it that's the thing that will undo you truth is i don't have to fear because i don't have to look at that i don't have to think about do i talk about it don't have to listen to it and if i look at something else i'll come out of fear now we're going to care about people let's say somebody you love somebody close to you your family member is having a serious attack against them will you be tempted to worry oh yeah tempted to fear that this ain't going to turn out right if you yield to the fear and worry by looking at the problem and talking about it and minding it night and day you're doing exactly what all the unsaved people on the planet are doing and you're going to get the same results there will be no divine intervention you got to get out of fear and get into faith that's where the fight comes in fight the good fight of faith what is the good fight you got to overcome the symptoms and the problems you gotta you gotta overcome you know the pull to look at this thing that's gonna scare you how do you do what can you do well there's a line you cross where you care about people but you go beyond that and now you're taking care it's okay to care about your people it's okay to be interested about it want to know and want it to be right that's okay but there's a line you cross when you're not just caring about them now you're worrying and yielding to fear and when you cross that line you're not in faith and if you're not in faith you're in a dangerous place because your worst fears can come on you and perish how can i tell when i'm at the line when i'm crossing the line first john 4 are you there how can you tell first john 4 17 herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world is it possible to walk as fearlessly as jesus walked religion will tell you no way no how the enemy will tell you is it possible to walk as fearlessly and as miraculously as jesus walked we got an example right in front of us in our text peter obviously an imperfect man gets out of the boat and walks on the water like the master himself showing what's possible if you just have faith and not fear somebody said out loud as he is so am i in this world keep reading there is no fear in love how can i tell when i've crossed the line out of love into fear love is wonderful fear is awful love i should be yielding to fear i must not give place to it can destroy my life how can i tell there's there's no fear in love if what i'm doing is in love for my people there will be no fear in it you hear people saying well i i can't help but worry about them because i love them so much wrong love has no fear you being afraid about what's going to happen to your loved one is not love amen it's not love you've you've crossed the line out of love into fear did i write this say it out loud there is no fear in love now the same could be said about faith he said why did you fear where is your faith and we and that's not surprising because faith and love work together faith works by love so if i'm in fear i'm not in faith if fear's in me i'm not in love i'm not walking in love about this now i know this is this is mind renewing but the lord's endeavor to bring us up to another place of life operate on another plane have more miracles than we've ever ever seen do you believe it have more miracles than we've seen and heard about man we're close we're close to some things can you sense it in your spirit we're close to some things i'm talking about healing miracles i'm talking about marriage miracles i'm talking about finance miracles one week you're over your head upside down in debt next week everything's paid off and you've got plenty plenty of money you're giving you're sowing easy for the lord that's so easy for him it'd be like you're giving a child a dime it just it's so easy for him so he's who she would do it he don't come by wishing and crying and whining you got to have faith well i'm just afraid exactly exactly and he commanded us don't be afraid how can i keep from being afraid stop looking at the wrong thing quit talking about it quit listening to it yes sir what got peter in trouble he quit looking at jesus he stopped thinking about the word come huh he looked away he looked at the wind and the waves and let fear in amen he's a good man but he made a mistake and a lot of situations how long does it take to go down how much fear can you and i afford none no we can't afford any of it there's no fear in love but perfect love or fully developed love casts out fear because fear has torment this is how you tell you've crossed the line you care about people you care about their situation you want to know what's going on with them you want things to be good with them that's great that's fine but then it gets to where it's gnawing on you come on are y'all listening it's bothering you torment can you see this tormenting you you've crossed the line this ain't love this is fear it's not faith and it's not love i just love them so much i can't stand it it's just eating me up that is not love in the love of god there's no fear somebody said the lord's my helper i will not fear i will not fear we can keep our eyes on him do you believe that we can we can keep our eyes on him we can cast all of our cares over on him thank you lord in closing go to philippians 4. you go to philippians 4. put up please ii corinthians 4 8 on the screen but but everybody turn it in your bibles you go to philippians 4. on the screen second corinthians 4 8. paul the spirit of god used him to write the words be careful for nothing but i think what sometimes what we haven't seen is that he didn't always do this by his own mouth he learned how to do this that's right mr william i don't think i have faith like what y'all are talking about yes you do are you born again then god gave you the starter faith you remember that right a measure of faith is in you you just got to learn how to do it amen don't say i don't have faith like that it's a choice faith is a choice not just a special few that have been given great faith the people that have strong faith they just used what was given them they've used it it's developed paul the spirit of god is helping him pen this we're troubled on every side troubled on every side this is the great man of god yet not distressed we're perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed trouble on every side that means it's trying to get to you but do you have to let it in second corinthians 11 28. second corinthians 11 28 he said those things that are without which come on me daily the care of the churches now he had how many churches under his watch and they had issues that's right huh he had ministers that were out of sorts he had people that were trying to run other folks off and trying to be in charge he had services that were completely completely chaotic huh what a lot like today people's his peoples and he said the care of those churches do what it just bothers me and i worry myself half to death no no no he said they come on him now here's the thing it's a difference between it coming on you and you letting it in you and he learned how to not let it in him but we shouldn't imagine that he was never tempted or pushed he was the he was tempted to worry about these things and these people it came to him every day it came to him but look in philippians 4 and 6. the same man writes what do you do about it be careful for [Music] nothing you can care about people but you don't cross the line to where you're full of anxious care you do want to love people but how can you tell when you've gone past loving them into just worry and fear it's tormenting you can you see that friends it's tormenting you it's vexing you it's bothering you that's not going to help them it's not going to help you you're actually missing god now be careful for nothing verse 7 and the peace of god which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus he starts talking about your mind what you got on your mind finally brethren whatever things are true whatever things are honest whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise what's the key think on these things not on the other right you want to be healed you better think about healing night and day is that right you want all your bills paid you better think about abundant provision you better think about the lord meeting your needs meeting your needs meeting your needs you think about it you talk about it you praise about it you quote scriptures about it and you don't let yourself look at what you need you don't let yourself look at how much it is and how hard it is and where is it going to come from you can't let yourself look at that the wind and the waves you got to keep your eyes on the master keep your mind on what he said and not only will you stay afloat you'll stay on top of it all hallelujah you will overcome you will come over it can you say amen verse 11 in the same chapter verse 11 he says not that i speak in respect of want for i have learned it's not something paul was born knowing i've learned no matter what state i am to be content not not content to stay there but to have peace and he went on to say i know both how to be a based i know how to abound everywhere and in all things i'm instructed everybody say learned and instructed how to be full of how to be hungry how to abound how to suffer need i can do all things through christ who strengthens me he said i learned how to do this the spirit of god taught him now if you've grown up in a household of worriers you've been trained to worry hmm yep a lot of folks here have trained their kids to worry you need does the lord will help you untrain them stand on your feet if you would i want to lead you in a prayer we're going to release faith the lord's going to help us the rest of today and tonight and tomorrow and we're going to learn how not to take care not to worry not to fear we have to stop talking about what we don't know don't have can't do got to stop talking about it and begin talking about what we have in him what we know in him what we can do in him close your eyes [Music] say it out loud father god forgive me for not taking you seriously and heeding your commands not to worry not to fear but i'm listening now and i thank you for your holy spirit who is my teacher and my guide i'm asking you yes thank you you've already begun lord but i'm asking you to teach me further [Music] like you taught paul that i may learn how to be in faith in every situation how to not yield to fear not give place to worry and anxiety teach me show me remind me and as you help me i'll do it in jesus name oh hallelujah
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,076
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8SINe90mA7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 42sec (4002 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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