Sunday Rebroadcast 09/12/2021 "The Heart-Mouth Connection" - Keith Moore

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family i'm excited to be in church with you this morning would you just lift your hands all over the place begin to give the lord your praise and your worship your thanksgiving lord we worship you lord we thank you we praise you come on and magnify him this morning come on and lift up the name of jesus this morning let's stir up our thankfulness to our heavenly father we love you lord we love you lord we praise your holy name we magnify you in this place we magnify you we exalt you jesus we love you lord oh thank you thank you thank you hallelujah let's make a joyful noise [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah we rejoice in you this morning heavenly father [Music] are you happy in jesus this morning are you excited to hear the word this morning hallelujah come on let's seek some praise and worship here we go you are holy [Music] there is [Music] [Music] lord we praise your name praise to the only living we give [Music] praise your name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we rejoice in your lord we rejoice [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus we sing it hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] him up this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] freedom to walk [Music] come on now just do it release release your thanksgiving [Music] [Music] we praise your names [Music] thank [Music] you are worthy [Music] [Music] it doesn't matter what comes his name is jesus [Music] i'm gonna dance is is hunger [Applause] foreign [Music] his name is [Music] holy is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] than a foreign [Applause] [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus he is greater he is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is greater than he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh yes you are [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] greater than is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my father who's greater than all my [Music] is you jesus [Music] thank you [Music] me [Music] that gives me strength [Music] [Applause] and see way back on [Applause] that calvary me strength [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] yes oh it's the place [Music] to the highest me [Music] look [Music] thank you lord lift up your hands rest where we praise you and bless you and thank you lord oh i thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord oh just lift your hands and let's worship the lord give glory to his name praise the lord in the beauty of holiness [Music] lord we worship you i worship you [Music] i give you praise and thanks and glory for you are worthy lord worthy lord worthy lord worthy lord oh everybody just out of your own own words your own mouth make a glad sound make a joyful sound let everything that has breath praise the lord don't be silent say praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord i give you glory glory glory glory glory glory thank you lord for redeeming us thank you lord for saving us thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i worship you i worship you i worship you i worship you you praises to your name [Music] lord we worship you in these places today we say you are the lord our god we are your people [Music] and we worship you we seek your face your will your ways your words because you are perfect you are all glorious you are all righteous you are all good hallelujah hallelujah how many believe the lord is all good he's he's all good there's no bad in him there's no darkness in him there's no there's no evil in him he's all good all good all good all good the all good god oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you praise you lord hallelujah [Music] there's a lot of people [Music] that should be in church this morning [Music] i'm glad you're here i'm glad i'm here but you know what i mean there's a lot of people they just many of them have no good reason for not being in church and it's not our responsibility for everybody else but there are a lot of people that we would call church family for this church they would even say this is their church or the sarasota is their church but they hadn't been in six months let's pray for them today what do you think father we lift up these folks we care about them you care about them [Music] they need your presence they need to be fed your word they need the fellowship and communion of your spirit and of the gathering together of the body in the church wherever they are whatever they're doing right now we ask that you'd minister to them and that you'd strengthen them and that you'd encourage them whatever they're going through lord help them to see there's an answer and you're it help them to say lord that it's not hopeless they're not helpless and draw them back to yourself and back to the flock and back to the the word and back to your spirit help them to see what you've done for them in times past and what worked and what made it work was you and how they can get back to you right away draw them prompt them urge them we break the power of darkness and confusion from over their minds and we say come on back come on back hallelujah lift your hands and say thank you lord [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh i thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you for everything you do thank you lord hallelujah are you glad to be in church on a sunday morning well turn around smile at somebody let them know they're around friendly people and wave at them hallelujah [Music] good morning welcome welcome this morning to faith life church what a great day yes yes all your bright and shiny faces it's so good to see yes well do we have any first time visitors with us here today you can wave stand if you'd like here in sarasota hi oh welcome welcome all over this place welcome we are so glad you've joined us welcome to branson it's beautiful here yes and welcome everybody in sarasota and online our friends and family we're so glad you join us too we love you all out there so we're waving we like we like it we know you're there so such a sweet family well just one announcement just a loving reminder week of increase is getting closer yes that is in branson um october 4th through the 8th so still got time to make plans believe god to get here if you're supposed to be here and then and this uh our church family here in sarasota if you're able to serve during that week be sure and sign up so they know when you're available and it's going to be a grand time yes now do we have any birthdays or anniversaries you've celebrated anybody oh happy birthday oh happy birthday wonderful oh okay let me make the rounds here hi how many oh 40 is that right hey happy anniversary congratulations 28. congratulations oh is he on a camera tv yep awesome happy birthday happy birthday ah 30 happy anniversary that's wonderful congratulations i don't want to miss miss anybody happy birthday if i missed one back there all right well let's take a look at sarasota good morning oh there we go ah 29 congratulations happy birthday back there wonderful anybody else slow sweep so we can see all your lovely faces hi oh happy anniversary 58 congratulations wonderful oh and happy birthday back there that's wonderful i like your plates too that was so cute oh 14. happy anniversary oh and we got another 59 that was wonderful yes congratulations wow that's wonderful oh we've got a lot to be thankful for and celebrate and oh we got to do it we got to stand up and kick the devil exactly anytime we can kick him it's a great day yes well let's kick him he's got nothing on our marriages that's right well you could you can be seated sorry [Laughter] yes anytime we can stomp him a little everything make him cry it's a good thing well now i've got some really good testimonies this morning and this one comes from branson said i'm so thankful for all the anointed word that comes through this ministry recently i had an opportunity to apply for a significant promotion in my career this position has been a goal and a desire of mine for many years after applying for the position the executive director scheduled me for an interview while i felt confident that i was a strong candidate i didn't want to make any assumptions and i wanted to take this interview seriously and prepare the best i knew how for over a week i would think about what kind of questions the director might ask but i was completely blank it was like writer's block all i could think was what could he possibly ask me and i have worked directly with him for the past eight years he knows who i am and he knows how i work there couldn't be anything i would say that will that should be a surprise to him well the night before the interview i was starting to feel nervous and anxious i had no idea how to prepare for this interview then it came up in my spirit that i had done everything i needed to prepare myself for the position in the natural but i needed to prepare in the spirit i knew immediately that i had not taken this to the lord and sought his direction on how to proceed and prepare i shut everything off went to the lord in prayer and asked him for wisdom and mercy over the situation well he brought to my remembrance a recent sermon on overcoming so i got my computer out found the broadcast and watched it again by the end of the message i had three pages of notes i wasn't exactly sure what to do with everything i had written down but the exact but the anxiety was gone and i felt confident that i had done everything the lord had told me to do the next morning i woke with joy ready to take on the day a few hours later i was sitting in front of the director for my interview i had my notes with me for the next 75 minutes he asked questions and gave scenarios every single thing he asked were in my notes and more not only did i have a response for all his questions i was also able to provide solutions to other potential issues that he hadn't even identified three short hours later the director walked into my office and offered me the promotion the lord is so good and so faithful he said that if we would ask for wisdom he'd give it freely i just had to get on my get out of my own way and seek his wisdom i knew when i felt myself taking on the cares and anxiety of the situation i was not in faith and needed to put it on the lord thank you lord for your word thank you for everyone at the ministry for teaching such anointed messages from the lord and also on top of this amazing opportunity it came with a 25 pay increase glory to god yes he'll do that for you yes he will this one said a while back we claimed money to come in for a couch last night a couple we hadn't seen in years called to meet us for dinner at the arrival of the restaurant we were handed a notebook with 3 000 100 bills and the couple also bought their steak dinner god is so good praise the lord yes that's awesome and then this one comes from here says we are completely out of debt we give all the glory to god we've been concentrating on getting out of debt the last few years chipping and chunking on it well today i paid the last chunk on our house and that was the final debt to go they all fall down yes yes and they were able to purchase a 2021 yukon denali and it's debt free i was able to order the color and package exactly what i wanted these are hard to get right now so i know it was made just for me no more debt yay we are thankful for the teaching at faith life church we've come and we've come up in the past 16 years and look forward to more learning and doing the word amen and then this one was sent in said um it was several years ago i had sent in a prayer request for my son and his wife after i sent you the prayer request the lord spoke to my heart and told me to forgive my daughter-in-law and to love her unconditionally that he will change her heart i listened and obeyed the lord he has sent put such a love for my daughter-in-law in my heart that i now love her as i love him god is restoring our relationship and i give all the glory and praise to the lord isn't that wonderful and then this one's from the united kingdom said wilst i think that's how you say that well watching online sunday earlier uh this year in 2021 brother moore mentioned that some of us had prayed for loved ones salvation god had heard our prayers but it was up to them to respond i knew that god was speaking to me and i received it fast forward to july of this year my daughter messaged to say that she had accepted jesus and was now born again glory to god what great news i have been thanking and praising god ever since my daughter is now looking forward to water baptism in october this is not just the only thing god has done for this family all my daughters have had have had better jobs and promotions this year god is so good he really will do these kind of things for you if you'll dare to believe it and dare to put him first instead of everything else you you can be seated well it's offering time and around here we we enjoy offering time and there are many many things that uh are connected to this um go with me in a couple of places if you would hebrews the second chapter and james the fifth chapter and they'll put this up on the screen for us hebrews 2 14 talks about this it says as much as the children are partakers of flesh and blood heat almost jesus himself took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and he did it and it has been done verse 15 and in so doing that he would deliver them who through fear of death where all their lifetime subject to bondage um there's a lot going on in the world right now a lot going on relative to the covid uh so-called pandemic and a lot of pain and a lot of suffering and a lot of deaths and all kind of things in regard to that there's a lot of controversy over vaccines and masks one thing you don't want to do just look in james let me say that before i i get to the other part james 5 9 james 5 9. if y'all put that up for us it says grudge not one against another brethren lest you be condemned um behold the judge stands before the door the scripture jesus talked about don't judge lest you be judged and here other translations say grumble not and it has to do with complaining against people and blaming blaming now blaming is judging are y'all with me church and so many times you people are just completely off even in their thinking well if they hadn't done that then this wouldn't have happened are you sure how do you know that if this had happened this wouldn't have happened how do you know that and the we're told not to judge for many reasons one of the biggest is we don't know people's hearts only god knows people's hearts we don't know what they knew and what they didn't know and judging is hypocrisy it's acting like you hadn't missed it when you know you have well i've never done anything like that yeah you have yeah well no i yes you have if you knew better to him that knows to do good and does it not to him it's sin it might not be in exactly the same area but spiritually it's the same thing you don't want to blame other people and stay upset and be judging them because all that does is bring judgment back on yourself are y'all with me church and besides that many times you will be absolutely wrong and with a lot of situations we have more responsibility in the matter than you think if we had done some things differently it could be different much of the time the church has not taken its full responsibility to pray or believe or vote or whatever the case might be and so whose fault is it you understand what i'm saying and so you can blame people all you want but many times it's a different situation than you thought they may not even have a clue of what they're doing they might not understand it and the lord told you not to judge not to blame not to not to grumble somebody say amen or old me or huh and and the big deal back to this thing in hebrews hebrews 2 what did he say he said that uh through jesus doing this he delivered us from the fear of death come on do you see that right there and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage the reason so many people are acting up and acting out so radically is they're scared they're scared of dying church are y'all with me or not this this is the big thing that's why people are so you know they're they're trying to do radical things they're they're so insistent they're so demanding they're trying to be controlling every other kind of thing they're scared out of their wits they're scared they're gonna die and the fact is they're they're just about to die everybody on the planet is that far from going amen whether it's from covet or whether it's something else or whether you live another 40 years it's going to go by like that and you're going to be out of here the big thing is not you know the the symptoms that so many folks are focusing on the big issue is you need to be ready to go now i said you need to be ready to go what does that mean you need to be born again you need to know god you need to know that your name is written in the land's book of heaven you need to be ready to go somebody say ready to go ready to go go over to philippians if you would over to philippians oh i didn't got a good god let's see i told you wrong the one i want you to go to right now is second timothy that's a bit of a difference second timothy 4 and 6. second timothy 4 and 6. uh paul said this by the spirit he said i am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand man this is a great thing to be able to say what's he saying i'm ready now when he's talking about departure he's talking about his death births are arrivals deaths are departures they're not the end death is not the end it's a departure you leave here and you go somewhere else if you're a believer you go to be with the lord i'm i'm ready somebody say i'm ready this this will deliver you from the fear of death and that's what one of the reasons the big reasons the lord came is so that he he took part of flesh and blood so that through what he did he might destroy him that had the power of death and deliver them who through all their lifetime were subject to bondage through the fear of death if you can't get rid of the fear of dying it's like you're in jail your whole life you will be limited you'll be restricted and and so many times people some people with fear and terror they react by you know uh pulling away and running away other people a lot of people react in anger they react in anger and that's why you see all of this stuff going on these outbursts this anger the this trying to control and demand it's fear fear fear fear and one of the best things you and i can do is to be fearless i didn't say foolish that's not the same thing fearless what does that mean it means uh we're not recklessly exposing ourself we're not treating our life like it's not valuable but we are not afraid to go we know we're going to go right and you need to be ready to go at any moment at any time need to be ready to go all the time what did paul say i'm ready i'm ready now to be offered the time of my departure is at hand verse 7 i've fought a good fight i finished my course i've kept the faith i want you to practice that church say it out loud i've fought a good fight i've finished my course i've kept the faith that's he's elaborating on saying i'm ready to go that that's that lets you know why he's ready to go because he's fought a good fight he's finished his course he's kept the faith he's ready to go look at your neighbor say are you ready to go [Laughter] you ready to go if not you better get ready to go because this world's a dangerous place you've got no guarantees you know peop young people assume you know well i i'm young you know i got another 60 years 70 years with the help of the lord and mercy and grace of the lord you could have it's not guaranteed you because you're alive there's a there's a there'll be a hundred and fifty some thousand people die today on the planet and all of them won't be old a lot of them will be young and i assure you most of them as they're breathing their last they will be shocked that they're leaving here they thought they had more time but if you're ready to go oh come on help me out in church this is one of the biggest things that church is about is that ryan getting everybody ready to go you need to be ready to go and it doesn't hurt you here and there to ask of the people around you are you ready to go huh people at work people here are there are you ready to go ready to go where are you ready to leave the planet that's right are you ready to die to die to leave here that's a departure are you ready to go oh yeah i got plenty of time to think about it said who yeah said who no that's that's a wrong assumption but that's one of the big things going on with the covert thing is there's been deaths with that there's but you know there's been a lot more deaths of other things too it's just part of life there's deaths all around us is people arriving and people departing and and i like what he said here i the time of my departure is at hand i am ready somebody say i'm ready i'm ready verse 8 he went on to say henceforth has laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge will give me at that day not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing do you love his appearing are you looking forward to him coming looking forward to seeing him then there's crown for you too according to that hallelujah it is so wonderful not to be gripped and controlled by fear oh it just you can you can hardly put it into words how wonderful it is to know that if i quit breathing right now and fell on the floor i'm good i'm better than good to depart from here is to be with christ which is far better i'm not rushing it i got a job to do i will be out of here soon enough but you need to be ready to go now now and that delivers you from the fear of death can you say amen let me give you the good reports of things that are going on in the the church right now the uh uh oh the go supply if you put that up we we're doing good in that respect we're over one to one this covers all of our travel expenses we travel between the churches we travel to other churches and other conferences we actually spoke for two days in in the houston area this past week and this week middle of the week will be in detroit and and you know back to the churches and that kind of thing and so it costs the people nothing for us to come to them because all of our i mean ground travel air travel hotel everything's covered by this so we can come to people at no expense to them isn't that great and that's because of you know the churches and different ones so into this and so uh the ghost supplies well supplied the word supply not quite one-to-one but we got good big reserves on that we're in good shape this covers all of our materials that go out all of our downloads our broadcasts our books our cds dvds music everything is available to anybody anywhere at no charge and that's because people sow into the word supply and it is well supplied let me give you a good report um you know about the uh the hurricane that has affected uh new orleans and different parts of the south and then also you know the the northeast and that kind of thing well um we checked on our friends down in new orleans you know jesse and cathy duplantis and and their buildings had some minimal damage none of their people were were hurt bad but the electricity's been off and it's been hot and it hadn't been good and so we were ready to send uh a truck and some supplies to him but you know we've been partnered with convoy of hope that's out of springfield for some years now and sown into them repeatedly and so with we've checked with them first well yeah they're already there and our money would go uh uh what did we say how much further uh ten to one by sowing it into them because because of their contacts and the the partners they have uh you know we could we could buy 10 times what we could do and so man no need to trying to reinvent the wheel right so partner with somebody that can do it and so we are do we have the trailer truck uh pictures can we put them up that's that's one of their pictures and so we are sending at least three truckloads of stuff down there uh we're underwriting keep keep going and you'll see what they're doing man they they do a tremendous work they uh they put up these tents and they got water they got food they got hygiene kits they got child kids they got solar chargers is that one of them right there i mean they got it going on they they got it together and uh and so they've already taken two loads of stuff several pallets to jesse and cathy's church and their people as well as everything else that they're doing and so we asked them uh and these are people coming to get stuff and so we asked them and said is there something that you really need right now because we have i think we showed you last week there was a food truck that we sowed to them a year or two ago and they're using that down there right now and there was also a loader that went on the back of a bob truck we sold we've sewn several things well um put up a picture they said they could use one of these if you got that next picture one of these now what is that what do they call it tell a handler and this is this one's made by caterpillar and as you see it's a forklift but it's also like a genie lift it can reach way into something and so a lot of times their trucks don't have they don't have loading docks that they can unload from and you can unload anywhere with this plus they're involved in helping when things have been flooded tearing out all the old drywall and all that and they can use this you can put multiple attachments on this thing and so we have already sent them the money to buy one of these they found one and these days if you can find one on the ground you better get it right but and so they have found one uh close by that's it i guess that that's the very one and so um aren't you happy about that that you that have sown into the general in times past then you help buy that and pay for that and so every time they unload a truck with it every time they help somebody you got a part of it these are some of the things you know that uh first of the year we stand up with our vision list and say lord we we're believing for opportunities uh benevolence and to sow into things well these are those kind of things and we had it in our god account and just uh wonderful easy peasy hallelujah well that's already done we're not receiving funds for that that's done but uh if you want to get involved in the offerings today because again general things that's where it'll come from in the future raise your hand for an envelope for a cash giving or credit card giving or if you want to give a check make it out to flc that means faith life church flc you need some equipment to do the do the work need some stuff and the better your equipment better your tools the more you can get done the quicker the easier so how many believe that's a good seed for us we're sewing top-notch brand new well then you got a right to reap top-notch brand new and this is some this is a nifty piece of equipment it does extra things so what am i saying that you can believe god for the latest greatest stuff that does nifty things harvest you can get the get the new one and say look look what this does people go oh wow make it out of check make it out to flc if you want something to go to the go supply designated go supply or word supply these are not projects they're ongoing outreaches and like we said a check make it out to flc and their information was on the screen at some point about uh texting and if you're watching online there's a button you can click on it says sewing there are a number of ways you can do it when you're ready stand with us whether you're giving or not just stand and worship the lord with us there's no nobody's asking for anything there's no pressure there's no charge it's an opportunity and aren't you glad we were able to act on this opportunity and so that was because other folks acted on the opportunity to give in times past that we had it so hold up your offering hold up your hand say it out loud father god you are my source unlimited unfailing because the lord is my shepherd i shall not want i shall not lack for any good thing but we always have abundance and plenty to give into every good work as you direct thank you for increasing us more and more us and our children for blessing us and making us a big blessing to a lot of people to your glory in jesus name father i speak over the people as they bring these things and i say be increased be enlarged be empowered to succeed and the blessing and the increase and goodness of the lord be on you and be seen on you until others see it too and are drawn to him thereby in jesus name if you agree with that say amen or i receive it or so be it what's going on the faith life family we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles and our equipment already this year we've sewn vehicles haven't we we've sewn equipment we sowed that bus you know to danny gokey and their crew and that's top brand new spanking we we've sewn other equipment we've sewn uh buildings and lands you remember to the cozads and their ministry already uh we got good seed in the ground is that right so we're not just making empty confessions we got seed in the ground and we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles and our equipment that's the way it works you believe he directs you to sow you sow you expect it and it comes to pass it's exactly how it happens what else is going on all of our debts are being reduced and eliminated now that testimony i heard those folks have been with us 16 years i think she said so they have said this before is that right now they're living in it house paid for everything's paid for said out loud i claim extra coming in and i'm paying off everything quickly hallelujah what else is going on the lord's bringing into my hands seed even some great big whopper chunk seed this is our future our sowing it's one thing to talk but when you actually make an action and sow whether it's money or things or friendship or whatever it is you're you're proving you believe it it's not just empty talk you believe it enough to act on it and we have done that that's what we're doing right now and so uh he's bringing more seed to us which result in more sowing and more harvest we're coming up up up hallelujah you can be seated usher's weight on the people [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm going [Music] i'm walking with my scissors [Music] [Music] you know i'm made up of [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] you're going through all away father we thank you for the the privilege and the opportunity to come together like this gather in your name with your spirit with your presence with each other you're wonderful and you're so good to us we agree together as touching this asking you for the utterance for the anointing for words and answers and help exactly what you know we need and we purpose not to be hearers only but to be doers those that act on what you show us and tell us in jesus name get glory to yourself in us amen you can be seated thanks be to god who gives us the victory who always causes us to triumph well one of the things that should happen at church is that you should be fed hmm i was cooking last night huh [Laughter] things are supposed to happen in church it's not supposed to be just a ritual and a routine where you come in check the box i was there see how quick you can get out if church is boring and seems useless to you you're not doing it right amen but uh one of the things that's supposed to happen is we are supposed to come and give to god amen give to things that he will receive from us true worship in spirit and in truth genuine praise and prayer and offerings and these kind of things and if you do it right he receives it and then also he he wants to give us something he wants to minister to us his presence his goodness his blessings and his words and his things and so we should receive something and so you didn't have church if there wasn't this giving and receiving that actually happened if you would look with me in the book of luke for some weeks now we've been on a a series that we're calling the word of power the word of power we talked about prior to that faith in the power and now we're this is actually a follow-on series to that the word of power we've already covered a lot of ground so if you haven't been with us let me encourage you to recommend to you that you go online to the website and watch or listen to some of the previous messages that led up to this won't cost you anything no charge for it but folks that were here would you recommend that they hear some of the previous things we believe it'll help you and all of this is building one on the other in luke the fourth chapter and the 22nd verse talking about jesus it said all bear him witness and wondered at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth and they said is not this joseph's son verse 32 same chapter they were astonished at his doctrine or his teaching for his word was with power astonished is a strong word they weren't just intrigued they were what astonished at what at the way he spoke the words that he spoke verse 33 there was a man that had a spirit and cried out and verse 35 jesus rebuked him and said hold your peace and come out verse 36 they were all amazed and they spoke among themselves and said what a word is this for with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out what a word is this then in verse 37 and 38 he came to simon's house and simon's mother-in-law was sick and verse they asked him to minister to her verse 39 jesus stood over her and rebuked the fever and it left her and immediately she arose and ministered to them so now you see multiple instances references just in this one same chapter of of how powerful jesus words were i mean he is he spoke to a fever and it obeyed him a fever and we know if you read the matthew mark luke and john he spoke to the wind and waves and they obeyed he spoke to spirits and they left he spoke to all kinds of physical problems he spoke to the dead and they were raised now anytime you say that people will immediately say well yeah but you know that's jesus you know he's god he can do that those statements are true but you're leaving the wrong impression when you say that you're you're implying he did it as god and of course if he did that as god i'm not god you're not god we can't do it but he he said he did it as a man and he told us in john 14 that if you believe on him the works he did you would do also in greater works than those you would do and whatever you would command or require in his name he would do it we've talked about this for some weeks now and so we're jesus had manifestations of power in his life and ministry people were healed people were delivered miracles happened amazing things happened nature was affected and stopped and changed and amazing things happened when he spoke the the manifestation of power was inseparable from his speaking from the words he spoke and so if we're going to have power manifestations in our life it'll be the same way the servant's not above his master or the students not above his teacher if we're going to have the kind of things that jesus had in his life and ministry they will happen the same way and they will be connected to our words just like his we're connected to his words and this is something the enemy has fought so hard to confuse and keep hidden and so most of the church does not pay attention to their words most of the church talks for the most part like the unsaved world and says all kind of things that they don't mean that they don't believe that they don't want because they don't believe in the power of their words you know the proverbs says life and death is in the power of the tongue well most people don't believe that why would you say that brother well you can tell by the way they talk right if you really believed that when you said something it affected your life there were certain things you would not say right you just would not say it and so um you know like that just kills me oh you're killing me you know and if you notice like we said submission submitted the popular songs are like you know you i'm going crazy i'm losing my mind uh you're driving me out of my mind you know notice how much of this is that's not an accident the enemy has woven that in there because he knows if he can get that in your mouth even though you don't believe it it doesn't mean anything to you faith comes by hearing and you keep saying it you keep it's getting into you a little bit here a little bit there and so the enemy is always i mean every day of your life trying to get something in your mouth that he can act on in your life and the spirit of god is trying to get something in your mouth that he can act on who do you want to cooperate with come on this this is not a trick question who do you want who do you want working in your life then you best get a hold of your mouth how many have read james 3 we talked about this about how the tongue is like the bit in the horse's mouth it's like the rudder on the ship what's he saying our mouths are steering our lives if your life's going in the wrong direction if your car is going in the wrong direction what do you do you don't just press the accelerator and go i don't want to go this way i really don't i don't want to go this yeah but turn the wheel oh i can't turn the wheel because i'm going this way i can't turn the wheel and say to go another way because i'm this is the way i'm going you've got to you've got to change something right if you want something to change you keep doing the same things it's not you're not going to have any change no your mouth can turn the direction of your life that's according to the word of god that's not some crazy idea that's the way it's always been god has created everything that exists by his words you and i are created in the likeness and image of god we're created speaking spirits if you notice that's one of the big difference between us and animals right they don't have this ability oh they make sounds and what have you and they have rudimentary communication between themselves but they are not speaking spirits that can choose words and put faith or fear or love or spiritual quantities in these words and release them that's a god-like ability are y'all with me church god-like ability and the enemy knows this and he wants you to use it against yourself in ignorance but let's listen to the word let's listen to the lord and let's make our tongues do a righteous duty right and do what they should and let's get our words working for ourselves instead of against ourselves go with me if you would please to the book of mark mark chapter 11 we've talked about this great verse but i i want to talk about it some more mark 11 jesus on his way to the temple spoke to a tree and when he spoke to it you couldn't tell that anything had changed but then 24 hours later when they're coming back by that tree the disciples remarked that it had dried up and it dried up from the roots now a tree is a real physical thing and it responded to words your trees will respond to words your flowers your grass don't curse it huh don't talk bad about it talk good over it if you want it if you want it to do well it's pretty simple with this word thing if you don't want it don't say it [Laughter] it really is if you don't if you don't want it you don't want it to be that way don't call it that way you don't want it to continue quit saying it whatever that you want it to be faith calls those things even be not yet as though they were let the weak say i'm strong so if you're weak and you don't want to be weak the last thing you want to say is i just feel so weak that's right i've just i've been weak for months now i don't know what's wrong with me and it seems like uh i just get a little bit ahead and and any that takes nothing to knock the wind out of me i just don't know what's wrong with well i know one big thing is wrong with you now people get indignant over this they get a fit well well you're you're not dealing with what i'm dealing with you don't know what i'm dealing with either but that's beside the point the word's either true or it's not this this is either works or it doesn't no it makes all the difference what you are saying about your life about your marriage we just can't get along i don't know we've grown apart yeah you're all quiet got via the thrill is gone no that's a blues song that's true what is that is that how you want it to be have you ever heard the lord talk like that in the scriptures huh the disciples the apostles would faint and fall out if jesus got up one morning and said i just don't think i can make it huh you would never hear him say something like that ever never you never hear him say these pharisees these scribes these doctors of the law i just can't take it anymore now see we're so used to that we've heard it so much it just sounds normal but it's also why things are the way they are and if you want what everybody else has and you want your life to be like theirs then you just talk like everybody else but if you want to have intervention by the holy spirit if you want god to get all in your business then he's got to get in your mouth first you've got to say words that he has said agree with him what did he say he didn't say you can't he said you can do all things through christ who strengthens you he didn't say everything is overcoming you he said greater is he that's in you than he that is in the world he didn't say you can't pay your bills he said he meets all your needs according to his come on y'all listen you want me to know according to his riches and you got to talk this way tuesday evening at your house not just sunday morning when i'm waving at you and saying talk this way you got to talk this way when you're by yourself when the pressure is on because you will be pushed to say the wrong thing there'll be times you'll be so tempted and so pushed to talk to to complain and grumble and talk fear and unbelief you'll have to bite your lip keep from doing it you might catch yourself in mid-sentence and go no no no no no no i don't believe that this is what i believe fix it fix it right there give the enemy nothing to work with don't give him a word that he can bring to pass in your life don't agree with him about anything those thoughts that are coming to you coupled with those terrible feelings coming to you they're coming from him you're a failure you can't make it you're dumb you're stupid you're never going to amount to anything this is not going to happen you'll never get the money never all of this kind of stuff the reason he keeps pushing you he can't just make that happen because he brought that to you he wants to bring it to you a thousand times in a day until you've heard it so much and you didn't resist it until you heard it you're not going to make it you're not going to make it you're not going to make it you're not going to make it and after three days of that you open up your mouth and you say i don't think i'm going to make it now he's got something to work with come on can you see that because it's not just him bringing something to you you're agreeing with him and he has a right but no you want something needs to rise up inside you when something says you're not going to make it you're not going to make it you say oh yeah i'm an overcomer i'm an overcomer we just got through talking about that today i'm going to run my entire race i'm going to finish my course with joy hallelujah you you're not going to have enough you're not going to have enough once in a while i'll i'll say something to shake things up the thought will come y'all are not going to have enough i'll go you're right you're right you're right we got more than enough we have more we're going to have more than enough we're going to have more than enough we're going gonna have way more than enough we see we don't just make these confessions in the front of the uh service just to be doing something they're just routine i mean this is this is how you live this is how you steer your life down the right course you you get it out of the problem and into the answer you begin to say i call every bill paid i call every need met i call every debt paid off that's right and that's got nothing to do with your pocketbook or your checking account or how you look or how you feel the strongest faith is when it doesn't look like it and you're saying it anyway somebody said out loud i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might amen how about your marriage yes amen how about your family my family is blessed oh yes sir my marriage is blessed what about your spouse wonderful they're a gift of god now it doesn't matter if they acted like a heathen this morning do you want to live with a heathen forever then you better give the lord something to work with huh they are and people tend to rise or fall to what you say about them wow you know man you should never say things like you're you're no kind of man i can't live with you you're no kind of woman i can't i mean the enemy is always pushing people to get upset to get mad to where they just start saying things not even realize what they're saying and it can be arrows that pierce hearts and hurt but the thing is before you start judging the other person have you done that have you said things that were undermining to them that we're derogatory to them because i mean the last thing we should do is agree with the enemy against each other what husbands and wives should do on a regular basis it's when they they realize the enemy's pushing him against her and her against him and these thoughts and feelings and you're just noticing all the problems you need to realize we the enemy's trying to hurt us let's join together against him oh come on can you see this instead of letting him play us against each other let's say oh no devil we know what you're doing and you join together against him there's no such thing as the perfect marriage with no issues and the perfect spouse that's just amazing and wonderful and needs no development you got flesh you got flesh too they got flipped come on y'all awake in here well i just don't know that they're you know giving me everything i need well how you doing [Laughter] how are you giving what are you giving them huh besides continual critiques and criticism and if all you sow is critiques and criticism guess what you're gonna reap hundredfold critiques and criticism are y'all okay in here today or not but what if you sowed compliments what if you sowed encouragement huh i want you to say it out loud lord forgive me for saying hard words ungodly words unbelieving words and i ask you to open my eyes help me to see the people around me [Music] through your eyes to see them the way you see them [Music] value them the way you value them there are precious things in each other that you won't see unless you have eyes to see it do you remember that jesus in his own hometown they rejected him out of hand they had no respect for him and his ministry you couldn't say it was because he was exhibiting some major flaws and problems no no and yet they judged him after the flesh and made some wrong assumptions but if they could have seen him through the father's eyes what the father say this is my son in whom i am well pleased if they could have seen right they would have been so honored that they were in his presence instead of running him out of town and so the same thing is true with us anybody can judge anybody after the flesh there's all these imperfections and all of this stuff but by faith you can see further you can begin to see what god sees you can begin to see things inside people and qualities and valuable things and if you'll talk those then you're watering them and they will grow hallelujah we're still talking about words and you never speak bad things over your children no matter how crazy they act huh i just don't know if that boy is going to make it never say that never never they if if they're not believing god they need somebody helping them somewhere right and parents are the perfect one and grandparents are the perfect ones a lot of times they'll stay with people when other people won't and so you you hear a bad report about how crazy they're acting it's time to talk some faith isn't it it's time to say i've prayed and the lord's heard our prayers and he's working on them hallelujah he's sending laborers across their path and their eyes and their ears are being opened up and they're seeing truths i mean prophesy over them by faith i'm not talking about you felt some big thing by faith you prophesy over them and you say no they're coming to light they're coming to light they're coming to enlightenment and and deliverance is working in their life hallelujah did you find mark 11. i know this is a little different today but uh can you take it so far mark 11 verse 22 after they brought to jesus attention that the tree he's spoken to had been killed and died he said have faith in god verse 23 for verily i say to you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith don't let this verse be over familiar to you who said it not kenneth hagin huh brother kenneth hagin didn't write this this was around a long time before he ever came on the scene who said this and he said this in connection with having faith in god and in connection with him speaking words that released power so this is insight into revelation and understanding into speaking power words if you spoke to a mountain and it was removed is that power this is power isn't it yes these are power words do you believe jesus could do that jesus could speak to a mountain and it would be removed well yeah and he spoke to the tree and uh you know sometimes people scoff and mock and go that's just crazy talk that's crazy talk well how what happened to the tree you're right huh what happened to that tree and that was 24 hours and so many times we we think about everything happening in a moment of time it doesn't have to happen in a moment of time it could happen like this you could look at it and go mountain you're blocking my view you are in my way i command you to be removed in jesus name now when jesus spoke to the tree nothing changed that you could see or feel and so it's possible if you spoke to the mountain nothing changed that you could see or feel but uh 12 months later geologists see some readings and they come out in check and go you know this mountain is shrinking and then three years later there's an earthquake and part of it slides down come on you understand what i'm saying it doesn't necessarily have to happen in a moment of time and then 35 years later it's it's more like a hill than it is a mountain it's been reduced in size to a third and 85 years later nobody remembered it was a mountain wow that's right you know a mountain used to be over there no yeah yeah so don't automatically think instantaneous total happening that's not what happened with jesus in that tree it was a 24-hour period and it it started happening underground where you couldn't see and if you'd have been going by looking at the top and the leaves and everything you think well nothing happened nothing happened it did it happened in a realm you can't see and when things happen in that realm it's just a matter of time until they show up in the other realm so this is understanding in revelation about how to talk with power look at it again like you've never seen it before mark 11 23 is jesus telling us how to speak words of power words that release power that change even physical material things like trees and mountains well if it can change that it can change your liver right or your kidneys or your blood it can affect your finances it can affect like we said before your marriage whatever the case might be but here's the key to it you've got to speak one of the big keys is you have to say something it's not just a matter of thinking about it or intending or you've got to open your mouth and you've got to make sounds in this world that's part of it so you've got to say to the issue in this case the mountain be removed you're not this is not prayer you're talking to the thing you want to change and you're telling it what to do and what else and shall not doubt in his heart but or in other words but shall believe in his heart that those things which he saith so you had to say something will come to pass and if you'll do that you jesus said you will have whatever it was that you said this ought to excite us this ought to excite us we're like really really that means i can command my leg and it'll change that means i can command my finances we were in houston the uh what was it tuesday night of our meeting we had scores of miracles hallelujah we had everything from ears and eyes to people that couldn't move a foot or an arm i mean we had scores of things happen hallelujah and again and again it was that be loosed be healed be strong be restored isn't that how god created things light be that's a small word but man can have a big power b means become be changed be removed you know what he said right here mark 11 23 what did he say what's the first word you say to the mountain what be everybody say be be be you need to be using that word be be become this be changed be made be but it's not just saying it that's going to make it happen i said it's not just saying it you got to say it but something else has to happen what else has to happen if you'll say it and what else not doubt in your heart but believe in other words believe in your heart that the things that you said will come to pass then you'll have what you say and what we see is the heart mouth connection we've already talked about this that jesus said the words i speak to you they are spirit and they are truth excuse me and life their spirit and life so we talked about there are spirit words that are power and then they're just flesh empty words that are nothing and so these are words that are not coming from the heart these are the words you don't believe these are words you don't mean and there's no power in them if there's going to be power in them the words have to be connected to your heart you got to believe something and you have to believe it to the point where you're no longer doubting it you're no longer questioning it you are convinced i said you're convinced of something and so that's the two big reasons why people don't have results with with words of power is one not saying things and two saying it but not believe in it you've got to believe what you say in romans 10 if you'd look at that romans 10 9 and 10 romans 10 9 and 10 talks about how you get born again and it talks about this same thing if you'll confess with what your mouth the lord jesus and what else you got to do believe where what you don't believe god with your head you don't believe god with your intellect faith is not intellectual it's spiritual you believe god with your heart that god has raised him from the dead you shall be saved so is it possible for somebody to confess jesus with their mouth and not be saved yeah it is if they don't believe it in their heart come on can you see this verse 10 for with the heart everybody say with the heart with the heart with the heart man believes to righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation this describes a manifestation of power power was manifested to recreate your human spirit you weren't healed spiritually you were recreated when you were it's one of the greatest miracles you will ever receive you were recreated and how did it happen it happened when you released faith-filled words yes power was manifested and you were born again oh hallelujah that's the same way you can be healed that's the same way you can have your needs met same way but the words were not just from your throat and the words were not just out of your head the words were from believing in your heart somebody say believe in your heart say with your mouth power is manifested well i said it but nothing happened well what immediately should you check huh just saying it the lord didn't say everything you said had come to pass he said if you don't doubt in your heart but you believe in your heart that what you said happens go back to mark 11. this pat a lot of times we've stopped at that verse but these other verses go with this verse 23 can you stay with me a little bit longer he said whoever will say so you've got to say be root to the mountain be removed be cast into the sea not doubt in his heart so you your hearts uh it can't be full of doubt you got to believe those things that you say will come to pass he'll have whatever he says well if you had if what you said happened that's the same kind of thing jesus walked in what he said happened yes and matthew 21 is matthew's account of this and that's how he that's how matthew recorded it is that jesus said they were talking about him speaking to that tree and he said to the disciples if you have faith and doubt not you will not only do what's done to the fig tree but if you said to the mountain so he's telling them they could do what he did and not just them it's recorded for all of us all believers keep reading verse 24 therefore i say to you what things serve you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them so the faith principle works similarly whether you're commanding and speaking or whether you're praying and receiving something from god verse 25 and so he wasn't through talking and when you stand praying do what forgive if you have ought against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses verse 26 if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses what does this have to do with mark 11 23-24 why say and while you're standing pray in your prayer of faith forgive why say that is it connected why one of the big reasons is because if my word's going to have any power i have to believe it in my heart what would be the problem with not forgiving somebody it's going to cause you a problem in your heart the same heart you're supposed to be believing with can you see this and what is what's the thing has to happen for my word to have any power i have to be completely confident that what i'm saying comes to pass well are there things that can undermine my confidence then that will depower my words can you see this church if it if it undermines my confidence then my words will be powerless go with me if you would to first john first first epistle of john and the second chapter thanks be to god are we making progress there are some people who think they tried that faith stuff and it didn't work and so they're looking for something else now and they think they've moved on and there's even people that talk about you know well there was a faith movement but now that's passed and god's doing a new thing no no this all were it's all worked the same before there was an earth before there were human beings god has operated this way he believed something in his heart he says it with his mouth and power is released you and i are made in his likeness an image that's the only way we're going to start being victorious and ruling and reigning in life is when we start doing this we start believing in our heart and saying things with our mouth well the enemy knows this and the enemy is actually afraid of this and so he works continually to keep people ignorant of this or if he can't keep them ignorant to keep them in some form of guilt or condemnation because he knows if they don't have confidence when they speak it won't matter that they spoke and why would would it be that the new testament commandment is to love many reasons why but one of them is the lord knows if we don't walk in love faith works by love if we don't walk in love no matter what we say our hearts going to bother us about it if we treat people badly [Applause] if we won't forgive people if we hold things against people if we do things against people even if you try to pretend it didn't happen your heart knows and your heart will still bother you and if your heart's bothering you that undermines your confidence condemnation is the confidence killer and if you got no confidence when you say things it'll be a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol it'll just it'd be hollow there's no power in it because it's got to be something from a heart that is confident not doubt in your heart but believe in your heart then when you say it there's some power in him you all okay first john 2 and 20 he said you have an unction from the holy one and you know all things skip down to verse 27. but the anointing which you have received of him abides in you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things in his truth and is no lie even as it has taught you you shall abide in him now one thing you'll see the spirit of god is the spirit of truth and one of the worst things you can do to to mess up the power of your words is to tell a lie because again what's that going to result in it's going to result in your heart bothering you and have did you notice mark 11 23 that you have to believe what you say if you believe if you say something and you believe that what you say comes to pass you'll have what you say well if you know you lie half the time then you don't trust yourself you know you and so you don't have confidence in your words anything that undermines your confidence is going to depower your words first john 3 if you look over there please first john 3 and 20. he said for if our heart condemn us now this is not the spirit of god condemning you hmm i've heard people before say oh man you know the holy ghost really condemned me about some things in there today no he didn't no he didn't that was your own heart that wasn't the holy spirit he will convince you convince you of what's true and right he won't condemn you that's your own heart if our heart condemns us god's greater than our heart and knows all things so what does that mean it means don't try to hide anything from him he already knows it if your heart's bothering you about something you don't want to go on and pretend like it's not you want to see how quickly you can get to him and repent and get it right he already knows somebody say he already knows he already you can't hide anything from him if our heart condemn us god's greater than our heart he knows all things verse 21 beloved if our heart condemn us not then have we or we have confidence toward god keep going and whatever we ask and you can say this and whatever we say we receive of him why because there's no condemnation there's just confidence [Music] oh come on can you see that because we keep his commandments with the greatest commandment is to love and to do those things that are pleasing in his sight again this is not just so you can be a goody goody christian you want to live in such a way where you're obeying him obeying him that keeps your heart clear and when your heart is clear of all condemnation and guilt and shame then you can speak with confidence and when you speak with confidence you're going to speak with power and this goes back to the thing one of the reasons why a lot of people won't even speak to begin with they won't even begin to make an effort to make a faith command because they just they're full of condemnation and one reason is because condemnation is preached in some churches we're all just old sinners they say saved by grace we hope we hope we're saved i'm saying what people say and and there's this this constant bombardment about how short we've come and and how terrible we are and and all how unholy and unrighteous and everything else well that's exactly what the enemy wants you to believe so that you have zero confidence to say or pray and he can just keep you defeated but we're learning i said we're learning we're growing we have made mistakes plenty but the blood either makes you clean or it doesn't huh the washing of the water of the word the regenerating of the holy spirit the cleansing of the blood and the giving of the gift of the righteousness of god in christ either makes us innocent or it doesn't and if it does i don't have to be full of guilt i don't have to be full of shame i i don't have to be condemned can you see friends we've got to get rid of the condemnation if we're going to have any power in our life any power in our words which is why he would say speak to the mountain don't doubt but believe you'll have what you say when you pray believe that you receive them you shall have them and while you're doing this if your heart's bothering you about something come on can you see this while you're doing this if your heart's bothering you about you need to forgive somebody do it do it now why because you're trying to you're trying to release faith in in a a confession or a command or a prayer and you can't do it if your heart's bothering you if there's condemnation there you won't have any power in your words so you can't separate the word of power from righteousness consciousness and from obedience now you might say well jesus has already paid for all my sins and and everything's been taken care of so that's nothing else needs to be done that's nothing else needs to be done to pay for it but you have to receive it if your heart is bothering you how are we going to get that to stop not by pretending you didn't mess up not by hiding it not by covering it not by ignoring it how do how do you fix that well that's the third chapter of first john first chapter of john he'd already dealt with it what do you do you confess it you come to the father and you confess that i didn't forgive you confess i i didn't do this and you don't wallow in some kind of shame or guilt you receive your forgiveness come on y'all with you this is not about the lord taking care of your sin he's already done that this is about you getting rid of this condemnation in your heart and you've got to receive the forgiveness you've got to receive the cleansing and washing of the water of the word and the blood you've got to receive it receive it and if you genuinely receive it and you re you believe what he said he said if you do that you'll be forgiven you'll be cleansed from all unrighteousness what does that mean you should have no condemnation none somebody say none none none we've all made lots of mistakes some seem to be a lot more grievous than others but we we've made them but do you have to be ashamed over them right now or for the rest of your life you're either forgiven are you not yet cleansed are you not and it's all a matter of receiving it and oh friends when it dawns on you that god when he looks at you he's not embarrassed of you he's not ashamed of you when he looks at you he sees the righteousness of jesus he sees you clean he sees you holy not because of your performance but because you have repented if you needed to and you have received you have received then friend when that becomes real to you and you have submitted yourself to god in this regard you will have boldness to resist the enemy and speak bold words of faith hallelujah and be absolutely confident that what you say happens and when you do that power will be manifested things don't always just blow up in a moment of time but power is released and things begin to change stand on your feet everybody somebody say glory to god praise god thank you lord oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thy come on lift up your hands lift up your voices let's sing what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] precious [Music] [Music] hallelujah just close your eyes focus on your creator everybody in the buildings everybody watching [Music] online you believe in your heart you confess with your mouth you're saved power is released that's the same thing that happens when you receive your forgiveness and you're cleansing or when you receive a healing or a need met works the same way so everybody affirm or reaffirm your faith say out loud father god [Music] i believe in you and in your son jesus and that he died on the cross and paid the full price for all my sins every failure every transgression every sin every mistake he has paid for and been judged for in my place and you have raised him from the dead [Music] free from sin he has done it all he has paid the price and he's alive right now and i receive cleansing by the blood of the lamb i receive washing by the blood of the lamb i receive complete forgiveness i receive the righteousness of christ oh hallelujah just lift up your hands and thank the lord for forgiving you and cleansing you washing you alter workers come to the front [Music] just keep thanking the lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i worship you i worship you i praise you i bless you i give you glory i give you thanks i magnify your name o lord i thank you [Applause] for saving me now just keep your eyes closed anything that's bothering your heart [Music] you got to get it fixed or it's going to take away your confidence [Music] undermine your faith and you don't want to wait and wait and wait why wait it just it just gets worse and you go day after day with no power in your words whatever it is make the change if it's forgiving somebody if it's whatever change needs to be made in the life it's not worth forfeiting your faith it's not worth forfeiting the power in our words [Music] say it out loud i i forgive anyone everyone that has done wrong against me [Music] and lord i ask you to forgive them [Music] they they likely did not know what they were doing i forgive them i release it they owe me nothing no explanation no apology not making it right [Music] i release them and i receive forgiveness for myself hallelujah oh thank you lord oh precious [Applause] hallelujah nothing but the blood sing it again sing it out loud [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] makes me nothing but [Music] brother dave come dismiss us [Music] [Applause] thank you lord glory to god it's good amen well you get your confidence back get the condemnation away ready to say amen glory to god well if you made that confession today and uh you'd not known jesus or maybe you'd been away from them and you came back today they're gonna sing and we're gonna be dismissed people are gonna be walking out let somebody shout with you let somebody know come on down here let these folks know that that god changed you today that you got rid of something today let them rejoice with you tell somebody it's important to tell somebody confess confess that you made jesus order your life today because everybody here is just going to be shouting with you amen we got got good shouters good prayers you've got something else on your heart need need prayer for anything else going on they'll pray with you but this is a good day you should be lighter and ready to go amen glory to god well they're going to sing we'll be dismissed as they do we love you all [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] dreams [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,127
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7sWRwskEQVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 14sec (7694 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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