Exceeding Growing Faith, Part 4

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Turn please, to Romans the fourth chapter, and also we'll be looking briefly at 2 Thessalonians one. Romans four, 2 Thessalonians one. They'll put it on the screen for us. We began some weeks ago on a series we're calling Exceeding Growing Faith. We've seen that faith can be - concerning what area you're talking about, people can have no faith in that area, or they can have little faith, or they can have great faith. And does it make any difference if we have faith in this life? Oh, my. Faith is the only way to please God. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. That means anything in this world, you can overcome it with faith. Say it out loud: "I can beat it with my faith." No matter what it is. If it's physical attacks, if it's an attack on your marriage, your family, whatever it might be, you can overcome by your faith and by the Greater One inside you. And one of the reasons that we should get together like this on a regular basis and also that we should read our chapters on a regular basis and that kind of thing, is that our spirit is fed and is built up. And you don't want to wait until you get hit to try to build yourself up. You can be playing catch-up, it can be tough and rough. But, if we'll follow Him, He'll have us ready. He'll be giving us the things that we need prior and ahead of times. I know, sometimes I've seen this in ministries, our own and other folks, churches, that's somebody is a believer but they rarely go to church, they rarely read the Word, they rarely pray, it seems like everything is going along pretty well, but then there's a problem. There's an attack, there's an issue. And so then they'll come back in to the church or maybe they want counseling and prayer, and they want in an hour session of counseling or prayer or whatever, what they should've been getting Sunday and Wednesday, special meetings, for the last two years. And it just doesn't work that way. But, the Lord's merciful. I said, He's merciful. If you'll repent and ask Him for help, He will help you get through it. It will be a lot rougher on you than if you would've been walking with Him and getting built up and staying built up, but He'll help you. You can make it through. But then let's be smarter for next time. Because, we're not ignorant of the enemy's devices, and if we will follow Him, you won't even know why your pastors or your ministers are preaching on the things that they are, and something keeps coming up to you in your personal time in the Word and in faith, but then something comes up and you go, "Oh, this is why the Lord has been talking to me about this for the past six months." And you're ready. You already know the answer. You already got strength in you, and you will overcome quickly. Thank You Lord. In Romans 4:16 it says, "Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all." We have faith in our spiritual DNA. It should be a natural environment for us. I won't read this whole passage, it's all good of course, but verse nineteen it says that Abraham, "Not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith," now you notice it specifies he wasn't weak in faith, but he was strong in faith. And then it tells you what he didn't consider. What he didn't look at. What he didn't think about, letting us know, giving us insight. What if every day when he got up the only thing that he looked at and thought about and talked about was how old he was? And how old Sarah was. And how when she was young woman she couldn't conceive. There's no way he could've been strong in faith doing that. He had to consider at this point the promise of God. He had to consider what the Lord said and remind himself God said it, He's big enough to do it. Right? If God said it, He could surely do it. So he accepted a name change. The Bible tells us what he considered, what he didn't consider, and not considering the natural and his body and Sarah's body and considering what God told him, he was able to come out from being weak in faith and became strong in faith, giving glory to God. "And being fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able also to perform." So what is he considering? What He promised, instead of his body. We have to consider that, "He took our infirmities and bore sicknesses and carried our pains." Not what the report said. Not how we feel. We have to consider that I have given and it's, "Given to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." I've given and, "God supplies all my needs." I've given, I've sown. I'm a tither. And the devourer is rebuked. Instead of how much I need, where is it going to come from? How bad it is, you can't consider both or you will stagger or waiver. And remember what James talked about, wavering? Don't think you will receive. It doesn't work that way. So he wasn't weak in faith, he was strong in faith. Second Thessalonians 1:3 he said, "We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith grows exceedingly, and the," love, "of every one of you all toward each other abounds." The Young's Literal says, "Because increase greatly does your faith." God's Word translation says, "Your faith is showing remarkable growth." Our faith is not static. Every day we are either feeding it or we are starving it. We're either feeding fear or we are feeding faith. We are feeding spiritual rest and peace or we're feeding worry and anxiety by what we're looking at, what we are listening to, thinking about, talking. Well, if faith is fed and exercised, it grows. And if your faith grows - we read Brother George Mueller from back in the eighteen hundreds who believed God for those orphanages and those kind of things, he said when he first started believing God it took all the faith he had to believe for ten pounds, but then after all those years, decades of believing God for those orphanages, it was just as easy for him to believe for a million pounds. What happened? His faith was fed and exercised for those forty years, whatever it was. And now, it's just as easy for him to believe for this big thing as it used to be for that little thing. Well, that's available to every one of us. What used to seem impossible can seem after a period of time, easy for God. Thank You Lord. So we studied passages that talked about no faith, and then we have studied passages that talked about little faith. You ready to go on? Let's look at some more. In Matthew six, if you would go there again, please. Matthew six we saw where He is telling the disciples, and of course we're His disciples too, about not worrying and not taking thought and not taking care and He referred to being of little faith if you are worried about these things. Lack of faith can be measured by the presence of worry and fear. Ever how much worry and fear you've got, that's lack of faith. The more faith pushes the fear out. In Matthew 6:22 he said, "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single," Luke's account of this says, "If your eye is simple." Simple. So both words are used: if your eye is single, if your eye is simple. And that's really saying the same thing. If it's single, it's not a bunch of stuff and complicated. Single. Thank You Lord. Some really interesting things here this morning. Are you believing with me? I'm trying not to jump to it. I have to get to it the right way. "If your eye is single," or simple, "your whole body will be full of light. "And if your eye is evil," it's not simple, it's not single, "your whole body will be full of darkness." You know, God always makes it simple. Always. Because He knows even as simple as it can be, some folks still mess it up. But what does the enemy do? He tries to complicate it. In the very beginning He told Adam and Eve, "Of all the trees in the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you do not eat it." Because if you do, "In the day you do, you will die." So here comes the enemy. What does he try to do? "Oh, you won't really die." Basically what is he saying? "It's not that simple. See, the thing is..." Have you ever heard this? That's why you're laughing. You've heard this before. "It's not that simple." Actually, it is. And if you won't let - Corinthians talks about not letting us not being removed from the simplicity that is the Christ. The enemy will endeavor to get you away from the simplicity and get you to thinking with him, reasoning with him, questioning, doubting. Can you see this? And it can start with just a seed. He said, "No, you won't really die." Well, they didn't know what dying was anyway. "Because God knows when you eat this, you will be like Him." And so he is implying that God has ulterior motives in keeping them away from this tree, that it actually would make them Godlike. They already are. What he's trying to get them to do would take them away from being Godlike, cause them to fall, where some would eventually live almost like animals. Man hasn't evolved to the place he is now. Man devolved. Devolved from being able to function and commune with God on His level, to where people are now. Not an improvement. But he's telling them, "No, it's not that simple." It was that simple. Stay away from the tree. Stay away from the tree. See, he fed it to them, he brought lies and thoughts, and the thing is the devil is a master at this. Don't think you can outthink him. If you say, "I'm going to have to think about that." He goes, "Exactly. My feelings exactly. Let's think about this." No. There's a lot of things you don't need to think about. Your sins are forgiven. You don't need to think about that. "By His stripes you were healed." "Yeah, but..." No yeah buts. "I'm healed by His stripes." "Yeah, but it's not that simple." It is that simple. It's just that simple. Unless we allow the enemy through his craft, through his subtlety, his deceptive devices remove us from the simplicity that is in Christ. Look at your neighbor, help them out with this. Say: "Keep it simple." Keep it simple. What are we talking about? God said it, that's how it is, let's rejoice. "Yeah, but..." No, no, get on out of here with your yeah but. No. It's simple. And if you keep it simple, looking at the right thing, light comes in to you. And you stay enlightened. But if you get to looking over here, looking over there, "Yeah, but what about... Yeah what if... It's not that simple..." Darkness. You're looking away from the light, and when you look away from the light, the light ceases to flow in, and now - we're talking about spiritual darkness, spiritual light. In darkness there's confusion. And then it gets more and more complicated. And you get more and more frustrated. Because you didn't keep it simple. "Yeah, but what about all these other religions and all these other people? Billions of people can't be wrong." Actually, that's usually how it is. Yes, billions of people can be wrong. And are. Rebelling against God all over this planet. Keep it simple. Jesus is the Only Way. The Only Truth and the Light. He's it. There's no other way to the Father except by Him. "There is salvation in no other name." No other. "Y'all are just simpleminded." And saved. You need to join us. You can see pride in it. People like to imagine themselves, "I'm a well-read individual... I'm able to ponder all the different aspects..." You are a confused individual. That's what you are. Don't know what you believe. I know a friend of mine some years ago while I was going to RHEMA he was going to a University and getting his doctorate in theology. And I wasn't. Anyway, I wanted to talk to him about what was going on. Some things I was studying about, because I knew he was really getting to some things I wasn't getting into. And I said, "What about this particular thing?" He said, "Well, Dr. So-And-So in his exposition on such and such he said this and he said that. But also, other Dr. So-And-So, he says this. And his position is this. But also, third Dr. So-And-So said," and he went through about five Dr. So-And-So's. And I said, "Well, what do you believe?" He looked puzzled. He said, "Well, I see merit in Dr. So-And-So's position, but I also see merit..." he went through all five of them again. I said, "Okay, what do you believe? He looked at me dumbfounded. I didn't say it out loud but I thought, I hope you don't have to act on this anytime soon because you don't know what you believe. You're not ready. Just because you have a head full of knowledge doesn't mean you have any faith in your heart. Come on, are y'all with me? And this is a trick of the enemy. Trying to be all- inclusive of every thought and every belief. It will destroy you. You won't have what you need when you need it. Because you are bunching up lies and deception with the truth; if it's even in there. You have to hold onto the truth and get away from the rest of that stuff. Right? Single. Simple. Then he talks about take no thought, take no thought, take no thought. He said in verse thirty, "If God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" Well, what made them - that He's talking to the disciples, what made them of little faith? What was preventing them from moving past little faith and having great faith? He put His finger on it. Worry. Fear. This phrase keeps appearing, take no thought, take no thought, take no thought. This is what keeps you in the little faith category instead of great faith. It's continually looking at the wrong thing which will cause you to worry and to fear. Can you see this friends? Go with me now to another example that ties right in with this, to Matthew sixteen. I believe life-changing light is here this morning. Matthew 16:5 says, "And when His disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. Then Jesus said to them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we," didn't get any bread. Peter, I told you we should have got some bread. Matthew, James. I thought you were going to get some bread? No. So now they are disturbed, we didn't get the bread, upset, thinking He is upset. Because we didn't get the bread. Verse eight, "When Jesus perceived," it, He had to have a word of knowledge to work with these guys. He perceived it and what did He say? The Greek here is literally a designation. Little faiths. Little faiths, "Why reason you among yourselves, because you have brought no bread?" He's on channel three and they're on channel eleven. He was talking about a great spiritual truth and they're talking about bread. Literal loafs of bread. He wasn't talking about bread. He didn't say anything about bread. He's talked about leaven. He didn't say anything about who was going to bring the bread, where is it at, why didn't you bring it, nothing about that. But that's what they heard. "The more the fear, the worse you hear." The Lord gave me that phrase last night. "The more the fear, the worse you hear." Fear prevents you from hearing what they said. Other things will have similar effect, but this is not just an isolated thought, this is the Word of God. Hold your place right here. You're right there by it. Go back to Matthew thirteen. The Lord is helping us this morning. Can you tell? The more the fear, the more you fear, the worse you hear. I didn't just say the less you hear, your hearing is bad. They said one thing, you're heard something else, and it's causing problems. Matthew 13:18 Jesus is teaching what we call the parable of the sower. He said, "Hear the parable of the sower. When any one hears the Word of the kingdom, and," what? Doesn't, "Understand it," understands it not, what can happen? "Then the wicked one comes," immediately, "and catch away," he's a thief, steal, "that which was sown in his heart." Why would he care? Because incorruptible seed of the Word of God is one of the most amazing things there is in the universe. It gets in you. And whatever it is, if it's a seed of healing Word, it produces a harvest of healing. If it's a seed of righteousness, a seed of prosperity, whatever it is, and so the enemy knows he can't keep that seed from producing. But if he can keep it from getting in you, then it's not going to change anything. And the way he can keep it from getting in you is if you don't understand it. Even though you heard it, if you don't understand it, it's like seed that falls on top of the ground. It never got in. And if it never got in - because, things come into our spirit through our mind. Understanding and acceptance. Verse twenty, "He that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heard the Word," received it with joy. This guy actually did understand, he did receive it, but because things were going that were contrary to it, he just lasted a little while and, "When tribulation or persecution arose because of the Word, by and by he is offended." How many know you'll have to hold on to what the Lord gives you in these things? It will be tried. It will be tested. "I believe I receive my healing." Well, it may not look like it for little while. "I believe I receive more than enough to pay off all my bills." It may not look like it. But even though there is things testing and tribulation because of the Word, persecution. There will be people that will go, "You're nuts trying to say that and believe that." Try to talk you out of it and tell you how wrong you are. Hold onto that seed. It's the enemy trying to get away from you. But notice verse twenty-two, "He that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the Word; and the care of this world," everybody say: "The care." The care of this world, "And the deceitfulness of riches, choke the Word, and he becomes unfruitful." The more the fear and anxiety and worry, this actually chokes out the Word in your life. It affects your understanding. It dumbs you down. It pulls a mist over your eyes. You're going, "Huh? Huh? I don't understand that. I don't understand that. I don't understand that." And a lot of times people use this expression when they say, "I just don't understand." They think that excuses them from all responsibility for anything because, "I don't understand." But it doesn't. Because the question is why don't you understand? When the Lord made it so simple that any three-year-old could get it, why don't you understand? Well, fear, believing lies, thinking wrong, anxiety, worries will prevent you and me if we let it, from understanding. The disciples' reaction - probably what happened is the Spirit of God dealt with them to take some bread. Or the Lord had already told them at some time, always on these trips like this pack some extra bread. Right? And they ignored it, and didn't do it. I'm just saying this because this is how this works. Then if you don't do what you know you should do, you've opened the door to condemnation. And condemnation involves fear. Something is going to happen, going to get caught, not going to have enough, going to run out. Well, that fear messes with your hearing. Is everybody awake? That fear messes with your hearing. So then something can be said and because you have your mind so strong on that, you'll just say, "Yeah, I knew it. I knew it. He's upset because we didn't get the bread." He's not talking about bread. He's not talking about that at all. Are y'all with me? Care, worry, anxiety can choke out the Word out of your life and heart. Man, this is serious. This is serious stuff. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Go back with me to Matthew sixteen. Some good things are happening this morning. A bunch of folks are going to be aware in the future of the enemy's device and not let it work again. Hallelujah. Jesus is always thinking spiritually. He's always talking spiritually. And so they're in the boat riding along, He's not just doing idle stuff or carnal dumb stuff, He's communing with the Father, and these thoughts are coming to Him from the Father. The Lord has given Him insight into the situation and the people that they are dealing with in the meetings that they are having, and He just turns to them and says, "Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees." Why did He say that? He saw something. He saw how this hypocrisy can infect other people, just being around it can infect you and influence you. You don't realize it, but even though when you first were around them you thought, man, they're a big hypocrite. I despise that. But you hang around it too long, you catch yourself doing some of the same things they were doing. You just got leavened. Some of it crept over into you, so you take some dough that's rising and yeast, and you put it with some that didn't have any in it, what's going to happen? It's going to get into that. It's going to affect the whole thing. Influence the whole thing. And that's what He's saying. He just turned around to His guys and He said, "Beware of the leaven of the Sadducees and the Pharisees." They looked at Him and turned around among each other. They must've had a pretty good sized boat if they could have thirteen people and all your stuff, this isn't a little aluminum fishing boat, it's something that would accommodate everybody. On one occasion Jesus in the back asleep and out of their way, and they are doing stuff. But He said, "Beware of the leaven of the Sadducees and the Pharisees." They turned around and went, I told you we should've brought some bread. Now Jesus is mad. Is Jesus mad? He's not mad about it at all. But can you see how the enemy works? Instead of it being so simple, He's trying to get strife started over nothing. Many would have already begun acting defensively. Well, He didn't tell us to bring in extra bread on this trip. You never know morning tonight where we're even going to be. Or what we're going to need. There's no set schedule. He's always talking about the Lord leads here, the Lord leads there. And now He's chewing us out because we couldn't read His mind and know to take extra bread? No, He's not chewing them out, He's not mad. He's not even talking about bread. But do you see how quickly people can get to - that's unreasonable, He didn't tell us on the specific want to take extra bread. Did He tell you? How are we supposed to read His mind? You can't work under conditions like these. And Jesus is trying to share a pearl of wisdom with them. He's trying to give them something valuable. This is how the enemy works. Why? And see, there's something even worse in here. It's an implication that Jesus is not fair. He doesn't really care about you enough, He only cares about what He wants. We're busy. We were loading the boat. We were doing this, we were doing that. We're packing and unpacking, setting up and tearing down. And He wants me to run to the grocery store too? Do you know why I'm elaborating? Have you ever seen the enemy do this? Come on. You've seen it. Because of a wrong mindset, you hear something completely different than what they're saying. And you didn't understand. "Your understanding," Romans one says your understanding, "is darkened." I know, all this would've been just about the time when we started the first church there in Branson, we had been through a couple of kind of rough years. And don't misunderstand me, not the Hagins, the Hagins treated us like gold. But there were some situations that came up, I won't go into details, but some folks accused us of some things that we were trying to take over a ministry, not the Hagins, but it was completely untrue. Nothing. But it irritated us. And over couple of years, without realizing it, that mentality is there. Well, that alters your hearing. When I got to Branson, we were doing some things, a minister, a wonderful man of God, I happened across him and he was talking a little bit and he says, "Do you want to take over this radio station?" And I'm like, "No, man. I'm not trying to take over your radio station." He said, "I didn't say you were. Would you like to take it? I would like for you to take it." Can you see this? He's trying to tell me something good, and he's glad to see me, and I am hearing what my mind has been influenced. Come on, can you see this? Somebody else accusing me of trying to take something from somebody. No, I'm not trying to take your - just like them going, didn't get any bread. Bread, bread, they got bread on the brain. He hasn't said nothing about any bread. And this guy, good man, wonderful man. He was just being sweet and kind to me. He was saying, "I see your expanding ministry. Maybe you'd like to do this, do you want to talk about it?" Inviting me. And I heard that he is accusing me I'm trying to take something away from him. I apologized profusely. And I realized how much I had let that stuff affect me. Come on, can you see that? Which is bad, it's not good. Worry, anxiety, can you see this? It messes up your hearing. You get to where you don't hear right. In John eight Jesus told the Pharisees - in fact, let me just find it so I can read it to you exactly. In John 8:43 He told them at one point, John eight, this chapter you can sense frustration. The Master is trying to talk to them and they're throwing stuff at Him, and He's explaining things to them, and they're not getting it. Finally He says, "Why don't you understand," what I'm saying, "even because you cannot hear My Word." You can't hear. Anybody remember Him saying, "He that has ears to hear," we'll see, fear will cause your ear to where it can't hear. Anxiety, pride, junk like that, messes up your hearing. He's looking at them going, "This is not complicated. I've already repeated this two or three times." If you read that eighth chapter He's told them the same thing. He's quoting Scripture to them, it's not complicated. It's simple. It's glorious, but it's simple. And they're just... Like the disciples. He has given them a pearl and they're going, bread. We need more bread. We didn't get the bread. I told you we should of gotten it. And you're going through this angst, and then you're looking at Him going, You didn't say anything about bringing any bread today. Can you see this? And you getting all this junk - and you are off. It is an erroneous assumption. "Erroneous," the word means "off." Way off. Were they off? Wrong error, we're they way off? Jesus said why can't you understand what I'm saying? It's because you can't hear it. He's looking at them and He's going - let me rephrase it. He's going, you didn't hear what I said, did you? They are educated, they have their doctorate's, they think they're so intelligent. He said, why don't you understand this? Then He says, you didn't hear it, did you? It's not because He didn't say it right. Nothing wrong with what He's telling them. Something wrong with their ears. So, lack of understanding is not just an excuse for ignorance from now on, we need to ask ourselves why don't I understand it? Why am I not getting this? It has to do with faith. Matthew sixteen, go back there please. Matthew 16:7, "And they reasoned among themselves, It is because we have taken no bread." This is going to come back to us in some situations. You're going to start getting riled up and twisted up and you're going to hear these words: we didn't bring any bread. And that's going to be your key phrase. You're are going to go, hold on now, what did they say? What's going on here? See, it's not that things are so hard to get and so hard to understand, the Lord makes it easy. How many believe the Holy Spirit is the Master Teacher? And a Master Teacher makes it where you can get it. I mean, He knows how you think, He uses the words, the phrases come the illustrations. If you need small words, He uses small words. If you need pictures, He draws you some pictures. But why does it seem so difficult to get it at times? Because of opposition, because of the enemy. He's a dirty liar, and he's always trying to jump in there and mess it up and convolute it and instead of it being simple, make it all complicated. When it's not. He said, "O ye of little faith," still talking about little faith, "why are you reasoning among yourselves, because you have brought no bread?" At this point they're looking at Him and going, it's because we didn't bring any bread and You just brought up about is not bringing any bread. No, He didn't. No, He didn't. I've had people argue with me adamantly about what I said that was completely different from what I said. I was teaching in healing school some years ago, this has been almost thirty years ago, and a guy came up afterwards, he was livid. He was angry. And he said, "That's not right. That's not right what you said." I said, "What" And he said it. And I said, "No, I didn't say that." "Yes, you did." I said, "No, I said the opposite of that." "No, I sat right there, I heard you." And man, he was pushy about it. I said, "Well, right back there they have tapes. Go get it, listen to it." "Well, I know that's what you said." "Go get it, listen to it. Are you going to be back tomorrow?" "I'll come back and I'll tell you. I'll show you." So next day I didn't see him before the service. After the service, there he was. And I said, "Hey, what about it?" He said, "Well, you didn't exactly say that, but that's what you meant." Now there's no need in us judging him, reckon you have ever done some of that? And you know the reason for it? Lack of faith. Lack of faith. Because if you're in faith, you would be in rest, is that right? You would be loving people, you would be showing respect. Even if they did say the wrong thing, that's not going to cause the world to come to an end, is that right? You're believing that God is going to help you, He's going to help them, you're going to be alright. Come on, can you see this? But when you get into this tension and this fear and this anxiety and this anger, your ears get to where they don't hear right. They're saying one thing, you're hearing something else. And some people, like I said, they will swear that that's what was said. How many think at this point these disciples think He talked to them about not bring bread? They do, and these are good guys. Jesus hand-picked them. But He's having to correct them right here." He said, "O ye of little faith. Why are you reasoning because you didn't take any bread? Do you not understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets you took up? Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets you took up?" Go to Mark eight, let's read Mark's account of this same passage because he actually gives a lot of detail, some that you don't see in Matthew. Mark 8:14, if you start in verse one, this is the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fish. And then right after that, there was the boat trip and on the heels of this, that's where we are. This comes right after the multiplication of the loaves and fish. "Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread," they what? They forgot. How can you forget something if you never knew it? So they knew they were supposed to take some bread. But they what? Have you ever forgotten something? Yeah. Oh yeah. They forgot and once they got in the ship and they got underway, they don't have, "With them more than one loaf." One loaf for thirteen people, and who knows, a couple of meals or three. Okay. "And," Jesus, "charged them," He turns around in the boat and He says, watch out, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod." Watch out for that. "And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread." I told you. I forgot. Why didn't you bring some? I forgot too. Jesus is mad. No, He's not mad. He's upset, He's disappointed in us. No He's not. He's not talking about that. "And Jesus knew it, He said to them, Why reason ye, because you have no bread? Perceive ye not yet, neither understand? Have you your heart yet hardened?" The hardening of the heart dulls and distorts the ears. When Jesus says, "He that has ears to hear, let Him hear," what makes a hearing ear? It's a willing heart. Come on, can you see that? A believing heart, a willing heart, a good heart makes a good ear. But when you start having problems in your heart, your hearing goes. And they say one thing, and you heard something else. You are reacting to something - of course, it's the enemy helping you to be confused. "Why reason you because you have no bread? Perceive ye not yet, neither understand? Have you your heart yet hardened? Having eyes," don't you see? "Having ears," don't you hear? "Don't you remember?" Remember boys, I mean this hasn't happened that long ago. You remember when, "We broke the five loaves among five thousand," is Jesus really going to be this upset because we didn't have a big load of bread? When we just saw thousands of people get fed with a little boys lunch? We've seen it happen more than once. Two or three times, we don't know how many. Why couldn't it happen again if you needed it to? He said, you remember boys, come on? "How many baskets full of fragments took you up?" You're the ones that picked them up. "They said, Twelve. And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven. And He said, How is it that you," are not getting this? How is this that you, "Do not understand?" Are y'all with me? No, whatever's going on in the heart affects our ability to understand. You will especially see this when people get heated with each other. They get mad and they are arguing, husbands and wives see this kind of thing. And you get to the place where you are not hearing what they are saying. And that's frustrating for them and you. They said it so clearly and plain, it should have been something that stopped the problem, but they didn't hear it. They're hearing something else. They are seeing something else. The harder your heart gets, the worse you are hearing gets. You are hearing stuff nobody said. You are imagining things people did that nobody did. Can you see this? I don't want to live that way, how about you? I don't want to be that easily deceived by the enemy. Keep your heart right and your ears hear. Sometimes people don't even say stuff the way they meant it, but if your heart is right, the Holy Spirit can help you hear their heart. Eliminates so many problems. Phyllis and I had this many times. We didn't say it exactly right, but it worked out right, it was done right. I knew what you meant. Right? I knew that's what you would have wanted, I knew this. Thank You Lord. Not only do you avoid problems, but you begin to function supernaturally. Words of knowledge, words of wisdom, spared problems, supernaturally being able to get into things you couldn't have gotten in otherwise. Oh, somebody say thank You Lord. That's the life for me. Is that the way you want to live? Hallelujah. Glory be to God. Go with me in closing, I think - thank You Father, to Luke the tenth chapter. I believe this is enough to chew on for a bit. In Luke ten, I know most of you know this account and story but I believe you'll see things in it now that you didn't see before. In Luke 10:38 "It came to pass, as they went, that He entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received Him into her house." I already hear lights going off. "And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and," did what? She sat at His feet and did what? Come on, help me out. What was she doing? "Heard His Word." What's her focus? Hearing what He's saying. Not trying to read His mind. Not trying to anticipate what He may say in a bit. Not assuming what He wants, what? Listening. Hearing what He's actually saying. Verse forty, but, what's Martha doing? In contrast to hearing the Word, she, "Was cumbered about," with a lot of, "serving," and we know from the rest of the story she's getting irritated, by the minute. She's got the dumplings on, she's got the bread in the oven, she's dicing the cucumbers, and they have a room full of people. They have a house full of people. And her lazy sister is sitting in there not lifting a hand to help her. And no doubt she'd come to the door of the kitchen more than once trying to get her attention. Oh, you know you should be looking at me. She's not even looking over here. She goes back in, she's sweating, and she's doing this, and she goes back in. Pssst! Tell me what's happening in here. Jesus is speaking. He's ministering. And she wants to interrupt it. Hey, Mary, you know you hear me. And finally she can't take it anymore. She interrupts the ministry. She interrupts what the Master is saying and doing. What is Mary doing? Hearing the Word. She is hearing, and from all implication of what we saw today, she's understanding too. She's getting it too, what the Master is actually saying. What is Martha doing? She's not hearing what He's saying. She has assumed what He said. You'll see that more in just a minute. She came in, finally, and said, I'm sorry, excuse me, excuse me. Jesus is right in the middle. How many think it was good what He was saying and doing? So everybody has to stop and turn around and look at Martha. She said, excuse me. "Lord, do You not care," accusations, Lord, don't You care, "that my," lazy, "sister, " I'm paraphrasing, "has left me to serve alone? Bid her," tell her to get herself up and come in here and, "help me." Why? She has assumed that's what the Lord wants, as much as if He had said it, but He didn't say it. She's a good woman, don't misunderstand me. From all accounts, Martha is a good woman and probably a real good cook. Jesus came over there a lot. And He enjoyed their hospitality. He enjoyed her cooking. But just because you have done something doesn't mean that's going to be the same every time, and so she assumed. And so she's with all these preparations. Pride assumes. Humility asks. Come on, are you listening? Did Jesus tell her to make provisions and do all this cooking and food? If He had have, you wouldn't see this next response. He didn't tell her to do this. What's He doing? He's ministering the Word. You might assume if He's ministering the Word, He wants somebody to hear it. Which is what Mary is doing. She's not trying to assume what He wants done, she's with Him when He's doing. "Tell her to get up here and help me." Verse forty-one, "Jesus answered and said to her, Martha, Martha," when the Lord calls your name twice like that, just go ahead and start kneeling down and repenting because you have messed up. "Martha, Martha," now, what messes up your hearing? "You are full of care and troubled about many things," when the Lord didn't tell you to do it, there's no grace on you to do it. Can you see this? You are in your own efforts, you're in your own strength, and it is wearing you out, and it is irritating you. And misery loves company. She wants her sister to be in there just as weary and troubled as she is. But Mary is not participating with the trouble and worry. "You are full of care, you are troubled about many things. But one thing," somebody say: "Simple. Simple. Simple." He said, "If your eye is single," Luke said, "If it's simple," your whole body, "your whole being will be full of light." "One thing is needful," she should've asked, shouldn't she? She shouldn't have assumed. Before she started all this stuff, before she sent people to the grocery store, before she fired up the wood stove, before she did any of this, she should've come to Him and said, Jesus, you want me to get things ready to eat? We have people to feed here. Obviously from this, He would've told her, no, not today. You just come on in here and sit down with us. Who knows, they might've had a multiplication of loaves and fishes here. It happened more than once. No, you come on in here. But instead of doing that she's assuming - you can see it when she goes in there and says, "Tell her to get up and come help." She assumes He's going to think the same way. He's going to say Mary, what you doing? Get in there. But He didn't. Her thinking is wrong, full of care. "Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Hallelujah. Let's stop assuming. Let's stop presuming. Let's stop worrying. Come on, are y'all with me? Let's stop fearing, let's stop being anxious, and man, when we do, our hearing is going to clear up. Thank You, Lord. And we're going to hear what's actually being said. We're going to understand what's actually going on, and it's going to save us so many problems and trouble. Can you say, "Amen?" Stand up on your feet please. Thank You, Master.
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 899
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Id: -LR9H0TeXsQ
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Length: 64min 31sec (3871 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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