True Faith Part 4

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In Second Timothy the first chapter, 2 Timothy chapter one, Paul, the Spirit of God actually through Paul writing to Timothy, his son in the faith, said, "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith," say that out loud why don't you? The unfeigned faith. "When I called to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, and in your mother Eunice I am persuaded that in you also." He said this was in your grandmother this was in your mother and it's in you. What's in you? Faith. But he uses a qualifier. He uses a word to describe what kind of faith. What kind of faith did he say? Unfeigned faith. If there's an unfeigned faith what else must there be? A feigned faith. If you look up the word feign it basically means to pretend. To pretend. Is there a pretend faith? Actually also another way of defining it and describing it would be like an actor, playacting. Play faith. Acting faith. One translation says -- instead of unfeigned faith it says unhypocritical faith. Well, it there's an unhypocritical faith what kind else must there be? Must be a hypocritical faith. The New Living and The Century and The New King James all said, "I remember your genuine faith." If there is a genuine faith what else must there be? Counterfeit. Right? Something that some people think is faith but it's not. It's like counterfeit money. From a distance the unlearned think it's money but it's not money. And there's some things people think is faith but it's not faith. The New Century and Basic, and Easy To Read, they all say, "I remember your true faith." And so that's the title of our series in these weeks True Faith. If there's true faith what else must there be? Must be false faith or fake faith. And this fake faith is what has brought confusion and what has brought reproach. People have called things that they did faith and being in faith and sometimes people have died, and sometimes things have just been destroyed and people of gone under and financially have been devastated, and they call themselves doing something in faith. And some people look on and say, "See there. That faith stuff that's not right. That doesn't work. That doesn't work for everybody." Well, faith in God, faith in the Word of God, can God fail? Can His word fail? Then how could faith in God fail? And how could faith in the Word of God fail? Well it wasn't that faith failed, it was that what they were calling was not real faith, it was not true faith. Second Corinthians the last chapter of Second Corinthians, the 13th chapter and the fifth verse. Second Corinthians 13:5 in the NIV says, "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves." Say it out loud, "Test yourselves." Test yourselves. The Good News says, "Put yourselves to the test and judge yourselves to find out whether you are living in faith." Do we need to know whether we're living in faith or some kind of phony religious something or other? Do we need to know the difference? Oh, we do. The New Living Translation says, "Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine." Genuine. We are to examine ourselves. We're to test ourselves. How do you do that? Well, that's what the series is about. We're going thing after thing and what we've been going to the Word and giving you are things that you can use to check up on yourself to see is this really faith? Am I really in faith? Faith is a precious commodity. I said, faith is precious. Let me read you a couple of Scriptures about that. Second Peter 1:1 says, "We have have obtained like precious faith." Precious faith. First Peter 1:7 says, "That the trial of your faith, faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes." What's more important, what's more valuable, with more precious? Faith or money? Faith or gold? Well you know a lot of people don't really think so, they'd rather have money. They think they would. But if you have faith you can get money. If you have faith you can get things money can't buy. Right? Faith is precious. Precious. And faith is rare. Now I know sometimes people don't like to hear that because they have - - in our circles we've quoted a lot God has given to every man the measure of faith. And that's been taught on, that's been emphasized, and I think sometimes people have got the impression that means everybody has faith. But that's not true. Listen to this Scripture. Luke 18:8 says, "When the Son of Man comes shall He find faith on the earth?" Why would he say that if everybody is just full of faith? Now when He comes is He going to find faith? And second Thessalonians 3:2 states what we're inferring already in the NIV it says, "For not everyone has faith." Say that out loud, "Not everyone has faith." Is that true or not? It's true. Now here's the thing. Everybody has the ability to believe. Everybody, anybody, everybody can believe. But not everybody does. And not everybody has faith. And so faith is precious. We don't want to be assuming when it comes to faith. I think sometimes especially in so-called word in faith circles people like to assume everybody that comes in that everybody's full of faith. We wish. But the truth is there is just a whole lot of unbelief. A whole lot of doubt around. And then there's a lot of stuff that people are calling faith but it's not. Still the doubt is there. And that is the thing that is holding back and the thing that is hindering from things being done, miracles transpiring. How many believe faith is precious? Is it precious? How many believe that you have faith in you and you can believe right? Are you interested in your faith growing and not some kind of phony religious something? Real faith. Real faith. True faith. And will this faith please God? Is this faith more precious than gold? Will this faith overcome the whole world? Anything that's in it against you and enable you to receive every blessing. It's absolutely the truth. Go with me if you would to second Corinthians the fourth chapter. It says, "We having the same spirit of faith according as it is written, I believed and therefore have I spoken. We also believed and therefore speak." Do you think he's talking about them having real faith, true faith? And how did they operate in this true faith? We believe and therefore we speak. As it is written I've believed therefore. Say it out loud, "I believe therefore, so," so what? I speak. What we're talking about this morning is true faith, real faith speaks. Now something you could see along this, fake faith talks about it, talks around it. Real faith talks to it. Let me go over that again real slow. Fake faith talks around it, about it. Real faith speaks to it. We having the same spirit of faith according is it is written I believed and therefore I have spoken. We've got that same spirit, we've got that same spirit of real faith, true faith, so we have believed and what else? So we speak. We believe and we speak. Go to Romans 10 please. Romans 10 and 8. It says, "But what saith it? The Word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach..." Where's the faith? In your mouth and in your heart. Verse 9, "That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Second time he says in your mouth, in your heart. In your mouth, in your heart. Verse 10, "For with the heart," here he says it the third time. With the heart, "Man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." How does it work? You believe in your heart, you speak and say with your mouth, he says it three times in these three verses. Heart and mouth, heart and mouth, heart and mouth. Real faith speaks. Real faith consists of believing something in your heart and speaking it out with your mouth. Isn't it how we got born-again? Isn't it how everybody, I don't care what denomination is over your door isn't it how everybody gets born-again? You believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth? Is it okay to not confess? What if people say, "Well, I'm just embarrassed and I don't care to confess. I don't want to confess the Lord. I'll just come and be okay." You say, "You refuse to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord over your life?" "No, I don't want to." Are they okay? No they're not okay. Jesus said more than once He said, "If you deny Me before men, if you're ashamed of Me in front of men, I'll deny you before the Father. I'll be ashamed of you. But if you'll confess Me," somebody say, "Confess, confess." "If you'll confess Me before men, I will confess you before the Father." How many think it's going to be a very important thing to have Him stand up and claim you and confess you in time to come? Are you going to want Him to stand up and say I know them? They're Mine. And call you by name. How many are going to want to hear your name out of Jesus' mouth in front of the Father in hear Him say, "They are mine." He said, "I'm going to be able to do that because you stood up on the earth, you stood up in front of people at the church house, and at the job, and at home, and at school, and don't care who saw it and knew it and said, 'Jesus is my Lord! I believe in my heart that God has raised Him from the dead and He's my Lord.'" Confess it with your mouth. That's how you get born again. That's how you get into the faith life and some way or another the enemy has confused people to think that's the end but it was the beginning. And the same way that you got born again is the way you get healed, is the way you get your bills paid, is the way you get out of trouble. It's the way you live. We just don't get born again by faith, the just shall live by faith and walk by faith and if you got the same spirit of faith that all the patriarchs had, you're going to operate just like them. They believed so they spoke. We believe so we speak. You believe it in your heart, you say it with your mouth. How many believe this in here today? Go with me to Mark 11. Mark the 11th chapter. They were coming from Behtany, Jesus was hungry. He saw, "A fig tree afar off having leaves, He came, if haply He might find anything on it..." Somebody said, "Didn't He already know if anything was on that tree or not?" What I say might startle you. Not necessarily. He wasn't operating in omniscience. Somebody said, "Yeah, but it said there were times that He knew their hearts." Yeah, same way you might know some things by word of knowledge. But how many understand if He knew there was nothing on there, why go there and check it out? Why bother with it? He came if haply, haply means perhaps you might find something. "And He found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet." And He's still hungry and no figs. Somebody say, "Lying fig tree." Lying fig tree. And Jesus said, "No man eat fruit of you..." In other words you're not going to fool anybody else again after today. "No man eat fruit of you hereafter forever." And He said it out loud because His disciples heard Him say it. Now this confession, this faith release, is it supposed to be audible, out loud, that you speak with your mouth? That's what Jesus did. And so He went in and dealt with the money changers and that situation. And verse 20, "And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots." Now apparently when Jesus spoke to this, if you would have been standing right there beside Him, you would have seen no change in the fig tree. There was no shaking of the tree, there was no thunder, there was no lightening, there was nothing that you could see. He spoke to it and they all walked away. But you see some 24 hours later, they're coming back through there, back by the tree, verse 20, "In the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up..." And the Bible tells us it happened how? "From the roots." If you were standing there looking at that tree when He spoke to it, you would have seen no change. As far as you could tell, nothing happened. And yet it did. I said, and yet it did. Something happened under the ground where you can't see and in a matter of time it showed up above the ground where you could see. Anybody excited about this besides me? Jesus spoke to it and something immediately began happening underground where you couldn't see and then it was just a matter of time until it showed up where you could see. Do you suppose this will work for us? Why is it in the Bible? Why is He talking to us about it? And so Jesus said, "Peter calling to remembrance saith unto Him, Master, behold, the fig tree which You cursed is withered away. And Jesus answering said to them, Have faith in God." What's the understood subject here? You. Is He telling them you have faith in God? Is He telling them I did this by faith? And is He telling them you have faith, too? Hold your place here go to Matthew. Matthew says it specifically. Matthew 21. Because a whole lot of folks they read this and they say, "Well, now Preacher, that's Jesus. You got to remember that's Jesus. And He can do those kinds of things because He's the Son of God." And of course the implication is, "And you ain't and never will be. So why would you imagine you could speak to something and it would change?" Well, it's because of things that Jesus said about it like here in Matthew 21. Matthew 21:20. "And when the disciples saw it," how the tree had withered away, "they marveled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away!" It was obvious it wasn't something just natural, something supernatural had happened here. "And Jesus answered and said to them," now I want you to mark everywhere in this verse now that it says you. You. Verse 21, "Jesus answered and said to them, Verily I say unto you, If you have faith, and doubt not, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say to this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done." We might say, for you. It's going to be done for you. If you would say to the tree. Come on it's up on the screen now. If you would have faith and doubt not, you would not only do this which is done to the fig tree - - is He telling them they could have done that? Hmm? If as some theologians try to leave the impression or just teach and come right out and say it, this would have been the perfect place for Him to set them straight. When they said, "Wow! You spoke to that thing and it just did what You said!" If it were the way some people teach it and preach it, He should have taken that opportunity to caution them and said now boys, I'm the Son of God and I can do that. But don't you try this at home because you're not. And if you need something spoken to you're going to need to talk to Me about it and come get Me to see if I'll do it for you. That's not what He said. I said, it's not what He said. What did He say? He said, "If you have faith, you could not only do what I just did, I spoke to this tree but you could speak to this mountain," - - well, that's bigger than a tree. Is He telling them they can do something even bigger than what He did? Is He telling them that? See, most folks don't dare believe what Jesus said. How about people in here today? Will you dare believe what Jesus said? That you could do what He did here and even something bigger? Would you dare believe it? He said, "If you'd say it and not doubt but believe that what you said would come to pass, you would have what you said." Go back to verse 23, Mark 11:23, let's read it. Let's make sure we understand it. Don't assume you already know this. There are things in here we've not seen yet. Mark 11:23. This is the New Living. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart." Now that's the part where even so called faith people miss it. He didn't just say if you said it, it would happen. I got to go over that slow now. He didn't say if you say it, it will happen. Did He? He used very specific qualifying statements. Let me read it again. The Douay Translation says, "Whosoever shall say to this mountain, Be thou removed and be cast into the sea, and shall not stagger in his heart," the reason that word stagger is there is because the word translated doubt here is the same word translated waver in places like James or Romans. Waver. So what's He telling you you can't do? You can't doubt, you can't stagger, you can't waver. What is wavering? Back and forth, between. What does that mean? You say, "Mountain, get out of here." That's not enough for it to happen. You got to believe in your heart that what you said, happens. What would wavering be? "Is it going to happen? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know, y'all check. Look. What do you think?" That doesn't work. That doesn't work. Let's keep reading. Amplified. "Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him." Can you take Jesus at His word? He said it would be done if you'd do this, if we'd do what? Two things? Hmm? Say it with our mouth, but not just say it with our mouth, believe - - don't doubt. He was very specific wasn't He? Don't doubt, don't waver about it, don't stagger about it, but believe that what you said happens. If you'll do that, you will have what you say. Now, this is an area where people have gotten off and gotten into this fake faith. Just because you say it, doesn't mean it's going to happen. Brother Hagin, my father in the faith, was teaching along these lines many years ago; he'd tell the story about it. He was in west Texas and the oil fields were booming in those days, and he said a fellow came up after him teaching on these things kind of sarcastically and said, "Well now... you said we could have anything we said. What if I say I'm going to have ten million oil wells." Brother Hagin said, "Well, Jesus said, 'If you said it and didn't doubt but believe it, you'd have what you said.'" He said, "But you don't believe that so go sit down." And a lot of people have just said a bunch of stuff and just implied that we're teaching and Jesus said if you say it would happen, He never said that. He said saying was a part of it. But it's not just empty and vain words, you say it and you believe that what you say happens and you don't doubt. You don't doubt it, you don't waver on it, you don't stagger on it. But now you don't become fully persuaded and unwavering just by wishing you were that way. When you speak to something, whether you're going to be strong and believe it is happening or whether you're vacillating is depending on what you've been hearing. And not just what you heard for the last half a day. Your faith in your heart is the result of what you have heard all this year already and what you have heard prior to this and that's why Jesus said, "Take heed what you hear." Why? Because it's going to determine whether you really believe what you say or whether you're wavering and vacillating. How many understand if you're trying to speak against a situation in your body, it's not going to work if you're hearing about the problem night and day and you're hearing about how it's getting worse and how it can't be fixed, and how it's incurable, and how this, and how that. You cannot hear that night and day and speak to it to change and really expect it to change. You can talk and say a bunch of stuff but you're not believing it. You're wavering, you're vacillating. That's why we're having Healing School, right? So you can get in there every day and somebody is not telling you- - they're not doctors, they're not pharmacists, they don't know about medicine and doctors but they do know about the Word and they're going to tell you about healing, and healing, and healing, and healing, and how does faith come? It comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God and you hear that enough you'll get to where when you speak to it you actually expect it to happen. Oh, can you see it? So not all confession is a confession of faith. Let me mention three to you. There is that which is a confession of convenience. "What do you mean?" Well, especially coming to this church, everybody is saying it, we're all standing up saying it so you just stand up and say it. And you don't believe it at all, and you don't expect it to come to pass, but you don't want to be odd man out. So you say it. Will you have it just because you say it? No. Jesus never said that. He said, "If you won't doubt in your heart. If you'll believe that what you say comes to pass, you'll have what you say." And so sometimes I've had people around me before and they knew I expected them to say certain things, I'm saying certain things and so to avoid me preaching at them, they just say it. It's convenient, let's get it over with, let's get out, let's just keep going down the road. Just say it. Well, confessions of convenience are not going to change anything. And there are also confessions of convincing. You're saying it but you're not persuaded. You're saying it, saying it, saying it, saying it, saying it, and then you go, "Did it change? Is it going to? I don't know. You think so? Let's say it again, say it again." That's not a confession of faith. You're trying to convince yourself. Now, that's not entirely wrong because faith comes by hearing and when you're saying it, you're hearing it and there may be times in this church that we've stood up and said things, we said it every service, every service, every service, and for six months you might not have believed it. But you kept saying it until you got to where you expected it to come to pass. Actually began to believe it in your heart. But prior to that for the first half year, or the first year and a half, it was not a confession of faith, it was a confession of convenience, and then it was a confession of convincing, but it could become a confession of confidence. You can get to the place where you're not just talking, you really expect it to come to pass, you really believe it, you're persuaded of it in your heart. How many know around this church here for years now we've had projects that the Lord has led us in and we stood up and we said things, and we said things, we called every seat Paid-n-Full. Did it happen? Did the Lord bring it to pass? Project after project after project, has it all come to pass? Yes. What about what we're doing right now? You can see it coming to pass. What about in your life? Does the principal work exactly the same whether it's for a person, or a marriage, or a family, or finances, or with your body, or with a church? Is it true what Jesus said? "If you'll say it and you'll not doubt in your heart but believe that what you said comes to pass," Jesus said, "you will have what you say." Glory to God. This is so powerful. This is how God created the universe. Hebrews 11 tells us we understand that the worlds were framed by the words of God. He spoke it and it came into being. Glory to God. And we're His children made in His likeness and image. We're told be imitators of God as dear children. Now, we're not creating planets this afternoon but we need to be creating something. Right? We need to be speaking to something. Maybe it's a little small level compared to where He's operating, of course He's been at this a lot longer than us too. But I can see how this is not going to stop with this life. This is going to continue on, it's going to go on, and on, and on, and who knows. In the eons to come, we might get to operate in some of those levels. It's very exciting. But for right now, how about speaking some money to come in to pay your bills? How about speaking to that body of yours and getting it straightened up? How about speaking to some things and not just talking but actually believe? Actually believe. Somebody say, "Glory to God." Go to first Samuel 17. This has always been this way, the spirit of faith, the same spirit of faith that the patriarchs had, that the prophets had, that Jesus operated in, that people in the Book of Acts had, but there was a young man years ago that did this and he's famous today because of it. His name is David. And at the time he's just a young teenager. He's out keeping his daddy's sheep. And his brothers are all very important, they're in the military, they were all off on a campaign, he had to stay back with the smelly sheep. But his daddy knew he wanted to get out of there and see what was going on so he sent him with a package, care package, to his brothers. And he got there and something had been going on. Great big guy called Goliath. Massive, giant, mass of a man who was a warrior from his earliest memory, from his youth and was just a killing machine was daring the Israeli soldiers, "Anybody man enough to fight me? Do you mean y'all don't have a man in the whole army man enough to fight me?" And he blasphemed God and he called their mother names. And he made fun of their prophets, and their king, and he spit on and cussed and dared them. And he did it for 40 days twice a day. Morning and night he'd come out there and rail and say, "You bunch of lily- livered chickens." And a lot worse. Philistine cussing. He said, "There ain't a man in the bunch..." Somebody say, "Eighty times." Eighty times. And they said nothing. They said nothing. Nobody moved because he's big. And David little ole teenage boy comes out there and he happens to get there just in time for the second show of Goliath cussing God and hollering about, "Can't nobody take me. There ain't a man among you." And David said, "What? What? Why hasn't somebody already shut this uncircumcised Philistine up?" And they began to say, "You know, whoever kills him, he is tax-free him, and his whole family from now on. And he gets to marry the King's daughter." And he said, "Say what? No more taxes? Marry he the King's daughter? She's pretty." He said, "Tell me again what happens?" And they tell him and his brothers overheard it. Made them mad. Now faith makes unbelief mad because it shows it up. Because they'd been there are 40 days. They've been dared eighty times and none of them had enough faith to said boo. Nothing. And he shows up and even know he's young and even though he's little and even though he's not developed and he doesn't have the experience, he'd been out there with God. I said, he's been out there with God. Faith comes by hearing. He's been singing to God and talking to God and God's been talking to him and he's already had some experience in this. He needed to have faith to face a bear and he had it. He needed to have faith to face a lion and he had it. But look how it worked. The word got around, his brothers made fun of him, tried to belittle him, but Saul was so impressed he had him come to his tent. Nobody's had the courage to say anything yet. And here this young man is talking. Somebody say, "Talking." Talking. Talking. He's talking. Verse 29, "And David said," somebody say, "He said." Remember what kind of spirit of faith did they all have? They believed therefore they spoke. We believe so we speak. Did David believe? How do we know? He said, "What have I done? Is there not a cause?" Verse 32. And David said, read it out loud, and David said, he said to Saul, "Let no man's heart fail because of him; I will go and fight with this Philistine. He said, You are not able to go against this him: you're just a young thing, and he a man of war." And verse 34, "And David said...," He said, "Yeah, I was keeping the sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and he took a lamb out of the flock: And I went out after him, I smote that rascal, and delivered that lamb out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by the beard..." Come on, you got to see this. He was grabbing this lion by the face hair. This is one to one with a lion. And he's just a boy. How many understand in the natural this is not a fair match? In the natural, lions kill and eat little boys like him. But there is something stronger than a lion. There's something stronger than a bear. There's something stronger than the biggest, meanest man on the planet. It is the faith of God. And if you'll believe it, it will come up in you and it will make you talk. If it's in you strong enough, how many know out of the abundance of the heart, out of the abundance of the heart it comes out of your mouth. How many understand this is no confession of convenience? It would have been convenient to shut up and not cause a rift. Everybody else is shutting up. This is no confession of convincing. He's not trying to talk himself into this. He's just convinced. He's already seen what God will do with a bear, with a lion. He thinks this thing isn't any different. And that's how you get after you get some faith victories under your belt. After you get one and two and three and four and five. You get to where nothing looks very big to you. You just think, "Hey! Hey! God brought that in, He'll being this in. Hey, God healed me of this, He'll heal me of that." And if you believe it strong enough, it comes out your mouth. And David said in verse 29, verse 32 and David said, verse 34 and David said. Verse 36 he said, "Your servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine is going to be just like one of them..." Has he got faith? How can you tell? He's saying it. He's saying it. Now we could zip forward to Mark 11 and according to Jesus what do we know David is going to get? He is going to get what he is saying. Why? Because he believes it. He's convinced of this. He's not hoping it's true, he's not wavering about this, verse 37 read it out loud. "David said moreover..." I mean he's stirred up now. He said, "The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear..." "Y'all pray for me because he is a big boy! And if I die, I'll just die in the service of the Lord. And I am just going to put myself in the Lord's hands. And if I die, I die." Then he would've died. See, what a lot of people think is humility is just unbelief. "Well if I die, I die, and if I don't -- it's just up to the Lord..." No. No. I'm sorry but no. That is not what the Bible says. You don't see any "if it be Thy wills" because if you don't know what His will is, you don't have any business being out there. You better go back home to the sheep. You're about to get massacred with an "if it be Thy will." That's some of that fake faith. Some of that false humility. Some of that religious junk. No if it be Thy wills, no whatever the Lord decides. Uh uh. He said, come on read it with me, verse 37. What did he say? "He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine." What if it isn't the Lord's will? He's not even considering that. If you're thinking that way you're wavering. Faith begins where the will of God is known. How are you going to find out the will of God? It comes by hearing. When you hear from God you get the will of God. You get it straight, you get it settled, and then you quit asking is that the will of God because you got it. He had already found out it was the will of God to deliver you from big hairy stuff that was trying to hurt you and your people. And whether it was a big hairy lion or big hairy bear or a big hairy Goliath same thing, no difference, it was the will of God to kill it and get it out of your way. He's not talking about any if it be thy will, whatever the Lord wants... no, no. He said, "He did it before in He did it again and He will deliver me out of the hands of this guy. He'll do it." He believed it so we said it. He was so persuaded he convinced everybody, he convinced Saul, he convinced everybody there, they said, "That boys got something. Let him go. He's got something none of us have." He's not a soldier, he's a little shepherd boy, they have all these great big soldiers and all this armor and all these captains and of his artillery guys and all these cavalry guys and none of them has done a thing, none of them said anything and 40 days. And he got up there and what came out of his mouth shook them so. They said, "Give that boy a sword." Saul said, "He can have mine. He can have all my stuff." How many understand they must have heard something in his tone, they heard something why? It's coming out of faith in his heart. He believes this. And it inspired the whole bunch. This isn't just empty talk. You know the story, they put all that stuff on him and he said, "I can't go with the this stuff. Take this back give me my slingshot back. I don't know about all this. I haven't proved it. I know this. I put the hurt on that bear with this. I put that lion on the move with this. I know about this." So they put him out there. He was this giant with this huge spear, with this huge sword, and here he is with this little slingshot. Little boy, how many would have liked to have seen that? If you were standing on the side. I mean it has become a phrase, David and Goliath describes every incident where it's a can't win and they had to win and they didn't. Little bitty and great big, little bitty whooped great big. David and Goliath. When the Philistine saw him verse 42 he said, "You got to be kidding me." He distained him. He said, "You sent a kid with stick? You got to be joking. Am I a dog? You sent a kid out here with a stick like you'd drive a dog away?" And he cursed him. Oh, he was good at cussing. He'd been practicing for 40 days. Man, he could cuss you. He was a cussing, big, ugly mean machine. He said, "Alright, I'd just as soon kill you as someone else. Come on. I will give your flesh to the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field." Now he's saying something too. I said, he's saying something too. You reckon he believes what he says? Yeah, he believes he can kill him. But it's based on faith in what? Faith in his 400 pounds. Faith in his previous killing experience. Faith in him. When people are trying to release faith in themselves, that only goes so far. But there's a faith that supersedes everything. Is David's faith in himself to whoop this giant of a man? No, no. When he said that, "Come on, I'll kill you." Then verse 45 read it out loud. Then what? "Then said David..." Verse 29 David said. Verse 32 David said. Verse 34 David said. Verse 37 David said moreover. And then verse 45, "Then said David..." Does real faith speak? Does it say? He said, "To the Philistine, You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield..." That's what your faith is in. "But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day," if it's the Lord's will? "Y'all pray. Did you see? Man, he's bigger out here than when I got here. You get up close. Phew! Man! Pray! Oh, God did I do the right thing?" That's how you die. It's not just saying. What did Jesus say? Don't doubt in your heart but believe that what you say comes to pass. He said, "This day will the LORD deliver you into my hand..." He will do it. When you're really in faith, you can say what God will do. Religious people think this is blasphemous, they think it's terrible. They think, "Who do you think you are saying what God will do?" We're not telling God what to do. He told us what He would do. And we're just bold enough to believe it and say this is what He's going to do. What? Faith comes by hearing. We heard from Him. Right? And now that we've heard from Him and know His will, we're going to believe that no matter what it looks like or feels like, we say it. This is what He is doing. He said, "He will deliver you into my hand, and I will smite you, and I will take your head off from you..." Come on, is he talking? Can you hear it? According to Jesus what's going to happen? He's going to have what he said. He said, "I'm going to take your head off and then I will give the carcasses of the whole host of the Philistines. I'm not stopping with you." He said, "I'm taking you out now. Then I'm taking out all your brothers, and your sisters, and your uncles, and your cousins. And all this assembly is going to know there is a God in Israel. They're all going to know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and He will give you into our hands." And he grabbed that sling, and he swung it up and he zipped it out and I think the angel probably reached out and pushed it a little bit. Swoosh! And it hit him like a bullet. And down he went. And he stood on him and pulled that blade. It probably looked comical. He probably couldn't hold on to the thing; it was bigger than he was. And he killed that thing. And the rest of the guys saw that and they started screaming and shouting and the army attacked. And they defeated that whole army that day and everything he said came to pass.
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 684
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZJWuT30mR7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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