According To Your Faith, Part 3

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Matthew nine are you there Matthew nine and 28 it says when Jesus was come in the house the blind men came to him and they and Jesus said believe he that I am able to do this and they said to him yes Lord now what does he ask them he asked them about what they believe Jesus emphasized faith and belief in the modern church does not at least not for life evangelicals will emphasize faith for being born-again and missing hell and going to heaven you must believe but past that many don't what do they emphasize when it comes to praying for things when it comes to getting your bills paid or getting your children healed or whatever the case might be they emphasize if it be thy will they emphasize the will of God Jesus did not emphasize the will of God the modern church does Jesus did not he emphasized believing faith so instead of when they showed up you know and the Lord never changes and he's the greatest example we have we should follow his example none anything else not some modern idea of men but instead of him saying well here here's these two blind men coming to him wanting to be healed instead of him saying well we'll have to see if it's God's will he didn't talk about that he talks about what do you believe and he talks about what do you believe not just me fixing it for you but do you believe do you believe I'm able to do this they said yes yes Lord verse 29 then touched he their eyes saying according to now you might think from the question he asked them he might say then according to my ability you believe God can do this yes with an according to the power of God he didn't say that cordoned of the ability of God according to the will of God he could have said that but but he didn't what'd he say according to he could have said my faith according to my faith because we know he walked in faith according to your faith be it done be it unto you he's telling them it's gonna happen according to what you believe now we've said it before I want to keep on saying it because religious tradition is a tenacious thing you can think you got rid of it you can think you got free from it and it's still hanging on remnants of it decades later even after you should know better but this doctrine is crippling the church this belief that God is in control of everything and it's all up to him what happens now you say that millions of Christians will go yes that's right God is in control it sounds good it sounds like you being respectful of God but it's simply not true God has not set it up that way if God is in control of everything look at the earth huh look at the pain is is all of this really his doing the suffering of innocence is all that really the will of God there people have trouble are adamant oh yes yet we don't understand why but God in His infinite wisdom has chosen to do these things or allow these things but either way it's it's him and it's his will not true everybody say not true it's just simply not true it is not true it is not all up to him you can't leave up to him what he left up to you people try to do it people are confused about it but you'll see not just here but how many have read the Gospels enough to know that time after time after time Jesus looked at people and said as you have believed according to your faith hmm how many times did he say according to the will of God I don't know one time according to the power of God and yet that's what the church modern church has changed it to I want us to change it back to what Jesus said and not let religious tradition make the Word of God if none effect in our lives if Jesus said it's according to your faith then that's what it's according to what does it mean according to whether it happens or not it's not up to him up to our faith when it happens not up to him now you know there folks that think that's blasphemy huh ha ha and you know why it's because the enemy is so afraid of people finding out he has blinded people's minds and confused and some of the meanest people on the planet are religious people they will kill you and give you scriptures why it's ok but that's not godly people that's religious people its vast difference you got people that are so religious and they don't know God at all they don't know him god is good he's good he's not this some people try to they've created God in their own image mistake he is who he is not just what somebody imagined him to be but he is good he's wonderful I said he's wonderful and if you really begin to get to know him you are sure of that and you want to know more you want to know more about how good he is and how wonderful he is in his wisdom he has ordained that man have a free will and that we receive what he has provided according to our faith and so this idea of why was waiting on him waiting on him and trying to talk him into it is religious confusion because you can't get it unless he's provided it but if he has provided it by His grace which he has so abundantly in Christ in Redemption then once he has provided it we're not waiting on him to give it to us if there's a delay it's a delay in us receiving it grace has provided faith must possess faith must receive many people know that's true about the new birth people that are lost are not waiting on God to decide to save them they're not waiting on the mysterious timing of God we would correct them if they said well I'm just where if God wants me saved he'll save me would we let that go what would we tell them no you're wrong the Lord already took all your sins he already paid the price for you it's available to you when can they get it according to the power of God no if it was just according to the power of God everybody get it because its power is there according to the provision of God no that's that's there for everybody when are they gonna get it according to when they believe right and if people say well I ran from God for fifty years and and I finally gave up and I guess that was his time to save me uh-uh no child you could have been saved fifty years ago you went through all that not according to God's will don't don't try to put that off on him how can you blame him for your rebellion for your disobedience for your procrastination we really do have a free will and we can do his will or not do his will we can receive from him or not receive from me I'm a believer how about you I'm a believer I'm a receiver someone said out loud I'm a believer I'm not a doubter I'm a receiver Amen in mark 9 mark 9 the man that had the son who was having seizures brought him to Jesus disciples they tried to get him free and they they couldn't they failed and then when Jesus came down from the Mount the man came before Jesus and told him about this situation and said mark 922 oftimes it's cast him into the fire and the waters to destroy him but if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us now there there's so many reasons why these things are in the Bible John tells us that if everything Jesus said and did was recorded the world itself couldn't contain the books so most of what Jesus said and did is not recorded but the things that the relatively small percentage of things he said in did that are recorded or we might say hand-picked by the Holy Spirit because it is the Living Word of God to all men for all time it applies to everybody every situation every person and you see in these situations there were many people that got healed many people that got delivered why is this one selected for us notice this man he comes and says to Jesus he just took his boy to the disciples and they couldn't get it done so he's discouraged and then he sees Jesus and he says if you can do something because they couldn't if you knew something have compassion on us and help us see he thinks it's all up to the master doesn't he he's prayed to prayer help us and he thinks he's waiting on him and what does the master tell him hmm just be patient and if it be God's will why am I saying that most of the church world believes that not this they don't believe they don't preach this they don't believe this they believe just keep praying and if it's God's will it may not be and we just don't understand why what are they saying it's according it's going to happen or not according to the will of God this is not what Jesus taught this man said if you can do something have compassion on us he's pleading he's needing he's pleading he's convinced it's not up to him it's up to you help me and Jesus says if you can't believe all things are possible to him that believes Jesus turns and puts the emphasis back on what on him it's not if I can it's not if God can't it's not if it's the will of God it is the will of God on somebody say it is the will ago didn't the scripture say it's not his will that any should perish our people perishing yes they are some I said well it just must not be as well no the Bible said it's not as well why are people perishing contrary to the will of God because we don't receive according to the will of God we don't receive according to what we need we don't receive according to what's good and right and fair we don't receive according to what God can do we don't receive according to his perfect willing plan what do we receive according to if you believe Jesus we receive according to our faith is that true with the new birth why wouldn't it be true concerning other things we receive according to our faith if that's true we ought to be very interested in faith right how to develop our faith how to get out of fear get out of unbelief get out of wavering and get into good strong solid faith that lays hold of and takes and receives from God what Jesus paid so much to get need to make up our mind if Jesus thought enough of us to come and do what he did and pay what he paid to get it I'm gonna get mines huh I'm gonna get mines how you gonna get it's not just gonna be when God decides to drop it on him it'll happen according to our faith jesus said if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes the the ASV says if you can all things are possible to him that believes the good news is it like this if you yourself can all things are possible for the one who believes can you see if you yourself can that really tells the story because the man was saying if you can and jesus said uh it's not if I can is if you can believe now this this flies in the face of Christian religious tradition but there's also a reason why a lot of things hadn't been happening to and why people have struggle the way they have and all of us have had some some struggles but how many believe it's possible to walk like the master walk he said if you believe in me leave on me the works I do you'll do also greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father he said all things are possible well somebody said that loud all things all things are possible when God decides to do it huh why do I keep bringing this up because most of us grew up with this engrained into us for decades and if you think all let's go and you didn't really get it out well it might it might not be as well maybe that's why you know we're god when are you gonna do it when are you gonna do it when's he gonna do what when's he gonna do what does Jesus need to go back to the whipping post and get skirts and take our sicknesses and carry our pants does he need to go again and have the thorns thrust on him and and the chastisement of our peace does he need to go back on the cross again and pay for us do what it's finished it's been done it's been bought it's been paid for it's available all somebody say it's available the grace of God has made it available but just because it's available does it mean you'll never enjoy it just because God's giving it to you does not mean you will experience it just because it's the will of God does not mean it will happen didn't God give him the promised land his first covenant people didn't he give them the promised land and that generation that first generation how many of them enjoyed it maybe a couple Joshua and Caleb is that right hundreds of thousands of people that should have been enjoying life in the promised land died out in that dry barren wilderness going round and round in circles was that the will of God was that the plan to God was it because they were waiting on God to give it to him no no it was because when it came time to man up and believe God and go get her they wilted and they cried and they felt sorry for herself and they said we can't this is god no like us and they said we are gonna die out here we're all gonna die we're all gonna die we're all gonna die all gonna die out here it wasn't Tooele God it wasn't the plan of God this this is the Bible we're talking about now not men's ideas the Bible how many want to base your the foundation of your life on the Bible what Jesus says what the word says and and let let our mind get renewed changed from all these ideas of men basically explanations people have come up with as to why things didn't work and it's much more convenient to just say well it was God he just didn't wants to have it we don't know why it's just instead of you know why didn't ever occur to look here well as it ought to be God huh why couldn't you at least open up so it could have been something we didn't do it's possible him being perfect null and it could have been us let me help you out it was us it was all us and not him come on somebody say God is not my problem never has been he never will be he's not to hold up it's not him when Jesus sat down at the right hand of Majesty on high it said it is finished and then after that he sat down nothing else needs to be done to save us heal us deliver us come on do you believe it do we have a complete redemption in Christ did he offer himself spirit soul and body do we have Redemption spirit soul and body who would say it's not all done we're waiting on him it's a work in progress when he says it is finished it is finished we just need to come up in our receiving go ahead and make a big big faith confession right now say say I'm a believer and I am quite the receiver God's the big giver you know what are you I'm quite the receiver I am good at receiving yeah this new plane we got the first first time I landed it I thought whoo this is a whole lot of everything and I was tempted to go man this thing's challenge and this thing's challenging and immediately the Lord said watch what you say watch what comes out of your mouth do you want to struggle with this for months or you want my help I got it I mean I should know this I preach this now you laughing like like you never heard it before either right and boy I immediately came out of our mouth and I told Mike I said we better say this we are good at flying this airplane we are good and I'm not just bragging on Keith I'm making the faith confession I I am good at this and you know the next several engines were pretty good grace comes in comes in you start talking about how hard it is huh how you can't you're stacking things against us and in all the help we ever need is inside us in the person of the Holy Spirit but it can all be there and we can fumble around and bumble around til next year so matter how hard it is how bad I can't learn this oh man I I was always this wasn't my thing in school and I'm just I never was good at this and and this is so hard this is so hard this is so hard it's so hard it's so hard well if you say so you decree a thing and it shall be so but faith would say I got this I got this the Lord has made me of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord I mean they say it and I get it I get it I got it I can do it I can do it the Bible didn't say you can't do it it's that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me why because all things are possible not everybody but to those that believe glory to God man we're making progress I can tell already I can I can I can sense a little surge the faith tide is rising the faith tide is rising I can hear Branson's shouting over there too the faith tide is rising and with it lives will be lifted will be lifted whoo glory to God we saw last week with Thomas that he didn't have the kind of faith that Jesus was looking for when Jesus is raised from the dead go to John 20 let me remind you this John 20 and 24 Thomas one of the twelve called didymus was not with them when Jesus came and what has happened Jesus has been raised from the dead and and some of the women saw him and a couple of other disciples saw him and course they they come running back saying he's alive he's alive he's not in it he's not in the tomb we saw him we talked to it and most of the disciples wouldn't leave it they said no believing is a choice through by listening believing is a choice you hear people use the phrase I just can't believe that I just can't believe that that's not true it's just an untrue statement they made accurately if they want to say it right they should say I choose not to believe that by nature of what faith is you could believe it if you chose to sit out loud faith is a choice faith is that you no such thing as a person who can't believe we're made in the image of God he operates by faith that's that's how our spirit operates but it's a choice the other disciples said then we've seen the Lord he said except I shall see everybody say see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe I believe it sweets translation says I positively will not believe will not what does that mean just what we were told my right he he didn't suck I could I can't believe it's impossible to believe what he say but he's made some criteria unless this happens I am NOT going to believe I will not believe less what two things unless I can see it and unless I can feel it everybody see it and feel it he requires to see and feel before he believes I'm gonna have to see it I'm gonna have to see Jesus standing here in front of me and I'm gonna hunt with my own eyes and I might to feel him I mean that CNN gonna be enough I got to get hold of his hand cuz I know they put those uh those spikes through his hands I know if it's really him he's gonna have those holes it and oh they put that big spear into his side before they took him down off the cross so if it's really him he's gonna have that that that gaping place where they put that spirit and and he said that ain't enough I gotta touch it I gotta put my finger in the hole where the spike was and I gotta put my hand in that place where the spear was now why would why would you talk like that this is adamant unpersuadable nassif not not quick to believe not ready to believe it's like even if I see it it ain't enough I'm gonna have to touch it I'm gonna have to feel it you got to prove it to me by how by the physical senses seeing and feeling everybody say seeing in faith and Jesus said to him keep reading after eight days again the disciples within Thomas was there Jesus came the doors being shut so how'd he get in he didn't come through the door how'd he get in he came through what we would call impenetrable what we would call solid what we would call matter but if you're a physicist you know that matter and energy what's the difference you begin to study physics you begin to find out that this this firm stuff here ain't so firm as you think they tell us that for instance our bodies they tell us that our body is 99.9999% space space what am I saying this book look he said Jesus came in the doors being shut how did he get in there now we know in just a minute men that he's going to say touch me so he feels solid against Thomas's hand and yet he just came through something solid which would make him what his body what the doors being shut he stood in the midst he said peace be to you then he said to Thomas reach here than your finger behold my hands put it in there richer than your head and give it to me put it right in there don't be faithless did he get corrected by the master so all this adamant stuff about instance I'm not going to leave unless I didn't see it yes I can feel it was stuff he shouldn't have said things he shouldn't have done contrary to what the Lord had taught him and what he teaches us what does he teach us faith faith faith doesn't have to see faith doesn't have to feel he said don't be faithless be believing Thomas answered and said to him my Lord and my god well he's convinced finally late right why is he convinced he sees he touches he he sees and he feels Jesus said because you have seen me you've believed blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed if you want to get into the blessing you have to believe without seeing you have to believe without feeling how many want to be blessed blessed you don't get into the blessing with this idea about seeing is believing but when I see it I'll believe it when I feel it I'll believe you won't get into the blessing that way I mean there's a bunch of people on the planet now right now will prove to me that God is real you know when I seen but when I can see I can hear him I can feeling well what are they what are they putting as their standard of reality this this is their complete standard of reality if I can't see it with my eyes and I can't feel it when my hands it doesn't exist it's not real therefore God's not real there's no devil there's no heaven there's no hell why because the only thing that exists the only thing it's real so you have set up yourself as the judge of what's real and your experience your existence is this long right and you can adamantly and positively say well no none of that exists why because I don't know about it because if I don't know about it it don't exist there's a lot of creatures in the ocean you don't know about so I mean they don't exist a lot of stuff out in space you don't know about that prove it don't exist because you don't know about it in fact there's a whole lot of stuff you don't know about that proves nothing except you don't know Hebrews eleven and one we saw this Hebrews 11:1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for what else the evidence of what of what things that are not seen if it's faith it deals with the not seen hmm faith deals with what is not seen not felt keep reading verse two by it by faith the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by what by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear it's it's humorous the links people go to to deny God the godless ideas about creation of the universe it's laughable what people try to pass off his science if you read some of the writings of those that are supposedly the most the experts in the area you know what you find again and again we don't know do you read it long enough and you go theory this theory that there you know what if there is if there is you don't know but we don't know people that have any degree of honesty that's where they want and yet there's sure God didn't have anything to do with it they're sure that how can you be sure you weren't there how did it happen well there was nothing and then nothing exploded nothing explode what caused it to explode there was nothing there yeah that's the mystery but we're sure God wasn't there you sure God wouldn't well I'm sure he was and it's because I have chosen to believe this right and people have chosen to believe of the things and some of the things they they call it science it's not science it's a belief they believe it it's not proven it's not science real science when you really begin to unravel a mystery of the universe you know what you find God you gonna find him there every time and this is one of the great ones the worlds were framed by what the spoken word of God that's call it whatever you want to the Big Bang nothing didn't just explode by itself what happened God spoke that's what happened he spoke and such power was released did we have no idea such power was released imagine a being of this magnitude is your father he calls you his child that's my father did that you took my bragging rights on the playground my daddy's bigger than your dad we got it brother we ain't no daddy bigger than I did my daddy can whoop your daddy our daddy beyond all all record and measured but that's how it happened Genesis gives the accountant he spoke and it was done it was released energy was released light gravity matter we have so little understanding of these things so little and yet truths are revealed right here in the Word of God why am I talking about it because faith is the evidence of what is the is the conviction of things that are not seen and and read this verse again verse 3 the worlds were framed by the Word of God they were they were shaved this is not chaos I mean you just have to be adamantly unpersuadable to look people people call our earth we're so lucky we're in the Goldilocks zone not too close to the Sun we'd burn up not too far away for the Sun we'd freeze it's amazing we have a moon without the moon wouldn't have the seasons we wouldn't have the tides and it just happens to be in the right spot and just happens to be the right size it's amazing how lucky we are and how did it happen well there was nothing and then it exploded now you laughing but that's the theory that's taught in our schools taught in our universities no God no God but don't bring up God well the truth is God spoke and it happened that's the truth and it just doesn't wash that all of this with people so about how lucky we are that life could form and life could develop we have no record anywhere else in our solar system and we force we know we don't know where else it could be maybe it's not we're just so lucky so lucky you can take a salvage yard and you can set off a c4 and you can blow stuff up for the next 50 years you can have the biggest explosions you want and never never in a hundred million years when you stop blowing stuff up will there be a brand new Mercedes sitting there never never there has to be someone to concede it someone to create it just like we do with stuff because we're made in his likeness an image but he did this by faith by through faith we understand the worlds were framed that the things which are seen were we're made of what what we see right now what's it made of sometime people say God made it out of nothing well that's not what this says didn't say it's made out of nothing it's made out of what thing things things are not nothing it's made out of stuff but it's made out of stuff you can't see things you can't see go to second Corinthians please 2nd Corinthians the 4th chapter what was Thomas's issue I have to see it I have to feel it because if I can't see it and I can't feel it it's not real it didn't happen I'm not gonna believe he raised from the dead I'm not gonna believe he's alive I'm not gonna believe he's real I'm not gonna believe what he said what y'all said about it of course he had told him these things before he left he'd shown him in the scriptures he talked about it but Thomas is adamant I'm not gonna believe it why because his basis for belief is this material world what I can see what I can feel he's if he can't see it he's not gonna believe it if he can't feel it he's not gonna believe it and the Lord said don't be unbelieving don't be like that well if the Lord said don't be like that don't be like that maybe I've heard people say well I'm not going I'm not gonna say I believe I've got something I can't feel if I don't have it I don't have it that's exactly like Thomas I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna call my bills paid and I don't have the money I'm just real what your definition from your definition if you can't see it it's not real if you can't feel it firm against your hand it doesn't exist that's just being ignorant hmm we're finding out every day about stuff people hadn't seen people didn't know second Corinthians four it says verse 16 for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day are you more than an outward shell huh are you yeah but if I can't see it and I can't if I can't see that inward man and I can't touch that inward man it doesn't exist right have you ever seen a thought have you ever touched the thought with your head well then they don't exist if you can't see it and you can't touch it it doesn't exist feelings feelings thoughts you are a spirit God is the father of spirits you'll exist without your body hmm the Lord tears is coming and you'll have live out your life down here the day you breathe your last is not a sad day for you you'll slip out of your body just like you pull a hand out of a glove you'll slip out of your body and you won't turn into an angel that'd be a demotion your son of God and you will be you you'll have your mind you'll be you just like you are now only much much freer you'll no longer be constrained to physical limitations physical limitation in this realm it's affected by the curse and sin and it's dark but you're real you're looking at me right now through those two windows we call eyes but you're inside there you can exist without this body this body is just the house you live in is that what the Bible teaches or not is the tabernacle it's the house we live in so things are real that are not seen and not felt do you believe in things not seen not felt he said keep going our light affliction which is but for a moment works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal the New Living Translation says the things we see now will soon be gone the things we cannot see will last forever good news since what what can be seen lasts only for a time what cannot be seen lasts forever this should not be our whole world interesting things about this room what happened when Adam and Eve died I'm gonna give you real quick fast and maybe we'll get into some of it more later he said in the day you eat you'll die and that happened now it took almost a thousand years for his body to quit functioning that's how perfect it was when God made it it was never supposed to die we were human beings were originally created to exist forever no dying no decay but sin allowed death in and what happened is everything started slowing down eventually to where it will stop or die and the inward man is renewed every day you are not a if you're a believer you're not aging internally you should be developing but you're not growing older you never will what a great thought but the outward man is it's like a blade of grass it's like a flower it'll reach its peak it'll bloom it's pretty and then the leaf start falling off now God can sustain you and it can be a good vessel for you as long as you need it but it's not going to stay 16 forever hmm and it's not gonna function down here forever the same thing that's happening to your body is happening to the planet you're standing on everything every material thing is slowing down until it dies God is light and physicists say it's the fastest thing there is there's nothing faster nothing can be faster from what they've studied where the Bible said God is light you know fast light is in 1 second light can go around the equator seven and a half times of the earth one second that's fast we need to get us one of them light Jets who knows what the Lord has on the other side but think about this I'm just gonna help you out here I don't know if you've seen this or not anybody ever seen a propeller on an airplane or maybe even a fan in your house depending on what kind it is maybe there were just three little skinny blades what happens when you turn it on and turn it on high huh it disappears it disappears you speed something up fast enough where did it go it's still there it's not that it's not there it's just that we're so trolled we lost track of it and then a lot of folks are so ignorant in Dhamma that while it doesn't exist it's not there well don't stick your hand in it and you'll find out it's still there these beings angels are in this room right now hallelujah the Spirit of God is in us and moves among us why can't we see we're so slow God is light he's moving at that speed he's functioning at that speed you think you get irritated waiting on slow people can you imagine God and the angels we get up in the morning angels are like man I could have been an African back five times before you toes one foot out of the bed you know the things that are made things that are seen he said are made of things that what this is made out of nothing made of things that don't appear we must get our mind renewed so that this is not our whole world and we're not thinking well if I don't feel field I must not be if I can't see the money I don't have it but we know you don't have it that's why you need to believe you receive it yeah but I don't have it we know that's why you believe you receive it yeah but I don't have it it's really kind of pitiful your way human beings are functioning yeah but I don't see it and I can't feel it so it's not real you have to treat people like little 1 year olds that we've just come into the world don't know anything it's okay honey it is real it's all around you it'll be all right just got to speed you up a little bit how does God operate he calls those things that be not will be not yet here as though they were because they can be and yet you don't see God is heaven is angels are you are even without this body you are we look not at those things that are seen but it's the things that are not seen because the things that are seen are what temporal james's what is your life it's even what it's a vapor what we can't see and feel that's the real stuff that's permanent this is a slowing vapor physicists understand this the atoms that are that like we said it's mostly space and it's slowing down God's gonna have to create a new heavens and a new earth he's literally gonna get us up to speed [Music] but the way we can walk with him now is by not limiting us nor him just to what I see and feel we shouldn't check what we see and feel to know do we have what we need we walk by faith verse chapter five and seven just down a few verses 2nd Corinthians 5:7 we walk by faith white not by sight if you're going to walk by faith you can't walk beside if you're walking besides you're not walk in the faith you're doing what Thomas did you don't check your body to see if you're healed many times people have said brother Keith believe with me for my doctor report no see you're telling me you're not gonna believe you got it - he gives you a report mm-hmm we already got a report come here on our with me if you're in faith you believe the same thing no matter what you feel or what the report says and what it doesn't say I know you want a good report but if you're fixated on that you're still walking my side you're not walking Buffay when are you going to breathe a sigh of relief what are you going to leave you got it well when they've finished the test and they give me the report and it will you walk in the side you're doing the same thing Thomas did unless I see it unless I feel it I won't be able to go who we got it but when the Lord says by my stripes you're healed that's when we should go who we got it right my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and go what are we gonna do about the money I just got word it's all taken care of I got to work what Philippians 4:19 I got it huh and sure don't look like it let it go we don't go by that sure don't feel like it isn't it good we don't go by that hmm thank you lord go to Roman's that you need this first before we get to first Peter hold on with me just a little bit this is important I know anybody's flesh can get tired but that's not the same as your spirit sometimes your flesh won't you know trying to go to sleep on you but if you listen your spirits going no no I want more I want more I don't morning body says earth is slots filled man everything really the Sun is dying the solar system is dying the planet is dying everything is slowing down it's gonna stop it's gonna quit the engine is going to quit working but the things that are not seeing are not slowing down light is not slowing down hallelujah it's going to be so wonderful when we get through with our service down here and we blast out of here and we are brought up to that kind of speed and we can see like he sees here like he hears perceive like he moved Lord that God move when we said we're gonna be like him our body is going to be like his body Philippians says Romans 8 are you there verse 24 it says we're saved by what hope now give me the definition of faith again substance or confidence of things hoped for evidence of what things not see we're saved by hope now Bible hope is confident expectation we'd probably use the word expectation what people use in modern vernacular I sure hope so is not talking about this that's really a desire that I mean I want it to be I wish it would be that's not Bible Hope Bible Hope is confident expectation and we're saved by it mister I thought we saved by faith saying the same thing because faith is the the confidence assurance of things hoped for if you have faith you have hope if you have faith you have expectation saved by expectation but expectation that is what seen is not hope for what a man sees why does he yet hope for if you see it you wouldn't need to believe for it you know but I don't have it that's why you need to believe for it yeah but I don't have it I'm not gonna say I believe I got something I don't have didn't say mark 11:23 and 2424 rather didn't say when when you pray believe you see it believe you feel it know believe the report says it is know believe the test says it is know believe what believe you receive you don't see it you don't feel it but you believe you receive it then the unseen changes the seen we're saved by expectation hope that is seen is not hope for what a man sees why does he had hope for it verse 25 if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for our perseverance so what it's not here well it is you just can't see it it's coming it'll show up here hmm but I don't have the money so you better believe you receive it believe you receive it and call it well I hurt will believe you receive healing believe you receive peace believe you receive wisdom I believe that I receive and I call that done I call it paid for I called my body here yeah but you don't see it I don't have to see it that's what faith is all about if you're decide you know you're not expecting it but because I believe I receive it it puts me in a state of expectation hmm I'm expecting I'm expecting and when I first started learning about faith and hope the Lord gave me this example when I was a little boy we ate cereal sometimes for breakfast and in in the Kellogg's boxes and the other boxes post or whatever you get prizes and sometimes in the back if you send a certain amount of Box Tops and maybe a little money you can get stuff well there was this neato submarine that you could get and you put what was it baking soda or whatever tablets in there and man that dude would submerge and it would come back up it's very very neat and so we got us some of those Box Tops and never how much it was you know 295 or whatever it was we put it in envelope and we send it off to Battle Creek Michigan Kellogg's home of was that Tony the Tiger or whoever it is is that is that Tony and that rooster that's on the cornflake box and all in guys I had no uh let's folks don't even know what I tell my date granola I think they don't know what I'm talking about anyway we lived out in the country 15 miles from the nearest small town country country and so my mailbox I don't know what is it Phil seemed like half a mile from the house quarter mile probably quarter mile you have to walk up there dirt gravel you know and so man I'd get in from school get off the school bus that's the first thing I won't do check that mailbox check out why I'm looking for my submarine and so I'd get there and if I friend I didn't forget about it you know I mean I'm days went by weeks went by you know it just took a long time to get them submarines but but every day I would go check in that mailbox and and the Lord brought that to my remembrance so clearly he said son if you'll just do me that way if you just have as much faith in me as you did in catalogs what does that mean I was sure they're gonna send me that submarine is that right and so I am hoping expecting that it's there today in the mailbox and with patience and perseverance I'm waiting for it and I'm looking for well why am I looking for faith is the confidence of things looked for hoped it's the evidence I never I didn't know what Battle Creek Michigan was I'm a little country kid on a dirt road in Mississippi I mean I didn't I wasn't known at my you might as well said to Hong Kong or Taiwan or you know to me I wouldn't know where Michigan was but I had faith that I got by reading the back of a cereal box faith comes by hearing right and I read and heard off the back of the cereal box that there was submarines could be had that actually worked and submerged and dive and would come back up and I had faith in people I never saw Kellogg's I never saw any those people but I was convinced they're sending me a submarine and so every day I'm looking for that submarine and lo and behold one day Kellogg's was faithful they came through there it was in the cardboard box it wasn't there and then it was there it didn't appear I mean you know I didn't know what Battle Creek was for all I knew it didn't exist but I just believed it well if I can believe the back of a cereal box why can't I believe this what can I believe this why can't I be fully persuaded then what he had said he's well able to do and he is faithful to perform Oh somebody said I believe it I believe it I believe it where are you if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience or that's the word for perseverance wait for it faith is all about what you don't see what you don't see we look not at what seen first Peter first chapter verse 3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again into a Living Hope lively living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible undefiled Oh things are not getting old in heaven things are not drying out think about this no no dirt to clean up every day hmm incorruptible undefiled that fades not away reserved in heaven for you do you believe that sir you never saw it huh you believe it say well if you can't see it in the field it doesn't exist no it does exist in fact this is the stuff this temporary and fading away going away so you're kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time we're in you greatly rejoice though for a season if it need be your inheritance through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found in the praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ is he going to appear are we going to see him yes we are and it's gonna be glorious whom I've come on are you ready on verse 8 whom what to my Jesus our Savior whom having not seen the vast majority of us have not seen him yet with what you love anybody in here love Jesus do you love the master you hadn't seen him but you love him you walk in my faith though now you see him not says it again yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory when look at this rate yet believing you rejoice it out loud believing you rejoice say it again believing you rejoice said another time believing you rejoice what if Thomas had believed instead of being unbelieving how would he have responded differently the women come a-runnin in there we've seen him we saw him we got touched and we saw the master the other two guys what would Thomas how would he have responded if he had believed him and said he's alive he's alive oh just like he said just like he said he would had a run running spell is that right when you believe you rejoice if you don't rejoice you don't believe the Lord tells you you're healed and you go well I know in verse this is in there but I feel bad then your reality is what you feel and you're saying this is more real to me than the Bible this is more real to me than you I meet all your needs I'm taking care of you you're gonna be fine Wow I sure hope so that's not even Bible hope that's just a wish I wish it would be but if you believe it you've heard from the head of the church you've heard from the one who's involved in the creation of everything you can feel and see you should rejoice when you believe you rejoice and believing this you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory the next verse says you receive receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls we're rejoicing about Jesus being raised from the dead right now we're rejoicing about them working on our mansion in heaven right now we're rejoicing about the trumpet sounding and them coming back right now why because we believe hallelujah so a real faith punch is a rejoicing bunch is that right people that want my faith they walk in joy which is your strength it keeps you up it keeps you strong when you see somebody grumbling well I just don't have and I just need enough that's an unbeliever even if they're Christian they're operating in unbelief go over to God stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,595
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Id: sBEChBS6lvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 47sec (4607 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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