Faith In The Power Part 5

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turn with me please in the scriptures anybody thankful for the scriptures 1st corinthians the 2nd chapter we begin some weeks ago on a series were calling faith in the power faith in the power and i'm expecting will be a lot more excited about that over the next several minutes right which is part of part of my job right but we've already I believe this is part six now so if you haven't been with us for the previous ones let me encourage you to catch up with us you can go online download it won't cost you anything if you're in the building here or in Sarasota you can go back to the word supply and get a disc and like we say around here no charge means no excuse for not knowing that not getting it you can't you know if something comes up and and you didn't have it or get it and you see the Lord and and you say well Ord I didn't know that he may say well why not it was on that disc that you didn't get I thought it was funny anyway [Applause] first Corinthians 2 first Corinthians 2 and chapter 3 that is at verse 3 first Corinthians 2 and verse 3 let's pray and ask the Lord agree together for utterance for the anointing you know when when we believe God and we show the proper respect and honor to the Holy Spirit into the word Jesus in times like this the Spirit of God moves he moves up and down the roads he moves in people's hearts and minds all kind of amazing things happen some things that you don't even know happened and they show up tomorrow or next year and the seed was planted right here right now so and sometimes instantaneous healings right there right now you see it you know it and so on we're talking about divine ministry that is not limited to one human being and so let's release faith for it father in Jesus name we agree together asking for utterance precise and strong by your Holy Spirit and for all of us for ears and eyes and hearts and minds to discern to receive we're asking for answers we're asking for Direction asking for healings miracles deliverances we know it's your will you've always done it and you always will we ask for it we believe we receive it we purpose not to be hearers only but to do what you say and we know when we do it certainly things will happen because you always watch over your word and performing in the lives of those who do it and we say Lord get glory to yourself in every part in every way in Jesus name amen somebody said out loud I'm a doer I'm a doer I'm a doer of the word of God 1st Corinthians 2 and 3 Paul by the Holy Spirit said I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling now we know he's a spiritual man and he's a man of faith and he's a man of God but he knew how limited he was in himself and in his flesh and he said in my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom he was an educated man and apparently a really an eloquent speaker and yet he said I I wasn't relying on that at all but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power somebody say demonstration of the Spirit and of power I don't know of anything any more exciting then demonstration of the Spirit and power hallelujah now the scripture warns about groups and those in the last days that would have a form of godliness but they would do what they would deny the power why well there okay as long as just just words and talk but if some kind of manifestation begins to occur that absolutely just is too much for a lot of people I mean something as simple as speaking in tongues scare some church-going folks is that right and if they can't handle that little manifestation what could they have right and it's because so many times people they don't believe in the power God they believe in in doctrines Creed's but they don't when it comes to the power it's too much for but he went on to say verse 5 he said I I was not with you with man's wisdom and enticing words but in demonstration of the Spirit and power so that your faith would not stand in the wisdom of men he did he said I didn't want your faith to be in what I know or my ability to speak hmm hey and you'll see this is 1st Corinthians 2 you'll see that he talked about strife and division in the next chapter and people saying I'm of Paul I'm of Apollo's I'm of this one and why would you do that because your faith is in their knowledge and their and and what they know now if anybody could be called a Haga Knight it'd be me and Phyllis and brother Kenneth Hagin seniors he and Miss Aretha is in heaven now and we love them dearly had to place an opportunity to serve with them for a number of years but my faith is not just in what brother Hagin knew they are with me and he was the one that taught me and hundreds of thousands and millions find it in the word find scripture for it right get it for yourself hallelujah right and then when you get it from him from the word and from the spirit and you do it and God shows up and does it your face not in a man anymore his hair huh ah your faith is in the God from who the power comes from in your faith is in his power he said read that verse again that last verse that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in other words but that your faith would stand where in the power of God don't put too much emphasis on somebody's book hmm I had a lady come to me one time she was upset with what I had preached and she said no no no she said no it's it's like the song says I said what she said the song she's talking about a song in a hymnal she was correcting scripture I had preached with a song what millions of people don't know any better than that well their faith is in the wisdom of the man a woman that wrote that song that's not faith in the power of God right I don't care who it is if it's something you heard me preach or whoever if it was good it came from God he just came through them is that right you'll find it in the Bible and it came by the Holy Spirit and you're thankful for the vessel but your faith is not in the vessel your faith is in the source somebody say I have faith in the power of God my faiths not in what a denomination believes my faiths not in what our church believes my faith got it when my preacher preaches it's in God and in what he said and hopefully your preacher is preaching what he said but still you face not it just in the man of the woman your faith is in the power of God come on say it again my faith is in the power of God I have faith in the power of God hallelujah well that means you believe it's real then right and you're not just gonna fall off your chair when some of it manifests right thanks be to God he is real he is faithful he is good go with me to John please gospel account of John the 2nd chapter John 2 now for the last couple of sessions that we've we've camped on this we talked about coming close to God and coming closer to God why because he is the source of the power right and if you're hungry to have more manifestations of the power of God draw closer to the source and he said draw near to me or is what one translation said come close to me and what would he do I'll come close to you well the closer you get to the fire the more heat you feel right and the closer to the power you get the more power you're going to sense and experience you can live cold and distant or you can live close hallelujah cloaks you know Moses got close to God for 40 days and nights and when it came down his face shine like a flashlight in their eye and it was so unusual to the people they said man you got to cover that up we can't it's they had to put something over his head because it was so outstanding hallelujah and it wasn't radiating from him as a source is because he got close to the source and absorbed some of this glory and some of this power is it real friend thank you Lord and we talked about and shouted about last couple of times how that we can come close by faith and how in the distance there's no spirit excuse me in the spirit there's no distance that by faith you can come in contact with him with your heart and come boldly right before the very throne of grace into the presence of the Lord if you put your mind on him and you put your heart and your faith towards him just like that you can close the distance and be there we need to practice this more and more do you believe it certainly we do I want to go back to something we touched on and expand it if you're going to talk about the power of God you need to camp on this real strong we've touched on it but we need to do it some more John 2 in John 2 here is the first the record of the first miracle that Jesus ministered anybody remember what it was and we know it was the first one because the Bible says it was it was the beginning of miracles and so it was a manifestation of power the water was turned into wine is that a demonstration of power everybody awake we're about to get into some rich things right now are ya I don't want you to miss any of this the water turned into wine have you read it is that a miracle do you believe that's a fairy tale that's fictional or did it actually happen so if you don't believe that actually happened you probably don't believe in the virgin birth either or the literal physical resurrection our God creating the heavens and the earth if you don't believe in miracles you just don't believe in God come on anyhow with me if you believe in the God of the Bible you have to believe in things you can't explain that's wise you don't believe the book are there any amazing things from Genesis to Revelation are there one after another after another after another amazing things hmm the splitting of the Red Sea huh you know it's laughable some of these shows that try to explain what happened well it was you know there was an earthquake and the water ran over here and they well what's the even bigger miracle then they said it was only ankle-deep well the Pharaoh and all his much drowned in ankle-deep water no no no no and and what you see is natural man who does not believe trying to explain a miracle and as never gonna work it's simple you either believe it are you don't right I for one am a Bible believer how about you and I'm sure God could explain it and give you the scientific and mathematical formulas for it I doubt you'd understand lot but it happens by the power of God that's what keeping gravity holding my feet on the ground right now that's what's keeping the Sun burning do you believe it all the planets and their orbits all things are upheld by the word of his power and here he manifested a little bit of his power and changed water into wine in apparently a moment of time a flash of time it was water and they dipped it out and they put it in the cup and it wasn't water anymore what happened now apparently there was no drumroll there was no thunder there was no lightning flash most people not this is very important most people didn't know a miracle had occurred many miracles are that way they happened so fast and they happen in ways because God is not trying to prove to everybody he exists through spectacular things hmm just because well I'm praying that God would start doing such amazing signs and wonders that everybody would believe he's not going to do things to the degree that it doesn't take faith hmm he's always done signs and wonders but most people don't accept them his signs and wonders and don't believe that their miracles we had a sign a tongue sign when I was down in Samoa just a few weeks ago while I was there ministering I started to pray and prayed some things just came upon my heart and after the service we went to lunch and I noticed the guys on the other side of the table they were just wired they were just men you could tell they were except they said brother Keith did you know you were speaking Samoan I said no I said you sure they said oh yeah oh yeah they said everybody understood that's the miracle isn't it that's a miracle and one of the one of the men that grew up there he said oh yeah he said and not just some oh and he said but it would be if you lived here and understood if you sit like this you'd understand it but if you sit like this and this then you know it means this and one of the things that they're excited about is I said more much more God's gonna do much more hallelujah and I didn't even know I said hallelujah we're now a lot of people wouldn't accept that they'd go well I don't know he's up there jabbering and they imagine something right right and yet I know what happened they know what happened hmm all kind of healings have happened in this church I reckon thousands of healings right since this church beginner just right here in this church and in Sarasota all over the place you know it when you was hurtin and something was wrong and now it's not you couldn't say well it just happened who knows why these things happen something caused it to happen you're gonna give the glory to God or not gonna be foolish you know when those ten lepers were healed nine of them didn't even come back and say thank you why what's going on what's going on what did they what did they do it is so easy for God to do an amazing thing for you and you rationalize it and reason it away and because it wasn't spectacular go well I don't I don't know we're just glad it happened no give glory to God hallelujah if it was good it was God if it was a healing and the deliverance and a need was met and he got you out of a jam come on are you to me and you prayed it and it happened come on man right give glory to God give him the glory be a believer believe in miracles believe in answered prayer believe in a good God right this miracle happened the water became wine how did that happen it's h2o and in a blink of an eye it's some of the very best aged wine how many believe that happened didn't happen enough that's the power of God let me remind you and yet most people didn't know what happened the root of the governor of the feast himself he was just like this is great you saved this to last ripe he didn't know only a hand unless they explained it and told everybody and we don't know that they did there was only a handful people handful of people that knew about now how did that happen because the same way miracles happened then is the way they're going to happen now right we've already gone over it in fact the Lord reminded me that it almost to the month a year ago we were preaching here in the church on how to have miracles is that right but we see a theme here and we went over this how to have a miracle we said three steps was anybody here do you remember okay I'm giving you a pop quiz huh how to have a miracle three steps just three and one of them you don't even do what's the three steps come on help man help man number one number one is here from God don't let that be too simple for you number one is what which is one of the big reasons why you need to get close to him oh come on can you see this get close to him to hear from him get closer to him to hear from him and then secondly what's the number two what's number two do what he told you to do near number three he does it not even your part he does it you don't do it I'm gonna stand the servants that bore the wine I drew it out of the well and poured it in did they turn the water into wine no they did not he who turned the water into wine God's power did the Lord did right he did it what did they do he how you have a miracle what they do they heard from me no what'd they do they did what he said he did the work he did the work I'm gonna go over to get in real slow how do you get a miracle first of all do you believe in miracles huh how do you get one how do you get one I'm not talking about somebody you read about a long time until my you you how do you get a miracle now tween 9 the end of the year and into the 1st of the year come on are you listening how do you get miracles in your life in your body in your finances in your marriage and your ministry come on come on number one I have to I must hear from him that's how it starts that's how faith comes is that right so then faith comes by what hearing hearing from him hearing by the anointed Word of God then number two even though faith comes that's not the end faith must be released how faith without works is dead faith must be acted upon for there to be a release of power the power is activated by the act of faith especially the title of the sermon tonight is power activation play on the word a CT act Novation how do you activate the power with a faith act an act of faith that's how but here's here's the catcher not just any act it has to be the act of doing what he told you not just an act of faith not just any act we'll do let me give you an example there's been a lot of disappointments in faith circles hmm people attempting are believing that they were in faith and things not happening y'all are quiet huh there have been and we're getting into right now one of the biggest reasons why what if they had said we're running low on wine I'm gonna believe God for $200 to go get some what's wrong with that huh we know it's God's will for us to have all the full supplies for our big day here at the wedding right we know that's his will so I'm just going to claim it can God take care of $200 or not huh then what's wrong with that y'all join faith with me come on just right here at the table at the wedding let's agree together father we claim $200 for some wine money right now we believe we receive it and we thank you for it in Jesus now what's wrong with that so we're standing in faith for our $200 wine money sounds funny though we're in faith for our money huh what's wrong with that faith people do this every day hey I need it God's able I'm gonna claim it to work like this huh and that's why again and again things don't work like people expected them to because they're just pulling out of the blue how they want it to happen and basically telling the Lord do it like this missus what difference does it make well you tell me it's the difference between getting results and getting disappointed huh well you know there was a time that God calls the meal barrel in the oil barrel not to waste I mean not to run out you remember that with the prophet of God they just kept pouring and never enough the head they'd have scripture for it to just believe that wine multiplies in the bottles while we're standing on second Kings and speak to the wine bottles wine we speak to you multiply would be wrong with that huh it's faith principle you're believing in your heart you're speaking with your mouth you know it's the will of God to have a full supply you know he can do anything it's reasoning not revelation and what folks have done is they've separated faith principles from a close fellowship with the father and that's not how Jesus operated that's not how Paul operated thank God for learning some principles about faith thank God but it won't work if you separate it from hearing from him you can't just believe for anything you want to happen to believe tell me the beginning of miracles first step step number one huh decide what you want huh make up your mind how you want it to happen no no now I'm probably as bigger you know preacher of faith and faith principle is you want to be around but we need correction in this area don't we you don't just pick something off the top your head and say I'm gonna believe that this happens this way and then start making new confessions I'm also seed towards it did the Lord tell you to sow seed towards it did he tell you to claim that and say this is the biggest thing masses of church-going people do not believe not in real walk of life that they can personally hear from God about these things on a daily basis you pray from God you pray you hear from God counsel me tell me what to do or just the throw some things out and see what sticks principle I'll try it and see if God will bless that no no no no there's no shortcuts come on over here listen I know you know all of us got flesh right and some things up especially if you're pressed on something the flesh just wants to bam-bam-bam let's get it done okay great we can go back to doing something else and so somebody says you need to pray about this dude from the Lord okay all right so go in the Red Room shut the door and go okay okay okay Lord leadership what to do is tell me what to do some more - okay run by Sunday I'll untie my bowtie and all right yeah great it be final also be okay for us to do it they never from the Lord they never got quiet enough to hear anything we live in a loud world there many voices right and then just launch out and say we're going to do this and we're believing for this and never heard from him people are gonna be disappointed sometimes with disastrous results it's when people have decided I'm tired of waiting on this healing I'm gonna throw away my medicine and they didn't hear from God to do that come on are you with me and then they died prematurely and thank God if their believer there in heaven shout in the glory but other people say see you there that faith stuff don't work that wasn't faithful and move God through an action you came up with hmm he loves you but he's not gonna let me or you tell him what to do huh he loves us but why would he do that his way is perfect right why would he set his perfect way aside and do it our way well like brother Hagin used to say you can say Amen or old me something verse five look at it again look at it again verse three Jesus mother had told him they have no wine and Jesus said well I'll fix that right now no no no what do you say what's that to us he's not going to do one thing unless and until he hears from the father is he he's not gonna do one thing but his mother having some spirit inspired wisdom at this moment right she just turns and tells the guys okay but whatever he tells you to do well he hadn't said he's gonna say anything okay but be ready right and if he does tell you anything just do it don't care what it is and lo and behold next thing you know he says fill the waterpots with water have they had a miracle no but this is how it happens or we talk about the power of God can you have manifestations the power of God in your home right with your babies with your kids with your finances can you can you how can you get them you don't run in tell god what to do huh you don't just claim something off the top of your head this is how I'm gonna fix it hmm did I lose somebody it's kind of quiet here what could they have said God can do anything we're just gonna pray until somebody bring some wine huh y'all get over here and pray let's pray pray hard huh I believe in prayer prayer changes things faith filled prayer whoa whoa whoa how you get faith before you can have faith to know how to pray you've got to hear from him you don't even know how to pray don't even know what to pray for we all know you because we need this we need people to bring us some wine no you may think you need people to bring you some well that's the easiest they got it let me just bring some over don't tell me God can't speak to somebody right there a behalf a block away to bring us a case of wine over here right Lord I'm we're asking you we know so-and-so over there has a cellar full of it speak to him to bring some over right now we're believing we're believing no you're not you call yourself but you're not you don't have a foundation to stand on that's something you came up with well we need that may be true God's able that's certainly true but you've got to hear from him as to how how to proceed and even though it looks exactly like the last situation you were in don't assume he's gonna lead you the same way anybody read about David the King and all the battles that God gave him victory after victory after victory you will know one of the big reasons why he had so many victories because before everyone it said he inquired of the Lord what does that mean he inquired of the Lord that mean he asked him now a lot of them was a similar situation with the same bunch the Philistines we know it's not God's will to let the Philistines poopless right so we shouldn't be laboring over is it the will of God for us to get defeated or have victory but the problem is assuming things and thinking I've been doing this I've had a hundred victorious battles I know what I'm doing God is with me I'm just going to speak over this and do this that's when you're gonna have a bad battle now before everyone before everyone and it's good because sometimes you'd say yes I'm with you go up against them you'll have victory but then sometimes he said no don't this time go around behind the mulberry tree what if you happen to ask would you - thought of going behind the mulberry tree would Judah thought draw some water out of the well and pour it in in the container you wouldn't thought of that would you thought of put some mud and spit in his eye and wash you that no he wouldn't you wouldn't have thought of that would you you would not have thought of that which is why you have to ask no matter how many times you've done it no matter how many times how long you've been walking with the Lord how many miracles you've seen every time something else comes up step one is not rebuking and binding come on are you listening not claiming not confessing come on hang out with me not sewing what is step one step one is come before the Lord in humility and faith and open yourself wide open and be willing to do anything he said whatever he says to you and you gotta mean it because again and again he's going to tell you something you're gonna think huh what's I got to do with this I don't need data you just be quiet and do what you're told because he already knows you do that and it'll set this in motion and this'll lead the business he's always got more in mind than just getting that one needs met he's always got so many things that's connected to it and you'll find out later and sometimes years down the road you begin to get a glimpse of why he had you do it that way but before it happens you won't have a clue you'll just have to take it by faith and that pleases him because it proves you trust him without understanding hmm none of those things with work would have worked believing for money for wine believing for somebody to bring it to you believing for the mind the wine to just multiply in the bottle like it did with all in the content none of that would have worked would it do you think it would have worked none of it would have worked but when he heard from him and he said go and fill the waterpots with water and they did it hallelujah it still they still don't have a miracle right they got water pots filled to the brim with water he how many understand you you can't make rules about how to walk by faith that's why we need the Holy Spirit right because he'll lead you to take a step and you'll do that and it may seem like it's got nothing to do with it and you still don't see the results because there's another step right they just got water pots filled to the brim verse 8 he said draw out now and bear it to the governor of the feast takes faith why he's not asking for water right he's gonna look at you look what's wrong with you how did this this is water I didn't ask it takes faith but they they take it out they bring it to him like it's what he asked for come on so this is step number two do what he says whatever he said to you do it and what's number three come almost number three God does miracles the ruler of the feast tasted the water that was made wine he didn't know where it came from but disturbance that drew the water knew where it came from because there's one that drew it out of the well and the governor of the feast called the bridegroom and let you know all the guys thought oh here it comes he calls who's in charge of this and so he comes just what it what is it he said everybody at the beginning sets forth the good wine and then later on throughout the party when men have drunk a bunch then they put the worse but you have kept the good wine until now what do you think those guys that drew the water out what'd they say you put anyone you saw me water why was he talking about wine verse 11 this beginning of miracles did Jesus and Cana of Galilee how did Jesus do it you have no record that he touched anything right how'd he do it he heard from the father glory to God he did what the father told him he told them they did what he told them hallelujah and it was a miracle that we're still talking about tonight hallelujah all these years later and his disciples believed on him so the ones the table at least knew what happened glory to God and they talked about it and we're still talking about it if he can change water into wine he can change diseased blood into clean blood goody what be the difference would be the difference diseased spinal fluid in the clean healthy spinal fluid our brain tissue could it how is it how could you get a miracle like that he you don't just start praying and begging you don't just start rebuking him by what do you do come on help me out number one hear from him thank you lord somebody say praise you lord thank you lord thanks be to God his awesome power his glorious anointing he's so wonderful go to John 14 please you're there in the book of John go to John 14 please hallelujah if we really want miracles will quit complaining will quit guessing will quit trial and error and will start seriously seeking him right until we hear what we need to hear about that situation Phyllis and I can see every miracle that we've seen in in the ministry came exactly that way hallelujah and the you know the hearing from him part often times those situations were uncomfortable you knew he wanted to do something but you weren't clear on it why couldn't the Lord directed us come here to Branson we we had 20 years invested in our lives and ministries there in Tulsa Oklahoma and the Lord had just blessed us and prospered us in some things and he just kept coming up about coming over here and we didn't know why you know why do you need to draw the water out and put it in the bucket right well we it's not like I had always dreamed of going to Branson or some other places nothing not nothing negative either just it it hadn't been something I thought about and then so we just came in visited and we had a witness and so he came back and spent some time praying what am i don't worry endeavoring to do come on help me out because if you launch out and I don't try this and don't hear from him that's how you have failures right is you got to take that part very seriously so we saw him and spend some extra time and miss some meals and prayed and sought the Lord and the longer you know if it's God that the more you seek Him about it it lets get stronger and stronger it just gets stronger and so and finally got to the place where we know we've got to come to Branson we don't know her but we got to come to Branson and here's where you got to watch don't fill in the blanks a lot of times people get they'll get that first part and then they'll just they'll fabricate a whole story of what we're gonna do when we get to Branson hey we're going to Branson and we're gonna do this and we gonna do that and we're gonna do the other did you know the Bible says that's evil did I lose somebody go to James go to James this might not have been the message you were expecting tonight I believe it's the one we need I believe their answers here don't you when somebody supposedly stepped out in faith and it didn't work you got you only got a couple of options you're the believe God let you down and failed you or you have some sense and believe you messed up somewhere right there's no such thing as genuine faith in God that doesn't work no such thing there's no such thing as a circumstance where somebody believes what God told him to believe and did what he told him to do and utterly fail that has never happened and it never will but there's been a lot of times folks me and you all of us have probably got some episodes where we came up with some stuff is that right decided some things on our own and tried to do it with faith principles but the Lord wasn't in it from the beginning and so we were in our own strength without him and that's tough hoenn right but it's not his fault I said it's not his fault I said it's not his fault that we didn't get serious enough to seek Him enough to find it hear from him for the first time that's not his fault is it oh but thank god he's submersible he's so good no matter how badly you mess up he's still right there he's still ready for you he'll still talk to you is that right here still tell you what you need to do but you got to humble yourself and you got to be willing genuinely willing in James 4th chapter James 4th chapter verse 13 he said go to now you that say today our tomorrow we'll go to such a city Branson or wherever and we'll stay there a year did he tell you to stay there you and we're gonna buy and we're gonna sell we're gonna make us some money where is you know not what does you know not me you don't know look at you never help out with that say you don't know you don't know what's gonna be tomorrow there's only one way you would know anything about tomorrow's alright I come on help me how would you know you heard something from him and he does show us things to come he's not going to show you everything that's why the gifts of the Spirit are called word of knowledge not even a paragraph word of wisdom right what's a word a word is a fragment of a sentence and why do you only give you a fragment because he wants you to walk by faith he wants you to trust him for the rest he does it on purpose he's a faith God he's big on this faith thing I like it too don't you don't you like faith there's no better way to live there is no better way he said you don't know what's going to be on tomorrow what's your life it's even a vapor it appears for a little time and then vanishes away we're here for such a brief time for what you ought to say this how many off the Bible the New Testament tells you you're to talk like this then you should talk like this hmm how did you talk if the Lord will they see a lot of charismatic faith people they don't even like that they don't like that well because we're not supposed to pray if it be thy will if you know the will of God you know it's as real for you to be born again you don't pray for people to be born again with an if it be thy will if you know it's as real to be healed you don't pray with an if it be thy will to be healed but there's a whole bunch of stuff you don't know that's we just carefully reading is that right you don't know you don't know and so you just go again you got two options if you don't know you can fill in the blanks you can assume you can act like you know you can play like you know or you can admit I don't know I'm gonna ask the Lord I know it's his will to heal me but I don't know how he wants me to receive this I know it's just will to pay my bills but I don't know how he's already got planned to meet my needs on this I need to get with him as it requires continual submission and this is where pride gets in the way pride is too busy to ask pride says I got this I've done this a hundred times I've been doing this for 40 years come on I got that's where you go mess up you better ask come on help your neighbor tell them that say you you better ask you better ask when do you ask every day in every situation you ask you say if the Lord wills will live and do this or that but now you rejoice in your boastings know what you're talking about boasting of what you've come up with your own self not hearing from God and all that kind of rejoicing is evil see I told you it was evil and that's where the phrase comes in therefore to him that knows to do good see keep that connected with this and does it not to him it's in keep that connected with this we need to demonstrate a lot of humility before our great God we need to continually acknowledge to him Lord I don't know what to do on this - you show me I know you're a good god I know you love me I know you want me taken care of I know you want me blessed I know you do but I'm not gonna stand here and presume that I know how to get it and how to do it I am completely dependent on you I'm waiting on you here show me what to do show me how to do this for a friend beware of filling in the blanks beware of presuming and assuming and just doing it the way you did last time beware of it he loves us and he wants to talk to us every day is that right he wants us to check in with him and ask his permission come on ecologist it to me and ask which way he wants us to go and what he wants us to do and high on us to do it every day somebody say every day every day every day hallelujah so we finally got it settled to make the step to come here to Branson so we did not knowing what came next had no idea about a church I thought we just based our ministry here that didn't make sense to me either but I'm not the boss they don't have to make sense to me we just do it and then as we as we made the steps to come then the Lord met with us about that property over there you know that was the yellow ribbon Theatre and Phyllis was first one that saw it with the real estate person she said you need to come see this and I said what is it and she said told me it was what twenty-five hundred seats I thought what in the world do you need that for you right I said you know find a place you might see it a couple hundred people and do TV stuff for fruss to do stuff you were traveling ministry and she just being led by the spirit - we had prayed and so I went over the same thing I'm marching a lot of it was dirty and messed up it's gonna need a ton of work and money and and you know is this how you you start a church in a great big place like this you go have some some pretty stiff bills with a place like that you know what if you got 15 people for the next three years I'm just trying to describe to you how that the hearing from God part you got to push through some flesh and and some feelings that right there was a night or two I spent with a calculator trying to figure out how to do it and I finally just threw the calculator in the drawer shelf the drawer and I thought I can't figure this out he's either gonna have to do it are we gonna flop big-time couldn't we couldn't even get started he had to do a miracle for us to get started I won't go through all of it but then you all know those that have been with us or knew about it first service hundreds of people show up glory to God and keep coming hallelujah and the building was paid off and the property was paid off and everything we needed was paid off and this led to this and this led to this that's a miracle a man or woman can't just decide to do that and do it that's a miracle the Lord brought the people the Lord brought the money come only listen the Lord did it that's a miracle nobody can tell me that's not a miracle I was there we're on the inside we saw it from the inside we know we didn't do it and this you know this recent miracle we shouted about with the million dollars in one night on our TV stuff that's a miracle there are healing miracles and there are financial miracles that's a miracle God did that boom right but where does where does it start where do you go back why did we have that project now why that amount why not half of it why not three times that when guy said man you should have claimed more no I shouldn't hmm you have to hear from the Lord about every part do it do even have a project don't just assume because you need it that you do a project am i losing somebody hm you need money to pay your bills you need extra well I need to work extra don't assume that I need more overtime don't assume that be willing to but what do you need to do what do you need to do I need to sell some stuff huh God helped me to sell this stuff don't do that first don't do that first what do you do you come and you buy yourself before him and you be willing to do whatever he tells you to do right and say Lord I know you're my source I know you this is not surprising you you've already got this planned out for me what do I do what do I do there were times he told them go fishing got this great big tax bill hanging over your head and do what go fishing is that right what do you do but can you see that glorifies God because you'd have never thought of that they didn't think of that right and when it happens it's obvious who did it whose idea it was who made it happen he gets the glory wouldn't your smarts wouldn't your effort wasn't just your perseverance Oh somebody's say glory to God glory to God glory to God this keeps growing on me what scripture did you get to you're still in James just listen to these for times sake just listen to these did Jesus have any miracles in his ministry healing miracles deliverance miracles miracles in nature is that right the dead raised did he have in America do you believe that actually happened all those things Matthew Mark Luke and John every one of those things happened I just want to mention a few of them to you how they happened when they happened where they happened the point the nobleman's son the miracle happened when Jesus looked at him and said go your way your son lives boys not healed what has to happen what has to happen he has to turn around he has to head to the house that's his act of faith is that right why did Jesus tell him that hmm he heard from the father right the father directed him to say those words to him and he acted on those words and he was healed the man at the Pooh the first complaining I don't have anybody to help me out and Jesus looked at him and said arise take up your bed and walk in fact he said this one several times didn't he have you ever heard that before what does what does rise or arise mean in our vernacular hold we say today get up get up what get up pick up your bed and get yourself to the house right yeah but he can't you can't unless God tells you to and if he tells you to then his commands are empowerment's and enablings and if you'll haven't have faith to begin to do what he said when you reach the end of your ability to act you will meet a miracle you will meet a manifestation of the real very real power of God and he's still doing it today he's still doing it all over the earth anywhere anybody will do what he said and act on it he got up hallelujah he was healed the man born by four they tore off the roof they led him down what did Jesus tell him after he said your sins have been forgiven what do you say arise get up is he healed yet no no arise take up your couch and go to the house get up you but he can't that's why they drugged him up on the house that's why they lured him down he's paralyzed he can't and you can't unless the Lord tells you to right and he did hallelujah the man with the withered hand what Jesus tell him stretch forth your hand how do miracles happen come on how did they happen you got a here and you got to do he stretched it out and he was made whole as the other the Centurions servant the Jairus his daughter damsel get up the man that was blind from birth go wash in the pool of Siloam the ten lepers go show yourself to the priest every one of them he told him do something and when they did it power was manifested in the book of Acts it continued to happen through the church through Paul through Peter the lame man had the gate called beautiful what did he tell him in name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth get up get up and walk the power is there but there's not gonna be any manifestation until somebody acts on what God said but is it just any act that will manifest the power no not just doing something it's doing what he said I said it's doing what he said they said it ain't nice later on in the book of Acts Jesus Christ makes you hold arise get up and make your bed the lame man and listen to the same thing Paul perceived that he had faith and he shouted in a loud voice stand upright on your feet and what happened when he jumped up he was healed not before when he acted on what the Lord told him to do we mentioned brother Hagin a few moments ago Kenneth Hagin seen if you know his testimony you've heard him talk about how he was born with numerous problems and they didn't expect him to live thought he was dead and then he did live and they said he wouldn't live past 16 the deformed heart incurable blood disease some of the best doctors told him if one thing wouldn't kill him the other one would and they said nobody his condition that ever lived past 16 years of age well when he was getting close to that age he began to go just like they said and eventually was bed fast paralyzed in and out of coma and going just the way they said well he began to seek the Lord and get a hold of some scripture and he finally found mark 11:23 and 24 well things forever you desire when you pray believe you received them and you shall have them and just by the mercy of God he nobody helping him he got the revelation from the Holy Spirit I've got to believe I receive my healing now while I'm still laying here paralyzed how many that was God in that environment to see that as a 16 year old in his condition that's God he did it for him but he did it for us too is that right he did it for all of us that would benefit he knew and so he finally got it about the believing you receive before you see it because prior to that he'd pray and beg God and then he'd fill of his legs and his paralysis and his heartbeat and he'd say I don't know why it's not working I didn't get it I didn't get it walking Messiah but he finally got it in his heart I got to believe I receive it now and so at one point he told the Lord I got it I do I believe I receive I don't care who told me you don't believe you received even if you told me Lord had this Bowl didn't it he said I'd say no I believe I receive and he said the Lord spoke to him and said you sure do as much as you know as much as you know and then hallelujah here's where the miracle came can you expect what's going to come would it sound like the Bible would it sound like the Holy Spirit he said get up that sounds like a rise doesn't it get up he said what was it 10 in the morning whatever he said well people are to be up there you believe you well you believe you receive get up get up now let me stop right here is this something brother Hagin thought up no he has heard from the Lord right and the Lord said get up well people ought to be up this time but they get up how do you have a miracle how do you have a miracle you hear from the Lord how many can see his believe in God got him to the place where he heard from the Lord Oh hallelujah and when he heard from the Lord get up well people ought to be up this time of day he began to make the effort he this little paralyzed legs skin and bone he pushed him off the side of the bed he said they fell down and hit the floor like two clumps of firewood no feelings in them nothing had no it's so weak been bed fast for all these months he said he grabbed a hold of the post of the bed and he slid himself out of the bed and when he did he is me sake and he sank almost down to the floor and he's holding on I don't look like a miracle and he said dear Lord Jesus I believe I received my healing Holly and he said it felt like warm honey begin to pile up on top of his head whoa he said it just flowed down over his face and over his body hallelujah and and then it got to his legs and he said when it did they begin to sting like thousands of needles were but he said it hurt but it hurts so good hallelujah and he said in just a few seconds he's standing there in his own power with his hands up in the air hallelujah praise in God somebody say miracle miracle miracle this is a manifestation of the power of God hallelujah it was always God's will it's always God's will for everybody that needs a miracle to manifest it for them but you have to first hear from him hallelujah and then whatever he says to you do it and when you and when how many have seen again and again he'll tell you to do something that's impossible morning he couldn't get out of bed that's why he's big fast no this man can stretched forth his hand this man that was born by the for he couldn't get up here tell you start a church for no money right believe for the million dollars to pay for the TV where's it going to come from you don't know how do this say this take this step go here so this come on are you listening this is how it works friends believe this say this go help them go do this and you don't you don't see how it's all gonna work but when you take that first step I'm gonna know when Moses reach that staff out over the Red Sea come on are you listening why can he do this now he can't do this he's just doing what the Lord told him to do hallelujah and when you do and you reach the end of your ability to obey you're gonna contact and there's going to be released and activated the power of God and you'll have a miracle it can happen so quick can happen so fast other people may not believe it but you know what happened right and you'll give glory to God is that right everybody stand on your feet let's lift their hands
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 2,106
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Id: 4VjNWdimQQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 46sec (4546 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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