Transformed Part 9

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We've been on this subject for a few weeks now, on Friday evenings, on a series called Transformed. Transformed. And our main text is Romans twelve and verse two. Romans 12:2 says, "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." The New Living says, "...let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Are thoughts really that powerful that if you change the way you think, you become a different person? The word transformed here is the word where we get our word morph or metamorphosis from; it's like what happens from caterpillar to butterfly. You're not just changed a little bit, you're changed into something different. We're talking about radical change, major change. And he says that God transforms us by what? By the renewing of your mind. Today's English version says it like this. "Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God - what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect." Now, this transforming of who we are, and what kind of person we are - and he's writing to people that were already born again, this letter was addressed to the saints that were in Rome. Not only does it change us, but it causes us to be able to discern, ascertain, recognize, be sure about the will of God. Is this valuable to you? That you know and you were sure about what is God's perfect will. It is hard to overemphasize what kind of effect this has on you if you know what you're supposed to be doing, where you're supposed to be, who you're supposed to be joined to and hooked up with, who you're supposed to be helping, who's supposed to be helping you; when you're not looking for it, wondering about it, asking questions, you know, you're sure, it makes you a different person. Doesn't it? You're not losing sleep, you're not pacing the floor, you're not asking everybody and their brother what do I need to do, tell me what to do. But if you want this clarity, if you want this stability, you have to change the way you think, don't you? Your thinking has to be changed. Do you want to become more like the Master? Do you want to change? Reckon you have already arrived at Christlike perfection where you sit tonight? If you haven't, then what's the solution? You need to change. Look at your neighbor and tell them convincingly and say you need to change. Some of the looks I saw. I saw some folk look at each other and the person was kind of daring them to say it. So their lips didn't move. Honey, you do need to change. I'll tell you. I assure you, you need to change a lot. But so do I, because we have not arrived at Christlike perfection. And how are we going to change? It takes the transforming power of God to change us from what we grew up with all our life, or what we've been immersed in for twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty years. People say, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." Ain't it great that you're not an old dog. You are a new creation. A new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things are passed away and all things are become new. All things are possible. You can take the meanest, sorriest individual, and get them saved, get them filled with the Spirit, get them full of the Word, get their mind and their thinking changed, and they can be the most wonderful person. Can the love of God do this? Can the power of God do this? All the time it does it. Go with me if you would to Luke the tenth chapter. Luke chapter ten, Jesus went to Martha's house. And Martha must've been a good cook. There's every indication that she was top-notch. Jesus was over there more than just once or twice. He was over there quite a bit. And Martha and her sister Mary and their brother were very close friends of His, the Scripture talked about. And on this occasion in Luke 10:38, "Now it came to pass, as they went, that He entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received Him into her house." So she's a good woman. She respects the Lord. She respects the ministry. She's willing to give what she's got and make available what she's got. Verse thirty-nine, "And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard His Word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to Him, and said, Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Bid her," tell her to get up and come in here and, "help me." They have a house full of company and there's quite a few mouths to feed and the Master is here. And Martha wants to do this right. And it's a lot of work involved. How many understand back then, no microwaves. No instant anything. You had to walk to the well and get the water, and you had to beat the corn out, and make the flour, oh boy. And the more Martha's working in there, she's got - you know, she's making bread and she's preparing the meat, she's preparing the vegetables, she's getting things ready for the desert. She's got about eight things going at once and she's just buzzing around from side to side in the kitchen. And from pot to pot. And she looks out there and Mary is just sitting there looking at Jesus with a sweet smile on her face. And she tried to get her attention. She's go in every once in a while and she'd go, "Pssst... Mary. Mary." Then the pot was boiling and she'd have to go back and check. As the minutes went by she got annoyed, frustrated, angry. And she was just sure that Jesus would feel the same way if He realized, which He must not have, but if He realize that Mary should have been in there helping her. So much so that eventually she just blares into there - and I guess interrupts Him and in front of everybody says, "Jesus, would you tell Mary to get up in here and help me?" She's just sure that she and Jesus think alike. She's not the last one that was wrong about that particular point. So many are just sure that the way they feel about it is the same way the Lord feels about it. And in actuality, He sees it opposite. He did on this occasion. Verse forty-one, "Jesus answered and said to her, Martha, Martha," now if the Lord ever calls your name twice like that, just go ahead and kneel down and start repenting. You don't need to wait. Keith, Keith. If the Lord ever calls you name twice like that, Martha, Martha, "You are careful," careful. What does that mean? Full of care. Sure she cared about getting the meal right, she cared about - see people justify care. As far as the Lord is concerned there's no justification for worrying and being anxious. It doesn't matter what's going on. Let me go over that again real slow. As far as Lord is concerned, you do know He's right about everything, there is no justification, there are no set of circumstances where you are justified in being anxious and worried. Anytime - now, all of us have made mistakes in that area, but any time that you did, you were wrong and you didn't have to do it, and you shouldn't have. Doesn't the Scripture tell us be careful for nothing? Didn't the Scripture tell us casting all your care on Him? Doesn't the Bible say this? The Scripture says take no thought about these things. But Martha was. And oftentimes people that are good people - I believe Martha is a good woman. And a lot of times good people that take their responsibilities seriously go too far. And they justify it. See, she felt totally justified. In fact, she's upset with her sister because she's not in there with her being just as careful as her. Did you know people that are anxious and worried and upset will get angry at you because you're not as upset as they are? And you are commanded of the Lord not to. He didn't say try not to, we're commanded of Him not to worry, not fear. Now we've not digressed. The reason you're worried and anxious and full of care is because of what you're thinking on. She's not just slinging pots around back there, she's got something on her mind, not just something on the stove. What's on her mind? What did Jesus say? "You are careful and troubled about many things," not two or three things, many things. She's bothered and troubled - is the bread going to turn out okay? Am I going to burn the roast? Am I cooking that too long? And where is my lazy sister? Did she not know we have a house full of company? Jesus said, "Martha, Martha..." You know, she had forwardness to interrupt Him and blare in there and blurt out about her sister, well, He's just going to go ahead and address it in front of everybody. "Martha, Martha, you are full of care, and troubled. Look at you, you're troubled." Is He telling her it's okay for her to be like this? No. "You're troubled about many things. And your sister that you are so upset with," verse forty-two, "But one thing is needful..." I want you to say that out loud. But one thing is needful. Say it again. But one thing is needful. How many things? Just one. Just one? That's what He said. One thing is needful. "...and Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Let me read the New American Standard, the NASU. Verse forty-one says, "But the Lord answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary,'" somebody say, "One thing." God's Word translation says, "Martha, Martha! You worry and fuss about a lot of things. There's only one thing you need." There's only one thing you need. "Mary has made the right choice, and that one thing will not be taken away from her." Somebody say, "One thing." One thing. Now, the reason I wanted to get back into this is because the Lord quickened to me that this is so significant - what were on right now is the cause of frustration, anxiousness, fear, doubt. The Lord didn't give us the spirit of fear. He gave us the Spirit of what? Power and love and what? A sound, sound mind. We're not supposed to be here, there, here, there, here, there, here, there, full of care, troubled about many things. When you're reading about Martha, you're reading about three fourths of the church people. And the problem is people think that's good to be that way. It shows you care. It shows you're responsible. But Jesus corrected her. One thing, He said, is needful. Now, something we sorely need to make an adjustment - we're talking about renewing our minds, where we had missed it repeatedly just like Martha is in assuming things. Martha assumed we're going to need a good meal prepared, we're going to need it done like this, she assumed - can you see her assumption ran all the way until she assumed her sister ought to be in there helping her, and assumed Jesus would feel the same way as she does about it, so much that she blared it out. But she was wrong about all of it. And come to find out she should've been in there hearing the Word like her sister instead of her sister in there in the kitchen upset and rushing around like her. Well, things have to be done and if everybody just sat around and listened to the Word, nothing would happen. That's Martha sister. Martha's brother. It's not true. It's not true. The Lord knows things need to be done. They don't have to be done the time you think they have to be done. They don't have to be done the way you think they have to be done. There were times He was on the hillside and everybody ate and nobody cooked. Nobody cooked and they had twelve baskets left over. And all they did was sit and listen to the Word. Friend, when your priorities are right, you begin to come in to some areas where it just comes to you, you don't have to sweat for it, you don't have to scratch it out. When you seek first the kingdom of God, He will add those things to you instead of you scrambling and trying to make them happen. Something so simple, so simple - you've done it, I've done the same thing that Martha did - so simple that she didn't do. She should have come in to Jesus and said Lord, what do You want me to do? Do You want me to fix us a good meal? And on this occasion He would've said no. I want you to just sit down here by your sister. Because that's what we're doing right now. If she would have just asked. Somebody say, "Ask." But see Martha had sense enough to know that with a house full of people they were going to get hungry, food isn't just going to appear out of nowhere. If she had just asked. This assuming. And can you see by her not asking, and her not finding out the one thing she needed to know, then she is all over the place and her mind is going ten different directions at once, and she's full of care and anxiety, she's troubled. See friend, this should tell us alone that we're off. Shouldn't it? Our mind is over here, and it's over there, and it's over here, and we're rushing around and we're troubled and we're bothered, that alone should be just a red light and a bell saying hey, hey, what are you doing wrong? Because, "Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." We are supposed to walk, not just a few minutes on Sunday morning or in some good service or meeting, we're supposed to walk every day and every night in the peace that passes understanding. And if our minds are renewed and we think on the right thing, and we think the way that we should, we will ascertain every morning noon and night what is the perfect will of God. We'll stop, we'll ask, we'll check, and we'll know and instead of asking all these questions and bouncing all over here, we know there's just one thing I need to know. What am I supposed to be doing right now? There's only one thing I need to know. And if you get that, and you receive that, and you forget about everything else, the frustration goes away. The anxiety goes away. The confusion goes away. And all that's left is peace. We talked about this already. You go to a restaurant and sit down at the table. The waitperson comes over. And they say what do you have and you say well, what do you have. They say beans. What else? Beans. What will you have? There's no opportunity to get frustrated about what do I pick. Is there? All these decisions. What do I want? And you only have one choice. So you don't go around the table for ten minutes going what you want? I don't care. What do you want? I don't care. What do you want? Really, I don't care. What do you want? Let's just get what you want. No, let's just get what you want. None of that. Why? Because there's only one thing. Somebody say, "One thing." When there's only one thing, it's wonderful. It's wonderful. It's wonderful. You don't have to do any more research. You don't have to look up anything else. You don't have to call anybody or ask anybody. Easy. One thing. You might say, "I like choices." That's the problem. That is the problem. We've always liked choices since Adam and Eve. But if Jesus is your Lord, and if this Word is your final authority, and His Spirit is your ultimate guide, then when you find out what He tells you, there should be nothing else on the menu. When the Lord tells you what's for supper today, no need for you to look anymore, unless you want to get out of the will of God. Unless you want to do something on your own. First Kings eighteen. What did Jesus tell Martha? One thing. How many things? One thing is needful. She was full of care and troubled about many things and He said it's none of that. It's one thing. And Mary has picked the one thing that should have been picked right now. And she's not going to lose it. Somebody say, "One thing." First Kings eighteen, you don't have to turn there, they'll put it up on the screen for us. First Kings 18:21. Elijah is facing down the prophets of Baal. And the people have been bewitched and deceived by these ungodly individuals, and they have embraced this idol worship and Baalism. "And Elijah came to all the people, and said, How long halt you between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people," did what? "Answered him not a word." Why? Because they knew what they were doing wasn't right. But they wanted a choice. They wanted to do something else, they wanted to do something different. The Hebrew there for halt means to hop. Hop back and forth. Hop. This Sunday they go over to the Lord's table. The next they're over at Baal's place. This week they believe in healing. Next week they're not sure. This week they believe God will meet all your needs. Next week they wonder is all that stuff really right? You can't hop around, you can't vacillate. And see, it's always been this way. It's pronounced with the development of technology. We have choices. Man, when I was growing up on TV we had two or three channels depending on if the antenna was up. I see some of y'all had the same set. You had to get out the ladder and get on top of the house, turn the antenna - how does that look? But now, with cable, satellite, hundreds. And how has that helped us? How are we doing with that? "What are you watching?" "Oh, nothing." I just portrayed a third of the people's lives. And the Internet. You talk about choices. You can Google one thing faster than you can blink your eyes. You have 2,800,935,643 returns. Choices. Different things you can look at. And this is why much of our population is bleary-eyed, tired all the time. Because you have to search them out. See what's on there. The eyes of man, the Scripture says - anybody know? Never satisfied. What does that mean? You cannot see enough that your eyes go okay, that's it. I don't want to see anymore. Your eyes will look at stuff until they're burnt to raisins and you fall out of your chair, and your eyes will still want to see something else. And does this happen to us? No. We have chronic fatigue. Because the Lord said what? On any given day, any given afternoon, any given night, there's not five things you're supposed to be doing, there's not three. Are you with me friends? Now if you want to do your own thing, okay. You can have twenty-five like Martha. And you can be over here, and you can be over there, and you can be rushing around, and you will tell it by your lack of peace, and by your worry, and by your anxiety, and being troubled. And people have lived this way for so long they think it's normal, and for the world, it is. But it's not for us. It's not how a child of God is supposed to be living. We're supposed be walking in the peace that passes understanding. We're supposed to be strong all the time. We're supposed to be clear headed, clear minded, clear souled, all the time. We're supposed to discern and know what the will of God is in every situation. All the time. And the Bible said it happens by the renewing and changing of our mind. And I'm telling you, what were on right now friends is a key component of why the Lord had us minister on this. We are into something now that if we will receive it and will implement it, it will affect what we are reading, a transformation will begin to occur in our lives. We'll turn into different people. Instead of being draggy, and sleepy, and frustrated, and annoyed, and short, and snappy, and inpatient, and quick-tempered, that's the result of somebody that's careful and troubled about many things. But if every morning you wake up and you go - there's just one thing on the menu. Lord, what am I supposed to be doing? Inquire of the Lord. Ask Him. And He will let you know. It may not always be what you planned. It may not always be what you would like to do. Or what you thought. But if you're smart, you'll go with Him. And you'll find He will make things work out so amazingly - all the stuff you thought you needed to be concerned about, it's amazing how it all works out while you're doing the one thing He told you to do. Somebody say, "One thing." Say it again, "One thing." Matthew fourteen, go over there, please. Jesus came to them, down about first twenty-three and twenty-four, walking on the water. And they're in the ship. And the Bible said in verse twenty-four it was, "...tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea." Is that possible? It happened. "And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were," filled with faith? Here's something interesting. Have you ever heard somebody say, "If I could see a miracle, then I'd believe." No, actually faith does not come by seeing miracles. Are they seeing a miracle? Did it fill them full of faith. No. You could be right in front of one of the greatest miracles, and leave doubting. Leave scared. Leave troubled and full of fear. Tell me how faith comes? Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word. What we're doing right now. That's how faith comes. And you just have to decide, choose that you're going to believe it and receive it. So they were, "Troubled, saying, It is a spirit," we would probably say it's a ghost, "and they cried out for fear." How many think that was not the one thing they should have been doing right then? "But straightway Jesus spoke to them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." Now what we're getting into is submission to the Lordship of Jesus. Submission to the authority of His Word. When the Lord tells you don't be afraid, stop worrying, don't think about that, most of the church has taken this as a suggestion. But when the Lord tells us don't be afraid, He fully expects us to stop being afraid right then. When He tells us don't think about that, He fully expects us to obey Him and not let ourselves dwell on it again. Period. But you have half the church whining and crying going, "I'm trying not to but it's so hard. I just care and I get to thinking about it. I don't mean to but then it bothers me." If you don't quit that, you'll never be free. And you will not be transformed into a faith person, a strong person. You will always be a worried, scared, whiny baby. If the Lord says stop being afraid, what do you do? You are supposed to straighten yourself up and wipe off your tears, and don't tell Him you're trying. That won't cut it with Him. It might work with grandma. "I need a hug. I need some help. I'm trying not to..." It's not going to cut it with Him. He's not tolerant concerning unbelief and fear. Now if you don't know this about Him, read the Scripture. Don't take my word for it, put your nose in this Book. See where He got irritated with them. See where He got angry with them. It's when He told them don't fear, don't doubt and they kept on doing it. Because it's a choice of what you choose to think on. It's a choice. If He says fear not, what does He expect you to do? Here's some help. Anybody know the twenty third Psalm? Among other things it says, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil." Say that out loud. I will fear no evil. We might say today I will not fear any evil. I will not fear. I will not fear. I what? I will not. It's a choice, my brother and sister. It's a choice. And what we've not understood sometimes is you treat symptoms of fear just like you do symptoms of lack, symptoms of disease, symptoms of anything else, it's a temptation to fear. And I don't care if the hair on the back of your neck is sticking up and your knees are knocking together, that doesn't mean it's too late and you can't help it. That's when you open your mouth and you say I refuse to fear. I resist this fear. I will not give in to it. Yea, though I walk - how many know if you're walking through the valley of shadow the death you're going to feel some things, you're going to see some things that are not good? But do you have to just throw up your hands and say I can't? And just yield to it and just fall down and feel helpless and be a victim? Do you have to? No, see faith is not based on what you feel. The devil will come and say, " It's too late. Look at you, you are scared silly. Look at you. Look how you feel, look what you're doing." You say no, no, these are just feelings. These are just thoughts. I refuse to let it inside me. I resist it. I stand against it. And though I walk through the valley the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. I refuse to. I resist it. Leave me. And friend if you'll do that, immediately your feelings will begin to change. They will begin to change. The Lord didn't tell us to try not to be afraid, try not to worry, He never said any of that. He said don't do it. Stop. And if He tells you don't do it, that means He knew we could. Are you with me friends? Say, "I refuse to fear." Say it again, "I refuse to fear." Jesus spoke to them and said be of good cheer. What does that mean? Cheer up. Quit this. What are they doing? They're holding each other going oh, it's a ghost, it's a ghost. He said quit that. Quit it. Cheer up. And quit being afraid. Did He expect them to do what He told them to do? He wouldn't have told them to do it if He didn't tell them to do it. Be of good cheer, cheer up, and don't be afraid. It's me. Cheer up and don't be afraid. It's excuses to wallow in it, to yield to something you and I are supposed to be resisting. Friend, this is the core of what we've been working towards for four weeks now. How can you be renewed? Transformed by the renewing of your mind? How can you? You've got to believe I can think on what I'm supposed to think on, and I don't have to think on what I don't need to think on. You got to believe you have that ability, you have that strength in God. And when He tells you quit thinking about that, there is no justification for you coming back tomorrow or the next day or next month telling Him, "Well I tried not to but it just got quiet and things bothered me so bad." That's unacceptable. He gave you an instruction. He gave an order, He told you to not think about that. Let's keep going. "Peter answered Him and said, Lord, if it be You, bid me come unto You on the water. And He said, Come." Come on. "And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus." Somebody say, wow. "But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was," what? He was, "Afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus reached forth His hand," he caught him, pulled him up and said it's amazing you made it that far. No. He wanted him to make it all the way. And so here's what He says to him. He's holding onto him, can you get the picture? The wind, the waves are kicking up. The wind is blowing their hair, blowing their garments. Because the Bible said in the Literal translation it said the wind was blowing vehemently. That's what Peter's problem was. The wind was blowing so hard and the thought came to him, you can't stay up with the wind blowing this hard. You can't keep doing this with the waves kicking up like this and the wind. Which is a completely illogical, unreasonable thought. But that's how fear is. Fear is illogical. It's unreasonable. You can't walk on the water when it's perfectly calm and the lake's like glass. Not a breeze stirring. Except by the power of God. And what didn't occur to him, if it hadn't been for the miraculous power in the Word Jesus gave him, he would have already sunk. The enemy will come to you, you've been standing, God's been holding you up, He's been maintained you, He's been keeping you, He's been doing things for you, and then a wind will pick up. And the devil will go, "You not going to make it now." And the truth is you would have been gone years ago except the power of God has been keeping you up. So what does this little wind got to do with that? And why won't the same power that's got you through all your life to this place get you through this and bring you out the other side? Glory to God. The Young's Literal translation says, "And immediately Jesus, having stretched forth His hand, laid hold of him, and said to him, 'Little faith! For what did you waver?'" Oh, you could see it friend. Our text is so well exemplified right here. Peter is shaking in the boat with the other guys, scared of a ghost, an aberration out of the water, until he hears a Word. He hears the voice of the Master. He knows that voice, he's heard that voice before. And it's a friendly Word, it says come. It didn't say drown, it said come. And when he put his mind on that Word, it transformed him from hiding in the back of the boat, scared of a ghost guy, to a walking on the water man of God. Come on, do you see this? Was he transformed? He was changed into another person. From timidity and fear to boldness and faith and miracles. But just a few minutes later, he gets to looking at the wind, and so if he's looking at it, what is he doing? What is he thinking? He's thinking fearful thoughts. Let's just stop right here. I'm not judging, I just want you to see this. Peter is being disobedient. Back up two verses. What did the Lord tell him? What does it say? Back up another verse. Verse twenty-seven, "Jesus spoke to them," was Peter part of them? And what did He tell them? What did He tell them? Cheer up, quit that, quit that whining and carrying on and what? When Peter got to looking at the wind, what did the Bible say happened to him? Afraid. Is this okay? The Lord told him don't do it. Which is why when he goes down Jesus didn't grab him and pull him up and pat him on the back and go hey, don't be shocked, Peter. I'm the Son of God. And I can do this. It's amazing you made it a few steps yourself. Men have come up with stuff like this. Jesus is holding onto him and looks at him and says, "Little faith." I don't know that that blessed Peter, but it's the truth. And he wants to know why did you waver? Why? Is Jesus okay with this? He's not. You can hear it in His statement that as far He's concerned there's no reason why Peter shouldn't have walked with Him all the way to the boat. This episode of looking at the wrong thing, thinking the wrong thing, getting upset, getting scared, sinking, none of that had to happen. None of that should have happened. And it happened because Peter was disobedient to the Word that He just heard just a few minutes ago, a command. Did the Lord say try not to be afraid? Do the best you can? No, what did He say? Be not afraid. Was there enough power - I mean, when the Word of God came and said, "Light be," was there enough power to make light come? When He says don't be afraid, reckon there was enough power for them not to be afraid if they would've held onto it and received it? Same power in that don't be afraid as in that word come. Can you see this? Friend, I've missed it in these areas, you've missed it in these areas. But we didn't have to. Peter missed it, but he didn't have to. When the Lord tells you don't be afraid, He expects you to do what He says. When He says don't think about that anymore, He expects you to close the door, and no matter if it comes to your mind 1000 times in the day, you will cast it down and say I'm not thinking about that. I'm not thinking about that. I want you to say it out loud, "My mind is my mind. I can think on whatever I choose to. I don't have to think on anything I don't choose to. The devil can't, nobody else can make me think on something I'm not supposed to." Do you believe it? Glory to God. Somebody say glory to God. Go with me to Colossians three. I tell you what, go to Hebrews twelve and then we'll go to Colossian three. We'll do it that way. Hebrews twelve and Colossians three. Why are Christians, why have we in times past, been - lacked peace, lacked joy, were worried, troubled, bothered, confused? It is the result of considering things we're not supposed to consider. It is the result of thinking about things we should not be thinking about. Looking at possibilities, looking at what if, what about, how come, why, wherefore, when the Lord told us don't think about that, think about this. Being careful and troubled about many things when we've already got the one thing we're supposed to be looking at, and thinking about, and talking about, and if we would discipline ourselves that as far as this subject is concerned, we won't look at, think about, listen to, or talk about anything else but this one thing. The fear would leave. The anxiety would go. The joy would come up in us. Do you believe this? "I will keep Him," keep Him, "in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." Can you say glory to God. Hebrews 12:2 says, "Looking," at everything? Huh? Twelve different things? Looking, "To Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith; Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Look at the next verse. "For consider Him," somebody say, "Consider Him." Consider your Healer, not the sickness. Consider your Provider, not the bills. "I try not to think about it Brother Keith, but I just... I like to pay my bills and it just bothers me so bad." It's entirely your fault that you're doing this to yourself. It's disobedience. You're not supposed to be considering how hard it is, and how broke you are, and the problems at the company, and how much money, and how in the world. Do you remember what Jesus taught? He said take no thought in saying what are we going to eat, what are we going to wear. He said don't take a thought. Is He just giving us a little pep talk? Is He giving us some suggestions that would be ideal? He fully expects us to do what He told us to do when He said don't take thought about that. He believes we will follow His instructions. Take no thought saying how are we going to do this, where's is going to come from. We're supposed to be considering, considering the God Who could easily supply all of our needs. We're supposed to be thinking about one thing. It takes discipline doesn't it? Will you be tempted about thinking about the other? Yes, you will. But if you want to be weak and mess and a basket case, somebody having to try to pray for you on prop you up, then think about all her bills and think about symptoms and think about all the bad reports and just do what He told you not to do. But, if you want to be a pillar in your family, if you want to be somebody that's strong when everybody else is crying and falling apart, come on are you listening? Develop powers of focus and concentration to where no matter what's going on, you run to the Lord and say Lord, what is my one thing? What is my one thing? Tell me what to think on. Tell me what to look at. You know you consider Him, you know you consider the Word, but specifically, what do I look at and He'll tell you, He'll show you. It can be something you heard four years ago and the Holy Ghost will just prompt it. Bring it right up in your spirit and you'll know okay, this is it. This is it. And I mean symptoms and circumstances will holler and vie and try to get your attention night and day, but it's your job to look at that one thing. One thing. What He told me. There's nothing else on the menu. There's nothing else to consider. How many understand Peter looked at something he shouldn't have looked at? He thought about something he shouldn't have thought about. He yielded to feelings of fear. He had already been told just a few minutes ago don't do that. And that's why he sank. And the Lord is merciful, aren't you glad He's merciful? He still reached down and grabbed a hold of him. Somebody say thank You for mercy. Thank You for mercy. Thank You for mercy. But He did look at him and say why did you do that? Didn't He? Why did you do that? Why did you do what? Why did you let your mind go over there? Why did you let yourself think that? Why did you get scared like I told you not to? Why did you do that? Oh friends, we've gone through so much stuff we didn't have to go through. But that's the past. I said, that's the past. And were talking about being transformed, becoming a different person, living a different life. Oh, somebody say thank You Lord. Verse three says what? "Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest," what happened to you? Lest, "You be wearied," and what happened to you? "Faint in your minds." Why would you get weary? Because you're not considering Him, you're considering the problem. You're not doing what He told you to do about not being afraid, you're yielding, and you're panicking, and you're fretting, and you're pacing the floor, and you're calling everybody you know and asking them. There's only one thing that matters, but you're asking too many questions. What about this, and how come that, and what if we need to do that? It's complicated. No, it's not complicated. There's one thing you need to be looking at right now. The Lord helped me to see this with Phyllis and I. When we first answered the call to be in the ministry and we realize the Lord was leading us to go to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and Rhema Bible Training Center. And that was like moving to another continent for us. Little country people with no money. Leaving our families and leaving everything we knew and everything we had. And we didn't have money for tuition. We didn't have money to make the trip from where we were to Oklahoma. Much less to get a place and to live there and stay there and all the things. And so as you're praying about it, you're thinking what about this, what about our jobs, where are we going to live, what about this, what about our families? There's just a lot of things to consider. Really? "Well, you know it's a complex issue. There are several sides to this." No, there's not. "There's a lot to think about." No, there's not. That's the problem. That's why people are so scattered and so confused and so scared. There was one thing, go there. Go there. "Yeah, but how." I'll show you. "From where?" I'll show you. Abraham went out not knowing, and he learned how to do it then, and he did it to rest of his life. He learned how to consider Him. Go to Hebrews eleven. You're in Hebrews twelve? Actually go to Romans four for this. This is in Hebrews eleven but go to Romans four. Romans 4:17 said, "...(As it is written, I have made thee a Father of many nations,) before Him whom He believed, even God, Who quickens the dead, and calls those things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope," or expect, he believed in expectation or hope, "that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith," do you see that next phrase? I said, do you see that next phrase? What is the key to being strong in faith? What is the key to not being weak? He what? "You're going to be a father of many nations." "Now isn't that interesting? I'm ninety-nine, Sarah is ninety. Sarah couldn't conceive when she was twenty-five. She's gone through the change of life and now she is ninety. Wow. You know, there's a lot to consider here. I mean, you got the natural cycles of life. You've got the hormones. Is the womb even alive? You got this, you've got that." Or do you? How do you not vacillate? How do you not waver? How do you stay out of fear? How do you stay out of the things that rob millions of good people of miracles they could have? Consider not all the other stuff once you've got the one thing. Did he have the one thing? We just got through reading it. He got the one thing which is the Word from the Lord that says I have made you the father of many nations. Change your name from Abram to Abraham. Change it because I said it, and you are. And the Bible said what? Come on, read it again. The Bible said in verse nineteen in the Young's Literal translation let me read from there it said, "Not having been weak in the faith, he did not consider his own body," did he have symptoms of being too old? Did he have symptoms of not being able to father a child? Did she have symptoms of not being able to conceive or carry a child? Oh, are you kidding? Every day they got up their ninety-nine and ninety-year-old bodies talked to them. Didn't it? What are they saying? No way, no how. Too late. It was too late twenty years ago. Too late. No way, no how. And if you listen to that, and you think about that. See, there's no way to stay out of fear and unbelief if you look at the wrong thing and listen to the wrong thing and talk about the wrong thing. What do you have to do with all the other things that contradict what the Lord told you? What you have to do? Don't consider it. Don't think about it. Don't listen to it. Don't talk about it. Can you do that? When symptoms are so glaringly in your face, when symptoms - I mean, the creditors are calling. Things are proceeding. This and that. Can you not focus on that? Can you focus your mind on my God meets all my needs? When you're hurting, when you're having to deal with things that are uncomfortable and unpleasant, is it possible in the midst of a very uncomfortable situation, is it possible to not think about it, not talk about it, keep your mind on what He told you? With long life He will satisfy me and show me His salvation. I will not die, I will live and declare the glory of God and the work of God. All things are possible to him that believes. Even if something slaps you sideways you just have to shake it off and go none of these things move me. There's just one thing I need to think about. One thing. Somebody say, "One thing." One thing. It said, " Not having been weak in the faith, he did not consider his own body already become dead, (being about a hundred years old,) and the deadness of Sarah's womb," he would consider them, "and at the promise of God did not stagger in unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, having given glory to God, and having been fully persuaded that what He has promised He is able also to do..." And they had a miracle, my brother. Didn't they? They had a miracle. Isaac was conceived, Isaac was carried full-term, Isaac was born a perfect, healthy baby boy. Hundred years old. Ninety and ninety-one. But if he and Sarah had talked about I just don't know how God's going to do this... You feeling any younger? I can't say that I am. I actually feel a little more stove up this week than I did last week. How about you? Are you feeling like you could carry a child? Oh Lord, no. No. You can't talk about how you feel. You can't talk about what you look like. You can't talk about the bad reports. Are y'all listening to me? We're not saying they don't exist, yeah, they're there. Yeah, they're real. But that doesn't mean you have to think about them. That doesn't mean you have to talk about them, or you have to listen to them. In closing, I think. Colossians three. Colossians three; just a few moments on this. How do you know it's the one thing? How do I know? Maybe if I have several things that have hit me all at once, how can I know which is the one right thing to think about? It's not hard. Colossians 3:15 in the Amplified. Well, let's read the King James, first then we'll read Amplified. Colossians 3:15, "And let," the understood subject here is you. You let or allow, "The peace of God," to what? Rule in your hearts..." Let me read the Amplified. "Let the peace... from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds," let it settle it like an umpire, "to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]." Dave took me to a baseball game the other night. The first professional game I had ever been to. And the coach got thrown, got ejected, how do you say it? Why? Because he challenged the call, the umpires call. You can't do that. Apparently. What was the case? Were they saying balls or strikes, which one was it? Yeah. They were calling them strikes, no they were calling them balls, and the coach said it should've been strikes. And he let him know. And the ump said I have ruled, in other words. And it is what it is, and you're out for even questioning it. Eject - is at the right word? Ejected him. Out of the game. He's a coach. Well, what is the umpire in our lives? The peace that passes understanding. Jesus said, "My peace I give you, not like the world gives you," this is not like anything you can find in the world, my peace - this is the very peace Jesus Himself walked in on the earth. And He said I'm giving it to you. I'm giving it to you. I'm quoting it but you need to see it. Go over to John. Thank You Lord. Somebody say thank You Lord. Thank You Lord. John 14:27. Let this come to you as hearing the Lord Jesus Himself. These are His words, red letters. It wouldn't be any more true than if you saw Him in the flesh here tonight and He looked you in the face and talk to you. Would it? Just as true. What did Jesus say? "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you..." Somebody say, "I got Jesus' peace. I have Jesus' peace." You know what else you got? The mind of Christ. You got His mind, you got His peace. So don't tell Him you can't do it. Don't say, "Lord, I can't help from being afraid." He gave you His peace and His mind. And He didn't yield to it - so don't tell Him you can't do it, because the same peace in mind He didn't yield to fear with, He gave you and me. "My peace I give to you: not as the world gives," this is not like anything you can find in the world. What is the very next phrase? What did He say? He said you got this peace now don't, "Let your heart be troubled," the understood subject here is you. Let not, you don't let your heart be troubled. You don't let your heart, "Be afraid." Don't let it be troubled, don't let it be afraid. Is it possible to do this? Is it possible to do what Jesus told us to do? To not let our heart be troubled? I got five nods and a couple of amens. Come on, are y'all with me friends? Is this serious what happened right here? Is it true? Did He give us His peace? Was Jesus falling apart all the time? Was He looking at stuff He shouldn't have been looking at? Was He thinking about things He shouldn't have been thinking about? Was He scared all the time and upset and troubled about everything? Crying on the apostle's shoulders going y'all pray for Me. I'm having a bad day. I just don't know what to do. I could do this, but then you'd have that. And I could do this, but then I don't know. And the Saducees are on my case and the Pharisees and if I say that, they're ready to do this. If I do that, there's just so much to consider. Y'all pray for Me. Jesus never, never said anything like that. Not like that. He always knew, didn't He? They'd come and say, "Lord, everybody is looking for you." He'd say, "No, we have to go over here and preach. That's why I came out." Wondering, looking? No. Did He know and discern the good and perfect will of God? Why? Because He wasn't considering anything else except what He got from the Father, so there was nothing to talk about, nothing to vote on. Nothing to pray about. Once you've heard. I've been in situations before where the Lord gives us the Word and you'd tell people, here's what it is, and they'd go, "I'll pray about it." About what? About whether you're going to do what He told you to do or not? Ain't nothing to pray about. When you get the one thing... Don't let your heart be troubled. Don't let it be afraid. Who said it? The Head of the church, Jesus, and don't tell Him you can't help it, because He gave you His very own peace so you'd be able to do this. Say, "I got the peace of Jesus. I got the mind of Christ. I don't have to be afraid, be troubled." Did you know it's possible to get up every day and go through every day and go through every night and live your whole life and not be afraid? And not be upset, and troubled, and scared. Did you know that's possible? It's possible to live your whole life and face death and die and never be afraid. Did you know this is possible? "Everybody gets afraid when they die." Said who? Stephen is being stoned. Huge rocks are hurling and hitting him in the head. He's being killed. And in the midst of it he says, "I see Jesus! I see Him standing at the right hand..." Rocks are hitting him. And the Bible said he just went to sleep. That's not racked with fear. That's not tormented. And the man's being stoned to death. It's possible to live every day without fear. Live your whole life and die, if the Lord tarries His coming, with no fear. No fear. Why? Stand up on your feet everybody. Why? Put it back up on the screen. What did Jesus tell us about that peace? What did He say in verse twenty-seven? "Peace," this is the Head of the church. Close your eyes. I want you to hear Him say it to you. Let Him say it, hear Him say it to you. "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I unto you." Don't, "Let your heart be troubled," don't let your heart, "be afraid." You have My peace. You have My mind. You have My Spirit. Greater is He that's in you, than he that is in the world. And I always cause you to triumph and give you the victory through the anointed Jesus, the Anointed Word. Glory to God. Lift up your hands and begin to praise Him and thank Him.
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,321
Rating: 5 out of 5
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Length: 82min 19sec (4939 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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