EXACTLY How Much Bloggers are Earning in 2023: More Than Ever

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your hourly wage for the work you're doing to create content is over 98 dollars an hour it's incredible well I am extremely excited this has got to be one of my most requested videos that I get every single year and one of our most watched videos each year and that's because I do a survey asking you how much you're earning as a blogger and then I get to share the results of the survey with all of you and with everybody who's just kind of curious how much do bloggers earn and I did the survey this year and I expected a certain outcome and was very pleasantly surprised and I go really far into the data because I wanted to understand why it worked out the way that it did you're going to see here in just a minute but I'm super excited for the results and there's some really cool actionable stuff that we can learn from this to help you earn much more from your blog going forward in 2023 alright the first thing that I want to share with you is overall how much people are earning per thousand page views as well as per blog post that they write now the per thousand page views number is it's because basically all the ways that we earn money especially through ads and stuff usually it's measured in like RPM or epmv or we use a metric we call epmp which is earnings per Milli or thousand page views so that's the number that we're going to use and what it does is it just kind of levels it someone has 8 000 and someone has 18 000 and depending on the amount of traffic you get your earnings vary widely so here is what I found for 2023 right now the survey data says that per thousand page views on your website on average you guys are earning 36.80 now without any context that number is going to feel like just a number what does that even mean let me give you a little bit of context here the average respondent to this survey is getting about 60 500 page views every single month on their blog that means that on average all of you who responded are earning 2 26 dollars and 52 cents that's the average number that takes every site from several of you who responded earning zero dollars to people on the other end of the spectrum earning thirteen thousand dollars a month 15 15 one person here earning fifty thousand dollars a month but most people kind of in that one to twelve thousand dollar per month range so what impacts the amount you earn if it goes everywhere from zero to fifty thousand dollars per month there are a few specific things and I'm so excited to get to walk through them with you the first one is this obviously the more traffic you have on your website the more you can earn more people coming to the site more ad Revenue more affiliate product Revenue more money that you earn from selling your own products especially your own digital products we're going to come back to that one in just a couple of minutes but what drives the most traffic on average it's the most content but only to a point so here's what I found we we know this from past results as well as from these results the people who have fewer than like 10 blog posts on the website basically can't expect to earn anything you might earn a dollar here or there but it just doesn't do very much for you but on average people responding to this survey who had 30 blog posts or fewer were averaging 15 dollars per thousand page views now that number is driven up by a few people who have like about 30 blog posts on the website but that number starts to go up as we approach 100 page views per month anywhere from about 31 to 100 you're averaging about 19 but here's what's cool for those people whose websites whose blogs have between 100 and 500 now it's a wide range right most of these are kind of in the one to three hundred range everyone who fell into that 100 to 500 range that number shoots way up in fact it more than doubles and they're averaging average we're talking middle of the road here forty one dollars and 59 cents per thousand page views a lot of you with blogs are going to hear that number and you're going to say no way I don't know anybody with that kind of earnings I am nowhere near that iron nothing if that's how you feel I want you to consider a couple of things one how much content do you have but also there are some of you that put a lot of content and they hear a number like this and they say well I just need to write more and more and more but you're not figuring out the things that make the content good and we're going to come again back to that in just a few minutes but here's what this means put more content on your website and on average you're earning way more than people who have very little content on their website but we see this number drop off people that have over 500 posts on their website are averaging only 34 dollars and six cents you can see on this graph just how much of an impact it has kind of being in that sweet spot and I think the reason for that and this same phenomenon happened last year it's when you get to a certain point you have so much content on your website that you're cannibalizing traffic from your own blog posts or you're just writing about topics that are just so specific in my new like there's three people that are ever going to search that image it's just because you've covered so much already on your website so when people ask should I have one website or two I'm going to say unless your one website has at least a hundred blog posts on it I'm probably not starting a second one yet however if you do have like four or 500 blog posts on a website I'm probably gonna say you're likely to grow more by starting another one if you really have this process down but it's not just traffic I really wanted to know what factors matter the most so I asked a few other questions in my survey I asked how are you monetizing and I allowed people to fill in all of the different ways they're monetizing their websites we have people who are monetizing with ads only and that group of people across the entire Spectrum are averaging about 17 and 19 cents per thousand page views so even if you have a ton of content on your website and really good traffic you're averaging only a little bit more than those people that only have 30 blog posts on their website but we shouldn't just do ads alone you see those people who do ads and affiliate marketing their epmp Grows by 74 that's a lot twelve dollars more per thousand page views 74 that's like not that far from double the income by doing a second form of monetization but this is where it gets even cooler people who do digital products whether they do ads or not just anybody who has a digital product that they're selling information products is like a huge thing that we love to talk about here on income School these people are earning 3.9 times as much money as people who are doing just ads I also found another cool result I decided to look for how much project 24 members earn versus people who are not members of project 24. for those of you who don't know project 24 is our membership where I teach you step by step by step how to build a successful blog this survey showed that this year currently people who are members of project 24 earn 89 more per thousand page views but you might be asking is it just that project 24 members write a lot more content I decided I wanted to look at the dollars earned per blog post written as well and here's what I found project 24 members they also earn 91 percent more dollar dollars per blog post that they write almost twice as much money as people who are not project 24 members and the reason for that is Project 24 members learn how to write content first the right content the content that's actually going to get them real search traffic and they know how to write content in a way that they make more money from that content project 24 members are also more likely to create a digital product because that's something we teach you how to do and we know exactly how important it is because you earn that much more money here's another cool thing I just mentioned digital products I told you that you earn three point times as much per thousand page views you earn 5.7 times as much per blog post so that's a lot of improvement on the amount of time it takes to actually write a blog post so now let me tell you why this was so surprising to me this year there have been so many kind of upsetting factors for bloggers people are just talking about how much blogging is dying and there's been two major things the first one has actually been the bigger impact I've seen so far and that has just been changes in the Google algorithm Google core updates have been big disruptors in the past and this last year was no exception and so that's something that we've seen really impacting a lot of sites really diminishing the amount of traffic they're getting which is why it's so exciting for me to see how much money people are still earning per blog post that said this year compared to last year the dollars earned per blog post per month did go down a bit but the dollars earned overall have gone up because a lot of you have realized that you need to create more topical Authority so you're creating more content around specific clusters of information which is fantastic it's exactly what you need to do and I think that as we get that dialed in our dollars per blog posts are probably going to improve going forward the second major factor that everybody's worried about is AI and what is AI going to do to blogging so far basically nothing I've looked at ton of websites a lot of my own included and I have seen absolutely zero impact since chat gbt came out and I mean just nothing you don't see anything the traffic continues to move exactly how it was before if not even better will AI impact blogging in the future yes most certainly it will but what I'm seeing so far makes me really optimistic about the future of blogging knowing that there is going to continue to be a place for human created content going forward in the future but I do think that there's a place for learning how to use AI in conjunction with human efforts to create really good really helpful content and still be able to have a really good human element to it I think people like that connection and if we abandon that because AI is cool and flashy and we think it can do just as good a job I think we're going to see some really negative downsides more on that going forward I think we're going to be talking about AI a lot in the coming months and years because it's absolutely going to force us to adapt but I think in good ways and if we continue to do a good job of this we're going to keep earning some great money so let's talk about how earnings have grown two years ago we did the same survey from then until last year Vlog earnings grew by almost eight percent per thousand page views we're talking about based on traffic and then from last year to this year I was completely expecting those two things to cause earnings to decrease honestly I didn't even bring up the third one and this is a huge one and that is just overall economic factors advertisers are not paying nearly as much now as they used to just because the economy is a bit down so epmps or epmvs or RPMs depending on who you're using as your ad provider have been going down and yet from last year to this year respondents to the survey have increased their income per thousand page views by over 17 percent just look at how these numbers are growing it's incredible to me to see how you have already been adapting and that's what we're here for on this channel is to help you you know exactly what things you need to do to be able to have these kind of results While most bloggers are out there are complaining about the headwinds and the things that are going to prevent them from ever being successful I want to help guide you so that you know exactly what's coming and you know exactly what to do about it as it comes we're not going to overreact what we're going to do is we're going to face the things that are heading toward us and we're going to adapt as needed but not until we need to if we make a lot of changes right now it's mostly just going to be guessing Okay now there's another number I just absolutely have to share with you from this survey that really gets me excited I get people talking about how this isn't a good business model you do all this work and all this work and in the end you don't make that much money for the time you put into it there's a lot of risk when you're creating a business or doing any type of investment at all risk means there's a good chance that the thing that you put all of your money into you could decrease the amount of money as much as you could increase it right if there's a really risky investment we know that there's a chance for big reward but we also know that there's a higher likelihood of big failure and losing that money you know at least compared to other more moderate Investments I would not in any way consider blogging a high risk business model because the cost to get into it is so low compared to most other money making methodologies out there most every business you're going to get into is going to have a huge upfront cost bank loans and stuff where you could lose your house if you fail with a Blog all year out is whatever time you spent creating that blog and a few dollars here and there it's just not a risky business model people who say that don't understand what risk really means the chances of success of this versus other businesses is not any lower in fact a huge percentage of businesses that people start fail they don't exist within five years blogging has a similar failure rate but it's mostly comes down to the people who are going to stick it out learn how to do it right and really follow through so the number that I have to share with you is what's your hourly wage as a blogger so what I did is I took the dollars per post the average not even the high end just the average and what I found was over the course of five years you take that blog post and just earn from it for the next five years most of the blog posts we write continue to earn US money for years and years and years and years into the future well beyond five but if it's five years and let's say every single blog post takes you six hours to write I'm being pretty generous here because most of the blog posts I write take me one to two and project 24 members learn how to do the same three four hours is kind of a lot of time to spend on a blog post but for a total beginner six hours probably feels a bit more realistic your hourly wage for the work you're doing to create content is over ninety eight dollars an hour it's incredible the difference is you don't get paid up front that payment comes in dividends over time so you do the work up front but you keep earning for so long and again this is the average what if you create a digital product and you more than double that number it's an incredible business opportunity I'm so excited the numbers that I'm seeing make me super optimistic for the future we can continue to make this an amazing business model and again like I said will adapt as needed but overall things are going great for bloggers and you are totally slaying it so congratulations on your great blogging success now for those of you who hear these numbers and say yes but I'm trying and I'm earning zero dollars what am I supposed to do I put out a video just last week on exactly what to do to diagnose why you're not making money on your blog and what to do about it make sure you go check out that video right now you don't want to miss it if you are anywhere near zero dollars or just much lower income than you're expecting to earn from your blog I hope to see you in that video I also hope you'll subscribe to this Channel and we'll see you in our video next week [Music] foreign
Channel: Income School
Views: 35,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators, how much do bloggers make, how much do bloggers make 2023, how much do bloggers earn?, how much do bloggers earn, how much do bloggers earn 2023, average epmv ezoic, average epmv, average epm, average earnings adsense, adsense earnings, niche website income, niche site income, niche site earnings, website earning potential, affiliate income, ads income
Id: DdkwTIkhSIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.