How Much Do Blogs Earn in 2021? Things have changed.

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hey jim i know i only wrote 10 posts this year but i worked really hard and i feel like i deserve something that's what you deserve oh i've worked all year i've got 100 blog posts i've seen zero memes this year i don't know what's going on with the cats i haven't seen any of the mandalorian what do i get hey jim i have been working like crazy i've written 500 blog posts this year that's like a post and a half a day i haven't even showered for three months what can you give me and a shower on me all right we had a little bit of fun but this video was actually packed full of data what we did is we did a pretty large scale um survey of you guys thank you for participating and we said how many page views does your site get and then how much money are you earning now before we did that survey we put down what our particular goals are after building dozens of different blogs and websites to see uh what we would expect in terms of traffic and earnings at 10 blog posts 100 blog posts and 500 blog posts so you can know what kind of return to expect the data here is pretty cool first let's talk about a site with 10 blog posts frankly this is just too small to expect much to happen with 10 blog posts you know in the underperform category you're gonna get like one page view a month right like you couldn't even convince your husband or wife to come to your blog right this is bad you know if if we're kind of at our expected range with 10 blog posts yeah we're gonna say you're gonna get about 300 page views maybe one of the articles is getting a little bit something plus we just get some bot traffic coming across and then if we're over performing with 10 blog posts i might expect something like 1500 page views a month now we've done that we've actually done that multiple times we did it with soundproof expert we did it with work prep where we had you know 10 12 blog posts and we got over a thousand page views a month but honestly that's rare most people will see basically no result at this level because you're just too small enough for to have any kind of authority with google and you have very few lines in the water trying to win rankings so don't expect anything and i must add that all of the numbers on this video very important disclaimer all numbers are expecting that all of the posts have been given at least eight months to really reach their close to full ranking on google okay so now let's talk about earnings well if you underperformed you're going to earn nothing if you got 300 page views you're probably earning nothing maybe a couple pennies from adsense and if you over performed with 500 page views maybe we make 5 bucks a month we have earned as much as 300 a month from 10 blog posts but again that's a very rare anomaly in this category you just shouldn't expect much at 10 blog posts you haven't put in enough effort but now let's jump to a hundred blog posts this is realistic for all of you to accomplish in one year even if you don't outsource any of the writing but it's going to take very consistent very hard effort for you to get there to write 100 good pieces of content so with 100 blog posts here's our over perform expected and underperform in terms of page views now you'll notice the 100 000 page views as our stretch goal right we say for our articles that every one article our stretch goal is already always to get a thousand page views per month per article now some are going to way over perform that and some are going to underperform it this is our normalized average with a hundred blog posts we've definitely built sites where we got more than a thousand page views per article but usually it's more of a stretch goal it's kind of hard to quite get up to that you have more misses than you hope for in the middle range this is what we saw in our survey data was very normal to get with a hundred blog posts that have aged enough we're expecting about fifty thousand page views from a hundred articles that's what we would just typically expect a blogger to do maybe not somebody brand new but somebody with a little bit of experience who kind of knows what they're doing that's that's not weird in most industries and then our underperform category frankly a lot of people are going to end up here with your very first blog because it's hard do you have a lot of skills to learn other people are able to kind of just pick it up quickly i i would say if you're taking project 24 you're in our course and you're learning a lot of lessons i'm hoping you're going to push at least more toward the middle category because you're making fewer mistakes but there are a lot of things that can keep you back and then here are is our range of earnings for each one of those page view categories now this is where the video starts to get cool right so we surveyed a lot of people and we saw like what's the revenue to page views and then we say huh let's see if we average this in each of these categories right here's the number that we found that i thought was fascinating especially because how it well how well it lines up with something we've been saying for years so four sites that are getting at least 10 000 page views all the way up all the way up the range we said how many page views do you get and how much money do you earn right and so then we get the metric earnings per thousand page views e p m p m is for milli so the average epmp for all sites over ten thousand page views per month was twenty nine dollars and eight cents that is really interesting that we found that in the real data because the number that we've been seeing for years is that with about 30 000 page views you should be able to make a thousand bucks a month sometimes takes a little bit of work to be able to do that in some niches other niches you may blow it out of the water but that's right normal where we expect to see now i would say that that number when i said the average that's the median is 29 dollars and eight cents the mean is actually way higher because we saw some sites with crazy high epmps that are monetized with a really good affiliate pro or a really good affiliate program more e-commerce or if you have your own info product that it really shot up the epm piece so we excluded a couple real anomalies by going to the median all right so those are kind of your ranges that we would expect in there but now look at the surveyed average for each of those page view ranges that we could expect with a hundred blog posts and now you can see like that's a real number that you could pretty well roughly count on of what you're gonna earn with that much traffic and that much work with a hundred blog posts goodbye to a hundred blog posts and now we are going to bring in 500 blog posts here's where we expect the traffic to be with 500 blog posts now the one thing i would say is you may expect a little lower page views per post when you're at 500 blog posts in a particular category when you have 50 you're just testing the waters and you have a lot of misses then you write your next batch of content you're able to hone in on what worked so usually we see the highest page views per article on a site that's you know between 75 and 150 articles when we get bigger we start scraping the bottom of the barrel a little bit with our search analysis but at the same time we're able to rank for bigger topics and so it's usually going to roughly balance itself out up at this 500 blog blog post mark so let's take a look at that traffic now now we're talking about a large audience that this site is bringing in and then look at that income huge huge variability at this point right i mean if you're at the bottom right bottom range of the underperform category oh it's backwards for you guys is that over here it hurts my head anyway you could be earning anywhere from 2 000 a month to 25 000 a month from 500 blog posts and we've seen examples of both actually we've seen outliers even further than that out but those are that's a normal range kind of given these different things the surveyed average of what you would expect in the expected category then is seven thousand two hundred seventy dollars per month if you're just totally middle of the road with traffic with uh with earnings and everything i think that's really poor there's no way you should write 500 blog posts and only be earning 7 210 per month unless you have just hardly worked on monetization at all the vast majority of people in this category who have written that much content and have that big of an audience will eventually start putting a lot more effort toward monetization they're gonna make their online course they're gonna have a physical product they're gonna go find the good affiliate programs and they're gonna negotiate their rate rates higher that they're making a hundred dollars a sale uh for their commissions and things like that i really think the higher monetization numbers are going to be a lot more common when we're talking about that much content unless you really have just completely neglected monetization and you've only focused on traffic so what are you going to do about it you hear this content you hear how much you could do and again like a result's not typical blah blah blah blah right like this is a business you've got to build a business like any other business and there's no guarantee if you write 100 blog posts you're going to earn anything at all actually but we have done it enough times that we know what is normal and what we're capable of doing and we've seen from hundreds of members what they're capable of doing and that's kind of where this data is coming from their averages they're not guarantees i guess is what i'm trying to say so what are you going to do now are you going to keep watching these videos and hope that someday you come up with the perfect niche that now you can you can continue and finally do this or are you going to actually jump in you're going to find something that works and you're going to pick it and you're going to wake up early every day and you're going to put in your hour and you're going to create that content that can completely change your life when you're ready for it go to incomeschool.comproject24 that is the place where we are going to walk you step by step during through this path that we have learned the hard way when i started my blog i didn't have i couldn't pay for a course or anything i had to learn everything the hard way and i'm really grateful that frankly i was lucky on a lot of things to be able to get there but if you can invest in yourself and you're going to put in all this effort and time anyway i think we can get you to success quicker thanks everybody for joining me in this video and good luck in 2021
Channel: Income School
Views: 341,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators
Id: yX5vGan6ulw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.