14 Harsh Truths You Find Out When You Start Blogging

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it's an amazing feeling to start a blog it's an opportunity to express yourself and expand in ways you never know you could and just like starting a business a lot of effort is required you don't become successful in blogging by accident you need to put a lot of intention and work even when you feel like quitting actually especially when you feel like quitting hi everyone i'm jojola buff and i help women grow their blogs and work from home here are 14 harsh truths you'll learn in your first year of blogging please take these truths with a grain of salt i say this with love number one no one cares about you no one knows who you are and i say this with love you're entering a sea of bloggers in a world where no one knows you you need to make yourself stand out from others by asking yourself what am i good at what kind of advice do people go to me for what am i passionate about what can i go hours on end talking about this is an opportunity to create your voice based on your strengths what you're naturally interested in and using that to help people and then people will start noticing you number two you'll be blogging for months and months creating amazing content and not everyone is gonna see it something really important to know is that every time you publish a blog post out it takes 90 days in order for it to rank on google and this is if your blog post is seo friendly or search engine optimized meaning it's searchable on search engines like google by using certain keywords so don't feel bad if your posts don't immediately get views the moment you put it out into the world it doesn't work that way but what you should do is assess each post 90 days after it's been published that way you know if it's working or not this next one is for travel bloggers number three you will be spending most of your time on your computer or your laptop or your phone not actually traveling that much a lot of your time will be spent researching destinations writing posts learning how to use creative programs editing photos and videos if you're putting them out on youtube designing graphics posting on social media replying to direct messages and emails contacting brands the list is endless number four not everyone has the mindset to be a blogger and you're going to find out the harsh truth if you're one of them or not a lot of people think they need to be a good writer to blog or a good photographer or a good filmmaker or a good whatever it is but what they don't realize is that these are skills they will learn as soon as they start blogging what's actually hard is having a mindset to push through and quite honestly eat for a very long time and it's just a matter of really holding on even when you don't feel like it you have to be willing to be clumsy messy and embarrassed when starting something new you can't expect yourself to be skillful and graceful right off the bat number five you'll get frustrated by how painstakingly long it is to get your first 1000 subscribers or followers like it could take six months this does vary from platform to platform and it also depends on how much you've made your posts optimized for seo and how much value you put into it but know that this journey can take a while and the more followers people see that you have the more likely they are to follow you so the more you have the faster you'll grow it's just going to take a little while to get your first 1000. actually when i started i actually cheated and renamed my personal instagram account to my blog name so that i didn't really have to start from xero but this wasn't the case for starting my email list starting my youtube channel and my other followings on facebook and on pinterest number six you'll be spending more time promoting your content than creating it because if no one's going to see the valuable content you're creating for them why create them in the first place number seven you'll get a lot of followers and also un followers and that's the nature of growing a following it's never linear your fallen will go up and then it'll also go down just remember that when it goes down you're not losing your followers your following is actually becoming much more loyal and stronger to you and that's much more important than having a larger number of followers who aren't genuinely interested in you so why tag them along in your journey number eight you'll be comparing yourself to other bloggers it's not fair to them and it's especially not fair to you you can't compare yourself to someone who's level 70 when you're only level two when this happens you might enter a not so good place and begin putting yourself down so mute their accounts or stop following them number nine you'll find many reasons to quit and it's up to you to let those reasons get in the way most of the time we get in the way of our own success as we usually tell ourselves in one version or another i'm not good enough i'm a disappointment i'm a failure i'm doing everything wrong i'm not special i'm really bad at this i'm ugly i suck i'm unlovable and it's okay to have these thoughts that's what it means to be a human being and it's natural to go through these motions just remind yourself that this inside voice is only a voice and this voice is not you and whatever it's saying is not true just remove that thought and toss it out number 10 you'll be confronted by all these harsh truths and it'll be worth it because number 11 you're gonna meet amazing people like you and instantly become friends because not only do they understand the struggles first hand but you also helped lift each other up and i'm talking about the community you're building and the connections you're making with the people in your industry number 12 you'll be admired for your generosity because you're willing to share your knowledge and experiences for free without asking anything back number 13 your dream life is worth jumping through countless hoops for because experiencing yourself as a badass powerful go-getter living the dream is priceless if there's one thing to know is that patience is key and number 14 nothing about the blogging world is instantly gratified it's all about long-term gratification ask yourself am i willing to invest my own money and work long hours for no pay sacrificing personal time and lifestyle for maybe years what's going to happen to me if this venture doesn't work out so be patient and stay grounded just remember success is inevitable make a plan show up with energy and intensity every single day and good things will happen and there you have it those are my 14 harsh truths you'll learn in your first year of vlogging and this is relevant for bloggers of all niches too i hope you found this video helpful and let me know which hearth truth stuck with you so if you're thinking of starting a blog but you're not sure how to go about it i have a free pdf that's free for you to download it's called the bold blogger launch checklist i put all the steps in to build your band create your website brainstorm your content create your content and then get it seen by people it's basically a checklist to start your blog put it out there with as little overwhelm as possible i even include how much time you need for each step so you can log into your planner and do it thank you so much for watching i'm jojo labeouf and i help women grow their blogs and work from home please like and subscribe for more videos bye [Music] you
Channel: Johanna Aquino Lebouef
Views: 422,806
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Keywords: traveling petite girl, travelingpetitegirl, blogging, working from home, work from home, how to blog, how to start a blog, how to work from home, remote work jobs, remote work, entrepreneurship, business
Id: iC5dWobPSik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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