Blogging Income Report May 2023 - My Best Month Ever

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as you could see in YouTube thumbnail May 2023 was my best month ever where I finally reached four figure earnings per month for my sites that's both to through affiliate marketing and uh showing ads on my websites so I decided to share my first blogging income report ever and from this month I will try to publish it every single month without further Ado let's see my earnings and website stats okay let's check earnings in total first because I know that's what you're most interested in so for Amazon us earnings I have 1002 bucks for Amazon Canada I have 52 Canadian dollars which is approximately 38 bucks on Amazon UK I have 16 pounds which is around 20 bucks on impact affiliate program I earned 95 bucks and on sa cards I earned 210 bucks so as you can see in total my earnings are 1366 bucks and 62 cents that's uh I'm extremely happy because of that because that's my highest month ever and I know that for some of you this may not seem like a lot but since I'm from Croatia these earnings are now exceeding my full-time salaries so for me that's fantastic and uh of course if you are extremely successful affiliate marketer and blogger or content creator in general 1300 bucks is nothing too special for you but for me it's great and I hope that it can be a great motivation for anyone who's starting out with blogging affiliate marketing or even YouTube and everything if this can help anyone to start sooner or to start learning about content creation blogging and other things related to content creation I will be extremely happy now let's check the total traffic for my websites it's not a lot but on my two sides combined I've got uh 34 700 Pages the average RPM overall is 39 bucks which is I think it's great if you have ever seen income School surveys most people earn around 30 bucks on average for their site unfortunately the average RPM for azoic ads is only 6 bucks which I don't know why I it's extremely low I'm aware of that that ad spend is not on such a high level as it was in 2022 but in 2022 I was getting around let's say 13 or 14 bucks RPM for my site I don't believe that that's paint is like 50 or 60 percent less than it was just one year ago so I think it's some problem with the zoik and I'm seeing a lot of comments where everyone is complaining about low RPMs on a zoik while I don't see those same comments for ads driver mediavine let's start with my first side stats each side in the automotive niche in total there are 188 articles for now which uh mostly it's human written content I think 90 probably a bit more than 90 percent just in the last two months I started writing with the help of chat GPT so maybe last 10 or 15 articles are written with with the help of AI so they are not AI I've written they're just written with the help of AI recently I started publishing new content more often because as you can see it's more than three years old website and it should have at least 250 maybe even 300 350 posts live but uh when I was just starting out I was doubting if it will ever succeed or and I didn't have enough will now I'm getting that will all back and site one got 16 000 pages in May which is okay it's nothing special but since the website got hit in September update as you can see here in the image of Google search console I think it's pretty good the recovery process seems to be very very slow but uh with uploading new articles and everything I think that it will I think that its traffic will increase again so I think that not doing link building on time caused the dropping rankings because I think that I'm doing everything fine when it comes to writing articles and everything as you can see over here it's an ahrefs screenshot domain rating is 19 which is not so low but for three year old website it's nothing special and you can see that referring domains has been increasing in the last few months and I'm trying to build links more actively in the last two or three months so let's go to earnings for site one this site earned uh 775 bucks on Amazon us it earned 38 bucks on Amazon CA and 20 bucks on Amazon UK and asoic ads this I turned 111 dollars the important thing to mention is that I count Amazon Canada and Amazon UK earnings as these site's earnings that's because I don't have a dedicated tracking codes on those sites so even if someone buys something from my second website I'm counting those earnings for this because it's usually only 20 30 bucks per month so it's not a big deal uh the average RPM for this site is 58.59 that's fantastic and it I think that's the best RPM that I have ever got now let's go to the second site this is something let's say kind of really related to gardening Niche it's one year and five months old website uh there are 113 articles all these articles are humanly written and 95 of these articles were published in the first 10 months when I created a website and ever since then I started Outsourcing articles but not on a frequent base which is pretty bad my plan is to get to 150 articles by the end of 2023 so we will see and this site has got 18 000 pages in May which is fantastic that's its record as you can see here the growth was very nice and then it's like a steady slow and steady growth since then I think the biggest reason for that is my and regular content publishing uh yes for this site I just recently started sending guest post pictures so I didn't do any link building at all which you can see below which this site has only Dr of 4 4.7 I'm sorry it's extremely low it should be at least 10 15 by now or even more but still it's the R4 website and it's still getting 18 000 pages per month I think it's fantastic so let's go to decide earnings uh this I turned a lot less than the automotive new site even though it received 2000 Pages more so for Amazon us this I turned 226 bucks on the Zoe cards it earned 103 bucks and on impact affiliate this I turned 95 bucks I already told you this that I don't count Amazon Canada and UK earnings for this site and the RPM for this website is 22.88 bucks which is again it's not extremely low but uh but I expect it to be at least 30 bucks let's see the expenses that I had in May so I'm paying canva Pro subscription it's 14 bucks I think that every blogger YouTuber or content creator should have canva especially because of their extremely extremely large image Library I'm paying gizoid premium 29 bucks per month uh I'm paying SC ranking 30 bucks which is its alternative to hrefs and semrush and it's three or four times cheaper and it has everything that I need to grow my websites I paid Fiverr Freelancers 65 bucks it was some content creation and it was some Forum link building I don't usually do that but I just wanted to try it out if no follow links from Forum would maybe help my website I am paying chargpt plus 25 bucks you know that the cost of chargeupt is 20 bucks but add vat to that and it's 25 bucks and I paid my upwork writer 34 bucks it's funny but there was one website that was asking 15 bucks for a guest post it was actually link insertion and even though the website wasn't extremely good their one page was getting some traffic and and I asked them to insert the link into that page that's really getting traffic so I think it's great investment we'll see in the future so total expenses for May it was 212 bucks so the total profit for May of 2023 is more than 1100 bucks which is fantastic and guys here is my plan for June on site one I I will try to continue publishing more frequently of course with the help of chat GPT I will try to send more guest post pictures because I already have a list with a 800 or 900 websites with email and everything that's needed to send them pictures so I can send like two 300 email pages in a few hours I will try to answer to horror queries whenever they're related to this topic and uh in the last few days I saw maybe three or four hierarch queries in the automotive Niche and I answered them immediately so I hope that there will be some higher backlinks as well and also I will need help of CHA GPT to make me some digital ebook so I can collect emails because I I think that it's time now to collect emails and and hopefully earn money from that as well and I will start sharing articles on my Facebook page because I just made a Facebook page like two weeks ago and I want to grow it a little bit maybe it will help SEO and eeat for site 2 I plan to continue to Outsource all new articles two to four articles per month maybe I will even increase this number to five so I can reach my goal of 150 posts by the end of this year I will try all to also find some guest post opportunities for this site of course start sending guest post pictures more often and uh this site I still haven't registered to Harrow and I will I will register it this month and try to answer higher queries related to gardening and my niche and also I will have to make Facebook page for that site and that's it guys thanks for watching my video I hope that you like this income report and I hope that this income report May motivate someone who is new at blogging that at some point you will start earning money the most important thing is that you never just give up because people who give up they will never succeed see you guys in my next video cheers
Channel: Petar Dzaja
Views: 1,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blog income report, how to make money blogging, income report, blogging income, make money blogging, blogging tips, how to start a blog, project 24, ezioc ads, ezoic ads, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing income report, how to make money blogging 2023, affiliate marketing income proof, blog income report 2023, income report 2023, my blog income report, how i earn money from blogging, side hustle income, make money online, income school, passive income
Id: u2rLZDgHte4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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