$0 to $4,000 per month in 1 year with a Blog in 2022 - How we'd do it

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let's break down what it's going to take to get to 4 000 per month with your blog now with big goals like this that are outcome based where i don't have total control over what happens to me i like to break it down into the components that i can control to figure out exactly what i need to do to get there if i want to get to 4 000 dollars per month and i know because i just recently did a study that on average sites of the size we're talking about amongst both project 24 members and you and our audience are earning about cents this is just the average per thousand page views so i'm going to say earnings per thousand or milli pages epmp so if i go ahead and i divide that and then multiply by a thousand it means that the amount of traffic i need is about 121 877 page views per month on my blog i also know from the same study that sites of this size are getting about 715 page views per post if i go ahead and divide those and do that math what that tells me is i need just over 170 blog posts that are actually getting traffic on my website before the end of the year and i need to have it monetized at least average so now i want to go talk with nathan to see if we can figure out a strategy to get that done in just 12 months [Music] hey nathan hey i'm uh trying to figure out how to get to 4 000 a month from a blog within one year okay you wanna help me figure that out yeah let's go brainstorm on the blackboard okay so we literally spent the morning workshopping this and figuring out exactly how we would go about it and now we actually have a timeline for you to get to four thousand dollars a month within just one year so this could be a little content heavy from the very beginning but then you're gonna see the action plan here okay the first thing you need to worry about is your search analysis now when i say search analysis that's not only finding the best articles for your first 30 articles there are other elements that are included in that absolutely so in month one we need to do search analysis and identify 30 topics for our niche obviously i mean this it kind of goes without saying but we also have to like make a website right yes we need to come up with 30 topics within our niche that we can write about that are going to be relatively low competition but also we want to structure this content in a way to help it be most successful with google search as quickly as possible in order to do that we actually want to make sure we gain some authority within a couple of like sub niches or some categories within our niche so we're going to take our niche we're going to break it into two or three specific subcategories we want to start with and all of our search analysis in this first batch of 30 is going to fall within just two or three fairly specific subcategories of content okay so for the post here 30 posts to start now like ricky said they need to be low competition these need to be post you can win early on because as you can see you only have 12 months and if it takes an average of eight months to rank your content the content you write in these early months is going to be crucial that you get it right and if we can win because it's low competition what that does is it actually helps the rest of the sno the site kind of snowball to success if we can get a few articles early on to rank really well in google search then that just helps the rest of the content gain authority get indexed faster to the point that we're still writing content here toward the end why well it's because by about even month seven we often find that our content that we write today within a couple of weeks it's already on page one of google yeah because we won early content and because of some of the other things we're about to do here okay so one of the things that with your early content that you need to do and really all your content is snippet optimization but anna's been working on this a lot with cook for folks i think we need to run over and just talk to her about what she's seeing that's working good call hey anna i have a couple questions for you oh yeah what's up okay we've been talking about how to get to zero to four thousand dollars in 12 months snippets is a great way to do that how have you seen snippets help cook for folks rank fast yeah so i have some examples and this one in particular is a really good one so this one how many sugar cookies per person actually ranked and got the top spot within a week less than a week actually and so that immediately allowed it to get more traffic because it was the first spot so just writing this targeted answer which is less than a few sentences makes it easy for google to put it right here which is the top spot of course and it's highlighted a couple different words that it exactly answers the question that these people would be searching for google snippets are a great way to get your content ranking faster but it's only one piece of the puzzle all right let's go back to the board we're going to talk about the next thing so yeah snip on optimization we want to win those snippets because we can start to rank really really fast even within a month or so sometimes on a brand new website yep but as we write this content we don't just want to optimize for snippets we need to write really high quality content that deserves to rank number one even without the snippet but as we go we also want to make sure that we're that our site structure is being taken into account so remember we said two to three subcategories well those articles within those subcategories should link together it's going to help google identify that they're on similar topics it's going to help google understand better where your expertise lies and so we want to get that interlinking done so when we do our search analysis we want to figure out which articles should link to each other that way as we write them we're creating those links now there's a little bit of a kicking and an egg problem here right because as i write one article that needs to link to another but that article's not written yet yeah i can't link to it yeah so we just need to keep track of those and so when we keep our search analysis spreadsheet i'm going to keep track of which articles i want to link to and then also keep track of which ones i haven't yet linked to that i can cross off as i go also in month one you're gonna actually start looking at monetization right now typically we don't say to look at monetization for quite a few months but it's gonna be really important to get that early on so we're gonna say start with some affiliate choose probably five to ten products you know maybe you start with just a few products that work really well across the site or you could start with a couple products that you just want to mention in a single post right whatever the case is you have to start placing those links in early because by the time you're done with this you're gonna have over 200 posts and if you haven't done any of that work as you go you're going to be completely overwhelmed and that structure that we need from the beginning is not going to be there one really great like trick for being really successful i think with affiliate marketing is from the beginning if we can identify within our niche those you know these are 5 or 10 products that i do want to make sure that i talk about yeah i don't necessarily have to do product roundups where i compare the 10 best or whatever no let's not start with that let's start with 5 to 10 products that you already know if you actually like do the thing you're writing about you might have some products that you could just start writing about that you could mention in your blog post not that you should necessarily write reviews of those specific products but you should as you write content that you know an affiliate link could fit we're just going to make a recommendation we're going to say and for this i recommend this product yeah you know if we don't pick out those products early on and let's say we do at some point start outsourcing some of that content well then what happens is like okay i need to mention an oven roaster in a blog post so that writer just goes and finds an oven roaster on amazon right and now we don't even have consistency across the site of which one we're recommending yep no let's like let's use the same one and let's be consistent if we can identify the products from the beginning then we can um be consistent throughout the rest of the site okay i think that pretty much covers us foreign it's a lot of work tons of work i mean you're talking nearly a post today not to mention search analysis site structure setting up the site adding up affiliate marketing let me tell you something though in um twice a year in project 24 we do our content warrior challenge and the goal there is to write 60 000 words in a month many many people have just like launched their new website yep doing that challenge 60 000 words that's your 30 post that that could be i mean that's that's i mean that could be either 30 response posts or 60 or sorry 30 disabled posts or 660 responses worth of response posts yep that's what's good one month and people are doing it on their own writing their own content so month two looks similar to month one you're going to notice a lot of the stuff we introduced in month one you're going to continue doing throughout the months month two you need another 30 articles of search analysis again probably within those two to three categories you're going to want to build on those categories so that you can continue to do interlinking continue to add those products the other thing you'll notice is we didn't say right up front hey go do search analysis and come up with 200 topics to write about you'll probably in the process of search analysis identify lots of potential topics and narrow it down to 30 to right well now we're going to identify the next 30 in the next month and the reason we do that separately is as we write content we are going to come across more and more topics we're going to figure out what type of content is more likely to do better yeah and so we want to break that search analysis down and do it throughout the year the more you research your topic the more just you're going to realize that there are so many different areas you could just you could uncover right with your blog you're not going to know all that right up front so let's break it down month 2 30 articles of search analysis 30 more blog posts you can do it but it's going to be a lot of work and then we're going to breathe a little bit in month 3. okay month 3 again 30 articles of search analysis but you can see here instead of writing all 30 in one month you only have to write 15. now you'll see a little five here that's to indicate that rather than sticking just those two or three categories now now that you're going to be working on posts 50 to 75 and then 75 to 90 you're going to want to include a couple more categories so that you can kind of expand the topics that you're writing on exactly these i mean these can be fairly specific broken down pieces and the niche that you're in could have literally dozens yes potential categories so let's grow to probably about five in most cases we're probably not going to expand beyond that yeah in the course of this first year and that's just to make sure that on every category that we're taught that we're writing about we're actually able to build up authority one of the ways that google measures the authority that you have is just by the content of your website and so if we have more content on one particular area of a niche it's going to help establish authoritativeness within that space and again you're going to need to continue to do your interlinking adding all your affiliate products and continuing on here okay month 4 15 posts you already did the search analysis here all you have to do is write the posts and then five videos oh videos the dreaded video the videos a lot of bloggers are like no but i don't want a youtube channel what we're not talking about here is creating a youtube channel to build a following on youtube right what we're talking about is making videos that supplement the written content uh what we're seeing more and more and more in search is video content ranking near the top yes if you search like how to anything like a year ago sites like ehow just ranked at number one over and over and over again we're seeing a carousel and then a bunch more videos and then and then maybe we start to see some articles so what are we going to do about that we're going to make some videos that are intended to do well in search now i think we need to go back to anna because she's been starting to do some of this stuff on cook for folks she has a little bit of very recent experience and so i think i'd like to hear what she has to say absolutely okay anna one more question for you i promise it'll be fast i want to know about video video for blog posts how can that help us rank faster to get more traffic to our blog post yeah so this is a really great opportunity especially that we're seeing google wanting more visual aspects of your blog we're seeing more search results that are youtube videos or videos in general especially for those more visual topics so what you can do putting more lines in the water really is start a youtube channel and even if you're not trying to gain an audience you can put your videos on there and then embed them onto your blog article so that just gives the viewer the reader that extra resource and they shouldn't have to go to another article if you have everything that they might possibly need that's just really awesome and it's something that she's starting to do on cook for folks it's something that um i'm planning to do some i have a couple of videos like planned i've even like bought materials for the how-to videos for one of our other sites i just need to do it but it's also something we've been doing for a long time yeah and it worked really well even five years ago yeah and i think it's only gonna work better now with um with google showing more and more videos there's really three things that are making this possible to accomplish in the 12 month period the first is the um the snippet optimization yeah it's going to help you rank a lot faster the second is the video content those also tend to get indexed and rank much faster and you're going to be able to rank for things that most blog posts can't yeah and the third one is this overarching concept of topical authority and how we're going to create content focused around fewer overall topics rather than just kind of taking the nation throwing articles all over the topic right all right last thing in month four here place ads we're only four months in here right ads it's probably honestly a little early for ads when it comes to traffic but hear me out here putting the ads early on is going to help the testing for the ad placement so izoic is the ad company that's probably going to be the only ad company who would take you at this level of traffic yeah other than just like adsense and doing it really manually right um which again most people aren't going to be able to optimize very well is going to do such a good job of optimizing them for you yep so over time what's going to happen is if you place ads here over time they're going to be able to test the ads they're going to be able to test so that by month 12 you have as much optimization as possible absolutely month five is just like month three we're going to do another batch of search analysis for the next 30 posts write half of them and now we're kind of getting into a rhythm so month six is going to be write the other 15 posts make five more videos following the same guidelines the same structure and then in month seven we're going to throw something new at you month seven we need to start looking for some higher opportunity dollar sign opportunity affiliate programs or affiliate products because if you're working with amazon early on or working with some other affiliate program where you're just kind of not getting that either great of a commission or you're not getting that much conversion you're going to need some more affiliate opportunities that can get you higher paying commissions and hopefully some higher conversions absolutely and so now we're going to expand beyond amazon we're going to look in all sorts of other affiliate yeah um platforms you got your share sale um you know avant link retuken there's like clickbank so many others but it just really depends on what your niche is so um we have other videos on this channel that will talk about how to find good affiliate programs for once you get to this stage but we got to go find them where we can earn higher commissions and find more specialized products yes there's two issues i have with relying too much on amazon the first one is commissions we've seen drop over time not that many years ago four or five years ago it used to be we could do all this stuff and within 12 months we could be earning four thousand dollars a month just from amazon yeah the commissions have been cut the second thing i'm noticing is that a lot of kind of quality products are not being sold on amazon anymore and we're just seeing it inundated with all the amazon fba people who are just ordering cheap stuff rebranding it and having it fulfilled by amazon and so you're gonna want to be able to recommend products that you are comfortable with and you'll find some of those on amazon but not all of them okay month eight is going to look very similar to month five and you're gonna see like ricky said you're gonna see some of these things look the same 15 posts five videos month nine you got to do some more search analysis 15 more getting good at this by now yeah yes you're doing this search analysis you know your industry a lot better um you have been i mean you've been learning everything you can learn about your industry you've been listening to all the podcasts you know all the big players yeah you know what people want to know about search analysis gets easy and it gets fast when you get to that point that's going to put you at month 10 15 posts five more videos again you got to keep up with those the the publishing schedule here and the videos yep so this is how we finish out the year there's nothing really new to add other than we're just continuing to now get into this rhythm of content um by the end of this we have more than the number of posts we figured we needed but we're we're in the range of i think what's going to be feasible i think it's better to have a little it is it's going to give you a buffer just in case some of your i mean let's be honest in the beginning not every one of your posts is going to perform the way you hope it will right um and so having that buffer gives you that opportunity just in case some of those posts didn't work as well and the really cool thing is is if in these 12 months we've been able to achieve that goal yeah then now this is just a launch pad yep because what we haven't covered here is the opportunities we have to create info products where the you know that epmp number goes from about 32 to i mean blast off right sky's the limit um literally over a hundred dollars epmp on a lot of sites with with info products so monetization opportunities open up we have a lot of opportunities now for um because we've made a name for ourselves we have more opportunities to collaborate with other players in the industry we have opportunities like even with a channel of this size yeah with this these few videos on it that have just been mostly search focused we may actually have a channel that we can monetize yeah get ad revenue from youtube so we may have people that want to sponsor your videos by this point and so the opportunities start to open up and if you're achieving a great income and now want to go full time doing this sort of a thing now you've got the time and you have this foundation to build upon and blast off totally can do it four thousand dollars a month in one year is no joke it is a ton of hard work and honestly i don't know if i would 100 recommend this to anybody but if you are someone who is serious and you're ready to make a change in your income in your job this is the way to do it you
Channel: Income School
Views: 144,920
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Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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