Starting a Niche Site in 2022 - Exactly What I'd Do

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all right hey everyone today i want to take your hand and walk you through this entire process through a fantastic plan to unleash the power of content let's go organic traffic meaning people that come to your website simply because they found you in a search on google or some other search engine it's like the holy grail of marketing and yet for years and years and years people have thought you needed to hire some sort of like seo wizard to do their juju of whatever they do to be able to get you to rank on google that's not really the case no matter where you're starting from whether you're someone with a passing interest in earning money from a blog and haven't even started yet or you're somebody with a large website a business an e-commerce business or something massive either way or anywhere in between this action plan that we have come up with is going to work for you all right so we're back at the blackboard this plan has these seven distinctive steps and it's important that we walk through this entire plan in the right order in the right way that way google properly recognizes your site we build it up well and we're able to drive that organic traffic that we want the first step is topic selection now if you're coming into this and you already have a website you say okay i've already picked my topic man so can i just skip this one give me just a second and i'll explain to you why that may not be the case oftentimes we end up picking a topic that we may never successfully rank our content for and so even if the industry that we're in is something we can't change you've already got a business in this industry or an established website that's doing some good things you just want organic traffic what we may need to do is tweak the topic of our website the topic of the content to be able to cater to the right kind of people the right audience that we want and so what we're going to do is we're going to work on focusing the topic of our website of the content for our website so that we can attract the right people when it comes to picking the right topic there are only a few important rules of thumb that you need to know to get started so the number one reason that people tend to fail in blogging is really just because they gave up before they really got anywhere the number one reason people give up they're not really that into their topic anyway and so it feels like too much work when you don't see an immediate result and you don't like the work giving up becomes almost inevitable the number one criterion i use for picking a niche for a website is do i like the topic do i at least have an interest in it i don't care if you have real expertise or not that's something we're going to be able to build the exception to this role is somebody who's done this several times before and has a passion for the blogging for building the businesses etc or if you're in a case where you have a big company or an existing company and you're using blogging to support that in those cases it's not about interest it's about putting in the work and getting the result and that's okay but if you're building up a blog whether it's for a niche site an authority site or even you want to build an ecommerce site and you want to rely on that organic traffic pick an industry you have at least some interest in even if it's something you're not super familiar with or even passionate about yet there are other criteria that do matter is the topic just way too small or is the topic way too broad the cool thing is that if we start and we find out that it's too big or too small it's easy to start crafting content in the middle and find what's just right so you don't have to totally nail it down and know exactly what you're going to do in the long run before you get started it's better to just get started and then the other important criterion is just the difficulty there are some niches that are going to be substantially more difficult because they are either very saturated or because it's very very difficult to build up authority within that industry google specifically takes it very seriously when there are topics that they classify as your money or your life and there are some sort of topics around those that are starting to get classified as that if someone's doing a search and the information they're given could impact their financial situation or their health situation google wants to make sure that what they're providing is accurate information and they do that through the authoritativeness of the site and of the writer of the content building up that authority takes time and in some cases takes credentials and professional experience so if you have a topic that you have at least a passing interest in and it's not so small that no one's ever heard of it and it's not one of those ymyl then you're good if it is ymyl or even close to it recognize that the time to succeed is going to be longer and it's going to take substantially more effort to get there but if that's the only thing you're passionate about it's okay there are steps in this process that are going to help you overcome that this is where the rubber really starts to meet the road step two is validation of the topic as well as search analysis search analysis is what we call what most people call keyword research however for us it has a different name because it's a fundamentally different thing search analysis as well as validation really takes on three important components the first one is structure the structure of the website we want to get this right from the beginning if you already have content that's okay we can come through and we can and we can figure out how to sort of structure that content and do it after the fact but if you do it from the very beginning it's going to be much easier more on that in just a minute the second piece that we're going to look at is search volume for topics so for the topic itself the broad topic of the website we want to get an idea of just how big is that market but then for individual search queries that we're going to target with our content we need to figure out about how many people are actually searching for those things so that we can spend our time focusing on content that's going to drive the most traffic the third piece of validation is competition validating our topic selection as well as validating every single piece of content we're going to put on the site we need to understand what that competition looks like let's dive into those in a little bit more detail in search analysis what we're doing is we're looking for topics to write about specific topics but these topics aren't just all the things we think about back to cycling it's not just like hmm what do i want to say about cycling let's list out a bunch of topics for articles and write them why cycling is the best uh cycling is good for burning calories these are all things we could write about no what we're doing is identifying search queries things people are actually typing into the search bar on google and then we're writing content that actually addresses those searches there are some great ways to find those searches numerous tools out there many of which are free as well as a lot of different methodologies just using google directly that are going to help us find those let me show you one real quick right here let's say i want to write something about cycling but um i don't even know where to get started so what i'll do is i'll type in a partial search how many bicycles and then i can see first of all google is auto suggesting a bunch of things here how many bicycles are in the world how many bicycles are there in the world these two things are the same search that might be an interesting topic for an article it's not necessarily something an avid cyclist is looking for but it is something people are searching for if it wasn't it wouldn't be here but now if i hit enter google isn't sure what i'm asking how many bicycles so they start with how many are there in the world about a billion somebody has already answered that question to some extent in an article with a bunch of faqs right but what i'm looking for is this people also ask how many bikes should you have that's a great question it would be interesting to write an article about how many bicycles you should own depending on the type of cyclist you are great topic same thing how many bikes should a cyclist have how many people in the world have a bicycle it's pretty interesting how many bicycles in the u.s here's another cool thing if i click on one of these then i could close it if i want to look it opens up additional questions here i can go down this rabbit hole as far as i want to i can click on one of these searches and go down that rabbit hole see what other recommended searches that that google finds etc and we're going to end up with a great list of search queries that we know have at least some reasonable amount of search volume or they would be unlikely that google would list it here likewise at the bottom of the page this one i don't find to be as helpful but sometimes i find some really good opportunities here it's just a list of other things that people search in the same industry or in the same kind of genre of question that's one of the ways that we find great topics to write about think of your question words who what when where why how etc and type in partial or even full questions around your topic and see what google says other people are searching for it's going to give you a great list and it's going to help with that first validation that there is search volume you can then use your intuition to determine is that search volume likely to be extremely low or is this something that a lot of people who are into bicycling are likely to search we again have numerous other methodologies um way too much to talk about in this just one video to help determine about what that search volume is likely to be the next one is to look at the competition so if i were to do how many bicycles are in the world let's see what comes up we're going to see that there's a google snippet here somebody's won the snippet and they've answered the question it's estimated around a billion but nobody knows exactly how many um there's an article here from rally news that's from 2020 um bike statistics and facts from pioneer i mean there's a there's several articles that are directly answering the question now this is bicycles produced in the world so maybe how many are made but again it's answering also the question how many are there in the world now we're down to cora when we see a forum like quora showing up in the search results on page one that tells us usually especially for like a fact-based question like this tells us that there's not a lot of content that's right on point and so when we start to see those forums we we know that you know the forum is kind of a lower quality of content relative to um articles like we write and so usually that means that the competition beyond that is not very high there's an exception to that rule there's always an exception that's why it's important to learn the skills so that you can apply this knowledge and intuition but the exception would be in the case where somebody's looking for opinions they want to know what the general consensus tends to be on a topic in that case the forum might be the ideal search result and you may not want to write that blog post unless you can do a survey that aggregates a lot of people's opinions i could go all day on search analysis and really that's why we have an entire course on search analysis uh that we teach but this is going to give you the baseline so now here's what we're going to do we're going to take the topic that we've selected we're going to pick our sort of area that we want to start and within it we are going to break it down into sub categories so again let's say we decided we wanted to pick the topic of children bicycling well subcategories for that could be bicycle selection and i mean for all ages whatever but bicycle selection bicycle safety and bicycle maintenance the the topics under bicycle maintenance here are going to be different than what a professional cyclist would be searching for or the type of information they would talk about this is about the basic maintenance needed for a children's bicycle usually an inexpensive one safety again is going to be a little bit different the kind of gear and recommendations you're going to have will be different and so we're going to pick within that sub niche a few subcategories i recommend picking just three we're going to go through that process we just talked about of identifying search queries and we're going to find 10 search queries for each of those three and those are going to be the first 30 search queries that we're going to address with content on our website all right once we have some good topics that we have confidence we have not only the potential to rank but also that are likely to bring in some search volume now we can get into actually crafting content we call this section content intro or content introduction simply because everybody needs to start with a certain type of content the type of content we're gonna have you write first is called the response post this is an article that is written to cater to one specific search query you may end up ranking for multiple search queries that's a normal thing we write content lots of different things that people search can land on that article but we target the article after one thing the whole article is structured following our post recipe to be able to rank very well for that to thoroughly answer the question and hopefully even win a google rich snippet so we can get our content to rank faster we'll get back to that in a few minutes so at this stage we're going to write 30 response posts we want 10 response posts in each of the three subcategories we identified in step 2. that way each one of those subcategories has a kind of a critical mass of content if we were to spread out those 30 articles across a whole bunch of different angles a whole bunch of different aspects of your topic we don't build up any authoritativeness really but by writing content that focuses on a few more kind of narrow verticals what we're able to do is build up a little bit of authority in each one of those now what we don't want to do is put it all into one because we may find that that one subcategory ended up having a lot lower search volume than we thought we want to be able to spread it out a little bit and because we don't want to pigeonhole our site into just one thing in this phase we also want to begin monetizing that initial content so we're going to post affiliate links and once we have all 30 of those articles written we may even be in a good position to start placing some ads on our website depending a little bit on the type of website that you have those two forms of monetization are very simple to set up and they're also the most passive forms of monetization that you can have on blog content it's what's going to drive those initial dollars and that's what's going to give you the motivation to continue on through the rest of the steps the reason that we start with response posts is that response posts are the easiest to rank typically the topics that are covered by response posts are those that we are kind of on the long tail in statistics in the bell curve there's the things in the middle these are the things in search that are searched very frequently what is the weather today it searched a lot right and so it's going to be near the middle of the bell curve with a high level of search volume but there are numerous things that are searched by a much smaller percentage of people but because there are so many searches billions per day even things that are in those longer tails that are low on the graph are getting a substantial amount of search volume thousands every single month and those are what can drive a lot of traffic to your website response posts now are blog posts that follow our post recipe which basically goes like this we start off the blog post with maybe a sentence or two that just kind of build rapport and sort of state what the main search query is in normal terms then we answer that search query the best we can in about 300 characters this is a very encyclopedic type answer and we call it an answer target the goal with that answer target is to win one of those google snippets to basically have that 300 character or less segment appear directly in the search result that allows you to rank your article number one and get your listing at the top of the search results in google and by the way that tends to happen much more quickly than getting an article in its entirety to rank number one on a brand new website then for that search query we're going to take that topic and we're going to break it down even further into specific segments for example if one of the search queries was something like what sort of helmet should i buy for a seven-year-old you might then have one section of that article be helmet types available you might have another one on the cost of different types available you might have another one on ratings like safety ratings if they have those and what to look for on a helmet for a child so what we're doing is looking for three to five kind of sub topics that are all still part of the main search query they're totally on point for that topic but that we can go into more detail on to help the reader to have a thorough answer to their question and know exactly maybe what caveats or what things to be looking for to be able to answer their question in its entirety for each one of those we're going to write a subheading that heading is going to be like a headline for an article if it showed up in a search result we'd want people to want to click on it because it says exactly what this section of the article is about and then under each one we'll write a few paragraphs and in totality this article is going to have around a thousand words in it that's a response post that's the post recipe then within each article as we write it we may identify some opportunities to link to products we're not writing product reviews at this point we are answering people's questions and writing informational content however going back to the example of the bicycle helmet if there are specific helmets you would recommend you can link to those products on amazon and sign up as an amazon associate it's very easy to get signed up and then and it's free you just get signed up and then by linking to the product you earn yourself a small commission for making that sale it's the first and fastest way to monetize your website then we're going to follow this exact same process 30 total times we're going to write 10 in each one of those subcategories by the time you're done with that you're probably going to be ready to go sign up with izoic and get ads placed on your website this is one of the other ways that you're going to be able to initially monetize your website in a very passive way now that you've written 30 blog posts and you've really nailed the post recipe we can start focusing on more competitive content we're also going to introduce another post type that post type is what we call the staple post it's a staple because it really is kind of the staple like the meat and potatoes or the you know in baking the flour of the website it's the thing that makes up the most substance these articles are going to tend to be a bit longer and more thorough we're going to introduce original research into the content of our website we're going to introduce different formats of blog posts not just the post recipe but various other formats that we can tailor to the specific search queries that we're targeting and notice i said queries at this stage we're going to craft articles that aren't necessarily just targeting one search query even if there's a primary we're going to make sure that we include other search queries that we can answer very thoroughly and very clearly in our content that allows each blog post you write to rank for a multitude of search queries another thing we're going to introduce at this stage is our interlinking strategy interlinking is when you just take in one article you link to another piece of content on your website another piece of content that is highly relevant for the reader of the original piece of content we're going to use the site structure we came up with and those initial subcategories that we use to determine where that interlinking really should take place and we're also going to start introducing ourselves potentially into more subcategories broadening the niche that we participate in okay now it's time to start adding staple posts to our website staple posts are really valuable because we're able to go into a lot more detail provide original research we're able to rank for much more competitive topics the kind of independent research we do varies depending upon the topic sometimes it's a survey sometimes it's just reaching out to an expert or even somebody just with more expertise than you in that field sometimes it may actually be doing an experiment in this case we may even write some product reviews or comparisons where we get our hands on the products compare them side by side test them do all sorts of experimentation on them and then we have original research on those products and we can actually make a legitimate recommendation this approach makes our content so much more valuable staple posts also have numerous formats sometimes it's an article that's written in a list format sometimes it's a frequently asked questions an faq or that might be included as part of a blog post sometimes it's essentially a response post but more detailed maybe it has five to seven subheadings or maybe each subheading just has more information in it making the article a little bit longer so what we're going to do at this point then is we're going to go back to those 10 articles we wrote in each of those subcategories and we're going to group those into logical groupings probably not all 10 right so let's say within bicycle safety you have 10 articles but really maybe these three or four are all pretty closely related we're going to group those into logical groupings and for each one of those groupings we want at least one staple post something that's in more depth and that ties those other posts together we also then want to link from that staple post out to each of those other existing posts whenever we mention the thing that they're about in more detail so in the staple post we don't need to rewrite any of the stuff from those other posts we may just touch on those subjects in a more superficial way as part of the broader topic but then we can link out to those blog posts likewise in those blog posts we can link back to the staple post and just talk about the broad when we just mention the broader topic of bicycle safety we also want to link between the different posts that are within that grouping again just whenever it makes sense and so what we end up with is sort of a web like see the little drawing like we end up with a little bit of a web of linking back and forth between all of these it informs the search engine that these are all related topics it also helps the reader be more likely to read more than one article and ties all the content together it also increases your authoritativeness within that small sub-topic of information so for each one of these little groupings across those 30 articles we're now going to have a staple post it could be a brand new post or in some cases it could be that you take one of the response posts you've already written and you beef it up a little bit more and turn it into one of those stable posts when we're done with that we have options we're going to revisit our search analysis and at that point we can add more search queries to those three different subcategories we can also pick up additional closely related tangential verticals we can add more subcategories i'm going to add usually one at a time until i have at least 10 articles in it and that interlinking done and then i'll add another one and potentially another one and we may even kind of move up from maybe from children's bicycles up to just um everyday bicycle use we're still not going to go super far afield and get into professional road cycling but we can branch up and over a bit more and build a more authoritative larger website a little bit at a time at this point we're going to start focusing on authority building up authoritativeness for you on your website this is known in google circles as eat or eat expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness so at this stage we're going to go through a whole series of steps to build up eat on our website that way you can rank for more and more competitive topics especially if you're in one of those industries where google really wants to make sure that the content that they're promoting is actually accurate eat is how they determine that building some authority on your site really is key to go from bringing in a few thousand people every month to getting large large amounts of traffic that doesn't mean you have to become some sort of popular icon or anything like that but it is important that you reach a certain level of trust both with search engines as well as with the people reading your content so that they will trust the content and you'll rank for more things it also makes it much easier for the content you write in more competitive topics to be able to rank really well in google search we also have an in-depth methodology for how to go about building up that eat one of the things that we're going to do is we're going to start doing industry outreach we don't do what's known as link building google strongly discourages paying for links or for building links with the express purpose of trying to manipulate the algorithm which is what link building is instead what we do is we create really valuable content and we we teach ways to create the kind of content that people will naturally want to link to organically without you even asking we get hundreds of backlinks all the time because of the kind of content we craft but the other thing that we do is what we call industry outreach industry outreach is essentially reaching out to other people in the same industry across all platforms social media other bloggers youtubers podcasters and we participate with them we collaborate with them oftentimes you'll find that people are more likely to serve you to link to your site to send people to you to mention your site and list you as an authority when you're willing to do that type of thing for them so as you reach out find people who are maybe of a similar size or similar place to you but in your industry there is amongst bloggers a very strong idea of competition that if somebody else writes an article on the same topic as mine we're now competitors and we're adversaries that doesn't need to be the case people often click on more than one search result for any given search query we don't have to be at odds in fact we can support one another and overall craft content that does support back and forth and so by working with other people getting mentions in their content and mentioning their content on your site you're going to be able to build those relationships that are going to give you and the people you work with more authority okay so now you've done the work to build up some of that initial authority in your industry and that's a process that like content creation may never completely end however it becomes more of a maintenance thing over time rather than a building up thing and it gets easier and more passive but now it's time to start diving into advanced monetization every single website should have a minimum of two forms of monetization there are so many different ways to monetize a blog if you are one of those people who's building up an e-commerce business maybe you already have it or maybe you have a company that just needs to drive traffic or a local business that for monetization is already built in and because you have that form of monetization you may decide that at least on some of the content of your website you don't actually want ads because those ads would sort of get in the way of the purchases that people would make on your website that's okay however even as an e-commerce or as a local business you may still find yourself wanting to participate in affiliate programs because there are products you don't sell directly or because there are people that you can reach through your website who aren't going to purchase from you locally so what you may do is become an affiliate for others who provide those goods or services that you can't provide to those customers and that is a fantastic way to monetize your business to the world at large rather than just to the people within your reach for those who start out exclusively as bloggers people who are building up a niche website or even an authority site which is kind of just a more authoritative niche site i actually don't like distinguishing between the two by the way because as far as i'm concerned an authority site is a niche site that had a little more ambition and decided to keep growing but i digress for most people though with niche sites and with authority sites i'm definitely going to recommend info products potentially e-commerce but at very least info products as well as affiliate marketing and advertising there are still other ways to monetize a website but those are some of the most common as well as the most passive and the most lucrative info products are one of my favorite ways to monetize a website the number one reason for that is that one they can be extremely passive you create a digital product that when people buy it they download it there's no shipping involved nothing like that all we're doing is taking information and packaging it up in a very very helpful way that adds substantial value above and beyond what they would get by reading a bunch of articles across the web we have a whole methodology for how to create your first info product and how to sell how to market that info product to be able to reach people very very well and present a real value proposition and the other thing i love about these info products is you get to keep all the money from it you've put in the work you've created the product and it's your product you're not just collecting a small commission off of what you sold for somebody else you are using your content to advertise your own product and using that to collect that value and that is one of the ways that we found we can multiply the earnings on a website many many times over simply by adding our own info product okay so now you've optimized your website to try to earn substantially more income from it and i really do mean substantially but now we're at a phase where we're ready for battleship now if you're familiar with the board game battleship is a game where you try to use strategy to outwit your opponent and sink their ships while defending yours the idea here isn't necessarily to sink other people's ships but it is to build up the defenses around yours in the rules of battleship you can't move your boats over time right however in the real world we can so when we see what's working on our website as well as what's not working on our website we can take the boats and we can move them into position where they're going to be more successful so what do we do we go through all of the content on our website in a very methodical process that doesn't actually take that long and we analyze how it's performing in the rankings and how it's performing from a traffic standpoint the beautiful thing is at this point by using google analytics we have tracking data we know which articles are getting traffic we can figure out where they're typically ranking based upon that information we can now either craft new content or upgrade the existing content we have to ensure that all of the content on our website is working for us and once you do that once or twice you now just have this amazing content where every single piece is supporting the site they're all supporting each other and they're all driving traffic it's a beautiful way to continue to grow the site upward and onward but it's also a great way to be able to just almost passively run a site and just check in on it about every six months or so and continue to rake in all of that traffic and use that traffic to monetize or to drive people toward whatever message it is that you want to send to them this is a beautiful phase for a website to be in because it's where we have the opportunity to allow it to be almost totally passive where we essentially just check in on it battleship it run through that methodology and then let it go for another six months or we can go back to earlier phases and we can apply those same principles again but broadening the topic of the website to tackle additional tangential categories building the site to be more and more and more authoritative as well as potentially introducing additional media platforms when it comes to building a successful website and driving organic traffic in large volumes again never paying for another ad again if you don't want to there really are a few things that have to come into play together it's not just a matter of learning enough seo tactics and tricks it's not just a matter of writing enough blog posts but there really is a combination of a few different things the first one really is skills we have to develop the right skills that's why in project 24 we have so much course material so that you can learn those skills step by step by step you don't need to know everything in the beginning just to start a website and write a response post but there are some things you really do need to know so you don't waste your time writing on topics that are never going to work the next thing that we need is a process without a process you're just taking all the tips and tricks that you learn from youtubers like me and you're trying to apply them all and you're not necessarily knowing what to do when and where that's why in project 24 we've outlined the entire blogging system the entire blogging process our whole action plan in a series of methodical lessons that walk you through the process of building your website as well as additional course material again to give you the skills that you need at every step of the way so that you have the process so that you know the types of posts to write in the beginning exactly how to craft them to get them recognized by google early on and at what point it's worth it to start doing industry outreach all of these things matter and should be done sequentially the third piece is time and it does take time not just time to write the content but time to allow the content to perform google and other search engines don't just immediately start ranking brand new content on brand new sites there's a certain level of trust that they need to develop with you first and to develop that trust they need a critical mass of content enough content that's why i have you write 30 posts quickly and get them up on your site 30 posts in just three subcategories and then it's a waiting game now we don't just wait we don't just sit there and hope that those 30 posts do well because we've seen this so many times we know what it's going to take we know that we can continue to move forward that's why in project 24 we set a pretty realistic timeline based upon averages we've seen across thousands and thousands of people's websites so we know what it's going to take we help you to see what it's going to take so that you can confidently move forward at every step even when you're sitting in that lull period we call it the ghost town phase because you're writing your content it looks like to a ghost town nobody's there yet i have seen many hundreds hundreds of bloggers who have given up at that phase they've written a bunch of content on their website and then they say i'm done do you guys want to buy my website for like a thousand bucks because it's not going anywhere or i'm just gonna delete the website and everybody in project 24 in the community is like no no no don't delete it i'll buy it from you i'll buy it from you because we know it works so just having that knowledge and having that support from our active community of members is a great way to stay motivated during that ghost town phase of your website put all of those three things together and you have the recipe for success in internet marketing without really any one of those elements you could find yourself floundering for years or giving up before you've ever given yourself a chance this entire process obviously there's a lot more to that nitty gritty and how to do each thing than i could cover in a single video i've struggled to make this video not be like a day long and so i want to give you the rest of that and that's why i created with the help of an awesome team project 24 project 24 is named that because it refers to the goal that many of our members have of being able to replace their full-time income within 24 months and we've seen it happen over and over and over again your individual goal may be different it may be to drive more traffic to the website you already have that's great and it may be to just have a side income it may be to replace a full-time income even faster or to replace it but eventually we've seen the whole spectrum and people can adapt it to their own needs but the thing is is when you try to do this on your own there are too many pitfalls there are too many places where you can just get it wrong that's why i created this system the project 24 system is designed so that you'll know exactly what to do every step of the way we have lesson after lesson after lesson we talked about in each selection it's not just one lesson about niche selection there's this whole course about selecting a niche for your website this is also something that's really really really hard to do if you're doing it alone very few people around you in your like real life are gonna understand why you're doing what you're doing especially again if you're just taking a blogging approach to building a business that doesn't seem like a real job and that's not normal it's a different paradigm and so you need a community of people that you can talk to that are going to support you that know what you're going through and that are there whenever you run into questions because there's something new that you've never seen before that's why we have this awesome community this community is amazing it takes a little bit of a forum style but it feels more like a social social network a social community you can message other members directly but also we have these categories for general substantive discussion youtube discussion blogging discussion we have categories for women in project 24 we have categories for just social discussion in chit chat we have different accountability groups that people set up to be able to hold one another accountable and support one another within a niche we have some niche specific groups so that you can find other bloggers and youtubers in your own industry so you can find people to collaborate with who understand what it is you're doing and are creating content of a similar quality and in a similar manner to how you are we also support you by providing a podcast a podcast for bloggers and another for youtubers that goes out three times a month each and so no matter which track you're on or if you're doing both you're going to have fresh content with the latest and greatest information from me on blogging and the rest of our team and from nate from channel makers if you're into youtube and there's no reason you should ever really need to get stuck because we also have masterminds every single week there are multiple in fact today is the day i'm filming this video december 15th there were two today um and these are groups that you can participate in it's totally free and part of project 24 where you can show up ask your questions some of these are for regional some of these are for youtube or blogging others are based upon specific questions certain phases of the system um content creation we've had some on time management and various other topics as well as numerous q a sessions that all of us here at project 24 are participating in to make sure that you have the answers to your questions and never get stuck so now you have really two options the first is to use a tried and true and proven system that we've developed and utilized over several years now and helped thousands of people a lot of them are earning a substantial income for their families many of them are have gone full time and been able to quit their jobs starting this up as a little side gig that's giving themselves and their families financial freedom and flexibility beyond what they ever dreamed possible from a blog the other approach is you can do it yourself you can continue to watch videos like this one and try from those videos to piece together your own process your own system your own action plan you can do that but trust me i have worked with numerous members who have come to me and said i've tried other courses i've tried the doing it myself route i've done this for years and then i joined project 24 and everything changed i had a system i had a process i had all the skills laid out before me and i knew exactly what to do at every moment of the process and now six months a year later i'm suddenly finding success that i couldn't achieve in the previous 10 years i'm using those numbers because those are specific numbers that were given to me by a member of project 24 who told me that exact story i hear often from people who tell me i'd love to do this i really appreciate the content that you put out on income school i'm working on my blog i just you know i can't justify starting project 24 because my spouse doesn't get it doesn't want me to spend the money or i don't have the money or whatever it is so as soon as my blog is making enough i'm gonna join because i know it's valuable whenever i hear that my heart kind of sinks because what that tells me is that the hardest part of blogging that ghost town phase where you're not getting any feedback from an audience you're going through that alone i don't want you to go through it alone i don't want you to put yourself in any sort of financial trouble to sign up and to pay me it's not what this is about i've tried to price this at exactly where it should be to help make it justified to support the team that we have here but also to make sure that you have access to the resources you need to be successful with what you're doing really if i can just get you to success one month faster this will have more than paid for itself for several years if we're honest but really what we find is that more often than not we get people there years faster than they were going on their own i want to see you succeed that's why project 24 exists if i wanted to make as much money as possible i'd be charging a thousand dollars for this like everybody else is but instead what i've done is i've taken everything i've learned i have a team of people here with me who everything they have learned we have all put everything into project 24 and every time we learn something new it's in project 24. we have a whole youtube system that's this but about youtube you want to learn how to do video it's there in project 24 and we have an amazing community of members all people who are in the same boat as you some who are just further along their path and others who are going to be going through it right there with you and down the road others who will be behind you that you can pull forward as well and that community many members say is worth the cost of admission just for that we've tried to keep the pricing as affordable as possible because we want you to have every opportunity you can i hope to see you inside of project 24. go to incomeschool.comgo to learn more about project 24 i'll give you a whole tour of everything that's inside you can see it before you buy it and i hope to see you there soon
Channel: Income School
Views: 38,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators, blogging
Id: u8rDr3CnJSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.