How Much Do Blogs Earn in 2022? It Changed Again!

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ricky i wrote 10 blog posts i know it's not a lot but what can i get for 10 blog posts with that you have earned yourself oh that's pretty cool a luke skywalker lego figurine all right i've added 40 more posts that's 50 in total i think that's worth a little more what can i get perfect you can you could buy the rest of it like i said awesome i've been working a lot harder than i was before i wrote a hundred posts don't you come with me okay you could get a new 75-inch samsung uhd tv every single month are you serious yeah holy cow a tv every month or if you don't want that many tvs i do have another idea for you the other option you have is you could invest it if you were to just put it in like an index fund and leave it every single month you'd be a millionaire in about six years that sounds a lot better than a new tv every month yeah that's like 72 tvs that's a lot i've been writing like crazy i haven't been to any family events i've done nothing but type type type i've written 500 blog posts let me show you something okay hey you see this house here yeah that's really nice yeah it is look your blog's income can cover all the monthly expenses of owning this house are you kidding me no i'm really not all right luke safely back in his x-wing we love to have fun here at income school and there's little that i find more fun than statistics and numbers no in all seriousness this is a really cool study that we did we did it a year ago and now we're doing a follow-up to see again what has changed last year we looked at how much people are earning per blog post whether they've written 10 posts 100 posts or 500 posts on their website today we're updating that study and have a a couple of cool new numbers for you that i'm excited to share let's dive right into it so let's start with what happens with only 10 blog posts on the site with this much content you really run the risk of earning nothing at all and landing in the underperformed category zero page views which turns into zero dollars now the average here came out to be about 5472 views with just 10 articles which lands almost perfectly on our expectation which we have of achieving at least 500 page views per article that we write however when we look at the data we find that that number is achieved by a small percentage of the sites who are doing better than that there's a very high percentage of sites who are achieving nothing at all and at the stretch goal end of the spectrum what we're seeing is sites with about 10 000 page views per month which is awesome that's our own internal goal that we have for our own sites of achieving about a thousand page views per article that we write so what does that translate into into income well obviously at the low end you're gonna earn nothing with no traffic but if you are able to achieve about those five thousand almost five thousand five hundred pages per month then what we see is an average epmp earnings per thousand or per milli page views that's just our metric that we use it's just dollars earned divided by number of page views on the site times a thousand what that does is it levels the playing field we can see all forms of earnings related to page views on the same scale we're seeing an epmp there of about fourteen dollars and sixty cents now that's below the average but considering only ten articles on a site i'm impressed with what you're achieving what we're seeing with that is an income of about eighty dollars a month now if you did land on the stretch end of that spectrum you're seeing an epmp of close to 20 a month on average and an income of around 200 not bad for having written 10 blog posts however again what i find is that that's just not enough content on most sites for it to start to do well unless one or two of your articles land on a low enough competition topic that happens to have a high enough search volume you're not really going to see those kinds of results but hey if you nail all 10 that's fantastic so what happens if we add 50 articles to our website this is a very achievable number for pretty much anybody and in fact what i would suggest is in most cases do your search analysis and don't slow down on content creation to focus on other aspects of your website until you hit about this 50 post number here we see a lot fewer sites on the underperformed side however we do see some sites underperforming and only achieving as much as about a thousand pages a month but most sites are falling closer to the middle which in this case came out to be about 22 400 page views per month and that comes out very close to that goal that we have and that number that we've seen across project 24 of about 500 page views per post and we're having that stretch goal of course of about 50 000 page views a thousand per article so what does this translate into income well on the underperformed side we're seeing epmp numbers that are really low only four dollars or less typically per thousand page views and so that's translating to an earnings of well about four dollars a month if you only have a thousand page views but for those in the middle those that are just doing average we're seeing epmps of about 19 which lines up with what we saw for those stretch achievers with only 10 articles and that's translating to an income of about 430 per month honestly that's more than enough to buy a good lego set that x-wing didn't cost nearly that much you get a lot of legos but for those of you who are achieving on that stretch goal end of the spectrum we're seeing an epmp of more like 35 dollars that's pretty amazing and we're seeing an average income of about one thousand seven hundred sixty dollars per month with just fifty articles but that's the stretch so now let's move on to see what happens when we write a hundred articles on a website before we dive into those numbers i need to give a couple caveats for this whole study how much you're going to earn on your website per article that you write just varies based on so many factors the biggest one is probably the niche that you're in in some niches it's very hard to get traffic with only a few articles however the traffic that we get is often very easy to monetize it's very valuable traffic but also very very importantly is how good are you at doing search analysis if we pick really good topics for the content that we write we're going to be able to attract a lot more traffic and get better monetization the more traffic that we have the more optimized our monetization can be as well something that we're going to see here in just a second and then next to search analysis is how good of a job did you do of writing unique and really valuable and helpful content that's the kind of content that performs well on google independent to some extent of the level of competition so now with a hundred articles on your website what are we seeing well we're seeing traffic levels on the low end of about twenty thousand page views per month that's a pretty big step up from the one thousand per month that we saw as the low end of just 50 articles and on average this is where you guys are just starting to blow me away and i i'm just very happy with what you're achieving you're averaging over 70 000 page views per month with a hundred articles that's blowing that sort of metric of 500 that we've been sort of quoting for some time just blowing that out of the water you're getting better at search analysis you're getting better at writing and i think that's fantastic the stretch goal is going to be about a hundred thousand page views per month and in this study we have people all across that entire spectrum one thing i want to highlight here about a hundred articles is that 100 articles that comes down to just under two a week for a year and then you've you're done you've written 100 articles on a website you don't have to do that every month every year now at this point what we need to do is keep it up keep the website going keep the content up to date and that's much easier to do than crafting new content this site can sit fairly passive and continue to earn the kind of income we're about to talk about for years to come that's what i love most about this business model so now finally to earnings on the low end if you're underperforming we're starting to see that 19 to 20 dollar epmp number even on those underperformed sites but for those that are hitting the expected levels of traffic around 70 000 we're seeing an epmp of just shy of 33. that's a really really awesome number to be seeing as your average for those that are just hitting the average levels of traffic what does that translate into that translates into an income of about two thousand three hundred fifty dollars with a range there of between about four hundred ninety and about seven thousand one hundred dollars for those in this range with seventy-ish thousand page views on the low end anywhere from zero to about three thousand dollars a month with an average of around four hundred and the high end is where we start to get really excited those of you who are getting more like a hundred thousand page views per month on your site are earning anywhere from about nine hundred fifty dollars to about fifteen thousand dollars per month from that level of traffic with an average of around four thousand one hundred dollars per month that's incredible considering you basically wrote two articles a week for a year so now what happens when we take it a step further and just blow up the content put 500 articles on the same website well we're going to see some interesting numbers and i have an explanation or at least a theory on the underperformed side we're seeing maybe more like 80 000 page views per month on a site that's not five times the underperformed number we saw on the 100 articles it starts to taper off a little bit and we see the same thing on the average instead of getting more like 250 000 paid views a month we're getting only about 200 000 and the stretch goal instead of 500 000 we're going to set that up more like 400 000 and what i believe to be the primary reason for that is that as we get past about 100 or 200 articles on a website we start to write articles that are actually going to take away traffic from some of our other content you see we have a couple of options at this point we can broaden our niche because we've really kind of covered the topic or we can continue to write more and more articles just filling in the little gaps and the problem is that we have articles that are probably already ranking for a lot of search queries other than the primary search query we wrote them for they might not be ranking number one but they're still showing up on the first page of google and so you're getting some traffic for that however when we write a new article on that smaller topic maybe it ranks number one that's fantastic but it takes away the traffic from the other article and so now we have more traffic than we did before but because we lost a little on the other article the overall gain is just a little bit less and you multiply that across hundreds of times and you see that the benefit of each additional article starts to go down we see the same thing on the epmp side the other thing that i think is going on is a lot of the sites that have this much content on them at this point were outsourcing content and in that case the quality of the content may be declining at least a little bit that might be okay because the return on investment may be there as long as you can put in the work to monetize it properly so now let's talk about the earnings at this level we're seeing on the underperformed side well with this amount of traffic even 80 000 page views a month we're seeing good epmps 32.35 that's solid but we're seeing that average epmp drop for those who have much more traffic for those with around 200 000 page views per month we're seeing the epmp drop to about 17 and 80 cents so what does this translate to in earnings well we're seeing on the underperformed side these sites are earning anywhere from about twenty three hundred to twenty seven hundred dollars per month with an average of about two thousand five hundred and ninety dollars but in that expected range of traffic even though the traffic is substantially more we're seeing earnings anywhere from about nine hundred dollars up to about five thousand eight hundred dollars with an average of about three thousand five hundred and sixty you got a lot more traffic at this point but not that much more money and in fact the average isn't that much more than those who wrote only 100 articles on the stretch end of the spectrum there are those sites who didn't do the things i just talked about they have managed to grow and they've managed to grow very successfully without cannibalizing their content and they've managed to do it in such a way that their monetization hasn't taken a hit these sites we're seeing very high epmps still which is leading to earnings of anywhere from about twelve thousand to sixteen thousand dollars per month from their websites the lesson here is that content is the most important thing at first but there comes a time when we really do need to focus on optimizing that content for monetization and that continuing to chase after more and more and more traffic doesn't necessarily lend itself to substantially higher earnings there are a couple of other really cool numbers and trends that i want to share with you that i found in this study the first one is that epmp number what we found is across the board you know project 24 members all of you watching our youtube channel everybody in this study we found that the epmp continues to rise and rise and rise until you hit between that 100 and 200 article range at that point on average we're seeing epmps drop there were some sites that were well above the 500 article range and we saw for them the epmp continued to drop even further to more like 17.45 the epmp for those with a hundred articles on their website averaged forty dollars and seventy three cents per thousand page views it's awesome so congratulations for that and now since i actually did two copies of the survey same questions but one for project 24 members and one for the rest of our audience it was really kind of cool to see the comparison between the two the first one is epmp project 24 members on average across the entire survey are earning 59 percent more per thousand page views than those who are not members of project 24. we also found that for those sites with around 100 articles that sort of optimal amount of content on the site for epmp we found the project 24 sites have 47 more traffic per blog post so what that comes down to is if you put 100 articles on a website and you're a project 24 member you're going to average just shy of 50 more income from that site than someone who's not in project 24 which with 100 articles if we use just the averages you're going to earn about 772 more dollars per month because of what you learned in project 24. that's extremely validating to me i didn't know what to expect frankly when i looked at those numbers and i was encouraged to see those what we've done with project 24 is build out a system step by step for exactly how to be successful picking a topic for a website picking topics for the content that you're going to write writing awesome content and then monetizing the traffic that you get to your website to learn more about that system and that process i encourage you to watch this video whether you're going to buy project 24 or not it's going to walk you through what that process looks like to help you be more successful and achieve those higher numbers of traffic and income from your site i hope to see you in that video soon you
Channel: Income School
Views: 146,044
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Id: wBTayGMcypY
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Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.