Doctors, What's An Awkward Moment With Girls?

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doctors of reddit what is your most awkward experience when dealing with members of the opposite essex nsfw my grand uncle is a urologist and i got a boner from checking out one of his nurses when i was around 12. i then had to explain why i couldn't drop my trousers for an examination he asked if i wanted to go to the bathroom to do something about that so we can continue the examination i had no idea what emsturbation was and he explained rather vaguely to me the gist of the operation i didn't feel like trying it so we just sort of waited until it went away i don't know if it was awkward for him but whenever i think about it i cringe myself into the fetal position until i can block it again my classmates and i were at a free clinic performing our first ever pelvic exams on standardized patients classmate is a big woman pillager of a man and gets to go first he proceeds to insert his fingers to palpate for the manual exam our poor standardized patient shrieks right away he promptly states that for all women's sake he's gonna need to use one finger for those procedures from now on what is a woman pillager is he like a viking who mixed up his orders or something not a doctor but a nurse one of my friends was getting a physical for a high school sport i believe and when it came time for them to check his gonads the doctor says cough but apparently my friend thought he said hop so here my friend is standing there the doctor has my friend's boys in hand and my friend hops said it was the most embarrassing moment of his life i had to put a foley into a male pt i'm young and female he seemed nervous as i started right when i was about to insert the catheter with his penis and my left hand and the catheter in my right he abruptly asked if it would help if he was aroused for the procedure and proceeded to gain some girth before i could answer i said no he started to get aroused and thought how can i save this oh i know i'll make it seem like i'm trying to help doctor here recently walked in on a new mother in a sitz bath with two breasts pumps gulping away at her all the while her husband grins from ear to ear as i worked her up for a pubic bone injury a newborn could sense my embarrassment if it makes you feel any better when i had my son i couldn't have cared less if macy's thanksgiving day parade troop through my room all sense of modesty went right out the door and i cared all who saw what part of me during my time in the hospital if you were there to help me have at it and thanks for all you do doc we appreciate it when you get to vasectomy you get your dck taped to your stomach a nurse came in to do the finishing after the procedure she was middle age and i'm guessing she probably got into nursing late because she was looking really nervous and uncomfortable and anyone who's been in nursing more than a few years has had hands on penis experience she's kind of tentative and unsure about pulling the tape off so i say go ahead it's been through a lot in its time she got a big smile and ripped the tee off of there so she's totally cool in my book my perspective may be off the scope of the thread since i'm a veterinarian not an md in my experience people who do not want to neuter their male dogs are always males having a frank discussion about the benefits of neutering with someone who is emotionally attached to their dog's testicles is pretty awkward my first pap smear was at planned parenthood when i was like 15. the male doctor got me positioned then turned around to grab the speculum and said this is going to be cold quack quack in a daffy duck voice and using the speculum like a duck's bill not me but a fellow classmates in medical school we have mock exams and various people will sign up to be patients they get paid a decent amount so he went in the mock exam room and started the basic history and physical on the fairly attractive female did this and that pretty standard stuff grabbed in the tongue depressor and had her open her mouth then nothing he did it again and said with bewilderment that is weird you do not have a gag reflex she smiled and gave him a coil wink he about lost it and couldn't finish he walks out and finds a preceptor who monitors the exam about rolling on the floor laughing as for me i never really had an overly awkward experience other than maybe knowing someone which can make certain exams a little awkward i was the chaperoning nurse young doc first week in ob and we're seeing early pregnancy pt in trigger docs usually say i'm going to put my hand on your vegina now or you will feel the speculum on your lips labia he was rattled and so nervous he conflagrated them as i'm going to put my lips on your vegina now the patient and i roared with laughed for a second before we controlled ourselves he shakely kept his dignity and kept right on going like nothing happened he never referred to it again for the four years he was there not a doctor student rad tech had a patient for a regular chest x-ray series but she was coughing up sputum i asked her if she wanted a tissue to cough it up into and she said she didn't spit she was a swallower and went at me i'm 19 she was 98 used liquid nitrogen to freeze genital warts off of a 20-something year old girl after she touched her genital warts with her hands to show me where they were i applied cryotherapy and left the room for a moment so she could get dressed when i got back she proceeded to grab my hand and shake it after touching all of her warts without washing her hands edit i could have gotten drunk off the alcohol absorbed through my skin from the amount of hand sanitizer i used after that particular incident patient here i was in a small town where my parents used to live and i had to see a genetologist i was worried that i may have had a tampon stuck in my vegina so that's not physically possible but i didn't know that at the time como unfortunately the only doctor i could see was a friend of my parents after thoroughly probing and peeking he informed me that there was nothing wrong in fact your vegeta is for lack of a better word gorgeous i've never been so embarrassed i had to babysit his kids that weekend tl dr dad's friend tells me i've got a beautiful beaver and then i have to babysit his kids edit one r.i.p inbox edit two apparently it is possible to lose a tampon edit three ah and now my second highest rated comment is about my vag thanks guys one time i female had to have a rectal exam the male doctor who performed it said i had a lovely textbook rectum i'm so proud it'll probably read as my epitaph my pediatrician used to substitute this old male doctor sometimes without notifying anyone it was almost always the days i was coming in for my sports physical that feel when you're going to get your balls touched by a lady doctor in your early teens and then seeing an old man snapping latex gloves on it's time for your mandatory penis inspection son i had one patient who had made her desire for me very public but since i treated her entire family i decided not to kick her out and continue to remain professional in the midst of a bipolar mania she kept complaining of female issues during her pelvic exam i happened to look up and i saw a gigantic smile on her face after the exam in the hallway in front of a few residents she said if you weren't my doctor i'd duck your brains out perhaps i should have mentioned this earlier but she was the only woman i've ever met who is a zero stroke ten she's the only patient who made me question my heterozillaity so i heard someone was questioning their essentially somewhat related but from a patient's perspective when i was in nursing school i went to my school's student health center for a genoa appointment the doctor asked me if it was all right if a medical student was present i said that was fine she then specifies the student was male and asks me if that was still okay i wasn't totally comfortable with that but as a nursing student i knew how much it sucks when a patient refuses you so i said yes lo and behold it was an incredibly attractive med student from my school who i bumped into all the time and he saw the inside of my vegina i never could look him in the eye after that edit a lot of people are commenting that he or i should have refused i didn't actually know the guy i just knew him as a hot stranger and i think i became much more aware of his presence after this occurred when i was 16 i sometimes got dizzy if i stood up really fast i'm pretty sure this is relatively normal but my mom thought something was wrong with me so she took me to the doctor and he wanted to check for testicular cancer i had a worried look on my face because i didn't want an old asian man feeling my nuts the doctor saw my face and thought it might console me if he spoke teenager he said in his asian accent i'm gonna feel up your balls i felt pretty awkward after that was it ken jong by chance my doctor once said you're so thin it's very easy to palpate your organs then he felt my spine from the front it was awkward when i was in nursing school my lab partner was a kenyan marathon runner he was so skinny our teacher used him as an example all the time because you could literally see his heart beating through his chest in his intercostal spaces and where his lungs were a little over developed from running he could take a deep breath and you could almost see the outline of his liver he always had to take his shirt off and let people pod and grope him er in brazil 20 year old woman receives a knife cut in the chest slides both of them across superficial injury but it needed sticks no plastic surgeon sassy are in brazil started the procedure you like them don't you if you make them pretty again you cannot play with them all you want the nurse was mortified this would go on for 45 minutes as soon as the next vr iron schedule arrived i was ending the sticks and referred her to the other dr and noped out of there english is not my primary language sorry for any mistake edit thank you all for the language compliments the main reason i comment on reddit is to practice my english and i get free grammar nazi corrections to learn the noped out of there was very clever for a non-native speaker technically i was a medical student at the time but i guess it still applies while on my psych rotation me and my resident were called to the er for a consult upon arriving we saw a slightly disheveled black lady with a crazy look in her eyes that was complaining about lower abdominal pain the er resident started to do a pelvic exam and suddenly backs away with a strange look on his face the lady looks down at her crotch says oh that coma and proceeds to reach into her vegina and pulls out an 8-inch tightly packed ball of wet paper towels mfw she reaches across to me in the psych resident and says here i was keeping this for you none of us to this day have ever forgotten it kind of unrelated but one time my uncle was in the hospital for a few days and he had to give them urine sample each morning the last day however he was told by a nurse that he didn't need one so he filled up the cup with apple juice and waited for his doctor the doctor came in and saw the cup and told him he didn't need to pee in the cup that day my uncle just shrugged and drank the cup the doctor stood there speechless until my uncle and the nurse next to him burst out laughing might be late by here goes so on my ob gyn rotation i was the best speaking vietnamese person on the team my doctor who was also viet only understood it we had a vietnamese speaking patient come and so it was my time to shine sadly i did not realize i only know conversational vietnamese not medical i had to translate to the lady that her sister saw prolapse was not bad and only needed monitoring not knowing how to say the word vegena and yet made this task really difficult apparently i used the word for penis instead i basically told this female vietnamese patient that her penis wasn't falling out too bad yay me tl doctor lost in translation told female patient that her penis wasn't falling out too bad not a doctor but i did have a doctor who was really funny and a bit weird when i was a teenager when i was 16 i went on birth control because i had my first serious boyfriend and my mom and i discussed it and wanted me to be safe in order to get on the pill i had to have my first pap done to make sure everything was normal first the doctor and i talked about guys and sex then school then fashion he asked me if i dyed my hair so i said no this is my natural hair color he then said well you know i'll find out if you're not telling me the truth when i get down there probably the most awkward doctor interaction i've had in my life i laugh about it now but as a 16 year old virgin i was pretty mortified not really opposite sx related but almost any healthcare worker in the field long enough will have a story about the time a patient had visitors at bedside and they made the mistake of inferring relationships based on apparent age and gender mistaking a patient's wife or a daughter and vice versa is pretty classic never assume i know some med students who keep and compare their penis counts as in how many have they seen since starting med school preceptor told them by the time they reach her age you need to switch over to the erect penis count patient side of the story i got a positive on a std test so to take the secondary test to make sure i went to public health center located near me the blood draw person was extremely cute so when she drew my blood i was striking up a conversation just to be friendly she says you're awfully cheerful for a person that doesn't know if you have a std or not i tell her well you'll let me know if i do she gave me a smile and left when someone came back i shot to you not i was facing the other way and said something charming flirty only to turn around face to face with an old lady doctor she even had a sense of humor and said you can call me when you know you're clean she was the kind of woman you can tell that used to be pretty about 20-30 years ago but old age took its toll i got embarrassed asked for when to come back for results and left week later i go back see the same old lady doctor and tells me i'm clean i left before any awkwardness bubbled up my mate in med school was a good looking guy he was doing his orbs and jilly or ob gin for the americans turman had to do a regional exam on a pregnant 17 year old girl as he put his fingers inside her she gave him a big wink and ground herself onto his hand he immediately pulled out of there and left the room whenever we played the drinking game i have never from the non one of the first lines would be i have never been up head in the fingers while at work he would drink and we would all hug him and tell him it was alright and that we were his support group m why friend hurt his leg whilst playing football and i took him to the hospital a young attractive trij doctor examining him had him in various positions whilst she felt his calves achilles etc when he was bent over on all fours i asked straight faced if the position hurt he said no so i asked the doctor so it's okay if we still have sx then doctor went bright red and stuttered i um guess so my mate called me you bastard i cried laughing for a long time young female patient here at my first genoapt ever my old male gynecologist told me i had a cute little cervix then there was a long awkward silence when i didn't know what to say i still cringe when i think about it as a third-year med student on ob a 13-year-old giving birth mother yelling at her in spanish telling the attending and myself she had one period and got pregnant over and over again and then after delivery the new mother says what color is it as an intern super hot first year med student i met after a party who hooked up with one of my boss week before comes into er with std i had to examine still haven't told anyone asked a female patient if there is any changes to her medical history since the last time i saw her patient i had a himalayan hemorrhoid had to be hospitalized for it i'm a dentist convincing them to come adventure with me in my tardis i'm an athletic training student at a small college first year students aren't allowed to do a lot so i did everything i could when they let me one day the swim team got done with practice and came in to get ice wrapping ice on athletes is something i was allowed to do so i hopped to it last person getting ice was an extremely attractive girl who wanted ice on her thigh a very simple task so i get to wrapping but instead of taking a knee i squatted down on the third pass between her legs with the wrap i lost my balance and went face first in her crotch having my hands full and being in an awkward stance meant that i was down there for about five seconds before i could come up for air she got red face but never said a word i mumbled sorry as i finished wrapping the ice and she went on her way i was read from embarrassments for the remainder of the day not a doctor but a patient i was having an ultrasound done on my testicles and i asked the nurse lady so is it a boy or a girl dead silence when i was about 10 my mom took me to the doctor because my testicles were hurting a lot so we get there and the doctor says that it might be a bunch of stuff cancer testicular torsion and some other stuff so the way he could be certain was by making me take of my pant and fondling my gunads when i heard the doctor old man say that i freaked out and got angry and wouldn't take my pants off so the doctor said what if i gave you a lollipop but i wouldn't oblige them he tells me that he will send someone else over he walks out and a couple seconds later this cute young nurse walks in i pull my pants and underwear all the way down to my ankles and with a smile on my face i go okay you can check to see what's wrong with me she jiggles and posts with the procedure my mom said it was the most embarrassing moment of her life med student soon to be intern here i was on an er rotation two months ago when this gem took place i'm supposed to do a pelvic on a patient with abnormal veginal bleeding when i find she only speaks spanish i had gone through my routine introducing myself in spanish and using a translation phone to gather relevant history but phones just aren't available the whole procedure obviously as another poster referenced typically you warn about pressure on the intra-itis i did my best but i didn't know how to tell her to take a deep breath i apologized for the pressure and thought i was saying thank you for your patience as i cleaned the blood apparently i was nervous and was instead repeating in spanish i am glad i am doing this over and over again yes the nurse spoke spanish and enjoyed reminding me about it later not a doctor but i once accidentally hit a doctor in the face with my penis i'm absolutely positive it was his most awkward experience with a member of the same sx i think you're mostly looking for funny vaguely esselized stories but the most awkward interaction i had was getting up at 4am and telling someone i had never met that her husband who i also did not know had just died i am honestly so happy this is blowing up i now sorta know what it feels like to be hot girl on instagram getting thousands of likes funny somewhat related story my mom is an er nurse and she had an unconscious intoxicated patient come into the er one of the nurses that works with her had just gone through a s exchange mtf while she and my mom were examining this patient he came to for a brief moment long enough to get a hazy picture of what was going on he saw the transgender nurse stared for a few seconds and said you're the ugliest woman i have ever seen then passed back out the room went silent the nurse then stepped back and everyone was bracing for tears when she shouted out he called me a woman she was so thrilled he thought she was a woman ugly or not you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 189,224
Rating: 4.9587226 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, doctor, surgery, dentist, hospital, er, doctor awkward moment with girls, doctor girls
Id: tYKOqlUj0js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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