Men, What Do You Want Girls To Do More In The Bedroom?

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men have read it what is the one thing you wish girls did in bed that they never do big spoon i'm at all big man and i'm always the big spoon sometimes a brother wants to be held yo feedback let me know if what i'm doing is working not everything is going to work i'd much rather you tell me something isn't good switch to what is good and what you love it who turned on turns me on think of me think of me fondly don't wait until the vast dead of night to decide you want sx especially on a week night where i'm getting up at 5am to head to work if you wait until i'm dead freaking tired yo i'm going to be tired and possibly unentrusted the very first girl i slept with would always kiss my forreed after i finished it was so sweet and caring and made me feel good no other girl has done that to me since i took it for granted take my clothes off i dated a 55 year old hairdresser briefly after sex she would go to the restroom to clean up and when she returned she would always bring back a washcloth damp with warm water she would use it to clean me up while giving a light hand job it was always the perfect temperature and just wet enough to not drip on the bed usually she would give it a little kiss on the tip afterwards realize that prn boners are propped up by a fck ton of vigor and we need some stimulation too my biggest turn on is when a girl tells me what she likes about what i'm doing and participates it feels so good when you do x or running your hands through my hair wrapping your legs around my head while i'm doing my thing downstairs if you just lay there it feels super rappy and turns me off to the point where i can't even get it up it's supposed to be an intimate act that brings you together if you're not enjoying it neither will i i had a one night stand with a girl in la who did this thing where she could make herself tighter and sort of grab my dick while i was inside her it was completely f king amazing never met anyone before or since who did that edit my all-time top comment is about vegina grabbing i'll take it just look at it would you look at that it would be great if once in a while she'd be the one to suggest we go get some nachos before sx i have to be the one to bring it up every single time makes me wonder if she's even attracted to nachos anymore allow me to wear my propeller hat in bed not eat in bed f king crumbs the bed is for [ __ ] not crumbs more boob stuff the biggest issue i have with let's say about half of the girls i have been with not a lot but enough to create a statistic unless you sit them down and say okay what do you like they won't tell you you can be the greatest person in bed on this planet and never make a girl satisfied if she doesn't let you know what she likes and dislikes every girl is different so what gets them off can be a full 180 from the last girl or even a 180 from the last time you had fx together so tell people what's good and don't just live with unsatisfying sx also if you just starfish out and don't work with your man then he is not the problem over little i find it incredibly yes when girls pleasure themselves while we're ref king cowgirl with her facing me one hand grabbing her tit and the other rubbing her [ __ ] is my favorite may seem weird coming from a dude but more kissing we should both be panting with desire before clothes even come off there's a time and a place for quickies but assuming we're not in a rush let's take our time it's supposed to be fun people be naked i fancy all of her i love all of her i don't care if she put on a few pounds she gave me a baby boy and puts up with my t24 stroke 7. i want to see her naked because i find it attractive i wish she knew how much i try to tell her but it's like bouncing a bull against a wall edit obligatory thanks for the gold kind stranger amazing how my top comment of all time is how much i love my wife perhaps i should keep doing it make noises i've been with one screamer but no one can seem to manage to make any noise at all unless they're shouting oh god yes ad nauseum moan talk dirty admittedly difficult grunt just say tea like a year and write there or something i don't know edit yes we get it you like that uf king rhett rd is a thing more licking more tongue everywhere edit haha i didn't really think of the butt more like neck ears legs fingers but fck it the butt should be okay too we're in the 21st century edit too yes we need 500 more but fck comments this means the butt not steal all the blankets while elbowing me in the ribs would be nice she says she was asleep when she did it sometimes i don't believe her edit you think two blankets will stop her she'd steal seven blankets if she could did it apparently i kicked the blankets off i've started a fight i wasn't ready for boys and girls wish me luck edit she's willing to try two blankets all is calm for now i'm fairly certain i will get an accidental kick in the dick tonight though edit i got gold [ __ ] i was lying the whole time i don't have a girlfriend you idiots suck a dick give compliments if i did good you have no idea how much it helps on the self-esteem hey be on top more i'm a man not superman b swirl their tongue on the glands i figured that would be oral sx 101 but i guess not see let me go down on them i am genuinely baffled at the fact that two of my three yes or partners i've had would let me finger them and have intercourse but i couldn't reciprocate on the oral sx i thought it was me but talking with some of my female friends has revealed that many girls are uncomfortable with anyone getting that up close and personal with their lady bits because it's dirty i blame lack of sex ed and society shaming women for this phenomenon you had my penis in your mouth how is that any different the preponderance of jokes about fish tacos fishiness cottage cheese etc etc and the number of times any woman has heard a man complain about some woman smelling bad makes you automatically self-conscious also a lot of the people who like it are not very good at it then it's just boring and weird it's okay to touch me and explore my body 2. it's not that women never do it but it is rare sometimes it's nice to be appreciated for our bodies the way we like to explore yours honestly i do it to every guy and they tend to seem disinterested bordering on actually bored like fine i'll grab your dick really should have said most guys i've been with don't discredit at bedtime kids communicate more this is supposed to be a nice thing for both of us so tell me what you want [Music] how come i haven't seen anything about serving pancakes in this thread not charge me by the hour wake up to a bj i've had this happen once during a camping trip i felt like my soul was leaving my body coming as i was waking up would fck i recommend yeah see as a woman i enjoy this idea and have done this many times but my guy is warm when he sleeps and he sweats and there is a reason there is no yankee candle called sweaty morning nut sack give me foreplay as well some women don't understand directions need to be fed they don't just get up and stay up for the entire session touch me in non-sewell areas make me anticipate your next touch make me want it this was a big problem with my ex i would go down on her for 15 to 20 minutes and when i didn't have an erection at the end of it was i'm not s z enough you must not really want to have sx take off my robe and wizard hat compliments i had been working out a lot and started having sex with this girl she would run her hand along my arms and tell me how strong i was was it true i don't even f king care it felt great also in this same vein lie sometimes if you have to i am an average guy with an average sized dick it felt amazing that you would touch it and say sh t like you're so big or we would be mid coitus and she would moan about how deep i was was any of that true fck no did i like it fck yes edit holy fck highest comment ever tl dr men like to be complimented in bed and in general it might be true you might actually be big to them don't let your dreams be dreams not talk about what the kids did at school today or how much laundry there is to do while we are getting it on i wish my so would realize it's not always about sex i think that she sometimes feels pressured into having sex and feels bad or guilty if she doesn't i think what i really want is a confirmation of attraction passion and to know that i am wanted and desired it's not always about sx not hog the covers my husband suggested we go the scandinavian route and get our own comforters duvets after reading an article about it now we're not struggling for control over blankets in our sleep and he can throw them off when he's hot and uncomfortable and i can roll myself up into a burrito not radiate heat levels that match the sun when i'm trying to sleep how is this even possible my gf is cold as a corpse all day freezes and shivers like she were in the arctics no matter the weather steals my warmth like dementor from harry potter with a simple touch when bedtime comes she suddenly decided to become a furnace the first time my now wife and i had sex she licked me clean afterwards she hasn't done it since talk dirty i get it requires a bit of confidence but it's insanely hot edit please stop commenting you like that yay f king rat rd my phone has non-stop been giving me notifications all day if you like that yay f king rhett rd jesus christ there's been like 100 of them edit too fine yes i'm afck i'm ret rd and i like i t edit three gold always believe in your soul you got the power to know you're in destructibility have tried this with the wife to varying degrees of success she struggles with initiating the dirty talk so i try to help spur it on one of the more recent attempts went like this yeah baby you want that don't you yeah tell me where you want me to fcku in in my vegema we spent the next five minutes laughing our asses off hug me instead of the other way around every night my wife gets grumpy if i don't spoon her when we're falling asleep i just wanna lay on my left side and feel warmth for once my taxes it's such a god i'm sure they don't even have to do it in bed just please someone help sometimes i want to be little spoon edit thanks for making my most liked comment the one about my want for a jet pack with boobs and a vegena give head with confidence and enthusiasm for men sx is as much visible as it is physical we can feel the subtlety in your mannerisms when you don't want to give head we know it and you're not really helping anyone because it's just going to take us longer to come when you do it half-heartedly giving head like it was the greatest event of your life can shave minutes off of the time it'll take a man to come so enjoy it your neck will thank you peace tty head is still amazing so we're not going to tell you to stop do something besides just being a dead fish seriously my ex would do nothing not even get on top she asked why i wouldn't come i told her that she wouldn't do anything but lay there and let me fck her she said she liked it like that i told her that i didn't and it was boring she wouldn't change i stopped f king her we broke up woohoo stay still i'm trying to sleep initiate sx pull me into you as in i'm not getting enough i need more of you i don't know how to phrase it without it sounding like i have a small dick but it's something much more than that no i get you when they grab you by the hips and just haul maybe at the same time they buck their hips up and just slam their pelvis into you like they want to see if you can reach their brain with your dick usually accompanied by a yelp or an especially passionate moan yeah man i get you be a man chillapia will only date you if you are as swift as a coursing river with all the force of a great typhoon with all the strength of a raging fire and you're as mysterious as the dark side of the moon i can't speak for other men but my girlfriend always steals the goddamn bed sheets so if i had to pick one thing she did it would be not to steal the sheets i wish my five-year-old girl would just stay in her goddamn bed that'd be great of course this was supposed to be about significant others swallow like just swallow if you want to be swallowed make the effort to not taste like the crap seriously it's not that hard to eat well and take care of yourself and no pineapple does not fix you tasting like the devil dude sometimes it really tastes like crap but why are i one it usually tastes unpleasant 2. sometimes it's way too much 3. regardless of taste it leaves a film on your teeth 4. it's often the last thing i want to do after having a dick jammed in my mouth and all down my throat for the last 10 30 minutes smh be selfish i'll eat her out anytime she wants but that always turns into penetration even if i'm not feeling up to it if i'm not entirely into it there's a chance i won't come at all then i get pouty eyes from her because she feels like she didn't accomplish her job common men comma girls or f kim tell me what you want sorry i lack subtlety i can't just imagine what you want perfectly at any given moment if you want me to eat you out say that i ask you to suck my dick all the time just tell me what you want instead of mentally broadcasting it mine doesn't do any of the things people are complaining about here she does initiate sx and foreplay has woken me up with a bj doesn't hog the covers hell she's even being big spoon out of nowhere i was changing after a shower and i apply talc on my balls before putting my pants on i'm commando 24 stroke 7 except for at the gym and she laughs i tell her that it keeps my balls from sweating throughout the day and is the reason why she never has to deal with ball stench when she gives head you laugh but why do you think you never have to complain when you give me head her reply because i'm a trooper mayo she's great give oral without being asked and show some enthusiasm nothing steals a joy from a moment like having to ask for it and then watching her just trying to get it over with suck my dick without any sort of hint this thread just made me realize that to a lot of guys i'm really good at sx i'm fit communicate offer foreplay try being creative with oral compliment a lot talk dirty initiate a lot and i'm turned down 100 of the time prefer being on top wake my bf up for sx and i'm very touchy and nbsp my bf of almost eight years recently cheated on me and now won't even look at me my self-esteem has taken a huge blow thanks riddit you helped me realize it's him not me it's probably unrealistic but i'd wish they'd talk back to me they talked to them talk about how beautiful they still are how nicely they were dressed how hard it was to dig that much that late at night except by farting keep reading all this stuff about communication men girls give me back my f king covers you could be a goddess in bed better head game if i go down on a woman for 20 plus minutes i expect the same two minutes isn't the same as 20. keep to their side don't steal my blanket stay on her side of the bed exist talk as weird as it sounds i have no idea if what i'm doing is doing anything until she is done which is sometime when they start to vibrate or deep breaths but even thighs are not guaranteed also in most cases to try to be part of the action not just receive sure i can finish easier when i know you can draw with your fingers on my back until i fall asleep kind of personal i have simple partial seizures once in a while during sleep they're random but i have a grasp on when they are coming if caletus was to occur beforehand i would like it if they didn't talk about how they have kept me into a seizure i don't mind the trying to add levity to the situation but honestly i just don't want to talk about the seizures at all just make sure i don't die please choke back some of the best sex i ever had was with this one girl who as i was choking her grabbed my neck and choked back it was this kind of weird power struggle but damn was it fun however most girls don't do that and i don't know how many other guys really enjoy more proof why you should always communicate verbal unknown about what you like it men talk about wanting better communication and cuddles dart and blow jobs the amount of times she in her sleep is kicked and or need me in the balls is beyond the point of forgiveness me initiate it we are almost always ready to go you should assume that if you want it that it's available dangerous line to be spreading by saying we are always up for it one that mentality and physicality do no last as you age too life happens and you can't always drop things for the not three rejecting her after telling her you're always up for it will not go well for you wear cat ears only man with taste in this thread don't rush the foreplay clothes come off and they just want to get stabbed with serpene wish they understood that it takes us a little bit to get warmed up wait isn't this the exact same thing that woman always plead men to do i don't think that status quo eat ass suck a dick and sell drugs i'm new in town too enthusiastic bj's don't do it like my dick is a popsicle you didn't want and can only lick a little bit because you're worried you'll get brain freeze get into dutch tea act like the cure to cancer isn't there and you just gotta suck it out to save mankind only ever had one girl who thoroughly enjoyed giving head and asked to regularly still remember them to this day because they were god tear tell me what you want what most women don't understand is that if you ask for it there is about a 95 chance we'll do it take control god i make every decision where to eat what to do i have to fix everything make vacation plans drive etc etc i just want to come home one day and be told to shut the fck up get on my knees and be led around like a dog than pegged well that escalated quickly just cuddle and watch netflix until we fall asleep leave at least 50 of the sheets available for the other person why am i always fighting for my half what happened to equality i'd rather have a woman in my bed than a girl i love you i love you holy sh t do i now appreciate the women in my life it people who don't talk to their partners about what they want in bed pro tip feed me barbecue ribs while she goes down on me tell us if sx isn't important to you right off the bat saves everybody time ladies don't date us dudes who like to fck if you know you're the type of person that doesn't like to fck edit if she doesn't like to bone before you marry her she definitely won't bone after she gets what she wants fellas put some goddamn socks on those cold ass feet invite their friends lol plot twist touch the underside of my dick at the top of the shaft akka f spot it makes hand jobs or really anything feels so much better but my gf right now doesn't appear to have ever heard of this and always just gives these really vanilla hand jobs with the standard up and down motion with no pressure there don't get me wrong that's nice too but it's not nearly as nice as it could be and half the time i have to hold myself back from just trying to do it myself have you tried telling here maybe not in bed but if a girl wants me just go for it i had an ex and she wanted to sleep with me after a date and she made it known by grabbing my dick under the table in a crowded bar it was so hot we left immediately and went home to fck damn it was hot also bf king into it you'd be surprised how many women just lie back and go on autopilot it had a mood color nice try cosmo magazine tea on my chest while singing the chumbawamba i like to be the little spoon finger in the bun a greyjoy wh ray on an open field ned poop on me chest yeah when the wenches poop on me chest it really puts the wind in my sails they never go for my nipples just because i don't have boobs doesn't mean they are not sensitive over the years i've asked guys if they'd like it did it and they all just went into it i tried licking softly nibbling blowing air etc and they at best felt me about it split into several colored clouds hovering in the room and omit soft but audible frequencies each unique they should be confusing at first but lovely slowly over time as i lie they're listening the sounds should reveal themselves as actually delivering great amounts of imagery intelligence and experiences directly into my brain as though i'd seen learned and experienced them once i have absorbed all of this the clouds should merge themselves again and are now solid again girl and i should sleep peacefully the remainder of the night balls are a thing bring their cute friends or brisket both would be nice actually spit on it a little rub my nuts anal i think i'm lucky my wife does everything mentioned in this thread plus so much more i think i need to surprise her with a gift step one communication and blow jobs i guess like maybe eating food together breakfast in bed is awesome it's one of my favorite things you
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: Nbpf5xzRVMg
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Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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