Engineering an ENDLESS ant army to battle a MASSIVE SPIDER!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to pocket ants today we will be living life as the engineer of the insect world the ant and we'll be engineering the perfect ant colony so first off this is me being born i've just been born and then professor oak appears now this is one of professor oak's lesser known spin-off games a bit like better coastal from breaking bad yeah but he's going to guide us to engineering the perfect colony so first off we've got to build a chamber for processing and storing food but before we do that i just want to show you guys around so this is me i'm an aunt look at me i'm bigger now and over here this this is my mom hi mom everyone say hi to my mom in the comments all right so we better do what the man says so if we go into colony we can build a food processing chamber now it's going to take 15 seconds but that's fine professor oak is proud of us and uh whilst it's being built we're gonna go look for some food so we're gonna go head outside because i think this is like we're not like looking down this is literally we're climbing up a wall right now so we're gonna go to the outside world and here we are now as professor oak says we got to be careful up here there's predators and stuff now but thankfully we have this mini map in the top so we've got to get to the leaf of course that is ant food we need to avoid the spider so we're going to head over to the leaf and here it is we're going to use our anti-waze to gather the food so i assume we're like slicing that up and yes look we got a piece of we got a piece of leaf we're going to take that back to our colony and oh no the sun's setting it's getting dark oh i just missed the hole as well context people context so now we're in here we can head if i don't walk into the wall we can head into our food processing chamber and we can press this drop button so we've dropped food we are processing the leaf and we're turning that leaf into delicious food and of course everyone knows once a leaf is processed the food it turns into is mushrooms so we pick these up and we gotta go we gotta go feed our mum your mom i bought you some food look she's asking for food she's hungry all right eat some of that mom oh don't eat meat well she's nibbling she's never been oh now she's laying eggs look what is that is that my brother brother a new workaround is born we'll have to assign the newborn a task to perform okay so now we've got this little guy wandering around he he doesn't have a job he doesn't know what to do he's just been born he's clueless so we go on to this workers tab we can tell him go grab leaves and turn it into food by sliding that up nice however not too nice because my my little brother just been born he doesn't know what's going on he doesn't know where the leaves are so you can see he's just wandering around absolutely aimlessly as the sun is setting by the way it's getting dark now it's night time but we can go over this leaf we can press this source button and now you can see get out the way professor rake i'm trying to tell a story you [ __ ] oh no you couldn't see but my little bro he just took some leaf and he headed back to the colony i'm going to go back as well with some leaf and there you go i'm so much quicker than him he's only just been born he's so slow i'm processing my leaf first i'm going to beat him i'm going to beat him i'm going to beat him i'm going to be in yes and your face little bro right so now he's going back he's just collecting the food i've got to go deliver the food to mummy and then she's eating that and she's going to make another brother for me plop there he is right be born mate be born you could do it you can do it bush yes okay so we got another brother which means for our workers we can now automate that we can tell him grab the mushrooms feed it to mum we need to multiply so it just means i'm free to do some other stuff so professor oak told us if we want to progress in this game we've gotta go on to this quest button we've gotta complete all these quests uh because not only that as we complete them we get to claim prizes we get gems so we'll claim two gems claim another two gems and then for breeding two workarounds we get to claim five food i thank you next up we've literally we just got to work our way through here so assuming these are in some sort of order we've got to build the leaf storage chamber so i assume if i if i click on colony yeah look at all these tabs along the top so these are all different parts of our colony we can engineer so if we click on the leaf storage chamber we can build that but it costs 10 food and we don't have enough resources yet however you will notice mum is she's she's laying brothers like anything so let's go into the workers tab let's get some more involved so we've now got three ants collecting leaf food and this little guy is delivering it nice i'm gonna go i'm gonna go get some myself this way bros the trouble is you will notice as we hover this leaf there's only there's only 300-ish bits of leaf that you can gather from one leaf and although does that mean we're gonna have like 300 ants i assume so that's awesome all right so we'll deliver more leaves process them can you see this guy here he's the one that delivers food to mum well we've been told our colony is like it's outgrown itself so we need to actually upgrade the food processing plant now this takes 10 leaves to upgrade and of course we can't do that because we're not actually storing any leaves so once we have 10 food we can build this and you can see in the top left we currently only have nine food ah but there it goes we got 10 food so we'll build that it'll take 30 seconds right so you'll see just above me we now have a room where we can store leaves but currently all of our leaves are going downstairs and being turned into food so what we need to do first we need to go into the workers tab and we need to we need to adjust some of these we want less food and we need some being turned into leaves i'm guessing two and two for now now i'm also gonna go grab some leaves i'm gonna help the brothers out and yes we do work straight through the night in this place there's no there's no time off we've got engineering to do also to make it quicker we can we can claim this quest build the leaf storage chamber we get five leaves of that thank you which means top left we've now got 10 leaves so if we go into our colony page we can upgrade the food processing chamber it's going to take a minute and 10 leaves but it's it's in the works you can see what the next level gives us allows us to store a hundred bits of food and have ten ants in our colony looking at everything to unlock this is pretty cool we've got seed storage that's gonna take 25 food and 25 leaves of course that allows us to store seeds which we need to upgrade the queen's chamber so once you get 15 seeds the queen's chamber means she produces soldiers oh we've just been told the queen is hungry the queen is hungry that's it brother give her food because that's going to give us even more ants to play with all right hello brother what's your name gonna be anthony huh what a surprise right let's let's give him a job anthony i think you got to collect food we got to try and get 25 of each so i guess i should help out as well this is probably like an ant colony out there you can see the the line of ants collecting these i i don't know why i like i've never really thought about ants too much i'm absolutely loving this the fact we're all like working together right so we've now hit the max number of ants we've got 12 because that's the 10 brothers plus me plus my mum so let's go into quest because i think we've probably completed a quest or two yeah we got two here we get oh 15 leaves for that one and 10 food for that one which means top left we've now got enough to upgrade the colony so i'm going to build the seed storage chamber and then whilst that's being built i'm going to leave my bros collecting the leaves i'm going to go explore outside we've got to find a seed so i'm going to head south i'm going to see what's around oh god okay so there's the spider i definitely don't want to go near him so i'm gonna head over this way oh is that another is that another ant colony okay there's a leaf here there is an ant hole do i go down it let's go investigate build the honeydew chamber to unlock oh okay so we can grab that later on there's another leaf there i need i need some seeds all right there's a tree over here am i climbing i've got up the tree i want a proper little amp mission oh what are they oh they're like turnipy things turnips termites we don't really have them in our country so i'm not sure what's going on up here i'm gonna head along this branch oh i hear bees i see bees on the map i probably don't want to go oh god oh wow ow you have been killed by the bees no don't worry though i'm being born again i'm being born again i lost two food to be born okay note self bees are dangerous uh can i upgrade anything in my colony what what does it cost 25 food to do oh 25 yeah we'll do that we'll upgrade that you know i got oh here's look like the seed was right there all this time although there are there's red ants all right if we if we press sauce i think that i think that's a soldier one go wait all right he's trying to defend the seeds i'm gonna i'm gonna gather one though in your face mate so we're gonna have to gather was it 10 seeds in order to get our own soldier ants this could be effort but we shoved the seed in there now we're storing that so we've finally got our next resource and it means i can change my workers i can let's reduce some of those and let's get three ants on seeds i'll go help them as well my only concern is we might lose some ants to the red ants i assume they're our enemies they're basically the architects of the ant world don't worry we're the engineers we will beat them we've also got 25 food now so we can upgrade the leaf storage chamber yeah may as well i know there's also dropped me that was close that was close he is a big boy oh no no he killed her aunt he killed her brother you absolute architect of an ant right however you will notice all ants in this colony except for myself are replaceable yeah so a new one has just been born which means there's a spare job and also look we got enough seeds so if we head back into our colony we can go into the queen's chamber oh no we need 15 i thought we needed 10. all right hang on no no don't kill him don't kill him oh are you no bed i'm surprised it doesn't make us like scavenger's body so i thought that was like a thing that ants do but anyway we finally have 15 seeds so we can upgrade the queen's chamber i mean to be honest i feel like i want more ants so i should probably work on getting 50 leaves so workers i want most of you doing leaves so let's just have two on the seeds most people on leaves sorted i might go for another wonder maybe bottom right we'll go see what's going on down here oh look look i found something i found an acorn gather i'm gathering the acorn i can't make it a sauce so do i just carry i'll just turn it into two seeds okay cool all right we've hit a wall we can't go over the wall i think that's where the tree was oh look i found the red ant source of food that means their base is down oh man look at the map there's so many red ants oh dear oh look professor oaks just told us now we've upgraded the queen's chamber we can breed the soldier ants it will cost me 15 food per soldier bloody hell uh bloody professor oak because ah i was killed by the red ants because i was in a menu it's okay though i've been reborn i've been reborn all right first off i'm gonna upgrade the food protesting chamber so we can get more ants so that's been upgraded for 50 leaves and then so the soldier ants i click this army tab i can actually spend food like instantly i don't think i breed them so obviously you need to wait till we got 15 food so i might just sort of re-jiggle some of the ants i mean i should probably go help him as well so i'll go grab some oh look how many ants are bringing look at the leaf it's been decimated there's only 83 left i don't know where the next leaf will be i've sort of i've wandered around quite a lot oh we've got loads of things to claim let's claim all of these so the next quest is to breed a soldier ant and then six and then defeat a creature okay so i think we gotta forget about the red ants i don't think we're taking them down yet there's 79 of them and only 17 of us okay first off let's get let's get a soldier ant oh let's try and get some more we got to get we've got to get six so mum what are you doing oh look how big he is that is the soldier one being born all right there he is oh he's off he's off so we need six soldiers to defeat the tarantula professor rake says oh there's a soldier all right what you is he just patrolling i think he's just patrolling the area yeah what's your name by the way mr soldier amp anton okay fair enough all right so the good news is we're only 25 seconds away from getting our upgraded food processing chamber which gives us 20 ants in total and we've got 52 food so once that's done we should be able to breed a load more soldier ants yeah there's another soldier being born nice okay so we need a hundred leaves to upgrade the food processing chamber again then we get up to 25 amps it does take 10 minutes though we need some more leaves we've only got 81 as well oh look we're maxed out on leaves we've got 100 out of 100 okay let's get another soldier out bread and then what can we spend leaves on oh actually no look resource depleted so there aren't any more leaves i'm gonna have to go i have to go find some i guess we'll upgrade the food processing chamber that's all of our leaves gone and then i'm gonna go have a wonder we should probably get some people back on the seeds so they're still going up things i don't know if things like spawn on this oh they do they definitely do because this this acorn wasn't here before i'm guessing over time things fall off the big tree in the middle okay got it oh that had five leaves in it that's handy oh no i found the next leaf but it's by the tarantula okay i've made it a sauce i think we're gonna lose a lot of ant sleep they're all heading up who they're doomed pretty much let's see what the tarantula does oh no he's mad he's mad oh no he's decimating them or is he run my brother's run still then oh no one got killed oh no right we really we need to get our army we need to get our army keep breeding keep breeding oh he's just a spider's clever he's like he's in it's in the middle of the line he's just picking us off one by one not cool trouble is every ant that dies we lose that bit of food oh here we go breed 30 worker amps we get 40 food okay so that's good claim that then we can breed a soldier ant and then we should be able to take the spider down and then we're back in business right because my seeds are full as well 50 out 50 we're going to build a nursery chamber it only costs 25 and it allows the queen to lay more eggs at a time and workers will bring them here feed them and take care of them oh that's nice so meanwhile i've been told i have to recruit soldier ants so on me recruit so we're going to defeat the spider and bring glory to the colony so come on lads we're gonna go over to the spider all right there it is battle attack all right i've told them to attack they're taking it down they are taking it down i think we lost quite a few though i better breed some more just in case oh no we're losing them in a big there's only one left oh no we didn't kill it at all you lied to me professor oak even worse we're down to six ants all right i think i'm gonna have to go on the hunt for like i need to find another leaf because that one's just that one's no good all right we're gonna nick no all right so i've told my guys to go get food from the red ant leaf because this spider is just millering us now i'm going to do all these ones manly myself because basically i just need i need more soldier ants because my ants are pretty they're not the cleverest like i'm i'm the smart brother they're all like the sort of dumb ones they go in a straight line they don't avoid the spider like myself so i'll just do this on my own all right shall we see does the spider have half its health still how's it going full health ah still got half its health okay come on little soldier ants we've lost one oh we've lost another one balls come on soldier no they're all dead oh a stupid stupid tarantula as if i needed a reason to hate spiders even more than i already do i think what we need we need to we need loads of workers okay we're getting the numbers back up now we're getting the numbers back up because the more workers we have the more leaves we can get the more workers we can have the more food we can get and the more soldiers we can get to kill that bloody tarantula oh no it's after me it's after me run away all right downside it i can't seem to get over two food like workers just keep dying because the bloody red ants my only hope is we can complete a quest that gives us loads of food oh yes 75 food okay that's good then we'll just breed loads of soldier ants all right this could have saved us because assuming we can kill the bloody tarantula then we got then we got a good food supply right here we go we've got two soldiers being born and once this one is done here's the final one we'll have five and then we'll go attack right so soldiers on me we're taking down this tarantula once and for all he's mocked us for too long we'll go into battle like the ants that we are knowing eight legs are too many and six is the perfect amount attack die die tarantula yes oh we finally did it i only took like an hour okay so we can choose to kill it or capture it now we don't have a creature chamber to capture it so we're gonna have to kill it unfortunately but now i can come over to this leaf i can make it the sauce and i can finally get everyone back on making food so we can have more workers and everything oh this is a good day this is a good date you can see this is the creature chamber that allows us to like capture spiders and things but we need 25 insect parts to do that so if we go back a tab this is the body part chamber we need 50 leaves and 50 seeds so once i got my numbers back up we will get onto that so we're literally just pumping the queen full of mushrooms and she's giving birth to loads of bros we're finally getting the numbers back up uh which means we can finally start getting some leaves on the go get some seeds back on the goat and after a lot more grinding which what are these two doing i think our normal ant is taking on the soldier oh no that he died he got deaded but we finally collected enough pieces of leaf and seed that we can build the body parts chamber so let's get it completed because then it means we'll be able to come over to our spider over here you can see it's got 20 body parts to it so we can make that a sauce and then we can also gather it ourselves you see i'm carrying a spider leg and then if we head into our colony we have this new chamber we can store spider legs so we'll drop that in there and now with our workers we can send some of them to go collect spider legs and of course once we get 25 we can build the creatures chamber but yep i'm impressed with what we've achieved today so i think we're gonna leave that there for today if you've enjoyed this video if you want another one let me know in the comments and of course boost the like button it helps you know if you're enjoying a series or not but yes peace love and and nato's bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 254,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie, funny, gameplay, pocket ants termite nest, pocket ants mod apk, pocket ants beehive, pocket ants vinegaroon, pocket ants all creatures, pocket ants crab, pocket ants gameplay, pocket ants, pocket ants game, ant army, mobile games, free games, pocket ants best creatures, pocket ants best defense, pocket ants best player, pocket ants secret, secret ant, secret creature, i created the ultimate ant army, rce, real civil engineer, ant engineer, ant colony game, ant colony
Id: OlxcU9JY5YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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