Upgrading BABY to GOD in SPORE (movie)

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today we're going to be evolving this single cell organism into a God we have to eat other single cell organisms buy upgrades and eventually evolve so that we grow legs and walk on land 3 2 1 go here we go baby it has been a very long time since I've played this game we're just little tiny dudes I have two gigantis eyes and then I have a giant beak yep so do I it looks like we're the same character right now but once we evolve I'm pretty sure we can do our own unique upgrades to make us different oh killing things feed me your meat wait what I'm a carnivore oh I wait you did already yeah I think I need one more plant no don't eat my plant other cells and meteor bits are key to finding new parts okay so we have to find new parts in order to get upgrades like spikes I think we could buy better Tails so that we can go even faster maybe better eyeballs so we can see better if you guys have not already make sure you guys leave a like to join my team the winning team oh gosh I see my first enemy oh we just ate him whole what oh that's a big boy that's a big boyy I'm getting chased I don't want to come out of your butt as a turd oh wait what the heck I can mate with other cells that's how you evolve oh okay I'm about to mate with this this lady this big lady I'm still getting chased I want to evolve a little bit more before I start upgrading my guy on the bottom of the screen you guys can see there's a progress meter once we get that full I'm pretty sure we walk on land I can fully customize my guy all right I'm going to make him red stripes what I can literally just throw spikes on this dude actually crazy yes I got even bigger let's go oh wait this is actually kind of scary oh this guy's chasing me no dude there's so many big creatures I am a tiny fish in a giant Pond right now sell Creator you can change modes in any Creator by clicking the mode buttons above ooh I like that think I like that we're going to go with red and blue that is menacing if you saw that out and about in your local Pond you would run oh you would run if you saw my guy oh look who figured out how to hatch himself Four Eyes is coming at you fast oh yes oh I'm getting way too big just like any good species I need to destroy the other species that are stronger than me I need to assert dominance oh yes do you see the giant dudes way in the background I think they're like once we upgrade that's who we're going to be fing I've been trying not to look at them so it looks like you could steal upgrades from other creatures that you that you like like I just stole a jet upgrade yeah oh I just saw that jet upgrade too oh I just almost got e yo that was way too close oh I just found the jackbot of all herbivores turns out you can sell your parts and you can also switch Adam you can become a carnivore if you want no dude being a herbivore is great I just found this awesome plant it's giving me so many upgrades good luck Adam there is a new chosen child that has just been bored he's got two jet engines for bun cheeks I feel like I may be want those fast flippers stop trying to eat me ah he's he's trying to eat me oh my gosh I'm flipping one shot dude he's coming no was look at that thing in the background looks like Alex mom bro oh I got I got a little bit bigger wait are these my guys oh I found a fellow Seymour butts it's my people is he going to eat you no no no we're friends we're wait maybe I can maybe I can mate right now mate me mate me oh never mind I'm sorry that that that that was a man wait what poison I got to call my oh wait oh wait you can make yourself really fat really skinny I can make oh my gosh I can make the mouth really big look at this guy I'm going to make myself as big as possible what else can I add it ooh fella got to love a good fella Born Into the world oh wait what's this over here what is this what is this is this a new part maybe oh oh it is oh wait I got I got something that spits poison I'm going to eat you dude if I see you out here I'm for sure going to eat you you can't eat me I'm literally like a porcupine underwater I have so many spikes I have to wao that is a porcupine in the form of a fish this Chas after me why do these giant guys want to kill me keep swimming I need Jets I need this is terrifying it is a cell e Cell World out here oh my gosh I'm inside of this guy right now I'm going to kill him oh I took him out let's go oh crap crap oh my gosh I'm getting double teamed by the whole family and I'm dead Oh Come here little guy yes yes I unlocked something new it's an omnivore head it can eat both things being a herbivore is trash Oh gosh why am I so slow go go I have jet thrusters on my butt oh gosh okay Jack you're about to get toasted and toasted did you just die I keep dying to the big guys yes I am flipping growing like a go dang superhero I'm almost done son no you're not all those people that were coming after me they're running from me now they're scared go we need to get faster I'm being chased out and I keep dying my guy is so sick you're going to lose your mind how good he is I need to move faster ah he's coming after me lot of meat lot of meat wait we're getting bigger just a little bit more oh I just got huge Jack I think I'm on the final stage it's time for mating I need to somehow upgrade so that I stop dying all right I am sick of tired of these dumb puffer fish yeah bro I just suck that guy Ho Let's Go wait what what did I just di from oh my gosh dude I actually love being an omnivore I just suck everybody it's my favorite thing now what are you talking about bro it's so good I never realized how difficult it is to evolve like how did we do it oh come here no no no don't try don't try stop stop dying to poison eat eat the eat them here yes I got bigger all right I'm sucked up this thing yes I think I did it oh I got a mini brain I got a mini flipping brain that meing no way I just I just got a mini brain I'm advancing yes me too I think so it says finish the cell stage and climb onto Land wait we can add legs yes sir I have legs go go go there we go I look so cute and ugly follow me Clan the Seymour butts Clan will destroy dirt boy and every other opposing Clan it is the beginning of a new day and for you a whole new stranger wondrous World Air fills your lungs as you stretch into your limbs into your new home dry land the race to evolve has begun yes dude welcome to land all right we have a brand new progress meter brand new goals now since we're a species we have goals all right since I'm a herbivore I'm still running into struggles I I can only eat plants you're like a giraffe wait wait wait I see I see a dead creature a dead groy I'm eating him oh wait we have new abilities raging W what's up clad we we have to mate oh wait I have to mimic him yes we're friends I just made an ally Jack you're need them you're going to need friends Adam I'm coming for you I'll keep one Rhino horn on top of me I just unlocked arms I could probably get the stuff on the trees now oh oh my gosh I think I'm making a baby oh I can make him long I'm going to make a giant third w going to be this yes that is that is looking medic we're going to have giant lion toes every good carnivore knows how to use camouflage so we're going to be camoed into every environment that we've been in the Seymour bud clan has evolved learn charge I got to eat PL for this whoa got a brand new ability Adam you better be scared is that what is that I oh I can dance oh I'm dancing what okay okay number four oh you got a spit ability wa it's like an attack spit ability oh yeah Jack on the map you could see on the bottom left there's like unknown species oh yes I see on the map okay how do I how do I get back here can we Maiden call everybody Clan mating call let's do Del TRS yeah little little arms little T-Rex arms About Eyes we're going to we're going to get rid of our old eyes we're going to add new [Laughter] eyes hatch hatch hatch go go go go let's go oh they're waving wait we have like we have bat wings I found another species hunt three rack hips it's time to die ring War kill murder kill him kill him yeah oh they're angry at me Well Done To the victor go to go the spoils you are on your way to a bigger brain and a smarter you he's mine I'm going to eat him am I good okay I think I think I'm probably full I just ate corpse oh it's the alpha I'm beating up the alpha sorry friends you're going to die poison it's over let's take him out Adam how does it feel that you betrayed your friends it's all fair if it's War I want to claim land oh these are the rack hiips the last of the rack hiips why is my Army not helping me oh finally I have flipping orbs let's go my Dude Looks Like Machamp oh wait wait they're fighting for me they killed him for me no way they did they're gone their land is now mine hunt three Batar borrowed oh these guys look like they are straight out of the ocean they probably can't even fight time to attack wait I'm oh wait you Adam Adam you could also impress them and befriend them and you get even more DNA I said that before Oh I think they like my dance moves yes wait I only have to impress one more I need the Bardo Clan to hatch their egg can you guys make this go a little bit quicker I think my dude has the best Sprint in the entire game oh was so funny oh yep we're going to sing you a song There You Go yes okay we impressed one rack so far another rack right here ready to be impressed I can strike now yes I have friends how you getting friends something inside me is changing Adam wait Jack my brain's getting bigger no you're evolving already my brain got bigger brain power you've grown a little smarter and taken your first step towards sensient you have earned the ability to entice an ally to join your pack and help you join on your adventures I can build a pack Adam I figured out how to recruit one of my guys how did you have we just hit the meanest dance move you've ever seen oh yeah get rid of these dumb eyes let's do these evil eyes spikes yes dude I can get my spikes back yes dude that's what I'm talking about that is a nice looking Spike that would be nice and curved back oh we can make it two yes going to add this to my butt there we go that's going to help with my charm ability what is charm does charm help Jack I think charm helps you when you're recruiting people yeah all right I'm going to get some charm in there right on my forehead ooh yeah we can Strike sweet poses with our bat arms I'm going to upgrade my mouth I'm no longer going to have the dumb stupid mouth that I've had we're going for a Mangler fish mouth what else can I add o more charm if I add these to my oh my eyebrows yes oh we'll get some bone knee pads for extra health and if we had these we could fly I can add butterfly wings what that's so cool that looks so dumb oh my guys are so disgustingly ugly you too my how do I get them to join my my you have to sing them a song sure I I'll I'll sing them a song Come here little baby I'm going to sing you a song and then your your dad's going to love me that's right Sing Sing Me a Song we'll both sing you a song back and bada big bada boom we've made new friends I'm going to travel far and wide to the next Clan the further you go it looks like the more evolved creatures you run into the guys look like Centaur monkey job of the Huts oh new part I got a yum stick excuse me I just need to analyze your part hit him with the charm hit him with the charm so it looks like that bar at the top is how we actually see if we're impressing them and so far we are we're impressing the crap out of these guys dang we really hit that we got new friends I don't need friends die I'm going to venture out really far and see if I can find a clan that literally has some of the best guys in the game W I found guys that are have 32 Health we'll sing you a song don't worry I'm going to sing you a song oh my gosh they have they have three guys doing a dance I only have two oh no they're way they're way better than me they have way more RZ they have some good [Music] RZ I don't know if I can do this who are you trying to recruit to your team I don't know it's called the alpha one horn rat they're the disgusting looking I'm trying to recruit some monkeys and it's not going as planned it's not working at all okay I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running what does this do wa we can fly that's crazy you can actually fly yeah what's up hey hey you like that hey you like that I don't I don't like that I don't like that she likes it she likes it now I'm going to go pop out an egg whoa wait Jack I think a lot of my clan died I'm I'm down to three people I'm sorry dude what it's not funny all right I think I am no longer going to recruit people oh wait I can make my guy super tall what the heck what the heck dude my guy's massive now his arms are so lengthy what the heck why did I do this earlier this is awesome double the spike power wa it's time to destroy my guys I I don't even I'm not entirely sure how to describe their look they look spiky I'm going to go try to oh wait migrate to a new Nest how do you do that maybe that's where all your guys went maybe they went to a new Nest you guys want a mess you're dead you're dead yes my whole Clan's fighting for me where's the rest of them I see the alpha kill the alpha that work this is kill him Watson kill him to recruit a younger gu yes one more oh it's raining come here little guy come here little guy you're mine where is this guy going he's going out to the ocean he's so much faster than me back off oh wait I did I drown wa I through these guys now Adam you have to go far out into the ocean it's actually so sick I think you just drowned you said no no no no no no I thought I was going to drown and then a creature came up and then brought me back to land ah ah I got knocked down I'm going to die kill the trior come on yes why is it so hard we did it and I evolved too oh yes I got bigger too this game is easy this game is hard yeah I've been walking for a while what was that whoa there's a rogue guy Adam you got to watch out for Rogues I'm dead I'm dead there's so many enemies in this game why I just got to keep migrating just keep migrating Jack don't get distracted is this my new home I think I found my new home yes brothers sisters hey hey hey hey hit it hit it let's go hit it hit it brand new home oh I can add another pack member kill the child hey guys hey guys don't mind me just just passing through just passing through how do they knock me out bro bro I'm going to die again how how do I make it through let me out of here I just want to make it home how do I Sprint keep walking dir boy keep [Music] walking I'm about to kill a baby Adam what are you doing with your life well while you were off doing the intro I added somebody to my team that um you're you're GNA not be too happy about but you added somebody what does that even mean I want you to meet Rogue grank who is the 250 HP monster what yeah son are you kidding me you think I'm joking around guys you can call in Team D boy right now to leave Jack's team and join the winning team cuz you already know we winning out here are you kidding me right now 250 oh 250 oh my God I just one shot him what oh my God hey Adam Adam I just I got to ask for like scientifical reasons where did you find this guy no way this is my favorite day I love Spore um he he's a rogue so I he was just wandering around he is one- shotting level 32 HP guys what I got to find me one of these guys did you did you put out like like an ad on Craigslist monsters just kind of come to me monsters do come to you they say that monsters attract other monsters wait wait I see a rogue no oh 250 no don't tell me it's groon come here crew cor kwor crew cor kwor let me sing you a song oh oh Jack Jack it's Rus it's Rus oh God he wants to smoke it's it's the level thousand all right I got to take him out dude I'm about to fight him right now oh my God no way I'm going to battle no dude he just one shot he one shot wrong yes wait I got the Rogue I got a rogue he my oh my God he just one shot both of my guys I shouldn't have fought him that was the worst decision I've ever made a meteor just crashed down I'm going to go check it out oh wait it's raining meteors I don't know if this is good everybody's kind of panicking Kore whoa whoa wo I'm getting attacked wait wait wait Kore help Kore Kore help me Kore Kore kill them while you do that I'm going to be upgrading my guy now he has level four strike and level four charge I hope you die I'm about to die I I lost all of my pack members dude you're such a trash leader I got to get back to my clan is my clan alive I don't know guys guys I'm home Adam everybody's gone dude I don't what happened I don't know man they're all gone check what happened I don't know let's go I was so upset earlier now I'm actually a statically happy where are they oh my okay I have to take out this clan I've been joking around way too much yeah come here chumba I'm going for the alpha give me some chuma chuma Oh My Game just crashed I just want my people to come back it saved it did not save no I'm like excited but I'm not dang it D I'm going to save right now he's going to wipe out my guy please don't do it don't do it he just killed one of my people and that to my butt wait are you still talking this guy King Kong is killing everybody he just murdered a dirt L I'm about to go on a murdering spree nobody is safe okay I got two of my guys I got Biggie and I got Smalls on my team okay they're dead W they do a lot of damage I hope they kill you I have three Health why are they so good got to eat them kill them boys I think I died I'm going to die I'm dead again I'm so bad I am so bad at this game bro ever since my setback I've been doing so bad gr darks we are are back charge boom kill them one down one down come on yes dude one Health and I got it no way wait my my brain's getting bigger my brain got bigger no Adam make sure that you're discovering new parts okay I don't want you to fall too far behind oh I'm taking on my entire Clan well not my clan but everybody around me I found a creature that looks just like you let's go check Jack shut up it looks just like you thing to say oh they're killing me kill the babies Oh wait I I got a lot more Health too I now have like 40 Health oh I'm so good oh we're so good one more one more boys one more that's right uh wait there's a there's a rogue about to attack another Rogue come on come on that's right keep fighting guys you're doing great dude there's a there's a third Rog coming it's crore yes I evolved again oh your brain finally got bigger now yeah my brain's huge go I did come on come on kill him don't die don't die yes yes oh wait dude I just watched two Rogues die now I'm going to kill these monkeys I can't help it dude but I I don't I barely get any DNA for this it's not even worth my time wa I'm about to get abducted what wait what there was a spaceship what is happening on your a spaceship just came right above me wait there's spaceships yeah since when I don't know man but a spaceship just came right above stage Bo it's coming back I really don't want to get abducted it's okay crew cor it's going to be fine Adam I think crew cor just got abducted by a spaceship I think he did what game are you playing I honestly I thought I was playing Spore but I think I'm playing space abductors I think he might be playing a different game oh no no no no see more butts died Jack I think they're going to get me oh wait no no no I hope they get waing for my clan I hope they get you and I hope they touch you no they they just got someone from my clan I think did he actually get abducted oh my gosh I think so I don't know what to do I don't know what to do oh he just sucked up one of their guys oh he just got sucked up I got to run I'm running I'm running I'm running the spaceships what what was that I don't know but that'll be us sooner than later oh that's what we're going to become and we're going to abun these guys once we evolve yeah we we'll be able to become that that's exciting no don't kill me please no somebody has to take care of these Gars it crashed again no did you save check tell me you're saving oh I I saved a little bit ago bro oh my goodness dude evolving is so difficult it's such a pain pain I am dressed and ready to impress Jack I am like probably three people three kills away from upgrading oh dude def froi dang it I got to get to my new area it's my it's literally the only way that I can maybe win here we're dancing crew we're dancing let's headit him with a pose yes we might be able to get him no yes dude no we're going to get crew cor no you're not oh K is on my team oh Jack I found the I found King Kong again again I'm not letting him take me out this time you got King Kong going for kill we're going for a kill I'm going for a kill Adam is psycho no I just got one shotted no yeah but he does so much damage oh my gosh my Game just crashed every time I get killed by King Kong my game crashed oh guess who just got another Rogue on their team how many Rogues do you have I have two Rogues on my team now team of Rogues wow wow this is insane did it just happen oh congratulations you've made it to the top of the food chain when you're ready to give your tribal life a try click the advance button you're definitely not ready bro you're not even close to being ready you'll have one last trip to the Creator so you can finalize your look one last time this is the last chance to add arms they are you sure you're ready oh my gosh oh I'm so close to evolving I'm evolving wait what my brain's getting bigger no no no no it broke the broke the barrier oh we are so ready to evolve my brain is bursting through my my skull e I'm evolving sucker we got dbes now let's go I don't know what he's doing with a stick but it's epic and I love this music oh my guy grew a big enough brain to be able to start a fire congratulations you're about to ENT enter the tribal stage oh my gosh let's go I'm guessing you already did this but my guy he's he's banging that stick oh yeah he's going to be banging it for a while with a roof over your head and fire on your fingertips you enter the age of hand tools and drum beats but beware soon rival tribes will form across the globe be vigilant You Now command a buring tribe of three you may select individual tribe members to a group to do your bidding you must interact with other tribes to move your process bar forward we did it traps we could be a beast master all right boys let's find some food dude we have pets it's pet gallero and pet kwor yes dude they're our friends oh wow they're actually Gathering food they actually like have a brain now they're doing great let's make sure we pick up the scraps boys very nice oh wait a second there's a new tribe a new tribe emerged wait a second that looks like me they look like me a rival tribe of Seymour buts has formed it wasn't just me that evolved it was everybody let's make some allies let's see who can make allies first buddy oh I'm already all over it kill kill them kill them you killing them kill them I'm not killing them I'm not killing them oh my gosh what is wrong with you it's the only way my whole tribe just got wiped out they killed me Jack that why are you trying to fight them they're your friends the pink tribe will pay for this okay finally I got away ailla start having more babies I have no food left I only have four food yeah I'm not really doing too well on food either I need more food I need more defenses my tribe is not doing well right now doesn't seem like it my my tribe was doing so well Jack the the pink tribe is actually taking out the level thousand and I'm going to go help him do it they're kill that's how I'll prove my work to them what I'm murdering the pink tribe right now they sent over somebody to steal my he got 200 Health we're going to take him out it's working I can't believe you're you're fighting alongside my enemies my sworn enemies yes yes he's down now I'm going to mate this the perfect opportunity I'm going to M with his dead body I mean no I'm I'm going to M with the pink tribe Adam they're my enemies don't do it there it is oh it's working yo oh Jack G yes yes they're our allies now let's go come on Adam Jack I just evolve allies for life you have you have made the pig vill your allies to celebrate they have shared a totem peace as well as new tools and outfits for your tribe these have been added to your tribal planner I can't believe you teamed up with the other Clan how could you dude I had to oh my gosh my Village is getting bigger no already yes I can have more babies on my team dude if only I had trumpets they they WIP you out right now attack boys keep fighting boys keep fighting two more two more I tried to join forces but no you didn't want me and they are dead they are officially dead Adam I killed them finally we've been upgraded dude everybody's taking me out where are my allies allies are good because they'll betray you that's the only reason you get allies to get betrayed later I desperately need food why is this guy trying to steal my food the cyan Village is now my sworn enemy lavender I'm actually going to go take out lavender lavender just messed with the wrong people going for blood again cuz they went for blood First Blood deserves blood Adam you don't understand the gang life yes they're almost my Ally I'm about to make allies with two clans right now this is epic I'm about to kill my second Clan Adam we've taken a vastly different approach yeah seriously leave no survivors no survivors I have two allies kill the children oh no no no no wait canan's coming canan's coming they attacking me check you are done dude being nice is the way to go oh no garok garok and crew cour defend there's a little bit more guys come on this is the biggest gamble of the game Adam check what are you doing yes we got we got lavender we're getting attacked right now but that's fine we got lavender I defeated them but I'm currently getting attacked by cyan come on boys take them out collect the food boys okay we got to get to cyan if I can take out C I'll evolve again then it's only two more Clans until I get into the civilization stage relax there buddy all right I'm getting I'm getting excited cyan's probably building back up their Village right now but they they mess with the wrong people I'm going to try and and get with cyan a little bit if this works okay dude there's always a level thousand sitting outside every Clan I want to M with every time yeah walk away buddy seriously walk away any level of thousands yet oh they want the new wooden horns I got it oh we got it all baby the wooden horns come on one more wooden horns yes it's working J I am about to meet with three Clans I am going town to town meeting with everybody I'm about to make another Ally and then I think I evolve hey Maracas Maracas yes we have three allies what did you even do allies that means we evolved oh really do I feel bad killing creatures kind of but my tribe has to eat Raiders have been spotted I'm about to get attacked I'm I'm about to get attacked oh you're toast buddy kill him oh oh oh oh it's orange orange is dead now they just mess with the wrong people people no I'm I'm taking them out I'm taking them out right now I'm going after purple see more butts let's show them what happened when they attack us they stole my food they killed my babies they destroyed my Village time to die I have so much fire burn him oh orange is done we're killing the child first I'm taking out his main village let's go kill the baby kill the baby why are they killing the babies cuz dude the babies are the easiest to go oh there's a th000 health gun th000 Health see more butts he's walking around the village just keep walking bud just keep walking no no no my guy's about to die and he's back stop Don't Stop Don't Stop Don't Stop Don't Stop Don't Stop come on oh he's down a four destroy their Village smash smash smash smash I'll destroy the laer village way before you destroy the other one smash delete let's go burn to the ground oh I'm about to take out the third Glen yes oh my gosh I'm getting tagged by orange I'm getting a tacked Jack do do I don't care Adam I hope have enough troops for this this is why you don't make allies My Tribe leader is dying yes they're down to their last guy Jack really I I successfully defended The Village Jack you know I'm once I defeat orange ah Spaceship Spaceship yes get outting me oh wait no he flew away why is there a spaceship that's what I'm saying man don't abduct Me Do not abduct Me stay away do not abduct anybody from the Seymour buts CL we will poop on you no gck no yes yes yes gallero let's go gallero he stole gallero no go Kore Kore oh my gosh why is it so great that it's happening to you not me are you kidding me right now actually did that just happen guys my two pets my Rogues that carried me through the be stage are they just got abducted all right boys gear up cyan's coming in I'm going to take out all of my pent up progression on them you can take karuk you can take gallero but you can't take my Village oh great wait wait yellow's attacking at the same time we're getting hit by two different village at the same time pink is offering me a gift basket don't accept it gift basket to accept it's a trojan horse don't accept it oh look at them they're so sweet you mess with the wrong people yellow I'm you know what I'm taking yellow right now I was going to take out cyan first I'm taking out yellow except my peace offering of death yes yellow is out farming and they left their Chieftain alone IDI wa never mind there's a there's a level thousand I wasn't expecting the third party everybody get away from the giant guy oh they're not Angry Anymore oh I'm about to win them over let's go Adam trust me you don't want to do this oh I want to do it so bad how's it going here yep it's going well 500 health left and yellow is no more oh no all right I have to take out orang right now let go dude let's go yeah I i' so far killed four different Clans oh I think we're okay I think we're tied up right now I think I'm going to take him out right now I think we're tied up oh you're taking them out now I think I'm going to take him out right now oh I got to do it now then oh we're neck and neck I need this everybody get your stone axes wait you're killing them oh I'm going for the kill you just said you I need to take him out Oh I thought you were going to try to be friends no no no no no no no that's what I want to believe let's go boys Chieftain attack oh wait why I S my Chie in all alone oh here we go it's over it is over I have the numbers Adam you don't even know how to finish them off do you I'm about to win I do know how to finish them off you take out their main village dummy okay maybe you do maybe you do it's not that hard finish him yes let's go while they're out farming we're killing them I already killed all their troops I'm taking out their main village I'm taking out the main tribe too it only has 400 Health don't stop now boys we got this I can evolve I'm evolving I won let's go dude I killed all members every single member of this world yes and I'm going to call this the dirt Hut my Chieftain my Chieftain is going to take over the worldt Adam I'm starting to think that I I made potentially North Korea all of my guys are talking about nuclear bombs tanks and weapons my guys are talking about money oh just money just a lot of money got it so you're Jeff Bezos and I'm Kim Jong-un and cars and Teslas electri cars wait I think I'm El on musk explosions yes tanks yes world domination yeah I'm going to take over the [Music] world need to use our tank to claim a spice geyser yep I was thinking the same thing are you going to copy me this entire time are you going to do exactly what I'm doing can you keep announcing what you're doing please can you can you just keep it down for a sec all right I I can't tell you all of my secrets today I need more geysers where's the rest of the geysers oh wait I could buy another land vehicle yeah more land Vehicles now I got four I got four stop cing me go go let's go this is a Race Against Time right now I can't let you win dude how many land geisers are there I only see the one oh oh oh oh yeah I only see the one too okay so we're going to start out I think with just military vehicles but eventually over time we'll unlock spaceships and I'm pretty sure we'll also get like battleships too wait something's happening oh my gosh no the pig nation has evolved I found my first enemy wait my pig Nation just evolved too oh yeah not dude their place looks like an ancient Chinese temple China's going to try to take me over you could get a bribe bomb a gadget bomb but you need a certain amount of cities So eventually we can expand our cities and we need to take over the entire world there's a house entertainment you can get boats airplanes and eventually a spaceship once you get the spaceship then we're in the space stage and that's what we're Racing for by the way if you guys do want to see more episodes make sure you guys grab the like button and attack it with your entire elbow the more likes you guys leave the more episodes we can make I I see some of the Villages from the last episode like I see blue Village I don't know if I should like be friends with them or not yellow civilization has evolved too Carz has been founded oh wait yeah I have red purple and pink all evolved should I attack them oh big jumpy happy has just attacked yellow they're already attacking you no no no no they're not attacking me wait it's me vers yellow we're both mining the same thing I just paid him off I just paid him off oh my gosh I'm a capitalist the purple nation has they have uh boats they have boats right now the quest is to design a profitable City and the only way to make profits is by taking over these geysers oh that's that's the only way he thinks all right guys if you actually go in here I'm not going to see what it is but you can buy this and it'll earn you more income wait wait wait wait wait what is he getting what is he getting wa wait you guys can see but don't tell him increases income but lowers happiness Adam you got to keep that in mind okay hey you want your people to be happy wait I need do you have a camera in my room again I need houses for people I got to design the house okay I got to make it like something something scary I'll making M juicy actually I'm basing every one of my things after SpongeBob so we're going to make a a ginormous pineapple wait I'm making a pineapple I'm calling this why are you making a pineapple the Doom of Doom this is where people sweat and work okay that kind of looks like a pineapple especially if I make it nice and short wait oh yellow's attacking pink we have our first scuffle they're getting surrounded wait pink Nation's on my team I have to help him how do I fight people Jack how do you fight people I'm not going to help you we're we're racing right now because loser has to eat dog food oh my gosh why I knew it somehow I knew it this will be the pineapple of conquering oh crap oh uh my people are going on strike they're not happy oh my gosh oh my God that's because you put a factory in before you put a house you didn't even put a house I'm going put some entertainment in there and go inside there okay good I'm going to put a couple houses so that our population can evolve and then eventually I'll add in a factory I'll put some turrets in right now just so we don't die look at my people it's the Seymour butts Clan they look so dumb and ugly but they're going to be conquerors they will conquer wait are my people oh they're already taking it over purple nation is not happy with me purple Nation really does not like me right now oh wait I think they're trying to fight me oh I'm taking over purple Nation I will conquer this world with an iron fist oh my gosh you're ruthless I'm going to be the best dictator the world has ever seen you ever hear of Alexander the Great he's nothing I'm going to be Jack The Destroyer Attack purple attack purple we're conquering purple purple only literally has one boat and if I can take them over I can get access to boats go go go go go go go yes yes yes they're under attack they're under attack get more land vehicles I just I I literally have a military of like 18 land Vehicles do your guys attack anything my guys are all mine are friendly did you put any like weapons on them am I supposed to oh no dude my guys have no weapons oh they put a turret oh my gosh dude turrets are actually really effective wait wait wait wait wait wait dude these the this this turret's kind of doing a lot of damage it just took out three of my land vehicles I think you're lying to me right now what am I lying about there's no weapons on these on these vehicles that's because you didn't add a weapon dummy I'm looking through it oh my gosh you're wasting my time aren't you I got to get out of here I'm literally not Adam you are done for as soon as I take over purple I'm going to be able to take over the ocean why are my people so sad what do you what do you want they need more entertainment too I wish I could take you over right now I would be so happy if I could take you over the things I would do to your your entire civilization they would go down in history yes Jack uh just curious how do you get enemy tanks with weapons how do you get enemy tanks how do I do anything in this game I'm not tell you curious I'm about to capture Carz how you know I captured it I captured it oh my gosh oh my gosh you're good look at that they wave the purple flag Join or Die that is our motto it's ruthless but it's fine I have all the cool technology so I just I want to spread it to the Pees I'm totally not a dictator you are the definition of a dictator I'm going to make friends with everybody while you go and kill everyone you're going to have no friends Adam Adam what dude I just got the craziest upgrade I can get I think I can get air vehicles now no you can't okay not not yet but one day I can okay I think we should probably get a factory so that I can make some more money and then also entertainment make a little you don't have entertainment or factory entertainment building three factories you're losing right now you're losing no I'm not yes you are grinding okay I'm going to make uh Patrick's like rock Hut looks all right there we go Adam making friends in this game is not not what you're supposed to be doing I'm telling you right now okay we'll also go to factory too Adam what should I base the factory on from SpongeBob um um the Crusty Crab crusty crab CU you're Bard you stink oh let's go I have a trade route now with purple I'm friendly with them these are my friends for life Adam they're going to betray you just like in the last episode you're going to get betrayed no I'm not no these are my friends don't ever say that to them going to they're my friends they love me literally going to get betrayed he just doesn't even see it n no n n dude my City's flourishing right now we're all celebrating oh we can decorate with like trees and stuff wait what yellow declined my gift have to kill them let's go dude I'm going to have to kill them I don't even care wait red red is crazy red is attacking pink right now I'm going to capture the city while they dude they literally sent out all of their military vehicles they're attacking a different city so while they're out attacking a different city I'm going to attack them oh oh I don't know how you're actually attacking do you actually have weapons on your vehicle yes dude my guys are doing 38 damage per hit what the heck kill the turrets boys kill the turrets guys are like peaceful surrender now or die oh my gosh Jack you're ruthless they attacked me they literally waged war on me you're ending it you're being mean how much money do I have to give these people they're still mean mugging me my my city is celebrating giving increased income bro I'm giving them so much money and they're not accepting me as friends just $10,000 this is what you get for trying to make friends Adam it's a doggy dog world you got to attack or get attacked bro I don't know what else I can do Adam I'm pretty sure you're trash Oh my gosh how many we destroyed every single City all right I'm tra it's been captured I captured it two cities down that means we're one step closer to getting our spaceship the more cities we conquer the more we learn and the better things we can make here we go 4,000 bucks oh my gosh I hate him I hate him he doesn't do anything all right I'm giving him one more chance CH your stupid face I'm punching him in the face I'm punching him right in this GT I hate him so much wait a second across the water there's another nation that looks just like my nation it's like I'm green but they're like dark green um Adam I don't know what I'm looking at right now but not I'm not even going to talk about it not even going to talk about it I have so many things in my military it's wild I have 14 military vehicles this city right now Carz they're sending out guys to go take over a different city even though I'm about to take over their own City how are they so dumb yes my turrets are destroying them falling way behind kid I'm not I just got my third City I I took theity oh my gosh s in everybody Jack how do I defend this you can't I'm buying more Vehicles defend me why can't I attack them Adam it's about to be game over for you I just I now got my Ocean City the cheat code please well first things first Adam you got to be good D they're destroying my city I don't have enough turrets and my guys don't fight they just sit there how do I get rid of this I'm going to lose it I'm going to flip and lose it oh my gosh they don't do nothing Adam I'm about to make my military seed Destroyer I don't know how to play this game how do I fight Adam you got to add guns to your guys how Adam I think went into this not being a military civilization how is that even possible I don't know I guess I'm going to have to send a bomb out what I I don't know what to do they get they don't fight see you oh I just blew up three of their guys come on I'm staying alive baby I just need to make a little more money dude these things look sick they look too good I'm not going to lie man this is not looking good for Adam mine's going to be named the rubber Dey of Destruction all right this is my new car it looks very destructive it should it should save us I'm going to call it save me please before I get deleted because they don't have weapons apparently they're coming after my main one now I don't know what to do I don't have any weapons I don't know how to defend this let's go dude I'm about to be in space in no time my new objective is to capture all of the Cities we're taking over the city come on boys you can do it I believe in you boys so far so good so far so good oh they just spawn in a monster they spawn in a Monster yeah what oh we're going to take it over yes oh my gosh green is so much better Adam wait green for me too is like really good yeah Green's on my team though and wait we're about to evolve we made airplanes no way wait you already had airplanes I got airplanes you have four Clans I do I just got my four one dude we got this in the bag okay I got to create an air vehicle like ASAP but first things first we got to defend everybody got got to defend I'm making a military Airship okay I'm going to base it off of the battleship that we just made so we're going to have it be like really long and Sleek oh that kind of looks cool I like that and then we got like the the pointy tip at the front just in case we got to go in and stab somebody no my City's under attack this is my main city I need help help I don't have any weapons help me oh my gosh got to add in these as well Adam my thing it looks like a monstrosity but it's going to be super powerful you you don't even have to worry about me okay my thing doesn't even look that cool bumblebee of death well Adam pretty happy to say that uh I have spaceships now you do not not spaceships I have um air vehicles some more Spore bucks one of my cities is under attack but that's okay not really super worried about it attack the enemy boys they don't stand a chance I am dead you actually died I'm going to we're going to have to restart wait how does that even work all right we're going to get all of our military back here I have a feeling that they're going to try to attack this this base right here schneck they're going to take on schneck let's get my my air vehicles I have two airships who is attacking me right now really this guy's crazy I got a guy coming right at me and he's he's going to die I have literally like the whole right side of my screen is filled up with turrets battleships and flying vehicles I have no idea what this thing is I I I think I see the giant alien thing that you're talking about that kind of looks like a projection can I even capture the city okay so far so good oh I think I might lose one of my my airship I just lost both of my airships that's not good not feeling super confident about this battle right now especially because wait they're taking me over Adam are you still there I'm getting buried alive I can't it's going to be okay Adam you're doing great go for this air vehicle yep good job good explosion we are outnumbered right now Adam I'm not doing too hot I lost both of my spaceships and I'm starting to lose my entire C Navy vehicle Army oh my gosh it makes me flipping restart wait actually no way dude okay all their vehicles are dying it's basically me versus the forest Nation the forest Nation I think only has like three more cities so I just got to take over this one and then the Forest City is next the main capital okay while they're busy with that I'm going to head back home and get some more air vehicles we need some more houses apparently good good good more people means more air vehicles Adam it's going pretty well over here at the Seymour buts Clan how do you know the name of your clan I'm trying I Nam them myself what's your name no no no my my Clan's your name of my city I don't know what the name is you don't know the name of your own City they make up random names oh no I just give him the Seymour butts Clan I just give him that name there's Seymour butt Capital there's Seymour butt City 1 seamour butt City 2 I just got Seymour butt City number five all right now we can go ahead we can add some more houses here get rid of their dumb decorations okay I'm taking out the forest Nation Forest nation has to die it's over hey maybe I can get these guys positive maybe just maybe I could I could work through it Adam you have a long way to go before you catch back up I'm sending in the biggest army I think in the entire sport world first off we got to kill this guy they keep trying to take over my spice factories there we go everybody Focus that Focus that bribe bribe bribe bribe he's not taking my flipping bribe all right I got to keep giving them gifts I guess dude my air vehicles they do a lot of damage but they keep dying like my airships don't really do that much and my my land vehicles are not even that effective anymore cuz we're taking over like every coastal city right now wait green is taking out yellow again I can't okay I'm trying to make friends with yellow now I don't want him to take him out anymore Adam another city has been conquered by Seymour butts my gosh you know your Strat is so much better you get guns I don't how does it feel being like a little baby that can't even defend himself this game is so dumb this is the dumbest game whoever would choose that willingly sucks oh God okay I got to I got to get this city back uh back to where it was Adam I know you don't really know this but like when you take over a city there's a lot of like decorations that they leave and you kind of got to like clear it out it's pretty annoying this is so annoying I am now at war with blue Nation Blue Nation just said the world must unite around the one true Faith you will learn the truth as those before you have learned oh they're like a religious Clan all right cool I'm going to take them over they're about to be mine they have religious power I don't understand what are they going to do with their religious power oh they're attacking me I don't even have enough for another turret they're like actually going to take over my city fight back boys oh the religion makes it so that like my my turrets can't fight back for a sec what how is that even possible I don't know they like they Charmed my turret hey at least my people are happy we're making so much money that's all right let's go I don't know if you've looked at the other cities but like they have buildings that actually look like buildings and then you look at my city it just it looks like crap it's so bad we're positive finally we're positive with yellow we're plus five really let's go attack I'm taking out Blue Nation I only have to take on four more Nations before I go into the space stage okay dude nobody actually stands a chance like their buildings are falling all right it worked once that's fine that's fine all right another city has been captured once I make friends with these guys jack you're kind of done you're going to be screwed so you're going to make friends with the guys that at any point if they turn their back on you they could kill you they won't though cuz I give them money and na so basically they own you nope they own me till I buy them right back what happens when they wait wait wait oh I have to decide do I want it to be a religious city or a military City it's it's not even a question yeah that's not even a question here we go here we go all right I have two grand I'm going for it here we go yes they're blue all right now I propose a trade accept the trade you think go finally I've been waiting all flipping day we actually have a trade route now oh my gosh it's about time I am so flipping hype Adam I think I'm bombing a city what whoa I just used a bomb to take over an entire city no you did not holy smokes I bought the gadget bomb it's in like the bottom middle of the screen wonder if I can make them happy with me oh never mind I think my whole arm is about to be here oh here they come here they come whole Squad is here what's up green what's up yeah this day has been coming it it's officially their Day of Reckoning they've messed with me too many times I can take everything over no you cannot you're lying you're lying I took them all over that is not possible everything is going to get destroy Grand next time oh my gosh I don't want to insult global domination is yours when you are ready to explore the reaches beyond your home planet click the advance button and be ready for liftoff I destroyed still on the first green thing so many cities dude all goes back to this main city right here and let's Advance it's time Elon Musk will be proud it's time to make our spaceship ooh oh I like that one that one looks like a meteor we'll name this the meat disc okay I need I it like makes me put three parts so I got to like got to figure out what to add cuz we can put like this at the top guess we can have one rocket booster in the back dude I don't even know what am I doing that actually that this looks kind of cool guys not going to lie this looks like something straight of Star Wars can I save now yes the space stage is starting no I've become a galactic God AOL from a cell to a space traveler ladies and gentlemen we've done it we've taken over the world and we are about to launch into outer space don't do it there's my spaceship and all of it Glory the meat disc no liftoff you've successfully developed a ship capable of space flight the heavens becking the cosmos awaits the universe is at your fingertips if you can learn to fly this thing oh oh I'm like the spaceship from the first episode no you're not oh this is sick I can just fly around my my entire planet it's Elon butts Elon butts says congratulations Cadet you've got to f ride this is so cool there we go we'll get this guy over here yep yep yes he said we've been working on the ability to scan planets and animals for your travels we need you to scan the animals so that we can collect more information about them we have a radar tool that we can use to scan the animals oh cool can I like use like an abductor beam to steal them oh abduction beam yeah they actually have one no they do not I can just steal animals wait this is literally just like from Adam remember that when like they would steal us yes it's just like that oh my gosh looks like you've collected the correct specimen got to drop it off in one of the Cities there you go you take that the horn monster okay we need to install the interplanetary drive which allows us to leave the planet's orbit I accept oh yes attack Adam I'm coming to your planet I am taking you scroll out I can go into space it's the Seymour butts Planet Adam I've officially reached the space [Music] stage
Channel: BeckBroPlays
Views: 212,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yGMnbsw7xLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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