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today I'm going to take ordinary Lego sets and using my imagination and Lego building skills upgrade them in different ways to make them even better so without wasting time let's start with this is an ordinary Lego brick and this brick is four times bigger and is called a Duplo brick and the Very purpose of its existence is for kids not to choke on it and as a Lego YouTuber I feel obligated to test this okay it's still too small so I upgraded it and built the biggest LEGO brick in the world I present to you the Mr bricks giant Lego brick it has these huge studs and I even wrote my name on it to be honest it does look like a coffin sometimes especially when you start to open this thing wow I bet I could fit inside since we have this much space let's turn it into my very own man cave with a TV basketball hoop and a few accessories and here you guys have a tour of my very own man cave and honestly I could just die peacefully here oh yeah this is the life guys I don't know why I need my house anymore I can just live here good night guys I'm going to sleep here next I'll be upgrading the minifigure itself cuz come on they all look the same and we need to add some diversity so let's grab the computer download a model of the minifigure and start to modify it first I'll make a tall minifig by stretching this guy out let's also elongate his head for an extra weird look the result is definitely not your typical minifigure but it sure is unique I hope it'll look as good when I 3D printed next let's make a buff guy think Dwayne Johnson or a Roblox default character biceps triceps here goes a big chest and a six-pack and for the ladies I even gave him a and I'll also make a fat guy cuz why not let's add a big belly and some chubby cheeks okay it's time to send it for printing and after 40 minutes we have this wow it turned out even better than I expected now let's just paint them in classy Lego colors and give them some happy facial expressions okay here you go Lego Minifigures upgraded with more diversity and shape nice and since we're talking about all kinds of shapes and sizes here here's a mini fig that walks like a crab this is just an ordinary $100 bill but if you punch a hole in it with a hole puncher then detach the head from the minifigure you can use it as a superhero cape for your minifigure okay I'll call it Captain cash from now on so here are a couple more ideas for how else you can upgrade Lego using paper you can use your origami skills to make a boat then punch holes for the paddles and surprisingly it floats until you s it that's a lot of damage you can also create a 2d version of a minifigure out of paper it has a lot of joints that I made using a whole punch in studs so it's actually pretty flexy then for the final creation I made a huge paper plane and reinforce it with Technic beams so let's test if it can fly ladies and gentlemen we're experiencing turbulence please remain seated you have arrived at your destination the next set I bought cost 80 bucks and it's an Infinity Gauntlet for the movie Avengers endgame so let's build it so I'm not really into all these 18 plus collectible Lego sets and this one is no exception honestly the only thing I could see it being good for besides just collecting dust on the Shelf is maybe using it to learn all the different gang signs you need to Le I mean come on what else would you do with it so I spent some time trying to come up with some more practical uses for this and believe it or not I actually found a few ideas but then it hit me the whole point of Lego is to spar creativity and use your imagination you're supposed to take the existing set and transform it into something new and entirely different so let's do it this set has only gold colored parts and no regular bricks which made it tough to create something cool but inspiration hit and then this happened say hello to the infinity Throne okay honestly this set looks so good that I feel like it came out of a Lego Creator set and I guess I can call it an improvement and in case you're wondering where all the gems are as a bonus round I'll show you four different weird and cursed ways to improve your Lego in under a minute the most expensive Lego minifigure that costs $5,000 oh my gosh here he is Mr Gold only a few chosen ones have seen this Mr Gold minifigure in person I'm definitely not on that list nor do I have a whole car to sell to buy one so I'm going to craft one for myself first we need to paint the minifigure gold oh that's pretty satisfying to watch in slow-mo so the original one has these black lines on top of gold paint we can just use a Sharpie to draw them all starting with the face add the fancy suit and there you go I just showed you how to build $5,000 worth of Lego for 10 bucks so let's start the auction in the comment section below now I'm improving a Lego base plate itself which is the foundation of any build there's not much you can do to a plain 2D object like this but if you take a glue gun and six base plates then glue them together you can end up with this mindbending base Cube dang it looks illegal then what you can do with it is build six different biomes on each side of your base Cube and now you have the whole Minecraft planet in your hands and now Minecraft Steve can explore the whole planet going through different biomes and discovering new adventures okay I really need to see just how strong this cube is so uh never mind and by the way your base plates might end up being permanently damaged by the glue gun so do it at your own risk another way you can improve Lego itself is by creating a 1x5 brick cuz for whatever reason they don't exist and there's various ways to achieve this like stacking three 1x5 pallets or gluing a 2x1 and a 3x1 together or cutting a 1x6 brick but I went all in and 3D printed my very own unique brick and now I have a complete set the next set I'll be up up grading is a Lego Polaroid that can actually take pictures not going to lie this set is already beautiful and apart from the Polaroid replica you get a cartridge with three photos that you're supposed to put inside the camera then turn this knob look through the working viewfinder and finally press a button to reveal these three unique Lego pieces wow it's like the strangest Lego piece I've ever held in my hands and the funny thing is if you don't close this compartment properly and press a button the photo camera turns into a weapon but to upgrade this set what if we put an actual working camera inside it it turns out that it's not that hard to do since this set has a lot of space inside of it and now we can test if it's actually going to work by looking at this screen yes it works guys and the side upgrade is that this Polaroid can now record videos [Music] too okay for this next set we're going to upgrade I've spent $50 on one of the weirdest Lego sets ever released and if you haven't guessed yet here it is this is a Lego Orchid from the Botanical collection and yes it makes a perfect gift for a first aid but honestly I'm not sure what else you can do with it you can sniff it but it smells like plastic and you can also rip it out from the Lego soil Take It Outside and plant it like a real flower it actually looks nicer when it's in the ground but then I found a web page offering instructions for rebuilding this set into the demogorgon from stranger things for $23 so let's see if it's worth the money wow I'm actually surprised that it turned out so great now I have my very own Demag gor kid this mini fig looks so silly compared to this Beast of a thing I'd say the instructions were worth every penny cuz the upgrade looks so sick you can even move the limbs around and make it do the splits although it clearly cannot stand on its own like at all imagine if they saw this in the upside down okay that's enough Lego has a lot of topics but none of them are relatable to an ordinary guy like me superheroes fighting the world's evil I can't even maintain a clean room so first I'll upgrade Lego Itself by designing a whole new topic with the working title the man cave of a regular everyday normal dude I'll start by building the walls and adding stairs then adding a cupboard and a couch and TV and we're almost done but we just need to fill the room with random stuff like a guitar posters of our favorite rock bands and a bunch of food leftovers so the concept of this set is building a basement room of a teenager who just moved out from living with his parents but on top of that I also designed my first Mr bricks figure gave him my classy smile and a customade 3D printed hat yes sir and now he can Trash Talk people on fortnite what are you waving at and take five naps per day on the couch and I even added a play feature to this set when you open the cabinet tons of trash comes out and now you need to walk right over it but to make it a real set I designed a box with instructions and that's it the first ever Mr brick set is ready to hit the local Target shelf the next thing we're going to be upgrading is this Nissan Skyline GTR R34 from the speed Champion series and I bought two of them okay so this car is a replica of the car from the movie Too Fast Too Furious this movie is all about pimped out rides so I decided to give this car three stages of upgrades to make the car even better than it was before for the first stage let's upgrade the car's body so I went and designed my own stickers then spend $10 to get them printed then I peeled off the old ones cleaned the car's body put the new stickers on and upgraded some parts now it looks way cooler and stands out even more I legit feel like the host of Pimp My Ride nice okay okay so for the second stage I decided to upgrade the car with a light kit like every car in the movie has it's made for this car but man installing it was tough took an hour but finally got it done now let's turn the lights on and now we have this there you have it the literal definition of Gucci Versus Walmart and just like in all Fast and Furious movies it boils down to the final race so for stage number three I went all in used an illegal building technique and just straight up put a real rocket on the roof of the car and then I took them outside where I had a drag race set up to test which was the better car and first to the Finish Line wins so let's see what happens when I light the Rocket 3 2 1 woo the upgraded car is literally going so fast and the stock one's just awkwardly standing there next I'll be upgrading this cheap military knockoff set which has a tiny car with a rocket launcher and a plane into a huge military base but to make it more interesting I set a challenge for myself to protect this green Lego Lamborghini so I bought this toy gun and in exactly 1 minute I'll shoot 1,000 jelly bullets into this car and just let me demonstrate to you how powerful this gun is okay the base is looking pretty much destroyed so I need to upgrade it in order to protect the car start the time okay let's start by placing the car in the middle of this base plate and the first thing I want to build here is the defense tower with a radar on top to spot enemies from far away then we can build a fence around the whole BAS base to stop any random burglar and pay this guard so he won't let anybody in and as you can see the base now is way more secure after that we can add sandbags a barb wire fence and chains all around the car for Extra Protection Plus rockets and weapon crates but what is a military base without a military so to build a full Army of military mini fig I went online and spent hard-earned money populating the base with knockoff mini figs and giving them all sorts of weapons and now we have all the troops you can imagine from Samurai to over technologized Special Forces with night vision goggles and detachable backpacks and I even got this strange piece that goes on top of the minifigure and makes him practically invisible damn guys I lost them again where are my mini figs and finally I had a dogs cuz why not okay so far so good but we don't have much time left I will just get a tank with a Turret that spins in all directions and has working Treads plus a massive helicopter that can drop soldiers to the ground and I plan to build a huge wall in front of the base but I only have like 3 seconds so it's going to be pretty ugly and done boom the reinforced military base is ready the only question left is will it withstand the bullets but I have a surprise I brought two guns okay 3 2 1 dang look at this mess it'll take ages to clean up but at least the car is totally fine so we can count it as a success and if you're wondering about the dog he's fine I want to thank you all for watching this video till the end send this video to a best friend please subscribe tell your mom that you love her take care bye-bye
Channel: Mr. Bricks
Views: 8,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego sets, mr. bricks, lego experiments, upgrading lego, lego ideas
Id: 1SZlKZ7GV0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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