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so in today's video melon became my dad and he's a terrible parent I was just a cute little baby trying to use the bathroom peacefully and then all of a sudden the toilet exploded and the house flooded everywhere with poop water to help clean up this mess please like the video in the next two seconds one two let's go also if this video makes you laugh or smile please subscribe to our Channel we upload every day hey Sonny good morning hey what's up melon I'm Just Dance and enjoying myself no joy there shall be no joy what the heck dad relax I just want to play with my toys okay go do some work or something don't you have to pay the bills isn't it tax season you're right it is April 27th and it's a Monday I gotta go to work son whatever you do just don't leave this room I'm just learning instruments I'm gonna be a savant all right relax let me just play this piano a little bit like oh a taser I'll keep this in case Sony acts up yo guys look at this tiny little baby doll it looks just like me so cute let me just grab him and uh eat them I just ate that thing it turned green yo that was weird what are you up to Sonny I'm riding a horse and it's out of control melon Dad please please help this thing is out of control Sonny why are you green what did you eat oh now I gotta go grab meds and make sure you're okay you need to stop eating your toys yeah I ate my twin brother and now I'm break dancing off my skull this was awesome or speed the stupid kid I swear he's gonna die if he was left alone he would die of course what the heck the horse controls me what did you do I don't control dead hell you killed me wait are you actually dead what did you do Sonny all right I'm getting off the horse it's too powerful where are you is this how you eat them no no no no give me those pills right now and you're gonna eat this whether you like it or not Sonny could I eat these these look kind of tasty they've got like this nice colorful Green Smoke oh my God be good and I'll give you a lollipop okay I'm gonna be really good this looks yummy no sonny what are you doing there's diarrhea everywhere Sunny what are you doing I was trying to eat my poopy Sonny you're gonna come with me can I go in the pool please I really want to try swimming okay but no peeing in the pool Sunny that's the one rule but what if I have to pee really bad then go to the bathroom I'm gonna die what is going on can't breathe properly what do you mean you can't breathe I don't know there's this thing that's got a warning symbol and it's got three seconds left what does that mean I think I'm fine I think I'm okay I think it's because I ate the diaper I'm gonna swim in the pool I might even pee in the pool no don't pee in the pool use the bathroom if you're gonna go pee did you know fun fact that the reason swimming pools smell the way they do it's not the chlorine it's the chlorine mixing with people peeing in the pool how do you know that Sonny what are you doing okay just come up for here now Sonny I'm just trying to make this pool smell like the public one no sonny get out of there get out of there put me down wow ow that's right I skewered you on the fence post you'll leave me alone Sonny go to the bathroom don't pee in the pool I'm trying to go to the bathroom Okay melon I'm in the bathroom let me know if you need any help yeah give me a little privacy okay I need a little bit of privacy wanna flood the toilet guys how do I flood the toilet ooh this Big Apple that'll do the trick yeah get right in there hey Sunny are you almost done in there it's been a while yeah just about just gotta flush the toilet yeah what's going on it's working what did you do what did you do Sunday I took a big old poop and then floated the toilet the whole house is flooded everything's done good morning baby melon where'd you go nowhere are you in the toy box again oh you're not in there he doesn't notice me in this corner I may as well take advantage of this moment to Boogie Down check out these moves I got that hello with it oh my God he's so creepy wait melon I saw you over here get over here get out of here I'm gonna be safe you are safe as long as you have me I don't know about that Dad I don't know guys I can see him in the reflection of the mirror he's so creepy melon let me in the bench I'm coming for you stay away stay away ah I shrunk I'm so tiny this is so scary melon I am now in the backyard somehow I don't know how that happened I went through the vents I teleported out of the map and now I gotta come find you Dad is crawling and shaking his butt where'd you go I'm not telling you Sonny it's a game of hide and seek now I don't want to play hide and seek I was gonna put on your favorite cartoon today and let you enjoy it but now you've ruined it you got two minutes to find me Sonny yeah then what then I'll die the counter begins all right we check where this all began upstairs guys he's literally holding a TV how is he holding a TV melon I can smell you this is so scary melon I could smell you oh wait it's just the diapers here bro you better be in this Toy Box come here you there we go how you find me so fast I'll put you down hey yo I dropped you why'd you flip me I'm flailing everywhere I'm flailing too keep this momentum going keep this momentum going yes I'm in the vents you can't get me Sonny I'm in the vents and I'm all right that's okay I'm gonna go do some repairs in the shed and while you do that I'm gonna jump in the microwave wait what why I'm I mean I'm not gonna do that why would I do such a thing oh I'm underneath the house melon there's some really cool toys down here you've gotta come check this out I got you a new little baby trampoline oh really yeah I did two of them actually that sounds really cool Sonny I'm totally not going in the oven right now why I wanted you to trampoline wait no why am I trampolining get me off of this thing oh no this is not good and close son think about it you have the whole world ahead of you you have so much to live for your future is bright this is really hot in here no no no no I got you no he's gonna die yes I was gonna put you in the pool and cool you off okay you're a terrible father Shawnee all right Sonny this one's for all the marbles I'm gonna win it it's not about winning or losing I have a competition for you there's a big Challenge and there's a lot at stake yeah what's that the future of the universe that's what's at stake what does that even mean Sunny oh yo what did you just feed me oh that was an accident I accidentally fed you my vacuum dude I just puked everywhere dude stop why are you hurting me I'm innocent baby I don't know I'm just hurting you bruh hi follow me on the outside I wanted to show you something cool okay okay if you misbehave Sonny I'll make you eat this I don't want to eat the rock what I want us to do is have a race okay you get the lawnmower what is this good luck eating that with a pacifier in what's going on here why is my guy freaking out what is happening I don't know I'm summoning something though come on it should be a wild animal oh my God it's working oh it's a bear it's okay bear I'll defend you sonny don't you worry tase it dad you got this I will shoot you die oh it didn't work it didn't work good luck Dad I'm out of here lawnmower lawnmower oh no no ah ah go bear go kill my father I shall take you down there oh that's a big old bear that's a big he can't even hit me bro bro it's trash I'm zooming bro I'm zooming what's going on ow he can hit me [Music] oh yes you're too young don't do it these cards can't do nothing to me look oh you're so he's too good oh no the bear is mad the bear is mad wait why is he after me hey little guy you're so cute fuzzy are you doing Sunny no take the pacifier ow the bear hit me out of my car this isn't good no no come here come here I'll save you please I'll save you thank you Dad just in time I was getting thirsty I need some hydration Daddy's drinks what are you doing no what are you doing Daddy's drinks oh how much did you drink how much did you drink you chugged the whole thing ah where are you no vomiting everywhere oh you're actually still alive you're good dude this was disgusting nah you're chilling dude you're chilling you want to go on a drive and Daddy's whip I would love to you gotta open the garage if we're going on a ride dude no we don't need to open the garage I'm pretty sure we do what are you doing Sonny nothing no why is there a candle bird burn it all to the ground no what are you doing no stop this I will cook let me cook come here come here it's too late I must cook oh why why Into the Fire and Flames demon baby demon baby I'm a monster yes watched you just vacuumed fire off of me yes you're safe Sonny you're actually safe am I wait no how do you keep getting back there uh melon Mel there's a bear ah there's a car no well that happened I tried my best you just weren't cut out to be a father
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 1,513,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pefF1V3laTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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