Rainbow Friends HIDE AND SEEK

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uh yes it's time for rainbow friends hide and seek and today I cheated by using a secret spot will I successfully hide from melon and win this game or will he find me before his timer runs out stick around until the end of this video to find out also comment what rainbow Friends game mode we should play next video Let's Go melon it's time for rainbow friends hide and seek and we even have a big fan in the lobby let me just tell them you are goated yo question one two three is cool dang I thought he was cool but he's just cool yeah he's cool kid but he's not a cool kid cause he's golden you know what else is goated melon my hiding want to try and track me down and sniff me out but you ain't gonna find me oh I will find you sonny I've got the perfect more you think so guys you'll never expect me to be here in the toilets oh wait I can't close the door dang it I thought I could close the door okay that's not where I'm hiding that would be a really really lame spot we really love our fans if you guys are ever in the game comment hi okay I'm looking for a good hiding spot and me thinks I found the ultimate place I'm literally glitching out of the whole world here I'm inside of these rocks okay uh I can't even get out now I'm kind of stuck so looks like this is my new Hiding Place melon I'm ready all right Sonny now that you're ready I'm ready with my morph guys I'm so creepy I'm literally just a black hole yo and I can smoke I'm like a smoke bomb yeah melon that's really not gonna help you find me by the way that would be good if you were hiding nope it will help me smoke you out sunny I know everything first question uh which teleport option did you show select are you dumb I asked you I'm saying are you stupid how am I stupid bro there's three teleport options chapter two law s where you start chapter two end I guess you could ask that but we didn't say you we literally said you have to go to chapter two I ran away from you and said I'm teleporting to chapter two all right well then that wasn't my first question my first question is sunny well what the heck dude I'm so weird I can do such weird things Sonny are you at a place of high or low elevation I would say I'm at a place of lower elevation maybe normal but definitely not high okay thank you for that input thank you I very much appreciate that not a problem my good sir now you wouldn't happen to be a morph of some kind would you nope I did not morph I'm just little old Sunny little old Sunny can't hide for long from melon yeah but now I got a looky head in my hands and I'm doing the floss dance oh yeah I look good the heck where did this dude hide all right Sonny last question are you closer to the ferris wheel or are you closer to Orange's cave I have no clue dude you know you have to know I don't know I promise you I don't know you can get another question are you closer to Ferris wheel or bro I'm telling you I don't know what I'm closer to how do you not know what you're closer to it'll make sense if you find me I have no clue Sunny last question are you in the map yes then how do you not know because I can't see anything anymore bruh you should still know your general location you don't understand the hardship I'm going through I'll tell you what I'm stuck I'm stuck between a rock you're stuck in a rock with the it doesn't even make sense I told you the best possible hit you're ever gonna get that's it I'm out no more hints no more tips and tricks you're done bro but you gotta tell me which one you're closer to I'm closer to the river I guess there's ah thank you sonny now you're not cheating so much I literally told you where I'm hiding at this point the sewer you're an idiot I'm out the river oh there he is he's activated his fifth melon seed and now he has so much brain power dude I don't see you at the river I've checked everywhere at the river I don't know how to help you any more than I already did dude that makes no sense you make no sense I'm at the river I checked the river he's not even there when did I say I was at the river I said there's a tiny piece of water next to me and rocks I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place use your brain I'm literally stuck in a rock yeah I've looked for rocks I don't see any rocks all right Sonny well you know what you have one minute left You're Gonna Lose I'm so confused he's uh oh I know where you're hiding do you now Mr melon you have 45 seconds left but I don't see you down there what the heck I'm going down how'd you even get down there you're running low on time you got 20 seconds bro I can't even wait what the heck does I fell out of the world what I'm dead well games the game looks like you have a bit of a skill issue there bro where were you hiding well you still have five seconds left what do you give up well I mean I have no idea where you're at okay that's time can I get out of here nope I'm looking pretty dang stuck here I'll show you where I'm hiding though let me just uh quickly hit the map teleport chapter two is this you are you Red no I'm melon dude I'm melon right now oh I'm at spawn where you at I'm right here Sonny oh hey how you doing yeah I was trying to get down there sonny I literally couldn't get down there no I never said I was down there that's a frozen River I didn't tell you it was frozen what are you talking about so I was over here and then I think I went over here a little bit more oh it was here yeah and then I was like oh no I'm stuck Yep this is the spot so when I asked you if you were closer to the ferris wheel or the other side to the map you couldn't answer that question you think I remembered how I got here and where it was bro it's stuck was right there melon I told you way better hint for dude there's so many rocks on the map that is not a good hint at all well too bad you lost I'm going back to the lobby to pick my morph you have two minutes to hide all right guys I'm just gonna hide right where Sonny was hiding you'll never suspect the thing now which morph do I want to become maybe blue or green for the classics cyan or yellow for the modern morphs or perhaps the ultimate purple hands I like this a lot actually wait what where are my hands what the heck this is cursed I wanted the hands to shoot up and out okay I don't like this one very much yeah I'm doing a new morph oh wait I could be the bus driver yes I am the mysterious old man and it's time for me to seek out the melon and turn him into a smoothie I'm gonna take you slice them in half put him in a blender turn that thing to maximum speed and watch him get pulverized Sonny you're not muted what are you talking about you know exactly what I'm talking about I don't you just heard me then I said I'm taking you putting you in a blender and making you into a smoothie but like how is that gonna work if I have a big thick rhyme yeah it's gonna get smashed look let me ask Weston here should I put melon in a blender for Smoothie let's see what they have to say they're deciding your destiny right now two people already said yes but what will it be Weston yes they said yes let's go now melon where are you hiding hey melon question one no are you closer to the ferris wheel or uh Orange's cave I'm closer to the ferris wheel Sonny because I've actually unlocked an ability to know where I am just because there's an object in between me and other things oh I'm so proud of you all right second question what object are you closest to I would say grass grass and rocks yeah I'd say that my third and final question you're acting a little bit smelling are you perhaps doing something dubious and hiding in the river area you already used all your questions wait I did yeah because you said can I ask my first question and I said yes that was your first question so now you have ran out of questions dang it why are you so smart I was just born this way with five melon seeds most melons are born with three but I had two extra dang it you said grass and rocks wait a second I'm a bit suspicious of you melon I don't remember you taking much time to hide yes you are in here you reuse my hiding spot what are you talking about I'm looking right at you bro I'm this old man because there was another player staring at you too that kind of blew your cover what are you talking about wait what you were just here a second ago I don't know what you're talking about you must be seeing things you just reset your character bro that doesn't count I found you you lost I don't know what you're talking about Sonny you can't just reset and pretend you were never found I guess we'll call this round a draw now it's my turn to see what we're not calling it a draw guys comment down below who you think won this hide and seek round Sonny or Melon we'll call it a draw all right Sonny you got two minutes to hide that's loads of time I've just gotta get the teleport options out and guys I'm gonna mute up quick muted and I'm gonna teleport to chapter two just after I step on this yes he'll have no clue I am now purple in the snow and all I gotta do now is go into purple's Lair the ultimate hiding spot oh this is good this is perfect I'm literally invisible I'm actually gone on and if I walk around in here it just makes purple's creepy sound effect this is perfect melon I'm ready dude they said they want to make me into a melon shake what have you done Sonny why I knew it I knew the fans were on my side melon I'll find you sonny why'd you turn the fans against me it's not that they're against you it's that they love you so much that they want to turn you into a delicious drink that's it sunny just because of that I'm becoming a lucky and I'm gonna look you for you and find you and kill you good luck with that bro you're gonna need a lot of lucky luck all right guys I need help finding shiny let me know if you see that ugly mug somewhere time to teleport to chapter two Sunny first question are you close to the ferris wheel or the cave uh hold on let me take a look cause I actually don't know give me a second I don't understand how do you not know like you you I just don't get how you don't understand that like concept it's so bizarre to me bro I don't have the map memory surprise like that what'd you say oranges cave yeah I'm closer to Orange's cave and second question you're not disguised as anything are you and if you are you must tell me I am disguised as what yeah but you're out of questions I'm not falling for this one Sunny you're this giant blue lucky aren't you no I'm not but I am disguised as purple but not the purple that you can see I'm the little blob who hides what heck Sonny don't tell me you're being purple as the Bob of purple in purple's thing of purpleness in the cave of purple I mean it's possible I guess Sunny found you I'm right on top I don't see you right now I'm literally spinning on you as a loogie I don't see you though it's weird I'm right on you right now what are you talking about I don't know what you're talking about I only see this red looking bro I bought this blue looking right on top of you I don't see a blue looking I'm out of here I found you sonny I found you yes because I couldn't turn off my stupid smoke ability I didn't even see your smoke ability Sonny what how'd you see me then I angled my camera so I could see the whole world oh my goodness and I found you again that's actually really smart of you I know looky what I found here a stupid black blob and you also found the win I'm actually proud of you bro it's about time you got a w shut up dude not only did I find the win but I also found that subscribe button right here press it right now oh you're right it is in the bush I see it it's right there click it quick
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 281,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FxugWfiSk_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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