Sunny Is 100% OVERPOWERED In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft I become so overpowered that I can do anything wow Sonny that's great and all but I bet you can't force the viewers to like And subscribe if 1 000 viewers subscribe at the same time I'll turn melon into a pumpkin three two one help this is too cursed oh guys I have the worst stomachache I woke up this morning and my stomach really hurts I feel so much better I just took the biggest poop ever wait a second I'm so fast melon melon wake up you gotta see this I'm moving quick what's going on Sonny look at me I'm so fast Sonny I'm quick to check me out dude it's not because you pooped it's probably all the steak we ate last night all the proteins get into our legs you're right totally but kind of smells something in our bedroom melon oh you pooped in your sleep that's disgusting I don't know what you're talking about that wasn't me that must have been you uh I don't know I don't know I don't know what's going on what do you think caused this why are we so fast I don't know Sonny maybe it was Dr longbottoms oh no I think you're right he cursed us in our sleep and made us do something really embarrassing like poop ourselves except I woke up with a bad stomachache and jokes on him now I've got super powers let's go piggy I'm sorry piggy I didn't mean it hey melon I'm having this weird tingle right now in the back of my head it's like pulling me it's making me feel the power do you feel the power flowing through you too dude I feel something too but it's in my stomach I gotta go to the bathroom melon cursed you're gonna take the biggest poop ever you're gross man oh that's the sink that's disgusting okay goats while Mel is destroying our bathroom investigate this I feel like it's over here approximately 2 000 blocks past the mushroom biome I've got ta closer balls for me the power my precious yes I knew it I found it what is it though look at these blocks they're so beautiful I gotta go closer what's inside of this structure it's so crazy whoa I gotta go closer it's calling for me what is it the power it's gonna flow through me yes what's in this chest give it to me oh I really hope Sony brings me back something nice whoa Infinity helmet breastplate leggings yo the boots give me Sonic what is this sword of the cosmos infinite attack damage oh my gosh Longbow of the heavens yes I need this world breaker this is the best stuff ever I don't even know what it does I got a Time Clock endest pearls what is an endless Pearl I think I have the power destroy Minecraft yes yes Dr longbottoms made a terrible mistake he gave me way too much power oh time to flush and maybe I should block off this bathroom too because I just committed a massacre now I've just gotta find melon and show him my true strength what I can fly okay it's over thank you hey melon melon yo what's up sonny what are you wearing how are you flying what is going on I told you I could feel the power source I found it and I have merged with it [Applause] Sunny don't go in there let me just block this off so no one can go in contaminating our house bro you didn't even get rid of all the poop Sunny okay on the real what are you wearing bro and where did you get it from and how do I get some well the chest only had enough for the true seeker of the power which was me because I went on a Grand Adventure thousands of blocks past the mushroom biome and acquired Infinity armor the sword of the cosmos oh ow what was that the sword of the cosmos and the Longbow of the heavens bro what is that thing what is going on Sonny here look up look up look up it's the heavens wow Jill Jill Sonny relax I didn't do anything I need to do it thanks you're right you're right sorry about that Sonny you have to use your power for good okay I have Nature's ruin it's the ultimate hoe check this out wait how does this thing work oh it's an ax hold on let me show up this tree whoa whole tree gone melon you need me to do some deforestation for you no it's okay I kind of like the forest okay and here goes one one two one three also I got this planet eater shovel I don't have any clue what it does let me try oh it's just oh oh what is that what what am I holding matter cluster yo well I just got a lot of products here you can have some dirt yeah hold on I'm just collecting and destroying the world yep just doing a little bit of Planet eating Sonny I I encourage you to stop that here you can have that you can have that oh that was nothing wait until I turn it into its Hammer formation and activate yo yo Sunny okay okay I get it you're strong bro but you're gonna hurt the Sheep Think About You Killed the Sheep yeah who cares about the Sheep I'm worth so much more than them look at this goodbye iron Sonny we were all created equally Sonny I'm getting out of here I don't want to be in this pit I don't have a pickaxe yes you do yes you do we're gonna find Diamonds oh I could fly so I'll be fine actually oh man come all the way down here look what the world eater found for us fine Diamond even better look at the resources that I have right here melon do you see it ah wait what is that why are they rainbow rainbow diamonds here let me help you access them oh rainbow diamond Sonny how do I how do I how do I get one of these you need a pickaxe hold on I'll get you one because I'm all powerful a diamond pickaxe is nothing to me yo diamond pickaxe give me that give me them diamonds dude this is gonna take forever oh are you not strong enough do you need a little help oh yeah I could do some help here you go here you go oh thank you so much Infinity ore whoa I have Infinity War I wonder what this makes melon look there's more right here you should come and get it and then I'm going gonna freeze time oh melon you thought it was that simple let's just remove these blocks and unfreeze uh Sunny what's going on why am I stuck on this block hey Mel play catch catch what what's going on Sunny this heat bro you thought I would waste an endless Pearl on you nah bruh oh you're lucky there's no blocks above your head let me fix that uh relax honey relax hold on hold on just giving you a little bit more sunlight body I'm scared what are you doing oh thank you though you you mentioned water so I can swim up you're so kind oh that was not my plan at all to tell you the truth and oh you're so kind to put the water here now I can see your arrows and Dodge them thank you sonny you're such a good guy power has not gone to you at all dude dude how are you living through all of this come on ow yes the bow of the heavens didn't fail me after all Sonny you're actually so powerful bro let's test the limits of your armor I know I am also melon there's one thing I could do that you'll really appreciate look at all the Farmland you could make the biggest melon patch ever it's beautiful but Sunny we seriously gotta get to testing your armor right now first test I want to drop an anvil on you uh okay melon thinks an anvil can hurt me nothing can't stop the infinity Sonny I'm way too strong all right Sonny are you ready oh you just want me to stand here like this yep drop in the Anvil right now you're gonna die Bud ow that hurts so much I took a total of zero damage that did no damage what yeah I'm pretty strong I know all right Sonny well just wait a second no I slept hmm body will be remembered don't worry and dead okay sonny the second test I want to run involves lava so could you please stand right here oh it would be a pleasure hold on let me make this a little easier for you I just need to dig one block and yeah go for it dunk me and boom and oh that's so comfortable bro it's nice and toasty in here wait stay there stay there Sunny there's one more thing I need to test I can't believe the lava didn't work yeah it actually didn't even do one damage okay Sony just stay right there stay right there yeah I'm letting it cook I'm letting it cook and now die oh uh uh awkward one melon very nice why didn't that work It's gotta be stationary lava if you want it to become obsidian hold on hold on drop some sand on my head all right all right prepare to die what you're still not taking any damage I'm dying so much ow oh dang it can you even drown with that armor are you drowning let's see my oxygen levels are not depleting they're still full dang it sunny for the last test jump in the void that's sure to kill you oh really funny really funny why don't you jump in the void huh no I don't want to jump in the void we're testing your armor in oh you want to see the limits of my power do you unless you're too coward yeah say that again say it to my face unless you're too coward yeah I'm not a coward I got this this is gonna be easy and after I survive the void I'm throwing you into it no I don't want to go in the void and bye yeah melon nothing is hurting the light is getting smaller and smaller I can't even see you wait a second can he even hear me ugh well I think he died guys hello hello what's my y level minus two thousand I gotta call Melon on the phone this is ridiculous uh hello melon can you hear me wait Sonny how are you calling me right now you should be dead I'm in the void and I'm not taking any damage I'm falling deeper and deeper mine [Music] mine bro what that armor is ridiculous okay hey how's it going melon ah now why don't you try jumping in the void huh huh Mr tough guy or are you a coward huh uh you're right I am a coward bro I don't want to die I don't have the armor hair I'll spice up the deal if you can survive I'll give you my sword I could do it I could do it oh no oh no no yeah you didn't even get to minus 100. well Sonny your armor is op and so are all of your tools I know I'm kind of the goat and the power feels so good ow stop doing that Sonny wait do you hear that quandal's calling us we have to go to quando hey quandale don't worry about that coward weakling melon you only need my help I'm here guys I'm here I just made it too slow melon quando already told me about the problem in the village nearby all right let's go deal with it sunny follow me oh wait it's more of a giant Metropolis not a village oh that's fine we'll still save the city Sunny you're too slow bro catch up yeah I'm too slow let's see spot the melon there he is sunny I'm still ahead no how are you that fast now I'll save the city without even needing your help and I'm here to save the day where are these mutants I'll destroy them oh you think you could hurt these villagers and die oh my gosh he survived how did he survive oh wait no he's he's very dead he's just doing his explosion death die I gotta take out the bow of the heavens and melt them melt them let's go wait a second why don't I just freeze time oh yeah this will be a lot easier and then uh smack these guys smack these guys yep yep yep and kill everything oh sorry villagers so sorry you got caught the crossfire kill die all Enderman oh mobs must go where are they where are they I'll get them all yes oh sorry villagers am I though am I actually you're getting in my way I've gotta save the city and time to witness my rat They're All Dead oh I think I glitched these Skelly boys they don't even know how to die right now this is getting weird but I'll help him let me send him to death you know what here there you go oh wild creeper Goodbye Oh mutant zombie time to get black hole die yes I feel the power flowing through me no one will survive in this city after this attack goes off time to unfreeze and watch it all burn yeah yes yes what is going on what is Sonny doing I just got here he's destroying the entire city and now it's yours there's nothing left that could hurt you oh hey melon Sonny what are you doing you destroyed the city I mean it seems safe now there's no more mutant mobs anywhere yeah there's also no villagers anywhere oh I guess they got caught in the crossfire what can I say casualty of War right melon what is wrong with you sonny that Armor's getting to your head you need to take it off right now uh hold that thought melon take this armor off what are you crazy why would I do that why would I do that I'm so powerful nothing could stop me nothing no one not even you melon no one will ever tell me or Dr longbottoms what to do again no one wait why am I talking about Dr longbon this kind of suss anyways yes me and Dr longbottoms will control Minecraft goodbye melon what what just happened no he killed me with the time clock he has time Powers too guys something's wrong with Sonny he's turning evil I've got to talk to quandale quando come on Dale ever since Sony's put on that armor he's been evil you know the village you sent us to protect well he kills all the mutant mobs but he also kills all the villagers the armor he had the the one he got from the temple I'm pretty sure you had something to do with it no how do we stop him how do we save sunny there's no way to save sunny but you'll give me creative powers to stop him all right I'll do what I have to do yes I'm in creative mode now I've got to find a way to stop Sunny guys before I try anything I'm gonna TP to Sunny and try to talk some sense into him yes Dr long bottoms I will do your bidding Emperor long bottoms Lord long bottoms god king long bottoms why are you praising long bottoms Sonny I know you're still in there bro listen to me you gotta take that armor off this is more than armor this is who I am now I have the power of infinity and now I can serve my god king Emperor long bottoms doctor of all of Minecraft guys there's no saving Sunny I've got no choice kill Big Man sunny enter wait what it didn't work he's still alive what am I gonna do oh One does not simply kill Sunny no you cannot I'm too powerful guys wait no what's happening I lost my ability to fly my creative mode Powers they're coming to an end hold on what can I do what could I possibly do wait there's one command I haven't tried yet slash clear Big Man sunny this should clear his inventory yes ow what just happened Big Man sunny was shot by Big Man sunny guys I did it I took off suddy's armor he should be back to normal oh melon my stomach really hurts bro what happened and why did I shoot myself with a bow Sonny you put on some powerful armor and you became evil you were doing Dr Longbottom's bidding but I took it off of you I saved you sonny wait that sounds awful why would I ever want to work as a henchman oh oh wait where's our bathroom I got a poo that is disgusting Sonny your poop was even bigger than mine oh so much better you know what else makes you feel better pressing that like And subscribe button click it right now
Channel: Sunny
Views: 890,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s-8CKMbjrW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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