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today sunny and I play who's your daddy and I've gotta figure out how to flood this house stick around to find out ah beautiful day I wonder what baby Sony's doing she's going here and wakey wakey Baby sunny how's it going I said wake up oh good morning Dad I'm so thirsty do you have any milk please nope I can give you a hug here you go big old hug I don't wanna me down ow okay Dad if you don't have any milk uh can you change my diaper I think I pooped it while I was sleeping I'm not changing your diaper but I can give you a pair if you want you want a pair yeah a pair of fresh diapers like look at this bro this is Stanky over here this is what my dad does he leaves the diaper bin like this melon you can't be doing this dude you can't be putting me in the diaper bin like this yo yo get out of there bro get out of the diaper Vin right now I'm feeding you eat that pear ow you just force-fed me a fruit what's your problem and come out here Sonny we're not hanging out in your room I want you to be in stop doing that dad you see how'd you fall down the stairs like that Sonny I need you on your best behavior today okay I got a lot of chores to do and I gotta go cut the lawn right now so promise me you don't do anything weird bad or sus I won't do anything weird or bad all right I'm gonna go and cut the lawn now guys I didn't say anything about being so us I could be as fast as I want let's go okay let's explore the house I Don't Wanna Die just yet because I know that's the whole point of the game but I do want to explore this house and see if I can find anything a little bit shush let's see what's around here somewhere I'm going to explore the kitchen a bit open up any nice food in here yo can I get inside of the trash can I'm going in I'm playing hide and seek in here there's no way melon's gonna find me wait I can move around I'm literally R2D2 I'm a Droid bruh when melon gets here I'm gonna pretend like this is Doctor Who exterminate exterminate now I just wait for him hey I'm making beautiful lines on this yard it's actually gorgeous make the outline I'll show you guys how to really cuddle on guys I'm tired of waiting I'm gonna go outside and see if he notices me as a trash can let's open this door up really quick we gotta jump out what's going on ow yeah I just flipped the trash can mistakes happened and let's get back in this lawn is looking beautiful let me tell you guys let me tell you another good line I want to see it I have transformed into a rolling Droid I did not want to do this oh it's fine it's fine yes we could go on the lawn let's go surprise melon and I'm this is looking gorgeous I want wonder if he'll run me over cutting my property beautifully there's a line here I'm missing hold on let me let me just get this nine real quick and it's looking gorgeous yo baby Sunny what are you doing out here yes yes right here a little closer dad chill you can't be near this right now bro I'm picking you up it's not allowed to happen we gotta keep you nice and yo what are you doing I'm going inside okay it's too hot and I don't want to get a sunburn so get here right now I didn't want to have to do this to you but I can't trust you bro I can't trust you what do you mean trust you just electrocuted me you're the problem here I don't know what you're talking about leave me alone okay I leave me alone get down ow what is your problem I gotta make sure you survive I gotta make sure you survive and I'm a good dad let's go that is not good parenting practice guys you don't run your kids over when they're in a trash can Wait I ran you over yes yo goats check me out I'm a giant baby for this one I'm the dad now look at me I'm so handsome oh my gosh melon has no idea what's about to happen let's open this door coming through coming through and where is this baby sleeping hey melon where are you sleeping at uh nowhere why you act so sus good morning wait you're not in here nope I dipped bro I got out real fast I see you no chill you gotta get out I gotta get out of here let me in uh wait how do I have this event oh I just ate event I'm sorry good morning melon yeah the heck you look so weird bro please let me out Break Free Break Free oh no how do I do this no I'll put you down get out of my hands I don't want hey yo what I'm out of here you gotta Escape Daddy please I just need to lose you I'm not just your dad I'm clearly your friend I'm a giant baby let's play together please I have a candle for you I know you want this you don't even know where I am don't tell me you're in this bathtub no okay guys I gotta sneak and be very careful I've got to somehow flood what just happened oh this is not where I want it to be but it's okay uh what's going on here guys why am I seeing underneath the world this is really weird okay then and why am I crawling what happened to me it's my chance to sneak to the bathroom no Daddy you're so weird where were you trying to go little melon I wasn't trying to go anywhere he's not doing anything sauce let me out of here wait let me in these vents I'm a baby too whoa events no way you got on the vents I'm smaller than you what is this you don't see me I have no idea where you are Sonny what the heck did you do how are you this tidy I'm the smallest list I don't even know what's happening get me out of here please Sonny what did you do I don't want to talk about it Melody could you help I'm just gonna uh ignore you and pretend like you don't exist no that's not gonna help dude I'm trapped in the vents I am the sussiest of all time get me out of here what did you do bro don't no I have no idea melon did you like drink the Jamba Juice or something there was Jamba Juice in here I don't know I'm just asking did you drink like a shrink ray product or something I'm pretty sure I just walked up to the vent crawling and I said please let me in and then suddenly I was inside of the vent super tiny can I just like pull myself out now maybe I can grab the door grab the door where are you sonny I'm getting absolutely mangled in the vents at the moment bro I am so lost uh but this gives me a perfect opportunity to flood the house Honey Melon whatever you do please don't flood the house that would be very naughty I might just have to Sonny you really don't you really don't all I know is being the baby dad is really weird how do you even get in this bathtub I'm so cursed look at me I just gotta move this stool over here slow and steady you better not be in here I see what you're up to plug the drain and crank that water wait yeah good idea unplug the train no you're big again why are you big you will not flood this close I don't open the Dre open the drain oh that was close close the drain turn the water off melon we don't need this now come with me for a moment okay I'll come with you you can bring me anywhere you want ow why am I blue what are you doing you're foiling my master plan no get over here baby why can't I pick you up anyway here we go then I throw the baby dang it no I'll break out I'll break out of here gotta shut this down I gotta shut down this operation because I really desperately need to do groceries there's nothing you can do why are we both red how hot is this water you're possessing us smelling Sony I'm stuck in here now get in my arms I am a good father I will keep you safe just let me pick you up uh oh soap looks tasty hug there we go dang it now come with me I'm Gonna Leave You here with the laundry for a little bit okay stay safe this is a placing okay you go in the sink and you play in the sink okay I'll do it just trust me I'll sail in the stink I'll be a good boy thank you I have some chores to attend to while you play in the sink I'm gonna pick up all this trash the innocent can be a good boy wait why is the only thing I could do is eat the trash that is not helpful but I'll do it I do this for you my son I won't let you eat the trash melon I eat the trash I'm like a truffle pig I have an addiction I need more trash I'm eating the bin I'm eating the bin you are weird Sonny melon what are you doing I'm not doing anything you're supposed to be playing in the sink no I am I'm playing in the sink like I was supposed to be sunny you were trying to electrocute yourself I saw what was happening no I wasn't trying to electrocute myself I promise I wasn't dude can you just give me some privacy why do I have no control over my limbs I'm a grown adult let me be my own person no you're not your own person you're clearly an infant and you need a babysitter and I'm all you've got unfortunately for you get over here now come with me I'm gonna why are you dropping me just let me do something and I'll come with you after how about that okay I will observe what are you doing you have five seconds that's all the privilege you get five four three two one zero please please okay fine you can take me it's okay wait why are you flooding this wait what is this gonna do what is it gonna do where's the water going yo what what yes I'm doing it I can save you I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of this house quick how did the sink fill up the house that fast yes I've opened the door you're safe how did you save me and how did the sink fill up the house technically I'm so lost I don't know it kind of looks like aliens are abducting everything in here bro bro I give you permission you can play with your sports car okay I'll play with the sports car that's not where the sports car is it's over here please cooperate yes I will cooperate very much so I'm a good boy why are you going in the pool very good boy don't you worry Don't poo in the pool deal I promise I won't poo in the pool but I might swim into the storm drain what the heck is it the storm drain I don't know you just wanted to see what's up here get over here pick him up pick up the baby game pick up the baby you're gonna die you're gonna die I'm not I am gonna die I gotta revive myself what is this how are you not drowning and how do I pick you up I'm out of here you are a very very bad baby dang it also Sonny you look quite sick I know I know but I have something important to ask of you you see that rocket ship on the roof yeah I really want you to become an astronaut fly how am I supposed to even get up there I don't know figured out you're an adult aren't you all right well let me down I'm trying but it won't I I what the heck uh let's get let down when I want to get let down why am I eating soap I didn't want to eat soap this is just not normal behavior from an adult what is wrong with me wait I need meds I need medication I need medication can I get in here Sonny I'm confused I don't know what's going on either but I found my medication so I'm fine I'm gonna turn the sink off so like I can go in the house again I can't eat these meds apparently that's fine dude there is no water in here we're just swimming on air or am I about to die oh I'm drowning in here yeah I'm about to die I think I have a very bad feeling about this I will save this household single-handedly no I I am I saved it I drained the water that thing fills up the house real quick dude they have a lot of water pressure in this neighborhood that's why people like the properties here it's Prime real estate baby melon please come outside I just purchased you a new toy and I really want to see how cute you look on it I can't wait to see it I can't wait to see it it's a water slide let's go give me this pair let me eat this pear water slide water slide I don't even want to die anymore Sonny I just want to enjoy my water slide let's go it's gonna be so fun come over here to ride it how do I ride it the entrance is over here and don't worry about what it's called this must be a typo it's supposed to say slip and slide not slip and die don't worry about it yeah water slide I can't wait to be alive what the you got this my car bro bro I only took one percent damage no there's another one there's another yo I'm actually Bing chatting I ain't even dying wait melon I order you to go on the rooftop ow I don't know you're smart you should figure it out you're an intelligent baby all right check this out I got I know how to do it off the car yeah let me do this let me do this too boom Oh I almost made it up I almost made it up Helen that's not not a good idea you're gonna die oh I was so close I have 99 health I'm chilling get over here what are you doing there's gotta be a ladder around here somewhere oh that is not a ladder I don't know if there's a ladder Sonny wait why is the house flooding again it's just a glitch don't worry you go up there why can I never put you down what is the deal okay I put myself down why can't I dare we go get into my toy car let me in my car my child get on the flying couch yo I forgot about this thing let me on let me on Journey this is couch Airlines please take a seat come on don't forget to buckle up and remember to always put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others let's go oh yo what the heck okay jump off yes I made it up to the roof uh Sunny this is really glitchy I don't think we're supposed to be up here I know I know but can you use the rocket ship uh I don't even think I can oh that's disappointing this is weird Sonny this is real weird wait I can I can firework grab move so if I grab it what happens now oh I think I have to light it up oh we got candles inside here let me bring you one yo like me oh here you go child I'm the best dad ever the most fun dad you're definitely a fun dad do I have to come up there or can you come down with it oh I just threw the candle at the camera bruh you gotta use the candle to come up there okay oh that was a mess that was a big Miss okay let me pick the candle up stop throwing the candles pick it up man I'm gonna get on a flying chair I'll figure this out now you listen here melon as your father my responsibility to make sure you grow up big and strong so I've gotta make a quick stop at the grocery store to grab milk don't leave me please don't leave me dead don't no I can go I can come on the couch too right I could come on the couch too no son this is a job for a dad and a dad only remember me no he left my dad left to get milk
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 515,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CNiiKHrQ7oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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