Minecraft BUT We Only Get ONE BLOCK!

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this is Minecraft but we're stuck on one block this one block gives us infinite resources but it's not always that helpful so we decided to beat Minecraft using this mod and while we beat Minecraft you should totally beat up that subscribe button let's get coded no melon we're trapped on one block what are we gonna do Sonny I have an idea I'm gonna make no dude no melon I'm on my final recovery kit don't hit me off we gotta work together if we're gonna survive and beat Minecraft just gotta break this block yo my turn my turn okay get that dirt bruh get that dirt bruh hey we got three dirt now we got that wood yo nice so the way this works is we have to break this one block over and over and over like 1000 million times until we get enough blocks to build an epic Skyblock Island start trees and farms and uh uh defeat the Ender Dragon later it's gonna be crazy yo I got apples yo let's go then I punch this chest slowly and we need a little more dirt so we could plant this sapling more safely this is good perfect give us the dirt you're really getting every block aren't you I haven't gotten a single block yet uh crafting table oh my God chill melon melon don't push our piggy we need to keep him alive the world depends on his bacon does it really yes yes it does and he's not a truffle pig he's a melon Pig okay so you need to keep him alive wait he eats melons no no he doesn't he protects melons oh okay we gotta keep him alive then we gotta keep him alive yeah he eats Carrots he's on a strict carrot diet bro only eats carrots and he protects the melons good I always hated those guys and then put this here this is scary bro keep the piggy alive we got to make a pig pen Sonny I know I'm getting some dirt here oh a chest more saplings that's good that's good but we don't have enough space for this yet really yeah I'm doing it doing it what are you doing I don't know I just wanted to get really loud okay we need more space though before you can make that pen give me that dirt make that make that dirt bigger I'm making that dare dirt bigger don't you worry there melon boy I'm about to fans don't spend full blocks that's a noob move take your logs and turn them into slabs I got 24 blocks now dude do you use slabs yeah I used my brain I know that's hard for you you don't have a lot of brain power I no melon melon melon uh frankly you really deserve that how could you uh you don't make fun of my melon that's going too far I didn't even make fun of your melon I just made fun of you and called you dumb your melon looks good it looks juicy oh yeah it looks juicy huh yeah you're but you're but you're stupid bro you stupid don't make me do it again Sonny don't make me do it again I don't want you to do it again just make the pig pen I gave you enough space now right that's all you're giving him that's all you get that's dude man now I just gotta figure out how to make the gate Uh Oh wrong block how does one make a gate in this game again sticks and planks yo we just had a block of gravel it instantly broke wait really yeah the gravel's free ooh water bucket yo we can build down now put it like that while you're doing that I will keep expanding our Island more blocks where is the gate Sonny I feel like a noob right now I don't know how to make this well you oh benevolent gifts give me these items this is good this is good I'll put a torch here and I'm gonna have a lot of wood melon so I'll help you out I'm gonna go like this with the sticks oh I figured it out I figured it out yeah it wasn't that hard was it no I did it I did it I did it boom let's go but you need a back bro you can't shove him off the edge no no melon Melon No I made another gate whatever it's fine I got to save the pig before you do something stupid that we'll regret just trying to put him in here he's safe get in there let's go nice that's epic what is this benevolent gift what'd you get I got the goods dude did you get any chests by the way I feel like you've been picking all this up upgrade in eight seconds let's go let's freaking go no can make it into water I clutched it bro no way that's actually good because now you're gonna be slower and I'm collecting all the upgrades we've reached phase one the planes enough flowers and trees grow here to last a lifetime let's go melon please don't I uh forgive me please die okay that would never do that bro I don't take revenge on people you sure yeah okay then I could totally trust you look like trust me trust me walk to the edge it's a trust test okay it's a trust us I'll even go all the way here melon I trust you I'll even look no no no no no I missed I don't know why you would trust me dude let's go it's fine it's fine bro everyone knows the sun's gonna live for another 20 trillion billion years so I'm fine yeah exactly that's what I did it that's what I did it I'm putting our Goods in this chest so we don't lose them to your craziness and then we need more spots for sapling so I'm gonna build out a little bit oh that's good you got that ax yo let's go I can farm this wood real quick that's good we'll expand the island with all those slabs let me get this block here yo double team yo yo yo yo I almost broke that Sunny whatever you do don't touch the melon we'll figure it out we can we can work this out without breaking these blocks I'm not sure how we're gonna make any progress if we don't punch that um we'll do something else then we'll just end the video okay this never happened yeah I agree with you I think it's time to end this video guys so uh melon why don't you do the thing where we ask for likes and subscribers and all that okay make sure you guys like And subscribe and click that no let's go give me this melon give me these melons yes and now I turn these slices into seeds for the farm for the Harvest Sonny what did you do I made a melon patch oh my God you murdered my brother melon it's okay you're gonna have a whole family here soon I guess his sacrifice was worth it life really is beautiful but you know you guys guys could still like And subscribe right now that's not a bad idea yeah yeah and leave a comment down below oh don't be smacking me Sonny I'll find it in my heart to forgive you because although you sacrificed one of my kind their seeds are growing into beautiful melons so it's all right yeah dude with enough Sunshine a melon can grow up to be big and strong now let's keep breaking this block I don't have an ax going away with my fist wait what happened to your ax I lost it I don't know how but I lost it I don't know how you managed to do whoa another pig yo yo put them in here and then let's make Pig babies yeah yeah we need to expand this let me make this a little bigger let me get some more wood yo melon how much wood you got how much fluid I got I got 38 Hood okay that's a good amount of wood oh I don't want those I messed up I made too many sticks can I get some of that wood you want some Hood yes just drop some of the planks already oh my God you're gonna really do it like this in slow motion and the wrong way dude you're just picking them back up all right that's enough thank you and it's like that like this and like that and that should be enough I don't want to waste all of our supplies build it around break this little bit in the middle yo how'd you already get him in there I I pushed him in oh well for no reason but I think they deserve a little more space anyways nah but sure but not but okay it's it's it happened so it's all right bro let's just get back to work here get this one block harvested let's put in this work dude let's go yo pumpkins we are oh my lordy load that's a big Betsy what are we gonna do with her in the farm go in go in there yep there you go we'll split them up later yep they're all going in one spot for now efficiency yo yo melon think about how many more melons you can grow I can't look just do it I can't look okay no what is wrong with you and that's mine another three melon seeds bro we need some more space to grow this Farm I'll go like here I think and then I gotta till the lands and plant them seeds right there they are gonna grow up to be big and strong so we gotta expand this island sunny it's a little tiny right now you're right you're right I'm storing the pumpkin and the pumpkin seeds because nobody wants that it's all melons on our Island time to craft up some more planks you mean slabs slabs yeah that's what I meant we have a lot of dirt let's keep going with it then I think I'm gonna expand on the wood side yeah that's a good idea eventually two we'll take most of this dirt and we'll use it exclusively for farmland or like tiny little sapling spots we don't really need to build a whole island out with dirt once we have enough schlabs get abs I don't know why the word slab is so funny to me slab a dab like a crab schlab slab shlub oh we got a sheep melon come do the thing where you shove it in there all right all right just gotta push it in there open up the gate no no stop running I'm trying to help I'm trying to help go in with the other animals all right ah get pushed get pushed no and well you're distracted let me just take care of this no no stop doing that it's not my fault the map Creator wants melons to be farmed up come on go in sheep go in oh he didn't see that one there's more of them no no you picked those up they weren't supposed to see oh I don't even want to look at it I don't want to look at it no stop giving them back to me you can never Escape them span this way two chickens wait dose of them yeah it's a two-for-one special get in there go and please nice dude you're a professional Yep this is what I do in my spare time you shove farm animals into a box yeah it's uh just the thing I do it's just my thing all right no judgment I got you everybody's got their thing I like to play video games you like to cram farm animals into small cages chicken get in get in there chicken yeah and while he's not looking let me just have a bite or two of these oh yeah oh you know this would be a lot easier if we just had a piece of wheat uh well we don't have a piece of wheat so in the meanwhile I'm shoving them in all right while you're doing that I'll keep breaking this log a little bit he keeps going on these blocks go in come on melon you've angered the chicken no it's okay it's okay he's he's big chilling don't worry oh my God I almost pushed him off melon I think he's gonna run off the edge the next time he moves put a block in front of him quick so smart Sonny I saved him wait we have another Pig we don't really need it though do we uh no we don't die melon I put this chicken you can't give up on him all right whatever this chicken's roaming free it's grass-fed all right it's a free-range chicken you know that's better I think people will approve of this message ooh leather all right we could start making books and armor not bad oh just expanding the island yo Sonny we're entering the next stage let's go give us that upgrade raid What's it gonna be yo we've reached phase two the undergrounds many a monster roam through the dark Hollows bruh we're gonna have some dark and evil and spooky mobs spawning soon so be ready all right dude uh we gotta prepare let's make some pickaxes and while you're doing that I got you something special here melon look at what I'm holding what are you holding seeds I think you can bait these chickens into the pen now hello little buddy that sounds like a job for you sonny my baiting Days Are Over wait they're just in love with you though they won't follow me what the heck is going going on dude they're just loving you what I have the seeds I'm the one with the power what is this I don't know why they keep looking at me whatever just make some babies yes the first ever baby chicken melon I didn't kill him he's still alive all right you clubbed him in the face with a stone pickaxe that was not cool uh uh I think it was pretty cool no not not cool bro you know what is cool though your first watermelon baby oh my God I'm so glad he's okay look at this boy right here I'm sorry we had to sacrifice your dad get destroyed what is wrong with you melons are food not friends yo yo yo you're a dead man you're dead man I want to see the comments spammed with melons or food not friends food not friends food not friends stay on that side of the island Sonny I'm building my own house yeah you want to keep all the melons yeah you don't get to come on the dirt anymore that's fine I got all the animals bro I'm gonna eat good You Gotta Eat watermelons the rest of your life no no I'm just gonna steal your animals and kill them what bro stay off my half get out of here I don't want to see you on my side again yo chill I'm building my house yeah you know what's funny melon you left me the one block this is perfect what do you mean it's right here on my side no that's dirt that's on dirt side bruh that's on dirt side you get wood you get the wood bruh fine I'm standing on wood I can still mine it melon melon I see what you're doing ah you made me you can't just put dirt and claim it's your side I just did fine this is the industrial side there's an iron blog there's mine now no that's actually still natural yo you're on my side permission to kill permission to kill permission to kill no there's no there's no no make it no I missed oh it sucks to suck melon The Great Divide is done and I even respected your wander melons okay wait but the one Block's on your side do I have permission to like cross the Great Divide and go to the one block what's more important to you the one block or your melons oh fine you stay out of my territory though I will respect you if you respect me now I'm Gonna Make a Better house than you and rub it in your face yeah I see what you're doing there I see what you're doing you know what that's cool oh I'm not even mad at you that's totally legit thanks for farming it for me appreciate it no you're such a scumbag all right bro I'm going to make my house too yeah me too me too me too and I'm just gonna need to farm a lot of these supplies for my build this looks like a pretty good house yo melon I got a mushroom cow wait what dude that's not fair you know what sunny it's okay I have a really cool house so I don't even mind your house is already finished I didn't even start I'm done bro wait what do you mean you're done miles is finished yo why don't you go inside of your house hold on hold on hold on I gotta make my house uh even better all right well I'll let you work on that I'll be over here dude I'm actually a genius no keto there we go I have a crafting table as a roof and now I'm gonna have a furnace as my other roof bro what are you doing uh I'm being goaded is that like a arts and crafts project like where the little kids get spaghetti and pastas to make their build dude my house is just way more effective than yours I bet huh I don't even have a house yet I'm still working on it what's in this chest no what was in it what was in it death no Jill Jill Jill Jill Jill okay that's what I thought get out of here okay guys my house is almost done this is a beautiful Stone House equipped with glass windows and in a sunroof oh wait I almost forgot let me just put in my door so melon can't go inside beautiful oh it's wonderful melon what are you up to bruh bro check out my house I I added some upgrades you want to see it okay let me see let me see let me see look at that dude look at that wow yeah it's really spacious dude yeah it is it's nice right yeah I forgot to add a back wall though uh I was gonna say you're going for that open floor concept oh I'm too quick with it what you gonna do what you gonna do bro what you gonna do melon melon how are you not falling melon melon stop how are you alive what the heck oh you want to see my house yeah bro what oh wait let me close the door whoops there we go how do you have a scanner door to keep you out that doesn't even make sense you can't even get that normally well uh I just broke the one block so well that and how how do you have this much wood yeah the one block was giving me a lot of stuff it was quite generous dude that's a cap what the heck bro you're literally capping you like the sunroof uh uh yeah it's real nice how did you get glass by the way it just came with the house I don't know I just kind of moved into the neighborhood and there was already a nice sunroof and everything and a bed nice nice yeah yellow bed of course though dude anyway okay I might have just cheesed it a little bit oh my God Sonny you're such a cheater get over here dude dude my health is low stop I'll eat Melons I'm gonna I'm eating melons too bad 29 of them no don't eat them don't eat them I reset your hunger oh wait yeah I have full health though thanks for that but I will throw them off the edge no I'll save it too late stop touching my melons all right yo we're on phase three melon we weren't paying attention you were beating me up for too long look at this we've got snow let's go chop it up die die die I missed them I miss my shots okay I don't know if snowballs work like that on this one let me see I'm gonna hit you with that egg bruh whoops yeah it's not working I wanted to bop you with these can't even hit me bro I can hit this Mooshroom off the edge it's gone look at that boy fall why would you do that we only have a certain amount of mooshrooms uh uh now we only have one and it's in my house I have it safe and secure he belongs to me oh dude his name is MooMoo leave muumu alone you're ruining this gameplay Sonny no dude I'm enhancing The Experience I'm increasing the challenge level I am the best Minecrafter of all time when are we gonna get something interesting oh that's pretty interesting Sonny grabbed the bones we gotta tame this doggy yes I'm bringing him I got those bones let's feed him wait do you want him or should I get him whose side is he on I think he's on my side Sunny so oh you're right I see him I didn't know where he went I was confused yeah give me the moans get tamed please yes let's go I have my very own doggy and now I can't punch you anymore he's gonna attack me no you should punch me no no no no I should not I'm gonna go back to minding this block and get my own wolf oh no that's not a wolf get him kill him kill it yes what'd you get a variety chest with snowballs and coal that's it it's kind of trash though as Trish dude melon we got another block give me let's get it let's get it prismarine let's go that's gonna look so good on my house I can't wait to upgrade it your house melon go get all those ironing Etc yo wait wait Sonny I don't see them in here there's there's just coal oh I must have put them in my chest my bad bro bro what dude how do you have this much iron yo let me get some of that right there too thank you yo I'm I'm gearing up dude I'm gearing up yeah let's get full iron armor just to be safe we probably should have made that a while ago we were kind of too busy trolling the one block and then let's get ourselves some fresh sticks get that ax that pickaxe yeah that's a lot better there we go yeah I'm gonna need to upgrade my tools a little bit too give me a little bit of upgrade you feel me yeah I feel you bruh oh we got some coral reefs I'm chopping these blocks up wait I need a fresh shovel let me just get that yo you gave me that wood toss that off yo chill I have no chill no you scumbag [Laughter] I was too tempting you took forever to craft bro I had to do it yo a sea turtle save him chop the tree chop the tree oh my God thank God the turtles are okay melon melon stop dude they're endangered you told me not to kill them with TNT anymore so now I'm telling you to leave them alone let them live out their days in peace okay fine I'll let the turtles live I'll let them live good as we destroy their coral reef and diamond you got a diamond yeah dude this biome is epic there's gold and diamonds and prismarine let's go okay I gotta farm this a lot and then I'm gonna do some of the most crazy house upgrades here I got the shovel you got the pickaxe so if it's dirt he's dead save the squid I'll try I don't know how we need water uh save him hurry up he's dying he's gonna die give me a second I'm picking up water he's on is he alive no he died oh oh uh better look next time squid I'm gonna make a little safe spot in case we get another squid okay yeah you sure yeah I want to save them I'm gonna put him over here all right all right all right like that it's a little Wildlife Reserve back here and then we put a little more water a little more planks and then they can float and swim over here yo I got a coral horn coral nice I actually need an infinite water source let me make that real quick dude we don't even have an infinite water source yet I was slacking okay we were too busy hitting the one block wait why this glitch dude you gotta get on your stuff melon you saw how much iron I farmed don't talk to me this cow this cow almost committed murder yo yo oh my God please what is it what is it he's gonna try it he's gotta tried it give me the Trident drop it oh it didn't drop a trident that would have been cool though it's just teasing us the trident's literally sticking out of the floor I know but unfortunately we can't pick it up that's so annoying man whatever I'm gonna make some more water here for the squids yeah there we go they will survive then when it spawns in melon hold up let me do it like this melon yo the salmon save the fishes get them in water get them in water okay then they need to swim Away From the Block good remove the water don't be stupid you have water over here why are you both going back to land yo put the water back I could just pick them up oh yeah yeah they're good yeah that was smart that's smart that was really not that complicated and now I'll put them in this little spot here they're in our water source yeah I'm getting tons of sand we can actually make glass now oh wait you have a whole house oh wait you have a whole house of glass yeah like I said it kind of just blessed me the one block it gave me these crazy loot chests with glass and yo save this fish save this fish save it oh I need water I need water I'm coming as quickly as I can live I got him oh that was so close poor Jimmy almost met his maker more fish I got extra buckets this time so that won't happen again I got a lot of coral we can make a cool aquarium yeah you know what else we could do eat some melons yo yo bro it's having a light snack not all I want to do that Sonny it's not cool all right stop okay it won't happen again bro I need to get my own water yo that's a big boy that's a Kill Em yes I mean he was gonna try and hurt us bro we had to harvest him I didn't Harvest him I just sacrificed him all right whatever that's like the second best thing we could have done Sonny I'm gonna go upgrade my house and it's gonna be way cooler than yours that's what you think bro I'm gonna chop up a little tiny bit more of this one block because I just get this feeling it's gonna give me something really nice and then I'm gonna make the most epic house ever we'll see about that first things first I'm adding a wall to my house don't do it don't do it we can be fret I've gotta kill this guardian or just walk him off the edge yeah do it buddy do it it just went off by himself all right I'm upgrading my house I think I gotta add some rooms to my house so I'm gonna break down the door right here Build Me Up that oh this is crazy guys I just feel like the one block it's so powerful it's about to oh yes oh my God it's everything ever wanted a chest brain coral first Marine shards and creative mode whoa yeah your boy gonna cheat just a little bit I gotta make my house look extra crazy to troll melon so you know all that iron we got I totally got all of it legit yo what is he doing look at him making his tiny little Shack what a little Noob I'd say that's a nice first upgrade a couple of more floors to go you guys know what comes after iron it's the gold okay guys I made a little expansion to my base check out this other room it's an aquarium and all this aquarium is missing is some fish so I've gotta get onto the other side and hopefully Sonny doesn't realize I'm taking his fish let's go let's go let's go give me that salmon give me that salmon I'm out of here I'm out of here let's go no no oh wait it's alive it's good it's hopefully doesn't fall into the void I'm gonna steal another one of his fish come on come on come on come on let's go and my house is gonna completed and then we extend our ladders up and I don't want to look too cheeky so after gold I'll just do some prismarine oh yeah that's nice that's nice right there yeah that is looking good yeah who am I kidding I gotta do the diamonds and I think some glowstone up top to finish it off just need to put the ladder in to get up here and it's perfect now I just need a little bit of sophistication somewhat some Decor Something Beautiful on each floor so let's uh let's put some sophisticated artwork of Karate Kid and Pinocchio up here we'll go down one level what do we got on this wall oh yes it's lit bro we got the cat oh two of them and Pinocchio everybody knows Pinocchio gonna make an appearance and down here yeah we got Donkey Kong and yeah and Pinocchio you guessed it and we got that one right there and then down here what are we gonna get yeah look at that fine one and Pinocchio yeah this one is on every floor this is uh this is one of the most sought after art pieces in the world and I happen to have four of them and guys there's just one more thing I need to do I need some high-tech security systems so we're gonna get some sentries we're gonna get some cameras cause nobody is touching my base bummy and then to spy on melon guys what the heck is sunny building that is not legit he's flying around what the heck is going on even has security cameras wait guys Mel is looking at my base I could see him through the security cameras he must be freaking out yeah what yo Sonny what did you do what did you do what do you mean bro I just did a little bit of improvements to my house there's no way you did this legit what do you mean of course it's legit I built it with my bare hands how did you get this you got diamond blocks you got freaking diamond blocks there's security cameras no melon it's just a diamond room not to be confused with dude chill out okay just admire the artwork appreciate it bro what the heck bro you just broke my 10 billion dollar Pinocchio Pinocchio yeah bro I got one on every floor check them out you do have a Pinocchio on every floor oh my God you're such a dirty cheat you want to see my epic though yeah let's see it let's see it bro show me wait first first I gotta grab something no no leave my fish out of this bring Carl back give car Turtle back no Carl's going in my aquarium check out the extension to my crib he's leaving the aquarium wait where my face where'd the salmon go let me fix this let me fix this yo what are you doing what are you doing I need to protect Carl I have to go down one go here swim back up no let me out no and Carl's safe now no no why you're evil Sonny it's still leaking it's still leaking no I just protected Carl wait where'd Carl go I survived I actually survived melon melon what are you doing Carl just swam out of the house wait Carl did I don't know where he is where's Carl I don't think there's any more water I don't think there's any more Carl oh you're stupid Century Carl's gone no Carl's down there I see him where in the water I don't see him he's right there where he's a little pixel he's right here I'll save Carl wait that's not Carl what is that that's your stupid thing shooting bullets at me yo that was a Sentry turret bullet melon think about this think about what I control all the power on this one block don't make me hurt you I know what you're trying to do it's not gonna work melon I'm playing defense okay you play defense I'm gonna go around here and then be like yo what up I'm gonna go over here and then be like this ah you're century and then be like this wait what is this break this block I'm gonna die yes oxygen oxygen what was that how we're literally gonna drown yourself dude I know I have two hearts dude chill let's just go back to work hey dude I just committed murder yeah you killed me you're right ow a puffer Fisher spot a two with two two yo Sonny we got diamonds let's go give me the diamonds yo dude I'm so happy I got my first diamond I wonder how you got all those diamonds honey you must have been grinding for a really long time bro we're in the nether stage now that means soon we're gonna go to the Nether and then after we're in the nether we're gonna be able to go and kill the Ender Dragon yo I can't wait bro first we gotta defeat some blazes get some hey you're wolf dude dude they just take you out yes and I got kicked for flying oh my God bro the goat right there yeah actually where'd he go where am I where'd my dog go wherever he is I'm gonna put him down I think he killed himself trying to kill you you're right he probably chased me no not dougie dougie chased me into the void and died yes no he was a loyal doggy back to Nether farming yo melon look out not good not good kill them kill them bro oh that was actually pretty easy yeah those boys were weak let's get some more of them yeah you keep getting some more of them all right Sonny melon I got something pretty strong what'd you get Sonny what'd you get ancient debris let's go that's really good I'm really happy for you sonny I'm really happy for you yeah I can't mine it though I kind of need a diamond pickaxe hmm you need a diamond pickaxe okay okay uh unfortunately we don't have any of those uh what are you doing what why are you acting so sus I'm not acting sexy your acting sauce you literally came in my house and go oh no I wish I had some diamonds that would be really cool I'm just saying I wish one of us could uh maybe like dude mind that ancient debris let me out did you harvest my arts and crafts room up top I may have used one of your like 80 diamonds and made myself some armor okay I'm sorry I'm sorry bruh it was cosmetic only who's the cheat now I'm taking this ancient debris dog yo more ancient debris yo no no no way no way you just died to a little Jerry slime he pushed me off and I'm not dead I clutched up don't worry yeah all right swim back up swim back up hey I'm on the melon patches good stuff yo zombie villagers spawn egg and a Wither Rose I'm gonna save that for later dude crying obsidian where's the normal obsidian nice dude pick that up we almost have enough obsidian to go to the nether Sonny you're an idiot bro we don't go to the nether the nether comes to us oh you're right actually the one block is another my bad bro my bad yo watch out ow they're bringing the nether to us kill him hit him and attack hit him all right he's gone nice yo yo uh melon what did you do what did you do Sunny what is going on kill them no they're burning everything down I'll get the fire after I'll get the fires after yo put it out put it out we'll lose everything okay we're good we're good we're actually you chilling we're actually chilling yeah that wasn't even too bad you get any Blazer odds dude uh I got two of those let's go back to mine and chill now bruh I want to do some mining get that place dude yo another Blaze spawn come on it's gonna burn everything wait I got him I got him I got it handled I'll put it out the fire putting out the fire good man good man good man yo this Turtle chill Turtle chill you're good go in the water next time oh my God what is happening what is that I don't know oh my God he killed everything you summoned a mutant blaze you summoned a mutant it's throwing me it's like a tornado oh my god get the water no I missed Sonny this place no in the water in the water I clutched up I clutched up I'm alive I'm out to fire I'm gonna let you handle this boss fight bro it's too much oh my God my house no not my house no yes put him in the water put him in the water he deserves it yo he has a bunch of little blazes I'm trying to put water all over him look at this little dude die where's the big one I don't know I think he's below the map I'm I'm putting him in the water I drowned him where's the Big Boy wait where'd the big boy go I think he died to all the water wait we didn't even get his blaze rods whatever we survived that's way more important no my house it's burning dude your house is made of diamonds it won't burn down you're good dude look at it it's literally in Ruins where did this Blaze go he went below the map and then just disappeared I'm telling you melon I got my revenge he blew my house up and I drowned him in water buckets I'm kind of scared to break the next one block what if it spawns another one no that's impossible okay I'm a little bit scared here we go oh my God what is that it's a mutant wither skeleton stop breaking the one block it's too dangerous yo what is going on get him in the void you got him you got him in the void I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead it's okay he's dead yes look at him go oh he's he's gone dude he's he's gone that was actually Loki goaded you pushed him into the void that was nice yeah that was nice just like you melon chill I'm not an end boss relax now melon I'm pretty nervous about what's happening every time we break this one block bad things are happening to our Island all of our farm animals are dead my house is still on fire and we're not even at the Ender Dragon yet I think we have to defeat one more boss before the Ender Dragon Sonny you think it's gonna unlock the end I think so I don't know this isn't normal that's all I know oh Sonny I think this is the final one oh we're good nice oh sweet let's go we got eggs and Vines and wheat seeds I gotta try have some junk off here though can I break this thing dude yo what's that why was it so delayed delay I'm gonna keep breaking the one block just in case there's something good come on yeah you run you coward you run I don't think he's running bro I think he's trying to destroy my house why do they hate my art so much this is trash how how much health does this thing have put him in the void just push him into the void just die wait I killed him let's go yo Sonny we unlocked the end it worked bro ancient Powers rise of the Dark Void collides with your world bro we've been faced with so many crazy mutant mobs already I don't think the Ender Dragon stands a chance against the goats yeah we go kill him for real No Cap bro no cap No Cap No Cap Nokia yo sunny I got something pretty cool what is it dude it's look at this thing dude look at it it's sick I'm gonna destroy it no no no no sonny we need to make us some bows before we go to the end all right so let's gear up oh yeah that's actually a good idea melon you're not wrong I remember putting some string in here before let's go wait why are you crafting bows you know I have an arrow chest in my gold room right bro what do you mean yeah dude everybody knows gold rooms have Arrow chests what are you talking about Sonny what do you mean just come up here dude what are you a noob or something everyone knows when you have a luxurious gold treasure room it's gonna have an arrow chest dude what are these bows are you kidding me power three a little bit of instant harming arrows yeah this is pretty decent bro you had this the whole time well dude chill you're gonna kill me like two hits really nope melon melon think about it I'm thinking really hard right now and I've decided pretty crazy you think that's cool do you yes I do Sunny yeah this is gonna be way cooler let's go kill that Dragon yo Sonny we're in the end we gotta beat the dragon let's go hold on let me get some blocks from inventory just in case oh no I should have brought a water bucket that was a big Noob mistake oh my God I have an empty bucket I'm so stupid as well it's okay as long as we destroy these crystals quickly the dragon won't stand a chance just watch out for the mutant Enderman there's literally mutant Enderman here don't look at them bro what the heck just break the crystals one down yeah one down you're doing great you're doing great Sonny thank you I'm the goat two down I got this one don't worry I got it I got it dude you gotta stand under it you're a scrub no I got it don't worry I got it you're right I got it sunny and I'll take this one out oh perfect shot meaty shot right there come on head of the crystal man come on bro you need some help get this last crystal out of here I might have to build up for it or you will because I don't even have building blocks right now that's gotta hit it this one right here wait make the shot this one yeah let's go I did it who's the goat I'm the goat no shoot this dragon is it all gone we no there's one more healer I can't reach it from here Sunny your trash I'll build up a little bit then one two three four five ah oh no sonny I anchor the muted the mute is after me no I'm dead melon come back bro oh you made it sunny I think the mutant's mad at me again kill the dragon dude don't let him perch no it's perched yo oh my God just shoot the dragon there's Enderman on me what do you want me to do about it melon what am I supposed to do about this oh my God all right I'll take the dragon out someone's got to do it you gotta do it yourself this so Betty Enderman on me no gotta heal gotta heal I'll handle the dragon you handle the mutant Enderman teamwork I got this guy this guy don't stand a chance ow oh the dragon doesn't stand a chance either let's go wait what something's on me I think it's a mutant I'm gonna die I'll I'll get the dragon don't worry why is he after me I didn't even look at him get in the perch I'm gonna whack this ball with my ax let's go please please please please what is this I got killed by some clones you're terrible dude how could you die to that yo I'm about to take down this Ender Dragon solo man come on ah did you bring water this time uh I did not bring water couple more shots come on bro just two more hits I think let's go melon one more I got this last hit this is my hit it's mine it's mine let's go how is he alive I got it that was all me no I'm the goat um I'm dead yo melon my final score was 69. I can't even make that up let's go sonny I'm so happy for you look at all this beautiful XP Sunny oh my God we did it we beat one Block Skyblock with all those crazy mutants and everything and now I want to get out of here Freedom let's go melon we did it we're the goats let's go make sure you guys like And subscribe and click the next video on screen please quick before melon shoots me melon oh juked oh not juked dead
Channel: Sunny
Views: 2,913,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jBRGLPyHnqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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