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this is Roblox quicksand the movie we're going to check out the evolution of the quicksand games over the last 2 years starting out with the newest version and then going all the way back to the original I'm definitely not obsessed with jumping in jell sand and are you new to our videos subscribe now to get goed welcome back to the Sands melon let me give you that special treatment no let me give what did you do Sunny [Music] no how did this happened we just started all right sunny I don't think we should grab each other now we're heading off into outer space can you put me down I can't you dropped me sunny you died and I'm still flying away from the earth well melon unlucky bro I'm back here in the quicksand and I'm going to test Out ooh they got some slime here it's like Nickelodeon slime time well I'm going to reset my caraker and I'm going to get slimy bro I look like a Minecraft slime now come grab grab me I need help just kidding uh hny dude you're so dirty bro hold on let me help you yeah pick me up pick me up I don't have the ability to grab anymore what the heck happened same uh I think we glitched our game too hard hold on I'll be right back and while melon rejoins I'm going to eat some Jello ooh this is actually so scrubtious I wish I had a swimming pool made of jello M uh Sunny what are you doing bro you're not supposed to go in the quicksand you're supposed to grab other people and put them in the quicksand yeah but this isn't just any quicksand this is jello and it tastes so good okay it tastes good but you don't got to swim in it dude have some hygiene Sugar Rush pick me up M get me out of here dude I'm having a hard time picking people up I'm not going to C yeah I'm trying to grab you right now but won't let me grab you well I'll get myself out of here then and I'm free bro I kind of look like Grimace dude dude you actually do look like grimma hold on let me get that off of you yo what is this jungle sand no let me out of here I don't want to turn into poop all right sorry hold on I'll put you in a different one like what melon like what like this lava no that's going to hurt ow bro that burns it burns ow ow ow I need to cool off I need to cool off bro you should probably get in like water or something that's what I'm doing I am burning up oh I've been purified yep I'm going to go check out what more is dude this looks like a very glitched texture yeah that looks gross bro but you know what you guys should do more of pressing that like button press it now press it now please it really helps our Channel yeah and now we're going to explore every single type of quick sand Sunny we've done everything up to Lava so far let's check out this one yeah let's check out this one honey aren't you trying to get a little more sweet uh no son you can a dude it's so gross it's so gross and sticky all right my bad my bad here let me pick you up again let me pick you up I got you no I'm going in the wet concrete I'm running away from you you know what have fun in the concrete bro you're literally going to die you're going to look like hand solo once he got frozen nah bro I actually look pretty cool check it out that's not a bad look for a wander melon I think it's pretty pretty awesome wo dense quicksand I bet you can just walk on it uh nope you can't walk on it sunny are you okay or are you stuck you're fine you just kind of s in really really slowly jump in the cracked mud I Dare You The Cracked mud all right I'm jumping in bro I'm fine I'm actually chilling I'm so confused what happened to me I have no idea sunny but it's it's really uh you don't sink that much bro it it dropped me straight into the void oh no Sunny bog not the bog whatever you do don't go in the Bog I'm not doing it I'm not doing it it's too much I'm going to the oo though I used to play with oo as a kid lots of fun brother lots of fun I'm going to cover cover my melon top in it and then come back out I'll be right back Sunny okay I don't recommend that and I'm oh I'm dead I'm actually dead melon let me save you where are you nope I can't save you I'm gone Sunny I'm dead yo there's a bunch of new stuff at the end come with me on a journey let's see what these are ice cream orange juice bro this one is cheese but it looks radioactive yo jungle mud is uh very uh very sinky melon this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen it wants us to subscribe for 450 wait I'm so confused it's to Roblox sunny but then am I paying for just this game or is this for everything I'm confused no it's for everything sunny it's Roblox premium oh you know what I'm going to ignore that and I'm going to go to the VIP Zone give me the VIPs it didn't work how do we buy VIP I'm going to head over to the game passes and acquire one of these ah there we go good call VIP yes for 99 Robux that's a steal and purchase let's go now melon hold it right there brother I need to put you inside of this bloxy Cola oh no no you need to go inside the bloxy colola actually Sunny oh I think I know where you need to go this is going to supercharge me I'm literally the sun bro drop me in atomic waste here I come uh Sunny you're looking really green you might want to get out of there I'm radioactive I am radioactive bro I don't like that I'm going in the bloxy yo the bloxy col is lethal melon get out of there bro I am Chrome melon bro how is that caffeine going to your head bro that was a lot of bloxy cola oo Sunny I'm feeling like I'm feeling like let's do everything Sunny let's go to the next VIP Zone oh the ca I can feel it we got mineral clay and liquid gold I'm rich oh no Mel don't go with the gold don't oh I'm alive and now I look shiny actually Sunny you look exactly the same yeah well why don't you jump in marmalade what the heck is a marmalade it's like jam but made out of orange bro that was disgusting I'm getting in the normal Jam yo you actually look like a normal wondermelon now Jam boning dude let me out okay now that we both look normal you're covered in jam and I'm covered in Gold let's head to this parkour yeah honey let's check it out I've always wondered what was in this cave and I think it's a brand new Cave System what's back here I don't know I feel a little bit slower don't slip I slipped a little bit Yeah my feet got covered in it hey look there's a gnome hey you got real tiny Sunny you got gnomed what the heck bro you didn't click on him no I don't want to get small uh Sunny we're in the bar it's okay if we can get out of here there's got to be more secrets to uncover like this one over here make it no I'm too small I think I'm going to die bro I was going to go say hi Oh you actually made it sunny do you know how fast I just clicked pretty quick yeah bro it it's like a machine gun scrap Sunny will you check that out I'm going to go say hi to these two people over there but I got to go into the bog if I want to make it there good luck melon let me know what they say to you I'm going in bro actually I'm such a mad machine when it comes to pressing the space bar the bog cannot consume me oh yeah well watch this I can do it too go I Rise wait I can't even see them bro they won't let me touch I thought they were some secret kind of Easter egg and now I'm covered in bog yeah same here bro I rose up from the bog and it made my glasses all dirty oh my goodness my fingers they're getting tired Sunny they are getting tired oh yeah I rise from the bug once again no I'm drowning what the heck pull me up I need to get to the moon I'm freaking doing it yes melon the moon I just teleported wait for me sunny I'll be there soon this is so beautiful I can see the whole planet from here and one more big um old jump I made it to the moon sorry there we are hey melon can you grab me off the couch let's see what happens I'm trying it's not working Sunny okay I just I just thought it might be a fun glitch you know it's a fun glitch though grabbing each other at the same time no don't do it I want to see what's up here just do a little bit of Parkour sunny and you'll be there it's a vent I know but I'm tiny it's tough what is this thing and there's also a vent I'm going to go into the sussy vent nope nothing happened are you sure you made it to the vent did you jump and touch the smiley ball I did Sunny nothing really happens yeah what's the deal with this place what's up with the space station I don't know I think it's just a cool Easter egg to get too sunny a oh man oh wait I can move them there's zero gravity zero G's that is awesome and you know what else is awesome pressing that subscribe button do it now this is Roblox quick sand but after we checked out the new types of sand we explored the secret Obby and found this stick around until the end of the video to see how we got here let's go melon this guy's picking me up I need help he threw me in AAR don't worry he also is in tar so you're going down together yo I tried grabbing him and it launched us into the void where am I what the heck I saw you guys teleport away what happened bro that was so weird anyways it's quick sand in Roblox let's check out all these new delicious liquids let's do it sunny starting with Jello Jello-O can't be that bad yo I'm turning purple it's actually delicious I want to eat some wait sunny sunny it's too much I'm dying I'm dying from Jello bro you can't climb out of jello once you slide inside the only way out is if you eat oh well you should have eating faster you try it sunny hey melon watch this check this out ready let's see it sunny I'm going into the Slime rag doll Style hey Sunny do you need some help do you need a hand yeah pick me up pick me up get me out of here bro get me out of here I'm already green how do I grab you already looking like you bro I look like a watermelon on the outside help me out sorry bro hold on let me let me troll this bacon here this is Revenge for what he did to you thank you Melon now let him cook see you buddy die die how is he alive he's literally in lava yeah you're right hold let me dunk him again die die hold on one more time one more melon he needs one more he needs one more if I could grab him I could do it he's getting away he's getting away he ain't getting away Sunny die burn you bacon hair he he's getting away again oh he's dead no he's dead Sunny well done Mr melon well done honey you look so goofy you're just a big ball of slime now I know and you know what I'm going to do with this I'm going to mix the slime with the honey so if anyone tries to eat this they're going to get poison dude this guy's trying to kill me I'm going to have to teach him a lesson yeah dude the bacon hair is crazy out here like what is he trying to do I'm going to drop him in literally just a hole it is a guaranteed death you bacon hair melon you're evil Sonny he won't leave me alone it's what he gets true true true I got to clean up real quick let me jump in the soap oh yeah scrub a dub dub and now Sunny just go and wash off the soap and you'll be chilling I'm trying okay where's a spot that I can clean myself up you got to go back to the water all the way over there dude this bacon hair is coming for his revenge bro why is he trying to get me dude get melon he's the one he's the one who killed you it wasn't even me why why is he after me he's a sunny you want the smoke you want the smoke bacon hair yeah yeah I'm going to put you in the hole again you're going in the Hole uh melon be careful there's literally a Titan TV here in the quick yo that was a sick outfit yeah that's pretty cool I need to clean off though so I can do the Obby I swear if this guy comes and attacks me again stay away dude I've killed you so many times you got to learn your lesson the hard way he wants that heat and scrub a dubdub yes I'm fresh and clean I'm putting him in Sinking clay I'm happy for you melon I'm going to go do this Obby and find out what's in the other side of this quicksand Arena I'm watching him slowly drowned that's so sad oh wait I think he's actually making it out well I'll let him do what he got to do cracked mud bog ooble bro they got Oobleck isn't that like the stuff that's inside of Orbeez I have no idea Sun yo you don't know what oo is what is wrong with you what are you 2 years old everybody knows what ooble is I don't know what o is sunny because I'm too goated for it no you're 2 years old for it check it out Sunny we have to complete this parkour just watch and learn yeah dude this is so easy I'm going to crush this shortcut no goodbye melon okay I'm alive no no no dude there's a A Little Gnome and I made it bro bro click the gnome it shrinks you yo I'm so tiny now what the heck y yo listen to him listen to him I'm going to talk to him hello Mr gnome how are you doing today y you got to click on this guy again wait what does he say Sunny he goes gome dude I think I saw another object we can interact with it's so weird wao what is this place it's bog Sunny be careful but if we parkour correctly Hey ow no I'm too tiny I'm too tiny but I can make it out I can make it out melon you are covered in poo bro you look like fertilizer I look like a nugget but it's all right Sunny because I'm going to make it to this Moon thing yeah you get the moon thing I'm looking at these people over here there's a guy who looks like he's got an ugly Christmas sweater and then like a Transformer next to him hold on Sunny I got to jump wait what the heck I'm in bog right now are you kidding me how did I not make that jump I'm I'm going to die I might die here I'm now also covered in poop let me up dang it it's okay sunny if you're good at smashing your space bar you'll be able to survive yes I'm very very good at that I almost broke my keyboard just now sunny I touched the moon and I got teleported to this whole new world wait for me melon I need to see it got to just space bar I'm looking at the Earth right now okay wait for me I'm right there I'm on the C why am I in the Bog again I didn't know I thought this was regular ground swimming out of the mud again and I'm playing piano hold on maybe I can play that song from up dude we're literally in outer space this is crazy Sunny let me play a song and I'll dance to it to set the vibe wo it's so beautiful here melon I got to remember how it works all it's but I've had enough of your crappy piano I'm out of here but it's a song from up nobody cares about that old guy dang it son you're so mean I know someone has to be because you brought us to outer space for nothing we can't even do anything here and now I have to die okay melon forget the moon let's go to the other side H big jump wait Sunny I'm pretty sure I know what's on this side yeah what's that I think you just go up top are you sure maybe there's a secret Easter egg no pretty sure you just go up top Sunny no there's definitely a secret Easter egg I could feel it in my bones look just over this hill it's the Subscribe button don't you see it it's so beautiful okay guys remember that quicksand game we played a while back well it finally got an update and it's hilarious stick around to see all these different kinds of quicksand we use from a custom quicksand all the way to bog it's just bog don't question it sunny are you ready to try all these different kinds of quick sand uh according to my calculations let me see get cosine s tangent carry the one yep cross dot that no I don't want to I don't want to yeah I'm just going to drop in uh the normal Quicks sand good luck Sunny oh easy dodged and your turn no no no no no no no no cookie no no no no no no no Sun you scumbag I'll save you melon it's fine wait I can't pick you up I'm out of here bro I'm out get him grab them oh you thought oh you thought oh you thought get him okay guys let's take a look at all the different options jungle Jello ooh slime time slime time slime time oh slime's easy to get out of why can't I pick you up sunny I don't understand cuz you're garbage I'm going to try Jello bro I want to eat this hold on let me get a little deeper oh oh this is tasty oh yeah oh cover me in jello cover me in jello Sun you're being weird you're being really weird it was tasty and now I'm going to leave I'm getting out of the jello Pond now get me out of here dude look how fast I can press space bar this is crazy that's crazy Sunny that's crazy what are you doing to me I'm not doing anything Sunny just I'll see you in 3 years when you get out of there oh I'm out 3 years have pass and time to go in lava let me just uh oh oh oh this hurts this hurts this really hurts the melon does not like the lava did you almost die bro you're legs are hot bro they're glowing bro I'm on fire what are you doing I'm trying to save your life bro get over here get over here I'm putting you in the Bog so you could cool off anything but the bog the bog is way too powerful at least you're not on fire anymore I can get out I can get out yes yes I got out of the bog I got out of oh what are you doing sunny I need to clean you off bro you're kind of dirty where's the soap oh no oh no uh uh custom liquid interesting I'm going to just drop you off here here for now oh I found it the soap Sunny actually this will be great I'll get nice and clean and then I'll go bathe off in the water that's it I'm just trying to help you bro you're so dirty actually I'm pretty dirty too I got to clean up oh no are we going to die why is it so hard to climb let me out I can't get out of here I'm dying see you Sunny curse you melon anyways it's time to clean myself time to clean myself it's beautiful the cleansing Waters of quicksand dude you've been purified I got to check this out a custom liquid let's see yes I would like to purchase this 300 Robux how does it work customize yo melon check it out yo what's going on Sunny I'm making something very epic you're making a custom liquid what are you going to make the best thing ever why is this not in alphabetical order this is so weird all right I'm pretty happy with that save welcome to the sunny liquid if I were to deposit you inside of it melon you will take immense damage what if I were to deposit you inside your own liquid well it belongs to me so therefore it would be harmless all right then go in jump in then I'm in oh no I didn't mean it sunny I don't think it's harmless I'm pretty sure I just watched you drown no no I cooked technically I cook well Sunny since you made a custom liquid I think it's only fair that I make a custom liquid yes yes you do that Mr melon I will be browsing my custom liquid to look for a new format waa gold Sun the gold sun rises and now I will put players into it wait what what what no way there's no way he's safe I will acquire the poop tool oh melon H I poop in your general direction H hold on hold on Sunny that's it I will poop on your head you not poop on me sunny it's really gross too late oh oh Sunny why why can't I pick you up is the correct question because I'm inside of my liquid settings I was trying to load a file but it doesn't work that's right you don't know how to make the best Golden Sun ever it's literally tin foil but it's made out of gold so it's so rich oh yes is this so true son yes it is an affluent absolutely wealth multi- trillionaire pit of gold it's so beautiful oh I can actually jump out of it too what is a liquid brick you should find out I'm pretty sure there's more things I can do liquid settings who walk spe jump powder Shu power melon what are you doing 10 jump power 0.01 suck power how you C oh liquid settings I'm an idiot and then walk speed I'll put 10 I will turn players into cotton candy the walk speed will be 100 million the Zuck power will be zero okay how do I how do I get out of this now I'm so confused and save changes it's perfect dude you just made a pit of nothing it looks like the default what do you mean bro mine's brick on my screen it's white on my screen bro yours is white on my screen what really yeah bro you got a basic liquid that means other players can't see your stuff mine is supposed to be Golden Sun the settings don't even oh the settings do work wait do they I can't even tell if the settings work melon this is dangerous out here 0.01 walk speed then we'll say suck power is 10 and we'll say JUMP power is 0.000000001 that's it bro I dare to jump my liquid it's a death sentence it's a death sentence oh yeah that is you can't even do anything gono ooh ooh ooh can I make it let me live let me live you almost made it out of my liquid nope I would be shocked if you made it out Sunny there's one other area of the map I want to explore yes I agree we've experimented with most of these Sands in the past but we haven't seen this Obby Melon now that you're stuck wait you got out I got out because I am the godat well I can get out too then jump jump dang it wa what did I find over here I found a hole that leads to another area wait I'm in bog town it's been bog this whole time wait melon where are you how did you do it I'm over here but I'm getting back out where's over here I'm in the ground bro I'm right here sunny but now I'm leaving I'm leaving to explore the east of the Obie oh yes melon what are you doing what did you do why oh wait can I get up why am I stuck every time yeah yes now I will poop on you made it out made it out made it out what's over here yo I found a secret top secret secret shop I'm on the way and I don't want to get stuck in the quicksand anymore it's so annoying who is this guy this tree guy is so creepy wait what's the VIP I've got to know I've got to know it's a poop zone I'm entering the VIP room is this Groot are you Groot are you kidding me wait you died I had to reset for my VIP step that is what happens when I'm a VIP do I get a special name in chat oh yes so worth it I thought I already had this what's going on here reset to get it dang you do you think there's something behind that wall or is it just a jabate I think it's just a jabate but we're going to find out Sunny oh yep it's St it's a debate there's no VIP room VIP is literally just for your name tag bro what a waste of our Robo gosh darn it dang NAB it I'm stuck in quick sand again melon I want to go to bog town you never been to the bog Town hold on I'm going to poop on this guy real quick oh yeah oh yeah why can't I pick you up anymore where else should we go bro what if there's the Easter egg in the sewers that you can't get in the sewers I mean you can try I mean go for it let me in got to be something here melon there's got to be more to it maybe you've let yourself sink in the sand let me in your sewer system Sunny there's nothing here I'm looking below the sand I'll become one with the sand I am the sand the sander of sand hey I found a rubber ducky this better be a secret badge it's not melon I think we've done everything in quicksand that there's to do is there any new secrets you think I think there's one thing we haven't done yet and that's telling the viewers to like And subscribe press those buttons right now and stick around for the rest of this Epic movie today in Roblox we're playing build a boat for Treasure but it's melon's big day so we're creating a watermelon boat will it shall be strong enough to survive every level and help us reach the treasure chest subscribe now to help make our boat in Invincible if you guys are wondering why melon has this banana on his head it's cuz he lost at the watermelon game bro I don't want to talk about it I miss my melon cap so much and if you want to get it back today we're in build a boat for Treasure and we're going to make the biggest watermelon ship you've ever seen and if we can get to the treasure melon you'll be able to get your melon hat back all right then let's do this thing it's time to build Sunny yes it is is let me start by putting down the Baseline if you don't mind melon I'm going to make it sturdy I want you to come back melon Oh no just get on your little block and we'll be okay I can't I can't get on it it's so oh no I'm losing my block dead yeah bro you're never getting your watermelon back uh wait wait wait that was uh that was uh just a test run a trial run uh let's do the real one now okay the real one starts as soon as I respawn now brother let me place down the core of this watermelon and then you can have at it all right let's do this thing Sunny there you go that that kind of looks like a wer how does that look like a watermelon at all that's not even the right color oh now you got to shape it up a bit more maybe add some chairs a face whatever you want but I at least got you a big platform all right I got it I got it let me let me add some Ry detailing really quickly Sunny oh that's actually a great idea we'll go here end it right there and then paint it a darker green you got it I can't or did you paint it I painted it bro it's mine all right chill bro it looks kind of bad but yeah what are you talking about what's so bad about that nothing bro it's perfect now that's a melon Ry stripe check it out bro bro what are you doing that is so glitched why did you place it inside the other blocks Isn't it nice extra sturdy no that's disgusting actually bro try again what are you doing all right I'll delete it chill look at this bro look at my creation it's so gorgeous hey melon and we can even do this check it out read between the lines we got balloons we got harpoons yo this wander melon is going to be the most powerful of all time cannons fire the Cannons what else o we need a jet booster that's for sure and if we get hungry bro we got cakes we got cakes on cakes on cakes dang right we do oh and a force field block and the melon rine has been complete sunny and the throne room has been established I'm pretty happy about this build melon I think you could get to the treasure room yeah but Sunny dude this watermelon looks so flat it's like a rectangle can you maybe like carve out the corners or something yeah let me get right on that dang it let's go on an adventure guys comment down below if you think this is the greatest watermelon you've ever seen I think we can do it sunny I believe we can pull it off watermelons hold strong I have a feeling you know all that edge work you wanted me to do yeah I have a feeling this watermelon will change shapes as we go down the water track oh yeah I have a strong feeling about that too plus it looks like there's a mystery course that we've never tried before you think that's a balloon after the potion what is that where do you see that it goes alien potion and then something Blank That's a cow Sunny no before the cow that's an alien oh wait there's another alien bro I see a pixel thing potion and then an alien oh I've never been to the alien I area yeah Sunny the zones I think change like weekly or daily or something that's pretty awesome and melon you know what else is awesome take this ow what was that for and that and one of these ow I hit myself hey you want to see what a jet Thruster does uh yeah what ises that do hold on let me find a nice opportunity and three 2 one lift off yo you're crazy Sunny oh we're going backwards we're going backwards nice nice one bro we're just cleaning up all the obstacles we're just trimming that wander a little bit yeah that that was not how I intended it to go I wanted to just zoom through this part of the course well it ain't happening sunny and now we're going backwards but at least we could just walk around and be chill hey melon yeah what's up Sunny should I start calling you Nana like banana um no all right Nana sounds good why bro my name is melon not banana yo you just got splattered where'd your banana hat go I'm going to die Sunny no you're fine you just lost your banana though well sunny I guess I got rid of the punishment can I wear my melon cap now nah bro the giant melon boat has to get to the treasure bro we probably shouldn't have made our entire boat out of metal that just attracted so much lightning you're right and I can't believe the second I was trying to call you banana or Nana you lost your hat that was crazy good timing that was but we lost our melon bro it just got painted a completely different color ew it's turning into a pumpkin bro it's because a banana no way you think it's becoming a oh it's green again oh now it's blue purple oh no it's grapes now it's a big bushel of grapes Sunny we're riding on a grape a big old grape or is it an eggplant who freaking knows all I know is that there's one seat and I really hope it lasts till the waterfall also I dibs the seat that's okay you could have it I'm going to shoot the harpoons and pull hoist hoist the boat and I'll shoot you with this cannon yo Chill O Sunny we might actually beat this with the power of the wer it's now an eggplant we've just got a few more zones we're heading into the really difficult zones you're right we got to get through the chemistry sets oh no bro we are bubbling right now bro we are taking some damage but at least we're a watermelon again look it's green wait you're right let's go it's like a rotting kind of green but it's oh now it's red yeah it looks like a watermelon that's been left outside way too long and we're losing a lot of the boat right now sunny and we still have three zones left left don't worry all the cakes are still here we're fine I think we're going to die at the Lighthouse zone I'm going to be honest Sunny nah nah oh no why are there explosives uh this is no bueno ow ow I've never even been to this Zone this Zone seems so overpowered and there's UFOs I really hope we don't get abducted right now it's my first time seeing the aliens here and build a boat we're doing good melon we're doing good so close Sunny we're so freaking close we're taking maximum damage but it's going to be okay we're entering the cow Zone these cows also kind of look alien like yeah that icon is a bit sus you're right Sunny this is going to be really really close and there's lightning in here it's a tornado storm and dude we're made out of metal this is not the boat design we wanted oh no the tornado the tornado's going to hit us no oh that was close thank goodness I'm in a seat bro that actually helped it made us skinnier now we can get down the track faster now we've got this final Zone Sunny the hardest zone of them all oh no what is what is what are we stuck on bro remember this Zone you got to like break like a million blocks yeah but I think we're stuck dude these rocks are humongous we got so many blocks to break here this is very bad what wins a watermelon or a giant coral reef we're about to find out sunny it's going to be a close one melon that is a lot of rocks we got to smack through yeah we are going probably the worst path we could go hold on har uh can you tighten that really quick it didn't even work bro you missed no no it just is too far I I'll put it here Harpoon the lighthouse and pull pull us suy pull us how do I pull it how do I pull it I don't know try f for something f r e r space bar none of it works all right bro I'm firing a harpoon r f e q our balloon thing I'll activate this help us fly BR I don't remember the button but there is a button to make it tighter I think we're too heavy bro I don't think it's working wait you hold F I'm holding F melon what did you just do yo Sunny I'm sorry but I'm getting us over these rocks you killed me I'm sorry sunny but I had to be done for the boat to make it and for me to get rid of my banana outfit more importantly I hope you get to the treasure you deserve it come on climb up these rocks with the Harpoon I can do it with the power of the wer it's even turned back to being green green Sunny I've made it I've passed that zone and I'm entering Treasure Island you can do it melon just a little further make it down the waterfall I'm doing it sunny I'm falling yo it worked perfectly and now I just set sail to the treasure you can do it melon you can do it I've made it sunny now get that watermelon it would be beautiful okay okay please tell me this Treasure Chest has the legendary wer melon yo I got it let's go are you back to normal check me out Sunny you're back you got your melon hat oh back to normal and you know what else is normal for you ghost all press the like And subscribe button at the same time do it now today sunny and I play the ultimate two-player Obby we literally have to eat each other to win it's hilarious pretty much we each get assigned to color and have to work together to complete this hobby we can eat each other and then spit the other person out to cry cross huge gaps stick around for the most hilarious hobby melon why is this game called eat me join my team shunny let me show you what is going on oh ow you literally put me in your belly bro you're so thick why would you eat me not because I want to digest you although that would be pretty freaking hilarious but because I want to beat this zomie ah Che no way we can eat each other and then throw each other really are you kidding me sunny why bro that's not on me it was unlucky get back here bro can I stand up this time thank you then if I claim this checkpoint it's going to teleport you yep and now Sunny we continue let me eat you again oh I see you've got the blue outline which lets you jump on any blue object yeah and you've got the red outline so the only logical reasonable thing to do here is to try and spit you across okay sounds about right let's go oh that was close bro if only I bounced off of one of these platforms ah dang it well sunny I guess you're going to have toat me let's do this the right way do I have to why don't I just teleport you bro you probably going to have to eat me yeah cuz I got to spit you across like a llama like get ready bro e nice one Sunny you're welcome now let me just eat you for fun why that was so uncalled for it's okay bro I'll teleport you back don't worry I got you why am I at spawn uh I lost my teammate melon it's cuz I reset my character when you spat me down there you idiot Sunny why would you do such a thing I didn't know that's how it worked hey welcome back all right team up with me let me eat you do this all over again just speedrun it now we know what we're doing no messing around you're right no messing around shy no messing around put me in the belly Speed Run sorry I'm allergic to watermelon bro no one is ever allergic to watermelon yeah you sure about that it's literally impossible Sunny get over here and get in here dang it bro why you eat me because you did it last time and you spat me off the edge and made us lose Sunny you need me here all right get out bro br br br br br br br br br dang it dude that was just sad now you're upside down get up here bro stop messing about let me eat you Sunny I'll remember this I will make you through the day bro stop trying to cheese it dude I might as well have tried bro eat me or I'll oh I need to eat you you're right whoops yeah you fool you want to see a you want to see a speedrun no no no Sunny whatever you're thinking no okay you're fine you're fine let's just do it normally oh you didn't even need to eat me you could have teleported me no checkpoint let me eat you bro I'm tired of you being always in control it's okay teleport you you're welcome and then I take a bite out of you wait melon I need to eat you my bad I wasn't really paying attention thanks a lot teleport me up there please I'm going take a scrumptious bite of wander melon and ow cuz you got to grab me now yeah you're right bro I got to do some Parkour up here and then bro I could so spit you across yeah you can make that but then you're going to be stuck yeah now now great now what my bad get back here don't teleport me why might as well dude it's faster not really I was literally two blocks behind you it's okay though cuz I will H you I got you Sunny you got to get thicks bro we're actually speed running right now as long as we don't die we win yeah that kind of makes sense and you almost splatted me there you need to chill a little bit melon you need to chill I need to send you over here anyways oh thank you now who does the sending I think it's still you yeah bro it's a big blue time um blue if I was big I would blue wait what the heck I can't go through wait what is it revers did they glitch this uh let me spit you yeah what the heck they messed up the color code dude that is so weird all right um can I stand up anytime now what have you done melon what have you done bro I'm glitched it's fine I spit you in in the tummy then oh get the checkpoint yes yes oh wait my bad Sunny you just flopped me off the edge can you help me get through this next zone I'm so confused with the color coding yes it's not a problem I've got it under control and H thank you very much shny you're welcome and then I will eat you once more put you in my belly thank you very much is it cozy in there I ate burritos no it's actually pretty gross and disgusting to be honest yeah I put extra beans in them oh oh you're going to be so gassy yo what was that I don't know sometimes it's really weird when you try and stand up Sunny do you think we could actually defeat this Obie I think when there's a will there's a way but it's going to be tricky we got to be careful not to fall off don't die sunny as long as you don't die we're Bing chilling we always Bing chill you didn't need to do that yeah you're right I should have just oh no melon why why have you done this sorry sunny I got to spit you out and then reat you and then blast you and then teleport you now are they still glitched yeah they're glitched they're reversed good Sunny uh delightful meal really absolutely splendous Can you vomit me out please I'm going to try yep I'm safe and I'm going to wait to stand up before I eat you CH be very careful Sunny you got to chill bro don't eat people while you're flopped over bad things happen ah that is a quote to live by Sunny don't eat people when you're flopped over that's true the quote could really just end with don't eat people but especially when you're flopped over yeah bro especially when you're flopped over I swear if I you eat someone it's fine but if you eat someone when you're flopped over not chill bro not chill yeah but also not chill unless they're watermelons if they're not made of watermelons it's just a bad idea in general bro what is wrong with you why are you spreading this negative message I just want to be clear that eating watermelon is okay eating people is less okay sunny we made it to the 100 m Mark no way you're right I made it to the 100 m Mark ow check fight Sunny teleport me back up please I got bad news there's no teleport here no you're joking you're joking hold on I'm looking for it give me a second just go down a level bro no I found it there's a flag over here I just have to grab it I'm almost there bro relax bro I swear if you mess up right now I'm going to be very very upset see why do you have that get out of here yo what you got to teleport me back now then then we've lost and the video is over fine get back up here let me eat you don't ever try to slap me again you hear me oh I hear you melon and when I get my hands on you I'm going to slap you to the next Dimension bro I said don't or I'll eat you yeah that's not a very threatening threat oh bro look at your hand check it out check this speedrun out though yo what all right Sunny you're going to need to eat me yeah let's stop messing around Let's Get Serious couple of jumps and a very easy checkpoint to break the pink part eat your teammate okay yo you fatty you fatty fat fat fatter chill bro I'm just fluffy bro are you stupid I was testing it dude I was just testing it let me out if you insist ah what the heck where did you get slapped bro you sent me to the next Dimension I told you I would bro I didn't want to get slapped by you nice toss well executed I think it's supposed to be you and then I make these here jumps and I claim the checkpoint flag and teleport you hey hey hey let's go that's where we like to see hey hey now hey smash that wall though boy let's go bro we're at 127 M how many meters do you think we have to go at least 1,000 bro 1,000 M that's redon didd oh I almost made it oh that was probably not worth it I got to go back down now now how does this bit work I don't know I think you have to munch me all right you have been eating I come up here oh and then I cross these platforms carefully carefully and then I go like boom dude that was the worst toss ever it's fine you can get teleported n I'm munching you bro nah didn't think so I'm going to spit you at the blueberry bush oh my goodness son it worked oh my goodness why would you do that oh you were good yes I thought you went flying I'm sorry just teleport me I'm actually I think yeah I think I do actually have to munch you here yeah it's the glitched wall I bet here we go oh double whammy back to back mhm mhm let's go easy game okay yeah it's got to be you fool actually doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter now eat me sunny if you insist no and then I teleport him and eat I hope I don't slip bro that would be embarrassing that would be pretty embarrassing Sunny that would be kind of sad I'd feel embarrassed for you forever Speed Run yo chill bro probably going to fall off when I stand up trying to help you speedrun no not to find my way I must Munch you so I can destroy all the walls bro just be careful you don't slip and fall let's go I'm actually breaking everything this is so sad satisfying you're like a sumo wrestler and we've made it sunny let's go spit oh that was actually close I know I didn't like how close that was we're almost at the second checkpoint I can feel it in my bones oh that was close you almost overshot that pretty sure this is the type of platform you can sit on though oh wait never mind yep it's all you melon take it away take me away so far away really bro my bad dude my bad Cho you treat me like a piece of poo bro you got to throw me better than that toss me sorry dude oh my God what Sunny why I don't know what happened yeah bro if you try to jump often times that stuff will happen Okay I need to be more careful just relax and let it stand up just stand up bro I'm not touching anything thank you and I can peacefully cross this bridge and activate the flag and I think I need to eat you here Sunny so let me Munch real quick let me Munch bro it's always me getting eaten and cross let me St why Sunny bro I'm not doing anything bro just chill out a little bit my hands are not even on my computer I'm not even doing that Sunny what is going on bro I swear if that happens one more time I'm going to be upset I'm not pressing anything son are you pranking me no are you kidding me right now let me Munch you let me Munch you I'm going to I'm going to throw you from back here I guess you're pranking me bro I'm not pranking you dude really it's like that I don't understand chill out what have you done to me chill out bro all right don't throw me at the arrow just put me in the corner where it's safe all right I think I'm going to be fine stand up there we go that was painful bro I don't understand what happened make these Sunny I'm sorry mistakes were made I slipped you know how much work it took to just get you across I know I know I'm the one getting thrown everywhere and turned into M beef are you kidding me just chill chill out I'm not pressing a thing oh you're so dead okay wait you're actually chilling am I though oh I am all right I don't want to slip got to focus up focus focus bring the heat be the one yeah let's go you did it sunny and I need to eat you once more that's fine I prefer when you're in the driver's seat for this now I just run a lot get us to that checkpoint bro 200 M checkpoint let's go let's get it can you can you spit me out I want to feel good about myself all right there you go what does this store have slap spit effect Banana Split blah blah no yo goats make sure you press that like button and subscribe to our Channel otherwise I'm going to have to slap you this is Roblox hideand-seek and doodle transform which means anything we draw comes to life I cannot wait to become pomy from The Amazing digital circus and who's your favorite character from the digital circus comment now to get goated we're back in a classic game this is doodle transform and today hey melon it's time to transform into the amazing digital circus let's do this thing Sunny you can draw first by the way dude I'm hiding you gave me the wrong privilege greaty goats I need to find a goated hiding spot on this map it's been so long I can't remember anything if I just hid like in this corner over here but I've got a disguise as a drawing oh guys this is actually going to be pretty hard got to think about this carefully so I need to get red and make one of her hands right about here then I need blue and her other hand is going to go over here this is going to help give me the base shape then I need some gold for the wrists and then there's some gold for the booties like this little tiny fies oh this is going to be so cool but also so challenging here's the feet seas and a blue one over here like this oh she got some big feet and then the legs I can't really see what I'm doing if I draw with white so I think I'm going to have to make her legs and arm arms black instead so that I can see better and she's real skinny like this perfect and then I'm going to go and add her legs so I'm going to go like this and like that and now it's going to get tricky guys it's going to get tricky cuz there's blue and then there's red and then there's more blue fill this in oh man this is going to be tough but it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to work then a little more yellow over the top and then it's like a huge blue section like this oh that might look a little weird hopefully not and then the same thing but red yeah that'll have to work then we got the yellow buttons I wish I could just fill it in with a paint bucket all right guys if I want to hide at the wall I need to disguise as the wall big wall Sunny will never know the difference let me turn this thickness up oh my goodness this is terrible I am such a bad drawer but it's fine it's fine now I just got to put the little Roblox things now it's kind of like that Roblox Lego you know what I'm talking about the studs and disguised he'll never know guys I kind of messed up I'm standing straight up hopefully Sun's just really dumb and melon I'm almost done about time sunny cuz let me tell you you are never finding me you better hope not cuz if I do you're done for I look so cursed oh also son you only have 2 minutes left to find me wait what do you mean I only have 2 minutes left it just started bro you've literally taken 10 minutes to do your drawing yeah it's cuz I'm not the best drawer ever good luck bro my Hiding spot's awful I'll give you that much advice fine then let me just ask my first of three questions to track you down oh you are stanky brother I probably know where you're hiding can smell that watermelon anywhere oh yeah can you now yeah and I'm pretty sure I see you bro so let me just ask a couple questions question one why did I just see an ice cream sandwich run away don't worry about it sunny you're asking the wrong question questions I don't know why you would see such a thing that sounds strange yeah bro that was really weird and you want to know what's even more strange uh yeah what's that paly's favorite food is ice cream sandwiches get over here you have no idea where I'm hiding Sunny yeah I mean unless you reset your character you've got to be right over here right over where underneath the construction site I know you're in this place when I find you I'm going to guys it's not technically resetting my characters if I do this and then I go back and now at fun guys guys where did he go yo I see the ice cream sandwich it's making a run for it I don't know what you're talking about honey I'm almost there brother I see you behind the trampoline stop running away you filthy cheater I'm not running away the ice cream sandwich is running away you have no proof that that's me let me just get a little closer and it's kind of strange that the label says melon I don't know what you're talking about Sunny bro I need to take a bite out of that sandwich please bro you got to get to me first you're so cringe this is hide and seek it's not tag n but you really didn't find me did you what I I could see you running away you have no idea where I'm hiding Sunny where did you go nowhere guys where is he guys where'd he go where'd he go dang it that was delicious pne's favorite food Ice Cream Sandwich bro it took you that long to draw pomy that's an awful pomy it was really good and then I had to draw her face and things went downhill you know what let's just go to the next round Sunny you're right you're right and for this round Sunny I'm going to be drawing ratha okay good luck with that ragi is kind of lame I'm going to draw a gangly boy what's his name gangle yeah you have fun with that melon I'm leaving gangle shall be drawn I could draw this guy super fast too guys I got to hide I got to be quick about this I'm thinking if I change Maps it'll throw melon off a lot if I go onto the base plate and run into one of the corners I just hope I choose the right one cuz I'll either be out in the open here or I'll be underneath a mountain I think this is the right direction yeah this way all right now I just got to draw his mask and now guys I should be inside of a mountain I really hope guys I am going to destroy Sunny just got to finish up his eyes and give him his two little ribbon arms drawing complete hey Sunny where are wait actually I want to I want to do something a little bit more okay well waste your time time cuz I'm starting the countdown now 2 minutes that's fine bro take all the extra cheesing time you need and now I'm ready hey Sunny for my first question which of the four quadrants are you hiding at I really hope I'm hiding under the mountain quadrant Mountain quadrant and you said in the mountain bro thanks for the free H yeah no problem I hope that's where I am that's all I'll say uh melon I don't want to cap I'm not on the mountain now that I realize yeah wait what do you mean you're not on the mountain if you're on the mountain right now I'm not on the mountain then which quadrant are you hiding in it's not that hard to answer but it is bro I can't see anything what do you mean dude just tell me which corner you're hiding in I don't know how you could be this stupid the castle I hope all right I'm coming towards the castle do I see a sunny name tag anywhere don't actually see one oh guys I don't think I'm in the castle either where am I right now all right time to explore the castle area good luck with that Sunny am I in the same area as you uh you're getting warmer where where are you I don't know bro what do you mean you don't know that makes no sense it makes perfect sense I don't understand I'm so freaking confused right now it's cuz your brain is small and my brain is intergalactically huge wait a second you must be on another map maybe are you on happy home are you on a happy home no you might not be on Happy Home sunny but I see you wait what hey Sunny good luck catching me wait what the heck bro you're in the void let's go I'm the goat no no no you've got to be at the base plate I guess I see you over there get back here you only have 10 seconds left no no no no no that's not fair nine 8 7 6 no come on I can make it 4 3 2 1 BR how was I ever supposed to get you you were not supposed to get me that's the whole point Mr gangles can you just run here forever I think so actually it's kind of the best hiding spot the infinite void which matches the digital circus that's why I did this oh bro you won the hide and seek dang it and you goats can all be winners too by pressing that like button and making sure you're subscribed to our channels today sunny and I are going to play try to die in this game we we have to Solve the Riddle of every room we spawn in from Secret buttons troll parkour and much more can we find out how to die in each room also whoever gets to room 125 first wins comment down below melon emojis cuz you know I'm going to crush this sunny we're at stage 100 and last time we beat the entire game but now they've added 100 more stages and it's time for us to try to die whoever reaches level 1550 first wins 10,000 Robux from the loser I'm going to dominate this competition bro you're on let's see escape from laboratory oh this looks easy yep all you got to do is a little bit of Parkour soon a little bit of parkour and soon I'll get the kill brick and die is it really going to be that easy bro normally they're more complicated uh let me just see is the kill brick even there the exit wait the exit bro can you trust it aren't we trying to die not leave yeah you're right but maybe the exit is just going to drop us into the void no they've got a sus kill brick let's go hold on I'm talking to do hey finally why have you been gone for so long uh what's good brother or sister or whoever you are they don't want to talk to me melon time to die Sunny I've made it to the second new world did you just fart no bro everybody heard that Mel just adjusted himself in his seat and let it rip that was gnarly I don't know what you're talking about we're in the second world let's go bro look at this horse up here let me see what's up that's a Cy bar bro get it right oh you're actually right and there's a brand new second world oh this is awesome Yep it does seem familiar you right this is the person who asked what happens if you talk to them yes sir we got the second new world oh you talked to them yep I sure did where do I go though ooh ladder and make the jump oh kill brick no way you already made it dude what the heck why am I so trash no surprises there melon it's okay I'm about to kill myself sorry I wonder if this guy's going to bully me or something oh hey want to play the super kill break Obby yeah I do yeah OB obiously you don't remember me it's the Buddy cool guy 2008 I want to play then yeah see you melon dang it you're ahead of me sunny but not for long I got to talk to this guy oh I just uh went to stage one by accident Oh I thought you died for a moment he's trying to summon the kill brick how is he going to do that oh the quiet level I know ah I'm quiet what are you talking about bro it didn't work I typed I thought that would solve it don't move for a few seconds just stay all right let's go no way bro if you just stand still he'll get you the kill y pretty much and now I'm going to the drop hey stage 105 Sunny I'm taking the lead Sunny nothing's happening bro I've been waiting these obstacles are normal definitely normal course Obby okay sounds good hey just stay don't move for a few seconds I'm not even touching my mouse I'm literally not touching anything thank you let's go bro I'm in a troll Obby are you kidding me there's so much fake stuff oh that was easy level 105 let's do it and jump dang it I have a feeling the kill brick is just somewhere else yeah you're a fool shny you're a fool if you think that why you can see it oh yeah it's up in the corner I see it oh I keep dying but what if there's another way to get the kill brick BR like maybe there's a secret ladder bro keep wasting your time I'm happy for you to keep wasting you okay that was so annoying you don't even understand Sunny you don't understand the half of my pain you're right I don't dude you're kind of freaking me out and kill brick yeah how did you do this you have to jump here okay melon how did you do it I want to know the secret I'm not telling you bro it's called you just do it because it's a troll Lobby anyways I'm in the dialogue do you know what time it is no tell me pot it's time to die all right I'll take it bro how do you get to that ladder are you stupid or something Sunny no this just doesn't work it's like wait is this not oh yeah I get it yeah there you go buddy I'm climbing a bunch of stairs right now this is going to take a while no I was right there curse you now you have to do it all over again hilarious make this jump make that jump get here climb it and boom bada bing Sky douche and jump jump yes I'm dead in Sunny I'm at stage 107 soon to be at stage 108 just got to touch this kill brick but I'm going to wait a little bit oh well that was easy it's time to die light work hey Sunny look up look up oh no I'm de bro this is such a long staircase type the code I've got to figure out the code ooh the first one is two or is nine got to look around for hints I'm almost at the kill break two yes I've done it level 108 bro I just need the second number where is the second number I should probably talk to this guy okay two what's the third number melon oh yes 2 0 59 what the heck what did I do wrong yo stop touching it sunny I was waiting for you to notice bro I'll just open it for both of us all right hurry up is it not 2059 check again bro 20 oh it's something 94 54 dang it no it got away he takes the lead 2059 I'm so stupid I totally wasn't spamming the clear button so annoying bro but it's fine you really think you could Escape me sunny I'm too quick for you I'm far too fast in the obies yeah bro you are speed running this chill and I'm there what the heck I slipped trash bro trash right now I'm chilling in the Smoke okay I actually deserved it that was Karma oh wait I forgot I'm the Buddy brick Oh this is taking forever I'm just supposed to slowly die yep I have cruised to the next level what do we do here you right we just nothing we just let it cook you just wait to die sunny in the Smoke oh you don't want the smoke melon you don't want the smoke I was born in the Smoke melon you don't want a smoke bro you don't want that smoke Sunny I'm literally pain bye you skip stage you cringe Lord I didn't feel like waiting in there dude the Museum of kill bricks oh interesting so one of these will probably kill me then bro I about Skip stage and it didn't even do anything are you kidding me you have to then press it you just press it the rusty brick the ghost kill brick nothing's killing me though maybe it's this guy in the front no h interesting what's do this button do melon what do we do I'm talking to this person hey I think we're stupid yo I'm lowy so dumb let's go oh you're right we just had to go to the Riz what are you talking about the rizzler I think that character was called the certified or rif fire no bro you just have to press the button to unlock the door you idiot yeah yeah yeah I got I got the rfication1 of these computers one of them's got to have something oh wait melon we got to open the door again yeah I'm trying to look for that little booten maybe we just hack a PC no talk to this person when my turn or what the exit I want to beat that level finally let's give a small rest after beating too much levels yeah okay I'm confused uh there's got to be a but in here somewhere are we just being silly billies maybe the back of the computer oh it's open dang it bro I found the button and everyone profits off of it let's go thanks melon it's a team game and I just spilled water everywhere are you kidding me give me a second sunny all right I'll solve the puzzle I'll let you know how to do it so annoying I'm climbing the mountain toop I'm pretty sure you just have to jump a lot yeah the kill Brick's up here I'm on my way bro oh you're going to love the next level why what's the next level you'll see when you get here oh I swear if it's like a really long staircase or something it might be worse than that oh my goodness we just got a drown slowly but how do we drown I don't know I took damage before but now I'm not I'm healing oh that's how you do it you have to jump that is so stupid yeah I don't really understand I for Gore 11 five wait it's not five or four what the middle what bro you did not walk through five are you stupid I did what grade three wait is that divided what is that fraction you are stupid bro I guess it's dividion whether it was divided or fraction it's certainly not nine yeah well what if it was the square root times the multiplication of 18 plus the 14 factor of the 18th Division I don't want to hear it bro I just want to figure out how to glitch they said don't tell me it's impossible there almost always a way Sunny wa there's a will there's a way and we both have two Wills which means there's at least two ways we just need to educate ourselves by talking to the bacon hair I'm going to talk to this block it is possible no it's possible did you hear about glitches uh know why sometimes glitches can help you and one of them is the corner clip glitch which allows you to teleport to another walls is the corner bro I don't know I'm just going in the corners sunny I don't know what I'm doing melon I'm just pressing on corners please let me through wait sunny I think I know what to do let's just hit a v pose dang it I can't hit a v pose what if you just have to reset yourself close to it oh you can't how do you do this what is a corner clip bro I don't know I'm not a Roblox nerd okay I am a Roblox nerd but I still don't know oh um what did I just do what did you do Sunny oh no I thought I made it through I accidentally pressed skip stage bro are you serious you didn't even Corner clip like a pro no I didn't even go through I pressed e which sent me to level one oh you have to shift lock or something I think you have to shift lock I think it's like boom boom boom boom boom bro shift lock glitches are so annoying get out of the way melon I have no clue bro I'm paying a win bro I believe in myself this level sucks I'm out dude I'll do it with or without you bro the next level was really hard wait what this kill brick doesn't work you really thought I was going to kill you this time bro got trolled dog kill brick really trolled me bro you're right this is actually so tough how how are you supposed to do this let me clip through it's just so boring yeah I'm skipping stage bro good luck on the next one it was really confusing oh no melon I'm on a no jump Obby now bro you're such a cheeser you got ahead of me because of skip stages uh you could catch up bro and I think you will cuz I'm pretty trash at these obbies got to do this dumb ways to die so many need D ways to die did you make it I did it sunny I'm in the next level hey melon look behind you no you're so far ahead of me dang it yes level 120 the grill it's literally time to dude that was so easy bro are you kidding me I still got this no jump Obby to do but I'm speed running the grill is a free pass oh right yeah that was so easy and check this one out abble abble give me the abble I missed the abble abble now we're in a maze melon and whoever gets to level 125 first wins all right Sunny let's do this I'm crawling oh wait I found it yeah it was actually pretty easy yo this game's getting insane there's literally a racetrack dang it bro you left without me oh yeah you need to get your own car uh this is not a good start for me oh no I almost fell down I won't fall down though Sunny you better not make any mistakes ah or I'll take the lead o I almost slid off the course I'm right here I'm right here the kill bre it's within reach come on come on on got him dang it sunny wa what is this uh coems coems coems are you in my dream yeah wait I won I won I'm at stage 125 first what the heck even killed us I don't know sunny but this is a flat Wall clip which we're never going to be able to do yeah all these stinking clip ones where you have to glitch with shift locks suck but you know what doesn't suck pressing the like subscribe button and melon let me just wipe your memory really quick so I don't have to pay you Roo huh yes today in Roblox we're testing every secret phone call ending in my weird strict dad comment what numbers we should try dialing in chapter 3 and let us know if we missed any secrets the first 300 new viewers to subscribe right now will get coded yes Dad we'll cook your noodles and melon more importantly look at the front door it keeps opening up I'm kind of nervous if the monster's going to be here yeah what the heck is that bro we glitched the game Sunny already it knows we're hunting all the secret endings that's right so let's start by cooking dad some noodles exactly and goats to get this secret ending we're going to need to punch in secret phone numbers into the phone but first dad's got to get converted into a monster again cuz he's oh no meel don't look outside Sunny make sure you get some water bro you're right I'm really thirsty also we should turn off all the lights so we can serve generators good idea we're going to need to put all the power into our telephone calls so I'm going to turn this right off run run downstairs go go go go go go go I got the one on the left I got the one on the right that was way too close uh Sunny he's looking bro he's so creepy and jump out all right Sunny the first things first we've got to enter these secret passcodes Sunny what number would you call if you were in this situation if I was in an emergency I would call uh uh what's the number melon 91 911 call 911 okay I'm using the phone 911 hello hello pick up Ellen they're not answering wait someone picked up sunny I got locked upstairs please get the key for me how did you get locked up there what's going on what's going on it's the secret ending I don't know there's somebody screaming it's really scary I got the key please unlock it bro says the number you have died is not available after I got screamed at that was absolutely terrifying why would you want me to call that number because we need to find out all the secret endings all right what other number should I dial like 6969 no Sunny you got to dial 666 oh no bro that's scary that's the monster number you have no choice Sunny it must be done okay sh six six and I'm scared I got to drink my water yeah bro I also got to get some noodles but I'm very scared to go upstairs what there is nothing oh ah what bro what are these jump scares that is so weird sunny I need to get food I have no choice but to make the journey upstairs yeah but dad hasn't come down in a while what if he starts yelling at us I don't have a choice I don't have a choice I'm with you bro run move I'm going I'm going just move don't even stop bro how is he not woken up yet maybe when we call the police he realized if he scares us the cops will show up and arrest him bro you're right and we should also find flashlights really quick it's quite dark down here yeah flashlights and energy bro I need to rest up I am oh no run hide oh I'm gaining energy back while I hide this is convenient yes quite indeed all right we're safe again now I want to take a proper nap where's our bed it's over here somewhere uh where am I I've never even been back here sun do you remember where the flashlight is I found mom and The Stairway to Heaven Sunny that's all important hints if we want to win the game but we're finding secret endings so I'm going to dial the next number actually melon I'm going to bed 1 2 3 4 5 oh no I called it I called it but we got to refill the jetty oh no Sunny oh no I'm going to die of thirst as well Sunny you almost killed me I'm dead bro I'm too thirsty uh Sunny we're definitely going to die they said it feels like sunshine no it doesn't it feels like death um sunny I think we're going to have to rejoin I kind of missed that phone number ending it said something about sunshine bro ah wait I'm Reviving melon you can revive wait really I just did it one time okay but you got to remember that we're out of oxygen so we got to go quick why why am I not Reviving hello I revive but sunny I can't move I'm stuck in this Locker is this the ultimate secret ending can you open this no I'm stuck sunny I can't move at all this just took our Robux we just got scammed no way secret scam ending oh no melon dad's coming for us all right sunny I just wish he would trust us and not go and talk to the stranger in the middle of the night yeah I know he's an idiot but at least now you can call more phone numbers exactly let's do this 1 2 3 4 5 we did this last time but we missed something hello hello while you're handling the telephone I'll top up the Jenny bro it's playing a happy song yo this is awesome bro I didn't know my weird strict Dad could be so happy so beautiful melon truly beautiful wa and scary we've completed that one now it's time to dial a new number and I'll start working on beating the game Let's dial this 1435 hm what's going to happen oh no oh no just hide I can still hear the phone ringing welcome to Burger cream what would you like to order uh cheeseburger you think Dad's putting an order in sending 50 cheeseburgers bro they're actually coming downstairs no way there's literal cheeseburger can we eat these eat eat eat I need to eat the cheeseburger bro are you kidding me we can't eat these that would be such a hack dang it whatever I'm going to fill up the Jenny basement key open up and I am going to go acquire some noodle generator refilled I'm going to also drink my water and eat the noodle that is a good idea shny all in a day's work now let's see are there donuts on the table there are donuts perfect that's one of the clues it's sunny it's time to input the final phone number what is it it's a long one hold on hold on I'm pretty sure this is the date the game got released 2 51 22 023 what's going to happen what's going on bro the phone's just ringing it's not Christmas yet wait oh no hide melon hide I put in the Christmas date what am I saying bro Burger Queen just ended the call on you they hung up bro how did I not realize that was Christmas 25 12 2023 you are silly bro wait hold on hold on Sunny I just got a call oh the researchers came in they're telling me there's one extra phone number what is it sunny try 0916 2023 [Music] okay what the heck the table just exploded 09 16 2023 16 2023 I'm calling bro this is the date the game got released you have dialed the birth date of weird strict dad yo and that's it m that was not the oh wait no there's more the first ever Lobby music oh no Sunny we got to refill the generator I got it even if I have to die what is the first ever Lobby music I got to eat bro I'm dead dude it's so silent look so creepy also I need to eat twoo or I'm going to die you better hurry bro dad's about to wake up nah we're chilling I'll even pour myself a glass of water and uh Sunny do you want to get the final ending I do all we got to do is survive 5 till 3:00 a.m. and see what happens we haven't done that yet find a place to hide I'm trying hide hide hide yeah goats do you even know what happens if you don't save dad by 3:00 a.m. I don't I'm pretty sure he's going to kill us I don't know there's only one way to find out I mean if that's really what you want to do I found the potion dude trust me I'm so curious what's going to happen you're right let's see if Dad can cook maybe he'll make us noodles oh my goodness dude imagine he makes us Rama noodles that would be awesome I bet you his ramen noodles are really delicious yeah I'm going to go fill up the Jenny oh no oh no Sunny he's right on me melon oh that was close I need to drink some water bro I'm super thirsty right now is it me or is he checking more frequently it's getting close bro it's going to be 2 a.m. any second now I got to run though I don't want to die of thirst yeah and I don't want to die of hunger oh that was close Sunny we can do this all we've got to do is survive 2 more hours you're right I'm topping up my glass of water and I'm going to go hide downstairs scratch that one more hour Sunny let's go I got to lie down though I'm really exhausted probably do the same regain that energy bro you regain energy so slowly yeah it's actually kind of crazy might as well just hide in a locker yeah it's a bit safer isn't it or does sleeping in the bed count uh I don't know but soon sunny it's about to strike 300 a.m. and we're going to find out what happens should I stay in the bed maybe there's another secret if you want to stay in the bed you can broken uh oh no Sunny oh he almost got me hide bro I'm staying in the bed uh meel don't go in the bed did you just get GED yeah he ate me I thought the bed would be fine cuz in my weird trick dad chapter 1 that's where you hid you should have know we're supposed to hide not go to sleep you just need to survive one more hour bro surely it's going to happen soon I'm going to die of thirst too top that up brother I also need some food wait we did it we survived till 3:00 a.m. and what's going to happen now oh no what's happening to Dad wait did you automatically save him oh he died Sunny he deserved it no dad and now melon you're all alone in the world I died and dad died no what am I going to do guys press the like button and subscribe to our channel so that melon's not alone forever but it's hny it's time to put dad in his final resting place what is that in the fridge with the ramen no oh in memory of Grandpa and in memory of dad Sunny you don't get a grave apparently bro this is a secret ending this is awesome memory of our dad Jerry who's always the best dad except that one time he answered the door when we said not to and then that resulted in his death wait what is this what is this what happened why is her hand reaching from Grandpa's grave today sunny and I play every zombie game in Roblox and it's absolutely spooky stick around to see us beat them all sunny it's time to take take on Mr nightmare in zombie mode you're right brother look at this teacher this old rust bucket what are you going to do Mr nightmare nothing he's not even a zombie though he's just a normal Mr nightmare I think that's because he's sleeping look at all the Z's coming off of him bro I think he's transforming into a zombie run let's get out of here oh no he's a zombie you're right run I'm going to escape class I've got to go I don't care if it's not over run which way melon Which Way Sunny left is always right you scammer uh sunny I think I went the wrong way you got me killed I went the wrong way no why did you say left is always right and then you actually turn to the right I'm sorry sunny I should have just went to the left yep I'm turning to the left and from there I'm turning to the right you might be on to something here bro let's see where's this hallway going it worked I'm in the vents I told you left is always right and now I escape nicely done Broski are you are you kidding me why it wasn't me it was the zombie bro that's it I'm using my speed coil to speed run now I didn't want to have to cheat yeah yeah yeah I'm sure bro you love to cheese things Mr zombie is literally camping the vent I can't even get around him melon you got this bro I can make the jump dang it that is just sad bro I couldn't do anything he was just standing there you can't even defeat one zombie how are you going to break through every zombie Obby in Roblox wait what the heck that's so weird I didn't even fully die what I respawned right back where hey sunny enough enough that was close bro you got the checkpoint you're fine hey shny hey shny put me down put me down down put you down all right ow why bro because you tried to kill me what do you mean why oh yeah that kind of makes sense and now I got gra these boxes wait Sunny is this new oh wait no this is not new the texture looks a little different but I think melon from here on out we should actually work together I would like to but someone keeps trying to kill me hey you just knocked my box over oh sorry did I knock your box over sorry stop it stop it sorry did I do that sorry melon my boxes sorry my bad why is he like this I guess I did blast him with a tank let me up let me up please oh wait I could just do this bro you're such a cheeser sometimes yeah if I was a cheeser would I do this y yo chill chill yo I want to get on a pogo stick that looks awesome maybe one day you'll get to my level Sunny yeah watch this boom I'm on your your level zoom in and then we crank the lever to activate the power yeah if you're a noob a real speedrunner doesn't need to do such a thing dang it melon just flick the switch and let's team up I want to work with you to beat this zombie yeah all right that's it I'm just pogo sticking I can help you no here let me help you let me help you NOP I want to get up this way here jump in the Box oh no oh my goodness Sunny hey look what I found though there's a creepy mask down here I've never seen this you actually never seen that bro are you serious that is weird all right I give up I'm just going to flick the lever and do this normally wait wait I could pick you up in the prison I don't want you to do that all right fine I'll just get across this Obby by myself I'm leaving you behind now melon you did this wait sunny sunny I got to show you something wait come back what's up bro see you later no you didn't you didn't come on hit him hit him I'm out of here Sunny hit him oh wait you actually shrunk me at the end dang it bro I think I know how to get up there still though I think I just got to do like this ah what the heck I put my jetpack on and it sent me into the void I'm out of the whole world everyone knows you can't use a jetpack on this specific level in Mr Nightmare zombie mode Sunny is that a real thing of course it's a real thing well I will not make that mistake again I'll just climb up the ladder and continue on my journey well there's some weird noise in this hallway what is it yeah there's a robot dog chasing us ew it's so gross remember Sunny left is always right I think I'm finding my way I'm taking a left turn then I'm following the melon and I found the correct area I did it I did it ow yeah you sure did bro you sure did oh dodged dodged dodged don't mess up yo chill I don't have any chill left in me I used it all up doing what Sunny uh imprisoning people and putting them on laser beams dang it dude stop what you escaped you want to escape this one okay sunny enough enough this is a teacher's only area and I think I just taught you a valuable lesson yeah what's that never trust your brother oh my goodness stop what bro I'm just reminding you of the lesson cuz I'm a prankster get trolled oh no yeah you suck sunny I guess that was Karma I kind of deserved it and first try how do you do this I got to go around follow the chair's path get to the other chair Juke this no oh wait you've helped me thanks yeah because I'm a good brother Sunny yeah yeah yeah whatever you say can you find the three buttons oh I need to activate my speed coil I hear a lot of things coming at me right now Sunny Buton number one ah there's two zombies IES it's Mr Nightmare and his dog find the third button should be over here there it is and I got it I got it and I'm out of here that was only two buttons for me the last one's all the way at the start got it oh that was close I made it hey melon Sunny come on please no wait how are you floating oh wait no you're just huge sunny it's time we speedrun let's go can you even make that jump oh bro I'm small but I got jumps on me nice dang it I thought I had the Hops but I didn't I was too small now I progress to the final boss of Mr nightmare I'm almost there I got a couple more jumps yes I've just got to get across this bridge hurry up Sunny do it oh I'm doing it I'm not risking it I know what you're trying to do you're trying to troll me dang it bro you're such a cheese Lord yep I know oh my goodness here here melon what the heck oh no wait boost me boost me I'll use my teleporter Sunny no boost me look who's in the pickle now Sunny you're still on my screen in the Box just jump thank you there you go scumbag how did you mess that up I don't know what happened there time to destroy Mr nightmare for real though but I can't buy the super bazooka what the heck bro that's not on this game that's on Mr Funny dummy are you sure I think it's in this game too I don't really know anyway Sunny we've got to take out this boss oh yeah we are shelting this dude I'm hitting him in the rib cage oh he destroyed me bro that laser beam is overpowered yeah you got to run towards him when he activates it actually know the trick you grab the Bazooka and you just stay up here and you shoot him in the head how did you oh you just jump forwards oh you're right bro this is easy but I'm going to take him out my own way what melon he walked into the mountain and killed me he literally ate me he's so so close to dying oh I got him and he's dead nice one melon I got him too congratulations Sunny see you nope I'm on the bus you can't ditch me you thought where are you I don't even see you I'm on top dang it oh what's going on what what where am I what bro it just teleported me so high above the map I confused and now dead what happened sunny I think I'm turning into a zombie melon flesh I need melon brains chill I got to get out of here guys he's turning into a zombie and the only thing I can do to escape is head to the new game like And subscribe if you don't want to turn into a zombie and stick around for the rest of this Epic movie today in Roblox I can't say the letter q and if I accidentally type it or say it out loud I'll lose a heart and if I lose all three hearts I'm dead but I do have one question for you ow I lost a heart dang it anyway how fast can you press subscribe click the Subscribe button quickly to get goated ah my health I lost another one sunny today I can't say the letter q and if I do I lose a heart bro don't try and quit on me so soon I'm not allowed to say the letter V and I need to be very careful of of diving diving yeah I can't be diving how careful do you have to be I need to be very careful ow why melan why'd you trick me you're such an idiot sometimes Sunny yeah whatever you made me do this and now Sunny check it out let's hit the glass Bridge whoever loses has to say their letter yeah I agree here you go has to say their letter dang it bro why you got G that's literally the opposite of Q is it why do both of these not work oh it works it works it just wasn't glass hey yo Che I shall make it to the end first and force you to type a letter and lose a heart Sunny nice try bro nice try hey these people need to get away from me guys you're such cowards bro go no did you just slip that was bogus dude this guy figured out how to cheese it he hit the wrong platform and still survived yeah no I went backwards oh I messed up so badly oh you big old fool Sunny yes I am oh no I hate that the platforms are respawning it makes it harder bro yeah I don't remember which way I went okay it's over here it's left left oo right right and just three more left it's got to be right again then a left dang it yeah I forgot it's here and then here and obviously here wait no these people are about to make it melon it's right right right right no I got pushed I tased you you scumbag jump I did it no no no melon it's time for you to quit oh dang it I guess you win Sunny good game ow nice one all right melon I want to play answer or die for the next challenge all right Sunny well we got to wait for this match to end hold on I have a question for you what is your favorite food to eat for breakfast you are an idiot Sunny dang it I forgot my letter was V well Sunny we both have one heart that means we're going to have to settle this in an answer or die no but you never answered my question dude isn't your favorite food to eat yogurt no I actually prefer wait what do I like I think Spug n not spaghetti I like pizza bro pineapple we both know it was yogurt on your spaghetti you like yogurt sauce on your spaghetti I like sandwich okay watch this I like Z what did I just type you said zo yeah that's my favorite type of food yeah it's pretty good wait can you say your username oh of course that's not a problem sunny and melon wait oh I can't say my actual full username it's big man melon oh yeah melon melon we got to type our full ones I'm big man Sunny what's yours um big man hold on B man melon what did you what does that say big man you're B man melon bro Bing chill you got a bing chill I am being chill sunny and I'm being chilling for this answer a die yeah when will this game mode end what are they doing I'm about to go to the shop to kill them that's it these guys are taking so long I'm giving everyone another letter hopefully that messes them up yes he's almost going to burn kill the Phil fooder hey Sunny you are a stupid nah bro I wouldn't say I'm stupid I'd say I'm epic goated amazing muscular intelligent genius you are not goated wait what the heck it doesn't even show my goated yeah you can't type G bro I thought you were we're going to type it and fall for my trick uh what the heck you suck very much so bro you can't even type the letter O why can't I type the letter O I don't understand yo you gave me another letter dang it bro you should have typed in all chat you come back you think you can get away with this sunny huh yeah I do that's it I didn't want to have to do this to you yeah what are you doing what are you doing no stop yo type something type something he typed after I rerolled are you recording and I got him we killed him with that one no freaking way are we recording I don't know bro you just gave me the letter D I said these nuts D this song's so good can these people die now what is going on they've been up there for so long this is the slowest game mode ever can I just kill everybody wao melon come play this game I got the game for us check it out over here falling blocks let's go you're going down Sunny you are going down oh wait they respawn way too quick yeah yeah but did they spawn quickly enough for the respawn game is poop this should be like spliff from Craft Sunny come over here come over here I want to show you something yeah what am I looking for why can't I push you I don't understand I paid for it why are you trying to push me bro you can't push me out here I pushed you I paid come over to this Obby I'll show you how it works Catch Me If You Can shmon oh I will try but I probably would fail because you have a giant Head Start yep and I also have a head start right here get him oh nice one Sunny ow now it's my turn dang it bro also that is so weird you have to pay 20 Roo each time to just push somebody yes and now I win yeah me too bro now the question is can you celebrate your Victory something like this I am the goat I won the best ever like that I am the goat I won the best ever oh bro you're dead no what did I say h you can't type the letter R did I Type R I didn't type R ever ends with an R but I typed evve oh I don't know what you typed El boo you said the letter H I didn't I said I W I'm the goat dang it I am the Bro the has an H in it you idiot [Music] no Ah that's what you get bro when you can't say the letters you don't mess with the goat
Channel: Melon Sunny World
Views: 621,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LhYgECMn7Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 18sec (5478 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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