Eating MY BABY in Who's Your Daddy? (Funny Moments)

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this is who's your daddy pretty much one player is a baby that's trying to find mischievous ways to die and the other player is the dad their job is to keep their baby alive but here's the thing we're terrible parents so bad that I even found a way to eat melon while he was playing as the baby if you want to see that secret glitch stick around until the end of this video let's get goated all right all right sunny today you're in baby boot camp and you're going to listen to up and you're going to listen good okay melon you look so weird as a dad I just want you to know that look at that hairline bro that's the first problem enough insulting my hairline baby boy and today we're going to teach you how to not die first things first yo put me down put me down ow hey do not hit your father like that all right okay or I'll do this what are you doing Dad you're flying yeah now I bet you're really scared aren't you I'm just concerned for your well-being not mine plus who's going to feed me if you fly to the moon now let me give you a hug boy okay fine where are you taking me I'm putting you down I just got it there we go drop you I'll drop myself thank you very much actually I don't know why it wouldn't let me drop you no problem hey Dad you got to clean yourself up hop in this dishwasher first things first people don't go in the dishwasher that's for dishes it goes like this honey you forgot to put the soap let me help Dad let me help there you go I put the soap in get out of there Sunny what's wrong I'm just going in the dishwasher don't you go in dishwasher I'm running maintenance on it it was broken this is the problem with you you keep trying to do stupid silly things and I'm trying to teach you what not to do that's it I'm teaching you how to cross the road melon you threw a blender off and it's freaking out let me check this out uh melon I'm in the blender just get out of the blender okay you picked me up in a blender and threw me where'd you go nowhere yo guys this is so weird hold on hold on he has no idea and close I just saw you go into the dishwasher get out of there for the last last time you don't go in the dishwasher fine where do I go I'll listen to your instructions Dad I'm in daycare anyways I want to learn something new follow me I'm going to teach you how to cross the road safely okie dokie this seems like a really bad idea considering I can't even walk yet okay come outside yep I knew it you're a terrible father you're going to make me crawl across the street nope I'm not going to make you crawl across the street I'm going to make you drive across the street so before you cross the road I want you to H up in this baby car no way I'm getting my driver's license already yeah but I got to teach you a few things Sunny like what how to honk for no no stop stop stop stop first things first I can run you over get out of here you need to not do that sunny I want to see you first of all Drive in a straight line and Dodge these cones okay straight line got it so I go next to the school bus and zoom now slow down before the road slow down before before the road okay I slowed down I slowed down what are you doing no you weren't supposed to cross the road yet melon it's okay I'm alive where' you go I'm back in daycare bro don't worry about it I'm just trying to swim with the fish what do you mean swim with the fish I don't like that yeah don't worry about it I am definitely not eating the fish oh no you're in the backyard aren't you where are you I'm literally in the daycare eating fish no no oh no I'm going to need some pills my sushi sushi oh yummy why am I dying too what the heck is happening Sushi where is it get back here I ate all the fish every last one you're going to eat this now Sunny don't ever do that again I'm just going to be honest with you I need medicine I thought I gave you medicine hold on hold on hold on hold on stop eating stuff for a second Sunny please yeah I'm just eating the fish bro where'd it go look at this little sushi I'm going to need you to stop eating stuff I didn't eat anything I think you fed something to me Sashimi I'm eating stuff I don't want to eat stuff I want to hug you yeah hug this hold on I need to take care of myself I'm about to die I'm I'm dead my stomach wait oh my stomach healed I'm fine my stomach sorted itself out I'm an absolute tank I'm eating this fish yes s it's cuz I gave you pills but now I need pills myself oh and I just upset my stomach all over again because I ate another fish oh no I don't have any pills where are the pills don't worry I'll go to the store I know how to drive it's fine pills pills pills eat them oh that was nearly bad I almost died where's my car Wait melon I'm trying to go to the pharmacy that's it we're going on the school bu together Sunny okay what are we doing that for you clearly are not ready for baby daddy Academy bro you don't even know how to drive you just got in the car crash and killed me dude the whole bus exploded you are a terrible father good morning melon what do you want Dad I want to take you to the backyard and teach you how to swim I just want to rock on my rocking horse bro let me be all right fine you can rock on the rocking horse and break out of the window how about that how's that for a life lesson but you're a terrible father what what are you doing you going to throw me out the window you just shocked me with something you're a terrible baby thanks for putting me down bro I'm going to scattle out of here see you later father can you please just listen to me okay what do you want I want you to come to the backyard and learn how to swim fine but can you grab me bro I'm really slow all right there you go what did I just do to you a revive thing on me what is this bro that's awesome it's just a precaution for when we go swimming in case you drown you don't actually die I'm still going to be drowning but then you can drown twice it's okay here you go now please go for a swim okay I'm going for a swim so I'm pretty sure you swim under water right yep that's part of it but remember you got to come up for oxygen you're going to drown get up here quick what am I doing I'm purple Dad how do I grab him no I don't want to float I need him to float and I'm dead what this thing just revived me let's go now I I really really need this off of me this is no melon get up here you're being a good baby if you get up here okay fine I'll get up there get up quick you need air and I died you are the worst baby bro it's okay it's letting me respawn dude and how am I a bad baby you're a bad father for letting me drown already dude I was trying to put you in an inflatable tube and you wouldn't cooperate with me gosh son you are so stupid sometimes and now I have this dang tube stuck on me whatever get over here what do you want from me yeah fine I'll go in the vent bro that's sus I didn't want to put you in the vent like an impostor I just can't do anything with this tube on procedural projectile launcher bro there is something wrong with me right now Sunny yes uh what are you holding what is that wait what no I didn't want to throw it hold on no give that back give what back this it doesn't it melon doesn't do anything does it no you just drop it give it give it to me melon put the rocket launcher down or this is going to get real ugly chill okay good you put it down no no melon you picked it back up that's not okay s why are you hitting me you're supposed to be my dad I didn't want to be like this I didn't want to turn you into a home home run I'm eating everything everything will be eaten that's fine I'll pick you up and I need to save your life cuz you're so annoying and I bring you in here I toss you in the sink wait what oh my Lord hold on let me just get in here and uh yeah let me throw this candle melon where'd you go vents the vents are so cool Sunny son I don't want you to die why are you so tiny y I'm crazy eat these what did you just do I just shrunk you and then you grew up really fast and you're huge but I picked you up yo let's go that was the most cursed thing I've ever seen that's it I'm going in the toilet yeah you deserve to be in the toilet bro you're literally a piece of poo let me flush you down how do I get in there I actually just flushed you wait you you flooded the house Sunny you flooded the house what have you done how all I did was put a baby in the toilet and flush it Melon No you fried me into a crispy baby no I'm holding you you're you're totally fine I have you in my arms you're good Sunny I'm definitely dead melon I'm still holding you oh no this is cursed what's going on I can eat you it's literally says eat melon don't do it I'm going to freaking do it melon I'm eating you oh my gosh how could you do that to me sunny well you're literally a watermelon so I thought I'd get a little bit of healthy eats and you know what else is healthy rest in that like And subscribe button do it right now or I'll eat you too melon is my dad for the day and he's trying to keep me alive but I've got other plans it's time to flood this house let's go hi hi son how are you doing today I could be a whole lot better but you got this ugly doll why would you buy this plushy it looks nothing like me because it looks just like you son it's gorgeous well then why don't you make that thing your new son what I practice for my concert coming up oh man I'm going to be a rock star son you're amazing I'm going to be the most supportive father ever wow son just keep that hairline out of my concerts I don't want my friends making fun of me looks like you're wearing in a cap all the time what's wrong with you I just wanted to jam out with you well then at least start playing the piano then I'm playing the guitar bro I was born to play this son yeah don't play the guitar that is looking very sus right now just sit down and play the piano please dad that is weird trust me it's weird okay okay I'll stop bro where's the piano it's right here sit down and play it stop stretching your arm out and just sit down and play the dang thing all right I'm playing it yeah you stay there and keep playing the piano wait I think I'm playing the drums now yeah yeah practice the drums we could do a drum Duo hey guys I got to get out of here now's my chance break the vents jump in yeah where is it sending me well that's not very helpful right back into my bedroom get me out of here son I remember this solo from back and black from ACDC as I'm back back in black and I'm back and I'm Back Back in Black hey sh dude you want to you want to join on the piano no CHS uh what did you just throw nothing I definitely didn't try and knock you unconscious by smacking you in the head with a marble anyways I'm back back in BL guys I need to create a distraction wait is this going to cook me I'm not trying to burn myself I just want to start a house fire cuz my ultimate goal is to flood the entire house it's going to be beautiful I should probably check on my son he's usually up to no good when he leaves his room guys I need a distraction got to open this open this open this open that yep he'll have no clue what I'm actually up to now plug the drain turn on the sink oh yeah hey Dad what did you do it's a mess in here wait are you trying to flood the place heck no dude no flooding Sunny that's it I'm putting you in the timeout Corner Dad I'm not trying to flood the house I was just trying to get this delicious raw chicken Sunny what did I tell you about eating raw chicken you said I should only eat it on Tuesdays oh wait what give it back no I said that's my food did you just eat the raw chicken oh no oh no I need some pills I need some pills give me the pills dude you look like aie zombie okay guys I got to make a distraction in fast hey Dad eat this you're still going in timeout Johnny don't think you're going to get away with that you need to go no you need to go in your corner you need to go in your corner stop flopping around like a worm then go in your corner okay and think about what you did I'm thinking about it but this isn't even a corner you just threw me into a fence now I'm going to go watch TV and you better be here when I get back okay I'm going to role play being a bug do doop doop doop doop I'm a termite eating my sng set this is really fun life is awesome as a termite that's it guys I am so done with my dad he's annoying I'm going in the pool if I can't flood the house I can at least drown myself guys my dad's senses are tingling this show is really good but I feel like my son's up to something squeeze through squeeze uh son what are you trying to do Cannonball no get out of there get out of there I'm just trying to swam around a little bit I'm just swam I'm just you're swam let me pick you up dang it come over here come over here no I'm swam let me pick you up why can't I pick you up cuz you're a terrible father you are not bored for this you're really going to let my lungs fill with water I'm too young oh it's okay I got you I got you wow you actually saved me dad Thanks yep you're welcome now you're going to have to go in the timeout Corner again though I don't want to be in timeout why don't you just make me wear a floaties so I can have fun and play in the pool oh that's a great idea son let me put you in the floaties and now you can go with the pool really you're actually G to let me swim uh I don't know where I am everything's dark I don't know where I am where'd you put me dad is this time out everything's dark what's happening I'm so scared hello darkness my old friend yeah Dad I don't like this place this is not what I had in mind for today ah son now you're all safe you got a floaty in the pool and you're free to do whatever you want in here a thanks Dad what if I wanted to drown you can't drown you've got a floaty silly anyways have a good swim you're really just going to leave me in here by myself yeah you have a floaty I don't see the need for a father okay I'm going to take that one down for when I have kids put them in a floaty ignore them oh yeah I forgot one thing though son check this out why would you throw a vacuum in my head um I don't know just I thought it would be funny good little gag right yeah hilarious guys you know what else is hilarious he's so dumb my floaty just popped and it's time for me to Exit the pool and conduct my my new secret mission I just need to sneak inside and my dad will be super confused because I'm not sneaking in the back door I'm going to sneak inside no I'm not that's it guys I've got the baby mobile I'm out of here open up wait that's the lawn mower bro how do I get to the front of this house oh there we go shortcut now when my dad goes to look for me in the backyard I'll actually be in the front but before I go back inside the house I want to have a drag race ready ow what the heck the car was supposed to come from the other side that's not a very good drag race thanks a lot big daddy yo this car needs to chill as I was saying drag race I'm trying to race out here Dad what are you doing get off the road I'll save you I got you don't worry we'll drive out what did you do you fool you almost got me killed dad I wasn't trying to get you killed I was trying to save you guys I need to hide in this bush he'll have no clue where I went where did you go Sunny hello hello Sunny I'm in the pool dad the car smacked me so far I went for a swim don't worry I'll save you you won't drown on my watch guys that was the perfect cover story now if I just sneak in the front door I should be able to flood the entire house please tell me it's not locked your mother will kill me if you drown on my watch got to sneak in and I'm going to make a mess of this place really quick cause some distraction so he thinks thinks I went to the bathroom but really I'm in the laundry go go go wait a second you're not in the pool where are you son dad I have to make poop really bad really bad poop you're not in the bathroom but it's a mess in here what the heck and now guys this is all I have to do plug the drain turn on the sink and it's only a matter of time now yes look at it flood wait a second why is there flooding coming from the laundry room what did you do what did you do what did you do yo dad you got burnt to a crisp it's okay I can jump start my heart and save the house swim swim deactivate yeah why are you interested in Saving the house you should have been more concerned about your child what where are you where are you son oh you're still alive my baby boy yeah I'm alive for one reason and one reason only dad and what's that because I haven't completed my final mission well as long as your final Miss Miss doesn't involve you dying I'm okay with that well no promises dad because I'm going to be the first baby to go to space space uh what are you doing okay this was awkward I was supposed to go to space like outer space Dad yeah I don't you're in a chair right now I don't really know what you're doing all right you know what fine that was just uncomfortable for everyone let me show you how it's done son I do this every Tuesday to get the groceries you going to sit on the bench here you can even come on if you'd like yeah Dad we could go to outer space together uh yeah but we're just going to go get some groceries check it out let's go Dad this is insane no wonder mom hasn't come back she went to get the milk and I haven't seen her since oh yeah she fell off this couch when we went to get groceries it was uh was pretty nasty you mean like this today in Roblox we play rainbow friends but there's custom Hearts every heart un locks of you unique power up from the lightning heart to the ice heart will we be able to complete chapter 2 with these epic new superpowers watch until the end to find out let's go melon it's time for rainbow friends but we unlock custom hard power up let's do this thing sunny right now I have the energy heart bro what did you drink how many coffees how many stars are there in the sky don't tell me you would Prime hydrate oh hydrated bro now spin that wheel your custom hard power up is wait no that's bad for me you got the box heart wait what's the Box heart the Box heart means other players cannot use their boxes Sunny you suck without your box yo that's not true I'm actually the goat I'm a speed Runner I don't need no box cuz I got a birthday cake you cheated you have to die now reset your character no chea around here Sunny wait I got to spend gems thanks to you bro what a waste of my roblo anyways time to spin the wheel my custom heart power aace please stop a it's still awesome but I almost got the fire heart bro what did you get I got the magnet heart which allows me to pull players towards me so if there's a monster between you and I I'm going to give you the sock no Sunny don't do it why we're on the same team here yeah true we do have to find 25 light bulbs and as the resident speedrunner I've already got the first two bulbs well Sunny I've got zero bulbs so I went up you melon activate magnet get zucked get zucked no no no no oh that's not too bad actually dang it you actually got to The Hideout why is he right here why is he right here my bulb no that's mine wait how did you grab it through me what the heck I was in front of of you that's cap that's so cap whatever Sunny I'm going to use my box because I'm allowed to use my boxes wow I bet you feel cool well I'm going to go to purple's layer cuz purple can't grab you if you crouch so I could just be like hey what's up purple oh you want to grab me oh nice try bro nice try actually sunny it's not that purple can't grab you but it's that every single rainbow friend and all of rainbow FS can't grab you in there you're actually Invincible no freaking way melan if I go in here I'm Invincible I'm indistractable and no rainbow friends can grab me um actually yes that's amazing you know what else is amazing bro I'm getting every single light bulb yeah how many do you have I got six seven eight bro there is just too many yeah I got eight as well watch out Green's in the river just giving you a quick heads up warning oh I know sunny I know oh Blue's after me and I'm dropping my bulbes off and I'm going back for some more I got nine bulbes and by that I mean I got 10 bulbas dude that's a whole lot of bulbes a whole lot of bulbs for one melon and now I've got two more on me I am dripping in the bulb and that's three goat mode absolutely goated melon I really hope I get the fire heart I can't wait to cook you turn you into roasted watermelon well I hope I get the electricity heart so I can turn you in a burnt toast yo chill that's not cool that's too far Sunny where the heck have you not checked yet bro you wish I would tell you I've checked everywhere cuz I'm goated yo melon if you turn me into electricity there's this electric fence over here I bet you I could supercharge it and break out of the matap oh that's interesting idea Sunny do you have three or two or one uh I have four of them oh I have the last one Sunny well let's drop these bulbs off and unlock our next custom heart powers and now melon I will spin the wheel spin that wheel your second heart power is a you got the ice heart let's go bro I already know that heart's awesome the ice heart gives me the ability to freeze players for 5 seconds combined with the Box heart it's over for you dude that's so overpowered it's okay if I just believe my next heart will be even stronger please stop stop dang it I got the useless snail heart sucker the snail heart lets me control other players by making them always Crouch and walk slow bro you're finished dude that's so annoying bro I really got to crouch this whole game yeah have fun let me go get all of these gas cans for us shy I found a little Easter egg in the game it says I'll get rid of this later it's a little poed note on the camera I wonder if he'll actually get rid of it dude what do you think it's there for probably a reminder for him to get rid of it later imagine that's what you made a Post-It note for cuz you were so lazy you didn't want to get rid of it right then and there oh no oh no you know what I might as well box up the whole time oh yeah true you may as well just box uh melon uh I don't want to talk about it bro you were found I didn't even use one of my custom Hearts yo it wasn't my fault okay I walked into the purple's lirer and his arms were already grabbing me what you saying that's my fault no I'm saying it was my fault but it was super unlucky oh uh sunny I may have ran by accident I've already got five canisters yes oh wait no yellow's after me oh it's a good thing I can run yeah very funny Sunny oh it feels good to stretch the old legs yellow's after me Fox no did you get captured Maybe yes that's so awesome my custom hearts are very powerful yeah yeah whatever you say Sunny just got to get out right here and I'm chilling you think you're chilling do you just wait until I see a rainbow friend hey melon we only need five more cans I have one I'm depositing one so we only need three more could these gas canisters potentially be hiding I'm not quite sure my young melon however where are you I want to find you and magnet you that was so annoying blue almost got me bro Helen bro this is going to be the slowest magnet ever yeah watch this melon I activate a he moved hold on hold on hold on hold on melon I activate my magnet no sun I'll be there in about 3 years oh no yellow grabbed me I messed up wait now I got to go to the bouncy cash well the magnet wears off bro it only lasts for 10 seconds oh well that's good now I can drop off my gas canisters you're welcome now where are these last gas canisters you mean last G canister oh there's only one left yeah if I was a little can I would probably be in purple's layer yes it is I knew it activate freeze heart okay I was already crouching dang it no no no why is yellow here why why he got me I hope you're proud it could have been blue you're right yellow's the best possible rainbow friend you know what this is all just a shortcut it's going to help me get this back to the spawn area sooner there we go thank you very much melon I appreciate it also Sunny if you were crouched you still would have been immune no cuz I wasn't in purple's area oh I guess that was really good timing then yeah I had just barely taken one step outside of purple's Larry when you froze me let's go let's see these lies oh this is my favorite dude I don't understand why it's your favorite cuz it's awesome look at those little guys wow that's so awesome thanks for admitting it melon it's time to get our next custom Heart come on please give me something good like the speed heart so I cannot be slow anymore yeah we'll see about that one melon you got the death heart what that's sounds op death art equals when activated both players must stop moving until one player dies yo wait a second that's actually crazy for me because I have the box heart I'll just be boxed up like this then I'll call the death heart and then if you somehow survive I'll call the freeze heart and it's over for you bro that is such an unfair Wombo Combo whatever I'm spinning my next heart please give me the electric or fire heart that would be so awesome stop yes yes I got the electricity heart what does that even do Sunny the electric heart gives me the ability to shock other players and only the electric fence can remove the shock I'll tell you what melon because that heart is so strong I'll remove the snail heart so you can walk around again finally I can move but I really don't want to get electricuted Sunny yeah we'll see freeze heart freeze heart Magna heart Magna heart Magna heart death heart bro that is so annoying I can't believe you froze me the second I got out here dude that was way too close uh by the way death heart didn't count I didn't actually activate it whatever bro I'm in the bouncy castle then I'm safe oh let me grab this ly and and bada bing bada boom hey melon where are you bro we should totally team up and gather all the lies yeah we definitely should but it's too bad you're electrocuted ow ow ow I got to get to the electric fence I got to get there a do you really though do you really yes it hurts so much magnet heart no Sunny why yo have fun getting to that electric fence you're going to die soon yeah what whatever Sunny I'm just going to keep moving keep moving keep moving ow ow ow bro the electricity killed you before blue could even get you Sunny look what you did to me my hair's gone everywhere bro your watermelon cap exploded look at those little slices maybe I'll grab them and put them in a blender and make a nice smoothie you know what Sunny death heart activated melon that is so dumb we both have to stand still now see you bro not cool no no see you Sunny dude I can't believe you've done this we're going to run out of time we're not even going to get all the lies that's fine bro the scientists will be okay I have a feeling and I have to let yellow eat me alive I hope you're proud of yourself I actually do feel proud of myself melon all the lies are in the river hurry up in hell no sunny I refuse you made me mad why just cuz I gave you a bad hair day yes dude I just ran straight through blue that was incredible get in the locker I activated freeze heart I didn't hear you sorry I couldn't hear you whatever Sunny you were too slow I was already in the locker fine Sunny melon we're going to run out of time the old man's a goner is about to explode Sunny he's going to blow poor guy Red's detonating it wait it's just fireworks what the heck wait a second maybe Red's not such a bad guy after all unless red is the same person as that old guy that would be weird that wouldn't be possible Sunny we're literally looking at them yeah but have you ever seen them in the same frame no but I mean we've seen them in like two different locations right there what if he's really quick I don't think so sunny I don't know if that's how it works anyways the old gu's okay and he says there's no time for us to waste cuz we got to get our next custom heart and melon there's only three left the flying heart fire heart and money heart ooh I hope I get the fire heart too bad you got the flying heart what the heck is the flying heart uh sunny I think I'm going on a flight right now oh no well melon that's convenient cuz the flying heart says let yellow pick you up and fly away well I did fly away and now I'm in the bouncy castle well I guess you've already completed your new heart that's awesome that heart is trash I don't know bro it helps you get out of sticky situations now got eaten by Sion oh unlucky and now there's only two hearts remaining give me the fire heart let him cook yes it's all mine no check it out goats the fire heart gives me the ability to light other players on fire and only the river can put out the Flames hey melon we've got to find nine sugar packets if we're going to escape yeah hny little did you know I'm a speedrunner blue stay away oh no oh no blue might get me blue might get me he's so close he's so close I got to keep running activate magnet activate magnet I don't even know where you are I'm right behind you ah are you kidding me don't worry melon I'll grab that Sugar from right under blue activate freeze oh no melon why we're both dead now I hope you're proud Karma Sunny Karma okay let's cooperate no more using custom Hearts like activate fire heart burn burn ow ow ow I got to get to the river I got to get to the river no yellow stay away stay away you don't understand river river river put it out oh that's much better are you kidding me well I guess my flying heart's been activated Sion is here green is here all of the rainbow friend monsters are working together this game this is the hardest round I've ever played uh Sunny I'm going to activate give me a second just give me a second yeah take as much time as you want take your sweet little time and now I activate my death heart why well cuz I'm in the safety of the bouncy castle Yeah but but melon but why like I have the sugar packs don't you want to get out of here I'm about to get eaten by Blue are you happy yes I am happy and now I'm dead again let's go okay melon I think we need to cool down on our custom hearts for a little bit all right don't activate one on me then all right Sony how about that yeah let's have a truce deal I'll go down into the sewers and I'll grab all the sugar packs from down here ooh I found a sugar pack at Rainbow Jesus very nice that's a great discovery is very nice and you know what else is very nice what else is very nice sunny my custom heart are you kidding me sunny I didn't use it relax I was just joking I didn't even activate it it's not like I said electric heart go ow ow ow oh let him cook I got to get there I got to get to the electric fence please please please yes I've made s chill oh I'm dead dude Sion is so strong melon how many packs did you lose I don't even know sunny I don't know zero cuz I have the last three on me we're good I'm going to return them right now activate ice heart why why why would you do this cuz you started this and I'm going to end it bro has the ice thought out out yet how long does this thing last yeah you're good now you're good it's been 10 seconds oh finally and dropping off the sugar now look at that handsome big lookie he just wanted a little snack y look at you in your box you look so goofy I'm literally inside of him that is sus you're sus bro all that's left to do now melon is escape Oddworld let's get on this roller coaster and do let's do this thing now we just got to wait 10 years for this old guy melan it's cion we got to move you're right Sunny we got to get out of here freeze heart oh you think that's funny fire heart magnet heart ow ow what do I do you're dead you're dead Sunny uh that means I keep going right a lightning heart he's on fire and getting electrocuted I'm burn and getting electrocuted but I can make it to the end first I can do it I can win please please wait electricity a touch screen the electric heart is gone please please make it yes I did it dang it I can't believe you actually won I did it I survived custom Hearts rainbow friends have you ever wanted to test your strength in the slap fighting World well now you can this is slapping Simulator the only Roblox game where the harder you slap the more money you make so why don't you slap that like And subscribe button into the next Dimension it would really help our Channel out let's go Mel and it's time for me to slap that cap off your head get ready for slapping simulator let's do this thing first things first I'm going to take on the bacon Noob you're going down I don't need to train for you you really think so bro I'm juicing my slap up a bit wait he's actually hitting me a lot more than I'm hitting him and he has 3,000 Health what the heck he's going to slap my melon cap off no way all right let me see if I can beat him bro are you kidding me no oh he slapped me over I got him right where I wanted him melon I destroyed this bacon hair what how much health did you have uh only 100 HP but I also have 50 slapping power and I'm melting him down what the heck two wins already listen to the crowd go wild is there an auto slap oh there is let's go yeah Farm it bro look how stupid we look that's awesome bro my hands are getting calloused and thick and strong yeah you don't want to catch these hands let me tell you and Melon No paying to win yet all right you got to play for real oh yeah yeah I totally wasn't looking at the Pay to Win menu sorry dude dude close the shop don't look at it okay I won't I won't soon you're going to be at 300 power anyways you just hit this yellow bag wait wait wait you could get the rainbow hand or the dragon hand for 400 Robux they both do the same thing but one gives you times 3,000 more power yeah that doesn't make any sense but the rainbow hand is crazy bro Sunny no Payway in yet no pay to win yet yeah I'm not paying to win I'm just using my brain what are you doing M I cannot say you're clearly paying to win which is why you're hitting the wrong bag I'm not sunny I was just looking at the menu you can get hands for normal wins that are way stronger than the Pay to Win hands yeah exactly melon how are you gaining on me right now what do you mean aren't you catching up in slaps or am I imagining that I I'm just having my auto slap on I honestly have not bought anything pay to win yet okay I'll Trust you for now once I hit a th000 slap power I'm going to go beat up on the bacon Noob yeah you have fun with that I'm going to go beat up on him right now yeah I will have fun with this actually hey get wrecked bacon Noob I one shot him holy that's awesome my turn I got to get five wins I need to farm up these wins boys yeah I'm going to buy the first pet egg slap that boy slap him and that's enough for a pet egg let's go oh look at these has five wins and I can buy the dirt hand time 2 power come on give it to me give it give it to me what does this guy give me just plus one slap check out my hands Sunny let me see wa why do you have brown triangles on them I don't know it looks so goofy I gained plus three hands a slap what about you I gained plus four hands a slap wait are you kidding let's go that's so annoying how are you stronger than me that's it I'm going to see if I can take on the big boy right here the footballer I'm not afraid of your muscles you're just a dumb JW die oh he's got a lot of Health oh I got him beat though oh I got him beat it's close it's a close one how do you get more health I'm so weak oh you're right this is close woo almost died melon how did you buy the dirt hand it's just equipped it's really weird hny you'll have the triangle hands oh it's automatic yeah let's go plus five I need to keep farming this guy so I can get the next set of hands plus n I'm grinding you have plus nine wins what the heck yep maybe I'll unlock the wind hand no I not nine winds plus nine hands oh and boom I've unlocked the next hands the wind hands I've harnessed all the powers sunny and now I gain plus 16 dude that's not fair I gained plus 17 over here so eat that how strong you have to be 3K dang it well I'll get that power very quickly Sunny yes and shall I also defeat The Jock just enough times to unlock the next hand yes I will well you do that I shall gain immeasurable power all the lands will know me as the melon man yeah well that's I was going to say your name is melon yeah good job the melon man's with the hands though true I wouldn't want to mess with them hands who knows how much poop they've touched EXA wait no no no not poop hny don't be ridiculous dude I'm not being ridiculous it's what you eat every day and you only have hands to pick them up we both know you don't know how to use a fork or a spoon no no no no it's that is very uh assumptious of you honey I don't eat the poop I absorb it through the roots wow that is is just so disgusting you would say that dude it's not my fault you like compost come on now you're a plant bro you photosynthesize and eat poop for a living yo yo yo yo you better take that back right now nope I've got wind hands bro you don't want to catch these meet me at the slap table we'll slap it out yeah you don't want this heat you don't want it well there's no way for us to slap it out so whatever I'll let you get away with it this time bro you have way more power than me that would not have been Fair hya let me just slap that boy in the face give me the wins uh how much do I need for the next set of hands I need 50 wins y let me farm this guy a few times that's it guys I'm checking the Pay to Win menu melon's gotten ahead of me and now he's got an ego so I've got to shut it down I think times two slaps is a good start and probably double wins is always nice to have yes increase my grinding capability and watch this plus 130 slaps yo Sunny I've now become one with the water hands I'm so impressed with you melon my power grows at an immeasurable rate how many slabs per hit do you get 130 you cheater that's it you want to play these games honey you want to play these games you bot VIP too plus 800 slappers yeah you want to play these games hny play Silly games you win stupid prizes give me the Galaxy slap hands give me the Galaxy slap hands that's it I'm going to use a code go shop where's the code part enter code update like this submit I don't know what it gave me but it was probably something good milkshake like that submit yes I gained so much power guys I don't think those codes did anything what the heck I've got nothing to show for it wo Sunny you have 270,000 power how do you have 250 million yep that's what I thought time to take out Davey bazooka 3 million recommended I'll one shot you you pleb diee you just cheesed everything what do you mean I didn't do anything wrong you paid to win you bought something what would I have possibly paid to win to get me that much stronger than you I don't know but I'm defeating the boss Mafia and the chicken man chicken man going down like a clown there we go 100 wins easy game and I can't fight the crazy fighter cuz I didn't pay to beat the entire game bro I didn't beat the entire game there's still many other worlds I need to travel to is this a joke to you yes it pretty much is a joke to me sunny what does this give me plus 11 slaps hey it's not too bad and then I will go into the shop wao oh wait I already have that one uh yeah I don't need those don't need those don't need those yep whatever I'm going to head into wait a second I haven't even acquired pets yet 50 wins for this pet egg Don't Mind If I Do glowing alien 25% not bad glowing star bro I got the 4% one not cool bro that's it guys I'm buying the Galaxy Dominus it's the only pet that might give me a fighting chance just keep slapping this boy help me Galaxy Dominus wait I have two of them now I don't know how that happened but that's awesome wait melon I'm still not getting power as quickly as you it's so goofy beating this guy up in one slap melon what have you done n be's waack honey it's time for me to Advance wait I'm looking at your hands what is that it looks like the entire galaxy yep I may have bought the Galaxy hand times 12,000 power Sunny I'll see you in the next World no no I need this I need this where let the thing won't let me buy it oh never mind I need uh 5,000 wins hold on let me just beat this boy up go to boss map 75 million W okay never mind I'm not going there okay can I please buy these super duper Galaxy hands yes yes I can Melon now let's see who's more powerful me still I wouldn't be so sure about that yeah whatever you say uh let me go slap that boy right there and when I slap it I gain uh 100 million that's a lot that's a lie okay I only gained 1.2 million bro you're so pathetic I'm already going to be stronger than you what do you gain 2.6 million oh my what the heck sunny it's probably cuz you bought those two dominous pets waste of robo buddy yeah whatever bro let me just do this really quick and hit a couple of rebirths you hit a couple of rebirths hny I'm heading to the next World I just got to farm up a few more wins yeah me too let me take this guy out Speedy mode one hit koe and one final hit hey and I'm out of here see you Sunny have fun in this loser world how many wins you need 5,000 Sunny ooh and what does this egg give me let's purchase one of these come on these pets better be good legendary uh well they're all very very not good yeah you take your time with those pets melon you take your time guys just need a few more hits a few more hits and I'll have enough wins yep let me just Farm up yep and I think it's time to start rebirthing come on come on Yo Dave bazooka is getting splattered like a pancake ooh I'm facing bacon girl will I be able to one shot her yep oh you think you're so cool melon I'm coming to the next Island too what the heck how'd you get her so fast you must have purchased two x wins I need to get that now but of course but of course 2x wins I need this slap her slap the ninja bro I'm going to beat all of these saes they ain't got nothing on me boom Oh the french fries bro be careful yeah I just ate him he was kind of it was kind of delicious needed a little more salt though how does one eat a thing Sunny he's a french fry bro I just deliciously ate him up I could have used a little more seasoning but it was good 100 million required yeah let me just slap him real quick and I have a billion power oh wow he does 25 damage all right chill yeah I think I'm going to eat another french fry actually kind of looking good evil Santa I don't know if I can take this guy he looks like a Mecca Santa the heck yo he does 15 damage a hit I beat him though that was close I must train I must get more powerful I must also become more powerful wait a second guys the Galaxy hand is times 12,000 these down here look a little bit better soon I'll be able to acquire them Sunny how much do you gain off this I gained 6 million per hit oh sorry melon I gained 12 million I don't understand it says rebirth for 6X slap multiplier and I do it and I don't even see the difference in my gaining of strength I don't think it's actually 6X I think it's just like plus 6 so I think it's pretty trash bro this is terrible I'm never rebirthing again yeah not ideal or it's time six on this 500 so you're getting an extra 3,000 a hit is what it is probably is that still pretty trash anyways melon with my 5 billion power I shall outs slap the frost guard yes his ice armor won't be cold enough he's dead 20,000 wins now I will autofarm him you gained 20,000 win wins wait a second you'll be able to get hands stronger than the Galaxy hands yes I will Melon now you're catching on you do not know the limits of my power I'm going to need to buy a Galaxy Dominus I need it if I want to catch up to you let's see guys spark hands I think I'll save up for the bacon hand actually wait why does it give you two Galaxy dominuses when you buy one I don't know it just kind of did did the same thing happen to you yeah and it barely gives me any more slap power I gained 6.1 then what's wrong with you bro how much did you gain did you not buy the double slap power Oh my days I'm such an idiot I thought you bought that ages ago I need to buy 2x slap give me this right now bro that is the most obvious purchase in every simulator you just buy the double up bro the pets are so useless yeah they're kind of trash they were good earlier but now they're trash it's all about the hands Farm him oh yeah I melt this guy and now I can buy the bacon hands the finest in the Galaxy yeah let's check these out bacon yeah time to train plus 32 million a hit bro you're way too strong yep it's all in the bacon guess I'll go to 10 billion I need to farm up to 250,000 wins and then I need to get to the next world oh is that what the next World costs I have that wait Sunny you weren't supposed to hear me sorry bro you should have muted and now melon I leave you behind dang it sunny it's beautiful here melon uh these guys get crazy the final impossible boss is Skiby Gman you need a trillion to beat him Sunny I'll be there in no time yeah I'm taking out a zombie he needed 10 billion but he was weak oh my dude how many times did you farm this guy uh a lot obviously 10 times maybe the zombie gives 35,000 win and get to the next Zone get to the next Zone yes yes yes yes yes yes Welcome To Paradise let's see something stronger than bacon ooh candy hand I'm going to going to buy that pretty soon two more battles sunny sunny don't do it I don't have a choice melon I need to leave you behind I'm no longer a mere mortal Sunny the candy hands they're so beautiful melon I look so good the blue goes perfectly with my yellow oh wow I am so strong yeah I I'm going to beat this final boss in like 2 seconds [Music] actually wow okay this game is pretty chill that's three trillion Slack power bro imagine you got hit with these hands I'm going to just take out the Skiby right here yo I'm actually take him out yeah how you only have 200 bills cuz I am fast at clicking Sunny whatever I'm going to work my way up starting with the ghost oh he actually beat me there and one tap the ghost yeah go back to the death realm oh skeleton yeah you should also go back to the shadow realm oh one hit the Clown Say Goodbye Pennywise you're so cursed looking one hit Goodbye Oh G man oh oh oh oh are you going to hurt me oh oh no he's going to kill me Mel he's going to kill me he's dead yo calm down Sunny just get into your head yeah the power the power's flowing through me hey 3 million and I can leave this world hey whoever gets their first wins oh well I'm going to win Sunny are you sure I killed this guy in two hits yeah I kill him in like four hits so oh no you're actually going to beat me wo wo yes give me these hands give me these hands oh I'm so powerful 100 billion per hit yeah but that doesn't do you any good you need these wins let me slap you to death yo your hands look pretty cool what those purple teardrops Yep they're Joe Mama's hands yeah waa Joe mama is Joe mama too no you don't know what I'm talking about you Joe Mama Joe Joe adopted mama no no we're not quand is my father okay well we have the same mom though and 3 million wins with this slap of the century goodbye Gman and goodbye to this world what how did you beat me there that makes no sense you took a break melon you took a break I'm so stupid let's see what hands I can get for 3 million wins The Brick hand the brick look at me I'm actually a unit and I win let's go melon that was clearly a photo finish it was a draw no no I won clearly I won I gained one trillion a punch clearly I won uh I have the same hands as you Sunny no you literally don't you have purple hands I got brick hands okay well now I have brick hands and now we gain the same out and if you guys want to see us beat the rest of this game including these anime characters just press that like And subscribe button and comment down below today we're playing a new Obby game in Roblox there's 50 levels for us to overcome and five animal pets that we can morph into each pet has a unique ability to help us beat every challenge which easy pet type is your favorite and can you speedrun that like button in less than 2 seconds 1 2 let's get goed Sunny we're about to race through this Obby as different pets yo I'm a little worm what happened to my face Sunny you're still Dave from the last video bro hold on hold on I can't reset I'm permanently pet Dave whatever let's just get out of here you look terrifying sunny I think I look kind of cute yeah sure but sunny as a worm we can crawl through this little hole this is actually the perfect pet to be you're right and if you check the bottom bro we can transform I'm a kangaroo woohoo how do you transform bro I don't even see my mouse you just click them bro I'm a bear yo I could smash walls yo I look so goofy as a bear look at this boy yo Sunny which pet did you use the kangaroo yeah dude the kangaroo lets you jump over walls that are really high and the bear lets you crush the walls dude that's awesome I'm becoming the bear melon look how pun your head is though look at my head and then look back at yours dude yeah because you have the biggest head in all of Roblox and now I'm a spider yo the spider has the ability to crawl up walls that's actually super useful bro we're literally Spider-Man wait why would I want to be a chicken what's useful about that oh you can flutter you can glide well not really fly but you can float bro you can glide Sunny you can glide and then transform transform wait what if I just do the spider and just climb over this thing yeah why don't you just hop over all of them like the kangaroo would yeah true that was easy and then Zoom the kangaroos is a speedrunner sunny no you messed me up a poor melon I'm sorry just kidding I'm not sorry I'll trap you in the void y you chill Sunny you chill right now I don't have any chill I'm moving to the next level you really tried sunny and it failed miserably whatever I'm just a wee little worm C falling my way to Victory wait what you jumped over it yeah bro kangaroo op dude the kangaroo could just beat every level you don't even need to morph no you need some morph into a worm for this one Sunny no you clearly didn't you just jumped over the tube bro I'm actually such a goat speedrunner okay that's it I'm playing this game for real now it's time to become the horm N you got to break the wall down then become the spider no cheating all right no cheating sorry float float little chicken Dave it worked yo flies will never find this yep is that what this says in here yep and sunny my mouse is gone again oh poor melon are you having a hard time playing okay melon I'll race you through this but you got to use the chicken all right no cheating bro this is level's the chicken level yeah and I like how I said I'd race you but I already beat you there bro you said you'd race me as you were doing the Race I know I was pretty cheeky I'm sorry I'm sorry let's just race to level 50 all right no mercy no mercy Lago no mercy Lago yes and then spider mode yes we've got to be spiders here transform make the jump midair chicken transform oh that was so smart melon where are you I'm right here Sunny don't you worry I'm following the same Strat yeah you would copy me no surprises there just got to zoom down worm see you Sunny no way the worm was actually faster yeah he was boinkers he was boinkers you know what try skirt wait no no no uh I'm going to go around the edge guys I think I messed up I'm being a bare speedrunner this round I died yo melon we unlocked a free Spin there's new skins for our animals let's see what pets we get where do you see that oh you're right I'm spinning I'm spinning and what am I getting come on legendary I got the nether bear no way dude what that sounds insane can I get something cool probably not come on come on rare forest spider wow that's so cool wow I kind of wish I got a kangaroo skin since it's the most awesome pet bro this level is kind of hard I'm not going to lie you got to become really tiny and just worm your way through and then become a bear and destroy it or jump over this is a worm level you need to become a horm and go underneath sorry I just shortcut it okay melon we've got math equations here it's going to get tricky are you ready where do you see math equations where are you hurry up bro you're so slow I'm on the next level I didn't even see you pass me I got to become a chicken now marelon what is 1+ one obviously 11 two next question I can't even see it the heck my head is so big I can't read it uh 0 * 0 Sunny I'm pretty sure that creates an error but I think it's zero you're right you can't multiply 0 by 0 by 0 dividing by zero okay this one I can't see anything yo I got it right that was just pure luck why don't I just become the horm and just uh or the kangaroo and jump over it hey melon 9 + 10 is 21 yo let's go it was actually 21 21 it was now I can use the nether bear to crush these walls yo the bear is so awesome I know I know now I'm climbing up the spiral staircase to leave you in my dust oh no oh no oh no oh no what's happening melon what's happening oh I got you trapped you're so dead you really thought Sunny you really thought oh wait you actually made it what bro I'm to go wait can the worm eat these spider because I can yeah this is a weird level dude I'm going to make this guy eat a bear a noob's going to eat a bear that's crazy yeah that's a lot of food to eat in one bite we got to fall down what better pet to be than a horm no no a chicken so you can float why would you want to float there sunny cuz I likes to float and then I speedrun see you kangaroo mode kangaroo is too quick bro I don't get it yeah the kangaroo is pretty much the best pet I really wish I got a skin for it I just died as the kangaroo oh well that's unlucky I never die little speedrun cheat hack here but I don't think you can wao it asks you to use the chicken for this level I'm not really sure why I can kangaroo mode right over the top I'm going to use the chicken because I'm a real player all right let's see it player yo check me out oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no sunny w you made it bro you did it anyways that was way too close check out my forest spider skin I'm way quicker than you that suits your character perfect perfectly you're right and I think I'm faster as a spider what the heck you're way quicker than me let's go that's not fair bro you unlocked super speed well not my problem well Sunny your bear probably has some overpowered abilities too yeah like what being a bear I died so it's green green Green again and I have a feeling it's green again dude it was all green it was all green sunny and I died sorry about that was that my fault oopsies yes it was cuz you're so slow as a big fat fat bear no just move oh you thought you thought shortcut see you D it yo sunny I ain't shortcutting I'm playing like this game is intended to be played I've become the worm and now I'm in the sewers yeah very impressive you got to love a good sewer system that's how you know it's a real Obby the question is will there be a volcano probably chicken mode fly oh it's close oh no that was easy BR the bear is so fun to play as yeah just Chomps everything and then I Slither as a tiny little worm oh all the way dude you're so fast let's go spider time yeah yeah yeah I'll figure out my own ways to speedrun O I got to be a worm jump float yeah jump yeah you be a worm you be a worm I go right over the alligator catch me Karen don't tell anyone but Barrow smells so true bro the spider is literally a better version of the worm why would you ever need to be the worm you're right the spider's pretty tiny too or you could be a chicken I like chickens oh this one looks trippy inside it's so cool it is so cool on the inside of course oh you went above didn't you oh nice one melon green dude you're not even doing it I see what you're up to don't be mad because I'm the goat that was actually ingenious I'm doing it too and then I'm bare mode no no no chicken mode bear mode I don't want to be a bear here uh kangaroo maybe you want to be kangaroo to spider no to chicken to chicken mode boing right over the maze bro we're such cheats man no we're just smart dude check me out that was a Spide bro you just turned into a kangaroo so you could cheese the last level and pretend you win but now you're getting flushed let's go I won no way bro oh I'm hitting the rebirth I win first rebirth BR was obviously whoever gets to the end first actually was obviously whoever unlocks the next free Spin which is going to be come on give me something awesome for spider pet or kangaroo pet yo I got little clay he's a cute little spider good for you sunny it's my turn to spin the wheel come on give me something good give me something good bro I got a chicken skin I'm an eraser yeah that's not all you [Laughter] got ow what was that I pressed the kill all button and destroyed everybody in the lobby you're so annoying sunny but you know what's not annoying pressing that like And subscribe button do it right now and stick around for the rest of this Epic movie there's all kinds of awesome moments and secrets to discover today sunny and I go on an endless road trip but this isn't any normal road trip weird things start to happen from police chases to a literal nuclear bomb stick around for this wacky adventure going on a road trip they got fun and games melon are you ready to go on the infinite road trip yes sunny but when does it end it doesn't I said infinite for a reason the road has no ended sight the vehicle has infinite Fuel and all we're doing is driving in a straight line yeah I'll put an end to it right now no melon why you shouldn't have done that I had to end the I'm back in the truck are you kidding me I told you there's no escaping this place the only way out is to look inwards and reflect on all of your poor life decisions as you go on this road trip for about 5,000 years anyways I'm going to open up this hatch and see what's in the RV yo what is in here Sunny do you want to turn into gold then try all new premium Cola nope I'm good you sure bro it might be pretty cool you could look like me NOP it cost a lot of money sunny and I'm not down for it what's on this oven can I cook somebody like you wait sunny I found something weird under this sink what the heck is that uh dude those look like emergency gas masks in case the trailer catches on fire that's pretty good to know can I uh turn this oven on there's a lot of chicken in this fridge Mel a little privacy please yeah oh guys I really got to take a load off that that was great all right melon sorry if this trailer starts to smell a little bit dude turn the fire off what if my fart touches this uh that sounds like you problem no no no no no I don't want to explode woo that was close Sunny let's check out what's behind this RV melon I found a cola for free what does it say nutrition facts drink me yeah that's totally what it said okay I'll drink a cola it made me tiny what the heck don't drink this uh I kind of want to Sunny don't do it bro it's really hard to move around when you're this small wait are we going through a city right now yep anyways let's check this place out wait why you been so weird melon what happened nothing bro I'm just confused by the music that's happening I wonder what's in this house you want to check wa we're stopping this looks interesting let's head inside and see what all that noise is about it's a dance party yo Ace Lake and hin Storm's in here yo Lake looks awesome with that traffic cone check out my dance mov bro I've been practicing dude I found another Cola what does this one do you don't even appreciate my dancing some good old Tunes are coming on yo let me grab this next Cola no I shrunk myself did you try the other one though yeah I don't know really know what it did it made some music oh bro it made the music super loud and annoying get me out of here yeah sunny I think it's time we move on ooh another Cola I'll take this one what does it do ghost we're leaving in a bit Sunny I'm a ghost me too bro we're both SE through this is weird wait what's under this ew gross there's a pea bucket melon you should totally drink that how could you even drink the pee bucket that's disgusting oh take a seat melon sit back relax and enjoy the road trip I am sunny I just think I should probably speed us up a little bit uh melon how fast are you making this thing go uh I don't really know how to make it go any faster yo I ejected myself what is wrong with you I'm on fire melon melon chill well I'm back to normal oh I hit the horns and I fell off again that is sad I'm opening up all the doors I'm going to air this baby out seems like a safe way to drive what else is back here bro we didn't even check this all out yet ooh Robux yeah I got one of those coins earlier I don't really know what it do are you kidding me I pressed the red button melon I'm sorry it's exploding everything uh Sunny why is there alarm going off cuz I pressed it but now our RV is exploding no sunny I think it's because I left the oven on wait it was your fault I'm turning the oven on what a crazy coincidence I literally just pressed this button and it freaked out I died oh well that's unfortunate I'm going to drink a Fanta to celebrate your death actually Bean Cola there we go oh this is going to be delicious smelling I got fresh bean Cola right here nutritional facts beans ew ew killed me the bean Cola killed you death by poop that was ridiculous bro I literally just had diarrhea so explosive that I died that's boinkers sunny why don't you try it for yourself melon the bean Cola was delicious no I keep falling off dude stop making me slip I I get it the floor's wet and now I'm dead give me this coin I don't know if this road trip was the greatest idea we've ever had sunny I think it's the best idea we've ever thought of now jump across and give me the bean Cola yeah man drink those beans dude maybe your stomach just can't handle it n ew dude that was gross I'm telling you bro you should have gone to the bathroom before you drank it wait you survived what the heck bro but I can't move dude you're regenerating slowly I think I'm going to need to uh do one of these you're drinking more beans I can't re Sunny I'm glitched I don't know what happened to me your poo was too extreme man too extreme the bean Cola it hit hard well I'll rejoin you Sunny welcome back melon I think it's time we check out the shop and see what type of paying to win we can do Sunny is there even a shop in this game oh that's my inventory wait the one under it that's the shop I've see some some interesting things here yes me as well it's time to cut to this event and be a little sus what did you do I clicked the emus button and paid Roo the impostor is sus no I don't want to go to prison bro one of us has to sacrifice ourself it's the only way actually wait melon I found the emergency button uh I'm pressing it I already pressed it bro we should be fine now the tutorial is s skola it's not what why isn't it working why isn't it working B sacrific yourself quick oh riperino to whoever was in the cage well that sucks that was extraordinarily unfunny you're right cuz nobody was in the box that event sucked sunny it's my turn to buy something all right you choose the next one guys I'm going to buy this nuke Cola for 500 robu I really want to know what it does uh I don't know if this is the right Cola I'm going to drink it though what the heck I got trolled ew what happened to your face bro I spent 5 00 Robux on a nuke Cola and then I read the description I'm going to be honest you're not really supposed to buy this there used to be a broken Game Pass to let you change that color and I changed it to this one to make sure that people who bought it weren't ripped off anyways this Cola launch is an orbital strike causing tons of explosions it has a 1 minute cool down but it's actually Clos 30 seconds bro I didn't even get anything when I bought it are you sure you drank the right Cola that looks like the sus Cola I even have that I don't have the N Cola I don't have any other Cola oh my face did the same thing as yours how do you like my t-shirt though I'm on an infinite road trip dude this is so annoying I just got scammed out of 500 Roo just relog I'm sure you'll get it did you even check your backpack yes Sunny I've got it the nuke Cola okay don't drink it it's very dangerous didn't you read what it said it's going to launch orbital strikes on us okay okay I'll save it for later good idea for now Sunny let's summon another event yeah I'm picking one right now police chase let's see what happens here when we're getting chased by the coppers yo the coppers are after us Sunny I'm going to jump on this one hi hey you're under arrest you actually survived that uh melon I just realized none of the cop cars have drivers this is really weird wait I'm calling in an air strike wait melon why did you call in an air strike I didn't the server it sunny hey yo chill Mel come back for me I'm sorry sunny but I can't I guess that means I'm now a police officer cuzz I'm alive and I'm dead great well at least I'm back here my face is no longer messed up there's got to be some other stuff we haven't explored yet Sunny no I think we explored everything not everything melon we're going to play a quick game of murder mystery one of us is a murderer I wonder who it could be it's not me run Mel please relax I am an innocent yeah right bro I swear I'm an innocent sunny I swear no no yes I was the sheriff and I destroyed you dang it bro I thought You' be an innocent so I could just wreck you you've made me mad I'm drinking the new Cola Melon No melon why oh no sunny it's over for you no I if I stay away from you I might be okay you think you can survive a nuke Sunny there's no chance yeah but I have toilet paper orbital strike inbound I'm scared I don't see it there's just a big beam of light on your head yo yo just stay over there hey I lived how did you survive that's not fair how did you survive I told you the toilet paper would protect me it won't let you survive a second time Sunny yeah what are you going to do you'll see maybe I won't let you do it melon ah bro the ladder didn't even work it is time round number two take cover all oh you think you're safe in the house Sunny melon don't come in here I'm warning you I'm coming in the bathroom sunny I warned you what is you doing ew why sunny I tried to warn you melon I tried oh wait melan Melon No yo I survived it again are you kidding me bro maybe it doesn't hurt other players whatever Sunny you win this round it's not a round it's the infinity road trip of our life and it it doesn't end that's the whole point it never ends you're here forever now I tricked you we're not leaving this game we're here for at least 10 years all right uh we're going to do one final wao this looks interesting this will be the final event sunny it's not a final event this is the infinite road trip what what is aesthetic time it's aesthetic time Sunny look how cool and aesthetic that is that is so weird why are we in The Matrix I don't know but I think it's time I try and jump on one of these cars yeah ah w why am I jumping so high uh melon a new trailer just appeared yo we've unlocked something new that's awesome I'll go investigate this one jump past the toilet paper no way it's Shrek what are you doing in my swkey home bro what are we doing I'm I'm going hit this car I'm jumping on this car no I missed it dude timing this is so hard guys quickly press the like And subscribe button for Shrek so today I caught melon secretly playing rainbow friends on our dad's computer then we kind of got bored and decided to watch some skibby toilets and all of a sudden we heard a knock at the door what happens next was crazy so make sure you watch until the end to find out let's go dude rainbow friends is actually so much fun hey melon are you in here playing video games yeah bro I'm gaming on this new Rainbow friends bro I heard that game's awesome how is it honestly I thought it was fun but now I'm kind of realizing it's m oh it's one of those I see yeah Sunny I'm thinking you maybe want to watch ski toilets on the TV it's way better than rainbow friends yeah bro I'm going to ride our Bulldog down and watch some Skies let's do it yeah honey I'm right behind you Skiby toilet yo jump on can we ride this together no I'll just jump like this bro this dog has some big balls just saying melon why would you jump through a glass with a burning candle on it I'll put it out throw water melon yeah hny you're overthinking it bro dude you're literally putting your face in De nuts like you need to stop bro I'm just trying to watch some Skid toilets okay okay me too let's enjoy this yo what's that knock at the door dad only gets home from work in 2 hours who could possibly be there and our dog is freaking out bro hello hello no Mel I can't believe it we're actually trapped in Rainbow friends prison Sunny check out blue he looks super weird he's so so chunky and there's orange on the wall and green bro we got to get out of this place Sunny let's get outle I'm right behind you bro we got to use our ultimate baby abilities to get out of this prison in one piece you're absolutely right Sunny this prison is so cool though shy check it out like I could become any of these morphs wo look at purple it looks crazy and red kind of looks like Elmo a little bit dude that's orange oh yeah I knew that bro watch out though there's pink we got to sneak past her Sunny you got to go quick bro wait why is Naruto here I have no idea do you think maybe he got stuck in the rainbow friends prison forever and they turned him into a morph Sunny let's not end up like Naruto we got to get out of here yeah I slipped that's not good I'm going to keep walking here yeah I'm way too cute and adorable to become a morph bro did you see this room look at it what the heck unlock all mors for 1,400 Robux no no thank you that's way too expensive but do you see how many people have been stuck here and transformed into these morphs it's crazy Barry literally ate everyone Sunny we can't end up like them we got to get out of here that's it I'm going to press this button and I'm not going to let Barry blue grab me just got to jump jump jump Sunny you almost got me caught bro that was too close way too close wait oh he's right on me dude you were the ugliest baby ever telling about I was a cute baby and I'm a cute baby right now no dude you look gross what are you talking about bro what's wrong with my face guys comment down below does melon look terrible or does he look cute I'm pretty sure he looks terrible but I look cute no I'm pretty sure I look cute comment down below which baby you think looks cuter if I see melon emojis I'm going to cry yellow's morph look at him coming through the mirror Dodge him Dodge him go no dig out of here Sunny I'm moving I'm moving here we got to get to the volcano volano bro wait we're in crabby land what is this SpongeBob this isn't a volcano this is actually kind of nice we're in Bikini Bottom yo SpongeBob Berry is terrifying yeah that might be the creepiest morph I've ever seen we've got to get out of this place melon I don't want to be stuffed into a Berry's morph neither do I Sunny dude how many morphs are in this game they just don't end dude literally there's Darth fader Berry you think this me can we Dodge it though you think you can run to two places absolutely abolutely not Sunny that's a bad idea you're right you're right I'm coming back you're de no it's too late for you o I'm good what you actually made it yeah I know I'm the goat wait tip speed coil gives you more speed yeah I know that that's why it's CER speed yo Green's after me you're right it's the Green Berry morph he's so fast melon he's going to get me he's actually going to get me no yes I actually got away I can do this why was he so fast and he can run through oh wait he's stuck on the tree Dodge him I got to climb up these stairs quick yes I'm out of there Sunny meet me up here bro I'm going to wait for you to take the elevator I'm almost there I'm jumping up all the colorful staircases and I'm going through the rainbow underpass and let's go up melon move melon move it's blue sunny I need to get out of here bro blue is trying to eat us he is so creepy I really don't like how he fused with Barry yeah and then he waited at the top of the elevator to grab us but what I do like is this awesome colorful room bro we're literally in the sky right now Barry's prison is different out here in the rainbow friends world yeah it's kind of nice sunny do you think blue ate Barry or Barry ate blue I think they just kind of ran into each other really fast and smooshed into one new morph M you could be right sunny but otherwise Barry definitely got eaten by Blue I think it's the other way around dude you think Barry could eat blue no way it just looks like that's what Barry did bro he's got Barry's body I don't think so cuz the whole prison is Rainbow friends dude look at this jetpack it looks like it's from the future that does look pretty cool Sunny too bad I'm not going to get it yeah we don't need it we could Dodge all these traps without it I think I might engage speedrun mode Sunny yeah what if I nuke the server though no Sunny just don't just don't do it bro we're trying to get out of here what if even worse I restarted all players dude just just just don't once I defeat the mech rainbow friend I might restart you you really think you can beat him before I can beat him you're so silly watch me what did you do I'm trying to take shortcuts and do melon skips and it's back firing you are a fool sunny it's fine I'll catch up cuz I know you're going to mess up once you have to do the place where you have to jump up the air vent you think I really will mess up there Sunny I'm going to ace it first try cuz in Rainbow friends there's no lasers are you sure about that I really hope so make the jumps get in this vent I'm right behind you melon I can smell that rind anywhere sure you can I just got to make sure I jump on the yellow bits and I'll be a okay hey I did it I'm right behind you I can do this level there's no laser beams let's go dang it I thought for sure it was going to slow you down and now I've got to take out orangee chef whatever I'm right behind you I need to get the food zuka come on come on come on I need to shoot some beans at him let me shoot some beans and pies hit him with the beans guys while is trying to hit him with the beans I'm going to buy the god Blaster how's your boss fight going and no he's going to slap me he's going to slap me please die Gary why aren't you dying uh melon did he kill you dude he he's literally Immortal why can't he die there we go I defeated him wait what the heck why can't I get my God Blaster you have a god Blaster you scumbag I'm out of here I tried to buy one but it didn't even work I'm sliding down sunny I got to stay away from you now no I don't have one you're fine yeah but you're going to have one probably and then I don't want to die are you sure bro it didn't give it to me I'm pretty sure it's permanently glitched and I wasted my Robux yeah you deserve it it's okay I'm still defeating orange gar Chef two more hits yes destroyed him and I'm going all the way up Sunny yeah yeah yeah I'm going down this slide I'm not too far behind it's time for the planks you can't already be walking the plank there's no way I am I've grabbed my plank and it's time to Speed Run hey let's go Sunny no that's impossible and now it's time for me to take down meab Berry wait it's just normal Mecha Berry what yes that's lame and he's not even moving for me this makes it extra easy to kill him yeah right I got him I'll handle this my Mecha Berry will be defeated right about now see you later Sunny that's so annoying I can't believe this I've got this though I'm still coming back I'm still coming back back open up open up and hit the reset character speed run it no no no I speedrun it first I did it first no you didn't no you didn't yes I've got the lead I've got the lead no on my screen you're behind me oh thanks for the Boost melon you're way behind me bro no I'm literally right behind you yes helicopter let's go we're escaping rainbow friends prison couldn't stop us Mellon yeah but I'm going to restart you really quick no you're not going to do that it's too late Sunny I've already done it that's cringe it didn't work I told you the pay to wins don't work oh well I guess I got scammed for my Roo I'm just glad we didn't get trapped in the second rainbow friend prison yes honey rainbow friend granny is absolutely crazy but melon how are we going to get home from here follow me to the portal Sunny oh yeah it does say exit here so that kind of makes sense I'm going home let's go Sunny we made it back no way we're actually home this is awesome and I'll never talk back bad about the rainbow friends again in fact I'm going to go put them on the TV I hate rainbow friends skiy is way better melon what the heck bro any rainbow friends watching this we don't mean it we like rainbow friends and skibby the same they're both goated no I like skib better
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 1,419,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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