Everything Wrong With World War Z In 6 Minutes Or Less

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[Music] after one minute and 12 seconds of logos another 12 seconds of credits are dedicated to those same studios is this movie saying that the world is so obsessed with Wendy Williams and the Real Housewives of Miami that we didn't pay attention to the environmental warning signs kids jump on sleep and parents beds so we know this is a loving family cliche this truck literally comes out of nowhere it's know we're behind the cop when he drives up to Jerry and it makes no sound before it smashes into it shaky cam is shaky zombies are fast cliche wait somehow during all this commotion trying to get his daughters to safety Jerry focuses on one random zombie act in the middle of the whole city of mayhem how in the [ __ ] does this RV not get taken by oh the other thousand people running around the street it's a wonder that the previous owners abandoned this RV considering there are absolutely no cars in front of it while Jerry drives it discount inception music movie rips off the kid has asthma to add dramatic tension thing from science and goomy's and why do vehicles always have trouble starting during zombie apocalypses movie simulates post-apocalyptic Newark with stock footage of regular Newark I don't even know too many grocery stores that have motor oil for sale much less located near the dairy section but anything that's convenient for our hero to lean up against during a gunfight I guess that's what she said and that's what I said water all over not just like a bureaucrat to need to organize the delivery of drinking water to for people but Welsh at the feet of the world is in the hands of the guy that caused the Skynet Judgment Day event then we're all [ __ ] and she loves disguising her weaknesses as strengths its weaknesses that it doesn't like sick people how is that a weakness disguised as a strength again one of the first main characters to die during the zombie outbreak movie dies by slipping on metal it's a zombie movie guys if you want to take out the doctor guy and leave Brad Pitt on his own to deal with the mission that's okay I'm cool with that just maybe haven't get taken out by a zombie like this other soldier here does instead of something absolutely stupid tooth pulling [ __ ] sprint even though three of those turn off your cell phone commercials played before this movie [ __ ] Jerry still leaves his on during this sound sensitive trick to the plane I began my investigation on the assumption and when they said zombies it meant zombies there is no way that an outbreak that turns people into zombies would go unnoticed in this day and age and this movie is clearly set in the time of Twitter and reddit where you can read about things in real time so the fact that Israel was the only country to figure out what was going on is completely ludicrous but okay let's assume every country in the world is stupid if Israel was indeed the only country to figure this out then how did they build a zombie wall in time around a city that is a hundred and twenty-five square kilometers and why didn't they share information with everyone else why didn't they send video and photos to the world like to the Internet and say hey look there's [ __ ] zombies everywhere you might want to do something about this just to balance two out and during all this dudes research about zombies he didn't find out that they get crazy when they hear lots of noise and that maybe it would be wise to keep the sound down to a minute so wait behind this wall there's always a bunch of commotion buses driving in helicopters flying overhead but it's the singing that makes the zombies warm the zombie pyramid to scale the wall what is this the walking dead hero who also with all these helicopters flying around how did they miss this how did the zombie get on this plane he's clearly not shown catching up to the plane on the runway so he must have gotten in here before and was he hiding does zombies hide and if this dumbwaiter a compartment thing is important enough to exist on the plane then why didn't anyone to open it before now right at the end of the flight was it just so the plane crash could still happen close enough to Jerry's destination that he could get there before nightfall Jerry just watched these things scale a gigantic wall and yet he still wastes precious time and effort building a suitcase fort to try and keep them out know what this place is of course I do it's why I'm here then you understand how this must look to us huh this guy has been lying unconscious for three days never once showed a hint of becoming a zombie and you're scared of what he might do for what reason again back on the plane we were told this phone's battery ran out did the w-h-o facility just happen to have a charger for this particular phone lying around also they've had this mystery person lying unconscious for three days and they never bothered to call anyone on the phone to figure out who he was I'm sorry I know this is tough news but is it so hard to complete this sentence can't you just say that you had to kick his family off the boat like a bunch of dogs instead of leaving him hanging I understand I do yeah yes yes family no and you couldn't possibly understand could you I know how you feel you can't possibly know um I feel cliche brother I lost my son - so Jerry asks this dude he has a family and he says no like he's never had one leading to the righteous anger and then nope I really did have a family [ __ ] and they're dead now don't you feel like a total [ __ ] right about now I'm sorry you have nothing to be sorry for Jerry we all heard that dude mislead you into the you can't possibly know how I feel cliche that's the boss 9 6 4 so wait a minute they didn't bother to give everyone the code just in case this very thing happened and when Jerry goes into the room he has no idea what he's looking for and somehow they went on this mission without Jerry suddenly working phone or a walkie-talkie which they clearly have but hey I guess anything to make the mission harder so it's more dramatic for the audience right but ok let's assume that everyone is dumb and/or there are no communication devices whatsoever there isn't an intercom in this place just in case there's an emergency or something it seems like once they found out that zombies were attracted to the noise they could have just dropped stereos blaring Creed into stadiums like this all around the world and just blow them up if he uses anything he took from that left case he's dead anyway he was a zombie [Music] Worcestershire sauce emergency line this call might be monitored to ensure you the highest quality service how may I help you there's a bunch of zombie here please hold guns are half-measures how they [Music] what is this what happened to had you slip you didn't sleep on his steed
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 14,113,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war z movie, wave jockey job, cinemasins, world war z review, world war z critique, world war z, brad pitt, everything wrong with, problems world war z, cinema sins, world war z sins, brad pitt zombies, everything wrong with war z, zombie movie sins, everything wrong with world war z, zombie movie, war z sins
Id: tss--a2XxMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2013
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