Everything Wrong With Independence Day In 6 Minutes Or Less

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nobody who watches the sky for a living sees these giant alien spaceships approaching until they're already at the moon and an ass roughly one-fourth the size of our moon and yet you didn't spot it until it was already upon us yeah you know well sir it's slowing down and also we looked at it you know I mean it's between the moon and the earth so any basic telescope will show you it's clearly not a meteor that goes ATO again coke goes in for a little product placement with the can and then doubles down with an entire Fruitopia machine dating the movie almost instantly remember for copia oh look coke must have paid for this entire minute ooh the Moody like a Super Bowl AB discount mini Keanu Reeves this is Robert loggia voice the general but then after hanging up the phone he's somehow over here behind the couch there's no shame in hiding dude you have never been hiding more coke it's neat getting a little bit of the backstory on Jesse and Walt's RV how do the aliens determine which is the most iconic building for each city for them to make their point of attack that's like in chess David compares the alien invasion to chess which would be accurate at the people of Earth were actually making any moves to counter it this map shows a bunch of major cities and basically just refers to Berlin is Germany it's an approximately six hours why did the aliens position their ships over their targets six hours before they attack dial tone when hung up on cliche you don't want to die a virgin I've used this line before but apparently without an impending alien invasion it comes off more as just straight-up threatening I've got a really bad feeling about this about what the 10 to 15 giant city sized alien spacecraft hovering conspicuously over every major city in the world you have a bad feeling about that what is the advantage to triangulating constants exact location when you're just gonna call her on her cell phone is it all for that look out the window and watch me wave gag you're talking about the number you keep publicly listed for emergencies she always keeps her portable phone listed for emergency there's something happening here is something happening here what it is ain't exactly clear I'm supposed to care about these peoples in in the deaths this is Darwin at his finest also the US Bank tower not to mention its roof is somehow easily accessed during non-business hours during an alien invasion less than two seconds left in this shot but more than two seconds left in this shot so what happens when the counter reaches zero times 1/2 Wow okay thanks oh no White House down Olympus has fallen while at least they got Congress to yeah no stripper logic says a mom carrying her child in several banks can kick in a maintenance door before the fireball arrives fire only follows roadways and has no interest in going into maintance closet only in movies does every abandoned vehicle have its keys hidden above the visor the president holds a high security level fate of the world meeting in the lounge of Air Force one that has no doors Wow that is the fakest airforce one I've ever seen did it look real before they airbrushed out of it apparently the alien strategy was to attack iconic landmarks and big cities before they attack you know military bases worldwide destruction of every major city in the next 36 hours the hell of the aliens waiting for wait after decades they finally get a real living alien body and the first thing they're gonna do is cut it open I'm not worried about killing it and leaving them back at square one sistahs no sir then why did you say the alien was in containment what kind of containment is NaN bulletproof glass to see advanced enough to have shields on his ship and use his mind to injure and control people but not smart enough to throw a fire extinguisher at the class I sell it planning didn't you already figure out the plan extinction monthly pretty obviously just trying to kill everything and at any point these jackass is going to remember these ships have shield swiped these ships are as big as cities where was this one hiding the whole time so even though Will Smith knows the entire city of LA was demolished in his entire old base was demolished he still has a hunch that not only was his girlfriend still alive but that she's hiding out at the still burning demolished military base first lady needs immediate medical attention but first let's make out in front of them what can MIT graduate David doesn't consider bullet ricochets for the demonstration happening in front of 50 people including a kid in the president no one stops to ask how they hooked up an earth laptop to an alien spaceship what kind of cable did he use to connect coax USB s-video and what kind of virus does he give it ah the infamous Trojan horse virus they are cold even if you buy the laptop hooking up to the ship think what an earth computer virus have any impact whatsoever on an alien computer the answer is no no we would not have seen these things in action and I'm well aware of their maneuvering capabilities Stephen will apparently be able to pilot the alien ship because he saw it one time while being chased through a canyon your label did you just say well at least one character realizes it's both the soldier has some of the worst trigger discipline I've ever seen in my life he's also pointing his weapon casually to superior officer it's from the Americans they want to organize a counter-offensive it's about bloody time yes bow down to your American saviors rest of the world because the six of us Russians will also attack you'll have 30 seconds to get your ass why do people in movie set bomb timers that give them no room for error in case something goes wrong but kind of can isn't I can't make it out when and why did they build a launch tunnel for an alien spacecraft they couldn't even operate wait do the aliens need to send in ground troops like hasn't the assault from the air been 100% devastating our window well there's something that can't arouse any suspicion at all oh now this ship seems unusual it takes 80 real-life seconds for the first 20 seconds of the bombs timer to allow their ship was entirely engulfed by a nuclear blast and then they crash-landed to earth and not only are they not the least bit hurt but they're still smoking the victory cigars earth everything on this planet has evolved to kill humans the scene is only a sin when you strip it down to just the audio all right now spread it very very gently let me get in let's proceed now comes the the really a key part
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 5,484,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wave jockey job, id4 movie, everything wrong with id4, independence day movie, id4, independence day mistakes, movie sins, independence day sins, cinema sins, id4 mistakes, everything wrong with independence day, independence day review, independence day, id4 sins, everything wrong with, independence day film, cinemasins
Id: K0Cho9WeDBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2013
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