Everything Wrong With: The Primarchs

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games workshop has recently completed a  project of epic proportions nine years   ago the first primark model was released  and now with the recently revealed con   every single one of them has been translated  into resin and i am going to review them all hey guys jay here welcome to eons of battle and  today i would like to talk about the primarks   i'm a big fan of space marines in general which  should be pretty obvious by the 10 000 points of   black templar space marines behind me but it was  the lore that sold me on the space marines the   horus heresy which is a series of 50 books that  i have not read a single word of is considered by   many to be the gold standard of warhammer novels  and is all about the primarks and their legions   i wonder why some people think that 40k is a  space marine show guest starring 22 other factions   i own the first couple horus heresy books and i'll  get around to it one day but now let's get into   what are the primarks the primarks were the 20  genetically engineered sons of the emperor of man   the emperor used his own dna in their creation  and they were designed to be gods among men   immortal giants with superhuman physiques and  intelligence towering above space marines as   they do over mortal men they were also incredibly  charismatic as their main role was to be generals   and leaders of the imperial military they are  basically demigods with daddy issues half of   them are the best hope there is for humanity and  the other half are trying to actively tear it   down so now it's time to hop on over to four  drill and take a look i've seen these models   out of my periphery forever but i've never really  stopped to examine them in detail some of them i   know very well from lore videos but some of them  are going to be very new is time to take a look   also does anyone else have to take a capture test  every single time they go on forge rolled i don't   know how many times i've clicked on photos with  buses in them number one the dark angels lionel   johnson i think this is one of the newer models  that they've released and i think i mean i think   he's really really good but there are some  things that i don't know if i like about it   he feels a little bit lopsided on his base because  uh he is kind of standing off off-center and then   i feel like his opponents this little  blob of space marines are kind of   more center stage than he is and i also don't kind  of love his pose like he looks a little bit and   then he's not really fair but he looks a little  bit like a five-year-old with the wiffle bat who's   take choking up to swing on the little plastic  ball on the stick i mean just you know imagine you   know a five-year-old in your head just going and  then that is kind of his pose it's not the most   cool pose of all time one one thing that's kind of  fun about the primarks in general is that they're   supposed to be unbelievably tall like to the point  where it's almost comical and so it's weird that   that you've got this really really really tall guy  about to swing at this little five-year-old child   it would almost be more impressive if somehow the  space marine was on equal height as him but then   it wouldn't be a very good statue of the primark  and i know that this is just his scenic base and   you can take him off and i believe that he's  probably standing on a 40 or 50 millimeter base   and you can remove him from this diorama of him  taking out some night lord space marines but i   don't know it's just it's just kind of all right i  mean he's he's very well sculpted i really really   like his armor i think it is neat it's classic  space marine armor but it's it's very ornate and   well detailed and there has been some shaping to  it to make it look not quite exactly like a sander   tactical marine's armor but i think for me he's  just kind of all right i don't really love the   pose i feel like the armor is nice but it's not  doing much to make him like the lion he just kind   of feels like a very special space marine and i  don't oh i think i think this is going to become a   common trend but a lot of the dioramas that really  make use of a bunch of dead space marines are not   my favorites because it kind of unless you do  it very very well it kind of just looks like a   pile of action figures sitting on the carpet like  because space marines have some absolute girth to   them usually like in a video game like when when  you when you when there's casualties on the field   usually the casualties are like halfway sunken  into the ground and that does a really good job of   letting you see that they're there without taking  up a lot of clutter on the screen whereas these   guys i mean that space marine you know he's he's  half as tall dead on the ground as he is standing   up they're pretty they're pretty obnoxious so i  feel like i'm just not that big a fan of the dead   space marines and also just in my own ability  to imagine i i can kind of fill in a lot of   blanks i don't need to see dead space marines to  know that he's a super badass who could take out   a field of pleb space marines but anyway i like  the lion he's pretty good moving on to number two   unknown nobody knows any information on the second  primark it is lost and uh so i guess we'll move   on and i'll just say that i can't wait to meet  her number three the emperor's children bullgram   and this guy this guy feels really really  cool i love his pose i love his sword i love   all of his little dangly tassels i think he's in  terminator armor because he doesn't have a power   plant but i really really like that his armor  is fitted it looks almost more like a storm cast   armor than a space marine armor and i love that  i i like that with i in my opinion with these   miniatures i really think that they can crack  the mold and move away from some of the design   features that are typical with with 40k like i  feel like they can even move away from a heroic   scale where they kind of inflate the size of hands  and inflate the size of heads and weapons because   these uh are meant to be display pieces they're  meant to be a little bit more like realistic   and actually represents the things that they are  talking about in the novel and i really really   like this guy's armor it feels kind of more like  real armor as opposed to the ultra chunky buzz   lightyear space marine armor which i really like  in the silly world of 40k but i feel like if i'm   plopping down some real money for a statue of a  primark i want something really really special and   i feel like this does a really really good job of  fulfilling that because it does look like kind of   the classic idea of 40k is like knights of ye olde  round table in space so this does look to me like   like classic knights and shining armor but made  into power armor and looking really really badass   i really love this model i think he's great don't  know nothing about fulgrim but i think he's got a   really really cool model and uh i'm sure it wasn't  planned because this predates rick sanchez but his   face looks a lot like rick from rick and morty and  i kind of love it i think if i had this miniature   i'd be really tempted to add his little green  dribble that he always has on his face just for   the lulls but i really like this model it's super  cool and again again i feel like this does maybe a   little bit better job of just implying him taking  out some space marines because we've got one   laying face down in the dirt and then like a  couple more just hands like sticking out of the   ground love it very well done and he actually  has a holster that could hold a bolt pistol   classically in 40k space marines wear last pistol  holsters uh basically because in rogue trader they   were last pistol holsters because space frames  would carry last pistols and because last pistols   actually look like a normal gun that would  fit in a normal holster that instantly can be   identified as a holster even on modern primaris  models with their big old bolt pistols they   apparently put them in regular last pistol  holsters just because it looks like a holster   but yeah this model's awesome absolutely love  it and his sword is dope moving on to number   four the iron warriors perturbo yeah that a  lot of it's gonna be a lot of the same but i   know nothing about puerto rabo but this model i  actually really really really like i love that   he's in terminator plate and like a lot of them  are in terminator plate but his feels like his   might have been like the original terminator plate  it feels very industrial it feels very mechanical   and it actually feels like it makes sense like he  probably needs terminator plate to swing around   that giant hammer and to have those gauntlet  pistol machine gun things i really really dig it   i think uh often like especially on gray night  miniatures their arm guns are hilariously giants   on a little space marine wrist it  looks a little bit ridiculous and it   it sort of works when you have the entire ensemble  of like their their double falchions or their long   spear or whatever but this guy i feel like it's  pretty darn well balanced i could see this guy   being the bad guy in an iron man movie  maybe iron man 4 is gonna star puerto rabo   but i also like that the bullets are leading up  through a chain because he's not carrying bullets   on his arm because he'd run out of bolts in like  a second the gray knights they do have a little   magazine on their arm to make their gun even  more obnoxiously huge and i mean how many how   many rounds of ammunition could that possibly be  they're gonna be like and then that they're gonna   be out of ammunition but of course they're not or  maybe they carry more ammo somewhere on their belt   and then they have to reload their arm i like that  this guy has bullet chains i think it makes sense   and it makes me think that somebody was actually  like really thinking about what this guy would   need to to be efficient in battle and what his  style of combat would be like and i like that his   terminator armor is helping him carry all his junk  he's got two little kind of robot sighty things   that are helping him look around i like that his  head is covered in cables and it looks really   kind of creepy one thing that i feel like kind of  doesn't get into 40k as much as maybe it should is   if you look at some of the really really beautiful  uh black and whites like charcoal and pencil and   ink artwork is they usually fill up every  single space with patches of machinery and   cogs and i understand why that stuff kind of  usually probably gets left behind because it's   just a pain in the butt to make and it's a pain  in the butt to paint but i really really like that   feature coming back on his face it really kind of  makes him look macabre and a little bit sad that   he probably can't come out of that armor unless  he unless he's got so many little you know usb   ports and you know lightning cables to detach from  his head it's probably a giant pain in the butt   but i really do i really dig it and what's fun  about this guy is he's not standing on a bunch   of slate rock with space brains but he's standing  on a big piece of imperial knight that's broken   and i like to think that he probably took that  hammer and he just took out the legs and the   whole thing came crumbling down and then he  climbed on top just to get a little bit of   a better vantage point to shoot down some more  cult some more plebs so super super like that   moving on to number five the white scars jagatai  khan the newest of the primarks and once again   i think that they're maybe leaning maybe a  smidge too heavily on classic space marine armor   but it's okay it works it works pretty well for  him my eye is instantly drawn to his big old   sword which is really nice and simple and actually  this miniature has some really really good posing   i like that he's standing on an actual thing  instead of just some rubble and i feel like the   arcing up towards center of his sword and then the  edge of his cloak arcing down into the center kind   of creates a really nice yin yang i think they  tried really really hard on framing for this   guy it really looks nice with all of these  it's really hard not to judge the paint job   because i and i'm judging the paint job but i  feel like maybe another painter could really   do something to make him feel a little less busy i  mean he's covered in gold he's covered in tassels   he's covered in little bits and bobs and i feel  like it's all kind of taking away from the whole   picture of him and it also doesn't help that he's  painted in kind of a pretty literal style where   his armor is white so it's painted white the gold  on him is gold so it's painted gold and i mean   that makes sense clearly but it i think it'd be  cool since he's more of a display piece to maybe   get a little bit more artistic and expressionistic  with it maybe have his sword casting light onto   his top half to make that really really bright  while the bottom half is a little bit more in   shadow it'd be really cool to see things like  that but i understand that this is also painted   to display on a website to get people to buy  it and so they don't want any details to not   be exaggerated because really when you do really  cool artistic expressions like that some people   are going to connect with it and be like that is  the coolest thing i've ever seen and i totally   connect with it and other people are going to be  like why is it so blue so i i totally understand   their painting style it works very very well for  what they're trying to do and it looks good and i   really really like that his head looks exactly  like mini wargamer dave from mini wargaming   it's dot com he looks just like him i'm sure  he'll be picking up this model soon super cool   and i really like his sword i like when they  do something different with power swords   and uh his it's not very medieval it's very it's  very cool and i like his red gloves they're just   kind of nice just a fun little detail moving on to  number six space wolves lehman russ and this model   is very very very nice but let me complain about  it for a while so for me i don't really love   action poses for these guys i feel like primarks  are incredibly badass but they're also leaders   they're probably not doing as much combat as you  think i mean literally these wars are happening   across multiple planets at the same time and how  much leading is he really doing actively engaged   in conflict and i think another problem for me is  that they're not they're not all actively fighting   and they're not all actively like standing proudly  or resting i mean i'm not i'm not saying that they   should be at computer terminals hitting buttons to  direct orders but i don't know when when they are   actively throwing a punch or swinging a sword and  putting their all into it it just doesn't feel as   as important like you know whenever there was a  greek statue of the gods they're always standing   very proudly and you know looking up to heaven or  looking down upon the plebs you never you never   really see you know a statue of a guy running you  know that guy would not be zeus or it would not be   it would not be they would not have their big  gods or demigods displayed like that and and so   i just i i mean this is brilliantly done he looks  like a big heavy guy running he looks great the   proportions are all right about there the armor  looks great i like that his foot is actually like   kind of turned in a little bit like he's really  pushing against the ground so that he can get a   little bit more oomph it's really really well done  but for me i don't like a running pose that's just   me i also think his weapons are like 50 too fancy  i don't really like a big fancy weapon i mean look   at that sword it's got like spikes on the side of  it but you'll is is it meant is he meant to hold   his other hand above the spikes and then use the  last little bit of sword i feel like just a little   bit more of a plain sword because he's isn't he  the lehman russ is the emperor's executioner like   his whole thing was he killed the big bads i just  feel like a more plain simple brutal sword would   get that point across more than a really really  ornate kind of world of warcraft limited edition   you know sword it just doesn't it just doesn't uh  it doesn't jimin jams it doesn't flim the flames   and i feel a little bit the same way about his axe  it's a little bit too ornate but overall i mean   this model is gorgeous the face is really really  good i like the hair blowing in the wind this   one is one of the better paint jobs i really feel  like they did something special with this because   the space wolves wore gray armor but his  armor isn't just gray there's blues in it   there's greens in it there's browns in it i feel  like the uh the artists who painted this really   really knew how to do some work with their with  their with their paints and no no metallics in   this it's all non-metallic metals and it looks  super super lovely yeah good old lehman russ   number seven the imperial fists rogel adorn  in my opinion the best primark i absolutely   love this miniature i think it is absolutely  lovely i love his practical chain sword i love   his practical bolter and the pose this is what i'm  talking about i'm so glad this was the next one   because as much as i complained about the primark  doing a little jog this is what i like about   about a primark i mean he feels like a statue what  i imagine is he just he just cut through an entire   room full of pleb space marines like nothing  and then he's planted his sword down and his   cloak is blowing in the wind there's probably you  know probably some some some doves flying by like   a john woo movie and uh he's just looking  at his enemy and they're all stunned in the   silence and he's just like i remain it's this  feels super badass and heroic and awesome to me   more so than just an in the moments throw  throwing a sword chop i love this miniature   and once again one of the one of the better  painted primarks absolutely lovely lovely   non-metallic metal paint job on this i think the  base is one of my favorites where it's simple   the space marine is sinking into the ground like  i suggested earlier and the lines of the ground   kind of bring your eye to him uh i think some  of the other some of the other bases where it's   chunks of rock and chunks of building are a little  bit more mishmash this is just a nice pyramid that   you your eyes land on the base and then they're  drawn straight up to dorne standing heroically in   the middle framed by his bright crimson red cloak  it's so nice so well done absolutely love this   miniature and i do like the face but i feel like  maybe just a little bit of stubble just a little   painted on stubble would add something nice just  a little i know he's dorne he's like the ultimate   siege master and and he probably would never  allow stubble although maybe a nice mustache   would be very nice but uh i think if i had this  miniature i don't know maybe i know they're pretty   expensive though maybe not i would i would put on  just a little bit of stubble i think that would   that would really it would put a little a little  extra cherry on top beautiful sun ice cream sundae   super super nice next up number eight the night  lords conrad curse and this one's fine but i don't   i don't love it that much i like conrad i've i've  watched some lore videos and read some wikis on   him and he's got some pretty cool he's basically  like mega evil batman and uh i like him i think   he's really really cool i like that his armor  even though his terminator plate it has been   molded better to his body where they kind  of said well we you know screw the normal   buzz lightyear proportions let's make things a  little bit more fitted let's make them a little   bit more robotic i i really like it i like his  armor i like that it's kind of all beat up and   crazy i like that he has bits of flesh and bone  strapped to him um i don't like his base though   i don't i don't really like his base much at all  it it feels a little amateurish and it's not like   i could do better but it feels a little like like  there's pipes that are just broken on the end and   pipes don't break they fold it looks like they got  the fold right maybe on the bottom half but on the   top half where his foot is standing it's like the  pipe just broke off like it was made of clay which   it probably was made of i don't know the base is  kind of whatever he also was wearing terminator   plate but they put him up on a building like he's  really lithe and cat-like and he's like skittering   around which i don't know how well that works if  you're in terminator war plate maybe if he had a   hand on something too cause like you know your arm  strength i could believe that his terminator armor   would let him you know spiderman up a wall  more so than just perched a little bit high   i don't know i i don't i don't  super love his bass and this whole   vibe but i like him i think he's cool i like  i like that his his fingers terminate in claws   i like that he has the predator  arnold schwarzenegger monster   double wrist gauntlets death blades  that are horrifyingly lit sickle looking   but yeah i just don't i just don't feel  like the bass is really getting across   his whole thing it's like how did how did this end  up happening how did a whole building crumbles and   so he decides to just get a little taller by  crawling up to the top eh it's all right but i   like it i like it in general i don't think there's  any of these i don't like i think they're all good   number nine the blood angels sanguinius this one  i might not like um it's a very specific pose i   and it might just be that this pose is not driving  with me once again i said that my favorite primark   was dorne just standing so you all know i like  boring things and i feel like this is maybe two   two it's just a moment him dropping down like  an eagle about to stab something that we can't   see because it's not sculpted into the diorama ah  it would have been so cool if maybe they had like   a titan head looking up or a monster head looking  up then i feel like it would complete the picture   right now he's just stabbing down into something  i have to imagine and it's whatever but i love his   armor i really think it looks nice it's very  custodies i like that it's very fitted i love   his sword it kind of feels like a fencing saber  it's got a really really fun ornate guard over   it that you don't see once again they're they're  taking the aesthetics of medieval but they're also   bringing in other time periods and other cultural  artifacts and stylings i really really like that   the wings feel very angel statue from a  graveyard they don't feel that special   to me i feel like i've seen those wings on  cheap angel toppers from christmas trees   that this that's that's not nice but it's kind of  they don't don't feel very good they look chunky   they look solid they look heavy they don't and  i think they maybe they should be like twice as   wide i know you don't want to make it in an  absolute enormous monstrosity of a thing but   the you know when you look at an eagle  the eagles this big you know an eagle is   like eight inches from you know his nose to his  claws and then his wingspan is like 10 feet it's   you need a lot of wing to make it look like  something can fly and i feel like there's just not   a lot of wing going on with this guy and also  looks a little bit like the rock that's helping   him stay up is is attached to his butt which  is not helping him look angelic and heroic   i probably would have had it attached to maybe  his foot or maybe have it attached to the wing   as opposed to his butt but ah those wings those  wings i think are really knocking a lot of points   off for me for a model that is otherwise pretty  exceptional but i think maybe just something a   little bit you know like like uh saint celestine  she's rising up and it looks her face is up and   you can see it as opposed to him where he's really  just looking down at like some gum stuck to his   foot i don't know i don't love it i really don't  but that's fine because it's just my opinion so i   don't like him also his head's his head's way too  tall it looks that's just a general complaint for   most of these but their heads are too tall moving  out of number 10 iron hands ferris manus and this   guy a lot like puerto rabo i really i'm really  digging how the armor i think tells the story   of him and this guy i feel like he i don't know  anything about him i mean i know he's probably   iron hands so like the iron hand space marines  uh the flesh is weak isn't that their catchphrase   he looks a little like doing the rock johnson  which i'm really really digging but i like   him i like that his his his pose i don't mind  because it's a little bit simpler than some of   the other ones he's just swinging his sword but  it's not like a wiffle bat swing it looks like   he is taking a hammer and he's going to hit the  side of something and it also does a good job of   allowing for a pose where he is standing and you  can see his chest armor you can see his leg armor   you can see his arms there's there's no there's  nothing hidden because of the pose it's very open   and i really like that i like the neat  detail that his hands are made of metal   like he's got these massive arms and  then they just transform into metal   where have i seen that before is there an x-men  who can turn into metal and i know cable but   he's all metal he doesn't get to pick so i i think  that's a neat little little detail though that uh   that cause and he's also got like workshop arms on  his back that have saws and clippers and cutting   machines and so it looks like he's he must be good  at tinkering or building stuff i really really dig   that about his armor his uh he's got  a really really cool thing going on   on his leg armor where it's almost it's it's two  halves of a gear interlocking and it's a really   nice little detail i like that he must be he must  be the fixer if uh if if this was a if this was   a movie he would be the guy who keeps all of the  gear and the spaceships running and it basically   is a movie isn't it i really really dig it the  base is fine it's a lot of general rocks and   dead space marine bodies but i feel like it works  well enough and it also at least it is keeping in   his styling because he's pretty he's pretty ornate  and there's details there's like every like every   square centimeter of him has like two details  and so i feel like every centimeter of the base   also has two details so it doesn't it doesn't feel  visually cluttered because um it's all pretty even   but i like him i don't know if he's he's one of my  all-time faves but there's certainly nothing about   him that i find objectionable i think he's neat i  think he's very cool and i like all of his little   chains i think just chains look good number  11 unknown and the reason that this primark   is actually unknown is because it's actually our  patreon if you guys like the videos you make and   you want to see more the best way to support us by  becoming a member of our patreon over there you're   going to get access to some behind the scenes  voting on what models i paint live on youtube   a live hobby hangout every week terrain stls and  more with that said let's get back to looking at   the primarks number 12 the world eaters angron  i believe this was the first primark released   and i definitely think it shows its age a little  bit but i think it's really good his shoulders are   real big which is like a classic character design  thing if you want something to look strong and   aggressive you give it really big shoulders  and i think i think it really really works   he definitely has a very action pose but it's  the the action pose you know unlike uh lionel   johnson's wiffle bat arms i feel like it's keeping  him open you can see his chest you can see his   shoulders you can see both arms and both weapons  you can see the nice detail on his knee pointed   directly directly forward i really really like  that uh his knee has fangs and then if you just   look up a little further his mouth is buried in  fangs and then if you look up just a little bit   further he's got a little head crest that's got  fangs on it it's just kind of a fun motif that   they they kept it helps you keep moving upwards  looking at the figure and i really really dig it   he looks strong he looks aggressive i'm  not sure how i feel about like the space   marines exploding away from him i think  maybe maybe if you use some of that some   of that goo stuff that people use to make  like strands of of gore of viscous blood   maybe if you had strands leading to his axes that  would be really really cool and help cell that   he's just finished off these two guys and he's  moving on to the next ones but i really dig it   i also like that his uh his weapons are chained  to his hands as that seems very appropriate for   a guy who looks this berserk moving on to  number 13 the ultramarine's reboote gilliman i feel like this guy has everything that i that  i said was great about dorne but i kind of don't   like it about him i like i like that he's just  proudly standing and presenting his very short   sword to the world i think the big problem for me  is his armor it looks exactly like 40k armor they   didn't do any sculpting it to his body he has like  fake armor pecks in a fake armor six-pack where i   feel like the other ones they're more shapely in  the chest where he's kind of a barrel if you told   me that this was kato sicarius i would think  yeah that's probably cato sicarious it doesn't   feel like a really impressive strong primer  it just kind of feels like whatever uh i also   power fists are a tricky thing because they're  super dumb power fists are literally like mega   power gloves that are the entire size of your  torso and would be questionably efficient i mean   you can only punch as hard as you can punch i know  that there's you know magic in there that makes it   like a mega punch like a video game punch and i  suppose if you got a good hand on something you   would always be able to crush it it makes  perfect sense for the orcs uh and it makes   sense for space prince i like it on space  frames but again 40k has a very different   feel to the 30k primarks i feel like maybe a  power fist should have just been an x a little bit   of an extra sized hand as opposed to a you  know quadruple the size of a hand power fist   i don't know i think i think his power armor is  really kind of what what kills it for me if it   was a little bit more shapely and sculpted i feel  like it would do it would do a lot more for me but   currently it just looks like any other martius  calgar space marine armor his base is really   really cool though i think i wish more of  them had bases this good i feel like that   is the appropriate base for an ultramarine a  lovely a just a lovely chunk out of the whatever   homeworld of the ultramarines there is moving on  to number 14 the death guard mortarian this guy is   super dope clearly he's already got a touch of the  nurgle going on a little touch of the plague but i   really really like it i also feel like his armor  is more plain than the others and i really think   that that helps a lot because it gives you kind of  two options it gives you the option of going a lot   cleaner or even doing some really interesting  subtle freehanding on his armor or it lets you   do what has been done here where you weather the  heck out of him and it would be really a big pain   in the butt to weather the heck out of him if he  was super ornate i mean are you gonna put a little   bit of streaking grime like in between a skull  and a leaf and a laurel and a little bit of trim   but having him be kind of so much more plain also  a lot of cloth which is really nice because cloth   is another thing that's really easy to weather  but i think it was a top-notch decision to have   him be a lot plainer it also gives him a  little bit more of a a separate feeling   than his other brothers who are mostly for the  most part completely ornate whereas this guy is   i really really dig it and i like his sickle it's  a very it's a very nice sci-fi scrim reaper sickle   i like that the last five inches of the sickle  is a chainsaw just because why not it's just fun   and it's just a little bit of little  icing on top i really really like him   i also think that his head poking out of the  hole in his terminator armor and then he just   got a little hood just gives him a little  nice something like he wants to hide his face   his diseased face probably really really like it  i think he's neat his base is kind of plain and   simple but i think it works the pipes you know  what takes corrosion really really well good   old-fashioned pipe i think that would be another  really really nice way to add a little bit more   nurgle into the base otherwise it's just a chunk  of ground but it's a perfectly good chunk of   ground i like this guy i think i think i think uh  the decisions made in his design really help tell   the the story of maybe a of a of a good guy turned  bad nice armor turned gross backpack turned pipey   sickle turn disease i really like it moving on  to number 15 with the thousand suns and magnus   the red finally another another  primark i know about and this guy is   i almost feel like he's a way way better  done than the other primarks he looks amazing   clearly they got somebody who really i mean  compare this guy to to gilliman rowboat girly man   i mean he looks like you sculpted a perfect greek  statue and then you hung armor off the statue   everything is in proportion everything has a good  posing uh once again very open one arm pointing   out casting a magic spell the other arm pointed  backwards a little bit of tilt to the body to   really present his chest really show off his  legs really show off his waist it's a really   really nice pose the bass is wonderful i love the  magical warp flame coming up around the body which   just kind of it's it's it's it's nice and parallel  to the the posing of his arms which is just it's   another one of those things that tickles you when  you when it tickles your brain because you don't   necessarily notice it but your brain does when  you see things that mirror each other and then   it complements so the the base arcing up in  a line and then his arms arcing up in a line   it just it just feels nice it feels like it should  be it was made with a clear decision in mind it's   not haphazard i really like this model and it's  painted leagues better than some of the other   primarks it looks so lovely with some beautiful  non-metallic metal some object source lighting   on the hand his lovely long flowing red goldilocks  hanging in the background everything is top-notch   i like that he's got bare arms coming out like  he's just so powerful that he doesn't even need   the robot power on his arms it's super super cool  this guy he's got to be the best probably i mean   he's so neat he's got red skin that's just fun  he's weird he's like clifford the big red primark   i really really love this model top notch number  16 the sons of horus horus this guy is classic   i think i think this is kind of the model that  really kind of sells the whole primark line   i feel like he's probably the top seller  right because the [ __ ] is heresy   he's horus everybody needs a horus and he looks he  looks really really cool and so i just want to get   the criticisms out of the way first his head is  twenty percent too big and twenty percent too tall   and looks pretty ridiculous but i'm sure there's  head swaps available or you just try to diminish   it a little bit with the painting so that it's not  so just mr clean's big bald head sticking out of   the terminator armor i feel like the the power  fist kind of works with him cause he's just   so big like his thing is he's clearly big and  so i feel like a giant power fist kind of makes   sense he's also looks very brutal he's got his  big staff or his big mace with the big ball on   the end and then it's kind of balanced out by  his giant meaty fist and then he's got the big   dog pelt on top covering up his big  cataphracty terminator shoulders   i think this really really looks good and  once again you've got really really well   sculpted a well-sculpted look because the  eagle that he's standing on is pointed up   and then you've got his his body proportions and  his staff pointing up and then you've got a nice   line with the railing that's pointed up it all  follows a similar direction and it feels like   there's energy moving in one direction and it  looks absolutely lovely it feels very balanced   and very very thoughtful in how it was  sculpted i think it's really really nice yeah his head is way too big also i also think  that he's he's decorated but he's only he's not   overly decorated i mean they're all overly  decorated that's the baseline but in terms of   how i how i feel about his decorations they're not  like punching me in punching my eyes in the face   because i feel like every single plate of armor he  has on him has probably 50 decoration and 50 plain   flat armor which i i think really makes it look  it looks like he's you know the most important guy   around but he's not he's not just wearing you know  gold decoration he's wearing something efficient   and useful utilitarian but i really really dig it  horace horace they knocked it out of the ballpark   with him as they should cause he's horus you need  to number 17 the world bearers loregar the only   thing i know about loregar is hashtag blame lorgar  and he he feels very separate from the others   but i like that about him he's got real old man  get off my lawn vibes and i really appreciate that   he's very simple he's not wearing terminator armor  he's just wearing regular old power armor that's   very slender and very fitted i like i like his  pose just standing surveying the battlefield   you know thinking about where he's gonna go after  dinner thinking about his nap his mid-afternoon   nap because he's an old man i really i really like  it it's very simple his base he's in some kind of   a temple with some some flaming skulls and some  hieroglyphs on the ground he also has very similar   hieroglyphs that seem to be kind of haphazardly  scratched into his armor which makes me think that   he might be a little bit more like religious or he  kind of believes in mythology more than the others   and i like him he's very simple but i think that  simplicity helps tell his story really really well   i like this miniature and he's not overly flashy  and he look that sickle or that uh that mace   really looks like it can do some damage but other  than that he's just a nice looking fella and   simple utilitarian armor that is probably bad news  for anybody who tries to get in his way i like it   18. salamanders vulcan this guy is wearing classic  space marine armor but i think it works because   he's vulcan he's just a nice friendly fella  who's gonna hit something with that hammer and   he should feel pretty chunky i think i think his  pose makes sense but once again similarly to the   lionel johnson i think he would be better if he  was a little bit more centered on his base because   right now he's a little bit offset so that he  can be swinging at a pile of dead space marines   and there's nothing for him to hit with his hammer  like he's doing he's doing the classic you know   thor you know chalking up so that he can bring  the hammer down on nothing the all the space   marines on his base are dead and i don't think  that there should be more space marines like   standing ready to take to be hit because now all  of a sudden you have more figures that are taking   up more room on the base and really they should  all just be the primary showing off the primarks   but once again you can take you can unplug  him from his diorama and then he's perfect   essentially but i like him his armor his armor  is nice classic marine armor i like that he's   got his little flamethrower gauntlets i like that  he's got the salamander skull on his shoulder i   think i think his head actually looks fairly  in proportion often you can see a little bit   too much chin and throat for somebody who's uh  essentially got like the buzz lightyear socket   but i think i think he looks really really nice  his hammer also is appropriate i'm not a big   hammer person i think hammer weapons are dumb but  he's vulcan i feel like he kind of sells that the   hammer and i think that's another reason why i  don't mind his big chunky armors because he's   got a big chunky weapon and i think i think  if he was kind of a little bit more slender   sanguineous looking armor with a hammer i'd  be like he's not he's not using that hammer   but i like him i think he's great  number 19 the raven guards corvus corax   and this guy this guy i feel very mixed on  i think he's pretty badass i'll but he again   very 40k vibes i don't get very 30k vibes if he  was wearing maybe more sanguineous style armor   with his really really cool wings it  would help more i don't know he doesn't   i think another thing is it's a very action pose  he's landing on the ground his wings are probably   gonna do a downward flap to offset his bulk and  he's shooting a guy i think i think i would have   liked to see the laser or whatever bullets  hitting to really sell what's going on but   yeah it's also interesting that it's a gun because  if it's a gun he didn't have to fly over here and   shoot him he could have just shot him from up  in the air it's a it's an interesting decision   i also don't like that there's a big old marine on  the base because it it feels like they're kind of   fighting for the supremacy on what you're looking  at the primarks are so far beyond a normal space   marine that i feel like the only place for space  marine is maybe dead on the ground or maybe just   not part of the diorama because the space marines  are very cartoony and the primarks are very nuts   butts overall he's all right i think this is  another one where it's just a casualty of black   armor is hard to paint because if you look at  the greens on the base and on the the space   marine being shot there's a really really crap  cool transition from kind of yellowy green to   blue green to black and it looks really lovely  and on his armor you just got black just flat   black paint all over the place not looking too  exciting i think something that would have been   really cool is maybe get a little bit of purple in  there cause black is a hard color i mean you can't   highlight black because if you highlight  black it's gray but i feel like maybe if you   cheat a little bit and true black is purple  then you can get away with black existing   on other parts of the armor and having  it be properly shaded and highlighted   eh it's all right i also the face he kind of  looks like he's in one of those like wind tunnels   where you float because he's kind of squinting  probably because the wish of the wind and his hair   is up but unlike sanguines's hair where it kind of  looks like a statuesque you know fabio style locks   blowing in the wind it really kind of feels  like he just has long hair and went punk   it's all right he's he's fine i like i like his  little his little wolverine talons attached to his   forearms i really like his wings his backpack  looks the jet engines on it look a little   small for how big and how much lift it would  take to get his bony butt off the ground   but he's all right i think though the guys  with wings are tricky they're very tricky   and finally number 20 the alpha legions alfarius  omegon this guy i don't know nothing about him but   he is cool the decision to give him  kind of a scale texture to his armor   was top notch it really it really does everything  for the miniature i really really like it he's got   classic space marine proportions but i feel like  it works really well because he has his helmets   on and i really like that i actually think i think  if i know anything about alfareus is that nobody   knows who alfareus is or what he looks like or  something and so maybe he always has the helmet on   but i dig it i think i think he's got a really  good look to him his armor looks efficient it   looks functional but it's very ornate but not  overly decorated because a lot of that ornateness   comes from the scaling of it and i really really  think that that looks neat it looks like it was   super fun to pick out every little scale and  it gives a nice glittery highlight effect it's   really really really nice and it's simple and it's  efficient again his posing works really really   well to keep him open and presented to the viewer  so that i can appreciate all the things about him   he's not covering up anything important i can see  his chest i can see his legs i can see his arms i   really really like it and it really sells that he  uses a spear weapon because why does he need his   spear well so he can stab plebs as they're trying  to crawl away i think i think it does a really   really good job of of giving everything a reason  and even though his base is the good old-fashioned   slate rock and dead space marine i do like the  story being told of a poor space marine trying   his best to crawl away and this guy just walks  up nope you die i think this guy is top notch   very very well done even though i know nothing  about this guy i kind of want him he just looks   like a really fun miniature to paint those were  all the primarks and it was pretty cool to look   at them i can't imagine i'll ever buy any because  damn they're expensive i think if you were to pick   up the entire range it'd be well over two thousand  dollars but it was pretty cool i think it's one of   the more interesting things that makes warhammer  so unique is you've got this 50 book series all   about these characters and you can purchase any  one of them as a beautiful display miniature   in resin one complaint i have for all of these  models or at least the ones with naked heads is   that their necks are absurdly long i get it you  want to see these guys faces but if you see too   much it gives them a giraffe neck and you wonder  where does that head connect to their shoulders   i think the clear winners from this list were  dorne and magnus the red with reboot day gilliman   and lionel johnson being right down there at  the bottom but that was a fun list i can't wait   for them to reveal the last two unknown primarks  perhaps the emperor family will finally get some   sisters but please let me know in the comments  below what were your favorite primarks and let   me know how wrong all of my opinions were  and now it's time for the real star of the   show this week's eob complete sub missions  we put out a challenge to our community to   send us before and after photos of their recently  finished models to be immortalized in our videos   if you want to join in the fun you can submit  a before and after photo of your painted mini   to our discord server which you can find in the  description below or you can post it to instagram   with the hashtag eobcomplete without further ado  let's look at and get inspired by what the folks   have finished this week a hades breaching drill  by chief surgeon some gaunt ghost by duplicorn   a space marine chapter ancient by a beats wild  three some middle earth black guards by zed   shammies a wolverine from marvel crisis protocol  by cheggs.jpg some necron ophidian destroyers by   juicy john some star wars legion models by annam  nate simoctera's orc terrain by black lung raider   a halo reach spartan by just cruisin a sneaky  ariadna chica by the happy heretic some assault   intercessors by chief son as a grey knight  an intercessor sergeant with power claw by   power surge some thunder wolf cavalry by bulldog  legion a space marine lieutenant by lucifer hawk   a towel battle suit by yetagarasu yigdi a squad  of space marine infiltrators by friends of grab   a necron plasma site by not mike an emperor's  champion chaos lord by system a99 a unicorn by   gina of arc a space marine assault intercessor  by ominous mecca an ultramarine's judiciar by   khan industries a sister of battle emulator by  pharaoh von cephero an orc commando breacha by   mr ant some assault intercessors by caster and a  chaos glockkin by gremlins eat two congratulations   to everyone for a job well done it's no small feat  can paint on minis and you all should feel really   proud nothing gets the hobby juices flowing  like finishing a project and we all thank you   for sharing your work motivating us and the hobby  community to paint our plastic thanks for sharing
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 59,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: hI7S-M8hfVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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